Dolphin submarine SSBN. “Dolphin” with a nuclear hump: what else are “doomsday” submarines capable of?

The last ship of the “667 family”, as well as the last Soviet submarine missile carrier of the 2nd generation (in fact, “smoothly transitioned” into the 3rd generation) was the strategic missile submarine cruiser of the 667BDRM Dolphin project, just like its predecessors, created Central Clinical Hospital Central Design Bureau MT "Rubin" under the leadership of the general designer, academician S. N. Kovalev. A government decree on the development of a new nuclear-powered submarine was issued on September 10, 1975. The project, which is a further development of the design of Soviet submarine missile carriers of previous projects, was based on the latest developments in the field of missile and torpedo weapons, fire control systems, radio-technical weapons, as well as means of increasing hydroacoustic secrecy. In 1970-1975 In the leading industrial scientific centers of the country, a complex of large-scale research and development work was carried out to increase the stealth of submarines. Improved shock absorption schemes, shock-absorbing and damping means, vibration-isolating, noise-absorbing and non-resonating coatings were being developed. A study was carried out of the patterns of noise emission from hull structures, support and non-support links, propulsors, etc. The results of this work were widely used in the creation of a new missile submarine, designed to complement more expensive (and, therefore, less massive) ones. SSBN project The main weapon of the ship was to be the new D-9RM missile system with 16 RSM-54 intercontinental liquid-propellant missiles with increased firing range, accuracy and warhead spread radius.

The design of the new ship was a further development of boats of the 667 family. Due to the increased dimensions of the missiles, as well as the need to introduce new design solutions to reduce hydroacoustic visibility, the height of the missile silo fencing on the boat had to be increased again. The length of the bow and stern ends of the ship was also increased, the diameter of the strong hull also increased, and the contours of the light hull in the area of ​​1-3 compartments were somewhat “filled up”. In the design of the durable hull, as well as the end and intercompartment bulkheads of the boat, steel was used, obtained by electroslag remelting and having increased ductility.

When creating the submarine, measures were taken to significantly reduce its noise, as well as reduce interference with the operation of on-board hydroacoustic equipment. The principle of aggregating mechanisms and equipment, which is placed on a common frame, shock-absorbed relative to the strong hull of the ship, is widely used. Local sound absorbers have been installed in the area of ​​the energy compartments, and the efficiency of the acoustic coatings of the lightweight and durable hulls has been increased. As a result, in terms of hydroacoustic visibility characteristics, the nuclear-powered submarine approached the level of the American SSBN Nuclear ballistic missile submarine 3rd generation Ohio.

"667BDRM Dolphin" has low-noise five-blade propellers with improved hydroacoustic characteristics. To provide the propellers with the most favorable operating conditions, a special hydrodynamic device is installed on the lightweight hull, which equalizes the oncoming water flow.

The project "667BDRM Dolphin" implemented measures to further improve living conditions. The crew of the ship had at their disposal a solarium, sauna, gym, etc. An improved system of electrochemical air regeneration by electrolysis of water and absorption of carbon dioxide by a solid regenerating absorber reliably ensured an oxygen concentration within 25% and carbon dioxide no higher than 0.8% . For centralized control of all types of combat activities, the boat is equipped with the Omnibus-BRDM combat information and control system, which collects and processes information, solves problems of tactical maneuvering and combat use of torpedo and missile-torpedo weapons,

On SSBN Strategic missile submarine cruiser a new sonar system “SKAT-BDRM” was installed, its characteristics are not inferior to their American counterparts. It has a large-sized antenna with a diameter of 8.1 m and a height of 4.5 m. For the first time in the practice of domestic shipbuilding, the 667BDRM Dolphin project used a glass-plastic antenna radome with a ribless design (this made it possible to reduce hydroacoustic interference affecting the antenna device of the complex). There is also a towed hydroacoustic antenna, which retracts into the body when not in use.

The navigation complex "Sluice" provides the necessary accuracy in the use of missile weapons. Clarification of the ship's position by means of astrocorrection is carried out with a subsurface to the periscope depth at intervals of once every two days.

Currently SSBN Strategic missile submarine cruiser project "667BDRM Dolphin" are the basis of the naval component of Russia's strategic nuclear triad. All of them are part of the 3rd strategic flotilla PL Submarine Northern Fleet and are based in Yagelnaya Bay. To accommodate individual boats, there are also special shelter bases, which are reliably protected underground structures intended for parking, as well as for repairing and recharging reactors with nuclear fuel.

