How to donate breast milk for analysis. Sowing breast milk for microflora, determining sensitivity to antimicrobial drugs and bacteriophages (Breast milk Culture, Routine

And about how useful mother's milk is for newborns. But in last years there was an opinion that bacteria that multiply in breast milk can be dangerous for children, causing them to have dysbacteriosis and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract. More moms are doing analysis breast milk for sterility, trying to find enterococci, epidermal staphylococci, E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida fungi in it.

The opinion of doctors about sterility was divided. Some believe that the analysis of breast milk is of no value, and can only become a reason for the unreasonable prescription of antibiotics to a nursing mother. Since breast milk is not originally a sterile product. The ducts of the mammary glands open on the skin, inhabited by various microbes - staphylococci, streptococci and fungi, which can almost freely enter the body. Therefore, it is simply meaningless to determine the degree of sterility of milk.

In addition, bacteria are unlikely to harm the baby, as they are destroyed in the stomach hydrochloric acid. Yes, and they get into the mouth of the crumbs, not only from the mother's breast, but also from other surrounding objects. We do not check for sterility the furniture in the house, the floor and children's toys that the child constantly licks. Therefore, to check the most valuable product- mother's milk, which itself is a source of antibodies, does not make any logical sense.

But some doctors still prescribe their patients to donate breast milk for analysis. Especially often this is done by women suffering, which is the most common complication after childbirth. At 2-4 weeks postpartum period a woman's temperature rises to 38-39 degrees, chills appear and after a few days pus appears in the milk. The main causative agent is Staphylococcus aureus. Also, often in women with mastitis, streptococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, or enterobacteria are found in milk. All of them are highly resistant to antibiotics. Therefore, it is extremely important to accurately determine the pathogen, and to know its sensitivity to drugs. A nursing mother is treated while saving.

Where to take a breast milk test

The analysis is carried out in some private laboratories. Milk is collected at home using two sterile jars separately for each breast. Before use, the jars are boiled for 15 minutes or they are purchased at the pharmacy ready-made packaged containers for analysis. Before collecting milk, hands are thoroughly washed with soap, the areola area is wiped with a towel or sterile napkin. The first 10 ml of milk is pumped into the sink, and the second 10 ml into a jar.

The milk is then transported very quickly to the laboratory. No more than 2-3 hours should elapse between expressing milk and handing it over to the laboratory. Otherwise, the results may not be accurate enough. A response from the laboratory is expected for about a week. During this time, the samples are placed in a special environment where the bacteria grow rapidly. In parallel with determining the number of bacteria, experts conduct tests on their resistance to exposure various drugs- antiseptics, antibiotics, etc. With the results of the analysis, the woman comes to her doctor, who prescribes the most effective course treatment.

But in principle breast milk analysis for staphylococcus is absolutely not necessary. If the mother does not suffer from mastitis, then if the child complains of digestive problems, she is sent to pediatric gastroenterologist. No milk sterility tests are required. The doctor prescribes a course of treatment for the child and advises giving the baby bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. not applicable in this case.

If a nursing mother has developed mastitis, you can pass the analysis. But in no case should you stop natural feeding, even if the sowing of breast milk has shown poor results. In any case, the benefits of mother's milk outweigh the harm from the microbes that enter the baby's body with it. Immunoglobulins, which are contained in breast milk, stimulate the metabolism, and also increase the child's resistance to infections.

If you want to make your milk more "sterile", better take care of. Stop eating sweets and pastries, which are ideal food for microbes. Don't drink carbonated drinks. Avoid foods containing preservatives and dyes. And very soon you will see that the child's well-being will improve. Also, take good care of your breasts. Wash before each feeding and wipe the areola area oil solution vitamins A and E. This will make the skin of the nipples softer and prevent the formation of cracks.

Whatever arguments “for” and “against” the analysis of breast milk are given by doctors, the choice is yours. The main thing is not to rush to conclusions and not start taking dangerous antibiotics. Address only those doctors whom you trust, and they will definitely do everything possible to keep your baby healthy.

