Asperger's syndrome signs in adults treated. How people with autism build relationships and start families

One of the most understudied diseases human psyche- Asperger's syndrome.

What are the causes of this disease, how does it manifest itself in children and adults?

Methods for diagnosing the syndrome, including self-diagnosis. Possibilities of medicine in the treatment of pathology. All this and much more in the article.

The history of the diagnosis

Asperger's Syndrome refers to one of five severe developmental disorders. human personality. This condition in medicine stands along with autism, although there are certain differences between them. Asperger's syndrome is characterized by severe difficulties in the social adaptation of a person.

This pathology has been known in medicine since 1944. For the first time, the symptoms of the disease were discovered in small patients of the pediatrician and psychiatrist Hans Asperger. Then this condition was called autistic psychopathy, that is, like autism.

The syndrome is considered a special kind of autism due to the large number of similar symptoms. However, the preservation of the intellect makes it still a different disease. Perhaps these two states have a common nature, but somewhat different manifestations.

The current name of the pathology - Asperger's syndrome - appeared almost forty years later. In 1981, the term was proposed by an English psychiatrist and still exists today. However, due to the fact that there are still no clear distinctions between this syndrome and autism, there are discussions about returning to the previous name.

Who is sick

Asperger's disease is a congenital condition. The frequency of its occurrence has quite large fluctuations - from three to fifty children per one hundred thousand newborns. On average, it is customary to consider the incidence rate of 26 children per hundred thousand.

In boys, the disease occurs four times more often than in girls.

What are the reasons

Still exact reasons diseases have not been identified. There are many theories that to some extent explain its occurrence, but at the same time, each of these theories has its own inaccuracies and inconsistencies.

No theory can indicate the morphology of this disease - that is, a specific focus of pathology. It is assumed that the basis of the disease is a latent autoimmune reaction of a pregnant woman - antibodies are produced on the fetal brain, resulting in damage to it.

However, the examination of children with Asperger's syndrome does not reveal organic damage to the brain substance.

Another theory suggests the connection of this disease with deep prematurity. However, not all premature babies have the syndrome.

There is a so-called ecological theory. It assumes the occurrence of a disease due to high pollution. environment, negative influence a large number preventive vaccinations, the presence of various preservatives in food. But in this case, a much larger number of people would suffer from the syndrome.

The most fully explaining the occurrence of the syndrome is considered to be a theory that takes into account genetic predisposition and the effect of certain infectious agents on the body of a pregnant woman.

How are they classified

Asperger's Syndrome belongs to the group autistic disorders general. This group combines all pathologies with impaired social adaptation. This group includes four other disorders:

  • autism - most similar in symptoms to Asperger's disease;
  • childhood disintegrative disorder;
  • other general disorder.

Clinical picture in children

The first symptoms of Asperger's syndrome are found in children in early age- about two years. This is exactly the age when the child begins the process of social adaptation. Before this age specific symptoms no - the child can be either calm enough for a baby, or vice versa, overly irritable.

In the classical sense, Asperger's syndrome is characterized by a triad of disorders in the following areas:

  • social communication;
  • social interaction;
  • social imagination.

After the age of two, certain disorders begin, indicating a violation of the social side of the personality:

Unlike true autism, Asperger's does not have intellectual disability. Sometimes the coefficient mental development these children are above average. If a child is interested in one or another type of activity, he can achieve significant success in it.

However, with this pathology there is a violation of abstract thinking. Therefore, the child may be lost, if necessary, to perform even the simplest task, but requiring non-standard behavior.

If a child has chosen for himself any one occupation, he may not pay any attention to the surrounding reality. He will bring his occupation to complete completion, does everything perfectly.

With this syndrome, the development of speech does not suffer. A child can speak absolutely correctly, using all expressions, sometimes even inappropriate for age and place. But his speech is devoid of emotional coloring. Children are very sensitive to any stimuli from the outside - light, sound, tactile.

Characteristic of the syndrome is the presence in children of certain ones, which they follow extremely meticulously. However, any change familiar environment, violation of the order of actions leads the child into confusion or even into a hysterical state.

There are motor disorders in Asperger's syndrome. The child hardly learns to perform daily activities, cannot fully care for himself. When entering school, the child hardly learns to write, his handwriting is sloppy and illegible.

Manifestations of the disease in adulthood

The symptoms of Asperger's syndrome that appear in adults are slightly different. In adulthood, social maladaptation persists.

A person with a syndrome is able to study at higher educational institutions, work in various professions - this allows his intellectual abilities. But the obstacle is his inability to think outside the box and difficulty in communicating with people.

An adult with this disease prefers a simple monotonous job. This is due to the fact that adults remain excessive pedantry and fear of change. Sometimes these symptoms can reach the point of absurdity. Any violation of the usual daily routine, the state of affairs can lead to tantrums.

An adult person does not have abstract thinking - he is not able to imagine various images, calculate different models of behavior. An adult with Asperger's syndrome does not distinguish between true and false statements.

Einstein - the famous Asperger

Diagnostic criteria

To establish this diagnosis, specialists use a set of certain criteria. They are divided into several groups, each of which has several criteria.

Social difficulties:

  • inability to establish visual contact, lack of facial expressions, a person does not use gestures when communicating;
  • emotional coldness, lack of such feelings as pity, sympathy, joy;
  • violation of generally accepted norms of behavior and communication.

Behavioral features:

  • limited interests - a person is engaged in only one chosen business, completely not being distracted by what is happening around;
  • development of certain rituals of behavior and strict adherence to them;
  • presence with frequent repetition - twisting strands of hair, buttons on clothes, drawing patterns with a finger;
  • pathological focus on a particular subject.

To these main diagnostic criteria are added secondary ones, which can be of clinical significance only if the main ones are present:

  • emotional impoverishment of speech;
  • violation of self-service;
  • lack of interest in the environment.

