Leave the cat alone during the holidays. Where to leave the cat on vacation? In familiar surroundings

I remember the times when one of the main arguments against adopting an animal was the inability to go anywhere. Cats were taken into the house only in the presence of trouble-free relatives, kind-hearted neighbors or "travel restricted" family members. Times have changed: travel around the world and a weekend on the coast have become commonplace.

Therefore, if you are going to take a flight and, for example, enjoy a vacation by the sea, you cannot avoid solving the problem of where to place the cat on vacation - there are many options where you can leave the cat, and each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's start in order.

“If a friend suddenly turned out to be ...”

The simplest and, as it seems, reliable solution is to attach a cat to a friend, girlfriend or relatives during the holidays. Firstly, services "for friendship" and "in a related way", as a rule, are not paid in any way. Secondly, who, if not close people who love and respect you, will take care of the creature you adore in the best possible way?

However, in practice, sometimes things turn out differently. People may agree to leave cats on vacation only out of a good relationship with you, not wanting to upset you with a refusal. At the same time, the assessment of one's own strengths and even taking into account one's own desires recede into the background. But as soon as you fly to the sea with a free heart, these circumstances will definitely come to the fore.

If the temporary owners of your pet have another cat, then it is not certain that they will get along with each other. Territorial instincts appear even in very docile animals. Not everyone is ready to endure cat fights with stoic calmness.

If acquaintances do not have animals, then the situation can be even more difficult. There is a whole class of people who are very fond of cats / dogs / children, but only with friends. Face to face with the inevitable chores of caring for an animal, they make some unpleasant discoveries for themselves.

For example, that a cat will not go to a dirty litter box and, unlike a dog, will not endure several hours until it is given the opportunity to go to the toilet. That cats can sharpen their claws on all suitable objects. That they are able to jump to any height and are not averse to walking around the kitchen table, etc.

No, of course, your friends or relatives will not throw your cat out on the street, but the consequences of improper feeding and care, stress from an unusual environment and the absence of loving hands may well adversely affect your pet's health.

Apartment overexposure of a cat during the holidays

Apartment overexposures are actually an apartment, the owner of which is ready to take care of your animal for a certain fee. This fee, as a rule, is lower than in specialized hotels, which cannot but bribe many owners. Another plus is that the cat will live in a familiar apartment environment.

Cons of overexposure

Let's start with the fact that this type of activity is not registered in any way. Since there is no legal entity, there is no contract for the provision of services. There is no contract - it means that you believe the word of a practically unfamiliar person and have no way to recover damages from him in court. And this harm is more possible than anywhere else.

Overexposure always lives at the same time several, or even a dozen cats. In the conditions of the apartment, they are all in close contact. Sanitizing in rooms full of furniture is much more difficult to carry out than in specialized rooms. A veterinary passport, a pet's health certificate is often not asked at apartment overexposures.

Next to your animal, there may be cats picked up from the street, somehow treated and left in overexposure to an attachment. Cases of infection of all guests with calcivirosis or canine distemper at overexposures are not uncommon.

With a lot of crowding, there are frequent fights, taking away food from the "wimps", among which your intelligent cat may be.

Therefore, if you spent money on a five-star hotel for yourself and are very tight on funds, then before you leave your cat for overexposure during your vacation, check out at least the “black lists” of apartments that are compiled on animal protection forums, such as “Dog and Cat” and "Tails".

Leave the cat on vacation at the hotel?

Pet hotels are private small businesses that have registration. However, to open such an enterprise, you do not need to obtain a license, so, in fact, any person can be its owner, including those without special education, experience, and even love for animals. Therefore, before you give a cat to a pet hotel, you should not only collect as many reviews about it as possible, but also be sure to visit there in person.


For clarity, let's draw a picture of an ideal zoo hotel. So, you come to a building located away from residential buildings, enclosed by a fence, with a mandatory security point. The time of reception of visitors who wish to get acquainted with the conditions of residence is strictly stipulated and the hotel does not resemble a passage yard.

Rooms for cats are separate from rooms for dogs, preferably even with a separate entrance, so that barking guests, going for a walk, do not disturb the meowing guests. The enclosures themselves are free, no more than 2-3 in one room. A separate exit should lead to a fenced area for walking.

There is no specific smell in the premises, cleanliness and order reign everywhere, the air is warm and not humid, the floor is tiled, linoleum, and other easily washable coatings. When talking with you, the staff politely and in detail answers all your "stupid" questions, asked in an amount that can bring even an angel out of patience.

The hotel provides for feeding with the brand of food you specified or a natural diet according to the detailed menu. Separately negotiated and paid for medical procedures, as well as cleaning the ears, cutting the nails and combing the long-haired beauty.

