Inflammation of the tonsils symptoms and treatment with folk remedies. Inflammation of the tonsils: effective treatment with traditional medicine

People often wonder if it is possible to cure tonsils at home? It turns out that it is possible, traditional medicine offers a lot for this. various methods. But first you need to consult a doctor and together choose the most effective way.

Symptoms of tonsil disease

How to understand that tonsils are the cause of problems in the throat? In this case, a person has characteristic symptoms:

  • Initially, a sore throat and pain appear in the throat when swallowing.
  • On examination, it is found that the tonsils are reddened and enlarged. Sometimes they swell so much that they interfere with normal breathing.
  • With purulent inflammation, the tonsils are covered with yellowish pus.
  • The general condition worsens due to an increase in temperature. If the tonsils are inflamed, the temperature can rise to 39 degrees.
  • Often the disease is accompanied by hoarseness of the voice.

If these symptoms occur, immediate action should be taken to eliminate them.. The initial form can be easily cured without the use of strong drugs with the help of proven folk remedies.

Running forms of inflammation of the tonsils with decoctions and rinses cannot be cured. You will have to use antibiotics, and use folk remedies as auxiliary.

Medication treatment

To treat inflammation of the tonsils, not only tablets are used, but also some chemicals. They are diluted with water and consumed when rinsing. For example:

  • Hydrogen peroxide. Divorced 1 tsp. drug in 1 glass of boiled warm water.
  • Boric acid. In a glass of water, 1 tsp is diluted. acid and mix well.
  • Furacilin. Dissolve two tablets in half a glass of liquid.

Gargle with these solutions up to 5 times a day. After the procedure, try not to drink or eat anything for a while.

Preparations can be used one at a time, or you can alternate. But you should not use them at the same time or exceed the dose. This may further aggravate the situation.

Lozenges are well suited for home treatment. The medical industry offers them in a wide range. But they must be chosen with care. Some medicines contain sugar, which is contraindicated for diabetics. And some can cause allergies.

Gramidin and Faringosept have a good effect. They fight bacteria well and are safe even for children. Please read the leaflet carefully before use.

For successful treatment Inflammation of the tonsils at home plays an important role in following certain recommendations:

  1. The patient must observe bed rest not only for a while elevated temperature body, but also for the entire period of illness. Contraindicated physical exercise, drafts and hiking in crowded places.
  2. During a sore throat, it is difficult for the patient to swallow food, but during this period he needs to eat well. Therefore, food should be liquid, frayed, so as not to injure the inflamed membranes in the throat. At this time, too sweet and spicy food. It leads to irritation of the mucous membranes.
  3. The patient also needs plentiful drink in the form of warm tea medicinal herbs, compotes from dried fruits and natural juices. This will help fight bacteria, saturate the body with vitamins and help eliminate toxins.
  4. The room where the patient lies should be regularly cleaned and ventilated.

When the condition improves, a person can go for a walk, but at the same time avoid drafts and cold drinks. In cool weather, you need to wrap your throat with a warm scarf. At this time, the patient can go about his usual business, but hard work is contraindicated.

By not observing the regimen, the patient runs the risk that the disease will turn into more severe form. Therefore, angina will return regularly, becoming chronic.

How to gargle with sore throat

For gargling to be effective, you must follow these rules:

  1. The rinse solution should be warm. Too hot or cold liquid can irritate the mucous membranes of the throat. The optimum solution temperature for the procedure is 37 degrees.
  2. Rinsing should be done after every meal and drink.
  3. After the procedure, you should not eat or drink for half an hour.
  4. Overdoses should not be allowed and the solutions should not be made too strong. This can lead to drying of the mucous membranes of the throat, and instead of good, it will bring harm.
  5. Prepare a fresh solution for each rinse. It is not recommended to store it in the refrigerator. When stored and heated, it loses its healing properties.
  6. You need to carry out the procedure with your head thrown back strongly. So the solution gets deeper and cleans the area of ​​​​the tonsils well.
  7. Do not take too much solution into your mouth at a time. It is better when there is less of it and it circulates well in the mouth.
  8. Each rinse should be carried out for at least 30 seconds.
  9. During the procedure, pronounce the letter "Y" for a few seconds. So the solution will get into hard-to-reach places.
  10. Do not swallow the solution, it can disrupt the digestive system.
  11. The entire procedure should take at least 5 minutes.

