Ivankovskoe highway 3. Treatment and rehabilitation center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (LRC)

Good afternoon,
there are no questions for the doctors, moreover, they are trying to somehow resolve the situation, and my situation is as follows:
07/07/2014 I call the gynecology registry by phone to sign up for the HSG, they answer me that for this I need to come for a consultation with the doctor (in my case it was Zhumanova E.N.).
07/08/14 I arrive at the center, I sit in line for about an hour for a consultation, when I get there - the doctor tells me that it was possible to sign up for the GHA by phone and directs me to the 3rd floor to the registry for this. I get up, the girls at the reception register me for the GHA on July 14, 2014, I ask what I need with me - they say nothing, I specify the cost of the procedure - they announce 12,000 rubles (with anesthesia), and I separately specified whether this cost is with anesthesia, they assured , what "yes. They took my mobile in case that if something suddenly changes, they will call me back.
07/10/14 passed all the tests
07/14/14 - I come to the center at the appointed time, and they tell me that:
- m

I'm not in the treatment plan
- I had to come on an empty stomach if they were going to do the procedure with anesthesia (which no one warned me about.
As a result, instead of the doctor, he announces to me that since you had breakfast, the time of the operation will have to be postponed until later, and we will start without anesthesia, and then we will connect something.
during these couple of hours that I was waiting, I was so writhing that when they put me on the operating table, I was shaking all over like aspen leaf and until the last did not understand that in the end = with or without anesthesia? but then someone came up, stuck a catheter into my vein, and I assumed that it was still with anesthesia, but again - silence, no one says anything ..
as a result, they operated under anesthesia, brought to the ward, and then they bring the final payment for the operation - 15,200 rubles!!! instead of the declared maximum with "all in all" 12,000 !!!
but that's not all))
when applying, they asked me if I needed a sick leave - I decided to agree, just in case, although I had previously issued a vacation day at work. I assumed that the sick leave would be for a day, i.e. on 14.07.14. When I came out of anesthesia in the evening, my husband came for me and I got ready to go home, I go in for an extract - they tell me that the sick leave will be given on 15.07, because. you have sick leave until 15.07. Well, okay, I think I’ll lie down for another day and since they give me a sick leave, I decided to cancel the vacation.
07/15/14 I come for a sick leave - they give it to me, and then I made another mistake, trusting these miracle administrators (or nurses, I don’t know who they are), I took it without looking and went home.
07/16/14 I go to work, give the sick leave to the personnel department, and they tell me: "but it is not closed for you and there is no seal, and in general it is until 16.07." I call again to this miracle of the LRC, explain the situation, and they tell me - "did you really have to close it"? I answer: "did anyone even ask me about this ??". And what, I say to me with this sick leave to do? they answer - either go to the place of residence, close it for free (for a second, and that is why I paid for the operation, because it is very far and inconvenient for me to go to the place of residence), or they say, come to us, pay a consultation of 1,300 rubles and we will close it for you. After that, I simply have no words for the wonderful organization of this institution. As a result, I broke this sick leave, wrote another day at my own expense and swore never to believe the word "professionals" in the registry of this institution. Now if I turn (I repeat once again, I have no complaints about the doctors, everything is super), then I will consult ONLY with a doctor.


Treatment and Rehabilitation Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation - state medical institution, opened in 2006 and one of the first to start working in accordance with European standards of medical care. In 2013, the clinic's in-patient facility took first place in the index of service and treatment quality in the ranking of healthcare facilities.

The treatment and rehabilitation center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation receives people around the clock in emergency conditions, has a large cardio- and neuro-reanimation, provides full-fledged treatment programs for each patient. Real professionals work in the Medical and Rehabilitation Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation - experienced doctors, associate professors, professors, candidates and doctors of sciences. The hospital is equipped with a modernized rehabilitation department, which has no analogues in the country.

