Plank Length – Intense Workout or Body Workout? Plank exercise, or how to make a steel press.

The problem of excess weight has been worrying modern people for several years now. The thing is that in the absence of a real struggle for survival, the need to hunt and fight off enemies who are ready to devour our mortal remnants in a few seconds, played a cruel joke on us - the person simply relaxed and became lazy, but the loss of good physical shape leads to very deplorable consequences. That is why it is worth following your own body, giving it the necessary load, which will not allow you to swim in fat in inactivity. If you need to qualitatively tighten, and at the same time strengthen the abdominal muscles, and not only, you should try the plank exercise, but how to perform it correctly and correctly, what are the benefits, what muscles will work when it is performed, and how to plan the exercises themselves, we will be happy to help you figure it out.

How to do the plank at home: the benefits and harms of strength exercises for the press

Like it or not, but today there are few ordinary people, this in no way concerns professional athletes, they simply do not know what these or those exercises are, therefore they do them, according to their own understanding. However, with the topic that we are considering, such numbers do not work, because how well you understand how to do the plank for weight loss will depend on the entire final result of efforts.

Moreover, some beginners, coming to the gym or even exercising at home, suddenly find out after a short time that they have unforeseen problems with the musculoskeletal system. This is because a sedentary lifestyle leads to a general weakening of the muscles, and the plank further exacerbates the problem, due to the fact that it strengthens some muscles and relaxes others even more. In addition, if you do a whole range of exercises, and this is exactly what the majority does, and rightly so, then the abdominal muscles work as a stabilizer, further aggravating the effect, therefore it is very important to know exactly how to do the plank exercise correctly so as not to harm yourself yourself.

The exercise that we know as, in fact, the plank, in fact, is not at all isolating and narrowly aimed at strengthening the muscles of the press, or any other abdominal compartments. Rather, we can say that the plank is aimed at general strengthening, strengthening and development of the entire abdominal muscles.

Experienced trainers generally believe that there is absolutely no need to pump the abdominal muscles separately if you regularly do complex strength exercises, because the abdominal muscles will still work. However, it happens that there is simply not enough time for full-fledged classes, or there is no way to devote enough attention and strength to the training, then the exercise bar will come to the rescue, the photo of which clearly demonstrates what it is. Just some twenty to thirty minutes a day and you can keep yourself in excellent physical shape for quite a long time.

How to do the plank for weight loss: types and types

First of all, you need to understand that the plank is a fairly versatile exercise, because there are several types and types, among which it is worth understanding especially. Moreover, you need to know that only by slightly changing the position of the legs, or, for example, the arms, you can pump up not one, but several muscle groups, drive fat from various places, and so on. In this way, you can gently and effortlessly strengthen the lumbar corset and shoulder girdle, the muscles of the back and arms, as well as the legs, and not only them.

A classic of the genre: the traditional plank as it is

Lie down on the exercise mat, and then take a position as if you were about to do push-ups. Keep your arms straight so that your elbows do not peek over your shoulders, your legs also, you can’t bend the body in any way, then there will be no effect. During exhalation, you need to relax the muscles of the shoulders, and the lumbar and gluteal, on the contrary, strain as much as possible. After completing the exercise, you need to give the body a rest for a few tens of seconds, and only then continue the exercises.

We increase the load: the side plank exercise will give the press and muscular arms

From the position of the traditional classic plank, you need to turn on one side, focusing on one hand. And make sure that the brush was just on a single line with the shoulder. At the same time, put your legs on your side, close them tightly and hold your body in this position for the required time. Try to constantly tighten the muscles of the buttocks and maintain balance so as not to fall on your side. If you find it too difficult to do this exercise with emphasis on the wrist, it is worth resting your forearm on the floor, which will simplify the task at first.

Plank on the forearms: who is overly difficult

With excessively large excess weight, it happens that it is simply not possible to keep your own body on outstretched arms. Then the bar on the elbows will help, which is almost as effective. Elbows should be placed straight, and the wrists should be clasped in front of you in the lock, which will give additional emphasis.

We complicate the task: plank with an outstretched leg or arm

Photo from the site:

In fact, this option is, of course, a complicated version of the classic, traditional plank. In fact, everything is quite simple, you just need to raise just one arm or leg up, thereby significantly complicating the task of your own body. The whole secret is that you have to maintain balance so as not to fall on your side, that is, strain all the muscles involved in the exercise. It is worth knowing that the arm, as well as the leg, should always be extended slightly above the line of the shoulders and straightened. The toes should be pulled as hard as possible towards you.

A drop of tar: who can and who cannot fulfill the bar

Everything is rosy and beautiful, it simply cannot be, and in every barrel of honey, you can definitely find a fly in the ointment if you look carefully. It is clear that due to the fact that the plank is a powerful static exercise, it allows you to burn a huge amount of calories without much effort. Any coach will tell you what the plank exercise gives you, because they consider this basic knowledge that should never be brushed aside. That is, excess fat from the sides will melt before our eyes, maybe not at cosmic speed, but quite noticeably. However, you should be careful and refuse these classes if at least one contraindication matches from the list below.

