New Year without consequences: how to protect your pet during the New Year holidays. Fixing the thread under the tongue

Cats and dogs are not only some of the most popular pets, but also some of the most curious. And their curiosity often leads to not the most pleasant consequences. Especially on New Year's holidays, when there is so much glitter, flashing and delicious things around, you need to carefully ensure that your pet does not decide to diversify the holiday bustle with an unscheduled trip to the veterinarian. So, what dangers can await your cat or dog during the holidays?

Tinsel and rain

One of the main New Year's dangers. Most cats and a few dogs have a strange weakness for these thin strips of foil with very sharp edges. What does this mean?

  • If swallowed the rain clings to the tongue, injures it, irritates the mucous membrane and causes inflammation.
  • If ingested, and from there into the intestines, there is a huge risk of multiple small cuts in the intestinal and stomach mucosa from the inside with the sharp edges of the foil.

In some cases, these decorations pass through the entire gastrointestinal tract without complications, but even in this case you should be careful and not pull on the piece of rain sticking out from behind. With such actions, there is a high probability of multiple cuts in the intestinal wall, inflammation and sepsis. What should I do? If your pet has diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, or you notice rain coming out, then you should contact a veterinary clinic immediately!

Christmas tree

A bright and shiny Christmas tree always attracts the attention of your pets during the New Year holidays and can become a source of serious injury. For example, when cats jump onto a poorly secured tree, they can drop it, getting cuts from broken glass toys, injuries from an unsuccessful fall, or simply getting tangled in a garland. Dogs are also not immune to similar consequences of their curiosity.

How dangerous can the resulting injuries be? Bruises of internal organs, injuries to the eyes and limbs - these are just some of the consequences of too close acquaintance with the main attribute of the New Year.

Christmas decorations

Christmas decorations deserve special attention as one of the most dangerous things in your home during the holidays. Especially if they are glass or edible.

Your pet, despite all his ingenuity, is far from always able to adequately assess the danger of this shiny ball or that flashing light bulb, which can lead to very serious injuries.

  • Numerous cuts to paws and noses.
  • Eating fragments of small objects and glass, which leads to injuries of the oral cavity, esophagus and gastrointestinal tract.
  • Eye damage from shrapnel.

What to do if you break a piece of jewelry? First, lock your pet, for example, in another room, and only then remove the fragments.


It would seem that the safest thing among all jewelry, but... no. Flashing lights look very attractive and encourage not only catching them, but also eating them. Also, your pet can chew the wire if he has such a habit and get an electric shock.

Sparklers and candles

Numerous burns to curious cats and dogs' noses, ears, eyes, mouths - one of those things that veterinarians don't really like New Year. Do you like lighting candles and sparklers? Be attentive and careful - your pet may also want to participate.


Does your pet dislike noise and large companies? Don't think anything will change during the holidays. Keep your dog or cat calm – more peace, less loud noises. Do not take your dog to places where noisy events and fireworks are planned; your pet may get scared and run away, snatching the reins. The search for such New Year's losses does not always end successfully. If you are celebrating at home, loud music, firecrackers popping and big noisy companies strangers can cause serious stress, especially in older and sick pets.

If trouble cannot be avoided, take your pet to a quiet place and give it a special sedative. Excessive attention, even on your part, can aggravate the situation.

Festive table

Another popular reason for New Year's visits to the veterinarian is acute poisoning and overeating. Don't feed your pets table food. True, it’s impossible. Not at all.

Fatty, heavy foods with spices, which the holiday table is full of, are poorly digested and lead to gastrointestinal disorders and poisoning. Therefore, you do not need to believe the sad and hungry eyes of your pet and hand him a piece of smoked sausage - you are not the first at this table. Even on holidays, the diet of a cat or dog should remain balanced and complete with all the necessary nutrients. You can read what you should and shouldn’t feed your pets in our article.

How to make the holiday safe?