Project 667BDRM Dolphin submarines became one of the first domestic nuclear-powered submarines to be almost completely invulnerable in their combat duty areas. Carrying out patrols in the Arctic seas immediately adjacent to the Russian coast (including under ice cover), even in the most favorable hydrological conditions for the enemy (complete calm, which is observed in the Barents Sea in only 8% of “natural situations”) discovered by the latest American nuclear attack submarines of the Los Angeles class at distances of less than 30 km. However, in conditions typical for the remaining 92% of the year, in the presence of waves and wind with a speed of more than 10-15 m/s, the "667BDRM Dolphin" is not detected by the enemy at all or can be detected GAS Hydro-acoustic station type BOO-5 at ranges less than 10 km, when further underwater tracking causes an increased risk of collision between boats and is equally dangerous for both the “hunter” and the “game”. Moreover, in the northern polar seas there are vast shallow water areas where, even in complete calm, the detection range of boats of the 667BDRM Dolphin project is reduced to less than 10 km (i.e., almost absolute survivability of submarine missile carriers is ensured). At the same time, one should keep in mind the fact that Russian missile submarines are on combat duty actually in the internal waters of the country, which are quite well (even in current conditions) covered by the fleet’s anti-submarine weapons, which further reduces the real effectiveness of NATO “killer” boats.

It is planned to equip some of the RSM-54 missiles with monoblock heavy-duty high-explosive fragmentation Warhead Warhead with an explosive mass of more than 2000 kg. Such missiles could be used in a non-nuclear conflict for ultra-precise destruction of particularly important stationary targets. In addition, it is possible to equip Russian SSBN Strategic missile submarine cruiser missiles carrying fundamentally new nuclear Warhead Warhead ultra-small caliber (with TNT equivalent from 5 to 50 tons). If there is a threat of armed aggression against Russia and it is impossible to prevent it by political, diplomatic and military means of general purpose, such weapons, with high accuracy, can be guaranteed to destroy a specific building or block where targets such as headquarters, government agencies, centers developing and producing certain. weapon systems, etc. At the same time, the civilian population and neighboring non-military facilities will not suffer or will suffer only slightly. Thus, Project 667BDRM Dolphin submarines are capable, if necessary, of transforming from a highly specialized means of “nuclear deterrence” into a multi-purpose combat system designed to solve problems in armed conflicts of various categories and degrees of intensity.

The Soviet Union understood perfectly well how important it was to have a powerful nuclear missile submarine fleet in constant combat readiness, capable of causing irreparable damage to a potential enemy at any time. The work to create a new generation of submarine missile carriers, which began in the mid-70s, was the USSR’s response to the creation of Ohio-class nuclear submarines in the United States. In September 1975, a government decision launched the start of work in this direction, which resulted in the project of the domestic third-generation missile carrier 667BDRM.

To achieve this goal as quickly as possible, the designers of the Rubin Central Design Bureau did not reinvent the wheel. The main efforts were made to modernize the existing project of the Project 667BDR Kalmar missile carrier.

This submarine belonged to the ships of the second generation, however, in many technical and technological parameters, the design of the ship made it possible to achieve significant modernization. Having made significant adjustments to the existing project, Soviet designers managed to obtain an almost new warship. The main accents in the new project were:

  • introduction of technical means to reduce the hydroacoustic noise of the boat;
  • adaptation of the boat's hull and systems to new types of weapons;
  • installation of new navigation systems, control and target detection equipment.

For this purpose, design bureau specialists and shipbuilders produced a huge number of experimental stands on which new sound-absorbing devices and means of reducing vibration insulation were tested. Work was actively carried out to reduce the sonar visibility of individual parts of the structure. The new Project 667BDRM Dolphin submarines, according to calculations, were supposed to deprive the Americans of their advantage in the field of strike strategic weapons.

In addition, the new submarine received a new hull, the surface of which was covered with a special insulating material. An additional structure appeared in the hull - a long hump stretching across the entire hull behind the wheelhouse. This element became a signature feature of domestic missile carriers, distinguishing them from all existing ships of this class. This part of the hull housed 16 ballistic intercontinental missiles with a range of over 8 thousand km.