  • The close postpartum period completely eliminates the bar. After the baby was born, you will have to wait a month or two, and only then return to classes. Also, pregnancy at any, even the most minimal period is also a contraindication.
  • If there is a hernia in the back or abdomen, it is strictly forbidden to do the bar.
  • During the rehabilitation period, for any injury, fractures, and so on, the plank exercise will have to be abandoned.

It is worth considering that if you have at least any of the above or had some time ago, you should definitely talk to your doctor first, and only after his permission to return, and maybe just start exercising. It is especially important to follow all the rules for those who lead a predominantly sedentary lifestyle, professional drivers, and so on, due to the constantly under load of the lumbar muscle corset. Moreover, in order not to harm yourself, you need to thoroughly understand how to do the plank exercise, and only therefore start working on yourself.

Universal plank exercise: which muscles work and when

The easiest way to understand what this will give you is if you look at the plank exercise, the before and after photos of which perfectly illustrate the results of the classes. Moreover, it is worth figuring out which muscles will work hard for the common good of the whole organism, and which ones will remain unused. The classic type of exercise involves emphasis on the elbows and socks, that is, a special muscle group will work.

Photo from the site:

  • The pectoralis major muscle, as well as everything that belongs to the shoulder girdle.
  • Transverse and rectus abdominis muscles.
  • Belt muscle and trapezium.
  • The latissimus dorsi muscle, as well as the extensor of the back.
  • The rectus femoris, sartorius and tibia, as well as other muscles of the legs.

Moreover, it should be understood that depending on the type and type of exercise, it will depend on which muscle groups are involved, and, as already mentioned, there are quite a lot of options. Needless to say, the plank exercise, a video from professionals can be seen below, has a general strengthening effect on many more muscles and muscles, which is why it is very popular among those who want to always keep their own body in excellent physical shape.

Great bar for weight loss: how to do it right so that everything works

It must be said that many exercises will differ, depending on whether a man will perform them or a woman. There are no such restrictions for the bar, therefore the rules will be the same for both. The main task at the same time is to maintain the correct position of one's own body, for a certain time, without changing it. Moreover, in view of the fact that the bar, in fact, is a static exercise, then you won’t have to make any movements at all. Basic rules of the exercise:

  • If the exercise is for outstretched arms, then you should definitely follow your own elbows, which should be exactly under the shoulders, and not outward, as it is much easier.
  • Despite the fact that the buttocks, as well as the stomach, are in constant tension, you also need to monitor your own breathing, it should be calm and measured.
  • In no case do not bend the lumbar, as then all efforts will go down the drain.
  • The legs should rest on the floor with toes, and at the very beginning you can put them quite far apart, and then, as time passes, complicate your task by moving your legs closer and closer.
  • The main task is to keep the body strictly in one plane, in no case should you lift your chin up, and also optimally look at the floor.

Many people ask a fairly simple question about how much exercise the bar needs to hold so that the result does not take long to appear. There are no clear recommendations, and if there are no contraindications, then we can say that it is worth starting from two to tens of seconds and ending with infinity. It should be understood that the duration will directly depend on the preparation, as well as on the physical form itself.

Helpful advice

If a simple classic plank seemed like baby talk to you, you should try to connect your feet when doing this exercise. Along with this, the load on the press, as well as the muscles of the core, will increase significantly, which will give you the necessary, tangible result.

Great plank: exercise for 30 days will help you get visible results faster

Like it or not, but before proceeding with the exercises themselves, you need to figure out how often, for how long it needs to be done in order to see as soon as possible how excess fat folds in the waist area melt, how the whole body strengthens and so on. For this, there is a special complex in which the plank exercise is entered into the table, clearly demonstrating when and how much to do.

You should definitely download the planks of the exercise scheme, hang it in a convenient place so that it is always in front of your eyes, and does not allow you to relax and miss classes. It will not be difficult to figure it out, because it was compiled specifically for those who still do not quite understand and know what and how to do in order to achieve success in their goals.

A few words instead of a conclusion

With the system of classes and the exercise itself, everything has already become quite transparent, so it remains only to say a few words in conclusion. It is worth understanding, for example, what can be achieved by regularly performing this exercise according to the scheme, and what results can be expected with confidence.

  • This exercise, despite its static nature, is an excellent tool for burning extra calories, and, consequently, for losing weight.
  • Regular exercises for only ten to twenty minutes a day will correct your posture, as well as significantly strengthen your muscles.
  • When performing this exercise, blood circulation improves significantly, blood pressure normalizes, the metabolism in the body improves and accelerates.
  • The plank will definitely help get rid of excessive tension or stiffness of many muscles, which is undoubtedly useful.

Among other things, you need to understand that the exercises themselves, no matter how difficult they may be, cannot magically cure you of fat on the waist or hips. The thing is that doing according to the scheme, you also need to eat right. That is, eating cakes and cakes, fatty bacon or sweets at night, you should not expect that if you stand in the bar for half an hour every day, then in a month you will get an excellent result. Therefore, pay attention to the right diet, follow a diet, and also get rid of bad habits, and then a toned, slender body is guaranteed to you. Useful tips for those who have not figured out how to do the plank exercise, the video will illuminate as well as possible.