Diagnosis can be carried out by the patient himself or the parents of the child. To do this, there are certain tests that can detect developmental abnormalities that are inherent in Asperger's syndrome. Psychologists are engaged in a more accurate decoding of tests.

The following tests are practiced:

  • from the age of six it can be carried out, it is based on the interpretation of the child's perception and description of various images;
  • applicable for children and adults Tas-20 test- determines the degree of emotional impoverishment of a person's personality;
  • Aspie Quiz- a test containing one hundred different questions, on the basis of which the psychologist draws up a conclusion about possible syndrome at the patient.

Many famous people with Asperger's Syndrome have shown themselves to be different areas life, science, creativity:

Possibilities for correcting the violation

Due to the ambiguity of the etiology of this disease, the treatment of Asperger's syndrome is aimed only at eliminating symptoms that impair quality of life.

Treatment must be strictly individual. Each patient requires the selection of certain activities and activities that contribute to the improvement of social adaptation.

In both childhood and adulthood, a patient with Asperger's syndrome is taught certain skills that he has not acquired. Consultation of a psychotherapist is required, especially in adolescence.

To train motor functions, special complexes of physiotherapy exercises are prescribed. Thanks to them, fine motor skills improve, posture and gait normalize.

Medical treatment is a much more difficult task. specific drug there is no cure for the syndrome, since neither the causes of the disease nor its morphology are known. All drugs prescribed for this pathology are intended to relieve the symptoms of anxiety, irritability and irascibility.

Medicines used as a symptomatic treatment for Asperger's syndrome include several pharmacological groups:

  • (Risperidone) help to reduce the manifestations of aggression and irritability;
  • antidepressants(Fluoxetine, Zoloft) help reduce depression, eliminate suicidal thoughts.

Drug therapy should be administered with great caution, especially in childhood. Since the disease has not been studied, organic lesions are unknown, it is not possible to calculate the possibility of developing side effects or atypical effects of drugs.

What are the actions of relatives

Parents of a child with Asperger's Syndrome must follow a number of rules to improve the quality of life and most fully adapt the child to social life. These rules apply to family relations and behavior in in public places:

  • creating a favorable family environment- quarrels of parents, screams, swearing, even if they are not directed at the child, provoke tantrums and attacks of aggression in him;
  • constant self-learning- reading new information about the disease, the use of new methods of rehabilitation;
  • teaching the child the rules of behavior in public places, communication with other people- this is done in a soft unobtrusive form;
  • constant encouragement of the child for the correct behavior;
  • stimulation of child development in the field he chose.

Relatives of an adult patient should accept his personality and not disturb his daily routine, as this may lead to outbreaks of aggression, or vice versa, to deep depression.

Asperger's syndrome does not directly affect life expectancy. However, in connection with high frequency the development of depressive disorders and suicidal tendencies, deaths are possible.

In some patients, age-related weakening of symptoms is noted, however, social maladaptation to one degree or another persists throughout life. Patients in most cases lead an isolated lifestyle, are not able to build family relationships.

IN modern psychotherapy Asperger's syndrome (Aspie) is considered one of the most curious and unexplored conditions of the human psyche. Asperger's Syndrome is often said to be a manifestation of autism. Indeed, this disorder belongs to the autism spectrum.

But, unlike autism, Aspie's pathology is not accompanied by mental disorder(with autism such deviations are observed in 90% of cases). Modern doctors are inclined to believe that Asperger's syndrome is not a disease, but a peculiar feature of brain function. More often it develops in men (85% of cases).

People with Asperger's Syndrome can't feel the emotions of others

The disorder owes its name to the Austrian psychiatrist Hans Asperger. The scientist devoted a lot of time to the study and observation of children aged 6-18 years suffering from this disorder. The psychiatrist himself called this condition "autistic psychopathy." According to statistics, Aspie affects 4-5% of the world's population.

With Asperger's syndrome, there is no impairment of intelligence. Even, on the contrary, the intellectual abilities of children are much higher than the average indicators of their peers.

If you manage to interest a child with Aspie in suitable activities, he will achieve excellent success and may even join the ranks of geniuses. This syndrome has been observed in:

  • Dan Ackroyd (talented comic actor);
  • Steven Spielberg (genius film director);
  • Mary Temple Grandins (female professor of animal science, biologist);
  • Vernon Smith (Nobel Prize in Economics);
  • Bob Dylan (film actor, writer, poet, performer of his own songs).

Some researchers, studying the biographies of prominent individuals, have concluded that Newton, Van Gogh, Socrates, Einstein, Carol Lewis also belonged to the aspers.

The essence of pathology

Asperger's disease is a congenital disorder characterized by specific problems in social relationships with others. Aspies don't have empathy. Simply put, in the minds of aspers, the place where an assumption about the thoughts and feelings of others is formed is covered with a “white impenetrable spot”.

Patients with Asperger's syndrome do not understand emotions; for them, such manifestations of feelings are a by-product and unnecessary product of thinking. For such personalities, everything is extremely simple: you need to strive to get the pleasant, and the unpleasant should be avoided.

But life ruthlessly makes its own adjustments to this perception, and the life of aspers becomes painfully anxious. Such people have huge communication problems (not able to establish, develop and maintain friendships).

Strengths people with Asperger's syndrome

The essence of the pathology is reduced to vivid manifestations of a lack of relationships, problems of normal adaptation and perception of the surrounding reality. Such a syndrome is manifested by a sharp limitation in the acceptance of society. Asperger's disease is referred to as a "hidden" disorder. By appearance it is almost impossible for a person to identify the problem.

How to identify Asperger's Syndrome

Modern luminaries of psychiatry describe the disorder, considering them through a triad of main features:

Difficulties of the social and communicative plan

It is very difficult for people with Aspie to express and express themselves as an individual in a socio-emotional way. To understand what Asperger's Syndrome is in simple terms, get acquainted with the most common manifestations of such patients. They:

  • do not understand gestures, tone of voice, facial expressions of interlocutors;
  • cannot determine when to start and end communication/conversation;
  • are not able to determine what topic is suitable and interesting for a conversation;
  • use overly complex phrases, but do not fully understand their meaning;
  • too “literal”, hardly perceive jokes, sarcasm and complex metaphors are inaccessible to them.

