Words of gratitude to a social worker from pensioners. My calling is social work

A thank you letter is a piece of paper that contains text expressing gratitude. The addressee of the document can be either a specific employee or a work team. The main purpose of writing a letter is to note any outstanding services of the employee to the company. A well-written appeal must be framed taking into account the rules of business style of storytelling. Below are several sample texts of gratitude papers for various achievements, successes, and activities.

In most cases, the thank you letter is written on company letterhead. In addition, as a basis you can use a sheet of thick paper, decorated in a formal business style.

A significant role in the process of preparing a letter of gratitude is played by the circumstances in connection with the occurrence of which the manager decides to express gratitude in writing to the employee.

Examples of thank you letter texts to an employee for various services

For participation in the event

Situations arise in which the management of a company rewards an employee with a letter of gratitude after his participation in an important event or for organizing it. In this case, the document can be formatted in this way.


LLC "Spectrum"

Dear Larisa Grigorievna!

On behalf of Spectr LLC, we thank you for your active participation in the Golden Autumn event. Your performance was at the highest level, the composition that you performed did not leave indifferent any guest present in the hall! We express our deep gratitude, because without you the implementation of this project would have been impossible. We wish you good health, good luck, creative prosperity!

Sincerely, the team of Spectr LLC

For good work and many years of work

The head of the company can thank the employee with an appropriate letter when he achieves certain professional goals, as well as in the case of constant proper performance of his job duties, while the text notes the good work of the employee, his contribution to development, many years of work, and the successes achieved. In this case, the document can be formatted as follows.


Dear Arthur Olegovich!

We sincerely express our gratitude to you on behalf of our entire company for the fact that you have been working conscientiously in our team for several years. Your many years of work, professionalism, responsibility, and constant desire to prove yourself as a leader are very important qualities for us. Thank you for trying to improve the quality of our company.

We would like to sincerely wish you further professional success and achievement of your goals. Let optimism and a business-like attitude towards work never leave you!

Sincerely, Mitin E. A.

Director of the company "Arfa"

Due to retirement

If an employee retiring has made an invaluable contribution to the development of the company, regularly and fully fulfilled his official duties, the organization’s management has the right to reward the employee with a letter of gratitude for many years of work in the event of his retirement. In this case, the following option is allowed for paperwork for an employee retiring.


Dear Tatyana Stanislavovna!

We would like to admit that we are very sorry to part with you! We express our deep gratitude for choosing our company for long-term cooperation. Your contribution to its development is invaluable. You have all the qualities of a leader - honesty, integrity, hard work, determination, and the ability to find an approach to every subordinate. Thanks to you, we have completed an important mission - we have achieved significant success in the field of metallurgy.

So let me congratulate you on your retirement! We wish you to remain the same purposeful and creative person. Remember - retirement is a kind of beginning of a new life. I wish you good health, happiness and success in your new endeavors!

Sincerely, Ivanov Maxim Vadimovich

General Director of the company "Rassvet"

A few more examples of thank you letters for employees

For many years of work and good work (click to enlarge): In honor of the employee's anniversary: ​​(click to enlarge)

Say “Thank you for caring!”

The work of a social worker is not easy, and only a sincere approach and respect for older people makes their work irreplaceable. And, of course, such work evokes the most positive feedback from clients.

Both social workers and the Center's administration regularly receive words of gratitude from clients in the form of greeting cards, letters of gratitude, and phone calls for their hard and much-needed work.

Now, thanks to the Internet, and in particular the Center’s website, all wishes and thanks will be published in the “Thank you for your concern” section constantly as thanks are received.


Gratitude to Pavlina Nikolaevna Lytaeva

“I sincerely congratulate all workers on Social Worker’s Day! With all my heart I wish you all the brightest, the best, the kindest. May God grant you patience and health in your difficult work.

Sincerely, Lytaeva Pavlina Nikolaevna.”

Gratitude from Ada Vasilievna Bagrinovskaya

“I would like to express my gratitude to O.M. Ushakova for her care, kindness and attention!

In addition, Olga Mikhailovna is very punctual, conscientious and responsive. And this is far from common human qualities. How great it is that we have such young people!

I wish your organization prosperity, and your employees, Olga Mikhailovna especially, peace, health, spring, good luck!

Sincerely, labor veteran A.V. Bagrinovskaya"



Vikulova Antonina Sergeevna congratulated the head of the department of social services at home No. 2 Lyudmila Alekseevna Seregina, social worker Svetlana Dmitrievna Makeeva and the entire staff of the Center on their professional holiday - Social Worker's Day:

Dear friends!
You have chosen the most merciful profession
Are you proud of your profession?
It was given to you from God.
Thank you for your kindness, attention, care
From older people
There is no way we can do without you.
We are grateful to you for
That you can warm your soul,
After all, it’s not easy for the older generation
More and more often we have to get sick.
Nature ordered it this way
That no one can escape old age,
But at this time you come to the rescue
And with you “grace”.
We, like family, are always waiting for you
Come into our house with a sunny smile.
And immediately our souls will become lighter and warmer
That each of us is not alone.
You will not lack warmth and kindness
And at our age, this is the main thing for us.
This means your heart is capable of empathy
Please accept our deepest bow to you.
In conclusion I want to say:
Like a sunny day
Like a wonderful fairy tale
Let your life
She will always be beautiful.

