Technical regulations are adopted for the purpose.

1. Technical regulations are adopted for the following purposes:

protection of life or health of citizens, property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property;

protection of the environment, life or health of animals and plants;

prevention of actions that mislead purchasers, including consumers;

(as amended by Federal Law No. 255-FZ of July 21, 2011)

ensuring energy efficiency and resource saving.

(The paragraph was introduced by Federal Law No. 189-FZ of July 18, 2009, as amended by Federal Law No. 255-FZ of July 21, 2011)

2. Adoption of technical regulations for other purposes is not allowed.

Federal Law "On Technical Regulation"- N 184-FZ - controls the processes and relationships that appear during the development, adoption, application and execution of mandatory requirements for products or related actions for design, construction, transportation, production, installation, storage, commissioning, operation, implementation, conformity assessment, disposal, performance of work or provision of services. It does not extend its power to the area of ​​economic rationing (for pricing, estimated rationing in construction, etc.). He deals with such issues as the procedure for the development, adoption, amendment and cancellation of technical regulations, standardization, goals, principles and forms of conformity assessment, mandatory conformity assessment, violation of the requirements of technical regulations, product recall, accreditation of certification bodies and testing laboratories, etc.

Article 6 Purposes of adopting technical regulations

Information on changes: Federal Law No. 255-FZ of July 21, 2011 amended paragraph 1 of Article 6 of this Federal Law, which shall enter into force ninety days after the official publication of the said Federal Law

1. Technical regulations are adopted for the following purposes:

protection of life or health of citizens, property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property;

protection of the environment, life or health of animals and plants;

prevention of actions that mislead purchasers, including consumers;

ensuring energy efficiency and resource saving.

2. Adoption of technical regulations for other purposes is not allowed.

28. Procedure for the development and adoption of technical regulations
Any person can be a developer of technical regulations. When developing technical regulations, it is necessary to ensure as much as possible:
-transparency of development procedures;

Opportunity to participate in the development of all interested parties;

Achieving the consent of the majority of stakeholders.
Technical regulations are adopted by federal law in the manner established for the adoption of federal laws, subject to the provisions of this Federal Law.

Goals of standardization

1) Increasing the level of safety of life and health of citizens, property of individuals and legal entities, objects, taking into account the risk of emergencies, (emergency situations) increasing the level of environmental safety, safety of life and health of animals and plants.

2) Ensuring competitiveness - the ability and quality of products, works and services, the unity of measurements. Rational use of resources, interchangeability of technical means, technical and information compatibility.

3) Facilitating compliance with the requirement of the TR is required to approve the list of standards.

4) Establish classification systems and coding cataloging systems, ensure product quality.

Standardization principles

1) Balance of interests of the parties developing, manufacturing, presenting and consuming products.

2) Systematic standardization.

Consistency- this is the consideration of this object as part of a more important system.

3) Dynamism and advanced development of the standard.

4) Efficiency

5) The priority of developing standards that contribute to ensuring the safety, compatibility and interchangeability of products (services).

6) Principles of harmonization (development of harmonized standards).

7) The clarity of the formulation of the provisions of the standard.

8) Compliance with the law, as well as the norms and rules of supervisory authorities.

9) Complexity of standardization of interconnected objects.

10) Objectivity of verification of requirements.


The standards of the State Standardization System are classified into categories and types. The criterion for dividing standards into categories is the level of their approval and scope, dividing into types - content.

Interstate standard (GOST - supranational standard);

State Standard of the Russian Federation (GOST R);

Industry Standards (OST);

Enterprise Standards (STP);

Standards of scientific and technical, engineering societies and other public associations (STO).

^ Interstate Standard(GOST) is a supranational-regional standard (the former standard of the USSR) adopted by the states that have acceded to the Agreement on the implementation of a coordinated policy in the field of standardization, metrology and certification, and applied directly by them. In order to ensure the continuity of production, the current fund of state standards of the USSR was included in the interstate standards, with the designation "GOST" retained, since it is contained in many sheets of technical and regulatory documentation and is widely known in the world. The objects of GOST standardization are products, works and services of intersectoral significance, in particular:

Products of mass use, including foodstuffs;

Objects of scientific, technical and socio-economic programs;

The constituent elements of large scientific and economic complexes (transport, communications, environmental protection, etc.);

General requirements, rules and regulations (for example, tolerances and fits, rules for drawing up construction drawings, rules for drawing up bibliography, nominal frequency ranges, etc.). The standards for these objects are combined into single interconnected complexes.

