The mammary gland hurts on the side. Diagnosis of chest pain on the right side

Many women are familiar with extremely unpleasant sensations and pain in the chest before menstruation. During this period, the breasts swell significantly, it is impossible to sleep on the stomach, the bra seems uncomfortable and tight. And many women instantly have all sorts of bad thoughts creeping into their heads: “My chest hurts - what if it’s...?”

However, often the cause of such chest pain is a common disease called mastopathy. Just don’t diagnose yourself and, of course, you don’t need to take any medications. Only a mammologist-oncologist can determine the real reason chest pain and indicate appropriate treatment after the examination.

Why does my chest hurt?

The most common reason that causes chest pain is considered to be banal hormonal change in the body during menstruation. In regular changes in women hormonal levels there is absolutely nothing wrong. But, they can still lead to the development of mastopathy, that is, to benign changes that are associated with breast tissue. Nowadays, mastopathy has become a very common disease. According to statistics, it affects about sixty to eighty percent of women, and most of them are between the ages of twenty-five and forty-five. The main signs of this disease lumps in the chest and, accordingly, pain are considered.

The second most common cause of chest pain is considered mechanical damage mammary gland. Pain may occur due to strong blow, due to severe chest compression or compression. This can be easily avoided by wearing a supportive, quality bra. It is recommended to pay special attention to this issue, because the breast is a fragile mechanism, and by purchasing comfortable “clothes” for it, you will get rid of many unpleasant cases.

Another significant cause of chest pain can be pregnancy and breastfeeding. Also, chest pain is possible due to insufficient sexual activity.

Possible reasons(among women)

In general, pain or excessive sensitivity of the breast can be caused by many reasons:

  • changes in hormonal levels during menstruation;
  • retention in the body excess liquid what happens during menstruation;
  • mechanical damage to the chest;
  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • various infections;
  • dangerous disease breast cancer.

Diseases during which chest pain may occur:

  • 1 Dysplasia (benign) of the mammary gland and mastopathy.
  • 2 Various inflammatory diseases mammary gland, for example, lactation mastitis.
  • 3 Hypertrophy disease.
  • 4 Some formations in the chest.
  • 5 Other diseases.

Most women, having discovered some kind of lump in their mammary glands, immediately decide that they definitely have cancer and go to the doctor. Undoubtedly, medical checkup is, of course, a correct and competent decision, but you shouldn’t panic right away. It is absolutely not necessary that compaction and pain indicate the presence of a malignant tumor.

What to do?

Lumps in the chest are painless, and their size can be as small as a pea or occupy the entire gland. To get more early diagnosis tumor processes, women should learn to properly examine their mammary glands. It is necessary to conduct a self-examination at least once a month. It is better to do this in front of a mirror. You should pay attention to the size and any changes in the shape of the breast. The condition of the skin, changes in color, the presence of rashes, and the shape of the nipples are examined. Next, you need to feel the chest: you should start with the left gland, it is convenient to do this in a lying position. Palpation is carried out with your fingertips clockwise, and not only the breast itself, but also the armpit, as well as the clavicular region. If enlarged lymph nodes, nipple discharge, or lumps are detected, it is better to immediately go to the doctor. Early detection of the disease, at the first stage, allows the doctor to carry out more successful surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Probability of cure dangerous disease cancer in this stage is significantly higher than in the third and fourth stages. Regular examinations will help get rid of the disease much faster.

Delicate female organ

If for men female breast- this is an attractive area of ​​the body, then for doctors it is, first of all, a gland with a complex structure. Most of the processes that occur in it are hormonal in nature. Chest pain can be caused by changes in the endocrine system. Want to know some more reasons why your chest hurts? You will find all the answers below.

Critical days for the mammary gland

More than half of women of reproductive age note that their breasts change immediately before the onset of menstruation. There is an increase in the bust and some discomfort. Sometimes this same discomfort reaches the scale of mild pain. Most often, both mammary glands are affected, which is the main indicator that the pain is hormonal in nature. The culprits are substances such as prolactin, estrogen and oxytocin. Why do the mammary glands hurt before menstruation? An increase in estrogen levels leads to fluid retention in tissues. This is why the breasts swell and feel heavy. The fluid also compresses the nerve endings, causing them to respond.