Summer is getting closer and the issues of harmony are becoming more and more important. I recently offered an effective weight loss complex, I hope you are doing it. But for the best effect, it is desirable to do other exercises. For example, the bar, the benefits and harms of which will be discussed today, as well as how correctly, how often and how much this exercise should be done, whether it is effective in losing weight.

The plank is a physical exercise in which you need to be in one position for some time, relying only on your hands and toes. It is often included in training programs, although opinions about this exercise vary. There are reviews that it does not bring any benefit, but there is also the opposite opinion that the bar must be included in your complex, since more than 90% of all muscles work when it is performed. So let's look at the effectiveness of this exercise.

We are all different, someone can set aside time and money for sports and constantly visits the gym or swimming pool. But someone cannot afford it, and it's not even about finances or laziness, sometimes there is a catastrophic lack of time for this.

The plank exercise is interesting because it does not require a special room, equipment and sportswear, and it does not take much time.

The “bar” is also attracted by the fact that it has many varieties from simple classic to rather complex options, therefore it is suitable for people with different physical fitness for both men and women. If desired, you can create a whole range of exercises to work out different muscle groups.

Of course, if your goal is to have a perfect figure, then one exercise is unlikely to achieve this. But even devoting a minimum of time and doing a simple classic plank, you will improve not only your figure, but also strengthen the muscle corset that supports our spine, and this is very important, especially with a sedentary lifestyle.

Plank exercise - benefits and harms

Training can be dynamic (isotonic) and carried out with movements, but you can train without making any movements. Such training is called static (isometric).

With dynamics, the load on the muscles alternates, they either relax or tense, during static exercises there is a constant tension of the muscles. Static exercises are considered strength exercises, they increase muscle tone, muscle and tendon endurance, but they will not work to build muscle with their help. For this purpose, just dynamic exercises are suitable.

The plank is the most popular static exercise with which you can work out different muscle groups, including the transverse muscle. The transverse muscle holds our internal organs and if it is relaxed, then this provokes the growth of the abdomen. In the usual exercises for the press, this muscle works, but indirectly. Plank develops that part of the press, which is difficult to develop in dynamics. This exercise also solves a number of other problems.

The benefits of exercise for men and women

In addition to the press, the bar allows:

  • strengthen the back muscles, which improves posture and is useful for osteochondrosis
  • make arms, legs, buttocks more toned
  • fight cellulite, accelerating blood circulation and lymph flow
  • reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis
  • due to the stretching effect, relax the stiff muscles of the back, relieve tension and pain in the shoulder region, which often worries people who have a sedentary job
  • strengthen ligaments, tendons, joints
  • speed up metabolism
  • improve muscle coordination, vestibular apparatus, developing a sense of balance and balance.

The plank exercise is universal and suitable for both men and women. As I said, static exercises do not contribute to muscle building, and this fact is appreciated by women who want to have a toned figure, but at the same time not lose femininity.

Men include this exercise in their complex due to the fact that it gives good results in drying the body, and also makes the muscles more resilient.

Plus, a general health effect, which is useful for both the female and the male body.

Plank for weight loss - reviews and tips

Rita, 29 years old:

Very stout after childbirth. I was looking for something that I could do at home and take a little time. Plank seemed like the best option for me. At first, it was unbearable to stand in a pose even for 20 seconds. But nothing, I did not despair. A month has passed: I have lost weight (although I have reduced the amount of food), and my arms have become more defined, and my hips and buttocks have tightened up, now I don’t have cellulite.

Svetlana, 35 years old:

I have been doing the bar for 20 days, the result is zero, I am disappointed. I’ll try to do it for another 10 days, then I’ll quit if the results don’t appear.

Ekaterina, 27 years old:

I have been doing the “bar” for two months now, the results just amazed me. From 72 kg I went down to the level of 63 kg. The muscles began to tone up, the buttocks noticeably tightened up. I'm not going to quit, of course I limited the food: a minimum of sweet and starchy foods.

Alina, 41 years old:

I can’t say that the bar somehow affects the weight. I noticed this on my own after a couple of months of classes. I wanted to lose some weight, yes. But, apparently, such an exercise is not designed for such a result. Nevertheless, it helps to get a taut waist, and this is a very pleasant fact. Maybe if you increase the time of the exercise, you will lose weight and succeed. Only I, in principle, have enough of what I have achieved - a flat stomach.

Natalia, 52 years old:

The bar “our everything” is the maximum result at a minimum cost. Hands tightened, beautiful press, no "riding breeches". I stand 3 minutes every day.

I gave as an example a few reviews about the effectiveness of the "bar" for weight loss, there are actually a lot of them and they are very different. Someone writes rave reviews and considers it a super weight loss tool, but there are also completely opposite opinions.

What is the reason for such different reviews about this exercise. I decided to find out what experts say about this, but here opinions are divided.

Some say this:

Static loads, which are carried out without much tension or, so to speak, half-heartedly, are produced by the work of red muscle fibers, which are an excellent tool for obtaining energy from body fat. Thus, if your main goal of training is to lose weight, then static exercises with low loads are the ideal solution to problems.

But there is also this opinion:

The plank strengthens muscles, works out the core, improves the tone of the hips, buttocks, arms and shoulders, but for burning fat and losing weight, the plank is not an effective exercise. This exercise is designed to tone muscles, not burn fat.