Gratitude to Klavdiya Sergeevna Byrgazova

“Please accept my gratitude for workers like Svetlana Gennadievna Bannaya. Svetlana Gennadievna is a very honest and decent person, energetic and polite. I really want her to be celebrated on the eve of the holiday on May 9, let her be pleased. Social workers have a difficult job, it is difficult with people, and with the elderly it is 10 times more difficult. With respect, K.S. Byrgazova, labor veteran, home front worker.”

Gratitude to Zhanna Vasilievna Chugunova

Zhanna Vasilievna Chugunova, a labor veteran and a disabled person, congratulates the team on Victory Day: “Great day - Great Victory - May 9th! And even though this holiday has tears in our eyes, these are bright tears, tears of gratitude, for those who survived that terrible war on the battlefield. The courage of oblivion does not happen! Years later, we remember and are proud! Heartfelt congratulations to your entire team on the Victory Day!”



Gratitude from Nadezhda Ivanovna Kharina

Kharina Nadezhda Ivanovna, labor veteran

Gratitude to Galina Alekseevna Belorybkina

Galina Alekseevna, a labor veteran, honored teacher of the Russian Federation, thanks social worker Elena Lvovna Shabaldina for her conscientious attitude to work:
“Elena Lvovna is a hardworking, committed person. He knows how to listen, which is very important for lonely people.”

Gratitude to Antonina Sergeevna Vikulova

Vikulova Antonina Sergeevna congratulated the head of the department Lyudmila Alekseevna Seregina, social worker Svetlana Dmitrievna Makeeva and the entire staff of the Center on International Women’s Day on March 8:

The month of March and the eighth day,
The smell of spring was in the air.
We will praise spring
And allow me to congratulate you
Happy International Women's Day March 8th
And the coming of spring!

Wish you:
Better health, easier work,
The sun is warmer, the mood is more cheerful,
More optimism, longer life
I sincerely wish you all earthly blessings.

We are glad that you do not age forever
Kind, attentive, cordial,
Your work is always honorable.
Thank you for your good deeds

You are such skilled housewives in the house.
And your hands are golden.
Boil, fry, cook, bake
Create comfort in the house.

How do you guys manage to do everything?
Sometimes you surprise men so much.
The festive table in the house pleases
Can you be called the weaker sex?

How much work is there at the dacha, in the garden?
This is incomprehensible to the mind
You dig, plant, loosen, water,
And in the fall you harvest a rich harvest.

How many worries and troubles are on your shoulders?
About children, grandchildren and husbands.
We need to compose songs and epics about you
In every family you are irreplaceable.

And today, on March 8th, you are charming, elegant and gentle.
Exempted from all work.
The men perform all services with enthusiasm
They show talent, skills and care for you.

Gallant, very loving men
We went shopping for gifts
For you, dear mothers, wives, daughters,
They are dedicated to Women's Day.

The men were not bored
I had a chance to clean the house
We did everything for our beloved women,
They did not sit idly by.

And then they put on caps, aprons and then,
We started preparing different dishes,
So that on the festive table
The food was delicious and healthy.

How many warm words have been said to women,
Presented with gifts and flowers
Songs, dances, jokes, laughter
Everyone was happy today.

A woman is a sacred thing!
Your main purpose is
Continuation of the human race.
Warmth, kindness, light emanate from you.
And the main thing is love,
On which a family is built.
Be healthy and happy!

Valentina Ivanovna Gulevich expressed her gratitude to the staff of the emergency social services department A.V. Zarubina and driver V.V. Leontyev for his kindness, sensitivity, attention, and respectful attitude towards older people: “I used the services of a social taxi. The taxi arrived as requested, right on time, which is important for older people. Thank you".
Paid social transport service “Social Taxi” is intended for the following categories of citizens:
 disabled people of the first and second groups who have restrictions in movement;
 citizens who have reached the age of 80 years and older;
 participants of the Great Patriotic War.
The service is provided on weekdays from 8.30 to 17.00.



Gratitude to Evelina Petrovna Bormotova

Evelina Petrovna Bormotova, a labor veteran, in a letter sent to the Center, thanks all employees and social worker Oksana Viktorovna Aksenova:

“I want to thank you for your help, which is so necessary for us, the elderly, and so important for us. It prolongs our life. I would like to give an example of such help. It’s been two months since I got an assistant, Oksana Viktorovna Aksenova. Believe me, she made my life a lot easier. I would like to thank her for her excellent work, cordial attitude, delicacy in communication, and commitment. Always benevolent, tactful and cordial. And after cleaning it, the apartment simply shines. Not a single request of mine remains unfulfilled. Once again thank you for your work. Sincerely, Evelina Petrovna.”

Gratitude to Lyubov Georgievna Romanovskaya

Lyubov Georgievna, the daughter of 98-year-old Spadlova Adolfina Ippolitovna, a client of the social and medical services department, expressed her gratitude to social worker Marina Aleksandrovna Moshkina:

“I thank social sister Marina Aleksandrovna for taking care of my mother, patience, and professionalism. Thank you very much to her."

Every year, more than one thousand people in the Central District of Kemerovo use the Center’s home care services. Relations between employees and clients are built on the principles of respect and goodwill. The Center's employees demonstrate respect and a friendly attitude towards the beliefs of their clients and their values. They respect culture, goals, needs, preferences, relationships, and connections with others. All emerging issues of social services are resolved through joint efforts through the creation and observance of equal guaranteed opportunities to use the potential of state and public social services, organizations and associations. No elderly person goes unheard. Clients, feeling care and sincere attention, do not remain in debt; they express their gratitude both verbally and in print.