Difficulties in perceiving the world (spatial and sensory)

Aspers tend to be sociable, to tie up some social relations, but, faced with a misunderstanding of the behavior of others, they become closed. They have the following features:

  • misunderstanding of "personal space";
  • coldness in relations of any plan;
  • incorrectness in behavior and conversation;
  • indifference, alienation, detachment from others;
  • inability to adhere to the accepted distance and decorum.

Incapacity for social imagination (emotion deficit)

Patients with Asperger's Syndrome can boast of a developed imagination. But they do not know how to "connect" it to everyday life. It is easier for them to listen and obey the rules of logic. Asperam tends to:

  • completely unaware of the point of view of others;
  • find it difficult to predict any future events;
  • engage more in logical actions without the participation of creative messages;
  • do not perceive the emotional background that pushes people to certain actions;
  • misunderstanding what the interlocutor wants to tell if he uses facial expressions and gestures in communication.

Other signs that characterize Asperger's syndrome

In addition to the three main categories characteristic of people with Aspie, other signs also indicate the presence of pathology. They are observed to some extent in each such person:

Creating a specific order. When an asper encounters an incomprehensible, confusing world, he subconsciously tries to bring the environment into his own order. The creation of template rules helps in this. If something or someone breaks the routine, people with Aspie come into pronounced anxiety..

For example, a change in working hours, a train or bus delay. Aspers prefer to go to the store or to the service on only one route, if something changes, this makes them very upset.

Problematic aspects of a person with Asperger's syndrome

Special hobbies. People with Asperger's are more likely to be addicted to picking or collecting. These individuals will enthusiastically find information, study everything related to their favorite hobby.

Aspers are distinguished by exceptional, very deep and extensive knowledge in what really fascinates and interests them.

Sensory difficulties. Sensory difficulties in aspers are manifested in some form of sensation. May suffer:

  • taste;
  • hearing;
  • vision;
  • touch;
  • smell.

One of these senses is either undersensitive (underdeveloped) or oversensitive. Patients may be annoyed by non-specific lighting, loud sounds, strong fragrance, certain surfaces. To relieve the resulting stress, patients with Asperger's syndrome may spin or sway evenly in one place for a long time.

Increased sensory susceptibility creates difficulties for such individuals in the perception own body. Some aspers find it very difficult to move from room to room, to avoid obstacles. Cause difficulties and actions that require fine motor skills (tying shoelaces, fastening buttons).

Signs of Asperger's Syndrome in Children

The distinctive symptoms of Asperger's syndrome in children begin to appear after 4-5 years. Even in kindergarten, such personalities differ markedly from their peers. Children with Aspie often become outcasts in kindergarten society. The inability to make friends and start friendly relations "push" such children to the sidelines of a noisy children's life.

Children with Asperger's syndrome become outcasts among their peers

Little outcasts have nothing against, they willingly settle down in their own world. It is difficult to understand them, because poor facial expressions and mean emotions do not show the inner state of the child. Aspera babies tend to show uniformity in behavior and the manifestation of their feelings. Such children:

  1. Annoyed by loud music and songs.
  2. They do not want to participate in noisy collective games.
  3. Strongly attached to relatives and familiar home environment.
  4. They react sharply (up to hysteria) to the appearance of strangers.
  5. Dislike funny, funny cartoons due to inability to appreciate jokes.

Children with Asperger's syndrome are more fond of constructor, jigsaw puzzles, are fond of quiet logical system games.

Attention moms. Though clear signs Asperger's syndrome manifests itself at the age of kindergarten, it is worth paying attention to unusual symptoms, visible even at an earlier age. The following signs can be warning signs:

  • sudden tears caused by sounds, light, smell;
  • clumsy gait in comparison with other peers, there is a certain unsteadiness, rolliness, awkwardness;
  • discomfort from smooth objects, the baby explains that they are prickly, rough and unpleasant.

These early signs do not indicate the presence of Asperger's disorder, but should be the reason for additional consultation with a neurologist.

Growing up, children with Asperger's syndrome show a certain arrogance, even arrogance, and are distinguished by indifference to the people around them. But it's just defensive reaction, an attempt to hide and protect oneself from a chaotic, unpleasant world.

Emotions, tightly driven and hidden inside, give rise to a high level of anxiety, which requires discharge and release. This is manifested by attacks of aggression and many somatic manifestations:

  • temperature;
  • pressure surges;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • spasms of the esophagus;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

Timely diagnosis (when working with children, psychologists resort to specific testing of patients) and diagnosing Asperger's syndrome at an early stage, allow for competent correction and significantly improve the perception of reality in such children.

Signs of the disorder in adults

If the pathology is not detected at an early age and the necessary psychological correction is not carried out, the disease provokes the appearance of persistent, acute social self-isolation. Symptoms of Asperger's Syndrome in adults are expressed as follows:

  1. Aspers do not understand what humor is at all.
  2. Patients are not able to understand where is the lie and where is the truth.
  3. There are no friends and acquaintances. Asper cannot find the same interests as those around him.
  4. There are problems in personal life. The person does not know how to maintain close relationships.

People with Aspie are not able to occupy leadership positions, where the ability to manage and organize subordinates is valued. Even having a thorough knowledge of the information about their native company, being well versed in calculations and accounting, such individuals prefer to engage in routine, monotonous duties. They don't care about their career at all.