Is your pet indifferent to tinsel and garlands, ignores the Christmas tree and despises your food? Rejoice and hope that it will always be like this. And if not, then:

  • Secure the tree carefully and firmly.
  • Choose toys made from unbreakable materials. If you really want to hang glass ornaments, choose a location that is out of reach of your pet...on a carefully secured tree.
  • Does your pet think rain and tinsel are the most wonderful treats in the world? Give them up altogether - there are many ways to create a New Year's mood without them.
  • If you accidentally break a Christmas tree decoration, do not let your pet get close to the fragments - first lock it, for example, in another room, and only then put it away.
  • Have you noticed a strange interest in lights and wires in your cat or dog? Hang the garland higher.
  • It is a rare dog or cat that is indifferent to noise, crowds of people and the roar of fireworks - avoid stress for your pet.
  • Watch the New Year's table carefully - especially if your pet is suffering chronic diseases. New Year's excesses can lead not only to an upset stomach and acute poisoning, but also to exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • If you want to pamper your pet on holiday, it’s better to buy him a special treat. It’s both tasty and healthy, and your plate won’t suffer.

Remember! The health of your pet depends only on you.

Have a good and non-traumatic New Year!

During the Christmas weekend, many owners have free time to take care of the health of their pets. The number of veterinary clinics is increasing preventive examinations, planned operations.

In addition, the New Year holiday itself often becomes the culprit for an emergency visit to the clinic.

The most common reasons visits to the veterinarian become food poisoning animals with various dishes from the festive table, as well as attacks of pancreatitis and gastroenteritis. Sometimes the desire to pamper your pet with goodies leads to weeks of IVs and injections. Some foods can be deadly.

The second most common problem is injury to animals. Crowded companies, not entirely sober guests and owners can, without meaning to, injure the animal. This is especially true for small and small cats and dogs. dwarf breeds. There have been cases when people accidentally sat down, stepped on animals, crushed them with furniture and pinned them with doors. Such carelessness can lead to very serious injuries - bruises, dislocations, fractures.

Damage can also be caused by careless handling of pyrotechnics. A direct hit from a firecracker or fireworks is comparable in destructive force to gunshot wound. It is life-threatening and almost always causes very severe injuries.

In addition to the direct danger, you should never forget that any noisy holidays, a large number of people, are a significant stress for your pet. Many dogs are very afraid of the sounds of gunshots and fireworks. They can fall into real panic, stop responding to the owner’s commands, and behave inappropriately. The dog tries to run away, hide, hide in a dark place. Shortness of breath occurs, and the heart rate increases sharply. This condition can be especially dangerous for animals with heart pathologies.

Taking into account all these factors, every owner needs to prepare and take special care of the safety of their pet during the New Year holidays.

If a crowded, noisy holiday is planned in the house, it is better to isolate the cat or dog from guests in a separate room. Be sure to leave her a bowl of water, food and bedding.

If this is not possible, strictly prohibit guests from treating your pet. You can hand out special treats intended for animals so that guests can please their dog or cat with a healthy treat.

Never take your dog to a fireworks display. Never take them out to crowded celebrations. If the dog, panicking, breaks off the leash and runs away, there will be almost no chance of catching him.

For animals especially sensitive to loud sounds, preliminary preparation is recommended. Visit your veterinarian a week before the holiday. He will pick up depressant, which must be started a few days before New Year's Eve.

Immediately during the holiday, place the dog in a dark, quiet room with tightly closed windows. Calm your pet with quiet, gentle words. It is much easier for dogs to withstand these fears next to their owner.

New Year's Eve is everyone's favorite holiday. May our joy not turn into pain and suffering for our pets. Please exercise the necessary caution and take special care for the safety of your four-legged friends.

And then New year's night will be a time of miracles, fun and joy.

Happy New Year!