It should be noted that the administration of the Center for Social Services and higher organizations often receive words of gratitude in which clients express gratitude and note the high quality of service and professionalism of social workers.

The management of the Center for Social Services values ​​the opinions of its clients and constantly works to improve the professional level of its employees, develop and introduce new types and forms of service, highly values ​​its staff, which allows it to achieve good work results and high quality service.

Svetlana Ivanovna Zazulina has been using the services of the Center for a long time. The grateful client more than once expressed words of gratitude to the head of the department, Galina Grigorievna Khlynovskaya, and the social workers of the Center, noting the decency and impartiality of the performance of professional duties.

From childhood, Svetlana Ivanovna was fond of poetry. She wrote her first poems in school years.

Svetlana Ivanovna Zazulina worked as a doctor. Most of the poems are dedicated to the years of medical service: congratulations to colleagues - doctors on holidays and anniversaries, coverage of significant events in the life of the team.

We are pleased to present to the attention of site visitors poems by Svetlana Ivanovna, addressed to Russian women - mothers, wives, sisters, friends, filled with a special emotional coloring and deep life meaning:

Avicenna's heirs

Unusual profession

Fate gave us.

Having passed the student sessions,

We are always on duty.

We open children's eyes,

We issue tickets to heaven,

Although they are not treated kindly by a salary,

Don't worry, don't be sad.

May our duty be difficult

Don't close your tired eyes,

The baby's smile is wonderful -

A divine gift for us.

Although the economy inspires,

That our labor is now a commodity,

Turn a doctor into a barber

I would not like to be small and old.

And the wisest Hippocrates

I'm not happy about the economy.

Let's believe sacredly

Hippocratic Oath.

So that the doctor is in front of you

I saw a patient

Not fat or thin

Client's wallet.

If you don't have a soul,

Don't rush to Aesculapius.

Compassion is valuable

Avicenna teaches.



Gratitude to Zoya Anatolyevna Talanova

Client of the social service department at home No. 7 Zoya Anatolyevna Talanova expresses her deep gratitude and appreciation to her social worker Tamara Aleksandrovna Kobyzova.

“Tamara Alexandrovna is a kind, attentive and sensitive person. Her arrival is always a joy for me. After the operation, Tamara Alexandrovna literally came out and put me on my feet.I wish Tamara Alexandrovna health, prosperity, and long life!”

The client of the social service department at home No. 3 Kasyanova Alexandra Nikolaevna expresses her deep gratitude to the head of the social service department at home No. 3 Elfimova Irina Konstantinovna and her social worker Andreeva Lyubov Yuryevna.“I am eternally grateful for the sensitive and attentive attitude towards me and my problems. I wish you, Irina Konstantinovna, and you Lyubov Yuryevna, health, prosperity, and success in your hard work!

Gratitude to Alina Nikolaevna Chemodanova

Client of the social service department at home No. 5 Alina Nikolaevna Chemodanova expresses her deep gratitude to her social worker Nadezhda Ivanovna Doroshenko.

“Nadezhda Ivanovna is a very wonderful person, communicating with her is a pleasure. He does his work carefully and conscientiously. She has the ability to calm, cheer up, and life is already
doesn't seem so heavy! Thank you, Nadezhda Ivanovna!”

Gratitude to Silvia Vasilievna Berezina

A client of the department of social and medical care at home, Sylvia Vasilievna Berezina, expresses her gratitude to the director of the Center A.V. Ivanova, head of the department S.S. Kornatovskaya. Dear Anna Vasilievna and Svetlana Sergeevna!

I sincerely congratulate you on the professional holiday “Social Worker’s Day!” I wish you health and success in your much needed work. I would also like to express my gratitude to the social workers: Marina Aleksandrovna Moshkina, Elena Viktorovna Troyan, Elena Anatolyevna Kolesnikova, Irina Aleksandrovna Yarkova! For their tolerance, honesty, kindness! Thank you very much! Happy holiday!

Gratitude to Sofia Ivanovna Ryashchenko

The client of the social service department at home No. 7 Ryashchenko Sofya Ivanovna expresses gratitude to the social worker Pingina Zinaida Innokentievna and the head of the social service department at home No. 7 Khlynovskaya Galina Grigorievna.“It’s so good that there is such a service that helps make the lives of older people easier! Zinaida Innokentievna and Galina Grigorievna are kind and attentive workers. I thank them very much, because attention is very important for us, older people.”

Gratitude from Bychkov Georgy Artemyevich

“I express my gratitude for the vegetable set provided. I would like to note the well-coordinated work of the employees of the emergency social services department, who delivered a vegetable kit to my home. Thanks for taking care of me." Bychkov Georgy Artemyevich, veteran of the Great Patriotic War, disabled person of the second group.

Thanks to Alexandra Nikolaevna Kasyanova

“I sincerely thank the head of the department of social services at home No. 3 Elfimova Irina Konstantinovna and social worker Redkina Yulia Ivanovna for their care and sensitive attitude towards older people.” Kasyanova Alexandra Nikolaevna, labor veteran, home front worker.

Gratitude to Valentina Anatolyevna Ryabikova

The Center received a letter of gratitude from labor veteran Valentina Anatolyevna Ryabikova: “With all my heart and soul I express gratitude for the support and material assistance that helped me survive in a difficult life situation that occurred due to the theft of a bag with money and documents .
I wish all social service workers health, success in this difficult noble work, prosperity and happiness in their personal lives.”

