On approval of the composition of the working group. Sample order for approval of the working group

Order of the Moscow Department of Culture dated April 17, 2012 N 51/GZ

In accordance with the Decree of the Moscow Government dated February 24, 2012 N 67-PP, the order of the Moscow City Department for Competition Policy dated 04/04/2012 N 70-01-38/1, the Action Plan for additional measures to develop competition at auctions, approved by the order Department of Culture of the City of Moscow dated 09/07/2011 N 222/GZ, I order:

1. Approve the following composition of the Working Group to verify the validity of the stated needs of the structural divisions of the Department of Culture of the city of Moscow and public institutions of the city of Moscow subordinate to the Department of Culture of the city of Moscow with the initial (maximum) price of government contracts and civil law agreements exceeding 3 million rubles. (hereinafter referred to as the working group):

Lupacheva G.V. - Chairman of the Working Group, Deputy Head of the Moscow Department of Culture Selivanov S.V. - Deputy Chairman of the Working Group, Deputy Head of the Moscow Department of Culture Afanasenkov R.M. - Deputy Chairman of the Working Group, Head of the Sector for the Organization and Conduct of Competitions and Auctions of the Moscow Department of Culture Mitrofanov M.S. - Member of the Working Group, Head of the Department of Material and Technical Development of the Department of Culture of the City of Moscow Krylova I.V. - Member of the Working Group, Head of the Economic Development Department of the Department of Culture of the City of Moscow D.V. Palaguta. - member of the Working Group, chief specialist of the Department for Work with Creative Organizations of the Department of Culture of the City of Moscow Yanyushkin S.V. - Member of the Working Group, Advisor to the Department of Museum and Exhibition Work of the Department of Culture of the City of Moscow Arkhipov I.V. - member of the Working Group, leading specialist of the department of territorial and leisure activities of the Department of Culture of the city of Moscow Nekrasova A.A. - Secretary of the Working Group, chief specialist of the sector for organizing and conducting competitions and auctions of the Moscow Department of Culture

2. Approve the Regulations of the Working Group of the Moscow Department of Culture to verify the validity of the stated needs of the structural divisions of the Moscow Department of Culture and state institutions of the city of Moscow subordinate to the Moscow Department of Culture with the initial (maximum) price of government contracts and civil contracts exceeding 3 million rubles. (Appendix to this order).

3. Head of the Department of Material and Technical Development of the Department of Culture of the City of Moscow Mitrofanov M.S. ensure that this order and its annex are posted within three days on the website of the Moscow Department of Culture on the Internet.

4. Instruct the Sector for organizing and conducting competitions and auctions of the Moscow Department of Culture to bring this order to the attention of the sectoral structural divisions of the Moscow Department of Culture and state institutions subordinate to the Moscow Department of Culture within 3 (three) working days from the date of signing this order.

6. I reserve control over the implementation of this order.

Head of Department S.A. Kapkov


1. General Provisions

1.1. The Regulations of the Working Group of the Moscow Department of Culture to verify the validity of the stated needs of the structural units of the Moscow Department of Culture, subordinate to the Department of Culture of the Moscow state institutions of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) determine the procedure for the work of the Working Group of the Moscow Department of Culture to verify the validity of the stated needs of the structural units of the Department culture of the city of Moscow and government institutions of the city of Moscow subordinate to the Department of Culture of the city of Moscow with an initial (maximum) contract price from 3 million rubles (inclusive) to 100 million rubles.

1.2. The following abbreviations and terms are used in the Regulations:

1.2.1. EAIST - Unified Automated Information System of Trading.

1.2.2. Working group - The working group of the Moscow Department of Culture to verify the validity of the stated needs of the structural divisions of the Moscow Department of Culture and state institutions of the city of Moscow subordinate to the Moscow Department of Culture.

1.2.3. Application - an application to place an order with attached documents.

1.3. The working group operates in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, international treaties, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the city of Moscow, laws of the city of Moscow, other legal acts of the city of Moscow, in including these Regulations.