Each of us knows how beneficial breastfeeding is for babies. However, in Lately, medicine has come to the conclusion that the bacteria in breast milk can pose a danger to the health of babies, causing various diseases gastrointestinal tract. In this regard, many breastfeeding women prefer to take breast milk tests, checking it for sterility.

At the same time, it is important to understand that breast milk cannot be absolutely sterile, since the excretory streams of the mammary gland are on the skin inhabited by a wide variety of microorganisms. Therefore, the presence of microbes is completely normal. The main thing is that their content in milk does not exceed the permissible limits.

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What do breast milk tests mean?

Analysis of breast milk allows you to determine the number of microbes contained in it:

  • staphylococci;
  • streptococci;
  • fungi;
  • coli;
  • enterococci.

What is the principle of analysis?

To test breast milk for sterility, it is necessary to hand over a small amount of it for analysis. Under laboratory conditions, milk is placed in a nutrient medium and stored for some time in an incubator. After a few days in a nutrient medium (as required by the analysis), whole colonies of a wide variety of microbes appear. After recounting the formed microbes, it is possible to determine the average indicator of their existence in the composition.

Breastfeeding mother's milk analysis requires care and precision during its collection. Only in this way can the reliability of the analysis performed be guaranteed. The collection mechanism must completely exclude the possibility of getting into the sample of microorganisms from the surface of the skin of the hands or chest. Necessary sterility is achieved through the use of exceptionally clean containers and thoroughly washed and alcohol-treated hands.

When is such an analysis necessary?

There are several cases when breastfeeding mothers are advised to take an analysis for the sterility of breast milk:

  • in case of a breastfeeding woman purulent mastitis;
  • in case of sepsis or purulent-inflammatory diseases in a child;
  • in case of manifestation in the baby in the first two months of his life of an unstable stool, diarrhea, constipation, colic (where the feces are dark green with blood or mucus impurities);
  • in case of slight weight gain during the first months of life.

Breast milk research at the Clinic of Modern Medicine

In the clinic Modern Medicine AIKI offers many qualified services, one of which is the analysis of breast milk for sterility. Our experienced professionals always recommend milk analysis to nursing mothers, even in the absence of anxiety symptoms. Caring for the health of babies, our doctors strive to completely eliminate the likelihood of various diseases in the first months of their lives.

If the analysis of breast milk shows high content in him harmful microorganisms, our specialists will offer an effective course of treatment, using modern methodologies and progressive drugs. The action of the proposed drugs is not able to affect lactation and the health of the baby. Therefore, during treatment, milk remains suitable for feeding the baby. Only in the most extreme cases can antibiotics be prescribed, which require interruption of feeding.

In the future, in order for breast milk to remain sterile, our doctors will advise a nursing woman proper nutrition and proper breast care.


Material under study Breast milk

Determination of infection of mother's milk and rationale for the choice of antibiotics.

The study is especially necessary in women suffering from postpartum (lactational) mastitis. Exactly this common complication after childbirth. It is extremely dangerous that its initial forms, serous and infiltrative, can quickly turn into a purulent form, up to gangrenous.

The main causative agent is Staphylococcus aureus, which is characterized by high virulence and resistance to many antibacterial drugs. Epidermal staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, enterobacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, etc. are no less dangerous. All of them are characterized by high virulence and polyresistance to antibiotics. That's why precise definition pathogen and its susceptibility to antibiotics are extremely important.

This is due to the fact that regardless of the pathogen clinical picture almost identical: usually at 2 - 4 weeks of the postpartum period, the temperature quickly rises to 38 - 39 degrees, chills occur. Often mastitis in 2 - 4 days turns into a purulent form.

If breastfeeding is continued, infected mother's milk and especially necessary antibiotic therapy can have an adverse effect on the newborn (dysbacteriosis).