The first ship of Project 667BDRM, called K-51, was laid down in 1981 at the shipyard of the Severodvinsk Machine-Building Plant. The construction of the boat took three years. In the winter of 1984, the boat was launched, and in December of the same year the ship became part of the Navy of the Soviet Union. The ship was striking in its size and appearance, reminiscent of a huge humpbacked sea animal. The huge cigar had a length of 167 meters and a displacement of over 10 thousand tons. Even at the time of construction, the Soviet missile carrier in the West was assigned the code “Delta IV,” classifying the ship as an underwater missile carrier with enormous combat power.

Following the lead boat, 6 more submarines of the same type entered service. In the period from 1984 to December 1990, the Soviet Union acquired a whole flotilla of the most powerful submarines, which became the most important element of the country's nuclear missile shield. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, these ships fell to become the main elements of the naval component of the nuclear triad of the Russian Federation. Six ships, having undergone preventive and major repairs at a certain time, are currently in service and on combat duty. The ships are part of the 31-1 submarine division and are based at the Gadzhievo naval base. One submarine K-64, which later received the number BS-64, was converted into a carrier of small submarines.

Despite the fact that the very first ship of Project 667BDRM, the K-51 Verkhoturye boat, was launched more than 30 years ago, the submarine today is in full combat readiness. After a major overhaul carried out at the Zvezdochka plant, the updated and modernized submarine returned to service at the end of 2012. Her younger sisters, the submarines K-114 Tula and K-117 Bryansk, previously underwent medium repairs and are now on combat duty.

Features of the 667BDRM project

The Russian Navy received a good inheritance in the form of Project 667BDRM submarines. Thanks to their design, the submarines proved to be survivable. Several serious accidents that accompanied the ships' combat service were quickly eliminated. In addition, the design of the boat itself made it possible, without any special design changes, to carry out its modernization in accordance with the technical requirements of new types of weapons. The main reason for such versatility is the high design characteristics of the ships, which have absorbed all the best that domestic shipbuilders have been able to achieve over the years of building ships of this class.

A number of technical solutions used in the design of the submarine can be compared with the technologies of space programs. What does the noise suppression system of a submarine ship cost? According to these characteristics, Soviet, and now Russian, submarine missile carriers are considered the quietest. While on combat duty, it is almost impossible to track the location of the ship. Even during the design process, the polar regions of our planet were identified as the main area of ​​operation of the new ships. Operating on the border between the edge of the ice shell and clear water, Soviet submarines could remain beyond the range of sonars of US Navy ships and NATO countries for a long time. Detection of domestic Delta IV class missile carriers became a big problem for a potential enemy.

Operating in coastal areas and being under constant cover of the fleet's surface forces, Project 667BDRM boats become virtually invulnerable. In such conditions, the territory of a potential enemy became defenseless from a retaliatory nuclear missile strike.

It should be noted that the missile cruisers of Project 667BDRM became the first domestic boats from which a full-fledged missile salvo of the entire ammunition on board was carried out. Despite the failure, the preparatory measures and subsequent actions to eliminate the emergency formed the basis of an entire program to improve the survivability of the submarine.

Considering the project as a whole, it is worth noting the design features of the boat. The main detail is the increased height of the missile silo fencing. This was done in view of the subsequent installation of R-29RM ballistic liquid-fuel missiles on combat vessels. The three-stage rocket reached a height of 14.8 meters and weighed over 40 tons. The submarine was equipped with 16 such missiles with two warhead options - ten-block and four-block.

Due to the increased size of the missile armament, it was necessary to increase the dimensions of the pressure hull. The light version received new lines and a configuration in the area of ​​1-3 compartments. Due to the high noise requirements of the ship, special devices were installed in a number of its compartments - sound absorbers and vibration compensators. The steel used in the construction of the light and durable hull allowed the submarine to descend to a working depth of 400 meters. The maximum permissible diving depth of the ship was 650 meters.

The power plant on the Project 667BDRM submarines was represented by two VM-4SG nuclear reactors, which have a total power of 180 MW. Both nuclear reactors drive the main gas-energy turbine unit with a capacity of 60 thousand l/s. The submarine was driven by two five-blade propellers, which gave the ship an underwater and surface speed of 24 and 14 knots, respectively.

To power the ship in autonomous mode, two diesel generators and two turbogenerators were installed on the boat, providing electricity to the ship’s life support systems and low-speed propulsion.

The internal layout of the ship deserves attention, in which they tried to take into account all aspects of increasing the level of comfort for the submarine crew. Boats of this type now have saunas, solariums, sports and gyms. The air regeneration system has undergone a qualitative change, making it possible to maintain a safe chemical composition of the air in the interior of the submarine.

