Consultation with an endocrinologist to see what he is looking at. What organs are part of the endocrine system

Such a doctor as an endocrinologist - what does he treat and who is he? This is a highly specialized specialist who is focused on identifying and eliminating problems with functioning. It is a collection of many organs capable of secreting special biological active substances(hormones).

Thanks to their functioning, the coordinated work of the whole organism is possible. An endocrinologist specializes in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of all diseases associated with these organs.

Subsections of endocrinology

Who is an endocrinologist, what is his purpose? This doctor may have different specializations:

  • teenage or pediatric endocrinologist. This specialist diagnoses and treats problems that are associated with physical, mental and sexual development from the very beginning. early age. People turn to children for help when hormonal disorders reproductive system in girls. Also within the competence of this doctor is the treatment of other diseases in children that affect the glands internal secretion, including autoimmune, oncological;
  • endocrinologist for men and women. He can also be a surgeon, gynecologist, thyroidologist (he treats thyroid gland), diabetologist (specializes in diabetes), geneticist, gynecologist, etc. The endocrinologist also helps with other problems that are related to reproduction, obesity, diseases of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, adrenal glands and others.

What diseases are within the competence of an endocrinologist?

Endocrinologist (doctor) – who is he and what does he do? This specialist is competent in solving problems that relate to the functioning of the endocrine glands. These include the thyroid, pancreas, parathyroid, gonads, adrenal glands, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, pineal gland.

What diseases does an endocrinologist treat, and when should one contact him? It may help with the following health problems:

  • . With this problem, there is an increased feeling of thirst and frequent urination, which is explained by dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary region in the brain;
  • diabetes. Develops when the hormone insulin is insufficient, which leads to metabolic disorders in the human body;
  • . Develops with excessive production of growth hormone;
  • autoimmune thyroiditis. This is an inflammatory disease that affects thyroid gland and is explained by malfunction immune system person;

  • . This disease is of a neuroendocrine nature, which is accompanied by an increase in the concentration of the main hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex;
  • goiter of the thyroid gland. This pathology accompanied by an increase in the size of the organ due to various reasons(it is not explained inflammatory processes or oncology);
  • disorders that are associated with changes in calcium concentration in the blood;
  • obesity that occurs due to hormonal imbalance. Both adult and pediatric endocrinologists deal with this problem;
  • osteoporosis. A disease that is accompanied by a decrease in bone density due to hormonal imbalances;
  • other diseases associated with lactation, disorders menstrual cycle, problems of the reproductive system in men and women, etc.

When should you visit a doctor?

What does an endocrinologist (doctor of various specializations) treat? When is it recommended to visit it? The examination by this doctor should take place during preventive examinations, which makes it possible to timely identify many dangerous violations. Also mandatory if you have one or more symptoms that may indicate:

  • fatigue that appears without objective reasons;
  • apathy and indifference to everything that happens;
  • frequent mood swings, depression;
  • trembling localized in the upper or lower extremities;
  • menstrual irregularities in women;
  • development of tachycardia;
  • excessive sweating;
  • unreasonable weight loss or weight gain;
  • lack of appetite;
  • decline intellectual abilities, memory impairment;
  • frequent constipation, constant feeling of nausea;
  • sleep disorders;
  • deterioration appearance nails and hair;
  • female or male infertility, the reasons for which have not been established.

What may indicate diabetes mellitus?

What is diabetes mellitus? This is a chronic disease that is common cause contacting an endocrinologist. Suspect this dangerous condition possible based on the following symptoms:

  • frequent urination;
  • itching, which can be localized on the skin or mucous membranes;
  • frequent development inflammatory diseases on skin that is difficult to treat;
  • severe muscle weakness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • a feeling of thirst that does not disappear for a long time;
  • constant dry mouth;
  • frequent occurrence of headaches, which can be combined with an inexplicable feeling of hunger;
  • visual impairment;
  • rapid decrease in body weight, which is often combined with increased appetite;
  • the appearance of pain in the calf muscles.

When should I take my child to an endocrinologist?

What does an endocrinologist do for a child’s health? Hormonal imbalance may occur due to the influence of various external and internal factors. A pediatric endocrinologist is the doctor who will help if there are disorders in any of the endocrine glands. The following symptoms may indicate this:

  • the child often suffers from colds and other diseases;
  • disturbances in mental or physical development are noticed;
  • Pathologies were discovered during puberty. Also, a pediatric endocrinologist takes part in the treatment of a child who has been found to have underdeveloped genital organs.

