What components do you think form a personality? The formation of human personality: how it happens and what is determined by it

The formation of human personality is influenced by external and internal, biological and social factors. Factor (from Latin factor - doing, producing) is the driving force, the cause of any process, phenomenon (S.I. Ozhegov).

TO internal factors refers to the individual’s own activity, generated by contradictions, interests and other motives, realized in self-education, as well as in activity and communication.

TO external factors include the macro-, meso- and microenvironment, natural and social, education in the broad and narrow, social and pedagogical sense.

Environment and education are social factors, whereas heredity is biological factor.

There have long been discussions among philosophers, sociologists, psychologists and teachers about the relationship between biological and social factors, about the priority importance of one or another in the development of a person’s personality.

Some of them argue that a person, his consciousness, abilities, interests and needs are determined by heredity (E. Thorndike, D. Dewey, A. Kobs, etc.). Representatives of this trend elevate hereditary factors (biological) to absolutes and deny the role of environment and upbringing (social factors) in the development of personality. They mistakenly transfer the achievements of biological science about the heredity of plants and animals to the human body. We are talking about the priority of innate abilities.

Other scientists believe that development depends entirely on the influence of social factors (J. Locke, J.-J. Rousseau, K. A. Helvetius, etc.) They deny a person’s genetic predisposition and argue that a child from birth is a “blank slate, on which you can write everything,” i.e. Development depends on upbringing and environment.

Some scientists (D. Diderot) believe that development is determined by an equal combination of the influence of biological and social factors.

K. D. Ushinsky argued that a person becomes a person not only under the influence of heredity, environment and upbringing, but also as a result of his own activities, which ensure the formation and improvement of personal qualities. A person is not only a product of heredity and the circumstances in which his life takes place, but also an active participant in the change and improvement of external factors. By changing them, a person changes himself.

Let us consider in more detail the essential side of the influence of leading factors on the development and formation of personality.

Some authors, as noted above, assign a decisive role to the biological factor – heredity. Heredity – the ability of organisms to transmit certain qualities and characteristics from parents to children. Heredity is determined by genes (translated from Greek “gene” means “giving birth”). Science has proven that the properties of an organism are encrypted in a kind of gene code that stores and transmits all information about the properties of the organism. Genetics has deciphered the hereditary program of human development. It has been established that it is heredity that determines what is common that makes a person human, and what is different that makes people so different from each other.

What does a person inherit?

The following are inherited from parents to children:

  • anatomical and physiological structure reflecting the specific characteristics of an individual as a representative of the human race (Homo sapiens): the inclinations of speech, upright walking, thinking, labor activity;
  • physical data: external racial characteristics, body type, constitution, facial features, hair, eye, skin color;
  • physiological characteristics: metabolism, blood pressure and blood group, Rh factor, stages of maturation of the body;
  • features of the nervous system: the structure of the cerebral cortex and its peripheral apparatus (visual, auditory, olfactory, etc.), the uniqueness of nervous processes, which determines the nature and a certain type of higher nervous activity;
  • anomalies in the development of the body: color blindness (partial color blindness), “cleft lip”, “cleft palate”;
  • predisposition to certain hereditary diseases: hemophilia (blood disease), diabetes mellitus, schizophrenia, endocrine disorders (dwarfism, etc.).

It is necessary to distinguish congenital features human, associated with a change in the genotype, from acquired ones, which were the result of unfavorable living conditions. For example, complications after an illness, physical injuries or oversights during the development of a child, violations of diet, labor, hardening of the body, etc. A deviation or change in the psyche can occur as a result of subjective factors: fear, severe nervous shock, drunkenness and immoral acts of parents, and other negative phenomena. Acquired changes are not inherited. If the genotype is not changed, then Some congenital individual characteristics of a person associated with his intrauterine development are also not inherited. These include many anomalies caused by such reasons as intoxication, radiation, the influence of alcohol, birth injuries, etc.

An extremely important question is whether intellectual, special and moral qualities are inherited? And also what is passed on to children: ready-made capabilities to a certain type of activity or just the makings?

It has been established that only inclinations are inherited. Makings of – these are anatomical and physiological characteristics of the body, which are prerequisites for the development of abilities. Inclinations provide a predisposition to a particular activity.

There are two types of makings:

  • a) universal (structure of the brain, central nervous system, receptors);
  • b) individual (typological properties of the nervous system, on which the speed of formation of temporary connections, their strength, strength of concentrated attention, mental performance depends; structural features of analyzers, individual areas of the cerebral cortex, organs, etc.).

Capabilities – individual personality characteristics, which are subjective conditions for the successful implementation of a certain type of activity. Abilities are not limited to knowledge, skills and abilities. They manifest themselves in the speed, depth and strength of mastery of methods and techniques of activity. High level of development of abilities - talent, genius.

Some scientists adhere to the concept of innate abilities (S. Burt, H. Eysenck, etc.). Most domestic specialists - physiologists, psychologists, teachers - consider abilities as lifetime formations that are formed in the process of life and as a result of upbringing. It is not abilities that are transferred, but only inclinations.

The inclinations inherited by a person can either be realized or not. Being an individual-natural basis of abilities, inclinations are an important, but insufficient condition for their development. In the absence of appropriate external factors and adequate activity, abilities may not develop even if the appropriate inclinations are present. Conversely, early achievements may not indicate special abilities, but rather, an organization of activity and education that is adequate to the existing inclinations.

The question of inheritance of abilities for intellectual (cognitive, educational) activity raises especially heated discussions.

Some scientists believe that all people receive from nature high potential opportunities for the development of their mental and cognitive powers and are capable of almost unlimited spiritual development. The existing differences in the types of higher nervous activity change only the course of thought processes, but do not predetermine the quality and level of intellectual activity itself. These scientists do not agree with the idea that intelligence is passed on from parents to children. At the same time, they recognize that heredity can adversely affect the development of intellectual abilities. A negative predisposition is created by brain cells in children of alcoholics, disrupted genetic structures in drug addicts, and some mental illnesses.

Another group of scientists considers the existence of intellectual inequality of people to be a proven fact. Its cause is considered to be biological heredity. Hence the conclusion: intellectual abilities remain unchanged and constant.

Understanding the process of transferring intellectual inclinations is very important, since it predetermines the practical trains of upbringing and training of people. Modern pedagogy focuses not on identifying differences and adapting education to them, but on creating conditions for the development of the inclinations that each person has.

An important issue is the inheritance of special inclinations and moral qualities. Special are called the inclinations for a certain type of activity. Special ones include musical, artistic, mathematical, linguistic, sports and other inclinations. It has been established that people with special inclinations achieve higher results and advance at a faster pace in the relevant field of activity. This can manifest itself at an early age if the necessary conditions are created.

Special abilities are inherited. In the history of mankind there have been many hereditary talents. It is known, for example, that J. S. Bach had 18 famous musicians in five generations of his ancestors. There were many talented people in the family of Charles Darwin.

Particularly significant is the question of the inheritance of moral qualities and psyche. For a long time, the prevailing assertion was that mental qualities are not inherited, but acquired in the process of interaction of the organism with the external environment. The social essence of the individual, his moral foundations are formed only during his lifetime.