Weapon system

There is no need to say much about the main weapon of the Project 667BDRM ships. Today, all six ships in the Russian fleet have been converted to carry new modernized modifications of the R-29RMU2 and R-29RMU2.1 liner-type ballistic missiles. The number of missiles remains the same - 16 pieces, but all warheads have four warheads. The D-9RM missile system, which is equipped with Russian missile carriers of Project 667BDRM, is considered one of the most powerful nuclear missile systems overseas. A missile salvo can be fired from the ship's underwater position at a depth of up to 55 meters.

As a tactical weapon, the boats are equipped with a mine-torpedo system consisting of 4 torpedo tubes of 533 mm caliber. The boat can fire all currently existing torpedo weapons, including missile torpedoes. The supply of torpedoes is 12 pcs. The huge ship is controlled through the Omnibus-BDRM BIUS center. Through this complex, incoming information about the goals and conditions for maneuvering and subsequent combat use of the ship’s weapons is processed. A serious advantage that the modernized Project 667BDRM boats have is the presence of the new Skat hydroacoustic system. The new SAC is equipped with a large antenna protected by a fiberglass radome.

The ship's air defense is entrusted to 9K310 anti-aircraft missile systems, which are at the disposal of the crew members. The ship is controlled by a crew of 140 people.

The near future of the ship

Based on the need of the Russian Navy to have up to 10 combat-ready submarine missile carriers in service, a decision was made at the highest level to maintain Project 667BDRM ships in a high degree of technical readiness. The technical condition of all six ships belonging to the 31st division is currently satisfactory. The newest of all the missile carriers of this project, the K-18 Karelia submarine, underwent a major overhaul in 2010. According to preliminary data, the ship's service life has been extended for another 10 years. Similar events affected other Project 667BDRM submarines. It is assumed that the entire division will be able to adequately carry out combat duty until 2025.

In addition to being on combat duty, Russian submarines, in order to maintain combat readiness at a high level, participate in the launch of commercial cargo as part of the development of space programs. R-29RM rockets are used to launch artificial satellites. Thanks to such programs, it is possible not only to maintain the missile system at the proper level, but also to monitor all ship systems.

The prospects for Russian submarine missile carriers today do not look entirely rosy. An urgent question arises about ensuring the technical base of operating ships, the service life of which is naturally coming to an end. In the plans of the Navy command to modernize the domestic fleet, Project 667BDRM submarines occupy an important place today. It is they who must ensure the country's defense capability for the transition period until new submarines enter service and until the modernization of submarines of other classes is completed.

The last Soviet submarine missile carrier of the 2nd generation (which actually smoothly passed into the third generation) was strategic missile submarine cruiser (SSBN) project 667-BRDM (code "Dolphin"). Like its predecessors, it was created at the Rubin Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering under the leadership of the general designer, academician S.N. Kovalev (the chief observer from the navy is captain first rank Yu.F. Piligin). The government decree on the development of an underwater nuclear submarine was issued on September 10, 1975.

The main weapon of the submarine was to be the D-9RM missile system, which had 16 R-29RM intercontinental liquid-propellant missiles (SS-N-23 “Skiff” - NATO designation), which had an increased firing range, spread radius and accuracy of warheads. The development of the missile system began in 1979 at KBM. The creators of the complex were focused on achieving the maximum technical level and tactical and technical characteristics with limited changes in the submarine design.

The new missiles were superior in combat capabilities to all modifications of the most powerful American Trident naval missile systems, while having much smaller dimensions and weight. Depending on the number of warheads, as well as their mass, the firing range of ballistic missiles could significantly exceed 8300 km. The R-29RM was the last missile developed under the leadership of V.P. Makeev, as well as the last Soviet liquid-propellant intercontinental ballistic missile - all subsequent domestic ballistic missiles were designed as solid fuel.