1.4. The preparation of materials for consideration by the Working Group and the organization of the current work of the Working Group is carried out by the Secretary of the Working Group.

1.5. The working group submits monthly formal reports on its work to the Moscow City Department for Competition Policy.

2. Powers of the Working Group

2.1. The working group ensures control over the activities of government institutions of the city of Moscow subordinate to the Department of Culture of the City of Moscow, as well as structural divisions of the Department of Culture of the City of Moscow at the stages of planning and placing an order, and also has the right to exercise control at the stage of execution of contracts and civil law agreements.

2.2. The working group considers applications from state institutions of the city of Moscow subordinate to the Department of Culture of the city of Moscow and structural divisions of the Department of Culture of the city of Moscow for placing an order, which have a register entry about the procedure in the corresponding subsystem of the EAIST, regarding the need for the stated need for goods, works, services, tender conditions, validity technical specifications, calculation of the initial (maximum) price of the contract (civil contract), the presence (absence) of conditions limiting competition at auctions.

2.3. The working group evaluates the application based on the following factors:.

2.3.1. The presence of government institutions of the city of Moscow subordinate to the Department of Culture of the city of Moscow of a free balance of the limits of budget obligations.

2.3.2. The validity of the stated need and the feasibility of placing an order.

2.3.3. The presence of a legal act of the executive authority of the city of Moscow, providing for the purchase of the relevant goods, performance of work, provision of relevant services, or a decision of the head of a government institution of the city of Moscow subordinate to the Department of Culture of the City of Moscow, providing for the purchase of the relevant goods, performance of work, provision of relevant services.

2.3.4. Compliance of the order planned for placement with the government programs of the city of Moscow.

2.3.5. Availability of a list of attached documents for consideration by the Working Group.

2.4. The working group has the right:

2.4.1. Based on an analysis of the plans and schedules of state institutions of the city of Moscow subordinate to the Moscow Department of Culture, make a decision on centralizing procurement or holding joint tenders.

2.4.2. Based on an assessment of the effectiveness of placing orders, government agencies of the city of Moscow subordinate to the Moscow Department of Culture make decisions on limiting the customer’s right to place an order, including: Inclusion in the commission for placing an order of a competent customer, representatives of the Moscow Department of Culture. Preparation of bidding documentation by representatives of the Moscow Department of Culture.

2.4.3. Involve experts to analyze the stated requirements.

2.4.4. Listen to customer suggestions.

3. Procedure for consideration of applications by the Working Group

3.1. Meetings of the Working Group are held as applications and sets of documents are received from structural divisions of the Department of Culture of the City of Moscow and government institutions of the City of Moscow subordinate to the Department of Culture of the City of Moscow. If there are applications with sets of documents, meetings of the Working Group are held at least once a week.

3.2. An authorized person of the Moscow City Department for Competition Policy has the right to attend a meeting of the Working Group.

3.3. At the meeting of the Working Group, applications and sets of documents of state institutions of the city of Moscow subordinate to the Department of Culture of the city of Moscow and structural divisions of the Department of Culture of the city of Moscow, submitted in the form established by the appendix to these Regulations, are considered.

3.4. Applications submitted not in the prescribed form and (or) without attaching relevant materials are not considered by the Working Group and are returned by the Secretary of the Working Group within 3 working days from the date of receipt of the application.

3.5. The working group is authorized to make decisions only if at least half of its members are present at the meeting. In case of equality of votes, the final decision is made by the chairman of the Working Group.

3.6. Decisions of the Working Group are made by a majority vote of the number of members of the Working Group present at the meeting.

3.7. The Secretary of the Working Group, no later than one working day before the meeting of the Working Group, forms the agenda for the meeting of the Working Group - a list of applications received for consideration by the Working Group and meeting the established requirements.

3.8. The agenda of the meeting of the Working Group is sent by the secretary of the Working Group to all members of the Working Group no later than 12 o'clock on the working day preceding the meeting of the Working Group.