The designation of the interstate standard consists of an index (GOST), registration number and dashes separated by the last two digits of the year the standard was approved. The registration number is assigned as approved standards for registration are received, regardless of the product group (for example, food products, oil and oil products, and so on). In the designation of the standard that is part of the complex, in its registration number, the first digits with a dot define the complex of standards.

Designation of the interstate standard: GOST 6441 -77 "Pastil confectionery products";

35. . The main conditions for membership in the WTO in terms of standardization and application of sanitary and phytosanitary standards are defined in the Agreement on Technical Barriers and Trade (TBT) and the Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standards (SIFN).
Technical barriers to trade - differences between the requirements of domestic technical regulations and standards and the requirements of international standards that have a more restrictive effect than is necessary to achieve the goals of developing technical regulations and standards established by law.
The main principles, the implementation of which is necessary for Russia to join these agreements, are as follows:
1. All countries have the right to use: the measures necessary to ensure the quality of their exports, to protect the life and health of people, animals and plants; technical regulations and standards; requirements for packaging and labeling of goods; procedures for assessing compliance with technical regulations and standards, sanitary and veterinary standards.
2. These measures shall be applied as a means of arbitrary or unjustified discrimination between countries in which the same conditions prevail, including their own territory; these measures should not constitute a means of disguised restriction of international trade and should not create unnecessary obstacles to international trade;
3. With regard to standards and technical regulations, goods imported from another State shall be accorded treatment no less favorable than that accorded to similar goods of national production or to similar goods originating in any other country.
4. Sanitary and phytosanitary standards should be based on sufficient scientific justification and principles, based on international standards, prescriptions and recommendations.
5. All these measures must be open, transparent. All countries should limit trade no more than is required to achieve an adequate level of sanitary or phytosanitary protection; should provide information on technical barriers, sanitary and phytosanitary standards and name the centers responsible in their countries for providing such information.
To fulfill the conditions of WTO membership in terms of the TBT Agreement and the FMTS Agreement, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
1) Ensuring the harmonization of domestic standards, as well as regulatory bodies of executive power with international standards.
2) Information impact with WTO member states.
To solve these problems, it is necessary to: conduct a comparative analysis of domestic standards, as well as other normative documents equated to them, with international ones, in order to identify both essential (substantive) and design differences between them.

Metrology, standardization and certification: lecture notes by Demidov NV

6. Technical regulations: concept and essence. Application of technical regulations

The technical regulation is a complete list of the main requirements for one of the objects of standardization. Documents capable of changing the data of this list can only be its changes and additions. In addition, it is worth noting that not any document containing some mandatory requirements can be considered a technical regulation. For the adoption of technical regulations, there is a certain specially created procedure. And also the document itself must be created in a special way. The technical regulation must necessarily include: firstly, a list of those goods, the processes of their production, storage, transportation, use, sale and disposal, in connection with the presence and processing of which, in fact, its requirements are formed. Secondly, the technical regulation should contain the very requirements for the objects of technical regulation that are necessary for fulfillment. The main focus of these requirements of the technical regulation, according to the Law "On Technical Regulation" (Chapter 2), should be to ensure:

1) unity of measurements;

2) electromagnetic compatibility in the implementation of safety tasks for the operation of instruments and equipment;

3) radiation safety;

4) explosion safety;

5) biological, fire, thermal, mechanical, industrial, chemical, electrical, nuclear and radiation safety.

Also, some other requirements, rules and forms may be included in the technical regulation. For example, the first requirements include:

1) providing the previously mentioned types of security;

2) contributing to the maintenance of the principle of uniformity of measurements;

3) special requirements for terminology, packaging, labels and markings, as well as the rules for their application. Among the latter, it is necessary, first of all, to name the rules that identify the object of regulation, as well as the forms and rules for assessing conformity. The formulation of “deadlines for assessing the conformity of each object of regulation” can also be attributed to the same category of requirements.

