Rehabilitation center for stroke patients - "rejuvenating apple" in sokolniki. Rehabilitation center "Rejuvenating Apple A conspiracy for those who, due to fatigue and illness, do not look well

The Ural Forest Engineering Institute (now a university) has the only Medicinal Crops Garden in Russia. It was founded more than half a century ago by Professor of the Department of Botany and Dendrology of the Institute Leonid Ivanovich Vigorov. All-Union fame, thanks to his research, was also acquired by the research laboratory of plant physiology and biochemistry, which he created for the first time in the country, which studied biologically active substances (BAS) of fruits and berries. In the 50-60s of the last century, Vigorov came to the conclusion that in the conditions of urbanization, fruits with these substances especially valuable for health can have a beneficial effect on humans, expanding the adaptive capabilities of the body and preventing certain diseases. But, having become the pioneer of therapeutic and preventive gardening, Vigorov did not have time to bring all his ideas to life. What Leonid Ivanovich Vigorov managed to do despite the circumstances of his time is told by his son, candidate of biological sciences Yuri Leonidovich Vigorov, and our special correspondent Venedikt Dadykin, who visited Yekaterinburg. Vigorov was not only a great scientist, but also a great optimist. Looking ahead from the standpoint of today, he wrote in his book The Garden of Medicinal Crops (the book was never published during his lifetime): “And the gardener of the distant future will remember with surprise those times incomprehensible to him when the value of judged only by their taste, size and aroma, regardless of their real value for protecting health, maintaining high performance and prolonging human life.

Science and life // Illustrations

L. I. Vigorov at a flowering apple tree. 1959

This is how the young Garden of Medicinal Crops and the building of the laboratory of biologically active substances of the Ural Forest Engineering Institute looked like in the 1960s - early 1970s.

Head of the Botany Department of the Ural Forest Engineering University A. P. Kozhevnikov at the cedar planted in the Garden of Medicinal Crops.

In Russian folk tales, apples were attributed a special power that could restore youth to a person. It is no coincidence that they were called youthful. Not about the fabulous, but about the very real rejuvenating apples of Leonid Ivanovich Vigorov, I first learned back in the 70s of the last century. And not only from the reports of newspapers and magazines of those years, but also from serious scientific publications: reports from several conferences fell into the hands, in which breeders, biochemists, physicians and other specialists from the country's leading institutions comprehensively discussed various aspects of the work, which, in fact, opened a new direction in horticulture and medicine - therapeutic and prophylactic.

Its implementation promised neither more nor less, but ... health for everyone - generous gardens should be planted widely enough. Not with simple varieties, but those that are capable of producing healing fruits for use as the best preventive agent. It was about fruits with a high content and a certain combination of biologically active substances.

The scope and goals of the Ural scientist could not help but seem incredible, almost fantastic, which is hard to believe. And Leonid Ivanovich fully understood the skeptics, himself urging his colleagues not to take anything on faith, but to double-check his conclusions. Therefore, he organized clinical trials using medicinal fruits in several hospitals in Sverdlovsk.


“An apple a day - and the disease will recede” - Leonid Ivanovich not only questioned the numerous variations of sayings of different peoples on this topic, but rather clarified. Thanks to many years of deep research, he laid a serious scientific basis for them. As a result, strict conclusions, expressed in figures and facts, have not yet been refuted by anyone.

Let's think about the simplest ones: with the daily urgent need of our body for 70-100 mg of vitamin C (without it, we are susceptible to influenza, colds and other infections, as well as diseases such as atherosclerosis, gastric and duodenal ulcers) in the most common and available to all fruits - ordinary apples - it is very small (14 mg in every 100 g). But this, pay attention, on average. Depending on the variety and its origin, the presence of vitamin C ranges from 2 to 40 mg%. That is, the difference is twenty-fold, more than significant!

In southern varieties - Western European (Italian, Spanish, Greek) and South American (Argentinean, Chilean), and in domestic South Russian apples, which are sold year-round in stores, vitamin C is only 2-5 mg%. Vigorov called such apples “dummy”, because in order to make up for the deficiency in vitamin C, they must be eaten almost a bag every day.

And here are the exact calculations of Professor Vigorov: the daily therapeutic dose of southern imported apples (for example, the most popular varieties of Jonathan or Golden Delicious) is 5-7 kg, common in the middle lane of the "average" in the form of Pepin saffron and most others - 2.5 kg, and the best high-vitamin (Renet Chernenko) - 500 g. For preventive purposes, it is enough for healthy people to eat half of this amount - for example, a couple of Renet Chernenko apples.

But we often eat not high-vitamin apples at all, but the first ones that come across, and even those are not daily. And not a sack a day. As a result, there is a chronic deficiency of vitamin C and other necessary biologically active substances, which, according to doctors, becomes the root cause of loss of immunity, premature aging and the appearance of a whole “bouquet” of diseases.

At the same time, in the best varieties of apples that could be grown almost everywhere, L. I. Vigorov identified 25 natural medicines, including 10 essential vitamins, 6 microelements, 3 antibiotics, and several radioprotective compounds.

For normal health, all 25 substances contained in abundance in "healing" apples are required daily. As Vigorov emphasized, in addition to vitamin C, these fruits are rich in the second most important vitamin - P, more precisely, P-active compounds that normalize the permeability and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, including the most important capillary ones, which prevents atherosclerosis and cerebral hemorrhage - the scourge of our time and also maintains normal blood pressure...

But here is another discovery of the professor: compared to the southern varieties of apples, ruddy and large, in apples grown in the middle lane, often not so elegant and smaller, capillary-strengthening vitamins are many times more - at least 3-4 times, and in small-fruited Ural and Siberian - 10-15 times.

The situation is similar with other fruits: some varieties are useful, like candies, while others are a storehouse of health and can prevent many ailments.

But in recent years, not medicinal fruits with BAS (biologically active substances), but the so-called dietary supplements (biologically active additives) have come into fashion.


They say about such scientists: their trouble is that they are ahead of their time. However, what L. I. Vigorov managed to do, despite the circumstances of his time, is very significant, although it has not yet been appreciated. And most importantly, we did not use these discoveries.

Leonid Ivanovich's research in the direction of therapeutic and prophylactic horticulture - for all its uniqueness - initially did not fit into the framework of the scientific and educational activities of the Ural Forest Engineering Institute, where he worked as head of the department of botany and dendrology, and then - research laboratory of physiology and biochemistry of plants and director Garden of medicinal crops.

The Agricultural Academy and the Ministry of Agriculture did not understand him either: in the days of empty counters, there was no time for rejuvenating apples - any were in short supply.

Nevertheless, Vigorov's achievements have not lost their significance to this day. In the garden, the laying of which began back in 1950, and the collection was replenished until 1976, he collected and obtained the rarest varieties and forms of medicinal fruit and berry crops: hundreds of forms of “medicinal” apples, pears, plums, cherries, hawthorn, currants and other crops that were supposed to become "donors" of future, much more advanced varieties with desired healing properties. Two breeding masterpieces were also created - the varieties of apples Vitamin White and Memory of Dibrov, combining a high content of vitamins, microelements and natural antibiotics.

The main achievement of Leonid Ivanovich is overcoming the stereotype of a primitive evaluation of fruits only by taste, size and yield. He developed a method for their rapid biochemical analysis right in the garden. More precisely, in the laboratory created and equipped by him, where unmistakable analyzes were carried out, showing the healing virtues of any fruit in certain numbers. Analyzing samples of dozens and hundreds of promising varieties (about 1200 samples of apples alone), laboratory staff - experienced biochemists - selected unique specimens (chemoclones) containing a large amount of biologically active substances. “Not a single horticultural institute,” Vigorov wrote at that time, “found a single new medicinal compound in the fruits, we have found 20 such substances anew.”