By following these rules, you can good results and cure inflamed tonsils at home, without the use of antibiotics.

Folk recipes for the treatment of inflamed tonsils

Before you start treating tonsils folk remedies, you need to be examined by a doctor to determine the severity of the disease. It is possible that it is no longer possible to correct the situation with rinsing, and more drastic measures are needed.

If the patient does not have allergies, you can try to use propolis, honey or decoctions of medicinal herbs that have antibacterial action. There will be no harm from this, only benefit. It will stop further development diseases.


Consider a few effective recipes, which can be used when the tonsils are swollen:

  • Take 20 g of eucalyptus, 15 g of sage and calendula, 10 g of chamomile flowers, elecampane roots and licorice. Chop all herbs and mix. Then take 1 tbsp. l. the resulting collection and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for at least an hour. The solution should take on the color of strong tea. Gargle with a warm solution regularly.
  • Has a good effect drug collection from marshmallow root, chamomile flowers, sweet clover, calamus root and flaxseed. They are taken in proportions 2:2:2:1:3. The collection is also brewed 1 tbsp. l. a glass of boiling water and insist. You can rinse your throat 6 times a day.
  • Take oak bark, elderberry and sage flowers in the same proportion, chop and mix well. Pour a spoonful of herbs with boiling water and insist. Gargle regularly.
  • Dissolve in a glass of warm boiled water 1 tsp salt and soda, add 5 drops of iodine and mix well. When salt and soda dissolve, gargle. The product cleans the tonsils well from purulent deposits and plaque, disinfects oral cavity and throat.

You can also squeeze half a lemon into a glass of warm water and gargle. This will relieve pain, but you need to do the procedure often. Best used with throat lozenges before putting them under the tongue.

Drinking funds

Traditional medicine offers remedies not only for rinsing, but also for ingestion. To do this, it is recommended to prepare fresh products and drink them in between procedures. Here are some recipes:

  • Mix honey with aloe juice in equal proportions and eat a teaspoon on an empty stomach in the morning.
  • Extract juice from fresh leaves coltsfoot, mix with equal amounts of red wine and onion juice. Drink a tablespoon three times a day.
  • Decoctions of clover flowers help well or pine buds. They need to be brewed with boiling water, and then held in a water bath. Drink a spoon before meals three times a day.

To prepare decoctions, you need to take well-dried herbs, without mold. They are collected in places remote from the city and roads, and dried in the shade. They should not be stored for more than one year.

Preventive actions

When the tonsils hurt, treatment must be taken very seriously. The tonsils are a barrier to the penetration of infection into the body, and the general well-being of a person depends on their condition. If they have to be removed, the body loses its protection and becomes more vulnerable, immunity suffers.

To prevent this from happening, you need to start treatment at the first sign and not stop it until complete recovery. If an infection remains in the body, it will regularly remind of itself.

After an illness, the tonsils become weak and need time to recover. Therefore, they must be treated with care.

To prevent angina from returning, you must follow these rules:

  • In no case should you drink cold drinks and eat ice cream.
  • It is recommended to drink water at room temperature in small sips.
  • In frosty weather, you should not breathe through your mouth. Cold air leads to hypothermia, and this can again inflame the tonsils.
  • Hypothermia in any part of the body can cause inflammation in a weakened organ, so not only the throat, but also the legs should be kept warm. When going out, dress warmly.
  • You should not eat dry food. Food should be soft or liquid rich in vitamins and minerals.

In order for the body to successfully fight infection, it is necessary to carry out hardening measures. Well suited for this water procedures and sports.

Inflammation of the tonsils responds well to treatment with folk remedies. But only if therapy is started immediately, and if the patient has good immunity. People with poor health should go to the doctor and not waste time on traditional medicine.

Tonsils (tonsils) - important organ lymphatic system which is directly involved in the formation of human immunity. This is a place of accumulation of lymphoid tissues and nodules in the mucous membrane of the pharynx. The main task of the tonsils is to detain pathogens inhaled with air, to prevent their penetration. Microbes settle on the surface of the tonsils, accumulate there, so they are often the object of inflammatory processes.

In medicine, inflammation of the tonsils is called tonsillitis. It can be acute (tonsillitis) and chronic. This is a common disease - 15% of the inhabitants of the Earth suffer from a chronic form of inflammation.