Why do mammary glands hurt in pregnant women?

Breast tenderness is one of the first signs of an “interesting” situation. Such symptoms may appear even a week after conception. Usually the breasts swell, as before menstruation. Touching the nipples causes discomfort. Many women confuse this condition with premenstrual syndrome due to similar symptoms. The main difference: in pregnant women, the nipples darken and become covered with small tubercles.

Problems of nursing mothers

Breast pain is a common complaint of young mothers. For the first time, unpleasant sensations overtake a woman during the arrival of milk, this happens approximately on the third day after the birth of the child. The breasts greatly increase in size, and tingling and burning sensations may be felt in the mammary gland. If the baby is not attached correctly or if feeding is not done on time, milk stagnation may occur. It feels like a small pea in the gland, which hurts on palpation. The skin in this area often turns red. If measures are not taken, stagnation can develop into mastitis, which is infectious disease. Urgent breast massage and frequent latching of the baby are required. If you do not know why the mammary glands hurt, then you need to as soon as possible consult a doctor.



This is a common disease even among young girls. Its main cause is hormonal imbalance. Symptoms: burning sensation in the mammary gland, painful sensations, intensifying before menstruation and being unilateral in nature, discharge of yellowish fluid from the nipple, the presence of nodules in the gland. Mastopathy is a benign tumor in the breast. However, this disease requires careful monitoring by a doctor, as it can easily turn into a terrible tumor.

Breast injury

Why do the mammary glands hurt in other cases? After the blow, your chest may feel very sore. Internal swelling and hemorrhage cause compression of the nerve endings. In case of serious injury or long-lasting pain, it is better to consult a doctor. Damage to gland tissue can lead to various changes.

Breast tumor

This is the most terrible reason chest pain. Unfortunately, breast cancer has become much younger and is becoming more common. That is why, if you have unexplained pain, as well as swelling and thickening in the chest area, you should urgently consult a doctor. Monthly in the middle menstrual cycle independently examine the breast and palpate.

Thank you

Pain in the mammary glands quite often worries women. It is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness, a feeling of fullness in the chest, swelling and strong sensitivity of the nipples. Pain does not always indicate that a woman has a mammological or cancer. However, it is better to take care of your health and find out the cause of the occurrence. painful sensations.

Depending on the frequency of pain experienced, there are:

  • Cyclical pain.
  • Non-cyclical pain.
Cyclic pain most often occurs before menstruation and is a consequence hormonal changes female body.
Non-cyclical pain associated with previously received injuries, bruises chest; as well as with intercostal neuralgia. Neuralgic pain radiates to the chest area, and therefore it seems to the woman that it is the chest that hurts.

The nature of the pain that occurs:

  • Spicy.
  • Dumb.
  • Shooting.
  • Cutting.
  • Stabbing.
  • Pulsating.
  • Burning.
  • Aching-pulling.
The most common complaints from women are acute, burning, stabbing and aching pain.

Acute pain in the mammary gland

Often, women in the reproductive period experience problems before menstruation. cyclical pain having sharp character. This condition is within physiological norm and is not a pathology.

If, according to objective signs, it is clear that sharp pain has nothing to do with menstruation ( in the case when a woman has already left the reproductive period; or when pain occurs outside the menstrual period) – it is better to consult a mammologist for advice.

Burning pain in the mammary gland

Usually occurs at rest, occasionally during movement. It has a strong intensity and radiates to the back and neck area. When you touch the mammary glands, it intensifies.

Stitching pain in the mammary gland

It occurs in paroxysms and is localized in a part of the mammary gland. The intensity is constantly changing.