Within the specified period, the secretary of the Working Group sends to customers whose applications are included in the meeting agenda a notice of the date, time and place of consideration of his application(s).

3.9. At meetings of the Working Group, each application with a set of documents included in the agenda is considered.

An authorized representative of the customer has the right to attend meetings of the Working Group when considering his application(s). He has the right to provide explanations regarding the justification of the stated needs, as well as provide other information regarding the placement of the relevant order.

3.10. Based on the results of consideration of applications, the Working Group makes the following decisions:

3.10.1. "Agree on the application."

3.10.2. “Agree on the application taking into account the changing conditions.”

3.10.3. "Reject the application."

3.11. If the Working Group makes a decision “Agree on the application taking into account changes in conditions,” the customer is obliged to make appropriate changes to the terms of the planned bidding (subject of bidding (contract, agreement), deadline for placing an order, delivery of goods, performance of work, provision of services, terms of payment for the contract, technical assignment, initial (maximum) contract price).

If such changes are made, the secretary of the Working Group checks their correctness, after which the customer publishes a notice of bidding in the prescribed manner.

If these changes are not made, tenders are not announced and the said application is considered rejected.

3.12. The decisions made during the meeting of the Working Group are recorded by the executive secretary of the Working Group.

3.13. The decisions of the Working Group are documented in a protocol approved by the Chairman of the Working Group.

If the Working Group makes a decision to “Reject the application,” the protocol indicates the grounds for rejection.

The minutes of the meeting of the Working Group are also signed by the secretary.

3.14. Customers have the right to submit for re-consideration an application that previously received a negative decision, attaching additional justification for the need for goods, works, and services.

3.15. Based on the decisions made, the Secretary of the Working Group enters the relevant information regarding each application into the relevant EAIST subsystem within 1 working day following the day of the Working Group meeting.

3.16. If the Working Group of the Moscow City Department of Culture makes an appropriate decision, consideration of applications with a maximum contract price of up to 50 million rubles can be carried out in absentia, determined by the decision of the Working Group of the Moscow City Department of Culture.

Appendix to the Regulations of the Working Group of the Moscow Department of Culture to verify the validity of the stated needs of the structural divisions of the Moscow Department of Culture and state institutions of the city subordinate to the Moscow Department of Culture

Application ______________________________________________________________ (name of the institution, structural unit of the Department of Culture of the City of Moscow) I ask you to consider at a meeting of the Working Group the possibility of placing a government order: __________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ (name of tender)

1. Subject of placing a government order ________________.

1.1. OKDP code ________________________________________.

1.2. OKDP code name __________________________.

1.3. Initial (maximum) price of the contract (agreement): ________.

┌───────────────┬─────────────────┬───── ────────── ──────┬─────────────────┐ │Year │Amount in thousand rubles│KBK code │Source │ │of financing │ │ │financing │ ├── ─────────────┼─────────────────┼──────── ────────── ───┼─────────────────┤ │ │ │ │ │ └────────── ─────┴────── ───────────┴─────────────────────┴────── ────────── ─┘

1.4. Terms of delivery of goods, performance of work, provision of services.

1.5. Justification for the purchase (the justification for the need for a given product, work, service is indicated; if available, a document confirming the need for the purchase is attached).