Causes of exacerbation

Once on the mucous membrane, the pathogens begin to undergo neutralization from the tonsils. If the immune system of a person is strong, then they quickly cope with this problem. But, if it is weakened, then the palatine tonsils become inflamed.

The cause of inflammation in most cases is bacterial infection caused by pneumococci, streptococci, meningococci or staphylococci.

The peak incidence occurs more often during the winter months. Children and adolescents get sick more often, since their immune system has not yet been fully formed.

Factors of the inflammatory process can be nearby foci of infection - sinusitis, chronic rhinitis, caries.

In the cold season due to difficulty in nasal breathing cold air through the mouth penetrates directly to the throat and causes inflammation.

With a weakened immune system, frequent sore throats result in chronic inflammation. With tonsillitis, toxins are released that spread throughout the body, entering the bloodstream and lymph.

Therefore, cases of complications (nephritis, rheumatism, polyarthritis, sepsis, etc.) are not uncommon.

The causative agents of infection can be not only bacteria, but also viruses (herpes, adenoviruses, Coxsackie enterovirus) or fungi (Candida). More often the disease spreads by airborne droplets or through household items.

Characteristic symptoms

Depending on the form clinical manifestations diseases can change. The first sign of the beginning of the inflammatory process of the tonsils is the feeling that "tear in the throat." Gradually, instead of it appear pain. The tonsils become enlarged and acquire a rich red hue.

In addition, the following symptoms are observed:

  • general weakness,
  • fever,
  • chills,
  • local enlargement of lymph nodes,
  • pain when swallowing
  • moderate intoxication.

And what do you know about which in the treatment of throat diseases are described on the page under the link.

Pro effective treatment adenoids in children, you can read a useful article.

With swelling of the tonsils, the tonsils increase, and the closure vocal cords difficult, the patient may have a hoarse voice or lack thereof. If treatment is not started on time, then laryngitis may occur with intense bouts of coughing.

There are several forms of acute inflammation:

  • catarrhal
  • follicular,
  • lacunar (about the symptoms in adults is written on),
  • phlegmonous angina.

catarrhal form marked by hyperemia of the tonsils, subfebrile temperature and mild pain in the throat.

With follicular angina arises sharp pain at the site of inflammation, the temperature rises to 38-39 degrees. Visual examination of the tonsils makes it possible to identify yellowish-white foci of purulent plaque (follicles).

With lacunar form to the general clinical picture a plaque of pus joins in the lacunae of the tonsils. Phlegmonous angina - purulent inflammation perialmond tissue (usually one-sided), accompanied by an increase in temperature up to 40 ° C.

The clinical picture of chronic tonsillitis is marked by the following features:

  • regular acute tonsillitis,
  • pain in the submandibular lymph nodes,
  • discharge of purulent plugs when coughing,
  • pain in the heart and joints,
  • fever,
  • feeling of sore throat.

Often there is a painful cough due to the ingress of purulent secretions from the tonsils to the pharyngeal mucosa. Exacerbation of the disease can be traced 2-3 times a year.

Diagnosis of tonsillitis

An otolaryngologist makes a diagnosis based on a visual examination of the site of inflammation, patient complaints. With regular acute infections a blood test for C-reactive protein is prescribed to determine the presence of bacteria in it, and blood is also given for antibodies.

Do you know what is sold in pharmacies, which can also help with inflammation of the tonsils? Read about it in the article by "clicking" on the link.

What is diphtheria of the larynx. The article describes the symptoms and methods of treatment of the disease.

After going to the page: you can read about the reasons for the appearance of a coma in the throat.

They also resort to the study of material (pus or mucus) from the site of the lesion to determine the type of pathogen and its resistance to antibiotics.

Treatment Methods

It must necessarily take place under the supervision of a doctor, because with the wrong approach, the infection can spread in the body, causing negative consequences.

The therapy is mainly conservative methods, but in some situations there is a need for surgical opening of abscesses or removal of the tonsils.

Treatment can be carried out at home, but must be accompanied by bed rest, diet, and plenty of fluids.

Medical procedures should be focused on eliminating the symptoms of the disease, as well as ridding the body of the infection.

Local therapy

basis local treatment is a gargle. In its process, the activity of pathogenic organisms is suppressed.

As a means of milking throat irrigation use:

  • furatsilin;
  • rivanol;
  • dioxidine;
  • miramistin;
  • chlorhexidine;
  • chlorophyllipt;
  • iodinol.