The service arsenal is equipped with innovative laser, radio wave and microsurgical instruments. The treatment and rehabilitation center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation accepts patients at any time. The clinic will provide you with early reliable diagnosis, effective therapy and productive rehabilitation in case of different problems with health.

Reviews of patients of the clinic

hello, it is possible to remove the trigeminal nerve in your clinic (in my mother) and how much will it cost

Good afternoon! Please tell me how much does leg prosthetics cost.

Hello. Please leave your contact details and our specialists will contact you to clarify all the details and provide data on all your questions. Best regards, Bogdan

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Questions and answers

Hello! My son-in-law has ulcerative colitis, another exacerbation. How much will the treatment cost? We live in Kazan.

good afternoon.

Only a doctor will be able to guide you by the price, having read your medical documentation.

Good afternoon! For almost 2 years, my husband has not been accurately diagnosed (presumably he has ankylosing spondylitis). Pain in the back and neck has been bothering him for a long time. On the this moment he lost a lot of weight, his lower back hurts, squeezing in chest and no appetite. We did an MRI in February last year, they didn’t find anything there. They did an X-ray according to Malakhov, in the picture the doctor said that there were Sokrailites. Can we come to your clinic for an examination? We need to install accurate diagnosis and start proper treatment. And what is the cost of the examination? Thanks in advance!

Elena, hello!

We can offer you to come to Moscow and to as soon as possible undergo an examination in one of the leading specialized centers at the First State Medical University named after Sechenov". The estimated cost of the examination is 200,000 rubles.

The neurologists and orthopedists of this university hospital will be able to identify the cause, establish an accurate diagnosis and choose adequate therapy for your husband.

Hello, tell me the estimate for the disease rheumatoid arthritis in your center! I am 30 years old, disabled 1 gr, wheelchair user, bilateral coxarthrosis, bilateral gonoarthrosis 3 st Thank you

Marina, good afternoon!

We invite you to send us your medical documents for your disease, the results of the latest laboratory and instrumental research so that we can develop an individual treatment program for you. It is important to understand whether knee and hip replacement is indicated or conservative treatment, the cost of treatment will depend on this.

hello my brother has cancer salivary gland what is the probability of operation late stage Krasnogorsk oncological hospital, they told us it was too late to operate, we would like to have a look around, what do you say?


We can arrange a consultation for your brother in the department of head and neck tumors of the leading specialized state oncological institute in Moscow. In the shortest possible time, it will be possible to undergo an examination and decide on further tactics: most likely, a course will be offered radiotherapy followed by surgery.

Good day! Please tell me, my mother has adenocarcinoma of the right mammary gland 10 * 13mm, low-grade, metachronous cancer. In April 2011, there was a mastectomy of the left breast and lymph nodes! Is treatment possible in your clinic? Mom lives in Yekaterinburg! Will it be paid or compulsory medical insurance policy? Thank you!

Hello Tatiana,

The treatment and rehabilitation center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (LRC) specializes in the treatment of adenocarcinoma.

Treatment under compulsory medical insurance is possible if there is a referral for planned hospitalization.

Or we can arrange hospitalization for cash, for this you need to contact us in any way convenient for you by phone, e-mail. mail, whatsapp, viber, telegram

Tomorrow is my second birthday (a month already). I couldn't say it all at once - sorry! You saved me! Gave life again! God bless you! Thank you.

Oncological disease brought me to the Center in the Department of Oncology. On September 18, then on October 18, operations were carried out. I cannot but express my gratitude to the specialists of the operating room and intensive care unit. For high professionalism, for humane attention to people. So attentive and sensitive. I have never met round-the-clock patient care, although I had previously been operated on in other institutions. The intensive care unit in the center directs all efforts and their skills to recovery...

I am a patient of the Nikitina Center, Lidia Ivanovna, was treated in the oncology department in May 2018. I express my gratitude to Dr. Evgeny Nikolaevich Belov for his professionalism, golden hands and attentive attitude towards patients.

I want to say a huge thank you to the massage therapist Alexander Turkov. Professional with a capital letter. This is my second year of treatment and I am very pleased with the results.