Many sincerely wait and rejoice in the New Year. The festive atmosphere, meetings and exchange of gifts with old friends and relatives attracts people. If you have a dog or cat, then do not forget that Christmas tree decorations, rain, wrapping paper, ribbons and other New Year's tinsel may be unsafe for it. Let us consider in more detail, but what dangers lie in wait for a pet on a holiday?

We fix the tree securely

Pets are curious. If you have a cat, he will definitely sniff the tree, and then, when the opportunity arises, he will climb on it. Having realized this, secure it, for example, in a bucket of sand, deeply and securely so that the cat does not turn it over.

If you have decorated the Christmas tree with toys that break when they fall, then do not start playing games with it. Move away. A cat may suddenly jump onto one of the branches and a few Christmas tree decorations will break. This is nothing, but a pet can step on the glass with its delicate paw pad and get hurt.

Precautions with a dog on New Year's Eve

On New Year's Day and the 1st, take your dog out for a walk only on a leash. People celebrate by exploding firecrackers, firecrackers, and fireworks. This can frighten your pet, he will jerk, you will not be able to hold the leash and there is a high probability that especially a medium-sized and large-sized dog will get lost. In any case, it's worth being safe. Hang a tag on his collar with registration number; You can use an iron twist bullet, and write your phone number and address inside; another type of tag with a mobile address.

With a registration number or bullet with the pet's address it will be easier to find. Thoroughbreds are branded in the groin and microchipped, which also facilitates a speedy search. It’s even better to dress your dog on New Year’s Eve not with a collar, as always, but with a harness that can be fastened on the chest. If he gets scared, he can slip out of the collar, but the harness is securely fastened around the dog’s torso.

Be sure to teach your dog the “near” command. He must obey you unquestioningly. This will help protect him from rash jerks when firecrackers explode around him and colorful fireworks fly up. Before going out for an evening walk, he can be given a sedative. Check with your veterinarian about the name of the medicine and the dose calculated for the pet’s weight.

If you are having a feast at home, then remind your guests that you feed your dog porridge with meat, raw frozen meat or dry food, but not leftovers from the holiday table. There are many among them harmful to dogs food: sweet, starchy, salty, fatty, smoked, and dark chocolate is considered poison that can kill a small dog. Tubular bones are strictly prohibited for a pet; they can puncture the esophagus, stomach, bleeding will occur and the dog will die without surgery.

Chewed candles can clog your stomach, and a lit candle that falls can burn you. The rain eaten will cut the gums and cause volvulus in some people. Do not encourage guests who are drunk or unfamiliar to the dog to tease him or pester him with games. A drunk person's dog may bite. You shouldn’t tease a cat either, which may not only run away, but also give a good bite to the offender’s hand.

You should not take a puppy into your home before the New Year holidays. Separation from his mother is stressful for him, and during this period there is a lot of extraneous noise due to joyful shouts, celebrations, explosions of crackers, firecrackers, and the launching of fireworks. Agree with the breeder that you will pick up the pet after the New Year, or even Christmas.

On New Year's holidays, it is customary to give each other gifts and they are often wrapped in bright and rustling paper. It can attract both cats and dogs, and many pets try the wrapper on their teeth. If you notice your loved one chewing on the wrapper, shoo him away. Because of the dyes, it is often toxic and the pet will be poisoned or have an allergic reaction.

Why is a Christmas tree dangerous for a cat?

Cats are playful creatures. If you decorate the Christmas tree with rain, the cat will definitely pull it off the branches and start playing and testing it out. If you eat too much, its sharp edges can damage the mucous membrane in the intestinal loops. Therefore, it is best not to decorate the Christmas tree with rain. Place it somewhere high in the room so that your pet cannot reach it.

I wouldn’t want to scare you and say that the New Year holidays are dangerous for pets, but there are threats that can cause harm to health, and in some cases even lead to death. Some of them threaten dogs, while others threaten cats.