As a result, of the many hundreds of varieties grown in Russia, only a few received the “title” of medicinal ones. And these were not the well-known Grushovka, Papirovka and Borovinka, but, alas, rarely found in the gardens of Naliv scarlet, Zarya, Aport Aleksandrova, Skryzhapel, Tikhonovskoye, as well as some small-fruited Ural-Siberian varieties of apple trees, not inferior in the accumulation of vitamins to citrus. Seedlings of many of them, under the influence of Vigorov, began to grow local nurseries.

The Ural Medical Garden attracted, like a magnet, both specialists and amateur gardeners, to whom Leonid Ivanovich generously distributed cuttings. And for specialists, he organized five all-Union conferences, at which, after informal discussions, no one was able to refute the conclusions of the "provincial" professor.

His example turned out to be so contagious that laboratories began to be created at many horticultural research centers in the country that used Vigorov's method. And it seemed that widespread selection and the cultivation of medicinal fruits in such quantities that they would lie on every table were about to begin.

And as usual at all times, the story of rejuvenating fruits ended very badly: on one of the spring days, L. I. Vigorov saw roaring bulldozers uprooting one of the plots of his garden under a good pretext: a site was needed for the construction of a hostel.


Leonid Ivanovich dreamed of an unusual vitamin record holder - rose hips with seedless fleshy berries, thornless large-fruited sea buckthorn and other fruits that ask right into the mouth, combining both taste and real benefits. Unfortunately, after the death of the scientist, this most important direction not only did not receive further development, but was actually lost.

What is left?

Having been in Yekaterinburg, I sadly remembered the well-known folk wisdom: "A garden blooms only as long as its owner is alive." No, all the formalities and even the law seem to be observed: The medicinal crops garden has the status of a natural monument of regional significance, and at the entrance is the name of its creator. And even in the center, near the reconstructed administration building, where Vigorov once worked without days off and holidays, there is a granite monument to him. Only little is left of the former Garden of Medicinal Crops. Some of the unique varieties of apple trees found or bred and to this day have not been propagated by anyone (for example, Memory of Dibrov) have aged and disappeared forever. Many landings are in disrepair. Without anti-aging pruning, their lifespan is approaching the limit. The once famous biolaboratory has long been closed.

The current employees of the garden successfully defend their dissertations, and former students have become professors. But their work does not promise the continuation of the once so brilliant undertaking, although the health of the nation has been declared a priority national project.

It is a pity that in the more than thirty years that have passed since the death of the scientist, Vigorov's books have not been republished, which have become a bibliographic rarity, although a folio-album has been released, outwardly “solid”, on coated paper, with catchy illustrations. Formally - to the 55th anniversary of the garden, but, alas, such a description does not awaken any thoughts or feelings, although, probably, it contains information that is of interest to a narrow circle of specialists. Only here the "naked theory" is not able to add health to anyone.

However, there is news: the university has been allocated 10 hectares of land on a new territory, supposedly for the Garden of Medicinal Crops. If only this land was used for its intended purpose, and not for landscape design and propagation of ornamental plants.

Recently, the Department of Botany of the University was headed by a talented dendrologist, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences A.P. Kozhevnikov. After graduating from the Ural Forest Engineering Institute, he managed the garden for several years and achieved interesting results in the variability and selection of sea buckthorn. His interests are wide, the possibilities too, but he is not a biochemist.

And really, is it necessary to do all this in the Urals, in the zone of risky agriculture, and even at a local university? Vigorov himself hoped that this problem would not develop in the Urals. In various papers of those years, which he sent "up", it was about the creation of three experimental stations for medicinal gardening in three zones of the country - the middle, northern and southern.

And why not create all-Russian centers of medicinal gardening in our science cities - Novosibirsk and Michurinsk, especially since three "profile" institutes operate in the latter at once?


Attempts to implement Vigorov's ideas were not only in the Urals. Biochemical selection in different years was carried out by Professor S.I. Isaev (Moscow State University, Moscow), D.K. Shapiro (Central Botanical Garden, Minsk), E.I. breeders (All-Russian Research Institute of Horticulture of Siberia named after M.A. Lisavenko, Barnaul), Professor Shupan (Germany), etc.

According to Vigorov's calculations (vitamin C - 25-30 mg% and P - more than 300 mg%), and therefore antihypertensive and anti-avitaminosis apples, the following varieties can rightfully be considered: Polyvitamin (Botanical Garden of Moscow State University, Moscow); Skala, Uspenskoye (All-Russian Research Institute of Genetics and Selection of Fruit Plants, Michurinsk); Beauty of Sverdlovsk, Sokovoe-2, Radonitsa (Sverdlovsk horticultural selection station, Yekaterinburg); Ranetka Ermolaeva, Barnaulochka, Altai precocious (All-Russian Research Institute of Horticulture of Siberia named after M.A. Lisavenko, Barnaul); Flashlight, Scarlet Flower (Krasnoyarsk Horticulture Experimental Station, Krasnoyarsk); Vita (All-Russian Research Institute of Selection of Fruit Crops, Oryol); Kerr, a Chinese from Canada.

The pinnacle in the creation of high-vitamin antihypertensive varieties is the apple varieties Veselovka, Zaeltsovskoye, Siberian souvenir, Kulundinskoye, Palmetta, Siberian blush, Dauria, Divo, Marine botanical and Zolotodolinsky, created by scientists of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden (Novosibirsk). Vitamin C in them is up to 45 mg%, and P-active compounds - up to 1300 mg%. Such fruits are healthier than oranges!

Prevent diseases of the liver, kidneys and bladder, including the deposition of stones and sand due to the increased content of arbutin (up to 80 mg% instead of 5-10 mg%) and chlorogenic acid (up to 200 mg%) pear varieties derived from the wild Ussuri pear: Tenderness , In memory of Yakovlev, Severyanka, Svetlyanka, Lyubimitsa Yakovlev and Skorospelka (All-Russian Research Institute of Genetics and Selection of Fruit Plants, Michurinsk); Myth and Skazochnaya (South Ural Institute of Horticulture, Chelyabinsk); Transcendental, Penguin, Sverdlovchanka, Valentina, Low-growing (Sverdlovsk Horticulture Selection Station, Yekaterinburg); Lada, Chizhovskaya, Cathedral, Elegant Efimova (TSHA, Moscow).

The highest capillary-strengthening activity (P-active compounds - up to 3700 mg%) has chokeberry (chokeberry), which is not widely used due to the astringent taste. However, in Michurinsk, its new variety, without astringency, was bred - Chernookaya.

The record holders among fruit and berry crops in terms of the content of anti-cold and strengthening vitamin C (up to 4000 mg%) were the best varieties of wild rose: Vitamin (All-Russian Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Moscow), Ural Champion and Bagryany (South Ural Research Institute of Horticulture, Chelyabinsk) .

An alternative to wild rose is the latest varieties of actinidia: Parkovaya, Lakomka, Fantasy gardens, Amateur (Experimental station VSTISP, Moscow region).

An increased content of vitamins C and P (respectively, in berries 300 and 1300 mg% instead of the usual 100 and 500 mg%, in leaves - many times more) is distinguished by blackcurrant varieties of Kipiana, Kupalinka, Muravushka. They were created at the All-Russian Research Institute for the Selection of Fruit Crops (Oryol).