Main characteristics of the Project 667-BDRM "Dolphin" nuclear submarine:
Surface displacement - 11,740 tons;
Underwater displacement – ​​18200 tons;
Main dimensions:
— maximum length (according to the waterline) – 167.4 m (160 m);
- maximum width - 11.7 m;
— draft along the vertical line – 8.8 m;
Main power plant:
— 2 pressurized water reactors VM-4SG with a total power of 180 mW;
— 2 PPU OK-700A, 2 GTZA-635
— 2 steam turbines with a total power of 60,000 hp. (44100 kW);
— 2 turbogenerators TG-3000, power of each 3000 kW;
— 2 diesel generators DG-460, power of each 460 kW;
— 2 electric motors for economic propulsion, each with a power of 225 hp;
— 2 shafts;
— 2 five-blade propellers;
Surface speed – 14 knots;
Underwater speed – 24 knots;
Working immersion depth – 320…400 m;
Maximum immersion depth – 550...650 m;
Autonomy – 80…90 days;
Crew – 135…140 people;
Strategic missile weapons:
— SLBM launchers R-29РМ (SS-N-23 “Skiff”) of the D-9РМ complex – 16 pcs.;
Anti-aircraft missile weapons:
— MANPADS launchers 9K310 “Igla-1”/9K38 “Igla” (SA-14 “Gremlin”/SA-16 “Gimlet”) – 4…8 pcs.;
Torpedo and missile-torpedo weapons:
- torpedo tubes of 533 mm caliber - 4 (bow);
— torpedoes SAET-60M, 53-65M, PLUR RPK-6 “Waterfall” (SS-N-16 “Stallion”), 533 mm caliber – 12 pcs;
Mine weapons:
— can carry up to 24 minutes instead of some torpedoes;
Electronic weapons:
Combat information and control system - “Omnibus-BDRM”;
General detection radar system - MRK-50 "Cascade" (Snoop Tray);
Hydroacoustic system:
— hydroacoustic complex MGK-500 “Skat-BDRM” (Shark Gill; Mouse Roar);
Electronic warfare equipment:
— “Zaliv-P” RTR;
— “Zavesa-P” radio direction finder (Brick Pulp/Group; Park Lamp D/F);
GPD means – 533 mm GPD;
Navigation complex:
- "Gateway";
— radio sextant (Code Eye);
— INS;
Radio communication complex:
— “Molniya-N” (Pert Spring), SSS “Tsunami-BM”;
— buoy towed antennas “Paravan” or “Lastochka” (VLF);
— Microwave and HF antennas;
— sound-underwater communication station;
State identification radar - "Nichrom-M".

For almost 30 years, Soviet nuclear missile carriers successfully resisted the nuclear potential of Western countries, playing the role of a reliable element of deterrence. A nuclear submarine armed with ballistic missiles was, is and will be the most powerful weapon in the modern era. Thanks to their great destructive power and advanced equipment, missile submarines are the most advanced warships that have ever left the stocks. The Soviet Union could be proud of its achievements in the field of nuclear submarine construction. Today, the rich traditions of Soviet submariners, all the vast accumulated experience in the construction of ships of this class, are successfully used in practice by Russian submariners. The combat service of Project 667BDRM Dolphin-class submarines is clear proof of this. The missile submarine cruisers “Novomoskovsk”, “Ekaterinburg” and “Verkhoturye” continue to regularly perform combat duty as part of the Northern Fleet.

Seven Dolphin-class nuclear submarines are the basis of the maritime component of Russia's nuclear triad at the moment. These ships are direct descendants of Project 667 nuclear-powered submarines, which were the most popular in the Soviet fleet.

Old, new project 667BRDM "Dolphin" type

The collapse of the Soviet Union left the Russian Navy a rich legacy. A huge nuclear submarine fleet was stationed in bays in the Northern Fleet and was based in the Far East. Soviet nuclear submarines were of different ages and were differently prepared for further service. Of all the types and classes of submarines, the Project 667BRDM nuclear-powered submarines of the Dolphin type are the best preserved. It was on these ships that the bet was placed on the future maintenance of the combat readiness of the Russian naval nuclear forces.

It should be said right away that this project was a hodgepodge, which included the best design developments in the process of building Project 667 ships. As before, the development of the improved project was carried out by the Rubin Central Design Bureau, the flagship of the domestic nuclear submarine shipbuilding.

The Dolphin-class ships were supposed to be the final version of Project 667, marking the transition from 2nd generation nuclear submarines to 3rd generation submarines. According to the Soviet classification, boats of this type belonged to the class of missile submarine cruisers, and accordingly the type of ship was designated as SSBN (strategic missile submarine cruiser). The development of an improved project began back in 1975, when the US Navy began to develop the design of a new Ohio-class nuclear submarine. The new American submarine was planned to carry 24 Trident II ballistic missiles.