1.6. The following documents are attached to this application:

1.6.1. Technical specifications for ____ l.

1.6.2. Calculation of the initial (maximum) contract price (civil contract) for ____ l.

Manager _________________________ _________________ (signature, full name) (position)
  • Order of the Head of the Moscow Department of Health dated January 11, 2008 N 15 On the organization of the work of the structural divisions of the State Unitary Enterprise of the city of Moscow "Capital Pharmacies" that provide medicine to the population" "The list of structural divisions of the State Unitary Enterprise of the city of Moscow "Capital Pharmacies" that dispense oxygen", "The list of structural divisions of the State Unitary Enterprise of the city of Moscow "Capital Pharmacies" that dispense vaccines and serums", "List of structural divisions of the State Unitary Enterprise of the city of Moscow "Capital Pharmacies" selling leeches", "List of structural divisions of the State Unitary Enterprise of the city of Moscow "Capital Pharmacies...On the application of a correction factor when considering (coordination) by the Working Group of the Department to verify the validity of the stated needs of subordinate institutions and structural divisions of the Department of Housing, Communal Services and Improvement of the City of Moscow with an initial (maximum) contract price of 3.0 million rubles. up to 100.0 million rubles
  • Order of the Tender Committee of Moscow dated April 4, 2012 N 70-01-38/2 On approval of standard regulations for the work of the working group of the main manager of budget funds to verify the validity of the stated needs of subordinate institutions and territorial bodiesOn the creation of a Working Group of the Prefecture of the North-Western Administrative District of Moscow to verify the validity of the stated needs of subordinate institutions and territorial bodies and the cancellation of the prefecture’s order of December 5, 2011 N 1201-rp
  • Order of the Prefecture of the North-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow dated May 15, 2013 N 01-18-188 On amendments to the order of the prefecture dated February 22, 2013 N 01-18-44 "On the creation of a Working Group of the Prefecture of the North-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow to verify the validity of the stated needs of subordinate institutions"

An order to create a working group is written in cases where the director of an organization is faced with the task of selecting several employees to solve some important current issue.

The working group solves any problem much more quickly and with better quality than if one specialist were working on it. Moreover, sometimes there are situations in which employees of an enterprise need to act together to achieve common goals.


Reasons for drawing up an order

There can be many circumstances that may give rise to the need to draw up an order to create a working group in the work of an organization. For example, a working group may be needed to:

  • creation of local regulatory documentation;
  • working on some projects;
  • evaluation of manufactured products;
  • inspection of machinery and equipment, etc.

Who to include in the group

The management and administration of each enterprise independently decide how many people and who exactly to include in a particular working group - in principle, it all depends on what specific problems these employees will have to work on together.

We only note that each of them performs a strictly assigned role, which means that all people included in the working group must have sufficient qualifications, a certain education and work experience. In addition, they must be able to interact with each other, regardless of personal likes and dislikes, since they bear full joint responsibility for the results of their work.

The working group can include not only full-time employees of the organization (as a rule, from different departments), but also third-party experts (especially if we are talking about some complex technological processes, equipment, technology, etc.).

Who draws up the order

Since any order is always formed on behalf of the head of the enterprise, the direct responsibility for writing it is usually assigned to the secretary, legal adviser or other employee close to the director who has an idea of ​​​​how to write administrative documents.

Regardless of who exactly is involved in the formation of the order, in order to give it legitimacy, it is important to meet only one key requirement: that after drawing it up, it must be certified by the director himself.

General information about the document

If you need to draw up an order to create a working group, read our tips and look at the sample document below.

First, let's give some general information about the order. Now there is no unified standard for drawing up administrative papers, so company employees can write any such document in free form, or, if the organization has a developed and approved order form, based on its sample.

When forming an order, follow a few simple rules.

  1. Each order (including this one) must have a justification, which is always written at the beginning of the document, after the words “In connection with...”. It gives an idea of ​​the circumstances that gave rise to the order. In addition, the basis is also included in the form - i.e. link to the article and clause of the law that gives the right to write this document.
  2. The order can be written on a regular sheet of any convenient format (A4 is most often used) or on the company’s letterhead (as a rule, in cases where such a requirement is specified in the company’s regulations).
  3. You can write the order by hand (the main thing is that everything is written clearly, legibly, without errors or corrections) or typed on a computer.
  4. The document is drawn up in one copy, which is signed by the director (or an employee authorized to act on his behalf), as well as all other persons mentioned in it. All autographs must be “live” only, i.e. Facsimile (printed) signatures cannot be used on the form.
  5. It is necessary to put a stamp on the order only when the rule on the use of stamps for endorsement of papers is enshrined in the accounting policy of the organization. After drawing up, the order is registered in the administrative documentation journal (every company should have one).