A noticeable hematopoietic effect due to the optimal content of vitamins C, B 9 and iron can be exerted by garden strawberries with dark cherry-colored pulp of the varieties Ruby Pendant and Fireworks (All-Russian Research Institute of Genetics and Selection of Fruit Plants, Michurinsk);

Kokinskaya early, Rosinka, Amulet, Nightingale (Kokinsky stronghold of VSTISP, Bryansk region).

The unique natural pantry of the most important vitamins, including vitamin E, which prevents vascular sclerosis and muscle dystrophy, is found in the still rare varieties of sea buckthorn with red-orange berries: Abundant, Orange, Otradnaya, Pepper, Ryabinovaya, Amber necklace, Trofimovskaya. They were bred at the All-Russian Research Institute of Horticulture of Siberia. M. A. Lisavenko (Barnaul) and in the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University (Moscow).

It is unfortunate that, despite the commercial benefits and demand, there is still not a single nursery of medicinal crops in Russia that specializes in growing seedlings of the listed varieties, and even more so, there is no mail forwarding.

There is only one thing left: to contact the nearest institutes and scientific centers at the place where the listed varieties were created. There is only one institute that sends out cuttings of some apple trees in early spring for everyone who knows how to graft - this is the All-Russian Research Institute for the Selection of Fruit Crops in Orel.

But almost everywhere you can buy seeds of medicinal varieties of various vegetable crops, the selection of which Vigorov began in the last years of his life. I take the liberty of offering a list of such varieties and hybrids.

Beetroot Smuglyanka, Mulatto and Mona. It is distinguished by a triple content of anthocyanins (pigments with antioxidant activity) and a high content of betaine, which activates the liver, kidneys, digestion, increases blood pressure, and improves blood composition.

Carrot Vitamin, Shantane Royal (royal), Nantes Semko, Emperor. These varieties and hybrids with dark orange flesh are especially useful for visual impairment, diseases of the cardiovascular system. All of them are real carotene concentrators - up to 37 mg%.

Pumpkin Winter Gribovskaya, Russian, Crumb, Atlas, New. Provitamin A in these varieties - up to 30 mg%. Frequent consumption of pumpkin dishes is recommended in case of malfunctions in the cardiovascular system, in violation of the function of the liver, kidneys and salt deposition.

Bee-pollinated hybrids of cucumbers Captain, Teremok, True friends, Lord, Saltan. Contain in microdoses a complex complex of vitamins and a rich set of minerals. Useful for chronic hepatitis, anemia, atherosclerosis, gastritis, stomach ulcers, dermatitis, skin diseases, obesity. And since they are rich in copper, they can prevent the appearance of gray hair and hair loss.

Sweet pepper hybrids Maxim, Zarya, Vitamin, Sadovoye Koltso and Cornet variety can be considered leaders in vitamin C content among vegetables - 480 mg% of ascorbic acid in combination with a high content of P-active compounds, B vitamins, carotene, sugars. Frequent use of such pepper improves brain activity, digestion, increases the secretion of gastric juice, and is also useful for rheumatic pains, neuralgia, muscle inflammation, acute gastrointestinal disorders.

Contain anti-ulcer vitamin U different varieties of white cabbage. Mineral salts and other biologically active substances are rich in leaf lettuce, dill, parsley, spinach. However, no one conducts "measurements" for the presence of such substances. Moreover, further breeding work on breeding varieties of vegetables with desired healing properties has been reduced to naught.

In general, we have to state with chagrin that in the USA, where much later than in Russia, they began to study such problems, medicinal gardening is gradually gaining priority development, as well as state support for their Vigorovs. Well, in our country, if not the current, then the next generation of scientists will have to restore the lost bit by bit, or even start from scratch. It's a shame!

Yekaterinburg - Moscow.

See in a room on the same topic

Rejuvenating apples

Among the many rituals for rejuvenation, this one stands out for its simplicity, ease and pleasantness.

You do not need to charge anything and waste your energy. You just get it.

You generally require a minimum of effort, and the condition for carrying out one, or rather two:

Have apples available

Perform a ritual on the growing moon for 12 days

The ritual is as follows - an hour before bedtime you need to eat a spoken apple, you can with honey.

We speak three times:

Either in the rain, or in the sun, either in the heat, or in the cold, it was simple, it became rejuvenating.

Let it be so! Let it be so! Let it be so!

You need to eat an apple very slowly, visualizing your image of youth.

Soon you will feel new strength, diseases will begin to go away, your skin will brighten and heal, the shine and density of your hair will increase.

(from internet)

Everyone knows that in any folk tale there is a hidden meaning, an imprint of ancient traditions, beliefs, magic, etc. Therefore, I always study with interest myths and legends about various magical objects and heroes mentioned in fairy tales.
One of these magical items is Rejuvenating Apples, the recipe for which was kept by magicians of various cultures.
Here are some recipes I found on the internet.

- If you want to restore youth to yourself and your loved ones, take a large red apple, wash it and cut it into three, five or seven slices - depending on the number of participants in the ceremony. Remove bones. Put the slices in a deep plate. In another bowl, mix holy water with cold boiled water (half a glass of both) and pour over the apple slices.

Then take a pinch of sugar and, sprinkling it in a circle (clockwise) on apples, say: “Lord, give me back my youth!”. Once again, take a pinch of sugar and sprinkle it with the same sprinkle: “Lord, give me back happiness!”. And pour the third pinch strictly into the center of the plate and ask: “Lord, give me back what is gone!”. If you are doing the ceremony alone, eat the whole apple. If not, divide the slices among the participants. Pour the water from the plate into a bottle and wipe your face with it morning and evening for seven days in a row, let it dry, and then rinse with warm water. See what a face it will be! And one more thing: be sure to sincerely believe in what you are doing. Believe - and your desires will come true.
Seda Vardanyan

***Using Runes
Apples bought: fresh, juicy, red or golden-liquid. There are nine of them. This number is widely used in myths and magic. For nine days and nights Odin hung on the Ash tree, he received nine songs. The number nine transforms everything it touches. Washed apples. Wiped with a clean cloth and laid out on a white or red linen on the table in front of you. The time is early morning. You are washed. Well-groomed and focused. The surroundings are quiet and secluded.
We light a candle and put it at the top edge of the canvas. Nearby we put a glass or a goblet with apple juice or apple wine (vinegar is not good). Your glass is a sacrifice to the goddess Idunn. They turned to face the north, raised their outstretched arms and turned to the goddess Idunn. We turned in visa verses, and we pronounce them with confidence and dignity:

Goddess Idunn,
Ruler of youth!
Breathe your strength
In the scattered apples
Fill them with currents of beauty and youth
For me (name)!
Consuming them
I'm getting young
And healthy.
Thank you.

When your hands slowly fall, the goddess Idunn is already with you. We turned to face the altar, where your apples lie on the canvas and a candle burns. Take an apple in your left hand, your new fruit knife (now it is a ritual one) in your right hand, and slowly, with concentration, with an understanding of what is happening, apply the signs of Inguz and Berkan. When you perform this magical act, say-say-sing:
“I put the symbol of Inguz, Inguz, Inguz ... I bring the energy of transformation into the flesh of the apple .... I apply the symbol of Berkan, Berkan, Berkan ... I bring the energy of health and youth!”
Finished, returned the apple to the canvas, took the next - and so all nine pieces. Facing the altar, they spread their arms again and said:
“May the gift and mercy of the goddess Idunn enter into these fruits!”
And then you see or imagine (visualize) how these fruits are penetrated by a table of light and energy, soft, perhaps golden or greenish. After enjoying this spectacle for a few seconds (minutes), lower your hands. The stream is terminated. In those moments, you yourself were the Goddess Idunn.
Now it's mandatory thank you caring and quiet Idunn for her gifts. And one apple a day - in the morning, on an empty stomach, without a core, but with seeds. And the first apple is right here at the altar, with consciousness:
"I absorb strength, I become healthy, I become renewed" .
And every time - thanksgiving after a delicious and healthy meal. Cloth on which your rejuvenating apples lie, tie in a knot and hide from prying eyes. As written in the instructions, "store in a dry and cool place."
And then take your time, sit, look at the fire until the candle goes out. Drink some wine or juice from the goblet, pour the rest into running water. This magical act must be repeated twice, after nine and after eighteen days, in total you will try 27 rejuvenating apples. Note that all these numbers are multiples of nine, and the number 9 is, by the way, the ordinal number of the Inguz symbol.