The nuclear-powered missile carriers that were part of the USSR Navy at that time were armed with fewer strategic missiles. In view of the current situation and in order to create parity with the Americans in terms of the number of nuclear carriers, it was decided to create a more powerful ship for the fleet. The basic basis for the new Soviet submarines was the Project 667BDR Kalmar submarines. In the design of the new submarine, it was decided to increase everything and significantly improve the navigation characteristics of the underwater vessel. The ships were designed to install the new Soviet R-29RM strategic missiles, so it was necessary to increase the size of the ship. The bow and stern ends of the submarine have increased accordingly.

During the design process, attempts were made to reduce the noise of the ship and make the hydroacoustic image of the submarine less noticeable. Many systems on the Project 667BDRM submarine were used for the first time, including new sonar equipment. The result of the designers' work was an almost new project, which marked the beginning of a new final series of Soviet nuclear-powered missile carriers, consisting of 7 ships.

Design of the Project 667 BDRM nuclear submarine

The lead ship of the series, the nuclear submarine B-51 Verkhoturye, was laid down on the holiday, February 23, 1981. The main enterprise of Soviet nuclear shipbuilding, the Severodvinsk Machine-Building Plant Sevmash, was chosen to build the ships of this project. Over the course of 9 years, from 1981 to 1990, the enterprise launched and commissioned 7 ships of Project 667BDRM. The last ship in this series was the K-407 Novomoskovsk SSBN.

The submarine missile carrier Verkhoturye received a pronounced hump, which housed 16 ballistic missiles. In the NATO classification, the ship received the code "Delta-IV", continuing the series of combat ships under the code Delta. The size of the submarine was impressive. The length of the boat's hull was 167 m, and the displacement increased to 11,740 tons. The nuclear submarine had a double-hull design, which became traditional for ships of previous series. The ship's robust main hull and bulkheads were made of durable steel that can withstand long-term intense loads and has anti-corrosion properties. The design of the ship and the strength characteristics of the materials allowed the boat to descend to a depth of up to 600 m.

The main components and assemblies of the submarine were placed on special shock-absorbing platforms that reduce vibration and acoustic noise. The compartments with the power plant had local sound absorbers. The lightweight hull was covered with a camouflage material specially developed for this purpose, providing a lower hydroacoustic background of the ship. A distinctive feature of the Project 667BDRM submarines were the propellers, which had five blades and had an improved hydroacoustic picture.

Such measures and innovations significantly increased the stealth of the ship, bringing the hydroacoustic parameters of the Soviet submarine closer to those of the American Ohio-class missile carrier.

During combat cruises, the Soviet missile submarine cruisers Ekaterinburg and Podmoskovye managed to remain at sea undetected by NATO ships for more than a week. This was the reason that American submarines were forced to approach the permanent bases of Soviet submarines, exposing themselves to a great risk of being detected.

All ships of the project received an automated weapons control system "Omnibus-BDRM", with the help of which incoming information was analyzed and the parameters of the combat use of tactical weapons were determined. In addition, the boats were equipped with new hydroacoustic equipment “Scat”, which has two antennas. One antenna was located in the nose fairing, the second was used in a towed version. The missile armament had an improved “Gateway” navigation system, which made it possible to accurately determine the location of the boat during missile launch.

The main power plant for all submarines was the VM-4SG nuclear reactor, which provided steam for two OK-700A turbine units. The total power of the propulsion system was 60 thousand liters. With. 225 hp electric motors were used as backup engines on the ships. every. The nuclear installation provided the ships with underwater speed at a speed of 24 knots.

In contrast to the ships of the earlier series, the conditions of the personnel on the Dolphins have significantly improved, ensuring comfortable service during long and long-distance military campaigns. The submarine's crew numbered 140 people.

Firepower of Project 667BDRM missile carriers

The ships were originally designed for the R-29RM ballistic missile. The D-9RM missile system installed on submarines was a launch pad for 16 strategic intercontinental missiles. The Soviet rocket had a significant technological advantage over its American counterparts. In terms of firing range and accuracy of hits with warheads, the R-29RM had no equal. Having smaller dimensions and take-off weight, the Soviet missile could deliver nuclear charges over a distance of over 8 thousand km.

