Best time to eat: When should you eat? Eating schedule What time of day what to eat.

Do not deny yourself sweets, even while on the right diet or diet. Our clients eat sweets and lose weight, therefore, it is realistic to allow themselves treats and lose weight. It is important to know when it is better to eat sweets so as not to get better, and today there are two conflicting opinions, we analyze them in the article.

“If you want to lose weight, stop eating sweets” - this postulate is known to many. But do all slim girls never use sweets, cookies, other confectionery and flour products at all? Indeed, in stores, people of different builds line up in line for the “forbidden fruit”. Despite the fact that sweets are most often included in, psychologically, the rejection of such delicacies can be very painful. Yes, and many nutritionists say that you can treat yourself to various goodies. It is only important to know when it is better to eat sweets so as not to get better.

Why You Shouldn't Quit Sweets

Actually, sugar, as a carbohydrate, in small quantities (up to 50 g per day for women and up to 60 g for men) is necessary for the human body because:
  • it is a source of energy;
  • it improves brain function;
  • it is necessary for the liver to perform its barrier function (removal of toxins from the body);
  • it improves the mental state of a person.
Obviously, it is not worth giving up sugar-containing products completely. It is important to realize that sweet is different for sweet. For example, fructose, which enters the body with sweet berries and fruits, is much more harmless than sucrose obtained from sugar beet or cane. Therefore, it is better to give preference to honey, dried fruits, fresh fruits and berries, rather than confectionery and pastries, which, in addition to carbohydrates, contain a large amount of fat.
The best time for sweets, the hours when sugar is best littered by the body, is the topic that modern nutritionists argue over. Some are of the opinion that it is possible to enjoy dessert without harm to the figure only in the morning. Others believe that if you already eat chocolate and cakes, then it is better to do it in the afternoon. Both points of view are well founded.

What time of day is best to eat sweets?

Opinions for MORNING

Many weight loss experts advise eating sweets exclusively. in the morning, until 12 noon. A positive answer to the question of whether it is possible to eat sweets in the morning, they justify as follows:

1. An energy reserve is being created for the coming day.

In the morning, the body needs energy more than ever. For breakfast to be truly nutritious, it must be 60% carbohydrate. It's great if it's porridge. But if there is a protein omelet, for example, it can be safely supplemented with a small cake. Fast carbohydrates will lift your mood and performance. They are unlikely to be deposited on the waist and hips with extra centimeters, as they will be used up in a day.

2. Sweet for breakfast is insurance against overeating.

The energy value of a proper breakfast should reach 500-600 kcal. If you eat cottage cheese and drink unsweetened coffee, the body will not receive even half of the required "fuel". It is not surprising that soon a person will really want to eat again. Eaten cake will allow you to get enough. At the same time, the received dose of sugar reduces the production of herlin, during the day a person will not experience a strong feeling of hunger.

3. Sugar-containing foods for breakfast help create a mental attitude towards proper nutrition for the rest of the day.

A person does not feel that he infringes on himself in anything. It is easier for him not to succumb to temptations, knowing that tomorrow morning he will be able to afford the coveted eclair or a piece of chocolate.

Opinions for AFTER SNACK

Opponents of this theory are quick to express their opinion that, unfortunately, it has its drawbacks:

  • in the morning, the level of insulin is very low, eating sweets leads to its sharp jump, which, on the contrary, will provoke overeating during the day;
  • sucrose is a carbohydrate that is absorbed by the body quickly, so it is impossible to talk about any energy reserve;
  • It is better to eat "sweets" in a separate meal, not combining them with other dishes or products, and a piece of cake up to 100 g can hardly be called a full breakfast.
Therefore, they think that the best the time for eating treats is afternoon tea.

1. Sugar breaks down quickly and is well absorbed.

From 16.00 to 18.00 the level of insulin production is the highest, so sucrose is quickly broken down into fructose and glucose, almost completely absorbed by the body. Eaten cake will not harm the figure.

2. It will turn out to hold out until dinner.

A sufficient amount of time has passed from lunch to afternoon tea, the body needs to be energized.