Runa Inguz

Rune Berkana

P.S.- Do not meticulously look in the mirror every minute. The processes of rejuvenation and recovery go gently, from the inside, therefore, on the contrary, relax your gaze, studying the reflection in the mirror and ease your expectation-tension. Change has already begun and will be noticed. You are beautiful right now.
Inna Nadporozhskaya

*** You will need bright green apples, preferably with a smooth surface. Don't use red or yellow ones as they don't give good results.
Wash them well in running water and prepare for a little ritual. They should be charged with energy at night, with the moon, the rise or fall of which does not matter. Let your hair down and be sure to wear a skirt or dress. The fact is that you will be dealing with typically feminine energy, so you will have to give up trousers or jeans.
Go outside or stand on a balcony. Put your apples on a plate and position them so that the moonlight falls on them. Tell:

"Moonlight, give me good,
Turn apples into a fountain of youth!”

Then look at your fruits and imagine that they have begun to absorb the energy of the moon. This way you can help them recharge faster. How long should you keep them in the moonlight? Unfortunately, I cannot answer this question: you yourself must feel that the process is completed.
How to use rejuvenating apples?
On an empty stomach, in the morning. It is advisable to eat them continuously in the first days, that is, every morning for one to two weeks. Then you can reduce your intake to twice a week. Seeds and core are optional.
By the way, if you want to direct their action to correct your figure, just eat them with the thought that you are becoming slim.
Rejuvenating apples will maintain your vitality in the right rhythm and have a beneficial effect on maintaining youth and attractiveness.
Anastasia Volkova

Conspiracies from Maria Bazhenova

(Ural healer)

During the Apple Savior, light up the apples in the church. Seven pieces. Bring home. Such words to say:

The young woman came - she brought a miracle apple. The baptized apple is consecrated in the church. Caressed by the Heavenly Father, Raised by the Heavenly Father. Someone who tastes an apple will not experience old age. Let it be so. Amen.

Apples are eaten every day in the morning, all week.

Conspiracy to get younger

You need to do it like this. But looking at the night, on a moonlit night, take clean, running water, add salt to the water (1 teaspoon of salt per 2 liters of water), and wipe the whole body with this water. Wipe yourself and say:

I wash, I wash, the servant of God (name), with white white, scarlet blush. I wipe myself with salt, I fill the article. I, the servant of God (name), will be younger than a young woman, younger than a clear dawn, younger than spring grass, younger than the first snow, younger than the first snowfield. So that everyone looks at me and wonders, so that everyone looks at me and admires. Here, in my words, is a key and a lock. Let it be so. Amen.

How to lure dirt out of the body

In this tricky business, they will help us: pickled vegetables, apples, sour juices, curdled milk, kefir. Here is an effective way, my grandmother “prescribed” it to all the girls in our village.

Add 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon of honey to a glass of sour milk. And say:

There was poison, there was fun. I was sick, I will be young. Let it be so. Lock. Key. It is elusive, like a ray of the sun. Amen.

You need to drink in the morning, along with breakfast.

But it is better not to use vegetable oil along with acidic foods. Butter will ruin your whole business, and your business will be like a cart without wheels. It won't go far. It is better to eat sour food with an animal, and after tea, put a few grains of salt on the tongue and swallow the saliva.

A conspiracy for those who, due to fatigue and illness, look bad

How does it work sometimes? You are tired, sick - all this is immediately reflected on your face, and guests are coming to you. Or, well, you just really need to impress a person, and here such bad luck. How to be? There is one very effective conspiracy. You need to do the following. You need to take a silver spoon and say:

Silver is young, silver is light, silver is endowed with beauty.

Then fill with clean, running water. Dip the spelled spoon into it. Dip the index finger of the right hand in this water and run it over the face, three times counterclockwise and say so:

As this little silver was brought down, so they love me (name), they call me, they magnify, they notice my beauty. Amen.

How to speak your beauty

How to take care? Well, it’s not at all difficult, and you can take care of it with a miraculous word, and there are all sorts of tricks, how to save your face from withering, how to refresh it, how to nourish it. In our family, on the female line, everyone did not look his age. They looked 10-15 years younger. And don't say that life was easy. And no one has even heard of the creams of the current expensive ones, and, of course, there was no money for such “knick-knacks”:

A conspiracy to keep hands young and beautiful

Hands are the first thing that gives out a woman's age. Especially if a woman earns her living with her hands, then this is reflected in her hands in the first place. How to make your hands look young? You need to do the following. You will need ash, sour cream and vegetable oil. After sunset, you need to put it all on separate plates. And put it on the window, under the moonlight, and say so:

The time of rejuvenation has come, the time of abundance has come. The moon shines, marks with youth. Amen.

Then you need to dip your hands in the first bowl, cover them with ashes and say so:

The ash is black, you took away the bitterness. Let it be so. Amen.

Then dip your hands in sour cream and say:

White River, youth gave. Let it be so. Amen.

Then dip your hands in vegetable oil and say:

Soft, fragrant, indulge the little hands, soft, fragrant, revive the little hands. Soft, fragrant, soothe the little hands. Let it be so. Amen.

Conspiracy for weight loss

Some girls suffer from excess weight. And so, and so on - they can’t lose weight in any way, but only bring themselves to all sorts of diseases. To help such girls and save them from torment, I found one conspiracy. At noon, on the 25th of any month, you need to buy a comb in the store. Wait for the night, and talk to her:

As you comb my hair, as you comb out feathers and lice, so comb out my fat, so break my fat, remove it from my white body. Take it upon yourself. From now on and forever. Let it come true. Amen.

This conspiracy must be repeated with each combing.

Galdrastav Yngingar-galdur "Golden Apple"

And if in Russian, then - "charms of rejuvenation", "rejuvenating witchcraft", etc. From the "how do I do it" series with the use of the "Golden Apple", Gull-epli (pronounced approximately as - gyutl-ebli).

In order:

1. Galdrastav: why is he like this and not another.

This is what the sign looks like without any additional formalities. Formality, in this case, is something that does not affect the "workability" of the sign in any way, such as clarifying signatures, embellishing details, names and kennings of gods following the occasion, etc.

Golden apples were eaten by the gods so as not to age. The keeper of apples is the goddess Idunn, the wife of Braga. Hence, the symbolism underlying the sign is the same rejuvenating fruit. Not like that? Still how similar (see below):

A little entertaining numerology: the Pythagoreans (and not only them later) have the number 5 (the number of "twigs" of the stave) - "youth", "health". This time.

Second: the number 9 (ubersacral for the northern mysteries) - the number of circles-"fruits" on each side of the "twig", i.e. 18 per one, and there are 5 in total, hence - 18 x 5 \u003d 90; 9 + 0 = 9. "Twig" is a symbol of a tree that grows from a seed, and what is our sacred tree? Namely - the ash tree Yggdrasil with nine worlds around the perimeter, which, in some mysterious way (for the ash tree, of course) bears fruit. What the tree itself symbolizes is understandable. In short, if you want and without it, you can see a lot of things.