According to the Law "On Technical Regulation", the requirements for goods, the processes of their production, storage, transportation, use, sale and disposal, which are not included in the technical regulation, are not mandatory. The following main objectives of the adoption of technical regulations follow from the provisions of the above-mentioned Law:

1) protection of the life or health of people, as well as the property of legal entities and individuals or property that is in municipal and state ownership;

2) protection of the environment, health and life of animals and plants;

3) prevention of actions that mislead purchasers.

There should be no other purposes for the adoption of technical regulations.

But in terms of explaining the concept and essence of a technical regulation, Article 8 of the Law "On Technical Regulation" defines two types of technical regulations, general and special. Thus, the requirements of the general technical regulation apply without fail to any type of goods and services, including in the process of creation, storage, transportation, use, sale and disposal. And, accordingly, the requirements of a special technical regulation take into account the technological features of a number of groups of goods, as well as, accordingly, the processes of their creation, storage, transportation, sale, disposal or use. In addition, special technical regulations may establish their own requirements only for certain types of goods, as well as the processes of their creation, storage, transportation, consumption, sale or disposal, in respect of which the requirements of generally binding technical regulations are not met. It should also be noted that among the special technical regulations, a special variety is often singled out - macro-industry special technical regulations, covering, as a rule, several groups of homogeneous objects. So, for example, there is a macro-industry regulation that formulates the basic requirements for food additives or dyes for food products. However, many researchers believe that this type of technical regulation cannot be called a special regulation. As a rule, it is customary to divide the subjects of technical regulation into several separate categories:

1) business, the main point of the participants of which are clearly defined rules of state control and games in the market;

2) consumers, the main indicator for which is the indicator of the protection of their interests and rights;

3) government bodies, whose tasks are the formation of tactics and strategies for the entire economic development of the country in the future. At the same time, they use technical norms as a kind of leverage for influencing economic processes both within the country and abroad;

4) regulatory authorities, without any benefits or interests of their own.

The main activity for them should be to ensure the safety and protection of the rights of consumers in the matter of their environmental safety and protection from any man-made disasters. To ensure the optimal solution of the tasks assigned to the state, the Economic Department of the President of the Russian Federation formed Expert Councils involved in the development of general and special technical regulations. According to the form, the content of the technical regulation should include such information as: a list of goods, the processes of their creation, storage, transportation, use, sale and disposal, in respect of which the above requirements are developed; in addition, general rules for the identification of all objects subject to technical regulation are formulated to address issues of application of technical regulations.

Other information may also be included in the technical regulation, for example:

1) rules and forms of conformity assessment, determined taking into account the degree of risk;

2) deadlines for conformity assessment for each object of technical regulation;

3) mandatory requirements for packaging, marking and labels, terminology, as well as the necessary rules for their application.

According to the Law "On Technical Regulation", requirements not included in technical regulations are not mandatory. Also, the technical regulation may include requirements for the characteristics of goods, the processes of their production, use, storage, transportation, sale and disposal, but may not include any requirements regarding the design features of the goods, except for situations where, due to the absence of such design requirements there is a risk of harm. Based on this provision, technical regulations may include in the list of requirements special requirements for marking, labels, packaging and terminology, as well as the rules for their application, which in the future will help increase the degree of protection for certain groups of citizens, such as: children, minors, pregnant women women, breastfeeding mothers, the disabled, pensioners.

In addition, the technical regulations may establish the minimum necessary measures in the field of veterinary and phytosanitary in relation to goods imported from hazardous areas or countries with restrictions on imports with our country. These measures of veterinary and phytosanitary safety are developed taking into account the received scientific data, as well as when considering other documents provided by international organizations.