Gratitude to Valentina Petrovna Makarova

On the initiative of the Governor of the Kemerovo region A.G. Tuleev in Kuzbass there has been a social support program for many years. As part of this program, in the fall, citizens in need are provided with vegetable sets. A vegetable set weighing 85 kilograms, consisting of 50 kg of potatoes, 5 kg of onions, 10 kg of carrots, 10 kg of cabbage, was received in October 2013 by 12,000 residents of Kuzbass. Following the results of the campaign, a letter was received from Valentina Petrovna Makarova: “I would like to say a huge thank you to Aman Gumirovich for the vegetable set provided. Thanks to the director of the Center A.V. Ivanova, head of the department G.G. Khlynovskaya and my social worker M.V. Pikhtareva for their noble work!”



Gratitude from Gennady Nikolaevich Yablokov

Client of the social service department at home No. 3 Gennady Nikolaevich Yablokov expressed warm words of gratitude to his social worker Anastasia Anatolyevna Basenko, who has been a faithful assistant for the past five years.

“In May, as a result of an unfortunate fall, I received a severe injury - a fractured femoral neck. He spent some time in the hospital, then underwent rehabilitation at home. And all this time, all six months, my guardian angel, Anastasia Anatolyevna, was with me. Thanks to her care, kindness and golden hands, I literally got back on my feet!

I wish Anastasia Anatolyevna health, prosperity, success in all her endeavors and long life!”

Gratitude from Raisa Osipovna Ivanova

A client of the department of social and medical services at home, Raisa Osipovna Ivanova, expressed sincere gratitude to her two dearest people today: nurse Elena Anatolyevna Kolesnikova and social worker Natalya Yuryevna Ilina!

“Elena Anatolyevna is a nurse from God. Warm gentle hands, sensitivity, attentiveness and compassion - all these qualities are intertwined in this fragile girl. She constantly accompanies me to appointments with various specialists at the clinic, and if it happens that for health reasons I have to stay in the hospital for some time, Elena Anatolyevna visits me almost every day. She is like a ray of light in a dark window!

Natalya Yuryevna is an indispensable assistant for me in household chores. She always knows what I need without further ado. Thanks to Natalya Yuryevna’s conscientiousness, everything in my apartment shines and sparkles. Elena Anatolyevna and Natalya Yuryevna are professionals with a capital P! Many thanks to them!”

Gratitude to Lidiya Sergeevna Kozlobaeva

“I, Kozlobaeva Lidiya Sergeevna, have been working at the Center for social services not so long ago, since September 2011. I have always felt like an active and independent person. However, old age crept up unnoticed, and my strength was no longer the same. I began to feel lethargic and apathetic. I had to resort to the services of a social worker. I would like to express my deep gratitude to two social workers at once: Tatyana Viktorovna Mashinina and Elena Yuryevna Khorosheva!

Tatyana Viktorovna is my constant assistant, but unfortunately, she is currently on sick leave. During sick leave, Elena Yuryevna serves me. I am very grateful to have such wonderful and extremely friendly people next to me!”

Gratitude to Rimma Arkadyevna Zimina

“Thank you that there is such social protection for us, old, lonely and helpless. It was with these words that the appeal to the director of the Center, Anna Vasilievna Ivanova, began from a client of the social service department at home No. 7, Rimma Arkadyevna Zimina.

I would like to express my gratitude to the head of the department, Galina Grigorievna Khlynovskaya, and the social worker Lidiya Anatolyevna Kazakova.

I am very pleased that the head of the department shows sensitivity and attention to my problems and does even more than she should. The apartment I live in has been in need of renovation for a long time. I turned to Galina Grigorievna for help on this “sick” issue. She immediately responded to my request and found me an experienced apartment renovation specialist. Dmitry, that’s the name of the craftsman, did everything professionally: he whitewashed the ceilings and covered the walls with wallpaper. Lidiya Anatolyevna, my social worker, immediately washed everything and put the apartment in order after the construction work. Thanks to your care, my apartment became clean and bright. And your soul is so warm and calm, because you know that there are people in the world who are not indifferent to the problems of lonely elderly people. And in conclusion, I would like to recall the lines from one very famous song: “Why, why, why do I feel good? The fact that you are Galina Grigorievna and Lidia Anatolyevna just made me smile!”

Gratitude to the team of the day care department

Not everyone's old age is just around the corner
You know how they treat her...
But we have warm-hearted people,
And here we will tell a story about them:
Here we are all called by name.
Greeting you with affection, they probably know
How the elderly need this affection,
How restlessly we sleep without her.
And even though we only come here during the day,
Then we live at home with this affection.
We look forward to the morning again,
JOY awaits us - this is the basis of life.
We were taught to do exercises here,
We boldly drove away our fears here!
They restored our faith in our strength here,
We have turned our lives in a new direction!
Your concerns for us, the wards,
A heavy burden has fallen on your shoulders.
Old age sometimes spoils our nature,
It’s a pity, but there is no medicine for old age.
God commanded us to love our neighbors,
But he didn’t tell me how to love myself.
And without Love, old age will be weakness.
And it will awaken irritation in people.
Your support, GIFT OF A BIG HEART -
We really need it, honestly!
It's a pity we'll have to part soon,
Only we will look forward to seeing you again.
You and I have now become a BROTHERHOOD.
And with my heart - giving it to my heart
For other people - this is HOLY work!