It was believed that a person is born neither evil nor kind, neither stingy nor generous. Children do not inherit the moral qualities of their parents; human genetic programs do not contain information about social behavior. What a person becomes depends on his environment and upbringing.

At the same time, such prominent scientists as M. Montessori, K. Lorenz, E. Fromm argue that human morality is biologically determined. Moral qualities, behavior, habits and even actions, both positive and negative, are passed on from generation to generation (“the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree”). The basis for such conclusions is data obtained from the study of human and animal behavior. According to the teachings of I.P. Pavlov, both animals and humans have instincts and reflexes that are inherited. The behavior of highly organized living beings in some cases is instinctive, reflexive, based not on higher consciousness, but on the simplest biological reflexes. This means that moral qualities and behavior can be inherited.

This question is very complex and responsible. Recently, a position on the genetic determination of human morality and social behavior has been taken by domestic scientists (P.K. Anokhin, N.M. Amosov, etc.).

In addition to heredity, the determining factor in personality development is the environment. Wednesday – this is the reality in which human development occurs. The formation of personality is influenced by the geographical, national, school, family, and social environment. The latter includes such characteristics as the social system, the system of production relations, material living conditions, the nature of production and social processes, etc.

The question of whether environment or heredity has a greater influence on human development remains debatable. The French philosopher C. A. Helvetius believed that all people from birth have the same potential for mental and moral development, and differences in mental characteristics are explained solely by the influence of the environment and educational influences. Real reality is understood in this case metaphysically; it fatally predetermines the fate of a person. The individual is viewed as a passive object of influence of circumstances.

Thus, all scientists recognize the influence of the environment on the formation of a person. The only thing that differs is their assessment of the degree of such influence on the formation of personality. This is due to the fact that there is no abstract medium. There is a specific social system, a person’s specific immediate and distant surroundings, specific living conditions. It is clear that a higher level of development is achieved in an environment where favorable conditions are created.

An important factor influencing human development is communication. Communication – this is one of the universal forms of personality activity (along with cognition, work, play), manifested in the establishment and development of contacts between people, in the formation of interpersonal relationships.

Personality is formed only in communication and interaction with other people. Outside human society, spiritual, social, and mental development cannot occur.

In addition to those listed above, an important factor influencing the formation of personality is upbringing. In a broad social sense, it is often identified with socialization, although the logic of their relationship could be characterized as the relation of the whole to the particular. Socialization is the process of human social development as a result of spontaneous and organized influences of the entire set of factors of social existence. Most researchers consider education as one of the factors of human development, which is a system of targeted formative influences, interactions and relationships carried out in various spheres of social life. Education is a process of purposeful and consciously controlled socialization (family, religious, school education); it acts as a unique mechanism for managing socialization processes.

Education allows you to overcome or weaken the consequences of negative influences on socialization, give it a humanistic orientation, and attract scientific potential for forecasting and designing pedagogical strategies and tactics. The social environment can influence unintentionally, spontaneously, but the educator purposefully guides development in the conditions of a specially organized educational system.

Personal development is possible only in activities. In the course of life, a person constantly participates in a wide variety of activities: gaming, educational, cognitive, labor, social, political, artistic, creative, sports, etc.

Acting as a form of being and a way of human existence, activity:

  • ensures the creation of material conditions for human life;
  • contributes to the satisfaction of natural human needs;
  • promotes knowledge and transformation of the surrounding world;
  • is a factor in the development of a person’s spiritual world, a form and condition for the realization of his cultural needs;
  • enables a person to realize his personal potential and achieve life goals;
  • creates conditions for human self-realization in the system of social relations.

It should be borne in mind that the development of personality under the same external conditions largely depends on a person's own efforts from the energy and efficiency that he displays in various activities.

The development of personal qualities is greatly influenced by collective activity. Scientists recognize that, on the one hand, under certain conditions, the collective neutralizes the individual, and, on the other hand, the development and manifestation of individuality is possible only in the collective. Such activities contribute to the manifestation of the creative potential of the individual; the role of the team is irreplaceable in the formation of the ideological and moral orientation of the individual, his civic position, and emotional development.

A great role in the formation of personality self-education. It begins with awareness and acceptance of an objective goal as a subjective, desirable motive for one’s actions. Subjective setting of behavioral goals generates conscious tension of will and determination of a plan of activity. The implementation of this goal ensures personal development.

Thus, the process and results of human development are determined by both biological and social factors, which act not in isolation, but in combination. Under different circumstances, different factors may have a greater or lesser influence on the formation of personality. According to most authors, in the system of factors, if not the decisive, then the leading role belongs to education.

A person’s personal qualities manifest themselves exclusively during socialization, that is, in the process of carrying out common activities with other individuals. Otherwise, improving his spiritual, mental and emotional self-development is impossible. In addition, during socialization, the formation of each person’s environment occurs.

The present reality in which an individual develops is called the environment. In addition, various external circumstances influence the improvement of personality: family, social, school and geographical. Scientists, when discussing the impact of the environment on the development of personality, in most cases mean the home and social microclimate. The first factor corresponds to the immediate environment (family, acquaintances, relatives, etc.), and the second – to the distant environment (material well-being, political system in the country, interactions in society, etc.).

The home environment has a great influence on a person’s self-improvement, starting from his birth. It is there that the first and most important years necessary for the formation of a person pass. Family relationships determine interests, needs, values ​​and views on certain situations. In addition, the initial conditions for improving the personal qualities of each individual are laid there.

The process of interaction between a person and his environment is called socialization. This term appeared in American psychology and initially implied the relationship through which an individual adapted to his environment. Based on this, adaptation is the initial component of socialization.

The main goal of society is to maintain the social environment in optimal condition. At the same time, it constantly forms stereotypes and standards, which it tries to maintain at the proper level. In order for a person to develop normally, it is necessary to adhere to these rules, since otherwise the process of socialization can develop for a very long time or stop completely. However, thanks to the principles of freedom and independence inherent in each individual, each individual must form his own opinion on any situation. Thus, individuality is formed, which is the main driving factor in the development of both each individual and the entire society.

As a result, the full disclosure of the concept of socialization occurs in the totality of the following factors: independent regulation, adaptation, development, integration, as well as dialectical unity. The more of these components influence an individual, the faster he becomes a person.

Socialization consists of several stages, during which certain tasks are solved. Modern psychology subdivides these stages depending on the individual's participation in work activity, as well as on how he relates to it.

Factors influencing personal improvement

In sociology, factors are usually called certain circumstances that create favorable conditions for socialization. A.V.Mudrik formulated the basic principles and identified four stages of specialization:

  • microfactors - social conditions that influence each individual, without exception: family, home atmosphere, peer group in a technical school or university, various organizations in which an individual studies and interacts with a similar environment;
  • mesofactors (or intermediate factors) - determined by the broader social atmosphere, i.e., with the place where each individual lives at the moment: village, city, district, region, etc. In addition, differences may be based on affiliation to any subculture (group, sect, party, etc.) as well as by means of obtaining information (television, Internet, etc.);
  • macro factors - influence significant human groups that occupy a certain territory on the scale of a planet, country, state, etc. Moreover, some factors can be inherited from previous factors.
    – megafactors (or the largest) – imply factors in the largest scale concepts: world, planet, universe, etc. Also, in some cases, can be considered in relation to the population of the earth living over vast areas (countries, continents, etc. .).