We draw attention to the need to purchase a sterile container for collecting urine and other biological fluids, which must be purchased in advance at any INVITRO medical office on bail. The return of collateral is carried out upon delivery of the analysis and subject to the availability of a check for making a deposit.


  1. Guidelines on bacteriological control of breast milk. Main Department of Medical and Preventive Care for Children and Mothers. Ministry of Health of the USSR, 1984
  2. Medical Microbiology, Virology and Immunology: Textbook / Ed. A.A. Vorobyov. - M.: Medinformagency, 2004. - 691 p.


The study is carried out before the appointment of antibiotics for mastitis and a few days after the end of treatment. Milk from the right and left mammary glands is examined separately. Before decanting, the hands and mammary glands are treated with soap, the nipples and the peripapillary region with 70% alcohol (each gland is treated with a separate swab). The initial portion (5 - 10 ml) is not used for analysis, it is decanted into a separate bowl and poured out.

Indications for appointment

  • Mastitis in lactating women.
  • Monitoring the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy.
  • Dysbacteriosis in children who are breastfed and mixed.

Interpretation of results

The interpretation of test results contains information for the attending physician and is not a diagnosis. The information in this section should not be used for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. Accurate Diagnosis puts the doctor, using both the results of this examination¤, and necessary information from other sources: anamnesis, results of other examinations, etc.

The presence or absence of growth, general contamination, type of grown microorganisms, sensitivity to antimicrobial drugs and bacteriophages are indicated.

The choice of AMP is determined by the type of pathogens identified, the lists can be found

The choice of bacteriophages is determined by the type of pathogens identified, the lists can be found

Determination of sensitivity is possible only in the case of detection of microbes to which the industrial production of bacteriophages has been established.

Interpretation: normal - no growth. When contaminated with associated flora, 1 or more species of bacteria are isolated in low titer (most often it is S. epidermidis). Etiologically significant are Staphylococcus aureus, bacteria of the Escherichia coli group, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The total contamination is indicated as follows:

Massive growth: if the growth of bacteria in breast milk is more than 250 cfu / ml;

Non-massive growth: if the growth of bacteria in breast milk is less than 250 cfu/ml.

The question of the abolition of breastfeeding is decided by the attending physician, based on the results of the tests and the existing signs of the disease.

06/9/2010. Leyla Askerova, Medical Consultant, Independent Laboratory INVITRO

Feeding children in the first year of life mother's milk is called natural feeding, and pediatricians around the world recognize that breast milk remains the most the best food for a child under one year old. It contains everything you need to normal development baby components: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, enzymes, vitamins and minerals. In addition, it contributes to the formation immune system baby, stimulates the growth of normal microflora and enhances the emotional contact between mother and child.

Composition of breast milk:

  1. Breast milk is 87% water. It is biologically active and easily digestible, so the baby does not need to be specially supplemented.
  2. Carbohydrates in breast milk are represented by lactose, or milk sugar, their share is 7%. Under their influence, iron and calcium are well absorbed, the central nervous system is formed.
  3. Fats - 4%. This construction material, contributing to the formation of membranes of all cells, the retina of the eye. In order for the immature body of the baby to absorb fats more easily, a special enzyme, lipase, is produced in breast milk. The highest concentration of fats is present in the milk that the baby sucks at the end of feeding. Therefore, it is so important not to take the baby from the breast ahead of time.
  4. Squirrels. The component of breast milk is only 1%. And the more mature the mother's milk, the less protein there is. If there were more of it, it would overload the baby's kidneys and could disrupt the digestion process.
  5. Vitamins and trace elements - less than 1%. Despite the small number, all nutrients breast milk is easily absorbed by the baby's body. So, for example, iron is absorbed up to 70%, so children who are on breastfeeding are less likely to suffer from anemia. In addition to iron, in mother's milk in enough there are calcium, potassium, sodium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium. Also, breast milk contains hormones, as well as antibodies - substances that help fight infections and carry unique information about the mother's experience.
In the study of breast milk, it was revealed that the concentration of calcium and phosphorus in it is lower than in mixtures, but they are absorbed much better. Therefore, the children breastfeeding much less likely to suffer from rickets. But taurine, which is necessary for the formation of brain tissue, on the contrary, is contained in breast milk more than in mixtures, as well as some vitamins, such as vitamins D and E. But it's not just about nutrients.