Throughout the entire cycle, we were provided with an interesting and varied cultural and entertainment program.
The cooks of the Center made us very happy; they fed us very tasty, home-style food.
The impressions are wonderful!
Be healthy, protected and loved by God!

Day care clients

Thanks to Nina Petrovna Guseva

“I, Guseva Nina Petrovna, have been a member of the Center for social services since January 2012. I would like to express my deep gratitude to the leadership of the Center for the existence of such a service. After all, thanks to social protection, we old and lonely people do not feel forgotten and abandoned. We know that kind and caring helpers will come to us in any weather. This is exactly what Elena Vladimirovna Sheveleva, my social worker at home social services department No. 3, is. I am eternally grateful for her tact, attentiveness and responsiveness.

Elena Vladimirovna brings joy to my home!"

Gratitude to Nagelia Shaikherlovna Yunusova

A client of the social service department at home No. 6, Nagelia Shaikherlovna Yunusova, expressed gratitude to her social worker Olga Alekseevna Aleshina.

“In May I was hospitalized for knee replacement. The operation was performed in Leninsk-Kuznetsk. Olga Alekseevna took upon herself all the troubles of preparing for hospitalization. She helped collect the necessary documents and accompanied me to get tested. I am very glad that next to me there is such a wonderful and sincere person as Olga Alekseevna.
Thank her very much!”

Gratitude from Samorukov Anatoly Fedorovich

“I, Samorukov Anatoly Fedorovich, a client of the social service department at home No. 2, a disabled person of group 2, a labor veteran, a home front worker, I want to express my gratitude to my social worker Irina Aleksandrovna Razokova. She is not only an honest and conscientious worker, she really helped me solve one pressing problem. I was very afraid of the onset of the heating season, because... The pipes in all the rooms were in unusable condition. Irina Aleksandrovna, on her own initiative, went to the management of the REU and ensured that the pipes in all rooms were replaced. I am eternally grateful to her for everything!”

Gratitude to Maria Kuzminichna Litvinova

“I, Maria Kuzminichna Litvinova, a labor veteran, group III disabled person, would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the head of the social services department at home No. 7, Galina Grigorievna Khlynovskaya, and social worker Lidiya Anatolyevna Kazakova.

Since April 2012 I use the services of this branch. Lidiya Anatolyevna is very caring and does housework conscientiously and accurately. I needed help cleaning my husband's grave. It became difficult to monitor the condition and appearance of the burial. So, Galina Grigorievna and Lidia Anatolyevna helped me with this. They removed all the dried grass, washed the fence and the monument.

Many thanks to them!”

Gratitude to Maria Sergeevna Korolyov, Anatoly Kirillovich and Lidia Ivanovna Gulnyashkina

Clients of the social service department at home No. 6 Maria Sergeevna Koroleva, Anatoly Kirillovich and Lidiya Ivanovna Gulnyashkina express their gratitude to social worker Galina Fedorovna Belenkova. Galina Fedorovna is a conscientious, decent woman. We always look forward to her arrival with great joy. Thank you very much for your attentive and sensitive attitude towards us, pensioners! We wish Galina Fedorovna health, happiness and success in work.

Gratitude to Nina Timofeevna Batogova

Client of the social service department at home No. 1 Batogova Nina Timofeevna expresses gratitude to her social worker Mitus N.S.

“Natalya Sergeevna is an attentive, kind, friendly, conscientious, responsible girl. Delivers food and medicine in a timely manner, provides moral support and is always interested in my health. The work of a social worker requires great physical and mental strength, great patience and mercy. I thank Natalya Sergeevna for her very difficult and necessary work. I wish success in work, health to the director of the Center and all employees."

Here you will find a variety of text samples (for every taste and situation) for a letter of gratitude to an employee for many years of work and simply for good work.

All names, surnames, geographical names and names of organizations are used solely for convenience of presentation, do not forget to replace them with your data. The necessary recommendations for writing a letter are at the end of the page.

Option #1

Dear Yuri Mikhailovich!

We express our gratitude to you for the fact that you have been working with us for 15 years and making a huge contribution to the development and prosperity of the company! Thanks to the high level of your professionalism, we are jointly able to fulfill an important mission - to contribute to the successful development of the country's woodworking industry!

On your 45th birthday, we wish you inexhaustible creative energy, achievement of all goals and fulfillment of all plans, success, good health, happiness and joy!


Director of LLC "Martian"

Option No. 2

Dear Maxim Yurievich!

The Department of State Fire Supervision of Lipetsk expresses its deep gratitude to you for your cooperation and many years of conscientious work in preventing fires in our city.

We wish you success in solving your work problems, stability in life, good spirits, good health, and optimism.

May fate protect you and the people dear to your heart.


Chief Inspector of Lipetsk

on fire supervision

A. A. Artamonov

Option #3

Goncharova V. M.

Dear Viktor Mikhailovich!

Please accept my warmest and heartfelt words of gratitude for your responsiveness and attention to rural workers.

Your life experience, the highest professionalism and complete dedication allow you to successfully solve complex problems of the socio-economic development of the region for the benefit of its residents and the prosperity of the country!

Your friendly attitude towards people, your ability to understand their needs and aspirations, have earned deep respect and gratitude from citizens.