Sample order to create a working group

In the header of the document it is written:

  • its name (with a short meaning);
  • number assigned in accordance with internal document flow;
  • Business name;
  • date, place of formation of the order.

Then below comes the main part, which states:

  • justification, i.e. for what objective reasons was it necessary to draw up this order;
  • composition of the working group - positions, first and last names of employees, identify the main one among them (chairman and members of the group);
  • specific goals and objectives to be solved by the working group;
  • if necessary, set clear deadlines for fulfilling the responsibilities assigned to the working group.

In conclusion, the person responsible for the execution of the order should be entered (this can be the director himself or any of his deputy, the head of a structural unit, the chairman of the working group).

Document storage

After the order has been written and executed as required, and all interested parties have read it, it must be transferred for safekeeping to the secretary of the organization or another employee who is responsible for the safety of administrative papers. During the entire period of validity, the order must be kept in a separate folder along with other similar documents, in an office to which access to unauthorized people is limited.

After the storage period for the order expires, it can be transferred to the archive of the enterprise and subsequently destroyed in the manner prescribed by law.

No. 226-RP On approval of the Regulations on the working group for the implementation of the project for the construction of the experimental residential area "Kurkino"

MOSCOW GOVERNMENT PREMIER DISTRIBUTION March 14, 2000 N 226-RP On approval of the Regulations on the working group for the implementation of the project for the construction of the experimental residential area "Kurkino" In pursuance of the Government Decree Moscow dated November 16, 1999 N 1063 “On measures to ensure financing and construction of the experimental residential area Kurkino of the North-Western Administrative District”: 1. Approve the Regulations on the working group for the implementation of the project for the construction of the experimental residential area “Kurkino” (Appendix 1). 2. Approve the composition of the working group for the implementation of the project for the construction of the experimental residential area "Kurkino" (Appendix 2). 3. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Moscow Government V.I. Resin. P.P. Premier of the Moscow Government Yu.M. Luzhkov Appendix 1 to the order of the Prime Minister of the Moscow Government dated March 14, 2000 N 226-RP Regulations on the working group for the implementation of the project for the construction of the experimental residential area "Kurkino" 1. General provisions The working group has been created in accordance with the resolution of the Moscow Government dated November 16, 1999 N 1063 “On measures to ensure financing and construction of the experimental residential area of ​​Kurkino in the North-Western Administrative District” in order to promptly resolve issues related to the coordination and consideration of design solutions. Organizational and technical support for the activities of the working group is assigned to the general customer. 2. Composition of the working group 2.1. The working group is created from responsible representatives of the following organizations: - Moskompriroda; - Moscomarchitecture; - prefectures of the North-Western Administrative District; - Administration of the Kurkino district; - general investor; - general customer; - Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of Moscow; - Department of the State Fire Service of the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate; - Main Directorate for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of Moscow; - Moscow State Expertise; - Moskomzema; - JSC "Moskapstroy". 2.2. Representatives sent to the working group are appointed by orders of the heads of the above-mentioned organizations. 2.3. The composition of the working group is approved by order of the Prime Minister of the Moscow Government. 2.4. The chairman of the working group and his first deputies are appointed by order of the Prime Minister of the Moscow Government. The First Deputy Prime Minister of the Moscow Government is appointed as the chairman of the working group. The first deputies are appointed: - prefect of the North-Western Administrative District; - head of the general investor; - head of the general customer. 