Often, mothers try to determine the nutritional value of their milk by color - how fat, thick or, conversely, watery it is. Such attempts are fundamentally wrong, since the breast milk released during one feeding is divided into "front" and "back".

"Front" is called milk, the first to get to the baby during feeding. It is produced in the interval between feedings and makes up a small part of the total volume of milk that the baby sucks out at a time. Foremilk is usually watery and milky white in color.

The "hind milk", which is produced directly during feeding, contains more fat and protein than the first milk, and, accordingly, more calories needed for the development of the child. It has a yellowish tint, and when it is expressed, droplets of fat appear on the surface.

The composition of breast milk is constantly changing and depends on many factors, namely:

  • time of day - milk is fatter at night;
  • weather - in the hot season in milk more water;
  • well-being of mother and baby;
  • child's age.
Mastitis and breast milk

Frequent postpartum complications in lactating women - lactostasis and mastitis. These two diseases should be distinguished, because. if lactostasis (stagnation of milk in the ducts of the gland) can be eliminated by proven "grandmother's" methods - accurate decantation of milk, then the treatment of mastitis is necessarily carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

lactostasis- stagnation of milk in the ducts mammary gland arising from different reasons, including: refusal to breastfeed, improper attachment to the breast, wearing a tight bra, injuries and bruises of the chest, hypothermia, stress, excessive workload of a nursing woman. Manifested painful sensations in the mammary gland, the breast is filled and when probing, seals can be found in some of its parts. When expressing milk, pay attention - it flows unevenly, from some part it may not stand out at all due to the narrowness or clogging of the ducts. Pain may remain after feeding, but more often pass when emptying the breast.

mastitis called infectious and non-infectious inflammation mammary glands. The fact is that among the bacteria that can be found in breast milk, there are harmless microbes (such bacteria are enterococci, epidermal staphylococcus aureus in small quantities) and pathogenic microbes (pathogenic, i.e. absolutely harmful), which in breast milk can be should not - Staphylococcus aureus, hemolyzing Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Candida mushrooms and some others.

Regardless of the pathogen, the symptoms of mastitis are almost identical: usually at 2-4 weeks of the postpartum period, the temperature quickly rises to 38-39 degrees, chills occur. It is extremely dangerous that its initial forms can quickly (within 2-4 days) turn into purulent forms, up to gangrenous. The main reasons for the development this disease- stagnation of milk, poor emptying of the mammary gland during breastfeeding and cracked nipples.

Milk passages are a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria. The penetration of the infection usually comes from the mouth of the child, through dirty hands, in case of non-observance of hygienic rules for the care of the mammary gland during pregnancy and lactation. Eating such milk, the baby receives pathogenic microbes along with it, which provokes the development of various diseases in him.

For the treatment of mastitis, it is especially important to accurately identify the pathogen and information about which antibiotics it is resistant to. Taking milk for this analysis is carried out in a sterile container, which can be purchased at medical offices before testing. A woman before expressing milk thoroughly washes her hands with soap, as well as the areola area and wipes them with a clean towel. It is also advisable to treat the areola of the nipple with alcohol.

The first portion of milk (about 5-10 ml) is expressed by. For sowing, a subsequent portion of milk is taken in an amount of 5-10 ml. Samples are taken from each breast into a separate sterile container, which is issued by the laboratory. If breastfeeding is continued, infected mother's milk and especially needed antibiotic therapy can adversely affect the newborn.