If we compare all these components, then microfactors influence personality development most of all. With their help, the process of interaction occurs through the so-called agents of socialization. These include those individuals with whom each specific person interacts. Depending on his age, completely different people can be agents. For example, for children these are immediate relatives (parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents), neighbors, acquaintances, friends, etc. In adolescence and young adulthood, the main agents of socialization are: spouses, study and work colleagues, army colleagues . In adulthood and old age, one’s own children, grandchildren, etc. are added. At the same time, most agents can move from category to category starting from a very early age.

How a person’s environment is formed

Every person tries to create an environment around himself that would in every possible way contribute to his development and self-improvement. At the same time, he should not feel constrained and restless. After all, everyone understands that it is much easier to develop in an environment where all other people also strive to improve and improve their lives.

According to scientists, the influence of the environment on each individual person is almost invisible, but has a very powerful effect. Therefore, it is necessary to try to create an environment around yourself exclusively of successful and interesting people.
To create a successful environment, you must follow the following principles:

  1. Always look for opportunities to meet and communicate with interesting and successful people. When talking with them, you can always glean some important and necessary information. However, you should remember that you yourself must be somehow interesting to this person.
  2. Study the works of interesting people. This could be an autobiography, a book, video or audio material. You can learn a lot of useful things from them.
  3. Develop diversified. This includes various habits and hobbies: morning workouts in the open air, yoga classes, trainings, seminars, etc. At such events, you can often meet like-minded people and form a successful environment.

Creating an environment means continuously working to improve yourself, at every moment and in any area.

To improve yourself, you need to set more complex tasks and goals for yourself each time. Depending on age and social status, they can be completely different, but the main factor must remain unchanged, that any activity must be aimed at improving the individual as a person.

There are two main theories about how environment influences personality development. According to one of them, a person is initially born with a program embedded in him, which shapes his abilities and character. According to another, it is a person’s environment that shapes the personality of each individual person.

If a person takes a look at his surroundings, he will be able to identify certain patterns, i.e. all these people will have approximately the same social status, education, and also have common interests. Thus, it will also meet all these parameters. And if an individual wants to change his life and improve it in some way, then the first thing that needs to be done is to change his environment. After all, reaching your goal in an environment where they don’t believe in you will be very difficult or almost impossible.

There is a clear example in our history - Mikhail Lomonosov. As a young man, he had a strong thirst for knowledge. However, in the environment in which he was initially located, the boy could not acquire the necessary skills and abilities. So he made a very difficult choice. The young man not only changed his surroundings, but also his place of residence, leaving for an unfamiliar city. Finding himself completely alone, he did not give up, but, on the contrary, grew stronger and revealed himself as a gifted and talented person.

On the other hand, at present, there are many counter-examples. Many young people, born in large cities, who received an excellent education and work, become the usual “gray” mass. They have no interests, exist exclusively for one day and are ordinary wasters of life.

From all this we can conclude that the environment always influences the formation and development of personality. Sometimes to a greater extent, sometimes to a lesser extent. Its influence on children is especially strong, so the main goal of parents is to help form a circle of friends and acquaintances for their child, as well as show some principles by example. An adult needs to identify for himself the priorities of his future life and, based on them, create the necessary and successful environment around him.

The development of a person as a personality is not only a complex, but also a contradictory process that occurs under the influence of both external influences and internal forces that are characteristic of a person, which means the formation of him from a simply biological individual into a conscious being - a personality.

The interaction of heredity and environment in human development plays an important role throughout his life.

External factors include, first of all, the natural and social environment surrounding a person, and internal factors include biological and hereditary factors.

But it acquires particular importance during periods of formation of the organism: developmental psychology distinguishes five types of formation: embryonic, breast, childhood, adolescence and youth. It is at this time that an intensive process of development of the body and personality formation is observed. Petrovsky A.V. Age-related psychology. M. Enlightenment. 1973

Heredity determines what an organism can become, but a person develops under the simultaneous influence of both factors - heredity and environment.

Most scientists believe that human adaptation is carried out under the influence of two programs of heredity: biological and social. All signs and properties of any individual are the result of the interaction of his genotype and environment. Disagreement arises when it comes to the role of heredity and environment in the study of human mental abilities. Some believe that mental abilities are inherited genetically, others say that the development of mental abilities is determined by the influence of the social environment. It should be noted that every person is both a part of nature and a product of social development.

Zenkovsky V.V. in his work “Tasks and Means of Education,” he proposed the following scheme of personality development factors:

  • 1. Heredity:
    • a) physical (talents, moral potential of parents, psychophysiological characteristics);
    • b) social;
    • c) spiritual;
  • 2. Wednesday:
    • a) social heredity (traditions);
    • b) social environment (social circle);
    • c) geographical environment.
  • 3. Education:
    • a) social;
    • b) activity (self-education).Zenkovsky V.V. Tasks and means of education // Russian school abroad. Historical experience of the 20s. M., 1995. P - 90

In the process of human development and the establishment of numerous contacts, the formation of his personality occurs, reflecting the social side of his development, his social essence.

The driving forces of human development are the contradictions between human needs that arise under the influence of objective factors, ranging from simple physical, material needs to higher spiritual ones, and the means and possibilities of satisfying them. These needs create motives for one or another type of activity aimed at satisfying them, encourage communication with people, and search for means and sources to satisfy their needs.

Factors influencing human development can be controllable and uncontrollable.

Often, social processes and phenomena cannot be fully disclosed without involving knowledge about the mechanisms of individual and group behavior of people, patterns of formation of behavioral stereotypes, habits, social attitudes and orientation, without studying moods, feelings, psychological climate, without analyzing moods, feelings, psychological climate, without analyzing such phenomena as imitation, suggestion, without studying the psychological properties and characteristics of the individual, his abilities, motives, character, and interpersonal relationships. In certain studies of social processes, the need arises to take into account psychological factors, and it becomes especially acute when the researcher moves from general laws to special ones, from global problems to specific ones, from macroanalysis to microanalysis.

There are also psychological factors that, of course, do not determine social processes; on the contrary, they themselves can only be understood on the basis of an analysis of these processes. But these factors, depending on specific conditions, have either a positive or negative impact on certain life events of both society and the individual. Lomov B.F.. Psychology in the system of scientific knowledge. Moscow: 1985, p. 17

In the process of development, the emerging personality is involved in various types of activities such as: gaming, work, study, sports, while entering into communication with parents, peers, strangers, while showing his inherent activity. This contributes to the acquisition of a person’s personality by certain social experiences.

Despite the fact that personality is mainly formed in the course of communication with other people, a number of factors influence the process of personality formation: heredity, physical environment, cultural influence, social environment, individual experience.

* The first factor is heredity, since the formation of personality is primarily influenced by the genetic characteristics of the individual received at birth. Hereditary traits are the basis for the formation of personality. An individual's hereditary qualities, such as abilities or physical qualities, leave an imprint on his character, the way he perceives the world around him and evaluates other people. Biological heredity largely explains the individuality of a person, his difference from other individuals, since there are no two identical individuals in terms of their biological heredity.