Aching pain in the mammary gland

Such pain is dangerous because its effect is constant and its intensity is not strong; You can get used to it and not attach importance to it. The habit of enduring such pain means that a woman will not go to the doctor or will not go to the doctor very soon. In cases where pain is a symptom of a certain disease, a late visit to a doctor always leads to difficulties in diagnosis and treatment.

Pain in the mammary glands, as a clinical symptom, can manifest itself in various diseases:

  • Intercostal neuralgia.
  • Fibroadenoma of the mammary glands.
  • Breast abscess.
  • Breast cancer.
Intercostal neuralgia not directly related to the mammary glands. Attacks of acute ( occasionally whining) pain in the mammary glands in this case does not mean illness. Neuralgia ( Literally translated as "nerve pain") develops due to impaired sensitivity of some nerve fibers. The pain “spreads” along the trunk and branches of the nerve, and since nerve endings are found everywhere in the body, this explains the fact that neuralgia can cause pain in the back, lower back, and mammary glands.
Neuralgic pain in the area of ​​the mammary glands occurs in paroxysms, is very intense, intensifies when walking, deep inhalations and exhalations, and when pressing on the chest.

Mastopathy is benign disease mammary glands. It is manifested by the proliferation of glandular tissue, chest pain, and discharge from the nipple. Mastopathy always affects both breasts. With mastopathy, pain in the mammary glands usually has a dull, aching character. There is a feeling of heaviness in the chest, and in rare cases, the lymph nodes of the armpit become enlarged. By the way, 15% of women with mastopathy have no pain. So, based on only one symptom - chest pain - you cannot draw conclusions and immediately diagnose “mastopathy”. Mastopathy in some cases can degenerate into a cancerous tumor.

Fibroadenoma of the breast - This is a tumor-like encapsulated formation with a clear contour. The breasts become firm and painful to the touch, and an unknown substance may be released from the nipples. For middle-aged and older women it is indicated surgical intervention to remove fibroadenoma. Since fibroadenoma is usually benign education, then it does not disrupt the entire structure of the breast tissue. In extremely rare cases, fibroadenoma can develop into sarcoma ( cancer).

Mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary glands. Develops during breastfeeding ( so-called lactation mastitis), if hygiene standards are not carefully followed. Cracks in the nipples serve as entry points for infection. Accompanied by pain during feeding. Expressing milk is also painful, but this procedure must be carried out, only in this case the milk will not stagnate in the ducts and cause further worsening of inflammation.

Sometimes mastitis is confused with mastopathy, in fact it is two various diseases. Mastitis is less dangerous compared to mastopathy - it is easier to diagnose and treat.

Breast abscess – a rather rare complication of mastitis, which develops into an independent form of the disease. With an abscess, pus accumulates in the cavities of the mammary gland. Accompanied by severe pain inflammatory process. To cure a woman, surgical opening of cavities with pus is performed.

Which doctor should I contact for pain in the mammary glands?

The causes of chest pain in a woman are different, and therefore, when they appear, it is necessary to contact doctors of various specialties, whose competence includes the diagnosis and treatment of suspected chest pain. specific case diseases. To understand which doctor should be contacted in each case, you should evaluate the symptoms associated with pain, since it is their combination that allows you to suspect an existing disease. Let's consider which doctors should be consulted by women for chest pain.

If a woman is bothered periodic attacks severe intense pain, aggravated by walking, pressing on the chest or deep inhalation and exhalation, then intercostal neuralgia is suspected, and in this case it is necessary to contact neurologist (make an appointment).

If a woman is bothered by almost constant dull aching pain in both mammary glands, combined with discharge from the nipples, a feeling of heaviness in the chest and sometimes enlarged lymph nodes in armpit, then mastopathy is suspected, and in this case the woman should contact gynecologist (make an appointment) or mammologist (make an appointment).

If a woman feels a dense, spherical, painless lump in the mammary gland, which provokes a feeling of fullness or pain in the chest before menstruation, and is also combined with the discharge of an unknown substance from the nipples, then fibroadenoma is suspected, and in this case it is necessary to contact oncologist (make an appointment) or a mammologist.