The independent laboratory INVITRO conducts research on breast milk - bacterial culture on the flora and determination of the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics. The analysis for the presence of bacteria in the milk takes from two (if there are no bacteria) to seven days (if the bacteria are present in the milk and it is required to determine which antibiotics it is resistant to). After receiving the tests, the attending physician will be able to prescribe effective treatment nursing mother and baby.

During lactation, a nursing mother and her baby are connected not only by family ties, but also by a common microflora. With breast milk, nutrients enter the gastrointestinal tract of the baby. It contains lacto- and bifidobacteria that inhabit the intestinal mucosa of the baby, antibodies that take part in the formation of the child's immunity. But breast milk can also contain disease-causing bacteria. To determine the microflora, a sterility test is performed. The research also determines specific gravity, fat content, level of antibodies in milk. More recently, with any lactation disorders and digestive problems in infants, it was necessary to take these tests. Today, experts are of a different opinion.

Bacteria in breast milk - normal or pathological?

Sterility of breast milk is a relative concept. Research has shown recent decades, the need for an analysis to determine the content of pathogenic bacteria, antibodies, fats in it does not occur so often. Do not rush to blame the quality of milk if the newborn has digestive problems. Most often they are physiologically justified and immature digestive system baby.

The composition of mother's milk is constantly changing depending on the needs of the child, and the content of certain substances in each nursing woman is different. It also contains opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms, their colonies sometimes reproduce completely asymptomatically, and far from always they can harm the child.
Bacteria in breast milk in the absence of concomitant symptoms in mother and child is more likely the norm than pathology

Epidermal staphylococci and enterococci are representatives of the normal flora. skin and mucous membranes. They (like most other microbes) enter the milk from the skin of the nipples and areolas when pumping or while the baby is suckling. These microorganisms are called opportunistic pathogens. They develop into large colonies and cause inflammation only with certain changes in the body.

Conditionally pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply actively only in favorable conditions for them. For example, when the immunity of a nursing mother is weakened, at the time of exacerbation of any chronic disease, with physical and nervous exhaustion, V postoperative period etc. Then they become the cause of the development of mastitis.

Pathogens enter milk through cracks in the nipples, during infectious diseases (flu, tonsillitis), in case of non-compliance sanitary norms and personal hygiene rules, etc. But it also contains antibodies that can neutralize pathogens and prevent infection of the child. Therefore, in most cases, even if the mother has health problems, she can continue to breastfeed the baby without fear of harming him.
Maternal illness is not always a contraindication to breastfeeding

A milk test for sterility is ordered either when symptoms of infection are detected in an infant, or when purulent mastitis in a nursing mother. That's why:

  1. Digestive disorders in infants are not a reason to conduct milk tests for sterility. But be sure to pay attention to the skin of the crumbs. Frequent purulent-inflammatory rashes, accompanied by intestinal disorders(loose stools with greens and mucus, flatulence), may indicate bacterial infection.
  2. Milk must be checked for sterility in case of purulent mastitis in a nursing mother (including more than once repeated). The disease as such can be diagnosed by a doctor without analysis. Symptoms include breast hardening, redness, swelling, purulent discharge from the nipples, increased body temperature. By using laboratory research the microorganisms that caused the development of inflammation, as well as their sensitivity to antibacterial agents, are determined.

If, after passing the analysis, opportunistic microflora was detected in milk, it is not necessary to stop breastfeeding. As a rule, cocci that enter the intestines of a child do not take root there. This fact has been confirmed by numerous studies of children with normal immunity and age-appropriate developmental indicators.

Upon detection pathogenic microflora in breast milk in excess of the norm, treatment is carried out only when there are symptoms of an infectious disease in the mother or baby. During therapeutic measures, the doctor may recommend not to breastfeed the baby, but be sure to express to maintain lactation.