2. How to apply.

Here, first of all, it is necessary to say about the material: we tried different materials with different people. Of course, natural and canonical, without synthetics.

First, of course, a tree and, of course, an apple tree. Easy to get, easy to cut.

Secondly, metal. Engraved on a thin gold plate. If someone also has a familiar jeweler, you can spend money.

Thirdly, the skin. Well crafted lamb skin. Acid etch sign. If you draw (whether with blood or paint) - over time, of course, it will peel off, crumble, this violates the integrity of the sign, and no one needs it.

Consider the procedure for the options (depending on the carrier material):

If done on a tree. Again, two recommended options: the carrier should be the size of a small cutting board (later you will understand why) on it and a sign is cut out. Another case: a wooden bowl and a sign must be carved into the bottom.

Metal. It’s easier with it: the plate with the sign can also be used as a stand and placed on the bottom of the same bowl, at the bottom of which nothing needs to be cut out.

Leather. Just as a stand.

Of the group of experimental rabbits, sorry, the majority of testers preferred a wooden bowl with a sign carved on the day.

This is how you need to deal with it: at a certain time it fills with water and costs three days (three circles in the center of the sign, if anything - for a reason, yeah). After that, they wash themselves with this water, or, having soaked a towel with it, moisten the body. I want to add that you don’t need to pour a lot of water into a bowl - it certainly doesn’t depend on its amount, otherwise they will take 3 liters and ask “what to do with the rest”. It is desirable to use up all the water, calculate the volume yourself.

With a gold plate, as is probably already clear, the procedure is similar: you need to put it on the bottom and fill it with water - as one of the options.

Or, as with a piece of leather, use it as a stand: either water or natural juice (yes, apple, for example) is poured into a glass, then it also costs 3 days and is consumed inside.

3. Spell.

Little of this goodness is required. All texts are pronounced during the production of the sign. If it was made by someone else, for example, as in the case of a gold plate, then, of course, this handicraft product must be charmed. In this case, they did this: they took a thin stick (from a branch - you won’t believe it - an apple tree) and, leading along an already engraved drawing (that is, imitating the creation process), read all the accompanying texts.

The first (and most important) is to contact Freyr. Usually, I pronounce the names (haiti, kennings) of a certain god with the arrangement when depicting a sign.

It is important to understand: we are addressing the legendary celestial ancestors, we dedicate our work to THEM, and here you can put stupid visualization far away - you need to feel their presence - with your heart, hear their answer - with your heart, be a guide - their strengths.

So the names (and so on) are as follows: Freyr, Njarðar son, Freyju bróðir, Árguð, Fégjafa, Vanaguð, Vananið, Vanur.