But experts agree on one thing:

The plank and its modifications are a great way to strengthen the body, get rid of flabbiness, but dietary restrictions are required for weight loss.

From the foregoing, the conclusion suggests itself, with only one bar, and other exercises cannot solve the problem, it is necessary to approach the issue of losing weight in a complex way.

In order for the effect of the bar to be as fast and noticeable as possible, you must adhere to a number of rules:

According to experts, following the above rules, it is quite possible to adjust your weight in a month, but, of course, you won’t be able to remove 20 kilograms. How much exactly - it also depends on other factors, such as the physiological characteristics of your body, age, how well the exercises are performed.

In addition, watch the video, it tells how to use the plank exercise for weight loss.

Contraindications and harm from exercise

We found out everything about the benefits, but before including the bar in your set of exercises, it is important to know if it has contraindications so as not to harm your health.

The first thing that is important to know is that a constantly tense muscle under a static load compresses blood vessels and, accordingly, its blood supply worsens. Pushing blood into a tense muscle, the heart muscle has to work hard, the load on the heart and blood vessels increases accordingly and, as a result, blood pressure can rise sharply, even a heart attack can occur. Therefore, people prone to high blood pressure, having diseases of the heart, blood vessels should be extremely careful. You can do the exercise, but experts recommend that such people stay in the bar for no more than 2 minutes and it will not be superfluous to consult your doctor.

During an exacerbation of chronic diseases, with colds and flu, it is better to postpone classes until better times.

You can not do the bar in the following cases:

  • pregnancy
  • abdominal hernia, intervertebral hernia
  • diseases of the internal organs, in which physical activity is prohibited
  • pinched nerves, injuries of the spine, arms, legs
  • joint diseases

You can do the bar, but with caution, starting with lightweight options and only after consulting a doctor:

  • in the postpartum period, especially with complicated childbirth and caesarean section
  • during the recovery period after injuries and operations.

For overweight people, in order not to harm the spine and reduce the load on the joints, it is recommended to do the bar on your knees, and not on the tips of your toes.

It is important to follow the correct execution of the exercise, so that the back is even, does not sag. Erroneous execution will make the exercise useless, but this is not the worst thing. Incorrect execution can lead to disc displacement, provoke pain in the lower back, neck and shoulder joints.

How to do plank

Static exercises have a drawback - muscles that are not regularly stretched lose flexibility over time. If the bar is an additional exercise to the dynamic complex, then it is better to do it after the main exercises. If you practice only the bar, then before the load you need to do a warm-up, in which you need to include stretching exercises.

You can do the exercise at any time of the day, even after eating.

So that during the exercise your legs do not slip and you can keep your body in a horizontal position, do the bar better in sports shoes.

You need to start acquaintance with this exercise from the usual classic plank and it is performed as follows:

  1. The body should form a single line from the top of the head to the heels, the back is straight, neither up nor down can it be bent. Buttocks should also not rise up or down.
  2. The gaze is directed to the floor, it is considered a mistake when raising the head, as this gives an additional load on the cervical vertebrae
  3. With your feet you stand on your toes, your legs are connected together. There is a lightweight option when the legs are spread shoulder-width apart, it is easier to maintain balance
  4. The arms are bent at the elbows at an angle of 90 degrees and are directly under the shoulders. The wrists are parallel to the elbows. It is considered a mistake when the palms are clasped in front of you in the lock or when the hand is turned around and the flat palm is placed on the floor.
  5. The muscles of the press, hips, buttocks are tense. Try to evenly distribute the load on your arms and legs
  6. Breathing is free, without delay

In this position, you need to stand for at least 20 seconds. If during the exercise there is a slight burning sensation in the muscles, do not be alarmed, then you are doing everything right.

Increase the time spent in the bar gradually, it is better to do it qualitatively, but less in time than vice versa. The body must get used to such a load.

In the video you will clearly see what mistakes can be during the exercise

Variations on the theme "plank" - different execution techniques, photo, video

If the classic bar seems like a very simple exercise to you, then you can increase the load using different execution techniques. See photos, videos, choose your favorite option.

Plank on outstretched arms

Plank with legs supported on a fitball (bench) on straight arms

Side plank on bent arm

Side plank on an outstretched arm

Side plank with straight leg raise

Side plank with bent leg raise

Plank leg raise

Stretching the arm forward while raising the opposite leg

Reverse plank on bent arms

Reverse plank with straight arms

Reverse plank with leg raises

Plank "Alpinist" (bending the legs to the chest)

Plank dumbbell row

I don’t know about you, it all seems very complicated to me, so far I’m only doing the classic plank. But the video confirms that doing the bar in different variations is real, so there is something to strive for.

Summing up, we can say that now knowing all the pros and cons of the plank exercise, feel free to move from the computer to the mat, this is a great way to work on your body.

To help you, which is led by a doctor of biological sciences, the best expert in the field of weight loss - Galina Nikolaevna Grossmann. According to her method, many hundreds of thousands of women have already lost weight and, most importantly, the lost kilograms do not return to them even after six months or even several years! Grab the course from the link while it's free.