3. It will turn out to eat separately.

As mentioned above, confectionery and other sweets are recommended to be consumed separately from other products. This can be done as part of an afternoon snack. But besides this, it will be useful to harmonize the intake of a large amount of simple carbohydrates if you first eat something with a very low GI.

4. You will not want sweets late in the evening.

Snacking "snacks" allows you not to overeat at dinner.

  • after such an afternoon snack, it is recommended to spend the evening actively, and not lying in front of the TV;
  • it is desirable to train 30-40 minutes after such a carbohydrate "load";
  • there is a risk that after sweets you will not want to have dinner at all.
Obviously, a person who wants to lose weight without giving up goodies at the same time has a choice. Having made the best decision for himself when eating sweets, he should not forget about the measure. A hundred-gram cake in the morning or for an afternoon snack will not hurt the figure. But half the cake will turn into extra pounds, no matter what time of day it is eaten. We also offer an alternative to baking on our own, carefully calculating the amount of ingredients and thereby reducing the overall calorie content of the delicacy.

In this article, I will tell you how to properly consume products during the day on weight / weight loss / healthy lifestyle.

And so, the use of products that are on the mass, that on weight loss, that with a healthy lifestyle, has a general principle:

Proper healthy nutrition means - FRACTIONAL NUTRITION.

Fractional nutrition means eating food very often (ideally every 2 hours), but little by little (in fractional portions) within the number of calories you need!

Ideally, you need to adjust so that meals are daily at the same time, well, for example: 8.00, then 10.00, 12.00, 14.00, 16.00, 18.00, 20.00, 22.—. see? Every 2 hours.

Fractional nutrition - will allow you to maintain a stable and high level of metabolism in your body, which means - more calories will be spent during the day (more energy will be spent, i.e. fat burning is accelerated), if you build muscle, then acceleration metabolism accelerates muscle growth and all due to the fact that fractional nutrition spins up your metabolism (your metabolism), i.e. all processes and syntheses in your body go much faster. Do you understand?

To implement "DP", you need to purchase containers for food (and carry food in them, with you, everywhere):

Although, many, now, probably, have gone a little crazy ... they will say: yo-may, what is it that you need to eat no matter how much you need every two hours, they say, in FIG it is necessary, I’m like a cow or something, etc. P.

However, I'm not joking, you will need to accustom yourself to fractional nutrition within the number of calories you need, otherwise your metabolism will slow down, and fat burning will occur very, very slowly, up to a complete stop or not at all. The choice is yours.

The rule is simple: the more often you eat, the faster your metabolism, respectively, in this situation - more energy is spent, and this helps to accelerate the burning of excess fat. The same applies to weight gain (muscles), only in this case, not fat loss is accelerated, but muscle growth.

Moreover, fractional meals (frequent meals) are the best method of appetite control. Knowing that you will eat every 2-3 hours, you will never have a desire to eat “from the belly”, thereby eliminating “overeating”. And most people eat from 1-2-3 times a day and most often when they feel hungry. And hunger is manifested due to a long break between meals. As a result, when a person is very hungry, he eats and eats everything, that is, he cannot stop, he wants and wants everything (as a result, he eats until, figuratively speaking, his belly bursts).

It is not even necessary to explain to such a category of people that the feeling of satiety does not come immediately after eating, but only after some time (landmark, 20 minutes after a meal). They also do not need to be explained that they need to eat slowly, chewing food thoroughly, because it’s right, this way the body is saturated much faster, and a person will not be able to “overeat”, but people ... grab it quickly, swallow it in pieces ...

In general, forget about the past 2-3 meals a day, join new realities, fractional nutrition is good for health, your figure and other things. Fractional nutrition is the key to your future success. Also learn how to properly absorb food (slowly, slowly, chewing food thoroughly).

How to properly distribute products throughout the day?

The second important component of our article, which I could not tell you about.

At the stage of weight loss (fat burning), I strongly recommend to focus on COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES in the first half of the day (until 15.00) - after 15.00, emphasis on PROTEIN PRODUCTS!