Grapes and raisins may cause kidney failure in dogs

Grapes and their derivative, raisins, seem to be harmless foods. However, in 2001, the first articles about their potential toxicity appeared in America. Over time, this was recognized throughout the world. The toxin itself remains unknown, but it has been found that if it enters a dog’s body, it can cause cancer. Scientists note that the toxin is not contained in every bunch of grapes. This is an intermittent poison that is quite difficult to detect.

A popular version of microtoxin is formed during the growth of fungal flora in the raw mass of grapes. Some vegetarians believe that when raisins form, the toxin disappears, but there is no evidence of this and it is not worth the risk.

To determine the harm, you need to know the dog’s weight and the nature of the toxin, as well as its amount that entered the pet’s body.

Do not give your pets pudding, pie, pies. If the dog itself stole and ate the flour with raisins, then you should definitely take him to the veterinarian.

If you bring your pet in quickly enough, the animal will be given an injection that will cause vomiting. The stomach will have time to empty before a significant part of the poison leaks into the blood.

If enough time has passed, other measures are needed. First of all, welcome activated carbon. It slows down the absorption of poison into the blood, enveloping it. Next, you need to help cleanse the kidneys with intravenous infusion. medicinal solution- this will reduce the risks of long-term consequences.

Lilies can cause kidney failure in cats

Fragrant lilies are popular in homes for the holidays. Many do not realize that they contain toxic compounds that are poisonous to cats. Varieties of white, brindle, Japanese, and Stargazer cause fatal consequences for pets.

All parts of this flower are poisonous - leaves, stems, buds, pollen. Again, the exact type of this toxin is not yet known to anyone, but one thing is clear - it is poisonous to cats. An animal can even die from simply tasting the pollen.

Action must be taken quickly; within a few hours, the poison can be removed from the body by vomiting until it is absorbed in the stomach.

Activated charcoal will help the cat's body prevent the poison from being absorbed into the blood. During development renal failure it will be necessary to flush the kidneys.

There are other pet poisons associated with the New Year holidays that pets can find on festive table(eg chocolate). Overeating is also dangerous. There are also risks not related to food: a cat or dog can knock over a Christmas tree, snag or chew an electric garland.

But grapes (raisins) and lilies have not yet become entrenched in our consciousness as a serious danger to a pet. We hope this information will help you avoid it.

Veterinarians answered questions from Voronezh residents regarding keeping pets

Animals themselves cannot talk about their problems, and the owners are mostly busy people; they have no time to go to veterinarians. We decided to save Voronezh residents time and invited “MY!” to the editorial office. veterinarians Elena GAPONENKO, Anna BOGOSLOVSKAYA And Oksana LUTSKAYA who work in public clinics Soviet, Central and Left Bank districts. Last Thursday, December 6, our guests answered questions from readers.

Why is there no shelter For dogs?
Hello, this is Lena from the village of Pervomaisky. Tell me, in winter, at minus thirty, won’t a German Shepherd feel cold in a wooden box? We laid straw there...
Oksana Lutskaya (O.L.): German Shepherd- a street breed, adapted For life almost in an open enclosure all year round. She has a powerful undercoat that can retain heat in the most severe frosts. But still, try to create basic comforts for the animal in winter: lay a woolen rug in the booth, nail a curtain made of thick material over the entrance so that it traps warm air and prevents cold air.

My name is Valentina Andreevna. How to weigh a 6 month old spaniel puppy? He doesn't want to stand on the scale at all! We need to give him deworming tablets, and they are designed for a certain weight.
- Pick up your dog, step on your home scale, and then add your own weight.
Good afternoon It seems to me that animals are getting cancer more often. I recently buried my second dog: as soon as it turns ten years old, some kind of lump appears.

Elena Gaponenko (E.G.): Tumors in animals actually become more common. In females, breast cancer comes first, in males - various sarcomas and skin tumors. Ten years For dogs age is advanced, usually cancer problems in dogs begin after 8 years.
Call to find out about the shelter For homeless animals: how many people say that it is necessary, but they won’t open it!