Beauty to you, harmony and health.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

Probably, every person would like to have a slender, toned body without making any special efforts. But in most cases, in order to quickly achieve a result, you have to try hard, overpowering your laziness and daily performing sets of physical exercises. One of the most effective and effective exercises that do not require special simulators is the plank, which has helped a large number of people to get in shape.

The plank exercise has been known for over 20 years, but with the spread of fashion for simulators, it was forgotten. Experienced coaches are now returning to it, incorporating the plank into their training programs. Yes, and at home, people with independent studies do not refuse this exercise.

It is a position in the prone position and is performed statically. At this time, all the muscles of the body are motionless and tense under the influence of their own gravity. In order to perform the plank at home, you only need a mat (since it involves lying down), comfortable sportswear and shoes, and a stopwatch to control time.

The daily plank exercise trains several muscle groups at once, primarily the legs and arms, which are the main emphasis during the exercise. In addition, the muscles of the back, abdomen, buttocks and chest are tightened and worked. And the effect with regular training will not be long in coming - the body will become embossed, excess fat will go away and only inflated muscles will remain.

Why should you include a bar in your training system?

Just because the exercise:

  • does not last long, so it will not take even a very busy person a lot of time;
  • even works out deep muscles that remain unused when performing many other exercises;
  • has no side effects, so almost all groups of people can include the plank in their workouts. The exception is those who have a vertebral hernia. It is also recommended that people who have vascular diseases and who have previously experienced any injuries associated with spinal injury be wary of the exercise;
  • trains not only the body, but also the spirit, strengthening willpower;
  • increases the overall endurance of the body.

Since the plank is a short-term exercise, it can be included in the warm-up for intensive warming up of the muscles before heavier physical exertion.

How to properly plank

The classic bar is performed in an emphasis lying on the elbows, which must be bent strictly at an angle of 90 0. In order for the body weight during the exercise to be evenly distributed, it is necessary, without bending in the lower back, to stretch the entire body from the crown to the heels in a straight line. The main emphasis is observed in the forearms and the tips of the toes. Look during the exercise only down, without turning your head to the sides.

Most often, the bar is performed by people who want to lose weight. This exercise is the most effective for reducing the problem area of ​​the abdomen, and also forms a beautiful waist. In this case, it is very important to draw in the stomach during the plank. To achieve the effect of losing weight, you need to do 2-3 sets of exercises per day.

In order to start training, you can try to stand in the classic plank position on your elbows, following all the recommendations: the gluteal and lumbar sections should not sag, the head should be on the same level with the spine, and the gaze is directed downward, while the whole body should resemble an elongated string .

The time during which a person is able to stand in a plank position is an individual indicator of physical fitness. Therefore, if the preparation is initially weak, you should not rush to set a world record, but hold out in this position for at least 10 ... 20 s in one approach. Out of habit, already after this time, the body will begin to tremble and cease to obey. At the end, you need to gently lower yourself onto the mat.

To lose weight, you need to perform this exercise daily, trying to increase the time in the rack. For example, if on the first day you managed to complete the bar for 20 seconds, then on the second day you need to repeat your result, and on the third day you need to stand in this position for at least 30 seconds. For every 6-7 days of training, rest should be organized, that is, do not perform exercises.

By constantly increasing the time in the plank stand, already in 1 month you can teach your body to perform the bar for 5 minutes in one set. Easy to say, hard to do. The main thing is to survive the first 3-4 days of training and force yourself to do it. During this time, the body will get used to and get used to the constantly increasing loads, so further classes will be less painful. Like any other method of losing weight, daily plank performance requires maximum willpower.

Upon reaching the result in 5 minutes, you can improve the exercise. During the execution of the plank, it is recommended to alternately raise and lower straight legs. This will help not only effectively tighten the hips, but also get rid of cellulite in the buttocks area.

As a result of regular training with the bar, it becomes possible not only to lose weight and burn fat, but also to tighten the skin and muscles of the arms, legs, buttocks, and abdomen, which in no case will look sagging.

For women, the plank exercise will help strengthen the back muscles, which are heavily loaded especially during pregnancy. Of course, while carrying a child, this exercise will be quite difficult and hardly useful, but it will help to prepare for this wonderful moment. In addition, the correct and regular implementation of the plank will give a woman grace, improving her posture.

To effectively strengthen the muscles of the back, it is recommended to perform the classic plank view on straight arms. To do this, lie down on the mat, straighten your legs, and then rise on outstretched arms and feet. Hands are shoulder-width apart, and the whole body forms one straight line.

The exercise, like the bar on the elbows, is performed in statics with the maximum tension of all muscles. During training, it is important to ensure that the lumbar region does not sag, so if you run out of strength, it is better to finish the set than to perform the plank incorrectly.

As well as in the elbow stand, the bar on straight arms should be started from the maximum time during which physical training allows you to stand like this, increasing your result by 5 s every day.

After mastering the classic plank position on straight arms (that is, the ability to stand in it for up to two or three minutes without rest), you can begin to perform the plank on your elbows, and then, if desired, to its more complex types of static and dynamic, of which there are a sufficient number.

Plank exercises

There are two classic plank exercises, the rules for which were described above (plank on the elbows and on outstretched arms), as well as several complicated varieties for those who have already learned how to perform the plank in traditional ways and want to increase the physical load on the body.