3. The main goals and objectives of the working group The main goals and objectives of the working group are: - consideration and resolution of issues related to the coordination of design solutions, construction issues related to the implementation of the project and ensuring the unity of development of the area: technical, architectural, functional, engineering and social; - preparation of proposals for the use of technically new, economical, environmentally friendly technologies and materials and monitoring their use; - communication with the district Administration, residents of the district, organizations located on the territory of the Kurkino district, clarification of issues arising as a result of the ongoing activities to implement the project from the point of view of city and state positions; - participation in the acceptance of objects, elements of improvement of the territory of microdistricts on a turnkey basis after completion of all construction and engineering work. 4. Work regulations 4.1. Meetings of the working group are convened as necessary to resolve issues arising during the design and construction process with the invitation of representatives of interested organizations. 4.2. Decisions made by the working group are documented in minutes, approved by the head of the working group or one of his first deputies, and within three days from the moment of their approval are sent to the members of the working group and to interested organizations. 5. Rights and responsibilities In its activities, the working group is guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation and Moscow, regulatory and legal acts of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow and these Regulations. The working group has the right to: - request the necessary information from organizations to make a decision; - invite representatives of government authorities, attract specialists and experts to evaluate the proposals under consideration; - make proposals in the prescribed manner to the Moscow Government to make appropriate decisions on the Kurkino project. 6. Changes to the Regulations and termination of activities Changes to these Regulations are made by order of the Prime Minister of the Moscow Government. The working group ceases its activities upon achieving the goals and solving the tasks specified in section 3 of these regulations. Early termination of the working group's activities is carried out by order of the Prime Minister of the Moscow Government. . Appendix 2 to the order of the Prime Minister of the Moscow Government dated March 14, 2000 N 226-RP Composition of the working group for the implementation of the project for the construction of the experimental residential area "Kurkino" Resin Vladimir Iosifovich - First Deputy Prime Minister of the Moscow Government, head of the working group First Deputy Heads of the working group: Krasnyansky Leonid Naumovich - Head of the Department of Extra-Budgetary Construction Policy of the City of Moscow, Viktor Aleksandrovich Kozlov - Prefect of the North-Western Administrative District - Valery Mikhailovich Silin - General Director of the State Unitary Enterprise "Experimental Development Administration" members of the working group: Vladimir Vladimirovich Loboda - Deputy Head of the Department Tament of extra-budgetary construction policy of the city of Moscow Monosov Leonid Anatolyevich - General Director of OJSC "Moskapstroy" Vasiliev Sergey Alekseevich - Deputy Chairman of "Moskompriroda" - Korchemagin Nikolay Dmitrievich - Deputy Prefect of the North-Western Administrative District Goldfain Yuri Veniaminovich - First Deputy Chairman of Moskomarkhitektura Garanina Lyubov Fedorovna - Deputy Head of the Department of Extra-Budgetary Construction Policy of the City of Moscow Lyubov Mikhailovna Yakovenko - Head of the Kurkino Administration Strelbitsky Vladimir Petrovich - First Deputy Head of the Department of Investment Policy and Financing from City Sources Sergey Vladimirovich Thor - Deputy Head of the Investment Policy Department of the Department of Extra-Budgetary Construction Policy city ​​of Moscow Voronin Anatoly Leonidovich - head of the Moscow State Expertise Biryukov Igor Grigorievich - director of the State Enterprise "Mosproekt-3" Gavrilin Sergey Valerievich - head of the TORZ of the North-Western Administrative District Podkovyrin Alexander Vasilyevich - deputy general director of the State Unitary Enterprise "UEZ" Sinitsa Stanislav Stepanovich - deputy general director of the State Unitary Enterprise " UEZ" Antonov Sergey Ivanovich - Deputy Head of the Department of Engineering and Technical Measures of the Main Directorate of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of Moscow Fomichev Vladimir Vladimirovich - Head of the IGPN OGPS of the North-Western Administrative District Lyulikov Vyacheslav Vasilievich - Senior Engineer of the Regulatory and Technical Department of the State Police Department of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate Artamonov Alexey Sergeevich - Sanitary Doctor Department of Hygiene of Urban Planning TsGSEN

The document was published in accordance with Law No. 63 of November 28, 2012 On amendments to Article 21 of the Moscow City Law of December 14, 2001 No. 70 “On the Laws of the City of Moscow and Resolutions of the Moscow City Duma” and Article 19 of the Moscow City Law of July 8, 2009 No. 25 “On legal acts of the city of Moscow”

Accepting authority: Administration

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Voskresensky municipal district