How it goes

So the decision has been made. On the agreed day, you bring your cat to the pet hotel. Take with you a veterinary passport with vaccination marks, as well as personal bedding and cat toys to make it easier for her to endure separation from home.

The staff veterinarian of the zoo hotel gets acquainted with the veterinary passport and examines your cat, about which a special note is made in the act of acceptance of the animal.

Further, a contract is concluded with you - a document that has legal force. It describes in detail the obligations of the parties and their liability in case of breach of obligations. The contract specifies a phone number by which you can find out how your kitty is doing at any time, regardless of time zones and roaming costs.

In native walls

This is perhaps a more benign option for a cat than overexposure for a vacation in another room. The animal stays in its own apartment, and you hire a well-known neighbor or “cat nanny” (there is such a service) who will visit your cat twice a day, feed, clean the tray and spend some time communicating with her.

The only absolutely necessary requirement is the reliability of the person you trust to look after your cat. If in all the options listed above, the presence of people next to the animal is guaranteed, then in this case the “forgetfulness” of the temporary owner can lead to serious, if not irreparable, consequences.

The “cat nanny” must definitely introduce you to a person who can always replace her in case of an unexpected illness or under other circumstances.

Larisa Solodovnikova

What canned food is best for cats?

ATTENTION, RESEARCH! Together with your cat you can participate in it! If you live in Moscow or the Moscow region and are ready to regularly observe how and how much your cat eats, and also do not forget to write it all down, they will bring you FREE WET FOOD KITS.

Project for 3-4 months. Organizer - Petkorm LLC.

Are you going to have a good rest away from home, but don't know who and how to leave your cat for the holidays? In our article you will find some useful tips about this.

Where to leave a cat on vacation

Where to leave a cat on vacation: shelter options

I want your pet to feel good during the departure, eat on time and be healthy. Therefore, the selection of a temporary shelter for her must be approached with all responsibility.

Let's consider different options:

  • relocation of the animal to relatives or friends: this, of course, is stressful for the cat, but in this case it will get to familiar people and will be well-groomed;
  • keep at home: a great option if your family or friends live nearby and can visit the cat once a day;
  • if your voyage does not last more than 2 days, then the animal can be left alone. It is only necessary to pour more dry food, put an additional tray and pour water into several drinkers;
  • use the new service of recruitment agencies "Nanny for a cat" - an employee comes once a day to your home and serves the cat;
  • hotel for pets: convenient and reliable, this service is gaining more and more popularity among pet owners.

As you can see, there are options, you just need to weigh all the pros and cons and attach your cat to your temporary absence.

Let's consider in more detail the service "Hotel for animals".

Animal hotel

First of all, you need to find reviews of the shelter where you want to leave your kitty. You can ask friends, or you can look through Internet sites. You don't want your pet to end up in the wrong hands, do you?

What are the advantages of hotels for animals:

  • pets are under the supervision of professionally trained people;
  • if necessary, medical assistance will be provided;
  • animals are fed on time and properly.

Summer is a traditional time for holidays, but it is not always possible to take a pet with you on a trip. We will tell you where to leave the cat on vacation so that the cat does not feel sad and does not cry.

Visiting cat sitter

For cats, personal space is important, and changes in the environment cause the animal to feel anxious. Therefore, the easiest option is to ask someone to come to the pet. An acquaintance or relative can become such a “nanny” for a cat during a vacation. If you can't find the right person, try to find someone who will take care of the cat for a small fee.

Before leaving you need:

  • Take care of nutrition and buy food in advance. Explain to the "nanny" how to feed the cat: how many times a day and how much food to give, how often to pour fresh water;
  • Explain how and when to clean the tray. Check if the cat litter has run out;
  • Exchange phone numbers with someone who will look after the cat.

If it's hard for your cat to be alone, this kind of communication will not be enough for him. Then it is worth considering the option of a temporary move.

Moving a cat to friends or relatives

This option is suitable for those cats who can hardly tolerate loneliness. Any move, even for a short time, is stressful, so the cat will be more comfortable with familiar people. Choose a candidate from people with whom the pet is willing to make contact.

Toys, a scratching post and a house that are familiar to her will help to reduce the anxiety of a cat. Do not forget to buy food, bring bowls and a tray. When choosing a temporary family, pay attention to the conditions in the apartment and the composition of the family. Do not give a cat to a house with children or an aggressive dog.