When else is it necessary to consult an endocrinologist?

What does an endocrinologist do, and should you contact him if there are no complaints? There are several cases when consultation with this doctor is necessary in mandatory. A good endocrinologist is needed in the following situations:

  • pregnancy planning;
  • bearing a child (on early stages or later);
  • premenopausal women;
  • choosing a contraceptive method, especially if you plan to use hormonal drugs;
  • all women and men over 45 years of age. The best option It is considered that an examination by an endocrinologist occurs annually. If you have any complaints, you should visit your doctor more often.

What items can be found in an endocrinologist's office?

An appointment with an endocrinologist is impossible without special equipment and instruments, which should be in every specialized office. These include:

  • scales, stadiometer, measuring tape to determine the basic parameters of the human body (weight, height, body circumference at different points);
  • glucometer with test strips for quickly determining blood sugar levels;
  • neurological set, which includes a special hammer, monofilament, graduated tuning fork. It is necessary for diagnosing diabetic neuropathy;
  • test strips for determining ketone bodies and protein in urine.

How does a patient see an endocrinologist?

How does an appointment with an endocrinologist go, what does the doctor check? First of all, the specialist talks with the patient, studies his medical history, and takes into account the presence of any complaints. At the appointment, the doctor also examines the patient, which makes it possible to preliminarily determine the presence or absence of various pathologies.

In particular, the endocrinologist looks at the following:

  • At the appointment, the doctor must feel the neck in the area where the thyroid gland is located. This is necessary in order to determine its size, the presence or absence of seals;
  • lymph nodes are palpated. It is necessary to determine whether they are enlarged, which may indicate various pathologies;
  • if necessary, the examining doctor can examine the genitals;
  • level is measured blood pressure, pulse, heart can be heard;
  • looking around skin covering, nails, hair;
  • height and weight are measured.

If any problems are identified during initial examination the patient can go to additional examination. To compile proper treatment Often you need to take a blood test to determine general indicators, sugar level, various hormones. Ultrasound of the thyroid gland, pelvic organs for women and other additional diagnostic procedures are often prescribed.

An endocrinologist is a doctor who studies and treats diseases of the endocrine glands. VS secrete hormones directly into the blood, which control almost all life processes. People with diabetes mellitus, Graves' disease, endemic goiter, obesity, as well as people who cannot have a child.

But pregnant women also need to visit this doctor in order to identify and eliminate diseases of the endocrine system in the early stages, especially if earlier future mom had some endocrinological diseases or one of her blood relatives was sick. Only when normal operation all glands, the baby will be born healthy.

How is the reception going?

An appointment with an endocrinologist does not require any preliminary preparation. First, the doctor will ask if you have any health complaints or ask several simple questions: is there any thirst, feelings constant fatigue, muscle weakness, joint pain.

The doctor also examines the anamnesis - medical history. The doctor pays special attention chronic diseases endocrine organs.

Then, at an appointment with an endocrinologist, the patient undergoes palpation of the thyroid gland and lymph nodes of the neck, while he checks the size of the gland, the uniformity of its structure, temperature, the presence of nodes or pulsations. Pulse and blood pressure are measured.

If the patient previously had serious chronic endocrine diseases, then the specialist examines the patient more carefully.

If any pathology is suspected, the doctor sends the examined patient for an ultrasound, blood and urine tests, where she is checked for the concentration of various substances produced by the endocrine glands.

After passing the tests, you need to come to the same specialist again - then he will diagnose you as “healthy” or prescribe treatment.

What hormonal changes occur normally in a woman who is expecting a baby?

The first hormone whose level increases sharply is progesterone. Its function is fetal implantation, relaxation of the smooth muscles of the uterus and stimulation of its growth, cessation of ovulation.

The corpus luteum, which is formed from the same precursor cell as the egg, synthesizes this vital substance for expectant mothers. It is because of this that a woman becomes irritable when expecting a baby.

The secretion of estrogen by the adrenal glands and uterus increases. They relax blood vessels, lower blood pressure, thereby counteracting progesterone, which increases blood pressure. Estrogens are involved in the process of uterine growth and childbirth.