Russian folktale

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived and was a king, and he had three sons: the eldest was called Fedor, the second Vasily, and the youngest Ivan.
The king was very old and impoverished in his eyes, but he heard that far away, in the farthest kingdom, there is a garden with rejuvenating apples and a well with living water. If you eat this apple to an old man, he will become younger, and if you wash the eyes of a blind man with this water, he will see. The tsar gathers a feast for the whole world, calls the princes and boyars to the feast and says to them:
- Who, kids, would get out of the chosen ones, get out of the hunters, travel to faraway lands, to the farthest kingdom, bring rejuvenating apples and living water, a jug of twelve stigmas? I would write half my kingdom to this rider.
Then the larger one began to be buried for the middle one, and the middle one for the smaller one, but there is no answer from the smaller one. Tsarevich Fedor comes out and says:
- It is reluctant to us to give the kingdom to the people. I will go to this path, I will bring you, the king-father, rejuvenating apples and living water, a jug of twelve stigmas.
Fyodor Tsarevich went to the stable yard, chooses an untrodden horse, bridles an unbridled bridle, takes an unlashed whip, puts twelve girths with a girth - not for the sake of beauty, but for the sake of strength ... Fyodor Tsarevich set off on the path. They saw that he was landing, but they did not see in which direction he rolled away ...
Whether he rode close, far, low or high, he rode from day to evening - the sun was red until sunset. And it reaches the rosstans, up to three roads. A slab-stone lies on the rosstans, on it is an inscription:
"You'll go to the right - to save yourself, to lose your horse. If you go to the left - to save your horse, to lose yourself. If you go straight - to be married."
Fyodor Tsarevich thought: "Let's go, where to be married."
And he turned to the path where he should be married. He rode, rode, and reached the tower under the golden roof. Then a beautiful girl runs out and says to him:
- The king's son, I'll take you out of the saddle, come with me to eat bread and salt and sleep and rest.
- No, girl, I don’t want bread and salt, but I can’t pass the road with sleep. I need to move forward.
- The king's son, do not rush to go, but hurry to do what is dear to you.
Then a beautiful maiden took him out of the saddle and led him into the tower. I fed him, gave him a drink and put him to sleep on the bed.
As soon as Fyodor Tsarevich lay down against the wall, this girl quickly turned the bed, and he flew underground, into a deep hole ...
How long, how short - the tsar again gathers a feast, calls the princes and boyars and says to them:
- Here, guys, who would get out of the hunters - bring me rejuvenating apples and living water, a jug about twelve stigmas? I would write half my kingdom to this rider.
Here again, the larger one is buried for the middle one, and the middle one for the smaller one, but there is no answer from the smaller one. The second son, Vasily Tsarevich, comes out:
“Father, I don’t want to give the kingdom into the wrong hands. I'll go to the track, bring these things, hand over to you.
Vasily Tsarevich goes to the stable yard, chooses an unridden horse, bridles an unbridled bridle, takes an unlashed whip, puts twelve girths with a girth.
Vasily Tsarevich went. They saw how he sat down, but did not see in which direction he rolled away ... So he reaches the rosstan, where the stone slab lies, and sees: “You will go to the right - to save yourself, lose your horse. To the left you will go to save the horse, lose yourself. If you go, you will be married."
Thought, thought Vasily Tsarevich and went on the road, where to be married. I reached the tower with a golden roof. A beautiful girl runs out to him and asks him to eat bread and salt and lie down to rest.
- The king's son, do not rush to go, but hurry to do what is dear to you ...
Then she took him out of the saddle, took him to the tower, fed him, gave him drink and put him to sleep.
As soon as Vasily Tsarevich lay down against the wall, she again turned the bed, and he flew underground. And they ask:
- Who is flying?
- Vasily Tsarevich. And who is sitting?
- Tsarevich Fedor.
- Here, bro, hit!
How long, how short - for the third time the tsar gathers a feast, calls the princes and boyars:
- Who would get out of the hunters to bring rejuvenating apples and living water jug ​​about twelve stigmas? I would write half my kingdom to the rider. Here again, the larger one is buried for the middle one, the middle one for the smaller one, but there is no answer from the smaller one. Ivan Tsarevich comes out and says:
- Give me, father, blessing, from a violent head to frisky legs, go to the thirtieth kingdom - look for you rejuvenating apples and living water, and look for my brothers.
The king gave him a blessing. Ivan Tsarevich went to the stable yard - to choose a horse according to reason. Whichever horse he looks at, he trembles, on which he puts his hand, he falls down ...
Ivan Tsarevich could not choose a horse according to reason. Goes, hung his wild head. To meet him, the backyard grandmother:
- Hello, child Ivan Tsarevich! Why are you walking around sad?
- How can I, grandmother, not be sad - I can’t find a horse in my mind.
- You should have asked me a long time ago. The good horse is chained in the cellar, on an iron chain. You can take it - you will have a horse in mind.
Ivan Tsarevich comes to the cellar, kicked an iron slab, the slab from the cellar curled up. He jumped up to the good of the horse, the horse stood on his shoulders with his front legs. Ivan Tsarevich is standing - he will not move. The horse tore off the iron chain, jumped out of the cellar and pulled Ivan Tsarevich out. And then Ivan Tsarevich curbed him with an unbridled bridle, saddled him with an unridden saddle, put on twelve girths with a girth - not for the sake of beauty, for the sake of the glory of the brave. Ivan Tsarevich set off on his journey. They saw that he was sitting down, but they didn’t see in which direction he rolled away ... He reached the rosstan and thought: “To go to the right - to lose my horse. Where can I go without a horse? I left the road. Go left - save the horse. This road is the best for me. "
And he turned along the road where to save the horse - to lose himself. Whether he rode long, short, low, high, through green meadows, over stone mountains, he rode from day to evening - the sun is red until sunset - and runs into a hut.
There is a hut on a chicken leg, about one window.
- Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, front to me! As I enter you, and exit. The hut turned its back to the forest, to Ivan Tsarevich in front. He went into it, and there sits a Baba Yaga, of old years, tosses a silk tow, and throws threads through the beds.
- Fu, fu, - he says, - the Russian spirit has not been heard, the view has not been seen, but now the Russian spirit itself has come. And Ivan Tsarevich to her:
- Oh, you, Baba Yaga - a bone leg, if you don’t catch a bird, you tease, if you don’t recognize the young man, you blaspheme. You would now jump up and me, a good fellow, a road person, fed, watered and gathered a bed for the night. I would lie down, you would sit down at the head of the bed, you would ask, and I would begin to say - whose and where. Here the Baba Yaga did everything right - she fed the prince, gave him drink and laid him on the bed; sat down at the head and began to ask:
- Whose are you, road man, good fellow, but where are you from? What land are you? What father, mother's son?
- I, grandmother, from such and such a kingdom, from such and such a state, the royal son Ivan Tsarevich. I am going to distant lands, distant lakes, to the thirtieth kingdom for living water and rejuvenating apples.
- Well, my dear child, how far you have to go: living water and rejuvenating apples - with a strong hero, the girl Sineglazka, she is my own niece. I don't know if you'll get good...
- A lot of fellows drove by, but not a lot of politely used to say. Take, child, my horse. My horse will be faster, he will take you to my middle sister, she will teach you.
Ivan Tsarevich gets up early in the morning, washes his face whitely. He thanks Baba Yaga for the night and rode on her horse.
Suddenly he says to the horse:
- Stop! Dropped the glove.
And the horse replies:
- At what time did you say, I have already galloped two hundred miles ...
Ivan Tsarevich rides whether it is close or far. The day goes by until the night. And he saw ahead of him a hut on a chicken leg, with one window.
- Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, front to me! As I enter you, and exit. The hut turned its back to the forest, its front to it.
Suddenly you can hear - the horse neighed, and the horse under Ivan Tsarevich responded.
The horses were single. Baba Yaga heard this - even older than that one - and says:
- Came to me, apparently, my sister to visit. And out on the porch:
- Fu-fu, the Russian spirit has not been heard, the view has not been seen, and now the Russian spirit itself has come. And Ivan Tsarevich to her:
- Oh, you, Baba Yaga - a bone leg, meet the guest by dress, see off by mind. You would have removed my horse, you would have fed me, a good fellow, a road person, fed me, watered me and put me to bed ...
Baba Yaga did everything right - she removed the horse, and fed and watered Ivan Tsarevich, put him to bed and began to ask who he was, where he was from and where he was heading.
- I, grandmother, from such and such a kingdom, from such and such a state, the royal son Ivan Tsarevich. I am going for living water and rejuvenating apples to a strong hero, the girl Sineglazka ...
- Well, my dear child, I don't know if you will get good. Wise to you, wise to get to the girl Sineglazka!
- And you, grandmother, give your head to my mighty shoulders, direct me to mind-reason.
- A lot of fellows drove by, but not a lot of politely used to say. Take, child, my horse, go to my older sister. She'd better teach me what to do.
Here Ivan Tsarevich spent the night with this old woman, gets up early in the morning, washes his face whitely. He thanks Baba Yaga for the night and rode on her horse. And this horse is even stronger than that.
Suddenly Ivan Tsarevich says:
- Stop! Dropped the glove.
And the horse replies:
- At what time you said, I have already galloped three hundred miles.
Not soon the deed is done, soon the fairy tale tells. Ivan Tsarevich rides day to evening - the sun is red until sunset. He runs into the hut on a chicken leg, about one window.
- Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, to me in front! I do not live forever, but spend the night for one night.
Suddenly a horse neighed, and under Ivan Tsarevich the horse responded. The baba-yaga comes out onto the porch, of old years, even older than that one. She looked - her sister's horse, and the rider was a stranger, a fine fellow ... Then Ivan Tsarevich politely bowed to her and asked to spend the night. Nothing to do! They don’t take lodging with them - lodging for everyone: both on foot and on horseback, and poor and rich.
Baba Yaga did the whole thing - she removed the horse, and fed and watered Ivan Tsarevich and began to ask who he was, where he was from and where he was heading.
- I, grandmother, of such and such a kingdom, such and such a state, the royal son Ivan Tsarevich. Was with your younger sister, she sent to the middle sister, and the middle sister sent to you. Give your head to my mighty shoulders, direct me to mind-reason, how can I get living water and rejuvenating apples from the maiden Sineglazka.
- So be it, I will help you, Ivan Tsarevich. Maiden Sineglazka, my niece, is a strong and powerful hero. Around her kingdom there is a wall three sazhens high, a sazhen thick, at the gate of the guard - thirty heroes. They won't let you through the gate either. You should go in the middle of the night, ride my good horse. When you reach the wall - beat the horse on the sides with an unlashed whip. The horse jumps over the wall. You tie your horse and go to the garden. You will see an apple tree with rejuvenating apples, and under the apple tree there is a well. Pick three apples, but don't take any more. And scoop up a jug of twelve stigmas from the well of living water. The maiden Sineglazka will be sleeping; He will take you over the wall.