E.G.: My classmate became the director of one of the Moscow shelters. I took up this matter zealously, found sympathizers with money, bought food. At first, everything went according to plan: stray dogs were caught on the streets, sterilized, and owners were found for them. But it's quite difficult to big city. Animals gathered in large quantities, feeding them has become very expensive. In short, everything gradually died out. No one will keep dogs in a shelter for life, because it requires huge amounts of money. In this matter, you need to be guided not by emotions, but to thoroughly calculate everything, find a permanent channel of financing, and not a momentary one, depending on your mood. Otherwise, no shelter will last long. Although this is, of course, a humane and necessary thing.

What food is best?
A miracle happened for us: a cat fell from the 7th floor, we ran downstairs, we thought she had crashed, but she was walking around the yard alive!
O.L.: There are observations: the higher the floor, the easier the cat endures the fall, because it manages to group itself in flight, steers with its tail and lands on its paws. But of course, it matters what is below - asphalt, earth, sand or bushes. Cats often fall to their death on asphalt, even falling from the 2nd floor. Sometimes they survive, but are repulsed internal organs, break their paws. By the way, cats are especially reckless and fearless during heat, so owners need to be constantly on alert.

My 14-year-old cat had a cyst on her gum removed three years ago, and it grew back. The cat is old and I don’t want to operate. Will the cyst degenerate into something terrible?
O.L.: Cysts in the mouth occur in both old and young cats. They occur as a result of trauma or injury, such as being pricked by a fish bone, and usually grow back after removal. Contrary to popular belief, a cyst cannot degenerate into cancer. But if a cat suffers from drooling, eats poorly, and tries to get into its mouth with its paw, it means that the cyst is bothering it and measures must be taken. Most likely, this time you will have to give your cat an x-ray and remove the tooth itself on which the cyst is growing.

Good afternoon. Ivan Semyonovich worries. My cat recently ate dry food: now he just shakes when you give it to him. But they say it's bad...
E.G.: Dry food that you can trust costs at least 400 rubles per one and a half kilograms. Usually a month is enough to understand whether dry food is suitable for a cat or not. If the coat gradually becomes greasy, disheveled, sores appear on the skin, otitis media, conjunctivitis occur, and diarrhea occurs, then it is not suitable. If nothing like this happens and the cat is full of energy, then the food is good for him. In dry food, everything is usually balanced, you just need to remember to leave water for the cat.

- And don’t give me anything else, no cutlets, no porridge?
- Theoretically, yes. But almost all owners, in addition to dry food, also give their cats regular food. This is not necessary, but it is not fatal.

- What if you suddenly didn’t pour water, but fed him dry food?
- The worst thing that can happen just once, - severe constipation.

This is Vanya Sobolev, a 3rd grade student. My kitten loves to play with grandma’s ball. And recently he swallowed a thread. Now she's sick and doesn't eat well...
O.L.: Cats can swallow meters of thread during play! Especially dangerous Christmas tree rain. He is not visible on the X-ray; he cannot come out on his own. Rain the foil clogs the intestines and the animal dies. So be careful to make sure your cats don't eat tinsel!

Having an animal in the house is a big responsibility.
I want to give my son an aquarium. My boy is lazy. Which fish are the most unpretentious?
A.B.: There are no fish that can live in unfiltered water, without oxygen and light. An aquarium in the house is a whole art. Better give it to your son For I started a book with tips on fish breeding.

- Maybe then give me a hamster?
- Hamsters also require care. The most interesting thing is to watch the couple, but then the offspring cannot be avoided, and many people do not know where to place them. For example, every week I issue certificates stating that the hamsters are healthy and fit For delivery to the pet store. But I heard that they are not accepted everywhere. There is no animal that only pleases and does not cause any trouble. Any pet is, first of all, a responsibility.