Video: Staphylococcus aureus in mother's milk (Dr. Komarovsky)

Pathogenic microorganisms in crops

The sterility test determines the presence of pathogens of infectious diseases in breast milk. Some of them, getting into a favorable environment, cause severe intoxication of the body, inflammatory and purulent processes, and other dangerous conditions:

  1. Enterococci. Gram-positive cocci are the main commensal organisms of the gut where they are beneficial. In small quantities may be present on the mucous membranes. In breast milk often get from the skin. not dangerous when total colonies of pathogenic bacteria in the analysis does not exceed the norm. Differ high level resistance to antibiotics.
    Enterococci (lat. Enterococcus) - a genus of bacteria of the Enterococcaceae family, gram-positive cocci, often presented in pairs (diplococci) or short chains, difficult to distinguish from streptococci
  2. Klebsiella. Conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, experts attributed them to enterobacteria. There are several varieties, each of which affects certain tissues and organs - the intestines, lungs, organs genitourinary system, conjunctiva. Normally, they can be present in the intestine, on the mucosa respiratory tract. Depending on the state of the immune system of a nursing mother, the active reproduction of these gram-negative rods can be fraught with both mild signs of intoxication and severe septic manifestations, enterocolitis, gastritis, diseases of the kidneys, respiratory tract, nasopharynx, etc. They should not be in milk.
    Klebsiella is an opportunistic pathogen that is a member of the Enterobacteriaceae family.
  3. Staphylococci epidermal. They are part of the human microflora. At normal condition immunity is completely safe. Cause skin rashes and inflammation of the mucous membranes with weakened immune defenses. Getting into breast milk, they are usually neutralized by antibodies, and are not found in the baby's feces.
    Staphylococcus epidermidis(epidermal staphylococcus) - a representative of the normal microflora of human skin
  4. Staphylococcus aureus. Gram-positive bacteria that also exist on the skin and mucous membranes. They penetrate into the systemic circulation through damaged areas - cracks in the nipples. Capable of summoning as lungs skin infections in the form of acne, and very dangerous - meningitis, pneumonia, endocarditis, osteomyelitis, sepsis, infectious toxic shock. Normally absent in milk.
    Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus) is the most pathogenic for humans, named for its ability to form a golden pigment.
  5. Salmonella. Gram-negative bacteria that cause salmonellosis characteristic features which are general intoxication of the body, liquid stool, vomiting, abdominal pain, heat body, and in case of complicated and long course rashes appear on the skin, swelling internal organs. Their presence in breast milk is unacceptable.
    Salmonellosis - infection, which primarily affects the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, the causative agent of salmonellosis are bacteria of the genus Salmonella
  6. Escherichia coli. Gram-negative, rod-shaped bacteria whose virulent strains cause acute intestinal poisoning, gastroenteritis, meningitis, sepsis, peritonitis, mastitis. But some of their varieties are part of the normal intestinal microflora and are considered opportunistic pathogens. Usually absent in milk.
    coli(lat. Escherichia coli) - a type of gram-negative rod-shaped bacteria, widespread in the lower intestine
  7. Vibrio cholerae. Gram-negative motile bacteria are responsible for the development of dysentery and dehydration in the body. Normal sterility of breast milk - when cholera vibrios are not found in it.
    Vibrio cholerae (lat. Vibrio cholerae) - a type of gram-negative facultative anaerobic motile bacteria of the genus Vibrio
  8. Mushrooms of the genus Candida. They provoke the development of thrush on the mucous membrane of the oropharynx of the baby. Often causes increased gas formation and infant intestinal colic. They can penetrate into breast milk through microcracks in the nipples, although they should not be there.
    Candidiasis - the disease is caused not just by the presence of fungi of the genus Candida, but by their reproduction in large numbers
  9. Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Gram-negative bacterium. Refers to opportunistic pathogens. When immunity is weakened, it can carry a great danger to the body, provoking purulent and septic reactions and affecting the urinary system, intestines, causing abscesses. Present on the skin. Under normal immune status suppressed by beneficial microflora.
    Pseudomonas aeruginosa (lat. Pseudomonas aeruginosa) - a type of gram-negative motile rod-shaped bacteria, conditionally pathogenic for humans, the causative agent of nosocomial infections

Often, the analysis of breast milk for sterility is not very informative due to non-compliance with the rules for the collection of biomaterial and its transportation. And simply because it is impossible to express milk with your hands or with a breast pump so that it does not come into contact with the skin. Therefore, the interpretation of the results must be dealt with by a specialist. Dr. Komarovsky considers the analysis of the sterility of breast milk unreliable in most cases.