Moscow region


11.10.2017 № 662

On approval of the composition of the working group

and Regulations on the working group on inventory of capital construction projects

in the territory

In accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2004 No. 188-FZ, Federal Law dated October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ “On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation”, Law of the Moscow Region dated July 24, 2014 No. 106/2014-OZ “On the redistribution of powers between local government bodies of municipal formations of the Moscow region and government bodies of the Moscow region”, Law of the Moscow region dated July 24, 2014 No. 107/2014-OZ “On the vesting of local government bodies with municipal formations of the Moscow region by separate state powers of the Moscow region", the Charter of the Voskresensky municipal district of the Moscow region


1. Form a working group of the Voskresensky municipal district of the Moscow region (hereinafter referred to as the Working Group).

2. Approve the composition of the Working Group. (Annex 1.)

3. Approve the Regulations on the working group for the inventory of capital construction projects on the territory of the Voskresensky municipal district of the Moscow region. (Appendix 2.)

4. Post this resolution on the official website of the Voskresensky municipal district of the Moscow region.

5. Entrust control over the implementation of this resolution to the deputy head of the administration of the Voskresensky municipal district, A.K. Zhiryakov.

Administration Manager

Voskresensky municipal district V.V. Chekhov

Annex 1


by administrative decree

Voskresensky municipal district

Moscow region

dated 10/11/2017 No. 662

Composition of the working group

on inventory of capital construction projects on the territory

Voskresensky municipal district, Moscow region

Chairman of the working group:

Zhiryakov Alexander Konstantinovich

Deputy head of the administration of the Voskresensky municipal district.


working group:

Orekhov Alexander Mikhailovich

Head of the Housing and Communal Complex Department.

Secretary of the working group:

Zaitseva Irina Alekseevna

Chief specialist of the monitoring and analysis department of housing and communal services of the housing and communal services department.

Working group members:

Mukonin Dmitry Sergeevich

First Deputy Head of the Administration of the Voskresensky Municipal District;

Samsonova Tatyana Ivanovna

Head of the Economics Department of the Voskresensky Municipal District Administration;

Orlov Sergey Mikhailovich

Head of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Administration of the Voskresensky Municipal District;

Minakov Nikolay Vladimirovich

Deputy Head of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Voskresensky Municipal District Administration;

Mochalova Lyudmila Nikolaevna

Deputy Head of the Department - Head of the Department of Communal Infrastructure Management of the Housing and Communal Complex of the Administration of the Voskresensky Municipal District;

Kulina Yana Yurievna

Head of the Housing Department of the Housing and Communal Complex of the Administration of the Voskresensky Municipal District;

Manzhosova Yulia Sergeevna

Head of the Department of Municipal Property of the Department of Land and Property Relations of the Administration of the Voskresensky Municipal District;

Vorotilnikova Irina Ivanovna

Head of the department of legal support for the activities of the administration and legal expertise of the department of legal and personnel support of the administration of the Voskresensky municipal district.

Representatives of local government bodies of settlements:

Vladovich Alexey Sergeevich

Acting head of the urban settlement of Voskresensk, Voskresensky municipal district (as agreed);

Kuznetsov Vladimir Yurievich

Head of the municipal formation “Urban settlement Beloozersky” of the Voskresensky municipal district (as agreed);

Pokrovsky Andrey Mikhailovich

Head of the urban settlement of Khorlovo, Voskresensky municipal district (as agreed);

Matvienko Sergey Vasilievich

Head of the urban settlement named after. Tsyurupy of the Voskresensky municipal district (as agreed);

Sukhar Oleg Vladimirovich

Head of the rural settlement of Ashitkovskoye, Voskresensky municipal district (as agreed);

Doroshkevich Igor Alexandrovich

Head of the rural settlement of Fedinskoye, Voskresensky municipal district (as agreed).

Representatives of territorial bodies of state control and supervision:

Lomakina Anna Viktorovna

Head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the city of Voskresensk (by agreement).