People with Asperger's don't care about careers

Patients with Asperger's syndrome are not particularly liked by colleagues because of their strange behavior and seeming impoliteness. After all, aspers:

  • do not understand what the interlocutor feels;
  • to say everything in the eye, what is necessary and not necessary;
  • make tactless public remarks;
  • do not see the point in maintaining the etiquette adopted by the office;
  • do not think about how to make a good impression;
  • they can cut off the conversation and leave because of their own thoughts suddenly surging.

As they get older, aspers develop heightened suspicion, to the point of phobia. Because of this, such individuals are considered by others to be tactless, arrogant and petty unpleasant bores.

Causes of the syndrome

The exact culprit that triggers the mechanism for the development of Asperger's disorder, doctors have not established. The provoking factors of pathology are the subject of noisy disputes, discussions of psychiatrists. Most scientists are inclined to believe that the leading factors provoking the disease are:

  • intrauterine infection;
  • brain injury during childbirth;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • hereditary factor (genetic);
  • intoxication of the developing fetus during pregnancy;
  • toxic effects on the fetus in the first trimester (smoking, drugs, alcohol);
  • congenital hormonal imbalance (excess testosterone, unstable cortisol levels);
  • maternal autoimmune reaction of the body (this provokes an anomaly in the development of the brain in a child);
  • consequences of a failed vaccination increased content mercury, preservatives), creating an unbearable burden on children's immunity.

Advanced computer diagnostics and specific medical and psychological testing help to more accurately identify the cause of the pathology.

Is the syndrome dangerous?

Asperger's disorder is not a health risk. If a pathology is detected at an early age, with the help of psychologists, such a child can be adapted and help to seamlessly integrate into the surrounding society. The disease can harm adults due to antisocialization, namely:

  1. It prevents a person from finding his own place and purpose.
  2. calls severe depression because of loneliness and constant anxiety.
  3. It can provoke the development of fears and phobias. Such disorders are persistent and difficult to correct.

Treatment of Asperger's Syndrome

The main task of parents is to try to instill in the child social and communication skills.. Learn to adapt and accept the changeability of everyday life.

The main methods of therapy for Asperger's syndrome are reduced to psychological training, courses aimed at improving the adaptive qualities of people to society. Treatment takes place under the constant supervision of a psychiatrist.

Apart from psychological treatment, patients are prescribed a drug course consisting of sedatives. In some cases, antidepressants may be appropriate. It is impossible to completely get rid of such a problem. But with proper therapy, a person with Aspie can be adapted by adjusting his perception of reality.

Then a person with Asperger's syndrome will independently strive to overcome difficulties in communication, trying to work with social problems on their own.

In some countries, this syndrome is no longer considered an independent diagnosis and is considered as one of the types of autism spectrum disorder. However, not all experts agree with this, and many people with this disorder see themselves as having little in common with autism, since they do not have speech and cognitive impairments.

Be that as it may, this disorder seriously complicates the daily existence of a person and can create problems in his professional and personal life. Here are some signs that often distinguish people with Asperger's Syndrome:

1. Unusual manner of speech. It may seem that you are talking to a computer: the interlocutor brings down a stream of facts at you without pausing and (almost) not listening to you. Sometimes people with this syndrome have an unusual timbre of voice.

2. Difficulties with non-verbal communication. You may notice that your interlocutor almost does not use gestures, and his facial expressions are not rich.

3. Lack of eye contact. It's not that your interlocutor can't make eye contact with you, it's just that they don't feel the need for eye contact. If you draw his attention to this, he may try not to look away and even go too far, looking at you too intently.

4. Problems with etiquette. Such a person may seem rude or ill-mannered, but in fact he simply lacks the intuition that tells how to behave correctly. For example, he may turn away and go about his business without listening to what you say to him, or invite you to dinner and not come, or open the door when you arrive, look at you and, without greeting, go into the house. The rules of good manners, which are accepted in society, are alien to him.

5. Obsessive focus on one topic (often unusual). He may collect things that others would not think of collecting, he may have an unusual hobby, he may show an obsessive interest in some person. And talk non-stop about the subject of your passion, not noticing how it tires your interlocutors. Sometimes he suddenly switches to another hobby. If he has lost interest in the person he adored, he will suddenly become cold with him.

6. Inability to understand the feelings of another person. They are often seen as cold, unfeeling, lacking in empathy. But it's not that they're incapable of empathy or unwilling to show kindness. They just have less emotional experiences than others. Often they cannot understand why other people are so upset or excited, and then they prefer to go away and think about it alone.

7. Underdeveloped communication skills. Sometimes they talk non-stop about their own, not noticing that others are offended or they are no longer interested in listening. And when they don't like someone, they abruptly end the conversation. Such behavior from the outside seems absurd.

8. Inability to share feelings. Does it surprise you when a well-known person at a meeting does not even ask how you are doing, and does not tell about his success himself? But it is unusual for people with Asperger's syndrome to share feelings and impressions.

9. Black and white thinking. Having once come to some opinion or decision, they will stick to it, in spite of any arguments. It is difficult for them to stand on the point of view of another person.

10. Lack of flexibility. Plans changed at the last minute? For a person with Asperger's, this is a test fraught with psychological overload, he is not ready for impromptu. He can be upset by real trifles, seemingly not worthy of attention, or by something that is unusual for him.

11. Following a routine. For him, the structure and established rules are extremely important. In the event of a violation of the usual routine, they feel unsettled and begin to panic.

12. Hypersensitivity. They can be very sensitive to touch and try their best to avoid it, making an exception only for a partner. They will recoil if they are patted on the back, and will not allow themselves to be hugged. They may also have other autistic traits, such as heightened sensitivity to sounds, lights, and even hard tags. inside clothes.

Can Asperger's syndrome be cured in adults?

There are no specific medications for this disorder. But psychological counseling in this case can be very helpful. A psychologist can teach such a client to cope with stress, communicate more effectively and interact with others, which will make him everyday life easier.

Asperger's syndrome is a complex behavioral disorders, manifested by complex social adaptation, lack of communication and complete inability to adapt to non-standard situations. Asperger's syndrome is considered a separate form of autism, but with this disorder, the child retains intelligence against the background of a slight decrease mental capacity and concentration.