How to take a sterility test

The analysis, most likely, you will have to take in a private laboratory. Its cost ranges from 650 to 750 rubles. Results can usually be collected within 5-7 days.

When taking milk for sterility testing, bacteria from the skin around the nipple can get into it. Therefore, you should properly prepare for the procedure.

  1. Thoroughly with soap or antiseptic wash your hands. Dry them or wipe with a sterile disposable towel (can be clean and pre-ironed reusable).
  2. Wash your chest too. warm water with soap and dry with a towel.
  3. Treat the skin of the areola and nipple alcohol solution 70%.
  4. Collect milk samples from each mammary gland in a separate test tube. Special sterile containers can be bought at the pharmacy. Be sure to sign where you will have milk expressed with right chest, where is the one on the left.
  5. Express the first portion (5–10 ml) into another bowl. The next portion of milk should fall into the test tube. Ten milliliters is enough for the study.
  6. Seal containers tightly with lids.

Breast milk is a favorable breeding ground for bacteria. Therefore, the samples must be delivered to the laboratory no later than two hours after the sampling of the biomaterial. Otherwise, the results of the analysis can no longer be considered reliable.

The sterility of breast milk is a concept questioned by doctors due to the high probability of distorting the results in the process of taking material for analysis and transporting it.

Deciphering the results

In the laboratory, the biomaterial (breast milk) is sown on a nutrient medium, where colonies of bacteria develop within a few days. Further, by staining microorganisms with special dyes, it is determined which group of pathogens they belong to, how many of them are in one milliliter of milk, and to which antibiotics they are most sensitive.
From the left and right breasts, milk must be expressed into different containers.

There may be several scenarios for the development of events:

  1. There is no growth of microflora. Such an indicator is extremely rare, because even if the milk itself is sterile, microorganisms enter it during the collection of material and other manipulations. Treatment in this case is not prescribed.
  2. An increase in conditionally pathogenic microorganisms in small quantities - therapy is also not needed.
  3. The growth of pathogenic microflora is observed within the normal range. An indicator of 250 CFU / ml is considered safe for the health of the mother and baby, where CFU are colony-forming units, an indicator of viable microbes per unit volume of breast milk. This option is also considered the norm, but for preventive purposes, drugs can be prescribed to strengthen the immunity of a nursing mother and normalize the intestinal microflora.
  4. The number of pathogens in the sample is more than normal (above 250 CFU / ml). With this result, antibiotic treatment(according to the antibiotic map).

The doctor deciphers the results of the analysis, makes a diagnosis, prescribes treatment, if necessary.

Treatment of diseases caused by bacteria in breast milk

If more than 250 CFU / ml of pathogenic microflora growth is detected in breast milk, concomitant symptoms in the mother and child are carefully analyzed. The decision to temporarily stop breastfeeding is made strictly individually, taking into account the anamnesis (medical history). In some cases, the child is applied to healthy breast, and the inflamed one is decanted.

Among effective means treatment of a bacterial infection found in the milk of a nursing mother, allocate:

Medications are prescribed depending on the severity of the symptoms, the characteristics of the course of the disease and the resistance (sensitivity) of the pathogen to them.

It is possible to prevent the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the mammary glands during breastfeeding and the development of mastitis by observing the rules of personal hygiene and a diet that limits the use of sweets. It is necessary to often and correctly attach the baby to the breast, to prevent stagnation of milk, to take care of the nipples in between feedings. And when cracks and abrasions appear on them, treat them in time to prevent the infection from joining.