Ivan Tsarevich did not spend the night with this old woman, but sat on her good horse and rode off at night. This horse jumps, jumps over moss-swamps, sweeps rivers, lakes with its tail.
How long, how short, low, high, Ivan Tsarevich reaches the high wall in the middle of the night. At the gate the guard sleeps - thirty mighty heroes. He presses his good horse, beats him with an unlashed whip. The horse got angry and jumped over the wall. Ivan Tsarevich got off his horse, entered the garden and saw - there was an apple tree with silver leaves, golden apples, and under the apple tree Well done. Ivan Tsarevich picked three apples, but did not take any more, but scooped up a jug of twelve stigmas from the well of living water. And he wanted to see for himself the strong, mighty hero, the girl Sineglazka.
Ivan Tsarevich enters the tower, and there they sleep: on one side there are six logs - heroic girls, and on the other side six, and in the middle the girl Sineglazka scattered about, sleeping, like a strong river rapids rustle. Ivan Tsarevich could not stand it, kissed her, kissed her and left ... He sat on a good horse, and the horse said to him in a human voice:
- You did not obey, Ivan Tsarevich, you entered the tower to the maiden Sineglazka! Now I can't jump over walls.
Ivan Tsarevich beats the horse with an unlashed whip.
- Oh, you are a horse, a wolf's satiety, a bag of grass, we can't spend the night here, but lose our heads!
The horse became more angry than ever and jumped over the wall, but touched it with one horseshoe - the strings sang on the wall and the bells rang.
The maiden Sineglazka woke up and saw the theft:
- Get up, we have a big theft!
She ordered to saddle her heroic horse and rushed with twelve logs in pursuit of Ivan Tsarevich.
Tsarevich Ivan is driving at full speed, and the maiden Sineglazka is chasing after him. He reaches the elder Baba Yaga, and she already has a horse bred, ready. He - from his horse and onto this one, and again drove forward ... Ivan Tsarevich was out the door, and the maiden Sineglazka was out the door and asked Baba Yaga:
- Grandma, didn't the beast roam here?
- No, child.
- Grandma, did the fellow pass here?
- No, child. And you eat milk from the way. "- I would eat, grandmother, but milk a cow for a long time.
Baba Yaga went to milk a cow - milking, not in a hurry. The maiden Sineglazka ate the milk and again chased after Ivan Tsarevich.
Ivan Tsarevich reaches the middle Baba Yaga, changed his horse and drove again. He is at the door, and the girl Sineglazka is at the door:
- Grandma, didn’t the beast roam, didn’t the good fellow drive by?
- No, child. And you would eat pancakes out of the way.
- Yes, you will bake for a long time.
- What are you, child, I'll do it alive ...
Baba Yaga baked pancakes - bakes, takes her time. The maiden Sineglazka ate and again chased after Ivan Tsarevich.
He reaches the youngest Baba Yaga, got off his horse, mounted his heroic horse and drove off again. He is outside the door, the girl Sineglazka is at the door and asks the Baba Yaga if a good fellow has passed by.
- No, child. And you would take a steam bath out of the way.
- Yes, you will heat for a long time.
- What are you, child, I'll do it alive ...
The Baba Yaga heated the bathhouse, prepared everything. The maiden Sineglazka took a steam bath, rolled over and again drove into the drift. Her horse jumps from hill to hill, sweeping rivers and lakes with her tail. She began to catch up with Ivan Tsarevich.
He sees a chase behind him: twelve bogatyrs with the thirteenth - the girl Sineglazka - get along with running into him, taking his head off his shoulders. He began to stop the horse, the girl Sineglazka jumped up and shouted to him:
- What are you, a thief, without asking from my well drank and the well did not cover!
And he told her:
- Well, let's part for three horses, let's try the strength.
Here Ivan Tsarevich and the maiden Sineglazka galloped on three horses, took battle clubs, long spears, sharp sabers. And they came together three times, they broke their clubs, they slashed their spears and sabers - they could not knock each other off their horses. There was no need for them to ride good horses, they jumped off their horses and grabbed in a handful.
They fought from morning to evening - the sun is red until sunset. Ivan Tsarevich's frisky leg turned up, he fell on the damp ground. The maiden Sineglazka knelt on his white chest and pulled out a damask dagger - flog his white chest.
Ivan Tsarevich and says to her:
- Do not ruin me, maiden Sineglazka, better take my white hands, lift me from the damp earth, kiss me on the sugary lips.
Here the maiden Sineglazka raised Ivan Tsarevich from the damp earth and kissed him on the sugary lips. And they pitched their tent in an open field, in a wide expanse, in green meadows. Here they walked for three days and three nights. Here they got engaged and exchanged rings. The maiden Sineglazka says to him:
- I'll go home - and you go home, but don't turn off anywhere ... In three years, wait for me in your kingdom.
They mounted their horses and dispersed... Whether it takes a long time, a short time, the work is not done soon, soon the fairy tale tells - Ivan Tsarevich reaches the rosstans, up to three roads, where the slab is a stone, and thinks:
"That's not good! I'm going home, and my brothers are missing."
And he did not listen to the girl Sineglazka, turned onto the road where a married man would be ... And he runs into a tower under a golden roof. Here, under Ivan Tsarevich, the horse neighed, and the brothers of the horses responded. The horses were one-stage...
Ivan Tsarevich went up onto the porch, banged his ring - the domes on the tower staggered, the windows twisted. A beautiful girl runs out.
- Oh, Ivan Tsarevich, I've been waiting for you for a long time! Come with me to eat bread and salt and sleep and rest. She took him to the tower and began to regale him. Ivan Tsarevich does not eat so much as throws under the table, not so much drinks as pours under the table. The beautiful girl took him to the bedroom.
- Lie down, Ivan Tsarevich, sleep, rest. And Ivan Tsarevich pushed her onto the bed, quickly turned the bed, the girl flew underground, into a deep hole.
Ivan Tsarevich leaned over the pit and shouted:
- Who is alive there?
And from the pit they answer:
- Fedor Tsarevich and Vasily Tsarevich.
He took them out of the pit - they are black in face, they have already begun to overgrow with earth. Ivan Tsarevich washed the brothers with living water - they became the same again.
They got on their horses and rode off ... How long, how short, they reached the rosstans. Ivan Tsarevich and says to the brothers:
- Watch my horse, and I will lie down and rest. He lay down on the silk grass and fell into a heroic sleep. And Fedor Tsarevich says to Vasily Tsarevich:
- We will return without living water, without rejuvenating apples - there will be little honor for us, our father will send us geese to graze.
Vasily Tsarevich answers:
- Let's lower Ivan Tsarevich into the abyss, and we will take these things and give them into the hands of our father.
So they took out rejuvenating apples and a jug of living water from his bosom, and they took him and threw him into the abyss. Ivan Tsarevich flew there for three days and three nights.
Ivan Tsarevich fell on the very seashore, came to his senses and sees: only the sky and water, and under the old oak by the sea, the chicks squeak - the weather beats them.
Ivan Tsarevich took off his caftan and covered the chicks, and he himself hid under an oak tree.
The weather has calmed down, the big bird Nagai is flying. She flew in, sat down under the oak and asked the chicks:
- My dear children, didn't the weather kill you?
- Do not shout, mother, a Russian man saved us, covered us with his caftan.
Bird Nagai asks Ivan Tsarevich:
Why are you here, dear man?
- My brothers threw me into the abyss for rejuvenating apples and for living water.
- You saved my children, ask me what you want: is it gold, silver, precious stone.
- Nothing, Nagai-bird, I do not need: no gold, no silver, no precious stone. Can't I get back to my hometown?
Nagai-bird answers him:
- Get me two vats - twelve pounds - of meat.
So Ivan Tsarevich shot geese and swans on the seashore, put it in two vats, put one vat on Nagaiptitsa's right shoulder, and the other vat on her left, he sat down on her back. Nagai began to feed the bird, it rose and flies into the sky.
She flies, and he gives her and gives ... How long, how short they flew like that, Ivan Tsarevich fed both vats. And the Nagai bird turns around again. He took a knife, cut off a piece from his leg and gave Nagai the bird. She flies, flies and turns again. He cut off the meat from the other leg and served it. It's not far to fly. Nagai-bird turns around again. He cut the meat from his chest and gave it to her.
Then the Nagai-bird informed Ivan Tsarevich to his native side.
- Well, you fed me all the way, but you never ate sweeter than the last piece.
Ivan Tsarevich shows her the wounds. Nagai-bird burped, burped three pieces:
- Put it in place. Ivan Tsarevich put - meat and adhered to the bones.
- Now get off me, Ivan Tsarevich, I'll fly home.
Nagai the bird rose up in the air, and Ivan Tsarevich went along the road to his native side.
He came to the capital and learns that Fedor Tsarevich and Vasily Tsarevich brought living water and rejuvenating apples to their father, and the Tsar was healed: he still became strong in health and sharp-eyed.
Ivan Tsarevich did not go to his father, to his mother ... At that time, distant lands, in the distant kingdom, the strong hero Sineglazka gave birth to two sons. They grow by leaps and bounds. Soon the fairy tale is told, the deed is not soon done - three years have passed. Sineglazka took her sons, gathered an army and went to look for Ivan Tsarevich.
She came to his kingdom and in an open field, in a wide expanse, on green meadows, she pitched a white-lined tent. She covered the road from the tent with colored cloth. And he sends to the capital to the king to say:
- King, give the prince. If you don’t give it up, I’ll trample the whole kingdom, burn it, I’ll take you in full.
The tsar was frightened and sent the eldest - Fyodor Tsarevich. Fyodor Tsarevich walks through colored cloth, approaches a white-linen tent. Two boys run out.
- No, kids, this is your uncle.
- What would you like to do with him?
- And you, kids, treat him well. Then these two boys took their canes and let's whip Fyodor Tsarevich below the back. They beat him, he beat him, he barely took his legs off.
And Sineglazka again sends to the king:
- Give the prince ...
The tsar was frightened of the forest and sent the middle one - Vasily Tsarevich. He approaches the tent. Two boys run out.
- Mother, isn't this our father coming?
- No, kids, this is your uncle. Feed him well.
Two boys again, let's scratch the uncle with canes. They beat, they beat, Vasily Tsarevich barely carried his legs. Sineglazka sends for the third time to the king:
- Go, look for the third son, Ivan Tsarevich. If you don’t find it, I’ll trample the whole kingdom, I’ll burn it. The tsar was even more frightened, sends for Fedor Tsarevich and Vasily Tsarevich, orders them to find their brother, Ivan Tsarevich. Then the brothers fell at their father's feet and confessed everything: they took living water and rejuvenating apples from sleepy Ivan Tsarevich, and threw him into the abyss.
The king heard this and burst into tears. And at that time, Ivan Tsarevich himself goes to Sineglazka ...
He approaches the white linen tent. Two boys run out.
- Mother, mother, someone is coming to us ... And Sineglazka to them:
- Take him by the white hands, lead him into the tent. This is your own father. He suffered innocently for three years. Here they took Ivan Tsarevich by the white hands and led him into the tent. Sineglazka washed him and combed his hair, changed his clothes and put him to bed...
The next day Sineglazka and Ivan Tsarevich arrived at the palace. Then a feast began for the whole world - an honest feast and for a wedding. Fedor Tsarevich and Vasily Tsarevich had little honor, they drove them out of the courtyard - to spend the night where there is a night, where there are two, and there is no place to spend the third night ...
Ivan Tsarevich did not stay here, but went with Sineglazka to her maiden kingdom.
Here the fairy tale ends.