This is done on purpose, for the reason that during the day, people, as a rule, are ACTIVE! Accordingly, energy (complex carbohydrates) is needed for this, in fact, due to activity, it will be “spent”, and in the evening, after work, study, etc. - PASSIVE (why is there energy? sit at a computer? lie on the couch? in general, it’s obvious that it’s useless, because if energy comes in, and you are passive, it will not be “spent”, as a result, the accumulation of excess fat, therefore emphasis on protein foods).

At the stage of weight gain - this rule may not work (you need to see it according to the situation).

Ectomorph (left) / Mesomorph (middle) / Endomorph (right)

When we try to stick to our chosen diet, we pay a lot of attention to what we eat. But at the same time, we absolutely do not think about when exactly it is better to sit down at the dinner table, how many times during the day we should eat and what will happen if we decide tightly.

The standard number of meals per day is three. And that's if you're lucky. Some mistakenly believe that if they stop eating altogether or limit their meals to once a day, they will lose weight twice as fast. But usually such experiments lead to nothing but stress and health problems.

It is advisable to eat every 3-4 hours. This allows you to improve fat burning, prevents the release of an excess of insulin into the blood, allows leptin (the hormone that regulates energy metabolism) to work its magic and control appetite and metabolism. It also keeps the production of cortisol, the stress hormone, under control.

Don't skip breakfast! Our grandmothers were right when they said that the day should start with a good hearty breakfast. It gives energy to start a long productive day. If you skip breakfast, very soon the feeling of hunger takes you by surprise and you begin to interrupt the feeling of hunger with everything that comes to hand. And in offices, sweets and cookies are usually on hand.

Don't eat three hours before bed. Eating before bed increases body temperature, increases blood sugar and insulin levels, and reduces the production of melatonin and growth hormone. All of these factors affect sleep and the natural fat burning that occurs when we sleep. In addition, poor sleep leads to the fact that we can overeat the next day.

If it so happens that you have time to eat before bed, it is advisable to eat light meals with a low content and a high content.

Start your day with proteins. To improve appetite control, it is better to eat proteins for breakfast, and leave carbohydrates for lunch or dinner. Tomato omelette is a great quick breakfast!

Never start strength training on an empty stomach. For such activities, your body needs energy for optimal results. But cardio can be done 30 minutes before meals.

This does not mean that you need to fill up right before training. Just do not start classes if you have not eaten anything for a long time and you have a feeling of hunger. Before the workout itself, you can have a snack with bananas, nuts or dried fruits - high in calories, quickly absorbed, gives the necessary energy and relieves hunger.

Focus on food. While eating, it is undesirable to be distracted by something that does not concern your lunch. Focus on the main occupation, feel all the shades of taste, relax, finally, and rest. Your lunch is an island of peace and tranquility in the midst of the stormy ocean of the working day.

Squirrels go first. During meals, eat protein foods first, and then everything else. Proteins send a signal to your brain that your body is full. This way you will eat exactly as much as you need.

Take alcohol after meals. If you decide to have a drink at dinner or any other drink, it is better to do it after you have eaten, and not during. Alcohol after meals increases the production of hormones that control appetite and digestion.

And if you decide to drink white wine in the evening, keep in mind that it increases your appetite and the chance that you will want to have a snack is very high.

According to them, the diet seems to be balanced, and they eat exclusively healthy foods, and they are engaged in fitness, and for some reason the arrow of the scales froze in place.

There can be several reasons for this, and one of them is in the diet.

The best way to control your appetite and stay active throughout the day is to eat 4-5 small meals a day.
At the same time, meals should be healthy, low-fat and healthy so that you are full and do not feel the desire to “intercept” anything extra.

  • Never go more than 4 to 5 hours without food. It may seem strange, but the main mistake that leads to excess weight is systematic malnutrition. It has been proven that with 1-3 meals a day, people consume significantly more calories than with 4-5 meals a day.
  • However, it is important not only to choose foods for your diet meticulously, but also to know at what time you need to eat each of them so that they bring maximum benefit. The fact is that at different times of the day the body needs foods of a certain nutritional value.