Biological heredity determines both what is common, what makes a person human, and what is different, what makes people so different both externally and internally. Heredity refers to the transmission from parents to children of certain qualities and characteristics inherent in their genetic program.

Heredity also presupposes the formation of certain abilities in any area of ​​activity based on the natural inclinations of the child. According to the data of physiology and psychology, a person’s innate abilities are not ready-made abilities, but only potential opportunities for their development, i.e. makings. The manifestation and development of a child’s abilities largely depends on the conditions of his life, education and upbringing. A clear manifestation of abilities is usually called giftedness, or talent.

The great role of heredity lies in the fact that a child inherits a human body, a human nervous system, a human brain and sense organs. Body features, hair color, eye color, skin color are passed on from parents to children - external factors that distinguish one person from another. Some features of the nervous system are also inherited, on the basis of which a certain type of nervous activity develops. Babansky Yu. K. Pedagogy. M., 1983. P - 60

* The second factor influencing the formation of a person’s personality is the influence of the physical environment. It is obvious that the natural environment around us constantly influences our behavior and participates in the formation of human personality. For example, we associate the emergence of civilizations, tribes, and individual population groups with the influence of climate. People who grew up in different climates are different from each other. The most striking example of this is the comparison of mountain dwellers, steppe dwellers and jungle people. Nature constantly influences us, and we must respond to this influence by changing our personality structure.

Finding a reasonable balance in the relationship between man and nature is impossible without understanding the relationship in which nature and society actually exist today, as well as the weight of each of these components. Humanity, despite all its current power and independence, is an integral part and continuation of the evolution of nature. Society is inextricably linked with it and is unable to exist and develop outside of nature, first of all, without the human environment. The influence of the natural environment on the life of society is especially pronounced in the sphere of production. All material production, which allowed man to distinguish himself from nature, is based fundamentally on the natural component. Nature is the natural basis of human life and society as a whole. Outside of nature, man does not exist and cannot exist.

The interaction of society with nature has not only utilitarian, production significance for humans, but also health, moral, aesthetic, and scientific significance. Man not only “grows” from nature, but, producing material values, at the same time “grows” into it. In addition, nature, among other things, has its own amazing charm, charm, which to a large extent makes a person an artist, a creator. In particular, from this creative attitude towards it, not least of all, a sense of homeland, unity with their land, and patriotism arises in one or another people.

Researchers of this problem have often been tempted to consider a person primarily as a representative of a biological species, and society as a collection of individuals. Hence, the main thing in their actions is submission to biological laws. At the same time, the social component in a person and in society was assigned a secondary role.

Some researchers have attributed the physical environment to critical importance in personality development.

Such scientists as the philosopher G.V. Plekhanov and historian L.N. Gumilyov in his theoretical developments form a good basis for ethnocentric, nationalistic consciousness, but cannot help but deny the decisive influence of the physical factor on the development of the individual.

* The third factor in the formation of a person’s personality is considered to be the influence of culture. Any culture has a certain set of social norms and shared values. This set is common to members of a given society or social group. For this reason, members of every culture must be tolerant of these norms and value systems. In this regard, the concept of a modal personality arises, embodying those general cultural values ​​that society instills in its members in the course of cultural experience. Thus, modern society, with the help of culture, strives to form a social personality that easily makes social contacts and is ready to cooperate. The absence of such standards puts a person in a position of cultural uncertainty, when he does not master the basic cultural norms of society.

The famous sociologist Pitirim Sorokin, in a work published back in 1928, summarized the theories of many scientists - from Confucius, Aristotle, Hippocrates to the contemporary geographer Elliott Huntington, according to which group differences in the behavior of individuals are mainly determined by differences in climate, geographical features and natural resources. Sorokin P. A. Sociological theories of modernity. Per. and preface S. V. Karpushina M.: INION, 1992. P - 193

Indeed, in similar physical and geographical conditions, different types of personalities are formed, and, conversely, it very often happens that similar group characteristics of individuals develop in different environmental conditions. In this regard, we can say that the physical environment can influence the cultural characteristics of a social group, but its influence on the formation of an individual personality is insignificant and incomparable with the influence of the group’s culture, group or individual experience on the personality.

* The fourth factor that shapes a person’s personality is the influence of the social environment. It should be recognized that this factor can be considered the main one in the process of forming the personal qualities of an individual. The influence of the social environment is carried out through the process of socialization.

Socialization is the process by which an individual internalizes the norms of his group in such a way that the uniqueness of that individual or personality is manifested through the formation of his own self. Personal socialization can take various forms. For example, socialization is observed through imitation, taking into account the reactions of other people, and communication of different forms of behavior. Socialization can be primary, that is, occurring in primary groups, and secondary, that is, occurring in organizations and social institutions. Failure to socialize an individual to group cultural norms can lead to conflicts and social deviance.

The socialization of a person in the modern world, having more or less obvious features in one society or another, in each of them has a number of common or similar characteristics.

Andreeva G.M. and Lomov B.F. They believe that socialization has a two-sided nature and the essential meaning of socialization is revealed at the intersection of such processes as adaptation, integration, self-development and self-realization. Andreeva G.M., Social psychology M.: Nauka, 1994 P-43

Understanding the process of assimilating social norms, skills, stereotypes, forming social attitudes and beliefs, learning socially accepted norms of behavior and communication, life style options, joining groups and interacting with their members as socialization makes sense if initially the individual is understood as a non-social being, and his non-sociality must be overcome in the process of education in society, not without resistance. In other cases, the term “socialization” in relation to the social development of the individual is redundant. The concept of “sociality” does not replace or replace the concepts of teaching and upbringing known in pedagogy and educational psychology.

The following stages of socialization are distinguished:

  • 1. Primary socialization, or adaptation stage (from birth to adolescence, the child assimilates social experience uncritically, adapts, adapts, imitates).
  • 2. Stage of individualization (there is a desire to distinguish oneself from others, a critical attitude towards social norms of behavior). In adolescence, the stage of individualization, self-determination “the world and I” is characterized as intermediate socialization, since everything is still unstable in the worldview and character of the teenager. Adolescence (18-25 years) is characterized as stable conceptual socialization, when stable personality traits are developed.
  • 3. Stage of integration (a desire appears to find one’s place in society, to “fit in” with society). Integration proceeds successfully if a person’s characteristics are accepted by the group, by society.

If not accepted, the following outcomes are possible:

  • - maintaining one’s dissimilarity and the emergence of aggressive interactions (relationships) with people and society;
  • - changing yourself, “becoming like everyone else”;
  • - conformism, external agreement, adaptation.
  • 4. The labor stage of socialization covers the entire period of a person’s maturity, the entire period of his working activity, when a person not only assimilates social experience, but also reproduces it due to the person’s active influence on the environment through his activity.
  • 5. The post-labor stage of socialization considers old age as an age that makes a significant contribution to the reproduction of social experience, to the process of transmitting it to new generations. Stolyarenko L.D., Samygin S.I. 100 Examination answers in psychology Rostov-on-Don. Publishing center "MarT", 2001
  • * The fifth factor shaping the personality of an individual in modern society should be considered the individual experience of a person. The essence of the influence of this factor is that each person finds himself in different situations, during which he is influenced by other people and the physical environment.