Means are diluted with water according to the instructions.

To eliminate pain in the throat and relieve symptoms of inflammation, antiseptic dragees, lozenges are used:

As local ways treatments use antiseptic sprays: tandum verde, bioparox, cameton, ingalipt, joks.

Use of antibiotics

Often with inflammation of the tonsils, only antibiotics can cope. If there is a plaque of pus or follicles on the tonsils, the otolaryngologist in most cases will prescribe a 5-12-day antibiotic regimen. Basically, these are drugs from a number of penicillins.

Analogues of these antibiotics are amosin, augmentin, flemoklav. May also be assigned antibacterial drugs macrolide groups (erythromycin, azithromycin).

Folk remedies

The traditional treatment regimen can be supplemented folk ways. It is basically a gargle and lotion.

An effective and simple method of combating inflammation of the tonsils is regular rinsing of the throat with a soda-salt solution (1 teaspoon of soda and salt per glass of water).

The solution will help relieve pain lemon juice(3 tablespoons per 200 ml of water). Relieve inflammation decoctions of chamomile, sage, calendula, silver eucalyptus (). In 1 cup of boiling water, add 1 tablespoon of the plant, bring to a boil, insist. Gargle with warm tea as often as possible. You can add propolis tincture, honey to it.

In chronic tonsillitis in children, a mixture of aloe juice (1 part) with flower honey (3 parts) is used to lubricate the tonsils. Carry out the procedure once a day for 14 days.

Onion inhalations, cabbage compresses (wrap grated cabbage in gauze and keep it on the neck for 2 hours) will help improve a person’s condition during inflammatory processes of the tonsils, salt dressings(tie a bandage moistened with 10% saline solution to the throat area).

If folk remedies do not give results for a long time or there are side effects treatment should be discontinued.

Preventive measures

The main thing to prevent inflammatory processes is to strengthen the immune system and support protective functions organism. To do this, you must abandon bad habits, harden, eat a balanced diet. It is especially important to minimize the possibility of damage to the tonsils.

  • Avoid hypothermia.
  • Do not drink cold liquids.
  • It is necessary to ensure free nasal breathing.
  • Treat concomitant sources of infection (caries, rhinitis (about symptoms in children),).

To get sick with inflammation of the tonsils is very simple. And the treatment of acute or chronic form tonsillitis () - an additional waste of time, effort and money. Therefore, it is important to keep preventive measures to avoid diseases.

At the first sign of infection, you should see a doctor as soon as possible and start treatment. Lateness can cause irreversible consequences for the body in the form of rheumatism, cardiovascular diseases etc.

While watching the proposed video, you will learn how to treat inflammation of the tonsils in chronic tonsillitis.

tonsils - internal organs human immune defense. Placed in the oropharynx and nasopharynx, they are natural "shields" and delay harmful microorganisms entering the body through the respiratory tract. Under the influence of a number of adverse factors, the tonsils cease to function fully, do not have time to be cleansed of accumulated pathogens and increase in size. Hypertrophied tonsils require qualified medical care. In addition, as an additional measure that can have a beneficial effect, the treatment of tonsils at home can be.

Factors and causes of inflammatory processes

The inflammatory focus in the tonsils occurs under the influence of different reasons. The most frequent of them are:

  • decreased function of immunological protection;
  • inhalation of cold, dirty air;
  • abuse of cold drinks, food;
  • chronic, infectious processes in the body;
  • inflammation in the mouth, nose;
  • carious lesions of the teeth, gum disease;
  • mechanical injury of the mucous membrane of the throat and tonsils;
  • poor-quality, untimely food.

Various factors can provoke lesions of the tonsils. Staphylococcus aureus or epidermal staphylococci, which settle on the tonsils and cause them to swell, become frequent causative agents of infection.

In addition, inflammation of the tonsils is caused by:

  • streptococcal type infection in the throat;
  • pneumococcal flora;
  • anaerobic microorganisms;
  • professional hazards;
  • bad ecology.

Medical treatment of tonsils at home

Treatment of the pathology of the tonsils with pharmaceutical medicines is allowed to be carried out at home under medical supervision. It consists of the following areas:

  • rinsing with compounds that destroy microbes;
  • taking immunomodulators, multivitamins;
  • the appointment of drugs containing antipyretic and analgesic components;
  • a course of antibiotic therapy.