The first signs of the disease usually appear in a child after 4-5 years, but some parents do not pay attention to them, considering clinical manifestations syndrome character traits. If the pathology is not detected at an early age and psychological correction is not carried out, the child will be unsuitable for life and will be highly dependent on parents and other close people.

Children with this disease are characterized by increased excitability, they cannot control their emotions at all. Communication with peers usually does not add up: in kindergarten such a child, as a rule, plays alone, and when children try to find contact with him, he reacts with aggression and irritability. From the outside, such children seem cruel: they do not know how to sympathize with others, they have no pity for animals or for those who need help. It is the behavior of the child in relation to animals that is the first sign of possible disorders, while the child does not harm the animal, but he will not regret a homeless kitten or a dog hit by a car.

Mental abilities in Asperger's syndrome are preserved. Most children with this form of disorder have good intelligence. They can be excellent in a particular area, while completely lost in other areas. At school, such children usually study rather poorly, but there are 2-3 subjects in which they have excellent knowledge.

Important! Asperger's Syndrome is a behavioral pathology in which mental and intellectual abilities do not suffer. Despite this, the child needs serious correction. If this is not done on time, the disease will progress, which will adversely affect the quality of life of the child at an older age.

At what age does the disease appear?

It is possible to accurately diagnose Asperger's syndrome after 5 years, but the first symptoms of behavioral disorders appear earlier. Already at 2-3 years old, you can notice that on the playground the child keeps apart from other children, does not take part in joint games. At home, it is difficult to interest him in something; games in which you need to show imagination are usually not interesting for such a child.

Note! If a child develops signs and symptoms of Asperger's disease at age 3, contact child psychologist. You should not wait until the age of five and expect that everything will pass on its own. Optimal age for the treatment of the disease is the period from 3 to 5 years. It is during this period that children are most easily amenable to corrective methods.

Symptoms and signs

There can be many symptoms of the disease. If you carefully observe the child, you can notice many of them even at an early age. The main danger of the disease is that many obvious symptoms are not perceived by parents as signs of the disease. Each missed year of life reinforces the established behavioral features which are becoming increasingly difficult to fix. Therefore, it is important to know exactly how Asperger's syndrome manifests itself in children, and to seek help from specialists in time.

emotional sign

Children with Asperger's Syndrome show little of their emotions, especially if they are positive. They smile and laugh a little, do not rejoice at new toys and guests, and are indifferent to children's holidays. Against this background, it is very clear negative emotions, For example:

  • irritability;
  • anger;
  • aggression;
  • anxiety.

Attacks of aggression can be replaced by a sharp calm. Such a child can, at a conscious age (3-5 years), hit his mother in the face, while he lacks the awareness that this cannot be done. A child with this disease does not understand exactly what actions bring pain to others, and cannot control their actions.

Limited interests

Very disturbing is the state in which the child is interested in one thing. At the age of 2-3 years, children are very inquisitive and join new games with great interest. Children with Asperger's disease are addicted to a certain type of activity, while their passion can reach fanaticism. If such a child cannot assemble a construction set, he will become obsessed with this goal, and will not stop trying until he achieves what he wants.

At school, such a child chooses one subject that he likes. All the rest are of no interest to him, so he cannot remember even elementary information. Other signs should alert parents:

  • prolonged repetition of certain actions;
  • uniformity of thinking;
  • frequent repetition of specific phrases, individual words (for example, quotes from cartoons);
  • the desire to complete the work begun, despite physical fatigue;
  • lack of interest in games in which you need to show imagination.

Important! The game is the main tool for learning about the world and adapting to social life for a child of any age. By the features that appear in games, you can notice the existing problems, so sometimes it is useful for parents to carefully observe how the child behaves during the game, and how he approaches solving non-standard situations.

Physical features

Certain signs of Asperger's can be seen in the physical features of the child. Children with this syndrome often have a tremor of the extremities. It occurs unexpectedly and lasts no more than 5-10 seconds, while the child can be completely healthy, and other symptoms of neurological disorders, as a rule, are absent. The movements of such a child are often clumsy, there may be an incorrect setting of the feet while walking. Features that parents should pay attention to:

  • the child often spills liquids and knocks over plates of food;
  • the child often falls, even if there are no obstacles in his way;
  • the child has impaired motor skills of the hands, that is, he cannot assemble designers with small details, weave beadwork, etc .;
  • the child incorrectly holds a pencil, brush, spoon.

Note! These features can be both a symptom of Asperger's and the result of improper upbringing. For exclusion possible pathologies It is best to show the child to a psychologist.

Difficulties in communication

Most main feature Asperger's Syndrome - the absence of friends and loved ones with whom the child communicates well. Children with this disease are hard to converge with people of any age. They can push a kindergarten teacher away, hit a child who comes up on the playground. On the street and other places where large cluster people, such children keep apart, do not take part in joint games and entertainment.

If an adult addresses the child, he can simply ignore the appeal. A child with Asperger's Syndrome does not feel shy or embarrassed - he simply does not show interest in the people around him, preferring to play alone.

Important! If a child begins to enjoy loneliness, becomes withdrawn and does not need the company of even close people (brothers and sisters, parents), urgent measures must be taken. If you do not correct at this stage, it can significantly degrade the quality adult life and lead to psychiatric disorders. Children with Asperger's syndrome who are not treated as children may become suicidal as teenagers.

Other signs and frequency of their diagnosis

Other symptoms of the disease in childhood include the following types of behavioral disorders and physical features:

  • misunderstanding of the meaning of the text read;
  • well-developed memory, while often the child does not understand the meaning of what he remembered;
  • verbatim understanding of any phrase;
  • weak visual memory.