Chorionic somammotropin prepares the mammary glands for lactation: the breasts enlarge and fill with milk. Growth factors produced by the placenta make the skin more elastic, since during pregnancy the expectant mother sharply gains body weight.

The most important gland that controls metabolism is the thyroid gland.

Most important organ, which an endocrinologist examines in a woman expecting a child, is the thyroid gland.

Thyroid hormones have big influence on the physical and mental health of the fetus. In the first 2-3 months of pregnancy, the embryo develops due to the mother's thyroxine and triiodothyronine. Then the child develops its own thyroid gland, which begins to produce the necessary hormones.

Children who during intrauterine development experienced a lack of thyroid hormones, may have mental retardation. Thyrotoxicosis is also dangerous - it can lead to miscarriage or deformities in the child.

The concentration of thyroid hormones in expectant mothers increases. The reason for this is hCG (human chorionic hormone).

It also increases the concentration of other hormones such as prolactin, oxytocin, adrenaline and norepinephrine. This is what the special test recognizes, showing two stripes.


Normally, expectant mothers have increased blood sugar after eating, since in order to feed two people at once, more glucose is required. The pancreas may not be able to process such an amount of monosaccharide - and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) develops. The risk of diabetes is especially high in women over 30 who are obese or have polycystic ovary syndrome. GDM is treated with special diet (fractional meals, refusal of fast carbohydrates).

Reduced or increased activity adrenal glands can also negatively affect the health of the unborn child. With hypocortisolism - a lack of adrenal corticosteroids, the water-salt balance the body, which leads to dehydration, loss of appetite and, as a result, slower fetal development.

Today, one of the most prestigious medical therapeutic specialties is an endocrinologist. Anyone can find out what a given doctor does by simply visiting him. True, this is only the “tip of the iceberg”; he deals with the treatment and diagnosis of diseases that affect the Ailments of these organs are now quite common.

The doctor almost always does this. The point is that last years A number of discoveries were made that made it possible to establish a connection between changes in the hormonal status of the body and the formation of certain diseases.

At the appointment, this specialist first questions and examines the patient. First, he finds out what exactly bothers the person this moment. He will also be interested in information about how certain deviations began. After the endocrinologist receives all the data he needs, he conducts an examination. At the same time, he often manages to identify a number of symptoms indicating the presence of problems with hormonal status body.

Everyone who has undergone such a procedure knows what an endocrinologist does during an examination. To begin with, this specialist determines how correctly a person is built. In this case, the height and weight of the patient are primarily taken into account. Such an examination can reveal the presence of gigantism and obesity. The endocrinologist also pays attention to how proportional the upper and lower limbs are relative to the torso. The fact is that with a disease such as acromegaly, they become too large. Many people do not pay attention to this, considering them a variant of the norm. Only an experienced endocrinologist can notice this. What this specialist does, in addition to the above, during the examination, everyone who has been through such a procedure knows. He will definitely look and palpate the person’s thyroid gland. If he has suspicions about the patient having a pathology associated with this organ, he will refer him for an ultrasound scan. Also before visiting this specialist It is better for a person to undergo a blood glucose test. The fact is that if its value is elevated, an endocrinologist can determine the presence of a disease such as diabetes. This disease today is considered very dangerous and serious. It is for this reason that endocrinologists pay attention to its diagnosis Special attention. A blood glucose test is recommended for all people over 35 years of age. At the same time, diabetes mellitus can develop into more at a young age. So sometimes, even before the age of 35, an endocrinologist can prescribe a content test. What he does next depends on the results of the study - he simply gives recommendations for lifestyle changes or prescribes full-fledged treatment.

Referrals to determine the level of certain hormones are also given by an endocrinologist. What this specialist does next depends on the test results. If any abnormalities are noted in the tests, the endocrinologist either prescribes some specific treatment, or sends the patient for further examination. Thanks to the achievements of modern pharmaceuticals, such doctors have the opportunity to perform replacement hormone therapy. This allows patients, even with the most severe endocrinological diseases, to lead a completely comfortable life.

An endocrinologist deals with the treatment of diseases that appear as a result of certain dysfunctions endocrine glands. Currently, there are many diseases that this specialist deals with, which explains his popularity among all other specializations. In this case, several important issues: What does an endocrinologist do during an appointment? How does he diagnose and treat a particular disease, what tests does he prescribe?

Who is an endocrinologist?