Gargling of the tonsils

With sick tonsils, rinsing with liquids with medicinal components gives an excellent effect. This procedure does the following:

  • washes out purulent accumulations;
  • reduces pain;
  • moisturizes the mucous membrane, softens the walls of the throat;
  • removes inflammation;
  • heals inflamed mucosal areas.

Local "washout" of the tonsils is done with pharmaceutical preparations or decoctions and solutions made on their own.

The most popular compositions for rinsing at home:

  • natural remedy based on eucalyptus and myrtle with a pronounced antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect. For medical event take 2 dessert spoons of chlorophyllipt (1%) per 200 ml of water. The resulting solution irrigates the throat at least 4 times a day.
  • furatsilin - powerful antimicrobial drug. To prepare the solution, 1 tablet of 0.02 grams is kneaded in a mortar and placed in a glass of hot water, stirred. The prepared liquid is cooled to a non-burning temperature and the throat is rinsed 4-6 times a day.
  • soda saline solution. In glass warm water dissolve in 0.5 tsp. spoons of rock salt and soda, introduce 4 drops of iodine and rinse sessions 3-5 times a day.
  • herbal infusion. Take 1 tbsp for a glass of boiling water. mixtures of dry herbs of calendula, sage, chamomile buds. Keep it under the lid, cool to a comfortable state, pass through a sieve and proceed to washing the tonsils. Multiplicity of rinsing - up to 6 times a day.

When choosing how to rinse the inflamed tonsils, medical prescriptions should be taken into account.

For children under 3 years old, the rinsing method is not suitable, for the reason that they cannot yet do this procedure. Therefore, the question of how to treat tonsils in a child should be discussed with a pediatrician.


Pharmacies offer a wide range of absorbable tablets for the treatment of tonsils at home. With their help, you can achieve a decrease in inflammation, reduce swelling, discomfort in the throat.

Among the most common tablets, Pharyngosept, Doctor MOM, Travisil, Strepfen, Grammidin, etc. are distinguished. pathogenic agents. Such drugs are a secondary (additional) method home therapy tonsils.


An effective remedy for pathologies of the tonsils is inhalation. Carrying them out at home with the help of an inhaler nourishes the tissues of the tonsils. large quantity useful substances medicinal product.

Nebulizer therapy at home is performed with solutions such as:

  • furatsilin;
  • saline;
  • cromohexal;
  • mineral medicinal water.

Before the procedure at home, it is necessary to consult a therapist or ENT doctor who can recommend how to treat tonsils in the throat with a nebulizer.

How to treat tonsils in folk ways

With home treatment, one should not forget about the heritage traditional medicine offering big number recipes on how to treat tonsils.

Therapy of tonsils folk methods at home has a multifaceted effect:

  • disinfects the mucous membrane;
  • impregnates the affected tissues with moisture;
  • raises local immunity and the overall ability of the body to resist.

The choice of methods for treating tonsils with folk remedies at home depends on the individual differences of the patient and the nature of the development of the pathology.

Recipes for healing decoctions

  • treatment of swollen tonsils in children is performed with propolis tincture in alcohol. The medicine is suitable for children from 10 years. To prepare it, crushed bee glue is mixed in equal proportions with alcohol, defended for a week in a darkened cold place. Take 10 drops three times a day. The course of treatment is 10 days;
  • chopped garlic clove is mixed with ground sage, poured into 1 liter of boiling water, covered, the components are heated in a water bath for 25 minutes. The broth is filtered and drunk 4 times a day;
  • a tablespoon of pine buds is added to boiling water in a volume of 200 ml. The product is kept on a steam bath for 40 minutes, then divided into three parts and drunk during the day. Fresh broth is brewed daily;
  • one large beet is ground on a grater, add 5 glasses of water and set to boil for half an hour, cool and then gargle up to 4 times a day.


Ointments are widely used for home treatment of tonsils. Inflamed tonsils are treated with Lugol, which actively destroys the infection. Q-tip dipped in a solution and lubricate the surface of the tonsils, giving increased attention folds and depressions. The product contains molecular iodine. Despite this, the drug is safe and does not cause burns.

Many people have heard of this home method treatment of tonsils, like lubricating them with iodine. In this regard, they are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to smear the tonsils with ordinary iodine, which is stored in any home first aid kit. Most doctors consider iodine to be an excellent tool at hand for reducing sore throats and curbing unhealthy processes in it.