I sincerely wish you success, prosperity, an active team of like-minded people, health, love of your loved ones. Let our fruitful cooperation continue to strengthen and develop.

Director of MU "Support Center"

Lebedyansky municipal district

C. R. Pchelin

Option No. 4

Dear Dmitry Appolonovich!

On behalf of the leadership of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Novgorod Region, I express my gratitude to you for your active participation in organizing the interaction of internal affairs bodies and private security companies in maintaining public order and fighting crime in the territory of Novgorod.

I wish you good health, good luck, prosperity and express hope for your further interaction with the internal affairs bodies!

Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

in the Novgorod region

Major General of Police

Ts. Kh. Mazhorkin

Option #5

Vasilyeva Anastasia Vladimirovna,

history teacher at the Mir Lyceum.

The municipal cultural institution “Museum of the History of the City of Kaliningrad” expresses gratitude to you for working with students of grade 5 “B” on the class memory book “Know! Remember! Be proud!

Such projects are important for the younger generation to feel involved in the history of our Motherland, pride in their ancestors and respect for the defenders of the Fatherland.

The management and staff of the museum express their deep gratitude to A.V. Vasilyeva for her personal participation in the education of young people.

Director of IAUK

"Museum of the History of the City of Kaliningrad"

A. Yu. Kashirina

Option #6

We express our special gratitude to Lidiya Voevodina, head of customer relations at KoshTrans-SPb LLC, for her responsible and conscientious attitude towards working with our company.

We would like to especially note your kindness and competence. We wish you further success in your work!

Director of Meduza LLC

Option No. 7

The IT-Innovation company expresses gratitude to Ilya Vladimirovich Smirnov, an employee of the Media Bomba company, for his conscientious attitude and high-quality work on the layout and client programming of the Internet projects buzilabra.ok, fignya.ok, kashirina.ok. Noting your creative approach, thoughtfulness and determination in solving non-standard problems, we wish you creative success and professional growth!

President of the company "IT-Innovation"

S. Z. Sidorov

Moscow 2019

Option No. 8

Dear Leonid Kharitonovich!

We express our sincere gratitude and deep appreciation for the fruitful cooperation in the outgoing 2019.

We believe in maintaining existing business and friendly relations, and hope for further mutually beneficial cooperation next year 2020. We wish you successful development and achievement of new heights.


Director of JSC "Start"

L. L. Lomov

Option No. 9

Dear Timofey Ilyich!

The management of Golden Hands LLC expresses its gratitude to you and expresses gratitude for your energetic contribution to the company’s activities. Your constructive proposals for improving the technology of electric cooling processes made it possible to increase the efficiency of turbine shop No. 3 by 1.86% in just one month. We wish you creative success and interesting innovative ideas.

We would also like to especially note your active participation in eliminating the consequences of the accident in turbine shop No. 1 of power plant No. 4. Thank you for your courage, composure and professionalism shown on the day of the accident.

We look forward to our further productive cooperation.


LLC "Golden Hands"

A. Zh. Zhukov

Option No. 10

I express my sincere gratitude to Timofey Ilyich Smirnov for his valuable information, consulting and psycho-correctional assistance.

Assistant at the Department of Clinical Psychology

and psychotherapy of Tver State

medical university,

Candidate of Medical Sciences

Kh. Zh. Neuronova

Option No. 11

Dear Alla Khrysantemovna!

I express to you my sincere gratitude and deep gratitude for many years of conscientious work, highly professional performance of official duties and in connection with the celebration of Medical Worker Day.

With all my heart I wish you good health, personal happiness, family well-being, and further success in your professional activities..

Z. Ts. Afonasyev

Option No. 12

The municipal cultural institution "District House of Culture" expresses gratitude to the employee of the Vint company, Zinovy ​​Olegovich Pchelin, for the quick and high-quality installation of chairs in the auditorium of the district House of Culture in the city of Kalinin.

Director of the Municipal Cultural Institution "District House of Culture"

I. E. Zorkin


Option No. 13

Dear Olga Sergeevna!

The Education Department of the Altai Municipal District Administration sincerely congratulates you on the 60th anniversary of Preschool Educational Institution No. 19 of the Gnomik kindergarten and thanks you for your diligent work and love given to the children. Every day you leave a piece of your warmth to your students, lovingly and carefully protecting them. Skillfully selected games, fairy tales, and exercises create a magical atmosphere of childhood. Each child is surrounded by warmth and care. A kindergarten for children is a second home. You have perfectly managed to organize a cozy corner where the face of each child reflects joy and delight.

We wish you, the entire teaching staff and administration of the institution creative success, health, patience and prosperity.


Ch. Ya. Ponomareva

Boevo village, 2019

Option No. 14

GUSO "Lebedyansky District Center for Social Security" thanks employee Olga Sergeevna Pchelina for her conscientious work and significant contribution to the development of social services.


Zh. E. Molotkova

Option No. 15

Dear Maxim Yurievich!

On behalf of our company, I express my sincere gratitude for the conscientious work you have performed over many years.

In this regard, I would like to note your enormous professional experience, potential and high qualifications.

Over the years of working with you, the high efficiency in resolving work issues also made an excellent impression.

We sincerely wish you prosperity and further success both in your professional activities and outside of it.


Director of OJSC "Rauma"

P. R. Razgulyaev

Option No. 16

Dear Natalya Kharitonovna!