The totality of the results of knowledge accumulated by an individual, obtained in personal practice, personal experience in carrying out previously performed operations, actions, activities and elements of the objective experience of humanity acquired by the individual.

In this case, genetically transmitted innate instincts and individual experience accumulated during one’s life are used. The accumulation of such experience occurs under the influence of external circumstances.

A person accumulates individual experience, however, unlike animals, the new original individual experience of a particular person can be preserved even after his death in oral stories, in objects created by man, in verbal and non-verbal documents, using which people of subsequent generations are freed from the need to repeat knowledge, carried out by predecessors. Unlike animals, the achievements of the development of a species are consolidated not so much genetically, but in the form of material and spiritual culture. “This special form of consolidation and transmission to subsequent generations of achievements in development arose due to the fact that, unlike the activities of animals, the activities of people are creative and productive. This is, first of all, the main human activity - work.” Domestic psychologists L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, D.B. Elkonin emphasized: “You need to be born with a human brain in order to become a person, but for human development, communication, training, and education are necessary. This is determined by the social nature of human development.” Vygotsky L.S. Psychology of Human Development Moscow 2005 P-71

The following stages of self-development can be distinguished:

  • - spontaneous self-development in the process of mastering self-service skills in everyday life under the guidance and help of a close adult;
  • - spontaneous self-development in the process of jointly shared household, play, work and other activities with both adults and children;
  • - conscious self-development in role-playing games and in the implementation of all kinds of hobbies;
  • - conscious self-development in mature creativity and self-creation; formation of a worldview system (picture of the world) based on the emotional and motivational preferences that arose at the previous stages.

Other social relations become possible and significant for the individual only after he has assimilated (made his own) those elements of the objective experience of humanity in which these relations are embodied.

The sequence of various situations influencing the formation and development of personality is unique for each person and he orients himself towards future events based on the positive and negative perception of past situations. Unique individual experiences are one of the most significant factors in shaping a person’s personality.

A child can become a full-fledged personality and realize his innate potential only through communication. From birth he needs care and training. For further independent life, the process of education starts in early infancy and is dictated by the needs of the child at all stages of his development.

Work on nurturing a child’s personality is distinguished by the following features:

  1. The desire for a specific goal, a socio-cultural model, an ideal.
  2. Compliance with historical development. The pedagogical process is based on the values ​​developed by humanity.
  3. Methods and educational influences are subject to a certain system.

The need for education

Many scientific works are devoted to the study of personality. Scientific experiments and random facts confirm the conclusion that mental development and character are formed from birth. What is not learned at an early age is difficult to compensate for in adulthood.

Untimely, improperly organized education threatens to lead to:

  • slow development of the psyche, underdevelopment of the emotional sphere;
  • has a bad effect on physical development and health;
  • disrupts the sequence of formation, reinforces incorrect forms of behavior;
  • negatively affects the excitability of the nervous system and contributes to fatigue.

Congenital characteristics and biological prerequisites are important, but they are not decisive in the process of development of an individual. Human characteristics are programmed into us, but to fully realize them, it is not enough just to be born. You need to live among people, adopting social experience from them through education.

Proportionality of the relationship between subjectivity and objectivity in the process of education

In someone who has just been born, one can observe manifestations of individuality (characteristic reactions, behavioral characteristics, preferences). But the child’s personality is not innate; it manifests itself later, under the influence of cultural and social development. Over the years, the baby gradually determines his place in the social environment, his feelings and will develop.

At the first stage, the efforts of parents and teachers are more active. As the child grows up, his activity increases; he tries to do everything himself; the teachers only control him. This helps to feel like a subject of activity, and is the most important thing for raising a child as a creative person. The degree of effort of the student should be correlated with his capabilities.

Educational goals are realized through active actions: sports exercises help physical development, moral qualities take root if children are guided by the feelings of other people, intellectual development is impossible without mental activity and daily solving intellectual problems.

The teacher helps the child to comprehend his actions as much as possible and look for his place among others. The principle of subjectivity presupposes the search for joint solutions and the exclusion of rigid orders from relationships.

At each age stage, the teacher is guided by the current needs of the child. Forcing the process on the part of adults will lead to passivity of children or to active resistance and aggressiveness. Shyness or aggressiveness will leave its mark on the character. Psychologists warn: early aggressiveness indicates a future predisposition to criminal behavior.

What influences personality development

The needs and interests of the individual, his spiritual wealth, and abilities depend on the conditions in which the child is formed. The factors that have a major influence on human development are the following:


The starting condition, the parental program, which becomes a prerequisite for the development of positive qualities. The downside of heredity are hereditary diseases and physical defects that can limit a person’s development.


It refers to living conditions, the biological environment (light, food, air), as well as the social environment (family, friends, society, religious and national traditions, the situation in politics, economics, science).

The environment can be specially organized, developmental, or spontaneous in nature, pedagogically uncontrollable, which leads to difficulties during the period of growing up.

Education, training

They carry a positive charge and are aimed at the formation of moral guidelines, the transfer of knowledge and experience. The process begins from the moment the baby is born, changing forms and methods, focusing on age and individual characteristics.

Independence, activity

Education is more productive if the child himself strives for something, shows interest in various aspects of activity, and is interested in play, study, and work. The educated person, becoming a subject, consciously changes himself.

Modern concept of education

For generations of parents and teachers, the issue of education remains pressing. Theorists are trying to choose the ideal model for developing certain views, skills, and knowledge in children. There are general patterns among the main theories:

  • education and training are always interconnected, but education is given priority;
  • they try to influence the effectiveness of education by involving the pupil himself in it;
  • The results of education consist of forms, methods, and goals that are understandable to the teacher and the child.

Many social institutions use outdated models of education. Modern concepts require, first of all, work on the education of a culturally versatile personality, a self-confident, independent person with the right attitudes in life.


The modernization strategy in the educational system is aimed at restoring the correspondence between the quality of education, the needs of society and the individual being educated.

Age stages and personality

A person becomes a personality when he reaches a certain level in mental development, when he develops views on the world, and begins to evaluate his own behavior. Personality is the result of cultural and social development. At each age stage, certain psychological qualities and relationships are formed, which shapes the child’s inner world and behavior.

The period up to 3 years is characterized by high plasticity and easy learning. The main character traits of a child are formed before the age of one year. Elementary moral qualities are formed at the same time. The task of education is to give children the basis for further development without harming their health and nervous system.

If a child moves little or is often in a depressed emotional state, this also affects his physical development. His physical ailment manifests itself emotionally in the same way.

Children from birth do not have ready-made forms of behavior. They learn the ability to stack cubes, draw, and speak from adults.

By the age of three, a child has his own position on many issues, realizes the difference between himself and other people, and becomes more independent.

Closer to school, children are able to evaluate their actions in comparison with the actions of friends and parents, and strive to take part in their activities. The process of socialization will be easier for the child, the better he adapts to society, learns the rules of behavior in it, and the closer the contact with his parents.

No shouting or threats

Each family has different methods of influencing children. Depending on these methods, relationships between children and adults are classified as authoritarian or democratic.