Inflammation of the tonsils - this is a symptom that manifests itself very often in both adults and children, and may be associated with the development of a number of viral, bacterial, fungal infections, as well as the consequence allergic reactions. In children, this symptom occurs about twice as often as in adults.

How are inflamed tonsils manifested?

Glands (tonsils ) is one of the organs immune system person. They consist of lymphoid tissue and are located between the palatine arches. In the body, they function as a kind of filter, protecting it from the penetration of pathogenic microbes. Thus, the tonsils can neutralize the infection that enters the body with air, food, water. But in some cases, if the body is weakened, and at the same time it gets into the throat a large number of microorganisms, tonsils cannot effectively perform their functions and become inflamed.

As a rule, the inflammatory process in the tonsils begins acutely. The patient has a pronounced pain in the tonsils when swallowing, a feeling of general weakness, chills, aching joints may appear. The person is worried headache, body temperature can rise very rapidly. , which are located under the jaw, often increase, when they are probed, pain is noted. Inflammation of the anterior pharyngeal wall may also be present, sometimes noted. Appears on the surface of the tonsils. Purulent inflamed tonsils indicate the development purulent tonsillitis . In this case, a specialist should be contacted immediately.

Sometimes there is severe pain in the left or right tonsil. Inflammatory processes of the tonsils almost never pass without pain. At infectious diseases for some time there is pain after the removal of the tonsils.

If the child's tonsils increase and the body temperature rises sharply, parents should not leave these symptoms unattended. However, you should not use the home remedy for sore throat without consulting a doctor, as the condition can only worsen. With absence proper treatment inflammation of the tonsils can cause serious complications - myocarditis , rheumatic heart disease , and etc.

Treatment of tonsils at home is carried out if the patient feels relatively normal, there are no large purulent plugs and white lumps . home treatment tonsils in children and adults requires bed rest, according to at least, during the period when the patient has tonsil pain and keeps heat body. It is important to adhere correct drinking regime : Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. Treatment of inflammation of the tonsils will be more effective if, during the period when the tonsils are enlarged, the patient consumes only warm food in small quantities. It is advisable to refrain from acute, salty, sour food. Everything that the patient consumes should be easily absorbed.

Treatment of tonsils with folk remedies involves the use of infusions and decoctions of herbs for rinsing the throat ( chamomile, sage, eucalyptus yarrow, calendula etc.) But if a person is interested in how to treat inflamed tonsils, one should not practice exclusively folk remedies, since without antibacterial treatment getting rid of angina is difficult.

It should be remembered that strengthening the immune system will help protect the body from frequent inflammation of the tonsils, including hardening , the use of vitamin-containing products, etc.

It is a mistake to believe that cutting out tonsils hurts. The operation can be carried out as local anesthesia, and under general anesthesia. From the point of view of medicine, such an intervention is not difficult. Therefore, the operation to remove the tonsils in Moscow is carried out in almost any clinic. The price of removal depends on the choice of medical institution, and other factors, which the doctor will tell you in more detail. After the procedure, the patient remains in the hospital for 1-2 days, then recovery period he spends at home. A sore throat may be felt for several days. At this time, it is advisable to eat grated food.

However, it should be remembered that in the absence of tonsils, a person's natural protective barrier disappears. Consequently, the chances of contracting an infection increase. Therefore, tonsils should be removed only if there are clear indications for such an operation.

Diseases such as angina and chronic tonsillitis accompanied inflammatory processes in the glands, that is palatine tonsils. In these cases, of course, you need to contact an otolaryngologist, but home measures will be a good help in the fight against the disease. How to cure tonsils at home? There are many simple, cheap and affordable recipes for everyone. If you treat correctly, regularly, do not postpone until later, then the results will be positive.

The inflammatory process in the throat, spreading to the tonsils, most often occurs with angina and. In a chronic process, it is best to start treatment as soon as you feel a sore throat. At this stage, you can significantly reduce the number of pathogenic microbes and weaken them.

As a result the disease will pass in more mild form or, in general, retreat. The next stage in the development of the disease is a sore throat, swelling, redness. In this case, treatment should be started immediately.


  • Sore throat,
  • Pain when swallowing
  • General deterioration of well-being.