In folk tales and legends, rejuvenating apples got rid of diseases and extended the life of fairy-tale heroes. You can cook them yourself! How?

What are women ready for for youth and beauty?

Since ancient times, women have solved their problems with the help of those plants that grew around.

Fruits, vegetables, berries, leaves, flowers, branches, bark and even roots were used. In combination with well or spring water, as well as ancient incantations¹, this gave a very tangible effect.

For the sake of eternal youth, women at all times were ready for anything: to torture themselves with hunger, to take harmful drugs, to endure any pain. Or is there another, safer way?

Rejuvenating apples - a real magical remedy

Ever since the time of Adam and Eve, magical properties have been attributed to the apple. It is enough to recall the well-known story about Helen, which caused the Trojan War to break out, or our folk tales, in which magic rejuvenating apples restored youth and beauty.

The events that the Bible describes, epic or folklore works, must necessarily have a real basis. That is, rejuvenating apples have proven themselves so well as a magical remedy that they remain in the memory of the people forever. It is not surprising that many magicians, healers, those who own clairvoyance² use apples in their magical rituals.

How to cook rejuvenating apples?

Rejuvenating apples are prepared as follows:

1. They take a large red apple, wash it and cut it into three, five or seven parts, depending on the number of participants in the ceremony. The seeds from the apple should be removed, and the pieces put in a deep plate.

2. In another plate, mix holy water with cold boiled water (half a glass each) and pour apple slices into it.

3. Then they take a pinch of sugar and, sprinkling it in a circle (clockwise) on apples, say: “Lord, give me back my youth!”

4. Once again they take a pinch of sugar and, sprinkling apples in the same way, they say: “Lord, give me back happiness!”

5. And the third pinch is poured into the center of the plate and asked: “Lord, give me back what has passed!”

If you are performing the ceremony yourself, eat the whole apple, and if not, distribute all the pieces among the participants in the ceremony. Pour the water from the plate into a bottle and wipe your face with it morning and evening for seven days in a row, let it dry, and then rinse with warm water. See what kind of face you will have!

And one more thing: be sure to sincerely believe in what you are doing. Most importantly, believe - and your desires will come true!

Berries will give strength and take away trouble

There are many sweet berries and fruits that have certain protective properties. By using them, you can protect yourself from the negative influences of others. For example:

  • Cherry makes a person invulnerable from envious people. In addition, these berries enhance energy.
  • The aroma of blackcurrant gives strength of mind and helps to defeat the evil intentions of ill-wishers.
  • Dates are used in some rituals - with their help they give strength to a weak person. They protect from evil and bad people.
  • Persimmon creates a protective aura around a person. It is useful to eat it when you often have to communicate with people who are negative towards you. The fruit of the yellow-hot persimmon, if eaten at dawn, will relieve a bad mood. Remember that you should never eat persimmons on the night of the full moon - this will lead to apathy.
  • Pomegranate protects from evil spells. If you eat it on the 13th, it will give protection and success in business.

Why do people call rose hips "bush of good hope"?

In autumn, red rose hips are harvested and dried. In the realm of the senses, this amazing plant makes the impossible possible. Brew rosehip tea for your chosen one, and all obstacles in the way of love will be overcome.

Problems associated with financial difficulties, differences in social status or age will fade into the background. Only love will remain. Pure, sincere, which gives hope for a happy marriage.

If a girl has not yet met her soul mate, she needs to string dry rose hips on a strong red thread and wear such a necklace for several hours a day to call for love.

It is useful for married women from time to time to prepare her husband tea from rose hips, an infusion or decoction of its fruits. The magic drink will maintain tenderness, spiritual harmony in the relationship of the spouses.

Since ancient times, wild rose bushes have been planted in villages near houses - their sharp thorns scared away evil forces, protected the owners, brought them well-being. A similar effect can be achieved if three dried fruits of this plant are placed at the front door and in each room. You can spread rosehip petals in the corners of the rooms - and they will save you from failures and bring peace and tranquility to the family.

And if you wipe your face twice a day with “rejuvenating water” (pour two tablespoons of fruits with two cups of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain), then all small wrinkles will quickly smooth out.

Acorn - the key to family happiness

If you often have conflicts with your soulmate, an acorn necklace will successfully extinguish the flames of quarrels and reconcile the warring parties.

To create a guard of peace and tranquility, you need to go to the oak after 18.00 - at this time he is most ready to communicate with a person. Mentally or aloud explain the essence of the problem to the tree by putting your hand on the bark, after which you can collect an odd number of acorns at the rate of: one acorn for one month of the amulet (but note that there should be at least three and no more than nine).

Thank oak. Returning home, use a thick needle and a strong red thread to make a kind of acorn necklace. Hang it in the kitchen, but in a place where it is not too conspicuous. When the amulet expires, the necklace should be disposed of - acorns have absorbed too many different energy dirt.

We sincerely hope that these tips will help you in resolving life's problems.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Conspiracy - "small" folklore texts that serve as a magical means of achieving the desired in healing, protective, producing and other rituals (

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