If a woman at any age develops severe pain, redness and swelling of the breasts in combination with purulent discharge from the nipple, high temperature body and chills, then a breast abscess is suspected, and in this case it is necessary to consult a surgeon. If a woman lives in big city, then you can also contact a mammologist-surgeon.

If a woman of any age develops chest pain of any nature and at the same time the shape of the mammary gland changes, the skin on it becomes wrinkled, the nipple is retracted, nodules and lumps are felt in the breast, there is discharge from the nipple, and axillary and supraclavicular The lymph nodes are enlarged, then breast cancer is suspected, and in this case it is necessary to contact a mammologist.

Women at risk for breast diseases include:

  • Those who have not given birth at all, or who have given birth to one child.
  • Having a history of maternal predisposition to cancer.
  • Not breastfeeding or breastfeeding short period time.
  • Repeatedly had an abortion.
  • Not having regular sexual intercourse.
  • Emotionally unstable, stressed, anxious.
  • Residents of environmentally disadvantaged areas.
  • Obese people; those suffering from diabetes mellitus, diseases of the liver, gallbladder and thyroid gland.
  • Drinking alcohol and smoking.
  • Suffered injuries to the mammary glands.
Use alcoholic drinks and smoking are not direct causes of the development of breast diseases, they are indirect factors. The same applies to unfavorable ecological environments.

What diagnostic methods are used?

Clinical examination the doctor begins by collecting the necessary data ( so-called anamnesis). For a comprehensive understanding of the situation, a mammologist needs the following information:
  • about past illnesses;
  • about the operations carried out;
  • about menarche ( that is, about the start time of the first menstrual bleeding ), about the regularity of menstruation;
  • about the number of pregnancies and abortions;
  • about the number of births.
The clinical examination also includes examination and manual examination of the breast, which examines the degree of formation of the glands, the size of the glands, shape, condition skin and nipple, the presence of scars on the skin. The lymph nodes are palpated for swelling. If, upon examination, compacted nodular formations are detected in the gland tissue, then their density, mobility, and size must be determined.

X-ray mammography is one of the main methods for objectively assessing the condition of the mammary glands. X-ray can reveal the presence functional changes in the first stages of the disease. Many women are afraid of this procedure, believing that they are receiving a strong dose of radiation. In fact, it has been proven that the dose of X-ray radiation is very insignificant, so carrying out preventive mammography every two years does not pose any danger.

A non-palpable nodular formation can easily be identified after mammography, when the mammologist analyzes the resulting X-ray. This explains the value of mammography as an objective diagnostic method.
It is advisable to undergo mammography once every two years, or annually at older ages.

What tests and examinations can a doctor prescribe for pain in the mammary glands in various cases?

The section above lists instrumental examination methods that are used when pain in the mammary gland occurs in order to make a diagnosis. However, in addition to instrumental methods, laboratory tests are also used. In addition, not all of them are prescribed and applied in each specific case. diagnostic techniques, but only some, those that are most informative for the suspected disease. This means that in each case the doctor selects and prescribes those examinations that will allow him to make a diagnosis most accurately and in the shortest possible time. The selection of the list of studies in each case is carried out depending on the totality of the symptoms the woman has, since they are the ones that allow one to suspect a particular disease. Let's consider what diagnostic methods a doctor can prescribe if he suspects a particular disease manifested by chest pain.

When chest pains are paroxysmal in nature, that is, they appear suddenly, from time to time, are present for some time, and then disappear, and they are very intense, intensifying when walking, pressing on the chest or taking a deep breath - the doctor suspects intercostal neuralgia and prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • General blood test (sign up);
  • X-ray of the spine (make an appointment) And chest (sign up);
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the spine (make an appointment);
  • Spondylogram;
  • Electrocardiography (ECG) (sign up).
A general blood test is almost always prescribed, as it is necessary to assess the general condition of the body. Also, to find out the cause of neuralgia, the doctor first of all always prescribes x-ray (sign up), and, if technically possible, tomography. Spondylography is rarely prescribed, only as a additional method examinations when there is suspicion of dystrophic changes in the spinal column. And an electrocardiogram is prescribed only if, in addition to chest pain, a woman is also bothered by pain in the heart area. In this case, an electrocardiogram is necessary in order to understand whether pain in the heart area is caused by neuralgia or is associated with the pathology of this vital organ.