It can be difficult for parents to perceive the child’s whims and inconsistency with some ideals. Adults often carry over behavior patterns from the family in which they were raised. If they themselves were brought up with a belt and “corners”, they automatically accept this model of upbringing into their families.


Is it possible to have a relationship without shouting and violence? Since the reasons for such parental behavior are not related to the child, but to the perception of the world by adults themselves, it is worth understanding yourself and trying to master the principles of positive upbringing, which will not fail to affect even “difficult” children.

  • The character and behavior of a child depend on his temperament. You shouldn’t break him or force him to do things that are not typical for him. Accept him this way, agree with his right to be himself.
  • Try to explain to your child exactly what he is wrong about. The conversation with a one-year-old or a ten-year-old should be different. Notations and long moralizing lectures will not give any effect at all.
  • Tantrums designed to get your way should not provoke you. But punishing in this case is also not a method. The child’s attention needs to be diverted and switched to a more constructive subject.
  • Be gentle. There is no need to publicly reprimand and punish your child. Talk to him gently, laying out all your arguments in private. Prohibitions and punishments give rise to opposition. Try to come to an agreement.
  • An apple from an apple tree... It is not enough to explain the rules of behavior, the benefits of physical education, and the dangers of smoking. Give a personal example. This is not only a more effective educational method, but also a sure way to gain respect.
  • Give your child more time. Whims and inappropriate behavior are most often the result of adults being busy with other “important” things.
  • The established restrictions and rules should not depend on the mother’s mood. If something is prohibited, it means it is never allowed.
  • If your child behaves “as expected,” praise him often. Don’t forget, the “reward method” is much more effective than negativity. Praise is more likely to make you behave well.
  • Consent is needed in the family. Only such an atmosphere will form a stable psyche and have a positive effect on the character of the offspring. Frequent scandals cause nervous breakdowns, distrust, and conflict.
  • Encourage expressions of independence. It’s better to be late for kindergarten several times, but let the child tie his own shoelaces. Give him the opportunity to choose the type of game himself, and involve adults in all possible assistance from an early age.
  • If you are not sure that punishment is necessary, choose not to punish.


What influences the formation of a person’s personality

If alcoholics live in the next building and constantly invite you to drink and you spend a lot of time in their company, then sooner or later you will do what they ask you to do. Whoever makes friends with fools will become corrupted. Reading books and music have a great influence on the formation of personality. Good food for the body brings health to a person, bad food brings illness. So is food for the soul and spirit: healthy, good - works of world classics in literature, cinema, music, form a healthy and beautiful person. “Classics” in translation means a role model; something worth emulating. If we read low-quality “fast-paced” books and listen to the same music, we clog our soul, spirit and brain, we degrade, and do not develop harmoniously. At any age, a person should think, reason, and not be like animals - eat, sleep and live in a warm “hole”. This also influences the formation of personality and determines what state your mind will be in in old age. If you don’t constantly “move” your brain, insanity sets in in old age, and a person degrades physically and intellectually. Man has the inherent ability to learn everything he sees and hears. And if he does not have the distinction of what is good and what is bad, he learns everything - both good and bad - that comes his way. The most vulnerable category of such students are children. 90% of information enters the brain through the eyes and 10% through the ears. Therefore, everything that children “swallow” through TV (eyes + ears) is absorbed 100%. And films and programs are now just a selection - violence, debauchery, horror and murder. If a child, teenager and even an adult constantly watches such programs, then, naturally, they have a strong influence on the formation of their personality in this direction: a potential rapist, robber, sexual maniac, a person devoid of compassion, cruel, incapable of love grows up. A feature television film is a world of illusions, where the viewer himself becomes a participant. Many teenagers have gone into the “world of illusions” also from spending too much time at the computer. Some of them could not be returned to the real world. Recently, while searching the Internet, I went to a slot machine hall. The hall was full of teenagers and everyone was “shooting” at each other, often getting hit, “blood flowing.” Today these are movies or slot machines, but tomorrow this could become the reality of their lives.

The flesh that conceives gives birth to sin. Sin gives birth to death.

What we mentally agreed to has already entered into our nature and will certainly, as a result, result in action. First thoughts - then action. Therefore, if our children watch all television programs uncontrollably, this negatively affects the formation of their personality. What a person has learned mentally, he will want to try it in practice. What (who) our children look at today is what they will become tomorrow. More than one generation of people was brought up on folk tales: about Emelya the fool who rode on a stove, about a self-assembled tablecloth, running boots, etc. What is the essence of them: be a fool, don’t work, don’t study and expect a miracle - what if it just happens?! Was it not from fairy tales or from the cradle that this kind of thinking and attitude towards laziness and lack of hard work was laid down? Perhaps this is why we have low labor productivity and a low level of economy. Instruct a young man at the beginning of his path: he will not deviate from it when he is old.

It is very important to first decide for ourselves whether we ourselves know where and how to go in order to properly instruct our children. People often have false ideas about what surrounds them, the essence of their lives. There is only one correct “measurement”, a criterion for our thoughts, deeds and actions, correct guidelines and truth itself - this is the Bible. As the famous Russian scientist and academician N.M. said. Amosov: “No other morality, neither socialist nor communist, can compare with eternal morality. Eternal morality is only the preaching of Jesus Christ.” Some might argue, “It’s old, written 2,000 years ago, and religious.” But can truth and morality become obsolete, for example, such as “Thou shalt not kill,” “Thou shalt not steal,” etc.? The builders of communism built communism on biblical principles, but without the most important thing - God. The constitutions of all countries existing today are based on the 10 biblical commandments. Another thing is that some people do not want or cannot fulfill them, because they loved darkness more than light. Therefore, the Bible is the most progressive and relevant book for correct orientation in this crazy world.

“The law of the Lord is perfect, strengthens the soul; The revelation of the Lord is true, making wise the simple. The commandments of the Lord are righteous and gladden the heart; The commandment of the Lord is bright, it enlightens the eyes. The fear of the Lord is pure and endures forever. The judgments of the Lord are true, all are righteous; they are more desirable than gold and even much pure gold, sweeter than honey and drops of honeycomb, and Your servant is protected by them.”

If you want to “stand firmly on your feet,” get the necessary “equipment” for life and properly instruct your children, this is the only island of safety in this stormy world. This is what will help you form and become a holistic, harmonious, individual personality; reveal all facets and talents, rediscover yourself and become established as an individual in society.


what influences its formation

  • Psychology

A person’s personality is an indicator of what place he will occupy in society. However, when does the realization come that you can become someone for others?

Personality formation begins when a person fully recognizes himself as a part of society. The idea of ​​this probably comes in adolescence. During this period of his life, an awareness of himself as something greater appears.

A person develops his individuality, shows what kind of material he is. Everything would be fine, but society subjects a teenager’s emerging self-awareness to tests. A person undergoes a kind of test of fortitude.

We must not break under public pressure. In this state of affairs, the distinctive features of each individual personality appear. These can be both strengths and weaknesses.

What can be said about where and how these tests might occur? First of all, it is a home. Surrounded by family, the very first inclinations of a new personality are formed. This is where the foundation is developed.

In some families, children grow up strong and independent. In others, they become insecure and dependent on something. From childhood to adolescence, the entire responsibility for preparing the ground for the formation of a stable human personality falls on the parents.

