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Erosion occurs in many girls, almost every second one. Accordingly, the question, after cauterization of erosion, when you can get pregnant, worries many. Let's try to find the answer in our article, analyzing this disease and methods of its treatment in detail.

Causes of erosion

Before you figure out whether it is possible to get pregnant after cauterization of cervical erosion, you need to understand what kind of pathology it is and what causes it.

Erosion is a small ulcer in the form of a red spot against the background of the mucous membrane of the cervix, extending into the vagina. The following factors greatly contribute to the occurrence and development of such a disorder:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • early onset of sexual activity, decreased immunity.

The causes of this pathology are the consequences of past infectious diseases and injuries:

  • “genital” diseases: chlamydia, trichomoniasis, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, genital herpes, gonorrhea, etc.;
  • inflammation of the genital organs, including the vagina (colpitis, thrush, vaginitis, etc.),
  • mechanical damage to the cervical mucosa during childbirth, abortion, rough sexual intercourse.

The deviation itself is not felt by the woman in any way; sometimes, in rare cases, discharge or pain during intercourse is possible. It is determined only during an examination by a gynecologist.

Treatment is carried out with medication in unadvanced cases using vaginal suppositories and other medications to eliminate the underlying cause of the disease. Surgical is carried out by cauterization using various methods. After cauterization of cervical erosion, you can become pregnant once the resulting wound has completely healed. Let's look at the methods used in modern medicine and their impact on the ability to get pregnant.

Cauterization methods and recovery speed

Diathermocoagulation occurs more often than others. Its essence is the effect of current on the tissue of the damaged area. A scab forms at the site of application, which is gradually torn off, forming a scar.

Is it possible to get pregnant after the procedure:

Cauterization of cervical erosion with electric current

Having checked with specialists whether it is possible to get pregnant after cauterizing cervical erosion with electric current, we get a positive answer. But the scar formed in its place may contribute to some narrowing of the cervix, which will be an obstacle to childbirth.

Therefore, nulliparous women are advised to choose some other method. The period of complete healing in this case lasts at least two months, and conception should be planned after additional examination and colposcopy.

Cauterization of cervical erosion with laser

It is more preferable to treat with a laser beam, which acts directly on diseased cells without affecting healthy ones. This manipulation is almost painless and less traumatic than the first. After it, a thin crust remains, which is torn off after 7 days. Therefore, the problem of whether it is possible to get pregnant after cauterization of cervical erosion with a laser is insignificant and can be solved through 30 days after the procedure. Its only disadvantage is its high cost and not widespread use. Most often used only in large clinics.

Cauterization of cervical erosion with radio waves

The use of high-frequency radio waves is just as effective. They act non-contactly, as if cutting off the affected cells, without disturbing undamaged ones and without leaving scars. Treatment is carried out immediately after menstruation; in rare cases, slight pain may occur. After 1-1.5 months, the question is decided whether it is possible to get pregnant after cauterization of cervical erosion with radio waves. After this period, the answer will be positive. For therapeutic purposes they use the Surgitron device. The disadvantage in this case will be the high cost of the procedure.

Cauterization of erosion using chemical coagulation

Now let’s look at how long it takes to get pregnant when cauterizing erosion using chemical coagulation. With this method of treatment, Solkovagin is used, a solution that is applied in a thin layer to the inflamed area. It is used only for small affected areas. It is allowed to start conceiving 4 months after healing.

This pathology can also be treated with cryotherapy, which uses chilled liquid nitrogen applied to the wound using a special device. Here, having undergone cauterization of cervical erosion, you can become pregnant after complete recovery, no earlier than 1.5 months, after consulting with a doctor, who, after examination, will indicate the optimal time for conception.

Features of treatment

Some women who want to become a mother as quickly as possible often ask the question: is it possible to get pregnant immediately after cauterization? Of course, there are no physiological obstacles to this. But this is extremely undesirable, since the wound on the cervix must undergo complete healing in order for the process of bearing the baby to go smoothly. It is not without reason that after such a manipulation, in order not to solve the problem in the future, is it possible to get pregnant after cauterization of erosion, doctors recommend during the recovery period:

  • abstain from sexual activity;
  • in the first days of menstruation, do not use tampons, but only pads;
  • do not visit the bathhouse, do not swim in a bathtub or open pond, but only in the shower;
  • limit physical activity;
  • Do not take aspirin or other medications containing it.