So, what exactly should you eat at each meal in order to stay slim and fit?

Breakfast (6 - 9 hours)

Studies show that 35% of women neglect their morning meal. Someone "does not have enough time", and someone seeks in this way to reduce the total number of calories consumed during the day.

However, as practice shows, the effect is exactly the opposite. During the day, the body will strive to catch up, and as a result, you will quietly eat much more food than you could.

Breakfast also performs another important function - it "starts" the metabolic process. That is, the foods that you eat during the day will be absorbed by the body faster and to a much greater extent.

Digestive enzymes are at their most active between 6 and 9 am, according to nutritionists. At this time, it is recommended to eat protein foods. Proteins are digested slowly, which will allow you not to feel hungry until lunch. Carbohydrates are best avoided - insulin levels are still low, and carbohydrate foods cause a decrease in blood sugar. As a result, by 11 o'clock in the afternoon you will want to eat again.

The best choice

1. Fat-free cottage cheese / yogurt. Yogurt is the healthiest food. It is rich in protein, calcium, magnesium, as well as beneficial microorganisms that increase immunity and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. But this only applies to natural yogurt. When adding various fruit fillers, sugar automatically appears in the composition of yogurt. Therefore, even if the jar says "0% fat", but the yogurt is strawberry, cherry, peach, etc. - then with a minimum of calorie benefits, it has plenty.

2. Cheese Yes, most cheeses are high in fat and calories. But at the same time, they contain a lot of calcium, and cheese also contains linoleic acid. It reduces the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes, and also ... contributes to weight loss, as it does not allow fat to be deposited. So that the cheese does not harm the figure, watch the serving size (the daily norm of this product per day is 2-3 thin slices or 4 cubes the size of a dice), and remember the oriental wisdom: "In the morning, cheese is gold, in the afternoon - silver, and in the evening - lead".

3. Oatmeal Oatmeal is a storehouse of fiber, complex carbohydrates and trace elements, it contains a high percentage of vegetable protein. Oatmeal is useful for the functioning of the liver and pancreas, regulates blood sugar levels, its fibers have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, remove excess glucose, cholesterol, toxins and heavy metal impurities.

4. Milk Milk can lower blood pressure, and the calcium it contains is not only good for teeth and bones, but also prevents the deposition of fat in the body. According to research by Italian scientists, subjects who included low-fat dairy products in their diet, ceteris paribus, lost weight 35% faster than those who excluded them from their diet.

5. Eggs This product contains about 6g of protein. In addition, it is rich in vitamins A, B6, B12, E, and the yolk contains rare vitamin K, folate, iron, lutein, which is necessary for maintaining vision, and choline, which helps to remove fat from the liver.

As for the cholesterol contained in eggs, according to many nutritionists, it is absorbed only by 30%, and therefore does not pose a serious threat to the heart.

Lunch (12 - 13 hours)

Lunch should include:

1. Proteins (fish, seafood; meat, poultry - give preference to lean parts). Cooking method - any: stew, bake, boil, grill - just do not fry!

2. Starchy foods (brown rice, wholemeal pasta, potatoes, whole grain bread, legumes).

"Proper" starchy foods are categorized as complex carbohydrates. They are absorbed more slowly, allow you to maintain a feeling of satiety longer, do not increase either sugar levels or excess weight. Moreover, they are all rich in fiber, without which weight loss is impossible. Fiber-rich foods are low in calories and almost no fat. Fiber is like a sponge: absorbing moisture, it swells and thus perfectly satisfies hunger.

The best choice

1. Brown rice It has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, skin, teeth, nails, and is indispensable for digestion. There is a lot of fiber in the shell of brown rice, and it is rich in vitamins A, PP and group B, essential trace elements and phytochemicals, while being devoid of fat, cholesterol and sodium.

2. Pasta (from wholemeal flour) Provide you with fiber and folic acid, which is necessary for reproductive function and iron absorption. A standard serving of pasta (and this is one glass, no more!) From durum wheat will not cause the slightest harm to your figure.

3. Buckwheat porridge It contains iron, pectin, which improves digestion, as well as lecithin, which is necessary for the liver and pancreas.