The administration of secondary school No. 194, in honor of the 20th anniversary of teaching, expresses sincere gratitude for the enormous contribution to the training and education of the younger generation, for high professionalism and competence, dedication and hard work!

Your inherent efficiency, focus on achieving results, ability to make decisions, communication skills, and patience are admirable.

We wish you good health and prosperity, patience and optimism in your difficult, but noble and extremely important work!


A. Y. Aristova

Option No. 17

MKU "Education Department of the Kalinin District Executive Committee" expresses gratitude to the technical specialist of the Unified State Examination - teacher for economic development of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Troekurovskaya Secondary School" Egor Fedorovich Yuntikov for his conscientious work during the period of the unified state exams.

Head of MKU "Education Department"

Kalininsky district executive


T. Zh. Zhelezyakin

August, 2019

Option No. 18

The Primorsky branch of the Regional Public Institution “Vera” of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug expresses gratitude to Tamara Pavlovna Zheltova, an employee of the sector of the legal bureau in Novoagansk of the Office of the State Legal Bureau, for her high professionalism, sensitive and attentive attitude towards the residents of the village of Khant who sought legal advice.


P. Yu. Pupkin

Option No. 19

Dear Georges Petrovich!

We express our gratitude to you for your many years of work. You have proven yourself to be a qualified specialist, a competent leader and a talented organizer. You have rich practical experience and enjoy the well-deserved respect and authority of your colleagues. You are distinguished by hard work, responsibility, initiative, exactingness, determination and the ability to work with people. We wish you good health, goodness, happiness and prosperity!

Chairman of the Samara

Regional Duma

I. T. Konovalov

Option No. 20

Dear Anatoly Mikhailovich!

Yaga International LLC expresses gratitude to you for the conscientious performance of your official duties and the high-quality fulfillment of contractual obligations in the period from December 2018 to the present.

We wish you success in your professional activities and hope for further fruitful cooperation.


LLC "Yaga International"

P. P. Spiridonov

Option No. 21

The Department of Culture, Sports and Youth Policy expresses gratitude to Ekaterina Petrovna Razgulyaeva, chief accountant of the Molniya Youth Sports School.

Thank you for your tireless, conscientious work and high responsibility. For the high-quality implementation of the tasks assigned to you, adherence to strategic goals, understanding of the financial, political and economic priorities of the department, demonstrated initiative and high results in organizing the work of the department entrusted to you.

Department head

Culture, sports and

Youth Policy

R. E. Eduardova

  • The “header” (top of the sheet) should indicate “Letter of Thanks.”
  • Under the “header” there may be (but not necessarily) the name of the organization or full name. the person from whom the gratitude comes.
  • The text of the letter is laid out in the center of the page, each new paragraph begins with an indentation from the edge (i.e., with a “red line”).
  • The position of the author of the letter and the name of the organization (if not indicated in the “header” or under it) are indicated on the left edge at the very bottom of the page (see examples above). And the initials and surname are on the right edge.
  • The very last line of the letter should be the date. It is laid out at the bottom center or on the left edge, under the position of the responsible person (the author of the letter). Any date format is acceptable: only the year of writing, year and month, or in the format - day, month, year.
  • , you will find them at the link.
  • Individual words and phrases in the text may be highlighted in bold and/or capital letters.

Any employee can receive a letter of gratitude from the organization; such gratitude is expressed in case of good work. This is a business document containing words of gratitude, and the reason can be different: high-quality provision of services, well-done work, successful cooperation, assistance or assistance. A non-commercial business letter is addressed to one person or an entire team.

What is a thank you letter

An individual or a group can receive a letter of gratitude. This emphasizes the importance of people and their merits. Such a letter can be a response to a congratulation or an invitation. The letter of gratitude meets all the requirements of a business style; it contains the main parts: the header of the document, the address, the main text, the paper is accompanied by the signature of the manager, and a seal is affixed. The letter is written on company letterhead, has a clear form, and is one of the types of business communication between people.


A thank you letter is considered a business document, but some deviations from the rules are allowed here. The header is indicated if necessary; it is an optional element. It gives information about the person (or people) to whom gratitude is expressed. Below is the appeal. Then words of gratitude are placed, which consist of template phrases. And at the bottom left there should be a signature with the basic information of the person expressing gratitude: full name and position title. All this is often documented on letterhead on behalf of the manager.

You can download sample thank you letters on the Internet:

  • for cooperation;
  • employee;
  • organizations;
  • to the teacher;
  • doctor;
  • to the student;
  • for help;
  • for charity;
  • gratitude to parents, veterans, volunteers, etc.

Writing samples may be as follows:

  • Option 1:
    • The company (name) provides heartfelt expressions of gratitude and sincere gratitude to the company (name) and company managers for the high-quality and timely delivery of furniture (other goods).
    • We express confidence in maintaining the existing friendly relations, we would like to express hope for further mutually beneficial, fruitful cooperation.
    • Position, signature, full name.
  • Option 2:
    • Dear (name, patronymic)!
    • We express our gratitude to you for your many years of work; you make a huge contribution to the development and prosperity of the company!
    • On your 50th birthday, we wish you inexhaustible creative energy, the accomplishment of all your endeavors, further success, good health, joy, and happiness!
    • Sincerely, (position) signature, full name

What do you express gratitude for in a letter?

A thank you message is written for a job well done, assistance provided, and support. If people financially sponsored or were suppliers of equipment, furniture, and other necessary things, they can be sent thanks by email for their help, expressing deep gratitude with warm words that will lift the mood of the recipient and encourage him to do new good deeds.