Recovery after cauterization of erosion

In a word, no matter what option the doctor advises you, no matter how much you ask whether it is possible to get pregnant after cauterizing erosion with an electric current, laser or solution, there is only one answer: pregnancy is possible in any case after a complete recovery. Only the speed and sometimes the quality of wound healing depends on the choice of method.

It is possible to become pregnant in the future. However, it is important that the doctor takes into account all the nuances and carries out the process carefully. Especially if we are talking about a woman who has never given birth. In this case, it is important to take into account the cause of erosion and the age category of the patient. In addition, the moment of conception is influenced by the time factor - erosion must have time to heal completely, otherwise there is a possibility of serious consequences. After cauterization, a woman should be observed by a gynecologist for the first six months, monitoring the healing process.

What causes erosion?

Before you start planning a pregnancy after dysplasia and cauterization of erosion, it is important to understand what causes this pathology and what it is.

A small wound or ulcer forms on the cervix, namely on its mucous membrane; it looks like a bright red spot - this is erosion. This phenomenon occurs due to numerous violations, here are some of them:

  • hormonal disorder
  • weak immune system
  • early puberty and sexuality in adolescence

In addition, some injuries to the uterus and infectious diseases can affect the development of erosion:

  1. Severe sexual diseases: ureaplasma, gonorrhea, and genital herpes.
  2. Injuries received include: abortions (even one), non-traditional sexual relations, childbirth.

Erosion itself does not manifest itself in any way; a woman can find out about her illness only after undergoing a gynecological examination. In rare cases, bloody mucous discharge and sharp pain during sexual intercourse may begin, but these symptoms may also indicate other serious diseases.

Methods for diagnosing and treating erosion during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman visits the gynecologist's office more often than usual. The expectant mother is registered, and if any complaints or pain arise, then the woman is admitted to the hospital for more extensive examination and treatment.

  • Spontaneous miscarriage may occur in the first 12 weeks
  • birth of a premature baby
  • a dangerous pathology develops - ICI, which subsequently causes fetal rejection (most often this is observed in the second trimester)
  • early release of amniotic fluid can lead to the baby in the womb suffocating due to lack of oxygen
  • infection of the fetus while still inside the mother

Possible complications during labor:

  1. A sharp dilation of the uterus, leading to rapid labor (often in such cases the baby’s head is injured and this affects his further mental development).
  2. The opening of the uterus may slow down, in which case doctors perform a caesarean section.
  3. The muscles of the uterus lose their ability to stretch, so a woman can receive severe injuries and lacerations when the baby exits the birth canal.

A quick pregnancy after cauterization is possible, but the risk of giving birth to a patient and not giving birth at all increases several times. It is better to take your time and plan conception at a time when your doctor prescribes it.

Pregnancy after diathermocoagulation

Diathermocoagulation is a method of cauterizing erosion by applying an electric current to the wound. Although this method is the most common and economical, severe damage to the cervical canal occurs, the lower part of the uterus is injured and there is a possibility of remaining infertile. Diathermocoagulation is prohibited for a girl or nulliparous woman who is under twenty-three years old.

Another of the negative aspects of this moxibustion is that they remain for the rest of your life.

After this procedure, you can become pregnant within the time specified by your doctor. However, the woman must be under strict supervision throughout her pregnancy. Often it is not possible to give birth naturally; a caesarean section is prescribed.

The main thing is to carry out the manipulation correctly and within a certain period. The procedure is prescribed a few days after the end of the menstrual cycle. You can carry and give birth to a baby in just six to seven months.

There is another method - chemical coagulation. It is carried out only in cases where the erosion reaches a size of no more than ten kopecks. The cauterization procedure is performed during colposcopy. A medicine is applied to the cervix, which tightens the inflammatory areas and heals the ulcer. With this treatment, you can become pregnant within three to four months.

However, all dates are approximate; only a doctor can determine the exact time of conception!

So, if you cauterized the erosion, this does not mean that you need to forget about pregnancy forever. Perhaps the main thing is to follow all the specialist’s recommendations and not rush to get pregnant before the scheduled time. If you do not follow the instructions, you can seriously injure the baby or even cause a miscarriage.