Paid overexposure or hotel for cats

In special hotels, pets are fed, bathed, taken for walks until their owner returns. This method will cost more, but it has a number of advantages:

  • Specialists will take care of the cat. They will be responsible for the pet;
  • In the hotel, animals are kept separately, in a specially designed room. The pet will not suffer: it will not run away, will not fall out of the window and will not eat a poisonous plant;
  • If the animal becomes ill, he will immediately receive medical assistance;
  • The hotel staff will professionally take care of an animal with specific needs. They will provide the necessary care and treatment;
  • The possibility of round-the-clock monitoring of the cat through a webcam.

Visit the hotel before leaving the cat and pay attention to the size and cleanliness of the cages, the order in the premises. The smell of urine, wool in the premises are sure signs that the animal is dangerous here. If the cat is going to walk in the yard, inspect the area. The pet can escape if it finds a gap or hole.

Can you leave a cat alone

A cat, especially in summer, needs fresh food and water every day, and frequent cleaning of the tray. Therefore, it is not recommended to leave the pet alone, even if it is a weekly period. In case of injury, there will be no one to help.

Sometimes it happens that there is no other way out. To keep your cat comfortable, pay attention to the following things:

  • Feed. Opened canned food is stored for no more than a day, so the cat can be alone in the apartment only if she eats dry food. An auto-feeder will be a good helper: fill it with a margin;
  • Water. Install an auto drinker. For these purposes, a special fountain is also suitable. Also leave water in the rooms. Do not use plastic bowls: the water in such dishes quickly becomes dirty and evaporates. You can put a deep plate in the sink and open the faucet. Free the sink from foreign objects: the cat will drop them and block the drain;
  • Tray. Place additional trays and add more litter than usual. Fix the door to the toilet, otherwise the cat may slam it shut;
  • Cat safety. Do not leave the windows open, but the apartment should have fresh air - make a minimal gap. Close cabinets and cabinets and make sure that the cat does not get to dangerous items: thread, first aid kit, household chemicals, packages.

Of course, it is safer not to leave the cat alone during the holidays. It is better to try to find a friend who will live with the owner of the pet in the apartment. So the cat will be looked after, and the pet will not get bored during your absence.

Cats and cats are independent and adaptive animals, but when a beloved owner leaves, pets experience inevitable stress. When leaving your hometown due to a vacation or a business trip, take care of your four-legged friend - create comfortable conditions for the furry in which he can wait out your absence.

Overexposure of cats for a vacation in Moscow involves three or four options with their own advantages and disadvantages. When making a decision, remember not only your own whims, but also the needs of the pet.

Help from friends and family

When hotels for pets had not yet been invented, cats were left at home and agreed with loved ones about care. The advantage of this option is the minimum stress for the cat: the pet remains in the usual conditions and follows the traditional daily routine.

But finding a relative or friend who is ready to take care of someone else's cat is the most difficult quest, which not everyone can do. My grandmother is allergic to wool, my brother has a blockage at work, and my aunt has two kittens even without your Murzik.

Couldn't get along with anyone you know? Consider other options.

home overexposure

The increased popularity of sibling care has spawned many communities and private care centers that provide pet care services for a nominal fee. Why are loving owners in no hurry to give cats to home shelters?

A caring owner knows that sterility cannot be ensured at home, and this is a prerequisite for keeping several cats at the same time. To eliminate the risk of infection, refrain from questionable Internet advertisements for overexposure.

Giving a cat to a stranger, you will not receive guarantees of care and due attention. Many enterprising people take up this job out of a banal desire to earn extra money, and not out of sincere love for their smaller brothers.

Vacation cat hotel

Is there a solution that eliminates the risk of infection and unprofessional pet care? "Kotel"! A comfortable and inexpensive cat shelter in Moscow for the duration of your vacation, where you can leave your pet without worrying about his health and mood.

Why do regular customers regularly trust us with their beloved cats?

  1. We have created favorable conditions in which the cats are calm, satisfying and comfortable. Hotel rooms are spacious glass enclosures. Sitting in a multi-level "house", the cat watches the neighbors and the actions of the staff, plays and sleeps peacefully, without experiencing the stress of close communication with strangers and animals.
  2. We guarantee the safety of the health of four-legged guests thanks to a thorough washing with disinfectants and quartzization of the room after each visit. We accept healthy, clean, well-groomed cats in the hotel. Animals are kept in isolation from each other, contact is completely excluded.
  3. There are no identical cats - there are individuals, each of which has its own preferences in food, games and daily routine. When we receive a new guest, we ask the host about his habits in order to create comfortable conditions for adaptation. In case of a special diet or the need to clean the ears, eyes or coat, we provide an additional service by prior arrangement.

Taking care of cats in the absence of owners is our favorite job, which we are proud of. By entrusting your pet to us, you can safely go on a trip, knowing that the baby is in good hands.