In July my husband had the most complicated operation for removal Bladder(RMP). We would like to thank all doctors. who stood at the operating table for a long 8 hours and fought for the life of the patient. I will name everyone: the attending physician Valery Nikolaevich Lisitsyn, the head of the department Igor Viktorovich Meshchankin, the anesthesiologist Andrei Nikolaevich Kormilitsin. All done on highest level! Thanks for the support and professional advice to Egorov Mikhail Igorevich. Postoperative period...

On May 3, 2018, at the Oncology Department of the LRC, I underwent an operation to remove a basalioma on my face. I was very worried because I am 69 years old. The LRC accurately and competently determined the diagnosis. The surgeon - oncologist Ivanov Ilya Igorevich helped me to believe that everything would go well. And so it happened. Ilya Igorevich is a true professional, sensitive and attentive to patients. I express my deep gratitude to the surgeon - oncologist Ivanov Ilya Igorevich, as well as to the entire medical staff of this department.

I came to the doctor with a diagnosis of endometrial hyperplasia, I really did not want to be operated on, although everyone said that a hysterectomy should be done. After talking with the doctor (Agajanyan Ella Seiranovna), I realized that not everything is lost and you can try to cure it without surgery, this is important because I have not yet given birth! I would like to express my gratitude for the attitude and approach to my problem, the operation was not needed and I was able to get pregnant after treatment with duphaston. Many thanks to the doctor!

I want to express my gratitude to the management and staff of the 2nd trauma department for excellent work in the treatment and care of patients. Many thanks to Dr. Semenov Vladimir Alexandrovich for the excellent operation to replace the right hip joint October 31, 2017 After 2 months they were allowed to walk without a stick. It’s a pity that I didn’t have time to write down the names of the employees, many thanks to everyone, and to the anesthetist and nurses and nannies and physiotherapy instructors ...

In April 2017, disaster struck in our family. I was diagnosed with a huge brain tumor (giant pituitary adenoma). We did not know what to do and where to turn until we found the address of the LRC of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. In early April, I went for a consultation. I, a resident of Smolensk, was surprised by the efficiency and positive attitude towards patients. Even the quota was issued right in the center, there was no need to waste precious time. Two weeks later I had my first operation. I had a wonderful...

Hello dear guests and readers information portal about neurorehabilitation. We are constantly expanding our contact database of rehabilitation centers. Today we will talk about the treatment and rehabilitation center, which is located on Ivankovsky sh. 3 in Moscow. I must say right away that I have not been to this rehabilitation center, but I talked with fellow neurologists about recovery in this institution.

Rehabilitation center Ivankovskoe shosse 3.

Lot positive feedback I heard from them that they often work with people who are undergoing or have already undergone rehabilitation there.

This medical and rehabilitation center in Moscow at the address: Ivankovskoe shosse 3 is quite well known among similar institutions not only in the capital, but also beyond its borders. Rehabilitation treatment people come to pass through its walls from other cities.

is not the only area of ​​assistance provided by this institution. People come to rehab with consequences spinal injury who have suffered a traumatic brain injury and need to be restored after undergoing neurosurgical operations. The list of diseases is much wider, here I have listed the main and mainly those areas, the topics of which are described on our resource.

One of strengths this rehabilitation center is its high technical equipment and specialists. I heard that it's quite difficult to get treatment there now. Pass the rehabilitation treatment in this center it is possible for money and the price, according to the people who are faced with this, is simply huge. How much, I can't say.

If we talk about “free of charge”, then you can go through rehabilitation there according to the quota allocated by the local governing body, in this case, the city ministry of health. Surely, there you can go through rehabilitation under the quota, not only for residents of Moscow. Below I have left phone numbers where you can find out more information on this issue.

It is worth noting that in Moscow, in addition to this center, there are other hospitals and centers that have rehabilitation departments in their composition, you can find a list of centers and their contacts in the article