A simplified version of its execution is considered to be a side plank on an outstretched arm. You need to sit on the mat on your right thigh, straighten your legs and put your left foot in front of your right. Then lift the pelvis and align the body in a straight line. The emphasis is on the right hand, and the free left is straightened vertically upwards. It is recommended to stand in this position to the best of your ability, and then simply change position to train the left side. The same side plank is given much harder, but with an emphasis on the elbow.

An even more complicated version of the side plank is its dynamic execution. There are several options here:

  1. side bar with twisting, for which the main emphasis is on a straight arm, while the free arm is directed vertically up and then under the opposite side, and eventually returning to its original position. Thus, the oblique muscles of the abdomen also work;
  2. side bar with reduction, to perform it, they stand in the side bar on the right hand, and pull the left one behind the head, continuing the line of the body. Then, without losing stability, you need to connect the left elbow to the left knee, after which the body is returned to its original position.

This shape of the bar will help to use the entire back surface of the body in training. To do this, you need to sit on the mat, straighten your legs, put your hands behind the pelvis at close range. Leaning on straight arms and legs, raise the pelvis until the body forms a straight line. You can perform the bar on straight arms or elbows in static, or you can raise the pelvis and lower it in dynamics, such a load on the body will be higher.

There is another version of the inverted plank, which is called the "table". The arms are straight, the emphasis is behind the pelvis, but the legs are bent at the knees at an angle of 90 0 so that the hips, when the pelvis is raised, are parallel to the floor and form one straight line with the body.

Such an exercise can also be performed both statically and dynamically, constantly returning to its original position. You need to take the classic plank position on outstretched arms, but placing them slightly wider than your shoulders, and legs slightly wider than your hips. Then synchronously raise opposite limbs, for example, the right arm and left leg, stretching them parallel to the floor. When performing this exercise statically, they hold this position for as long as possible, after which they finish it and repeat it, changing their arms and legs, and when performing dynamically, they constantly change opposite arms and legs, additionally training the balance.

This way of performing the bar will help strengthen the muscles of the buttocks and legs. The exercise is performed statically, hands can be put a little wider than in the classic plank. By the way, on straight arms this exercise is more difficult to do than on the elbows. The leg that will have emphasis is placed in the center, and the free leg is lifted up. After the end of the exercise, it is repeated, changing the supporting and free legs.

The starting position is the classic bar on outstretched arms, and to complicate it, you can perform it from the elbows. Here, for stability, the legs are placed a little wider than usual, and the hands are placed together in the center. One of them is lifted and taken to the side or forward. Then the exercise is repeated, taking away the opposite hand.

Grasshopper plank

This is a type of bar performed only in dynamics. Here you need to stand in the position of a classic plank on outstretched arms, and bend your legs at the knee, alternately bringing them to your shoulder.

  • If the plank exercise is new for the body, and the general physical preparation leaves much to be desired, you should not try to immediately start complicated and improved types of planks. First you need to learn how to stand in a classic static plank on outstretched arms, and then on your elbows, at least up to two or three minutes.
  • If only the plank is performed as a workout, then it is better to perform it several times a day to get an accelerated effect of muscle training.
  • If several approaches are performed at a time, then the time interval between them can be no more than a minute, since otherwise the muscles will have time to cool down, which is highly undesirable.
  • During the execution of any type of plank, it is necessary to monitor breathing: it must be deep and calm so that the muscles are saturated with oxygen.
  • Even if 15 seconds of doing the plank is very difficult for the body, you should start from a position with an emphasis on bent knees, and not on straight toes.

Plank exercise: how to do it right. Types of strap: video

The effectiveness achieved with the daily regular exercise of the plank is already confirmed by a large number of people who have either included it in their warm-up, or have only done it several times a day.

What a cool exercise! Plank is both effortless and makes you feel every second as if it were your last. However, despite the simplicity, many do it wrong. We have selected three ways to help you improve your plank and make it even cooler!

Test yourself

Proper technique in fitness is everything! If you do something wrong, then your exercises are not only ineffective, but also potentially harmful. Of course, in the case of the plank, you are unlikely to get injured, but it's better to do the exercise correctly, right?

So, here's the correct course of action:

  1. Take an emphasis lying down.
  2. Bend your elbows and place your forearms on the floor so that they lie parallel to each other. Clench your palms into fists.
  3. Straighten your body into a string, but do not strain your neck and back.
  4. Tighten your abs and buttocks. These are the two main muscle groups that this exercise works.
  5. Hold the plank until your muscles start to burn. Look at the floor in front of you and do not raise your head up.

Keep track of time

When doing the plank, many do not hold it long enough. I do not argue, this is a difficult exercise and sometimes the burning becomes simply unbearable, but I am sure that you want to develop and become stronger. And for this you need to time yourself and keep the bar a little longer each time.

Use the timer on your smartphone or watch to keep track of the time. I do not advise you to constantly keep your eyes on the timer, as every second will seem like an eternity. :)


One of the tips that will noticeably improve your plank is to breathe. After the first 20 seconds, breathing properly becomes more and more important. At first, it will be quite difficult to pay attention to breathing, but after a while you will understand that by inhaling and exhaling correctly, you can significantly increase the time in the plank.