It’s not for nothing that they say that parents should be an example for their children. Next, you can pay attention to the environment outside the home. These are friends, acquaintances, people who met by chance.

In a friendly company, a teenager begins to realize that he is a small part of society. It either fits into it or is adjacent to it. Friends during this period are the connecting thread between the world and the individual.

Much depends on their opinions, behavior and actions in relation to each other. As these first friendships are formed, so in adult life, at the subconscious level, a person will relate to new friends and communication with each other.

Acquaintances and random people are independent in terms of bias. If friends may not notice shortcomings in a person, then nothing prevents another part of his social circle from pointing out these shortcomings.

Here one of the tests occurs: a person can withstand criticism and take something for himself, or he accepts it too painfully and writes down criticism as his own shortcoming.

School is where some of the toughest challenges occur, especially in high school. A school class is like a society of almost full-fledged individuals. This is where the competition begins. Some come forward and some remain behind.

There are allies and enemies, advisers and critics. School not only provides education, but also prepares young people for a life where not everything is so simple. As for education, you need to try very hard.

The teenager tries to do everything, learn well and get a good grade. It happens that you receive a grade that is not acceptable to you. The main thing here is not to get hung up. The best thing to do is to keep trying, but it can be different.

The student stops developing and thinks that a bad grade is an indicator of how poorly he showed himself. And here, turning to teachers, it should be noted that they must explain and tell everything. After all, there is such a thing that teachers also worsen the situation.

This is also a building block in the formation of personality. Well, then, after school, an almost fully formed personality enters adult life. And throughout this life, some corrections occur to what is already inherent in it.

However, if there are some shortcomings, then you may not understand how they appeared. We can only say with certainty that these weaknesses were reflected in the past.


Personality development: methods, factors and stages

Personality formation is the process of human development throughout life. Depends both on congenital data and on the influence of social factors. The psychology of personality development speaks of two main concepts of development.

Biogenetic concept

Proponents of this concept are convinced that man is a natural creature and his actions are a consequence of the influence of instincts and needs.

Main ideas:

  • Heredity plays a significant role in development, that is, the development of an individual is determined by the psychological mechanisms of the formation of the stages of development of his father and mother.
  • There is a certain relationship between society and the child.
  • Under no circumstances should you interfere with the nature of children.
  • Upbringing and the surrounding spiritual, social, material conditions of existence influence the formation of personality.
  • The determining condition that influences the mechanisms of personality formation and its behavior is the maturation of the organism, and development is only a set of numerical changes.

There are a lot of theories within the concept. One of the most common theories of personality development is psychoanalysis by Sigmund Freud. It says that the instincts that cause desires are the root cause of personality development. Libido energy can be positive or negative. That is, it is directed either to the reproduction of offspring or to sexual desire. If the energy does not come out, it becomes destructive and is expressed in the form of aggression.

Erik Erikson's theory is also based on the biogenetic concept. He argued that the individual is formed as he grows up, and the environment is only a concomitant circumstance.

Sociogenetic concept

The sociogenetic concept appeared in response to the biogenetic concept. The main point:

  • the formation of personality is a consequence of the influence of the surrounding environment;
  • the formation and development of personality mainly depends on upbringing and training;
  • The process of personality formation lies in the assimilation of the skills of the surrounding society.

Key ideas:

  • children are like blank canvas;
  • the norms of society are acquired during upbringing;
  • exploration of an individual's environment provides information about him;
  • children are indifferent to the influence of the external sphere.

There are many theories within the concept.

One of the most common personality theories in psychology is social learning theory. Its supporters are confident that the distinctive features between people are the result of learning. According to this concept, the formation of personality is only ten percent dependent on heredity and instincts, the remaining ninety percent is the result of the influence of the surrounding sphere. The driving forces of personality development push the individual towards self-improvement.

Factors in personality formation

The process of personality formation is the emergence of historically developed properties in an individual. The emergence of a particular property depends on factors influencing the development of personality. Main factors of personality development:


All people are different, there are no people with the same genes. Children are born with a set of genes with which a piece of individuality is laid. From birth they are already able to show basic emotions. The role of genetics is no less significant than education. Heredity is one of the main factors in personality formation. There are cases when mental illnesses are transmitted at the genetic level.


The family has a great influence on the formation and development of personality. Children who grow up in supportive families become successful individuals who achieve self-awareness. Quite often, unresolved problems in childhood interfere with normal life in adulthood. Children tend to repeat the pattern of their parents' actions - their type of thinking or way of expressing emotions. Children may also unknowingly adopt their parents' values ​​or qualities. The development and upbringing of the individual, the spiritual development of the individual is extremely important, because parental instructions help to develop moral qualities. Having become an adult, the individual applies what he has learned in society and develops his own individual qualities.

Life experience refers to the factors influencing the formation of personality. Events occurring in the life of an individual are reflected in the spiritual world. Personal experience can completely change the course of self-improvement. Throughout life, character and willpower are formed. Also, under the influence of the experience, it is possible to gain or lose motivation.

Impact of culture

Factors influencing the formation of personality include culture, which is determined by generally accepted norms and values. Culture is instilled in children from birth and predetermines the formation and development of personality. Cultures vary; in one culture they teach you to behave naturally, while in another they require strict adherence to the rules. Personality formation factors influence an individual every time he enters a different cultural environment.

Physical environment

The environment and climate are also conditions for the formation of personality; they regularly affect behavior. For example, people associate the effects of climate with the emergence of civilizations or settlements. Behavior depends on what climate factors influence. People who grew up in different climates differ markedly. For example, you can compare people living in mountains, steppes and jungles. Nature invariably has a formative influence on people, the manifestation of the influence is a change in personal qualities.

The most common methods of forming the consciousness of an individual: beliefs, explanations, lectures, conversations, suggestions, examples.

Stages of personality development

From birth to one year

From the moment of birth until one year, a child develops an attitude towards people and the world around him. The formation of this relationship is influenced by how the father and mother take care of him. If at this stage of personality development the baby is shown a lot of love and care, he will grow up to be a trusting and cheerful person.

Two to three years

These stages of personality development involve the development of motor skills. The child learns how to control the body and perform various actions. At this age, the baby begins to develop independence.

Four to five years

The baby develops imagination, he begins to invent games himself.

From six to twelve years

These stages of personality formation are characterized by the manifestation and implementation of creative abilities. During this period, the child needs not only to be raised, but also to be praised and supported. Lack of encouragement from loved ones can negatively affect the child's psyche. The child may begin to consider himself inferior. In the future, it will be difficult for him to achieve self-awareness.

Teenage years

It is these stages of personality formation that are characterized by attempts to find one’s social role in society.

The period from late adolescence to early adulthood

These stages of personality development are the beginning of the improvement of adults. During this period, people fall in love, start a family, feel the need to take care of someone, and gradually begin to come to self-awareness. By this age, a person has already achieved certain successes and begins to think about the fate of his descendants.

Self-awareness stage

It occurs when a person has already achieved the most significant heights in life. During this period, he thinks a lot about his past life and spends his time calmly. Self-awareness comes only when you are satisfied with your life.