For conscientious work

Some people devote many years to their work, they put in all their strength, they work conscientiously. They thank an employee of the organization with such a letter; it must indicate the name and patronymic of the person, how long he worked in the organization, and what merits he had during this time. Compose a text that mentions the person’s personal and professional qualities, and the projects the person has worked on. The purpose of a thank you message is to please a person and raise his strength to a new level, so it is important to write it correctly.

Sample letter thanking an employee:

  1. Dear (name, patronymic)!
  2. We express our gratitude to you, sincere appreciation for the fact that you have been working with us for 15 years and making a huge contribution to the development of the company!
  3. On your anniversary, we wish you inexhaustible creative energy, success, good health, happiness, creative achievements, and material wealth!
  4. Job title, signature, full name.

Gratitude for the work

The employee's immediate superior should write a thank-you note to the employee and then sign it. The text contains an appeal to both one person and the entire team of the company. Expressed if the project was completed on time or even earlier. If the team worked harmoniously and successfully, after which the company received a large profit, then the letter will also be in good form. Approximate structure:

  • Dear (name, patronymic or team so-and-so)!
  • Taking this opportunity, I would like to thank the employees of the company (name) for the service provided, high quality of work, efficiency and timely assistance in resolving pressing issues.
  • I hope for further long-term, fruitful cooperation.
  • Sincerely, (last name, first name).

For the assistance provided

Expressions of gratitude in business letters often follow how some kind of assistance has been provided to a company or a specific person by another organization or individual. Help is expressed in moral support and the organization of an event. Often help comes in the form of sponsorship from a company or person in his new project.

  • Dear (io)!
  • The administration of [name] expresses gratitude for the sponsorship provided in organizing the anniversary of the humanitarian university. The performances of the musicians were at the highest level, and the light show was extremely beautiful! We express our special gratitude to you, because the successful implementation of this project would not have been possible without your participation.
  • We wish you and the entire team of (company name) health, interesting ideas, their successful implementation, good clients, and growth in professionalism.
  • Sincerely, (name, surname).

Gratitude for cooperation

This type of letter is very common; it is sent to people both within the company itself and to various business partners, and can be given at an official presentation. Approximate structure:

  • Dear (name, patronymic)!
  • We highly appreciate working together with your company. We are well aware that we owe our success, first of all, to the companies offering our services and to successful cooperation with you. We wish you and your company success and prosperity!
  • Sincerely (name, surname of the boss).

For sponsorship

Very often, companies express gratitude to their sponsors for their help, support, and writing a letter is similar to all previous options:

  • Dear (name, patronymic)!
  • The administration of [institution name] expresses gratitude for the sponsorship provided in organizing the regional children's creativity competition. The successful implementation of this socially significant project would not be possible without your participation.
  • We wish you health, interesting ideas and their successful implementation, and further prosperity of the company.
  • Sincerely, (name, surname).

Rules for writing a thank you letter

A letter of thanks is an official document, so it has clear standards and rules for filling it out:

  1. The header is located at the top right, but options without it are allowed.
  2. There must be an appeal either to one person or to a group of people.
  3. The main part consists of template, standard phrases that are based on compliments and kind words.
  4. At the end of the letter there must be a signature of the person who compiled this paper. In this case, the first and last name is indicated, there may be a mention of the position, and a personal signature is placed.


This is a mandatory element that is present in any official paper. Since a letter of gratitude is a document, the address is always there, often accompanied by the word “dear.” A person is called by his first name and patronymic; rarely a surname can be added. If gratitude is sent to the entire team, then write “dear colleagues (name of organization).”

Letter details

Details can be presented in a letter at a minimum: only the name of the organization, the position of the person who draws up the document. But there is an option when the details are specified in great detail:

  • name of company;
  • position of expressing gratitude;
  • organization address;
  • phone number, fax number of the organization;
  • TIN/KPP, other important details;
  • date of;
  • thank you number.

Information about the compiler

This paragraph of the letter does not take up much space. At the end, the position of the person expressing gratitude and his full name are simply indicated. There may also be a signature. In some cases, they write in detail: the name of the organization, the position held by the person thanking, his full name and abbreviated signature. If the letter is intended for parents, then there is no need to indicate the position, just the name is enough.

Thank you letter text

How to write a thank you note correctly? Due to the fact that written gratitude is an official document, its content is always formulaic. It necessarily includes standard phrases about expressing gratitude. The personal qualities of the people to whom this letter is sent are emphasized. Standard phrases are perceived as mandatory, but people are still pleased to receive such a paper.

How to properly express gratitude

You can thank a person using simple but effective phrases. At the same time, you should not wait for a more convenient opportunity; it is better to do this whenever possible:

  1. Let me express my gratitude for...
  2. Our company would like to express our sincere gratitude for...
  3. Thank you for your congratulations on the occasion of the company's anniversary...
  4. I would like to thank you for...
  5. Thank you very much for...

How to avoid cliched phrases

It is clear that a letter of gratitude is an official document that consists of generally accepted phrases and figures of speech, but you can try to avoid cliched expressions or reduce their number a little. You should not speak in general terms, it is better to specify this case: mention real people, their merits, actions, professional qualities, etc. The letter does not indicate the mistakes of colleagues, the shortcomings of their work, they try to emphasize only the positive aspects. It is better to use more sincere words and phrases “on your own behalf.”