4. Potato Source of antioxidants, vitamin C, potassium. A standard serving is one fist-sized tuber - about 100 kcal. Harmful for the figure (and not only!) Only fried potatoes, and also seasoned with fatty high-calorie sauces - cheese, sour cream, butter. Such a "zest" can add up to 150 kcal to a dish, and a few centimeters to your waist.

5. Whole grain bread Rich in fiber, complex carbohydrates, vitamins & minerals. The main cereal - wheat - contains a record amount of antioxidant orthophenols, fighters against cancer cells. But in white bread they are not at all - they were discovered by scientists only in the shell of the grain, which gets into bran and wholemeal flour, but is peeled off during the manufacture of top-grade baking flour.

6. Legumes They are a storehouse of vegetable proteins, fiber and complex carbohydrates, but they are completely devoid of harmful saturated fats.

5. Salad from fresh vegetables with olive or vegetable oil.

6. A few words need to be said about soups . Don't underestimate this dish. Soups are the best cure for hunger. They will "warm" your stomach, improve the nutrition system. An American study found that those who sometimes include soup in their lunch diet consume 100 kcal less than those who refuse it. Moreover, this deficit is not compensated during the day. Give preference to soups of a thick consistency - from mashed vegetables or mashed soups - they will be both the first and second courses at the same time, because if you choose soup, it is better to refuse snacks and hot on this day. In winter, soup is food not only for the body, but also for the soul, striving for warmth and peace.

Afternoon snack (16 - 17 hours)

At 16 - 17 hours comes the time for carbohydrate food - the level of insulin is maximum.

Right now your best bet would be:
- fruit or fruit salad,
- dried fruits,
- some nuts
- 30 g of dark chocolate (cocoa content - at least 70%). Cocoa beans are a source of antioxidants and flavonoids that reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Just for lunch (and not for breakfast) , as many girls who follow their figure do), 1-2 times a week you can afford to enjoy dessert. In no case do not deny yourself sweets in general - severe restrictions will only lead to breakdowns. The main thing is to observe the measure in everything. It is better to give up saturated fat snacks, cookies, pastries and biscuits, switch to light desserts. One serving of low-calorie dessert has about 120 kcal. Suitable, for example, coffee or berry mousse, yogurt cake, fruit in jelly.

Dinner (18 - 20 hours)

One of the most "contradictory" meals. Some are of the opinion: you should never eat after 18:00, their opponents argue that only the total number of calories consumed during the day, and not the time of the meal, matters ... And the truth, as often happens, is in the middle. The most healthy and "safe" dinner for the figure is light, but not "hungry". It should consist of fish or lean white meat and a vegetable side dish (stewed vegetables are ideal).

Eating red meat in the evening is highly undesirable- it is digested for a long time, and digestive enzymes after 19:00 are practically not produced.
The common belief that salads are the most suitable food for dinner, not quite right. The fact is that during their processing, the pancreas, which has tuned in to rest, is subjected to a heavy load.

High carbohydrate foods should also be avoided. They will raise your blood sugar levels, which will create the illusion of hunger, and as a result, you will overeat.

If you follow the right diet, unexpected bouts of hunger are not terrible for either you or your figure. If you still want to eat something at night, a cup of weak green tea with a spoonful of honey or a glass of warm milk will help you out. They reduce gastric secretion and have a general calming effect.

The human body works according to its internal clock, which experts call daily biorhythms. Each of us has his own schedule, but there are general patterns. What is good for us in the morning can be problematic in the evening. The same food, eaten at different times, affects the body differently! If you want to ensure that nutrients are fully absorbed and not stored “in reserve” in various places, remember when is the best time to eat certain foods!

Sweet yogurt with fruit slices, kefir or fermented baked milk are not the best breakfast ideas. When you are hungry, the level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach is high, and the lactic acid contained in fermented milk products lowers it. This interferes with the normal absorption of food and can lead to digestive problems.

The best time: Dairy products are best eaten after meals when stomach acid levels are low. It is especially important to adhere to this rule if you like "sour milk" with probiotics. In order for beneficial microflora to populate the intestines and improve health, it needs favorable conditions.