At rest, we breathe 12 times per minute. And under heavy load, this number increases to 80! A good reason to start thinking about proper breathing.

Plank is a great way. And, remembering the sensations that accompany this exercise, I want to repeat it again and again. And you?

Currently, there are many exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles, one of these is the Planck exercise, which is a great example of static training. A great way to strengthen not only the abdominal muscles, but also the core muscles.

The main purpose of the plank exercise is weight loss. Of course, this is not the whole benefit:

  • Improves the condition of the whole body.
  • Improves overall health.
  • Strengthens the psyche.
  • Raises the mood.

As for the classic plank, it implies two starting points:

  1. The legs are extended, emphasis on the toes and on the elbows and forearms.
  2. The same, but with support on the hands of outstretched arms.

How to do it right

In a static plank, there is no movement. The basic rule of its implementation is to keep your body in the correct position, as long as possible.

How to do without errors:

  • The feet should be placed together - it is more difficult to keep balance, and therefore the load on the stomach increases.
  • The legs should be in a straight line, along with the body, and be in tension. If this is not observed, then the proper load will not be given to the rectus abdominis muscle, which supports the lower back from deflections.
  • The buttocks should also be kept in constant tension during the entire approach.
  • The lower back should not be arched or rounded. This is quite difficult to do, but absolutely necessary.
  • No need to tilt your head back, or tilt too much
  • The stomach must initially be pulled in, and then kept as tight as possible to the ribs. Keeping your stomach in this position, you should not forget about breathing - you do not need to hold it.
  • Elbows should be at shoulder level, or rather, under them - this will remove unnecessary stress on them.

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You need to stand in the bar for as long as the athlete is able to observe the correct technique. If he is no longer able to do this, you need to finish this approach.

Why do men do this?

Benefits of this exercise:

  1. General development and strengthening of muscles.
  2. The main goal is compression and tension of the rectus abdominis muscle.
  3. There is an extremely low risk of injury - both back and spine, even for those who have back problems. The spine practically does not stretch or deform.
  4. Improving posture - the stoop that exists due to a weak back and abs goes away.
  5. Due to the correct arrangement of the bones, breathing is facilitated, and the organs become in a more correct position.
  6. A flat back optically increases the height of a man.
  7. Improves metabolism.
  8. Improves plasticity and flexibility.
  9. The mood rises.
  10. Increases stress tolerance.

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Master of Sports in Powerlifting

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Exercise is especially necessary for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

What does it give women

It is unlikely that the tasks expected from the plank are so different from the men's - everyone has the same muscles. There are, of course, some parameters that most encourage women to do this:

  • Make a wasp waist.
  • Remove "riding breeches" - excess fat from the thighs,
  • Make legs slimmer.
  • You can work out all the muscles at once - the bar allows this.
  • Feel more confident on the beach in short T-shirts and skirts.

Otherwise, everything is the same as in men - to lose weight and improve health.

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Master of Sports in Powerlifting

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To achieve faster and more impressive results, the bar must be combined with a diet.

Contraindications and harm

Any sport and any activity can have its contraindications. You need to know about them:

  1. If the exercise is done incorrectly, without following the execution technique, then negative factors are possible - this may well lead to injuries.
  2. Given that during exercise, the pectoral muscles, as well as the intercostal muscles, which put pressure on the joints of the shoulders and ribs, are in tension, inflammation may occur. Therefore, if such problems exist, then you need to consult a doctor. In this case, you can choose simplified versions of the exercise.
  3. In case of panic attacks, asthma, insomnia, hypertension or problems with internal organs, a consultation with a doctor is also necessary.
  4. There are few contraindications, and basically, even not very healthy people, performing exercises according to a simplified scheme, observing such a condition as the correct technique, without fanaticism, you can do the bar.
  5. Even pregnant women can do it by consulting a doctor and choosing a sparing program.

30 Day Lesson Plan: Sticking to the Schedule

Not every person wants to exercise for a long time and every day - the vast majority follow the line of least resistance.

Of course, doing even 5 minutes a day, you can gradually achieve results, but for those who want the maximum effect, there is a certain program for 30 days.

If a person has already worked out the bar, and his muscles have strengthened, and endurance has appeared, you can move on to a thirty-day program that will miraculously transform the athlete's body in these coveted 30 days.

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Master of Sports in Powerlifting

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Following this schedule, you must be prepared for the fact that every next day of such training will be remarkable for new loads.

Monthly program - two options:

  • Every day, perform all options for the bar - both on the elbows and on the hands, gradually increasing the time - from 20 seconds. up to 5 min. It is advisable to start with this option.
  • The other involves not only the classics of performance, but also more diverse variations, significantly complicated.