Initially, it is worth considering what endocrinology is, and then smoothly move on to the question of what the responsibilities of a doctor in this field are. Endocrinology is an entire branch of medicine devoted to the study of the work of the endocrine system, which includes the endocrine glands, namely: the thyroid gland, pancreas, adrenal glands, etc.

Naturally, an endocrinologist is a doctor who deals with the prevention and direct treatment of diseases that arise due to disruption of the above-mentioned organs.

Diseases treated by an endocrinologist

These are not all the diseases that an endocrinologist treats, but many of them are the most common among people all over the world.

  1. Diabetes mellitus is the most common disease, manifesting itself in partial or complete absence hormone insulin.
  2. Obesity - frequent illness, which is characterized by a large accumulation of adipose tissue in the body, which can result in serious complications.
  3. Hypothyroidism is a disease that occurs when the function of the thyroid gland is impaired due to the lack of special hormones of this organ.
  4. Diabetes insipidus is an extremely rare disease, but requires careful attention to the patient, as kidney function is impaired.

Among other things, the endocrinologist must examine pregnant women, since during this period the woman experiences hormonal disbalance, which can cause problems in the functioning of the endocrine glands.

What an endocrinologist checks for pregnant women will be discussed further, so be attentive to the material that is useful to you.

Appointment with an endocrinologist

As you can see, a doctor with such a specialty must understand many diseases, and each of them has its own specifics. Self-treatment any disease will only worsen the situation. For example, a patient with diabetes will soon face complications ( renal failure, gangrene, vascular destruction), unless observed by an experienced endocrinologist. The same applies to people who are obese, because the lack of proper treatment will cause problems with the heart, kidneys, etc.

A highly qualified endocrinologist Olga Viktorovna sees patients with any of the endocrine diseases. This endocrinologist is considered one of the most the best specialists in Moscow, since a true professional not only knows the theory, but also applies his knowledge in practice.

All Olga Viktorovna’s patients can give their recommendations regarding the impeccable work of this doctor.

What does an endocrinologist do during an appointment?

What actions are performed during a consultation?

  • First of all, the patient is examined. At the appointment, the doctor asks what worries the person, since when he noticed certain deviations from the norm. The doctor identifies symptoms that indirectly indicate the presence of problems associated with disruption of the endocrine glands.
  • The endocrinologist measures the patient's height and weight, taking into account how proportionally his body is built.
  • The doctor should palpate the thyroid gland.
  • A specialist examines a person’s lower limbs.

If any pathology is present, the doctor refers the patient for further examination, which is impossible without the use of special equipment. As a rule, this is an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, ultrasound of blood vessels lower limbs and so on.

What tests need to be taken?

Of course, you can’t do without a general blood and urine test. You will also have to take a blood glucose test, since in the case of diabetes, the blood sugar level may be too high.

With the results of the tests obtained, you will need to make another appointment with the endocrinologist. Further actions specialist will depend on the test results. Perhaps the patient will be referred for further examination, ultrasound, or specific treatment will be prescribed. It is also possible that a person will have to undergo hospital treatment, being in the hospital for some time.

What does an endocrinologist do during a consultation?

In some cases, people make an appointment with an endocrinologist. Doctor Olga Viktorovna provides professional consultation on all issues related to disruption of the endocrine system.

You will receive competent answers to all the questions that concern you. Perhaps you just developed diabetes or are faced with a problem such as obesity. Do not despair and engage in self-medication, which will not lead to anything good. Contact a real specialist who will give useful recommendations and prescribe the only correct treatment.

Endocrinologist during pregnancy

What does an endocrinologist do during an appointment during pregnancy?

  1. Firstly, the doctor prescribes general tests blood and urine, as well as blood sugar tests.
  2. The doctor feels the woman's thyroid gland to check for possible enlargement.
  3. The specialist prescribes an ultrasound of the thyroid gland and a blood test for hormones.

It is worth remembering that hormone levels can affect the course of pregnancy, so it is necessary to monitor the health and proper functioning of the entire endocrine system during this period.

On the Internet you can watch a video of what an endocrinologist does at an appointment. If you see at least some symptoms of an endocrine disease, you should immediately contact an experienced doctor. Detection of the disease on early stage increases his chances effective treatment, independent treatment will lead to sad consequences.

Professional endocrinologist Olga Viktorovna is always ready to receive you in her office. The health of the endocrine system is the key to your long and happy life.