When a woman almost constantly has dull aching pain in both breasts, combined with discharge from the nipples, a feeling of heaviness in the chest and sometimes enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit, the doctor suspects mastopathy and in this case, first of all, palpates the breasts. glands and prescribes mammography (make an appointment) in the first half of the menstrual cycle. Often prescribed in addition to mammography Ultrasound (sign up), since these two methods of instrumental examination make it possible to diagnose mastopathy in women with high information content and accuracy. If, according to the results of ultrasound or mammography, a nodular formation was detected, then biopsy (sign up) followed by histological examination in order to identify possible cancer. As a rule, other studies to confirm the diagnosis of mastopathy, in addition to ultrasound and mammography, are not prescribed, since in such cases they give little additional information. But still, sometimes, more often for the purpose of studying pathology, the doctor may prescribe a tomography if mastopathy is detected by ultrasound and mammography and ductography (sign up).

After identifying mastopathy, in order to clarify the causes of this disease, the doctor prescribes colposcopy (make an appointment) to assess the total hormonal levels, as well as determination of progesterone concentration in the blood (sign up), estrogens, follicle-stimulating, luteinizing hormones, hormones thyroid gland(sign up), thyroid-stimulating hormone(sign up), adrenal hormones (sign up). Also for condition assessment endocrine organs are appointed Ultrasound of the thyroid gland (sign up), adrenal glands (sign up), liver (sign up), pancreas (sign up), radiography of the sella turcica, computed tomography of the pituitary gland. To identify possible pathologies metabolism produce biochemical analysis blood (sign up) And immunogram (sign up).

When a dense spherical formation is felt in the mammary gland, not too painful, but combined with a feeling of fullness of the chest before menstruation, discharge of an unknown substance from the nipples, the doctor suspects a fibroadenoma, and in this case, palpates (feels) the breast and prescribes an ultrasound with a biopsy. A biopsy is necessary to exclude the malignant nature of the tumor. No other studies are prescribed for fibroadenoma, since ultrasound and palpation are quite sufficient to make a diagnosis.

When, during breastfeeding, a woman experiences severe bursting pain in the chest, combined with swelling, hardening and redness of the mammary gland, fever and chills, mastitis is suspected. In this case, the doctor examines and prescribes an ultrasound. As a rule, these simple diagnostic methods quite enough to make a diagnosis. In rare cases, if ultrasound results are questionable, a tissue biopsy is taken for subsequent examination under a microscope. Mammography is not prescribed for suspected mastitis. However, after mastitis is detected, to determine the microbe that causes inflammation, it is prescribed bacteriological culture milk from the affected gland.

When a woman has severe pain in the breast combined with redness and swelling, purulent discharge from the nipple, high body temperature and chills, a breast abscess is suspected. In this case, the doctor prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • General blood analysis;
  • General urine analysis ;
  • Bacteriological culture of nipple discharge;
  • Cytogram (sign up) discharge from the nipples;
  • Ultrasound of the breast (make an appointment);
  • Mammography;
  • Computed tomography of the breast;
First of all, to make a diagnosis, clarify the localization of the abscess, and determine the condition of the breast tissue, the doctor prescribes general analysis blood, general urine test, breast ultrasound and mammography. If the result of ultrasound and mammography is doubtful, then an additional tomography of the breast is prescribed. To identify the pathogen infectious process bacteriological culture of the discharge from the nipples of the mammary gland is prescribed and performed. In order to distinguish an abscess from tumors, hematomas, necrosis and other diseases of the mammary gland, a biopsy and a cytogram of discharge from the nipples may be prescribed. However, both a biopsy and a cytogram for an abscess are rarely prescribed, only when doubt remains that the woman still has an abscess in the breast tissue.