Sep 28, 2017 Violetta Doctor

What to do if you were cauterized, have you seriously decided to have a baby, when can you plan your pregnancy and give birth?

Planning pregnancy after cauterization of erosion depends on cauterization methods. There are several ways to carry out this procedure - diathermocoagulation, laser coagulation, cryodestruction, i.e. freezing using radio waves and treatment with medications.

Question: Is it possible to get pregnant after cauterization of erosion?

Today we will talk about the main two methods of cauterization of erosion - laser coagulation and diathermocoagulation.

The least traumatic and very highly effective method is laser coagulation. The laser method is based on the destruction of unhealthy cells, regardless of the depth of their placement. The laser does not destroy healthy cells located adjacent to those damaged by erosion. Laser coagulation is a very good and reliable way to remove erosion without causing significant harm to the body. This treatment does not leave scars; it removes exactly the minimum layer of skin that is damaged by erosion. A month after laser cauterization of erosion, you can safely plan your pregnancy.

The next method is called diathermocoagulation, this method is very traumatic. The principle of diathermocoagulation is to influence the erosion of the uterine cervix with an electric current, as a result of which the diseased cells die. But this procedure not only cauterizes cells damaged by erosion, but also causes damage to the lower part of the canal. Healing when using diathermocoagulation occurs in almost two months (maybe longer). Unfortunately, after this method of treatment, a narrowing of the cervix occurs, this prevents natural childbirth, and the menstrual cycle may be disrupted. If you are planning to have children, we will not recommend this method. If there is no other choice, and you used diathermocoagulation, then you will have to more carefully monitor the condition of the cervix until birth. The result of healing using this method is large scars on the uterine cervix. Such consequences can lead to cervical rupture, the inability to give birth naturally, or injury to the fetus.

Therefore, planning a pregnancy after cauterization of erosion using this method will entail the need for additional tests and studies. In addition to a set of all standard procedures, it will be necessary to undergo colcoscopy and endoscopy in order to thoroughly examine and study the scars from the inside. If serious injuries are detected, a caesarean section will most likely have to be performed. But only a qualified specialist can determine this for sure.

Under any circumstances, cauterization of erosion cannot become an obstacle to conceiving a child. You just need to start planning your pregnancy in advance. If you set out to give birth to a baby, eat only healthy and nutritious foods; if you have bad habits, give them up and take

Cervical erosion is the most common pathology of this area of ​​the reproductive system. There are many methods to get rid of it without pain and a multi-day hospital stay. The only thing that worries women most is: after cauterization of erosion, when can you get pregnant? And how does the method of treatment affect the course of the condition and subsequent births?

Read in this article

The uterus is an organ where new life spends 9 months. For it to appear, the male reproductive cell will have to travel a path that passes through the neck. That is, conception and pregnancy itself depend on it in several aspects:

  • If the mucus produced by the cervix turns out to be too thick and has the wrong composition, the sperm will not be able to connect with the egg;
  • If the cervical canal does not expand sufficiently during the period of ovulation, it will not be possible for it to penetrate the uterus;
  • The cervix, as part of the organ, can affect overall reproductive health and the ability to bear a child. It produces mucus that protects the living space of the fetus from infection;
  • The very retention of the unborn child in the uterus throughout pregnancy also depends on the condition of the cervix;
  • During childbirth, the successful course of labor depends on the ability of this area to open.

That is, it is better when the cervix is ​​healthy at the time of conception. And although sometimes doctors advise patients to delay cauterization until after the postpartum period, there is no point in delaying treatment.

The presence of changes in epithelial tissue near the fetus can create an increased infectious danger for it. And no one can predict when it will turn malignant, or whether the cancerous tumor will have to be treated after childbirth.

Is it possible to conceive after getting rid of erosion?

One of the first questions that gynecologists hear from patients with the disease: is it possible? For most people this does not cause any difficulties. Neither treatment affects the body's ability to produce eggs.

And if there are difficulties with conception, perhaps the reasons that provoked erosion are to blame:

  • Inflammatory diseases present for a long time;
  • Venereal infections.

The stress a woman is exposed to due to illness and subsequent treatment can also become a reason for the impossibility of conceiving. We need to get rid of these problems.

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