Main levels of personality development:

  • level of memory, concentration, thinking;
  • intellectual degree of development;
  • level of education and culture;
  • social formation;
  • mental health;
  • level of desire for self-realization.

What is the process of personality formation?

Personality and the process of its formation is a phenomenon that is rarely interpreted in the same way by different researchers in this area.

Personality formation is a process that does not end at a certain stage of human life, but continues constantly. The term “personality” is a rather multifaceted concept and therefore there are no two identical interpretations of this term. Despite the fact that personality is mainly formed in the course of communication with other people, the factors influencing the formation of personality appear in the process of its formation.

There are two radically different professional views on the phenomenon of human personality. From one point of view, the formation and development of personality is determined by its innate qualities and abilities, and the social environment has little influence on this process. From another point of view, personality is formed and developed in the course of social experience, and the internal traits and abilities of the individual play a small role in this. But, despite the difference in views, all psychological theories of personality agree on one thing: a person’s personality begins to form in early childhood and continues throughout life.

What factors influence a person's personality?

There are many aspects that change personality. Scientists have been studying them for a long time and come to the conclusion that the entire environment is involved in the formation of personality, right down to climate and geographical location. The formation of personality is influenced by internal (biological) and external (social) factors.

Factor(from Latin factor - doing - producing) - the reason, the driving force of any process, phenomenon, determining its character or its individual features.

Internal (biological) factors

Of the biological factors, the main influence is exerted by the genetic characteristics of the individual received at birth. Hereditary traits are the basis for the formation of personality. An individual's hereditary qualities, such as abilities or physical qualities, leave an imprint on his character, the way he perceives the world around him and evaluates other people. Biological heredity largely explains the individuality of a person, his difference from other individuals, since there are no two identical individuals in terms of their biological heredity.

Biological factors mean the transfer from parents to children of certain qualities and characteristics inherent in their genetic program. Genetics data make it possible to assert that the properties of an organism are encrypted in a kind of genetic code that stores and transmits this information about the properties of the organism.
The hereditary program of human development ensures, first of all, the continuation of the human race, as well as the development of systems that help the human body adapt to changing conditions of its existence.

Heredity- the ability of organisms to transmit certain qualities and characteristics from parents to children.

The following are inherited from parents to children:

1) anatomical and physiological structure

Reflects the specific characteristics of an individual as a representative of the human race (speech abilities, upright walking, thinking, labor activity).

2) physical data

External racial characteristics, body features, constitution, facial features, hair, eye, skin color.

3) physiological characteristics

Metabolism, blood pressure and blood group, Rh factor, stages of maturation of the body.

4) features of the nervous system

The structure of the cerebral cortex and its peripheral apparatus (visual, auditory, olfactory, etc.), the uniqueness of nervous processes, which determines the nature and a certain type of higher nervous activity.

5) abnormalities in the development of the body

Color blindness (partial color blindness), cleft lip, cleft palate.

6) predisposition to certain hereditary diseases

Hemophilia (blood diseases), diabetes mellitus, schizophrenia, endocrine disorders (dwarfism, etc.).

7) innate human characteristics

Associated with a change in genotype, acquired as a result of unfavorable living conditions (complications after illness, physical injuries or oversights during the development of a child, violation of diet, labor, hardening of the body, etc.).

Makings of- these are anatomical and physiological characteristics of the body, which are prerequisites for the development of abilities. Inclinations provide a predisposition to a particular activity.

1) universal (structure of the brain, central nervous system, receptors)

2) individual (typological properties of the nervous system, on which the speed of formation of temporary connections, their strength, strength of concentrated attention, mental performance depend; structural features of analyzers, individual areas of the cerebral cortex, organs, etc.)

3) special (musical, artistic, mathematical, linguistic, sports and other inclinations)

External (social) factors

Human development is influenced not only by heredity, but also by environment.

Wednesday- this real reality in the conditions of which human development occurs (geographical, national, school, family; social environment - social system, system of production relations”, material living conditions, the nature of production and social processes, etc.)

All scientists recognize the influence of the environment on the formation of a person. Only their assessments of the degree of such influence on the formation of personality do not coincide. This is due to the fact that there is no abstract medium. There is a specific social system, a person’s specific immediate and distant surroundings, specific living conditions. It is clear that a higher level of development is achieved in an environment where favorable conditions are created.

Communication is an important factor influencing human development.

Communication- this is one of the universal forms of personality activity (along with cognition, work, play), manifested in the establishment and development of contacts between people, in the formation of interpersonal relationships. Personality is formed only in communication and interaction with other people. Outside human society, spiritual, social, and mental development cannot occur.

In addition to the above, an important factor influencing the formation of personality is upbringing.

Upbringing- this is a process of purposeful and consciously controlled socialization (family, religious, school education), which acts as a kind of mechanism for managing socialization processes.

The development of personal qualities is greatly influenced by collective activity.

Activity- a form of being and a way of existence of a person, his activity aimed at changing and transforming the world around him and himself. Scientists recognize that, on the one hand, under certain conditions, the collective neutralizes the individual, and on the other hand, the development and manifestation of individuality is possible only in the collective. Such activities contribute to the manifestation, the indispensable role of the team in the formation of the ideological and moral orientation of the individual, his civic position, and emotional development.

Self-education plays a great role in the formation of personality.

Self-education- educating yourself, working on your personality. It begins with awareness and acceptance of an objective goal as a subjective, desirable motive for one’s actions. Subjective setting of behavioral goals generates conscious tension of will and determination of a plan of activity. The implementation of this goal ensures personal development.

We organize the educational process

Education plays a decisive role in the development of a person’s personality. From the experiments it follows that the development of a child is determined by various types of activities. Therefore, for the successful development of a child’s personality, it is necessary to have a reasonable organization of his activities, the correct choice of its types and forms, and the implementation of systematic control over it and its results.


1. A game- is of great importance for the development of the child, it is the first source of knowledge of the world around him. In the game, the child’s creative abilities are developed, his skills and habits of behavior are formed, his horizons expand, and his knowledge and skills are enriched.

1.1 Subject games- are carried out with bright, attractive objects (toys), during which the development of motor, sensory and other skills occurs.

1.2 Story and role-playing games- in them the child acts as a certain character (manager, executor, companion, etc.). These games act as conditions for children to demonstrate the role and relationships they want to have in adult society.

1.3 Sport games(moving, military sports) - aimed at physical development, development of will, character, endurance.

1.4 Didactic games- are an important means of mental development of children.

2. Studies

As a type of activity, it has a great influence on the development of a child’s personality. It develops thinking, enriches memory, develops the child’s creative abilities, forms motives for behavior, and prepares for work.

3. Work

When properly organized, it contributes to the comprehensive development of the individual.

3.1 Socially useful work- this is self-service work, work on the school site for landscaping the school, city, village, etc.

3.2 Labor training- aimed at equipping schoolchildren with skills and abilities in handling various tools, instruments, machines and mechanisms that are used in various industries.

3.3 Productive work- this is work associated with the creation of material wealth, organized according to the production principle in student production teams, industrial complexes, school forestries, etc.


Thus, the process and results of human development are determined by both biological and social factors, which act not separately, but in combination. Under different circumstances, different factors may have a greater or lesser influence on the formation of personality. According to most authors, education plays a leading role in the system of factors.