If, in addition to chest pain, a woman’s shape and size of the mammary gland changes, the skin on it wrinkles, the nipple is pulled inward, nodules and lumps are felt in the breast, there is discharge from the nipple, and the axillary and supraclavicular lymph nodes are enlarged, then a malignant tumor is suspected. In this case, the doctor prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • Mammography;
  • Ultrasound of the breast with dopplerography (sign up);
  • Ductography;
  • Thermography;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the breast (make an appointment);
  • Biopsy with histological examination.
In practice, mammography, ultrasound with Dopplerography and biopsy are most often prescribed, and other studies are not carried out, since these three methods make it possible to identify malignant tumor. However, if you medical institution If there is a technical possibility, then for a comprehensive assessment of the condition of the tissues, shape, size and location of the tumor, all of the above examinations are performed. Also, before surgery, for subsequent monitoring of the effectiveness of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, and may be prescribed blood tests to determine the concentration of tumor markers (sign up). The concentrations of CA 15-3 and TPA in the blood are mainly determined, since these are the tumor markers that are most specific for breast cancer. However, if technically possible, tests for CEA tumor markers, PC-M2, HE4, CA 72-4 and beta-2 microglobulin, which are considered complementary in the diagnosis of breast cancer.

It is contraindicated to undergo examination:

  • Pregnant women.
  • Breastfeeding.
  • For teenagers.
Ultrasound diagnostics - the most popular diagnostic method. Ultrasound effectively detects neoplasms and metamorphoses in the tissues of the mammary glands. True, if tumor formation diameter less than 1 cm, then in this case the diagnostic efficiency is slightly reduced. Therefore, ultrasound is most often used not as main technique, but as an additional one.

Ductography method allows you to identify changes in the milk ducts. The essence of this diagnostic method is that the contrast substance to which is added methylene blue, inserted with a thin needle into the dilated milk ducts. After this, mammography is performed in the lateral and anterior projections. Thanks to the entered contrast agent the sector with pathological formations is easier to visualize on the resulting X-ray image.

Method needle biopsy often used in diagnosis fibrocystic mastopathy. Cells are taken from the affected tissue for cytological examination. The biopsy method is highly accurate and is therefore often used in mammology.

Pneumocystography - a puncture of the cyst cavity is performed and the cavity fluid is removed, which is then examined under a microscope. Instead, air is introduced equal to the volume of liquid evacuated from the cavity. After which a mammogram is performed.
The whole procedure takes a few minutes and is also painless. Therapeutic effect the filling of cysts with air, combined with high information content, gives pneumocystography the status of a reliable and accurate diagnostic study.

Since the occurrence of benign and malignant processes in the mammary glands directly correlates with hormonal imbalance, then to choose tactics effective treatment need to make a determination hormonal status, in particular, to identify the level of the hormone prolactin in the blood. Prolactin is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland; it stimulates the growth and development of the mammary glands, as well as milk production in nursing mothers. High level hormone indicates diffuse mastopathy and for some other diseases of the mammary glands.

Treatment of breast pain

If after diagnosis it turns out that the pain is not related to functional disorders in the mammary glands, it is carried out symptomatic treatment. For example, when elevated level prolactin, antiprolactin drugs are prescribed, which suppress the pituitary gland's secretion of this hormone. But since hormone therapy may knock down regular cycle menstruation and has strong side effects, then it is rarely used.

Much more often, herbal medicine, vitamin therapy, nutritional supplements. A special diet, which involves reducing or completely eliminating the consumption of chocolates, Coca-Cola, coffee, and alcohol, well regulates the balance of steroid hormones.

Sometimes, for pain in the mammary glands, doctors advise taking pyridoxine (vitamin B6 ) And thiamine (B1 ). Some biologically active additives, For example evening primrose oil also help relieve pain symptoms.

If the diagnosis revealed in the mammary glands pathological changes, then treatment is conservative and/or surgical.