First of all, we are talking about international standards, recommendations, etc. As an assessment criterion for risk issues, assessment criteria of international standards, as well as recommendations of international organizations, which include Russian representatives, the prevalence of diseases and pests used pest and disease control measures, environmental conditions, macroeconomic impacts associated with the potential for harm, and the extent of spending needed to prevent harm. International and (or) national standards can serve as a basis for creating draft technical regulations.

From the book Consumers of Electric Energy, Energy Supply Organizations and Bodies of Rostekhnadzor. Legal basis of relationships author Krasnik Valentin Viktorovich

5.2. Technical regulations and certification of electricity

From the book Metrology, Standardization and Certification: Lecture Notes the author Demidov N V

5.4. State supervision over compliance with technical regulations

From the book Metrology, Standardization and Certification the author Demidov N V

6. Technical regulations: concept and essence. Application of technical regulations A technical regulation is a complete list of the main requirements for one of the objects of standardization. Documents capable of changing the data of this

From the book Quality Management author Shevchuk Denis Alexandrovich

2. Standardization: essence, tasks, elements

From the book Phenomenon of Science [Cybernetic Approach to Evolution] author Turchin Valentin Fedorovich

32. Subjects of technical regulations As a rule, it is customary to divide the subjects of technical regulation into several separate categories: 1) business; 2) consumers; 3) state bodies; 4) regulatory bodies. The main activity for them should be

From the book Small high-speed automated fighter submarine pr. 705 (705K) author author unknown

35. Standardization: essence, tasks, elements

From the book TRIZ Textbook the author Hasanov A I

5.1.1. The essence of standardization processes An important element in product quality management systems is standardization - rule-making activity, which finds the most rational norms, and then fixes them in regulatory documents such as a standard,

From the book Nanotechnology [Science, Innovation and Opportunity] by Foster Lynn

2.1. The concept of the concept Consider a neural network that has many receptors at the input and only one effector at the output, so that the neural network divides the set of all situations into two subsets: situations that cause the excitation of the effector and situations that leave it in

From the book Artistic Metalworking. filing author Melnikov Ilya

7.6. Logical concept We have almost finished the analysis of the foundations of logic from the point of view that considers the brain as a black box. It remains only to define the general concept of "logical concept". The definition is simple: a concept is a predicate or a logical connective. Base

From the book Welding author Bannikov Evgeny Anatolievich

From the history of the technical crews of the nuclear submarine pr.705 (705K) Rear Admiral A.S. Bogatyrev For the first time I heard about the officer crews of the nuclear submarine at the beginning of 1963, being a Nakhimov student of the graduation company of the Leningrad Nakhimov School of the Navy. There has been a heated argument between the graduates for more than a year, in

From the author's book

3. The concept of ideality

From the author's book

19.1. The Essence of Ethical Problems For convenience of presentation and greater understanding, the author would like, first of all, to give clearer definitions of ethical behavior in general and the principles of a scientific or theoretical approach to ethical problems. This clarification appears

1. protection of the life or health of citizens, property, individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property.

2. protection of the environment, life or health of animals and plants.

3.prevention of misleading purchasers.

For other purposes, the adoption of the TR is not allowed.

    Main stages of development of technical regulations

    Collection of applications for the development of TR

    Organizational work of the federation for TR and metrology

    Development of the project in the 1st edition, taking into account the necessary compliance of the legislation of the Russian Federation with the international rule and the norm of the national standard of foreign countries

    Finalization of the draft TR, taking into account the comments received in the form of comments from interested parties

    Conducting a public discussion of the draft TR

    Adoption of the draft in the 1st reading

    Drawing up a list of comments received in a letter from interested parties with a brief summary of the content of these comments and the results of their discussion; examination of the draft TR by expert commissions on TR

    Adoption of the draft in the 2nd reading

  1. Basic provisions of the state system of technical regulation and standardization.

State standardization system(GSS) - a system of rules and regulations, defining their procedure for carrying out work on the standardization of the Russian Federation in all sectors of the national economy and at all levels of management

Federal Agency for TR and Metrology - the fed agency will exercise power, carrying out the activities of the state metrological service, the state service of time, frequency and the definition of the parameters of the rotation of the Earth, the state service of standard physical constants and St. , state service standards for samples of composition and st-in in-in and materials