Appendix 2


by administrative decree

Voskresensky municipal district

Moscow region

dated 10/11/2017 No. 662

Regulations on the working group

on inventory of capital construction projects on the territory

Voskresensky municipal district, Moscow region

I. General provisions

1. The working group for the inventory of capital construction projects on the territory of the Voskresensky municipal district of the Moscow region (hereinafter referred to as the Working Group) was created in order to individualize capital construction projects located within the boundaries of the Voskresensky municipal district of the Moscow region.

2. The working group in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Housing Code of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2004 No. 188-FZ, the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2004 No. 190-FZ, Federal Law dated October 6, 2003 No. 131- Federal Law “On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation”, Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 443-FZ “On the Federal Information Address System and on Amendments to the Federal Law “On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation”, Federal Law of July 21, 2014 No. 209-FZ “On the State Information System of Housing and Communal Services” Law of the Moscow Region No. 106/2014-OZ “On the redistribution of powers between local government bodies of municipalities of the Moscow Region and state bodies authorities of the Moscow region", Law of the Moscow region No. 107/2014-OZ "On vesting local government bodies of municipalities of the Moscow region with certain state powers of the Moscow region", laws of the Moscow region, decrees and orders of the Governor of the Moscow region, Charter of the Voskresensky municipal district , regulatory legal acts of the Voskresensky municipal district of the Moscow region.

II. Functions of the Working Group

1. The main functions of the Working Group include:

Collection of information, including during on-site surveys, necessary for the individualization of capital construction projects;

Analysis of the information received and its systematization;

Preparation of materials necessary and sufficient for assigning (if necessary) an address to a capital construction project with its subsequent submission to the Federal Address Information System.

III. Working Group Rights

1. The working group, in order to obtain up-to-date and reliable information about capital construction projects, has the right to request and receive materials and information necessary for the work.

2. In order to perform the main functions, experts, specialists, representatives of local government bodies and representatives of other interested parties may be involved in participation in the meetings of the Working Group. The decision on the need for the participation of the listed persons is made by the chairman of the Working Group.

IV. Procedure of the Working Group

1. The Working Group is headed by the Chairman of the Working Group.

2. Chairman of the Working Group:

Provides general management of the activities of the Working Group, determines the list, timing and order of consideration of issues at meetings;

Distributes powers (responsibilities) between deputies and members of the Working Group;

Ensures the holding of meetings of the Working Group;

Determines the time and place of meetings of the Working Group;

Determines and approves the agenda for meetings of the Working Group;

Approves minutes of meetings of the Working Group and other documents of the Working Group.

3. The Deputy Chairman of the Working Group performs the duties of the Chairman of the Working Group during periods of temporary absence of the Chairman of the Working Group or on his behalf.

4. Secretary of the Working Group:

Provides organizational and technical support for the activities of the Working Group;

Notifies the members of the Working Group about the place, date, time and agenda of the meeting of the Working Group;

Keeps minutes of meetings of the Working Group, draws up, certifies and distributes decisions, extracts from decisions, as well as other documents and information;

Carry out instructions from the chairman and deputy chairman of the Working Group.

5. Members of the Working Group:

Carry out all the instructions of the presiding officer in a timely manner;

Participate in discussion and decision-making on issues under consideration at meetings of the Working Group;

Express comments, suggestions and additions on issues within the competence of the Working Group in written or oral form;

If you disagree with the decision adopted by the Working Group, you have the right to express your dissenting opinion in writing, which must be included in the minutes of the meeting;

If it is impossible to attend the meeting, the executive secretary of the Working Group is notified in advance;

The right to send an authorized representative to work in the Working Group.

6. Meetings of the Working Group are chaired by the Chairman of the Working Group, and in his absence - by the Deputy Chairman of the Working Group.

7. A meeting of the Working Group is considered valid if at least one third of the established number of members of the Working Group is present.

8. Decisions of the Working Group are made by open voting by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Working Group present at the meeting. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the presiding officer is decisive.

9. The decisions of the Working Group are documented in a protocol, which is signed by the secretary of the Working Group and approved by the chairman of the meeting of the Working Group.

10. Meetings of the Working Group are held as necessary.

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