Conservative treatment implies appointment wide range medications:

  • Vitamin therapy ( the administration of vitamins is especially important E, A, C, B ).
  • Drugs that normalize the secretion of sex hormones.
  • Sedatives, anti-stress therapy.
  • Enzyme therapy ( treatment with enzymes that regulate metabolic processes).
Surgical treatment depends on the specifics of the particular disease. In the vast majority of cases, the affected areas are removed and tumor-like formations are excised. After surgery, painkillers, immunomodulatory, and antitumor drugs are prescribed.

Prevention of pain in the mammary glands

Strengthening the immune system is good prevention chest pain. It is also important to be able to protect your body from stress. You should visit a doctor annually and undergo a manual examination, because early detection diseases increases the effectiveness of treatment.

Prevention of breast diseases is considered regular sex with a permanent partner; complete refusal of abortion; carrying a pregnancy, breastfeeding a child.

And there is another simple way to reduce pain in the mammary glands - change your bra. You should not wear a tight, awkwardly shaped bra, because its main function is to support the mammary glands, and not to squeeze them and create compression.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Delicate female organ

If for men the female breast is an attractive area of ​​the body, then for doctors it is, first of all, a gland with a complex structure. Most of the processes that occur in it are hormonal in nature. Chest pain can be caused by changes in the endocrine system. Want to know some more reasons why your chest hurts? You will find all the answers below.

Critical days for the mammary gland

More than half of women of reproductive age note that their breasts change immediately before the onset of menstruation. There is an increase in the bust and some discomfort. Sometimes this same discomfort reaches the scale of mild pain. Most often, both mammary glands are affected, which is the main indicator that the pain is hormonal in nature. The culprits are substances such as prolactin, estrogen and oxytocin. Why do the mammary glands hurt before menstruation? An increase in estrogen levels leads to fluid retention in tissues. This is why the breasts swell and feel heavy. The fluid also compresses the nerve endings, causing them to respond.

Why do mammary glands hurt in pregnant women?

Breast tenderness is one of the first signs of an “interesting” situation. Such symptoms may appear even a week after conception. Usually the breasts swell, as before menstruation. Touching the nipples causes discomfort. Many women confuse this condition with premenstrual syndrome due to similar symptoms. The main difference: in pregnant women, the nipples darken and become covered with small tubercles.

Problems of nursing mothers

Breast pain is a common complaint of young mothers. For the first time, unpleasant sensations overtake a woman during the arrival of milk, this happens approximately on the third day after the birth of the child. The breasts greatly increase in size, and tingling and burning sensations may be felt in the mammary gland. If the baby is not attached correctly or if feeding is not done on time, milk stagnation may occur. It feels like a small pea in the gland, which hurts on palpation. The skin in this area often turns red. If measures are not taken, stagnation can develop into mastitis, which is an infectious disease. Urgent breast massage and frequent latching of the baby are required. If you don’t know why your mammary glands hurt, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.



This is a common disease even among young girls. Its main cause is hormonal imbalance. Symptoms: burning sensation in the mammary gland, pain that intensifies before menstruation and is one-sided, discharge of yellowish fluid from the nipple, the presence of nodules in the gland. Mastopathy is a benign tumor in the breast. However, this disease requires careful monitoring by a doctor, as it can easily turn into a terrible tumor.

Breast injury

Why do the mammary glands hurt in other cases? After the blow, your chest may feel very sore. Internal swelling and hemorrhage cause compression of the nerve endings. In case of serious injury or long-lasting pain, it is better to consult a doctor. Damage to gland tissue can lead to various changes.

Breast tumor

This is the worst cause of chest pain. Unfortunately, breast cancer has become much younger and is becoming more common. That is why, if you have unexplained pain, as well as swelling and thickening in the chest area, you should urgently consult a doctor. Every month in the middle of the menstrual cycle, independently examine your breasts and palpate them.