If left untreated, the infection can spread to such an extent that there is a threat from the heart, kidneys, and joints. To prevent this, treatment should be started when the very first symptoms appear.

How to treat tonsils at home

Treatment of tonsils at home is, first of all, compliance with all the doctor's recommendations. Experienced attentive otolaryngologists always give advice on additional measures palatine tonsil therapy.

Home treatment methods

  • rinses,
  • tonsil processing,
  • Inhalations.

Gargles for the throat

Rinsing along with drug treatment, is the main procedure for diseases of the throat. During rinsing, food debris, dried crusts, pathogenic bacteria are washed off the tonsils - that is, everything that is on the tonsils. This allows you to quickly reduce the amount pathogenic microflora on the palatine tonsils and in the oral cavity, which speeds up the treatment and facilitates the course of the disease.

When does a sore throat and how to treat at home by rinsing? The method is quite simple. The solution for rinsing is drawn into the mouth, the head is raised up and the throat is rinsed so that the liquid washes it, but does not pass inside. For one procedure, you need half a glass of liquid or a little more. Each rinse lasts 15-30 seconds. Then the solution is spit out and another is recruited. This continues several times.

How to treat inflamed tonsils at home with rinses? It is best to gargle every half an hour on the first day of illness. The next day, you can do this every hour, the next day after two or three hours. This regimen will allow you to quickly get relief from sore throats and prevent a more severe course of the disease.

What do rinses give

  • Reducing the number of pathogenic microbes,
  • Sore throat relief
  • Removal of puffiness
  • Cleansing from purulent secretions.
  • Speed ​​up recovery.

How to gargle

There are many recipes for rinsing. The simplest is a solution of salt or soda, for the preparation of which you need to take half a teaspoon of salt or a glass of warm water (about 40 C). To enhance the effect, you can add a drop of iodine there.

Herbal Recipes

The main herbs for treating the throat are calendula, chamomile, yarrow and sage. They have an anti-inflammatory and cleansing effect. These herbs can be used to make a homemade decoction, or you can buy ready-made infusions at a pharmacy. Among pharmaceutical preparations worth paying attention to. This is a semi-alcoholic solution for gargling. It contains calendula, chamomile, yarrow, which effectively help with inflammation of the tonsils. For rinsing, you need a teaspoon of Rotokan in a glass of warm water.

Tonsil processing

How to treat tonsils at home quickly, when you need to return to your usual rhythm of life as soon as possible?

One of the most effective and quick ways- treatment of tonsils with special preparations. It is considered the most effective. This drug has been used for more than a decade to treat the throat.

How to treat inflammation of the tonsils at home with Lugol? To do this, you can use the traditional form, that is, a solution, or you can take a spray. Main active substance Lugol - molecular iodine. It has an antiseptic and bactericidal effect. To process the tonsils, it is convenient to take tweezers with a cotton swab attached to its end. The swab is wetted in the solution, then the tonsils and the area around them are lubricated.

This procedure is unpleasant, especially for those who have a very sensitive throat and a strong gag reflex. In this case, using Lugol spray will be easier and more convenient. With the help of a special nozzle, the tonsil area is irrigated. These funds are identical in their properties, the difference is in the form of release and price. costs much more than a conventional solution.


Steam inhalation - good remedy treatment sore throat in the absence of temperature. This traditional way treatment of diseases respiratory tract helps to soften the mucous membrane of the throat and prevent the occurrence of dry cough. To prepare a solution for inhalation, a whole arsenal of means is used.

Components of solutions for inhalation

  • drinking soda,
  • Sea salt,
  • Essential oils of sage, eucalyptus,
  • Decoctions of herbs: sage, eucalyptus, chamomile, coltsfoot.

How to treat inflammation of the tonsils at home using inhalation? For steam inhalation convenient to use the kettle. It is poured into hot water(about 600C), the necessary components are added. To inhale steam, a paper tube is put on the spout. You can breathe over the steam, bending over the saucepan and covering yourself with a towel from above.

Rules for performing inhalations

  1. The procedure should be started one hour after eating,
  2. An hour after inhalation, you need to refrain from talking, do not go out, do not eat, do not smoke,
  3. The number of procedures per day - 3-5,
  4. Each inhalation lasts 3-5 minutes, in children 1-3 minutes depending on age.

Using the combination of medical and home treatments, you can quickly remove general symptoms and avoid complications.