Mashed potatoes for dinner are just as unhealthy as fried potatoes. This is because this vegetable has a high glycemic index. Potatoes are fast digesting and provide energy, but soon make you feel hungry. But ahead - the whole night! And if you combine potatoes with fats, it is fraught with weight gain.

The best time: Experts advise eating potatoes for breakfast. Because it is rich in carbohydrates and contains both soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, it is easy to digest and prevents constipation. In addition, potatoes have a lot of vitamin B6 and a high concentration of potassium, which is good for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

White rice, just like potatoes, is a source of fast carbohydrates. If you're on a diet, or just dreaming of losing weight, you might want to cut it out for dinner. So that at night you don’t have to run to the refrigerator for something tasty, but terribly high-calorie.

The best time: Rice is good to eat in the afternoon - for breakfast or lunch. You will get a boost of energy to complete current tasks and you can safely go on business. And if you know that you won’t be able to snack in the next few hours, combine rice with protein food - for example, a slice of fish or meat.


Apples and other fruits containing fruit acids should not replace the main meal. They still will not satisfy hunger, but they will play a notable appetite. Eating fruits on an empty stomach will increase the acidity of the stomach, which can lead to discomfort, pain and cramps.

The best time: Apples are an ideal food for snacks planned between main meals. They contain pectins, which improve the functioning of the digestive tract and speed up digestion. And there are a lot of vitamins in liquid apples!

If you feel hungry at night, nutritionists advise you to pay attention to fresh fruits and vegetables. At the same time, a banana, due to its high calorie content and nutritional value, seems to be the best dinner option. But this is only at first glance! If you eat bananas on an empty stomach, due to the high concentration of magnesium, this can lead to indigestion.

The best time: The ideal time to eat bananas is after a meal. Studies have shown that this fruit helps improve digestion and curb appetite. In addition, a banana is good in the first 20-30 minutes after exercise. Athletes often resort to it to close the "carbohydrate window" after sports.


Nuts are known for their high content of healthy fats, protein, fiber, and other nutrients. Together, they help prevent heart disease and keep you feeling full longer. But eating nuts at night is a bad idea as it can lead to weight gain.

The best time: If you don't want to put on extra pounds, eat nuts throughout the day as healthy snacks. At the same time, take into account the total daily calorie content, you should not exceed your norm.

Cherry tomatoes, pink, red and other varieties of tomatoes are best excluded from the evening menu. They contain pectin and oxalic acid, which can cause indigestion, bloating, and disrupt your sleep.

The best time: But eating tomatoes for breakfast is not only tasty, but also incredibly healthy. Due to the fiber content, tomatoes improve digestion and speed up metabolism.


Meat and products from it are very nutritious, but such food is heavy for the stomach. Experts note that it takes at least 4-6 hours for the body to fully assimilate meat. If you regularly consume it in large quantities for dinner, this can result in indigestion and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

The best time: Meat is the perfect food for lunch. It contains a lot of iron and protein, which help relieve fatigue, increase efficiency and promote muscle recovery. One serving of meat will provide the body with useful substances and start the processes of recovery and growth of muscle mass.

When it comes to proper nutrition, you need to clearly separate healthy sweets from potentially harmful ones. So, cakes with butter cream, buns and rolls with jam can hardly be called healthy food (except for the mood), but natural marshmallows, marshmallows and marmalade are a completely different matter! But even they should be used in moderation.

The best time: You can afford sweets in the morning as a dessert. Replacing them with the main meal is a big mistake that can be fatal for your figure.

Dark chocolate

15-25 grams of dark chocolate a day can help lower cholesterol levels, control blood pressure, improve blood circulation, and boost brain performance. In addition, dark chocolate affects appetite, making us feel full for a little longer. But it is also quite high in calories, so in the evening, when you are already getting ready for bed, it is better not to indulge in them.

The best time: Dark chocolates seem to be made for a cheerful morning. In addition to the main meal, they will delight you with a powerful boost of energy and improve your mood. What else do you need for a productive day?