Frequency of symptoms according to child's age

SymptomChildren from 1 to 3 years oldChildren from 3 to 7 years oldChildren over 7 years old
Difficulties in communication65 % 82 % 61 %
Lack of friends68 % 80 % 89 %
Poor visual memory, misunderstanding of the meaning of the information received74 % 83 %
Physical features72 % 75 % 71 %
Excessive zeal against the background of a limited circle of interestsNot rated at this age44 % 58 %

Important! The main risk group includes children aged 3 to 7 years. It is during this period that the disease progresses and takes a stable course. Particular attention should be paid to children whose relatives have various forms autism and other intellectual and behavioral disorders.

What should parents do?

Unfortunately, there is currently no special methods diagnosis and treatment of pathology. The diagnosis is made by a psychiatrist on the basis of observation of the child's behavior and his actions in situations with different emotional overtones.

Therapy may include the use of medications to reduce anxiety and aggression, but the main treatment should be provided by the parents. It consists in psychological correction. It is very important to follow the following recommendations by a specialist in order to prevent the development of the disease and help the child adapt in society.

  1. If a child is prone to obsessing over a certain activity, it is important to limit the time during which he can do what he loves. Psychiatrists recommend not to devote more than 1-2 hours a day to such classes.
  2. You need to talk to the child in “his language”. Parents and relatives should not use complex speech patterns or words whose meaning the child does not understand. When using such expressions and phrases, be sure to explain in detail what they mean.
  3. In no case should a child be threatened, as children with Asperger's syndrome take all words literally. If his mother says that she will give it to the policeman's uncle, he begins to believe in it, and this further strengthens his fears and anxiety.
  4. From an early age, the child must be taught the rules of behavior and the norms of communication in groups. This will help him to more easily adapt to environmental conditions and adapt to its requirements.

And the main thing that parents should always remember is that children with Asperger's syndrome are special, but this does not mean that the child is doomed to an unhappy life. With a benevolent attitude, timely identification of existing problems and sufficient attention from parents, such children successfully adapt in society and even achieve success in certain areas of activity. Correct and timely correction helps to avoid the progression of the pathology and increases the child's chances for a normal life, no different from his peers.

Video - Autism in children

Video - What is Asperger's Syndrome

Asperger's Syndrome is currently considered one of the interesting states development and types of perception of the surrounding reality. IN Lately scientists are increasingly inclined to think that Asperger's syndrome should not be considered a disease, but some feature of the functioning of the brain.

Often this syndrome is confused with autism, although Asperger's syndrome does not have mental retardation, which occurs in three out of four cases with autism. That's why given state also called high-functioning autism. The described pathology occurs more often in males (up to 80%). There are many people who have had a similar syndrome: Einstein, Newton, Spielberg and even Socrates.

Historical reference

The syndrome got its name from the Austrian psychiatrist Asperger, who observed children with similar mental disorders. The doctor himself called this condition autistic psychopathy (1944). The term "Asperger's Syndrome" was introduced by the Englishwoman Lorna Wing (1981), who worked as a psychiatrist.

Understanding Asperger's Syndrome

This syndrome is called a general developmental disorder, which is congenital and accompanies a person all his life. But hallmark is a fairly high ability to socialize, so Aspie's syndrome (as patients call themselves) is considered one of the forms of high-functioning autism.

The mental disorder lies in the perception of the world around us, the processing of information and the attitude towards other people. Since autism is represented by a spectrum of disorders, the manifestations of Asperger's syndrome in patients vary. Pathology refers to "hidden dysfunctions" because it is impossible to determine the presence of someone by the appearance of someone.

The characteristic triad of symptoms

This pathology is characterized by three violations:

Communication process

A person with Aspie syndrome has difficulty interpreting facial expressions, voice intonations, gestures, and facial expressions. Ordinary people they simply distinguish an angry tone from a gentle voice, correctly interpret facial expressions (drawn eyebrows - anger, anger, a smile - good nature, etc.). So let's just say normal people, correctly perceive others and, accordingly, correctly react to their behavior.

People with Asperger's syndrome find it difficult to interpret the external and vocal manifestations of others, which creates problems in communication and interaction with other people and often causes anxiety, confusion and fear. It is difficult for patients with Aspi to start a conversation, it is difficult to end it, and also to choose a topic for conversation. They often use complex phrases and words without understanding their meaning. They also do not understand jokes and metaphors.

Interaction process

Most people with this syndrome have difficulty making and maintaining friendships. Such people are characterized by isolation, alienation and indifference. Therefore, such patients, usually children, often become outcasts in society.

People with Aspies do not understand the unwritten "social requirements" (you can't stand very close to a person or start a conversation on an inappropriate topic). Often patients find the people around them unpredictable, which confuses them. The behavior of people with Aspie from the outside often looks incorrect.

social imagination

Patients with this syndrome often have a rich imagination, but they are not able to include it in their usual activities, as well as the creative aspect. Since such people subordinate everything to the laws of logic. Therefore, patients with Aspie cannot, but do not want to, understand the emotions of others, experience difficulties in interpreting their thoughts, feelings and actions. As a rule, messages that are broadcast by body language and facial expressions are overlooked.

However, such patients are characterized by a tendency to logical games, and creative activity is rather limited and is characterized by strict sequence and repetition. In children with Aspie syndrome, problems of social imagination are clearly manifested in games where you have to pretend or imitate someone. Often such children prefer classes based on consistency and logic, for example, mathematics. And yet, despite the difficulties with the social imagination, people with Aspie often become writers and artists (Carol Lewis, Van Gogh), musicians (Bob Dylan).


To date, the causes of the described syndrome have not been precisely established and are being studied. But with firm certainty, we can say that this mental disorder is not a consequence of upbringing and social circumstances, and Aspie's syndrome does not occur through the fault of the patient himself.

Researchers believe that the etiology of Aspie syndrome is similar to the causes of autism. The leading factors provoking this mental disorder are:

  • genetic and hereditary predisposition;
  • birth trauma and later traumatic brain injury;
  • toxic effect of certain substances (smoking, alcohol) in the first trimester of pregnancy.