This type of rocket was the last to use liquid rocket engines. Further, all types of missile weapons installed on domestic submarines operated on solid fuel. Over the course of five years, from 1996 to 2001, all ballistic missiles in service with Project 667BDRM submarines were replaced with a modernized version, the R-29RMU2 missile. Subsequently, Russian missile carriers of the Dolphin type were re-equipped to launch R-29RMU2.1 Liner missiles. In 2011, the first underwater launch of a new modernized missile was carried out from the Ekaterinburg SSBN. Following these tests in the same year, the second intercontinental missile of this type was launched from the K-114 Tula nuclear submarine. Project 667BDRM boats could fire a missile salvo while at a working depth of 55 m.

The tactical armament of the Dolphin-class nuclear submarines was represented by four 533 mm torpedo tubes and the Vodopad anti-submarine torpedo-missile system.

Project 667BDRM nuclear-powered missile submarines in the Russian fleet

All seven ships of this project were put into operation in the Soviet Union. At the time of the collapse of the USSR, these submarines remained the most modern and formed the backbone of the nuclear forces of the Russian Navy. All ships were assigned to the Northern Fleet and were based at the Gadzhievo naval base. In the early 90s, a government decision was made to maintain Project 667BDRM missile carriers in combat condition, and with sufficient funding to carry out planned repairs and modernization. The lead boat of the first series underwent scheduled repairs and modernization in 1993, once again entering service with the Northern Fleet. On the remaining ships, starting in 1996, scheduled repairs and modernization were carried out one by one.

The nuclear submarine K-64 Podmoskovye was decommissioned in 1999. The modernization of the ship continued for 16 long years. As a result, the boat was converted into a test ship capable of delivering ultra-small submarines. The ship received a new number BS-64. The ship was commissioned in the Northern Fleet in 2019. On the former missile carrier Podmoskovye, the missile silos were removed and a new compartment for transporting ultra-small submarines was installed.

To date, all ships are in service. A new stage in restoring the technical readiness of all ships is expected to begin. The K-117 Bryansk submarine was the first ship of its class to launch an intercontinental missile over a short distance. In recent years, the ship has repeatedly carried out training and combat launches of ballistic missiles in the Barents Sea.

A strategic missile submarine, the K-18 submarine surfaced at the North Pole, planting the state flag of Russia and the Navy. In 1996, by decision of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, the submarine received a new name “Karelia”.


All Project 667BDRM ships currently remain in the Northern Fleet and represent the most modern and combat-ready ships of the Russian fleet. Ships of this class have the necessary combat power, being an important component of the Russian nuclear triad. Six missile carriers take turns on combat duty, while the Podmoskovye boat is involved in research programs and projects.

While on combat duty, Russian missile carriers create a lot of problems for search teams of NATO countries. Good stealth and great autonomy provide these submarines with convenient starting positions in the world's oceans. Project 667BDRM missile carriers operate mainly in polar latitudes, where Russian submarines pose a constant real threat to a potential enemy.