The program for the second version of the bar:

  1. Low plank at the elbows. In this case, those are under the shoulders, and the body is a straight line. The position of the feet is as close as possible to each other. The abdomen and buttocks are in tension. Do three sets of 45 seconds.
  2. Plank side, on the elbow. From the low bar, the weight of the body is transferred to the left elbow, then a turn follows. The other hand should straighten up, and you should look at the wrist of this hand. Three approaches are made.
  3. The bar is high, on the hands. The hands are under the shoulders. Legs are straight and feet together. All muscles are tense. Three approaches.
  4. Side plank, on the arm. The weight of the body is on the left hand, and the right is straight and looks forward. All attention is on the right hand. In this position, you need to stand for the same 45 seconds, changing sides. Six approaches.
  5. The plank is low, the legs are bent alternately - first one, then the other knee alternately. Two approaches, delay - 45 seconds.
  6. The bar is high, this time the arms are bent. Start from the starting position at number 3. Hands come off alternately from the floor surface with a touch of the opposite shoulder. Do not shake the body. Three sets of 45 sec.
  7. The bar is low combined with high. From the lower position, the arms are straightened one by one, and then straightened in the reverse order.
  8. The plank is circular. Starting from the bottom bar, the knees are alternately bent with the transition to a high position with each hand touching the other elbow in turn. Return to the low position again.
  9. Triceps push-ups from a low plank position, with a slight divorce of the elbows forward. The lowering is done slowly until the shoulders drop to the elbows. Next is the ascent.
  10. Low bar at the elbows with a turn. Start from a low position with a turn of the hip to the left until the gap to the floor surface is about ten centimeters. Repeat on the other side.
  11. The bar is high, with jumps. At the same time, the legs are bred by a jump to a width equal to the shoulders. The pelvis should not rise when jumping. Next, return to the starting position.
  12. The bar is low, with a deflection. From a low plank position, turn to the right side. Raising the hips, lock for two seconds, then lower them almost to the floor - moving the hips up and down. Three sets per minute.
  13. The plank is high, with pulling up the knees. From the starting position, the left knee is pulled to the opposite elbow with the same fixation, then - return to the starting position. For each leg, three sets of a minute.
  14. Pull your knees up from a low position. The leg is pulled to the same elbow, already through the side. Same fix. Repeat with the other leg. Three sets per minute.
  15. From the high bar, you need to stretch your arms forward as much as possible, tighten your stomach, and tighten your buttocks. Three sets of 45 sec.

This is a set of exercises that you need to do within a month. The schedule is optional. If some movements do not work out right away, you can not do them until the body gets used to the new loads. The number of trainings per day is also purely individual.

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Master of Sports in Powerlifting

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There are plenty of options that significantly complicate the exercise.

One of them is the reduction of fulcrum. For example, in the side plank, leaning on the wrist of one straightened arm, the other is extended vertically. This is done alternately. Such exercises should be done by athletes with considerable experience.

And there are about twenty types of planks in total. You can think of something yourself, relying on your imagination, well-being and physical fitness.

How many calories does this exercise burn

How many calories can a bar burn in one minute - this question worries many, especially women.

This is not surprising, since it is weight loss that is the main incentive for this exercise.

Instructors claim to burn 250-300 calories per hour. Nevertheless, not all record holders are able to stand for so long even in the standard bar. Thus, if you count, then a person spends about 5 calories per minute.

But not everyone will find such a result even satisfactory.

In this case, there are the following methods:

  • With load.
  • With resistance.

In the first case, you can use small dumbbells up to 3 kg. This will burn up to 12 calories. In this case, the dumbbells are clenched in fists, one hand rises from the dumbbells to a right angle.

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Master of Sports in Powerlifting

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To avoid injury, dumbbells should be placed in special trays to avoid the athlete falling due to the unstable position of the shells.

The second option is the most difficult and requires serious physical preparation:

  1. The starting position is standard.
  2. Below, at the level of the knees, or rather, a thread or tape is stretched under them.
  3. This obstacle is crossed by legs alternately at an accelerated pace.

This burns up to 30 calories.

What muscles work when performing

This seemingly simple exercise successfully trains the whole body.

Giving this exercise even 5 minutes a day, the athlete works on his posture, as well as flexibility and balance.

What muscles are worked out by the exercise:

  • Backs.
  • Belly.
  • Buttocks.

Another advantage and convenience of this exercise is that it can be done almost anywhere and anytime:

  1. In gym.
  2. Houses.
  3. Outdoors.

It can be done at any time convenient for a person.

As for equipment, there are some pluses here - both sports uniforms and loose home clothes, for example, are suitable. Needless to say, no equipment is needed to perform a plank.

How many times to do during the day

Only one fact will tell you how many times to do the bar a day - if the athlete has become easier to do it and the muscles have adapted to the load, it is advisable to do it 3-4 times a day, even for 2 minutes.

Even if a person is able to keep it for only one minute, then here it makes sense to do it 2-3 a day, if it is within your power.

First of all, you should focus on your well-being.

world records

Plank is a rather difficult exercise, especially for an untrained person. Approximate time that you can stand on it:

  • A poorly prepared person will stand in it for 2-3 minutes at most.
  • Trained athlete - 5 minutes.
  • A ten-minute stand is already an excellent result, indicating an extraordinary will and excellent preparation.

Nevertheless, there are such records that subject an inexperienced person to a real shock. Here they are:

  1. The world record is over eight hours. It was installed by the Chinese Mao Weidung.
  2. Before him, the record belonged to former Marine George Hood - 5 hours 15 minutes.
  3. The third winner was the Dane Tom Hall - 4 hours 28 minutes.
  4. The record in the category of children was set by Amir Makhmetov - he is only 9 years old. He stood for 1 hour and 2 minutes.