As a working hypothesis, they consider the presence of an autoimmune reaction of the mother's body, which contributes to brain damage in the fetus. There is also a lot of discussion about the negative effects of vaccinations. For example, bad influence preservatives containing mercury immune system baby and complex vaccination, which creates a great burden on the immune system.

Another theory of the cause of the development of this disorder is the theory hormonal imbalance in a child (low or high cortisol, increased testosterone). But this theory has not yet been scientifically confirmed.

The relationship between autistic disorders (including Aspie syndrome) and prematurity is being studied.

Likely Risk Factors

  • intrauterine infection or infection transferred after birth (rubella and toxoplasmosis, cytomegaly and herpes);
  • genetically determined predisposition;
  • toxic effect of hazardous substances in early dates gestation.

Characteristics of the disorder

The disease is usually detected at the age of 4 - 12 years. It is very problematic to suspect signs of Asperger's syndrome at an earlier age. For example, bright light unpleasant odor or a sharp sound will cause the baby to cry. But what other child would react calmly to a sudden change in the situation? Or parents may even be pleased that the baby plays with the same toys, does not ask to buy new ones, learns quickly, starts talking early, remembers a lot of words, including foreign ones, and can count. Assumptions arise - is not a genius a growing child? But the situation begins to change dramatically with age. Accordingly, there are differences in the symptoms of the syndrome in children and adults.

Symptoms of the disorder in children

Classically, Asperger's syndrome in a baby is revealed by the age of 5 - 6, when the circle of his communication gradually expands (school or preparatory group). It is difficult for a child to socialize in society and he often becomes the object of ridicule, bullying and even beatings (both from peers and, unfortunately, from parents). Symptoms of Asperger's Syndrome in Children:

  • chronic clumsiness

Due to increased sensory sensitivity (a special perception of sounds, smells and colors), the child's perception of his own body is weakened, it is difficult for him to move from room to room, he constantly bumps into obstacles, cannot be at an appropriate distance from another person (somewhat further away), problems arise with tying shoelaces, fastening buttons. The child's handwriting is uneven and sloppy, for which he receives remarks, his gait is clumsy and unsteady, his posture is often disturbed.

  • Does not participate in active and group games

Because of his clumsiness, it is difficult for a child to play active games that require speed, accuracy and dexterity of movements.

  • One-sided hobbies

Passion for any subject can reach fanaticism. Hobbies captivate the child for hours, he concentrates and focuses on trifles and details, passionate interest, sometimes reaching fanaticism. For their phenomenal memory and extended encyclopedic knowledge, such children are often called little professors. But in life, alas, not every child with Aspi succeeds in applying his knowledge. But such children often succeed in philosophy and geography, art and mathematics.

  • Dislikes children's cartoons

On the one hand, the baby is annoyed by a loud sound range, and on the other hand, he has no or very limited empathy (the ability to empathize with emotional state another man). Emotions and relationships between the characters in the cartoon are not perceived by the child.

  • Love for a certain order

For example, if a child is used to walking the same way to school, then he will never change his route, and if it is necessary to change the route, the child will feel confused and anxious. Or, if the mother takes care of the child at certain hours, and in her absence, the father (grandmother, grandfather, aunt, etc.) takes over, this can lead to violent protest, tears and hysteria.

  • Refusal to communicate with strangers

Unfamiliar people cause a child to protest or unwillingness to communicate (hide behind his mother, cry).

  • Communication with other children

As a rule, such children prefer to play alone, stay away from other children or communicate with younger (sometimes adults).

Symptoms of the disorder in adults

Adults with Aspie syndrome are more difficult to diagnose the disorder, due to their more or less adequate assessment own state, strengths and weaknesses. With Asperger's syndrome in adults, a number of symptoms are associated with difficulties in social adaptation:

  • Difficulties in communicating with other people

It is difficult for such people to find, and indeed to look for common interests with others, they have problems with non-verbal communication (they do not look into the eyes of the interlocutor, do not understand facial expressions and body language, cannot understand that a person is not interested in talking).

  • Difficulty making friends and maintaining friendships

Most patients with this disorder would like to have friends, but due to a lack of empathy, interest in the hobbies and experiences of those around them, it is difficult to find common points contact and establish friendly contact.

  • Disinterest in the opposite sex

Adapted adults with Aspie syndrome can start a family, have children. But most of the time they are lonely.

Despite the average, and often high intelligence and high professionalism, such people rarely work in the field of management. By and large, they do not seek to "make a career", they prefer monotonous and monotonous work (with numbers, computer programs).

Due to problems with social imagination, adults with this syndrome have the following symptoms:

  • They do not understand metaphors and figurative expressions

How can hands or head be golden? Well, not from gold, a common person. Or if "the dog is buried" - then where is it buried, who buried it and why?

  • They don't understand humor
  • Can't separate the lies from the truth.

In addition, adults with Aspie syndrome also have difficulties with sensory sensations. They cannot eat unusual food (too salty, spicy or spicy), it seems disgusting to them. They cannot drink tea or coffee - too bitter; they do not drink juice - too caustic. Even comfortable clothing made from natural materials gives them inconvenience and pain.

Often people with this disorder are accepted by society as impolite and ill-mannered, or even rude individuals:

  • “Aspi man” says what he thinks, that is, “cuts the truth - the uterus”, without thinking about the appropriateness of his statements;
  • they often issue remarks in cases where, according to etiquette, it is supposed not to notice the interlocutor's sluggishness (for example, “how did you manage to spill salt on the table?”);
  • cannot carry on small talk;
  • do not try, and do not want to make a “good impression”;
  • are able to suddenly interrupt the conversation and leave (because their own feelings are stronger).