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Nuclear submarines with nuclear weapons on board are themselves a work of art with a displacement of several thousand tons. Doomsday submarines are unique weapons in every sense. Technical solutions to ensure survivability, weapons and means of monitoring the situation and communications are not just individual components and assemblies, but a dozen works of specialized research institutes and enterprises. It is precisely because the developers took into account the potential for modernization when designing submarines that many of the submarines from the Cold War era are returning to service after being re-equipped with modern equipment and weapons.
Experts are confident that a relatively small amount of modernization work will allow for decades to ensure nuclear parity and the inevitability of a nuclear retaliatory strike in the event of aggression against Russia, and the conversion of submarines for the use of deep-sea vehicles will allow solving highly specialized tasks at great depths. Potential threat For any potential enemy, combat duty on a strategic missile submarine is a headache that turns into a migraine. The degree of danger of such submarines, or more precisely, missiles with a nuclear warhead in their weapons compartments, is very succinctly described by one foreign term. “Unacceptable damage” in the understanding of foreign militaries is, first of all, associated with the very possibility of delivering a full-scale nuclear strike by the entire “nuclear triad” - from air, land and sea. As a result, the magnitude of “unacceptable damage” is also blurred. However, experts note that for the American military, the main opponent of the Soviet Union in the Cold War, the main fear was and remains submarines capable of striking unexpectedly, while being in close proximity to the country’s borders.
It was the creation and modernization of such submarines, first in the Soviet Union and then in Russia, that special attention was always paid. Building up the country's nuclear shield is a necessary and important matter, but modernizing existing submarines and re-equipping on-board equipment and weapons is a task of no less importance. The nuclear submarine of Project 667BDRM "Dolphin", despite the year the lead ship was launched, is a unique submarine. Even at the development stage, the specialists of the Rubin Central Design Bureau took into account almost everything that was necessary for the construction of strategic submarine missile carriers.
The boat received a durable hull, covered with a special material to reduce noise and visibility, a redesigned power plant, and a world-famous weapons compartment - the same “hump” several tens of meters behind the wheelhouse in which intercontinental ballistic missiles are stored. Experts and fleet historians note that despite the partial similarity of the second and third generation nuclear submarines, in terms of the level of technological solutions, the Dolphin could compete with the lunar program or the creation of a promising orbital station. Destruction and record
Ensuring the use of a ballistic missile in conditions where the carrier submarine is actually the “number one” target is not easy even for an experienced crew. Despite the fact that combat duty and control of a cruiser with a total displacement of more than 18 thousand tons is trusted only to professionals, the use of weapons, on which the life of an entire state depends, must be mastered to perfection. The use of ballistic missiles from the Dolphin is a unique process. The design of the boat and missile silos allows you to “carry” up to 16 R-29RMU2 “Sineva” ballistic missiles.
The launch of such missiles in combat conditions can take place without the submarine surfacing to the surface from a depth of up to 50 meters, and the missile’s flight range is limited to just over 9 thousand kilometers. "Dolphin", by the way, holds a completely unique strategic missile record, which the navies of foreign states have not yet been able to repeat. As many have already guessed, we are talking about the unique operation "Behemoth-2", which was based on the worst a scenario for the development of an international crisis in which the crew of a submarine cruiser was required not only to launch a missile, but to release all the submarine’s transportable ammunition in the direction of a mock enemy. 16 ballistic missiles with an interval of several seconds of operation from the surface flew towards the mock enemy, and the K-407 submarine and its crew staked out the title of the first in the world in such operations. However, the submarine of this project will have to carry out unique operations in the near future.
From “strategist” to “saboteurs”
One of the Project 667BDRM submarines recently returned to service after a major overhaul. However, the K-64 (BS-64 “Moscow Region”) has changed significantly. The unique submarine was transformed from a “horseman of the apocalypse” into a unique underwater reconnaissance saboteur. It should be noted that the modernization process turned out to be complex and long - the work has been carried out since 1999 and for various reasons the commissioning of nuclear submarines was seriously adjusted.
However, despite these difficulties, the nuclear reconnaissance saboteur has already entered sea trials, and upon completion will be accepted into the fleet. The phrase “reconnaissance saboteur” is used specifically in this context, because the main weapons of the K-64 are now not huge ballistic missiles capable of wiping entire countries off the surface of the planet, but deep-sea vehicles. The main purpose of such deep-sea modules is to counter any attempts to infiltrate communication and control channels, the so-called “bugs” on underwater cables. The peculiarity of deep-sea vehicles “launched” from a submarine is not so much in the depth to which such equipment can dive, but in how autonomously and for a long time such equipment can operate.
Experts note that the submarine in this case will only serve as a carrier, and after the separation of the deep-sea vehicles, it will be able to “go home” and return to the area after the deep-sea reconnaissance officers have completed all the work. Experts note that the unique submarine will operate, including in the Arctic latitudes. It is this region that has recently attracted the close attention of leading world powers - colossal mineral deposits and the territorial claims of some states will be in the news headlines more than once.
Despite the fact that the composition of the equipment used for offshore work in the Main Directorate of Deep-Sea Research is unknown, the choice of unmanned marine reconnaissance aircraft to work at great depths is simply explained. Experts note that none of the existing deep-sea vehicles with a crew inside can compare with drones in terms of survivability and safety. “Deep-sea work has already been carried out by the AS-12 Losharik submarine.” Then, after 20 days of sailing, they simply corrected the hull deformations caused by pressure at great depths, and also carried out minor repairs and checked the operation of a number of mechanisms,” explained military expert Alexey Leonkov. There is reason to believe that in addition to the re-equipment of the carrier submarine, the deep-sea vehicles themselves will undergo significant modifications.
In addition to performing tasks in the interests of the Russian Ministry of Defense, deep sea drones will be able to engage in geological exploration and other scientific work. Among other things, such a submarine can also be used in search and rescue operations - for example, to inspect sunken ships or crashed airliners. Experts do not rule out that in the future, as new strategic missile cruisers are built and submarines are put into operation, the special-purpose submarine fleet may be increased, because the tasks that require deep-sea equipment and corresponding carrier ships are becoming more and more every year.