Pasta as a side dish for dinner is delicious food, but high in calories. But if you can afford liberties with your diet, you don't have to give it up. After all, such products are useful!

The best time: Fiber, which is contained in durum wheat paste, is required by the body for the normal functioning of the digestive system. And the low glycemic index typical of durum varieties is optimal for people with diabetes.


Buckwheat is often called the favorite cereal of women. This complex carbohydrate causes the body to spend a lot of energy on its absorption, which, in tandem with a low calorie content, plays into the hands of all those who lose weight.

The best time: You can eat buckwheat at any time, the only exception is at night. By evening, the body's metabolism slows down, so even healthy food at this moment is undesirable.

Expert comment

Waking up on a sweet morning, some people become aware of their reluctance to eat breakfast. Although they understand that, having gone to work, the next meal time can be very long.

  • What if you don't feel like eating breakfast?

After waking up, drink a glass of water, you can diversify it with additives such as ginger, lemon, honey, mint, cucumber.

Water will help prepare the gastrointestinal tract for work, and after a while you can start breakfast.

Eat slow carbohydrates in the morning. This is the majority of vegetables, legumes and cereals, as well as hard fruits. Blood sugar levels will change slowly, and you will stay full for a long time, which will avoid snacking or not always appropriate feeling of hunger at a meeting.

  • Eat sweets before noon

Sweet tooth should choose a time for treats up to 12 days. The fact is that fast carbohydrates, and sweets belong to them, quickly change the level of sugar in the blood, instantly give energy, which just as quickly disappears within two hours. You can use fast carbohydrates when you need a quick energy replenishment.

  • Be mindful of fats at any time of the day

Fats should be chosen not by the time of consumption, but by their usefulness. Avoid fast foods, ready-to-eat foods, chips, crackers, donuts - they contain fats that are harmful to the body, which form plaques on the walls of blood vessels, cholesterol, which leads to health complications. Healthy fats are found in foods such as fish, vegetable oil, meat, nuts, avocados, and hard cheeses. The listed products replenish Omega reserves, which is important for the beauty and strength of nails, hair, skin, and also normalize cholesterol levels.

  • Distribute your protein intake evenly throughout the day

Protein is spent on the renewal of body tissues, replenishes important amino acids. Fractional protein intake throughout the day will help maintain satiety. Proteins include meat, fish, eggs, low-fat cheeses, dairy products, legumes. Separately, I would like to say about athletes who, after training, need to close the protein-carbohydrate window for 20 minutes. And at this time, it is recommended to eat dishes from chicken or lean meats, scrambled eggs or boiled eggs, dairy products. Coffee

Cortisol is a key hormone in our daily cycle that helps our body wake up and fall asleep. When the necessary rate of cortisol is produced, then the body feels completely awake. In the morning, this hormone is at its highest level, and therefore a cup of coffee in the morning suppresses its production, as the body receives caffeine to replace it. Typically, cortisol production is from 6 to 9 am, and the peak is at 8-9 am. It is better to drink coffee after its decline, that is, at 10 o’clock, and preferably after 2 o’clock, when fatigue is strongly felt after an early rise.

  • Legumes

It is best to consume them during dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime. They have a lot of useful fiber and vegetable protein, which are important for the body. But in the morning or in the afternoon - this is not the best type of carbohydrate food due to possible flatulence and bloating.

The main dependence on insulin is that it is produced by the body and fights sugar better in the morning. Sugar also gives us a boost of energy, which is better spent during the day, and not before bedtime. If you have eaten sweets, then most often there will be a desire to move more, and not go to bed. This may be one of the reasons for poor and interrupted sleep.

  • Alcohol

Alcohol has the same effect on the body as sweets. Additionally, the risk of overeating is high, and all excess food that is more than your basic calorie intake is likely to be deported into fat stores.

  • Freshly squeezed juices

You should not drink on an empty stomach. The acids and oils found in fruits irritate the stomach lining, which leads to the release of hydrochloric acid. In the morning the stomach is still empty, the digestion process starts, and the ulcer is not far away.