Among other things, such adults are distinguished by their love for a strictly routine order (towels in the bathroom should hang at the same level, cups in the closet are turned by the handle in one direction). It is difficult for them to rebuild if necessary (hands-on work, rush job) your work schedule. They do not like it when they use their things - this is a violation of the boundaries of the living space of a person with Aspie. Also, such patients are extremely suspicious and suspicious. Arriving at the doctor’s appointment, he will ask several times if the doctor washed his hands before the examination and if his instruments are sterile.

What is the danger of Aspie syndrome

Of course, this disorder does not pose a direct threat to the life and health of the patient. Most of the people who have passed social adaptation Even in childhood, they found their purpose in life, successful work and started a family. However, people with Aspie syndrome who have not undergone the necessary correction of the disorder are subject to the following risks:

  • lack of one's place in life, falling into asocial strata;
  • loneliness, depression and anxiety, which require serious medical treatment;
  • often develop obsessive and phobic states that are difficult to correct.

Running cases comorbid disorders often cause suicide. People with Aspie Syndrome, as it used to be believed, are not maniacs prone to violence and aggression, but rather victims. After all, even becoming an adult, in a “normal and educated” society, such a person best case becomes a black sheep, in the worst case, an outcast.

Advantages and disadvantages

Of course, all people are different, and, of course, people with Aspie syndrome are very different. This or that sign (“bad” or “good”) may be more pronounced in one patient, and, on the contrary, be absent in another. For example, patients with this disorder are often clumsy, but some of them become excellent dancers.


  1. Level of mind and memory, special interest
    • well-developed intellect, often quite high;
    • developed Speaking, wide vocabulary;
    • the ability to store in memory a large amount of information, especially on topics of special interest (hobbies);
    • the ability to think in visual pictures;
    • learn independently and independently;
    • unconventional thinking, different non-standard approaches.
  2. Focus
    • know how and prefer to do things alone;
    • special interest in little-studied areas of science;
    • the ability to focus for a long time on reading, writing, conducting experiments;
    • do not spend time on activities that neurotypical (ordinary - as patients call them) people are interested in.
  3. Attentive to details
    • notice small and seemingly insignificant details in ideas and theories, books and films;
    • perfectly perform the same type of tasks, where it is necessary to observe the accuracy, correctness and order of execution;
    • They take their work seriously and strive for quality work.
  4. Peculiar humor
    • love for word play, puns;
    • preference for sarcasm and satire.
  5. Directness
    • speak only the truth, do not know how to lie, even if it harms personal interests or is impolite;
    • They need rules, they follow them exactly.
  6. Desire to communicate
    • give a lot of energy to acquire social skills;
    • do not retreat before misunderstanding and failures;
    • faith (up to naivety) in the light in people;
    • calmly perceive the whims and shortcomings of other people, are faithful and sincere in friendship and love.
  7. Honesty, justice
    • quite tolerant, do not recognize conventions;
    • they react sharply and sometimes violently to injustice;
    • caring for others, albeit in atypical ways;
    • protect the outcasts, the oppressed and other "white crows";
    • love and protect animals.

Weak sides

  • difficulties in understanding the “general” picture;
  • there is no motivation for activities that do not affect a special area of ​​​​interest;
  • do not perceive other people's emotions;
  • do not recognize the "unwritten" social rules, so they look tactless and rude;
  • difficulties in processing visual and auditory information;
  • problems with highlighting and summarizing important data in a conversation;
  • excessive honesty, even to the detriment of oneself;
  • vulnerable to stress, which leads to emotional and psychological problems;
  • find it difficult to accept criticism, suggestions and help from others;
  • sleep problems;
  • problems with the generalization of concepts, skills;
  • there is no ability to express sympathy for others in the accepted way;
  • difficulties with filtering external stimuli, for example, noises in the background (clock ticking, rain outside the window, etc.).

Test Based Diagnostics

The diagnosis of this syndrome is made at the age of 4-12 years on the basis of long-term observation of the patient, the stories of the parents and the patient himself. Be sure to suspect Asperger's syndrome, various tests are carried out, which are also used to diagnose autism:

Test name Purpose
ASSQ test Available for children six years of age and older. Based on the perception of different pictures by the child and their description.
RAADS-R test It is carried out in adults and determines various mental disorders (fear of communication, anxiety, depression). The question involves choosing the appropriate option for an act in a given life situation.
Aspie Quiz The test includes one hundred questions, the answers to which decipher the autistic features of Aspie syndrome in adults and their probable causes.
Toronto scale Identifies non-standard sensory sensations (sound, color, skin sensations). It also helps to determine the lack of ability to interpret symbols and metaphors.
TAS-20 Reveals a deficit of emotions (viewing pictures and photos).

Question answer

What is the treatment for Asperger's syndrome and is it necessary?

There is no specific treatment for this disorder. The patient is observed by a psychiatrist and, if necessary, appoints medications for the relief of emerging mental problems (anxiety, sleep disturbances, phobias). The emphasis is mainly on non-drug therapy, designed to socially adapt the patient to existence in society (exercise therapy, psychological training, communication development methods, behavioral therapy, classes with a speech therapist). Special meals are also recommended, as a rule, food should be simple and separate, without seasonings and various frills.

Is it possible to get rid of this disorder?

No. Children with Aspie syndrome grow into adults with Asperger's syndrome. This syndrome remains for life, but the patient can be successfully compensated, especially if he chooses a job suitable for his diagnosis.

How to live with an "asperger's person"?

Cohabitation, especially marriage with such a person, is of great difficulty, not only for the healthy side, but also for the "Asperger". Try not to pay attention to his "quirks" - because they are only for you are quirks and whims. Forgive mistakes and clumsiness, do not focus on its features. Somewhere light ridicule and poking are needed, somewhere a little trick.

Is the disease inherited?

Rather yes than no. Scientists are inclined to hereditary predisposition of this disorder, but even if the spouse is "Asperger", it is not at all necessary that children will inherit this syndrome.