State standard of Russia - The Fed body will execute the authorities, draining the intersectoral cord-tion in the field of standardization, metrology and certification. Fundamentals of the function: development of regulatory documents accessible to a wide range of consumers

National authority of the Russian Federation according to the standard:

    Approves national standards

    Adopts the national standards development program

    Organizes expertise of draft national standards

    Ensures the conformity of the national systems of the standard of interest of the national economy to the state of the mat-technical bases and scientific and technical progress

    Keeps records of national standards, station rules, norms and recommendations in this area and provides them with access to interested persons

    Creates technical committees for standardization and coordination of their activities

    Participates in international organizations to develop international standards and ensure that the interests of the Russian Federation are taken into account when they are adopted

    Approves the mark of conformity to international standards

    Represents the Russian Federation in international organizations, carrying out their activities in the field of standards

14) Basic provisions of the state system of technical regulation and standardization

State Standardization System (GSS) - this is a system of rules and regulations that determine the procedure for carrying out work on the standardization of the Russian Federation in all branches of the people's economy and at all governing bodies.

Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology - This is a federal executive branch that manages the activities of the state metrology service, the state. Services for time, frequency and rotation parameters. Earth, Mrs. Services of standard reference data on physical contacts and properties of substances and materials of the public service.

TS RF standard - Federal body of executive power, carrying out intersectoral coordination in the field of standardization, metrology and certification until July 1, 2009.

The main function of the state standard is development of documents accessible to a wide range of consumers.

The introduction of the Law "On Technical Regulation" is aimed at reforming the system of technical regulation, including standardization and quality assurance, and is caused by the development of market relations in society. One of the main ideas of the law is that the mandatory requirements contained today in regulations, including national standards, are included in the field of technical legislation - in federal laws (technical regulations). A two-level structure of normative and legal documents is being created: a technical regulation containing mandatory requirements and standards containing voluntary norms and rules harmonized with the technical regulation.

Thus, a new regulatory document is being introduced - a technical regulation, which will be adopted as a federal law or a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, and in exceptional cases as a decree of the President of Russia. Technical regulations should establish the minimum necessary requirements to ensure safety. The technical regulation must contain an exhaustive list of products, production processes, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal, rules for identifying objects.

The technical regulation must contain requirements for the characteristics of products, the processes of their life cycle; design and execution requirements are included in exceptional cases. This gives the manufacturer freedom of choice: how to fulfill the requirements established in the technical regulation and assess the conformity of products to them.

International and national standards can be fully or partially used as a basis for developing draft technical regulations. Technical regulations also establish the minimum necessary veterinary, sanitary and phytosanitary measures for products from individual countries, including restrictions that ensure biological safety. Veterinary-sanitary and phytosanitary measures may provide for requirements for products, methods of processing and production, procedures for product testing, inspection, conformity assessment, quarantine rules, including requirements related to the transportation of animals and plants, etc. The structure of the technical regulation is given on rice. 6. There are two types of technical regulations in the Russian Federation: general technical and special. General technical regulations are accepted on issues of safety of operation and disposal of machinery and equipment, operation of buildings, structures, structures, safety of use of territories adjacent to them, fire safety; biological, environmental, nuclear and radiation safety; electromagnetic compatibility. An example of a draft general technical regulation - a federal law (FZ) - is the draft "On the Safety of Machines and Equipment". Special technical regulations establish requirements only for those individual types of products and industries that are not provided with the requirements of general technical regulations or the degree of risk of causing harm is higher than the degree of risk of causing harm, taken into account by the general technical regulation. The special technical regulation "On the requirements for emissions of harmful pollutants by motor vehicles put into circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation" is given in the appendix. Technical regulations are adopted by federal law in accordance with the existing procedure for the adoption of such laws. The developer of a draft technical regulation can be any person (legal entity or individual). Since the development of laws (technical regulations) is a lengthy process, in exceptional cases (a threat to human life and health, the environment, etc.), mandatory technical regulations can be adopted in the form of decrees of the President of Russia or decrees of the government of the Russian Federation without their public discussion .