One of the most common complaints among women in reproductive age, are painful sensations in the chest. This phenomenon is much less common among representatives of the fair sex who have experienced menopause. When discomfort You should definitely see a doctor, but you shouldn’t consider them as something terrible. In most cases, the cause of pain is non-hazardous health conditions. Let's talk about them in more detail so that you know why your chest hurts, what the reasons are, and also discuss methods of dealing with such unpleasant sensations.

Why do women's breasts hurt?


As you know, the mammary glands are organs whose full growth and development are regulated by the production of sex hormones. That is why the appearance of painful sensations in the fair sex is often explained by changes in the normal ratio of hormone production that affects breast tissue or cells. The causes of hormonal imbalances can be very different.

Shortly before the onset of menstruation, the amount of hormones in our body increases, helping to consolidate and develop a possible fetus, if one occurs. At this stage, the breast may become slightly enlarged and painful, due to the stretching of the capsule. Itching may also occur due to irritation of the superficial nerve endings on the stretched skin. At this time, pressing on the nipples may cause the release of a small amount of colorless or yellowish liquid. All unpleasant phenomena disappear with the onset of menstruation.

In the middle of the cycle, short-term chest pain may occur in parallel with pain in the lower abdomen; they develop as a result of the action of hormones that ensure ovulation.

For a long time hormonal imbalance, namely, with the predominance of estrogen synthesis, constant swelling of the breast tissue, as well as the formation of mastopathy, can be observed. The mammary glands become engorged and sore. In this case, a woman may find it impossible to wear bras and tight clothing. Heaviness or small nodules may be felt inside the breast tissue.

This disease requires close attention and proper therapy.


In the first three months of bearing a baby, the mammary glands may hurt due to the influence of progesterone, which is responsible for preserving the fetus. As a result of the production of this substance, alveolar tissue grows; the glands can increase in size, preparing for breastfeeding.

In the second trimester, the discomfort subsides, but may begin to bother you again expectant mother closer to the start of labor. In this case, fullness and pain develop due to the production of prolactin, which ensures the formation of lactation.


Pain may bother a new mother immediately after childbirth, when active milk production is observed. To eliminate discomfort, breastfeeding should be done on demand.

At breastfeeding Milk stagnation may occur, as well as infection. This causes mastitis, while the nursing mother feels severe pain in the chest, the tissues on the sides of the glands turn red, and a swollen area of ​​compaction is observed. Temperature may rise and worsen general state women.


After an artificial termination of pregnancy, your breasts may hurt for one week. For longer unpleasant phenomena you should consult a doctor.

Non-hormonal reasons

The chest may hurt due to ordinary bruises, sometimes the reason this phenomenon is to develop infectious lesions(herpes zoster). Unpleasant sensations can be caused by intensive training with weights. Unilateral pain can be explained by injuries and sprains.
If the unpleasant sensations are localized on the left, it is worth ruling out problems with the cardiovascular system. Main difference dangerous pain– intensity and burning sensation.

However, such phenomena can be explained by other factors:

Cervical or thoracic osteochondrosis;
- scoliosis;
- stress, depressive states, neurosis, bloating;
- disease of the costal cartilages;
- problems with the stomach or pancreas and others pathological conditions.

What to do if your chest hurts (treatment)?

Therapy is carried out depending on the reasons that caused the problem. For correction premenstrual syndrome or ovulatory pain, the doctor may prescribe vitamins and medications for the patient plant based having mild hormonal activity.

At purulent inflammation breast, it is often recommended to take a course of antibacterial medications, sometimes it may be necessary surgery for opening and draining the lesion.

For elimination diffuse forms mastopathy may require treatment hormonal medications, and nodular formations or cysts are usually treated operational methods.

Painful symptom, caused by muscle strain or inflammation, can be mitigated with the help of anti-inflammatory tablet formulations, as well as ointments or warm compresses.


We talked about why the chest hurts, what the symptoms were, and also talked about treatment. It is worth considering that the appearance of pain in the chest area rarely indicates the development of cancer, but this possibility exists. In any case, if unpleasant sensations appear, it is advisable to quickly seek medical help.