Anti-Smoking Day. International No Tobacco Day Tobacco control contributes to other global goals

Every year on 31 May, WHO and its partners celebrate World No Tobacco Day (WNTD), drawing attention to the additional health risks associated with tobacco use and calling for effective policies to reduce tobacco use.

Subject world day tobacco-free 2017 - “Tobacco is a threat to development.”

About the campaign

  • It will clearly demonstrate the threats that the tobacco industry poses to the sustainable development of all countries, including the health and economic well-being of their citizens.
  • It will propose actions that governments and the public should take to improve health and development by combating the global tobacco crisis.

Tobacco control promotes health and development

WHO encourages countries to prioritize and scale up tobacco control efforts as part of their efforts to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Successfully combating the tobacco epidemic benefits all countries, primarily by protecting their citizens from harmful consequences tobacco use and reduction economic losses for the national economy. The goal of the Sustainable Development Agenda and its 17 global goals is to leave no one behind.

Tobacco control is embedded in the Sustainable Development Agenda. She is considered one of the most effective measures to help achieve SDG target 3.4, which is to reduce premature deaths from deaths by a third by 2030 non-communicable diseases(NIH) worldwide, including cardiovascular diseases, oncological diseases and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Strengthening the implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in all countries represents an additional challenge for governments developing sustainable development policies at the national level.

Tobacco control contributes to other global goals

In addition to saving lives and reducing health inequalities, complex fight against tobacco limits the adverse environmental consequences cultivation, production, trade and consumption of tobacco.

Tobacco control could break vicious circle poverty, help end hunger, promote sustainable development Agriculture and economic growth, and combat climate change. Increasing tobacco taxation may also serve to finance universal health coverage and other government programs in the field of development.

It's not just governments that can step up tobacco control efforts: people can make their own contributions to creating a sustainable, tobacco-free world. People can make a commitment to never use tobacco products. Those who already use tobacco can quit or seek help, which will also keep them healthy and also protect people exposed to secondhand smoke, including children, other family members and friends. Money not spent on tobacco can, in turn, be used for other important needs, including purchasing food products. healthy eating, health and education.

Facts about tobacco, tobacco control and development goals

  • About 7 million people die each year as a result of tobacco use, and without increased efforts, this figure is projected to exceed 8 million per year by 2030. Tobacco use poses a threat to everyone, regardless of gender, age, race, culture or education. It causes suffering, illness and death, devastating families and national economies.
  • Tobacco use has a huge cost to the national economy, in terms of increased health care costs and decreased productivity. It exacerbates health inequalities and exacerbates poverty as the poorest people spend less on the basics - food, education and health care. About 80% of premature deaths due to tobacco use occur in low- and middle-income countries, which face increased challenges in achieving their development goals.
  • Growing tobacco requires a large number of pesticides and fertilizers, which can be toxic and contaminate water resources. Every year, 4.3 million hectares of land are used to grow tobacco, resulting in global deforestation of between 2% and 4 percent. The tobacco industry also generates over 2 million tons of solid waste.
  • The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) guides efforts against the tobacco epidemic worldwide. The WHO FCTC is an international treaty with 180 Parties (179 countries and the European Union). Today, more than half the world's countries, home to almost 40% of the world's population (2.8 billion people), have implemented at least one of the most cost-effective WHO FCTC measures high level. All more countries create security systems that prevent the tobacco industry from interfering with public policy on tobacco control.
  • A $1 increase in cigarette taxes worldwide would generate an additional $190 billion for development. High tax rates on tobacco products increase government revenue, reduce demand for tobacco, and are an important source of revenue to finance development activities.

Goals of the World No Tobacco Day 2017 campaign

World No Tobacco Day 2017 aims to:

  • Emphasize the links between tobacco use, tobacco control and sustainable development.
  • Encourage countries to include tobacco control as part of their national efforts to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
  • Provide support to Member States and civil society in combating tobacco industry interference in political processes, which in turn will encourage stronger tobacco control efforts at the national level.
  • Encourage greater public and partner participation in national, regional and global efforts to develop and implement development strategies, plans and goals that prioritize tobacco control measures.
  • Show how individuals can contribute to creating a sustainable tobacco-free world by making a commitment to never use tobacco products or to quit the habit.

There are two international days on Earth dedicated to the fight against smoking - World No Tobacco Day (May 31) and International No Smoking Day, which is celebrated annually on the third Thursday of November. The first of these dates was set by the World Health Organization in 1988, the second appeared even earlier - in 1977, by decision of the American Cancer Society.

Statistics report that every tenth woman in Russia smokes, and 50-60% of men are heavy smokers. Despite the efforts of health organizations, not many people quit smoking, and even the risk of death does not help: smoking and the diseases it causes kill about a million Russians every year. This is much more than from AIDS, traffic accidents or hard drug use.

Every year great amount money is spent on explaining the dangers of smoking, developing new methods of getting rid of addiction and bringing existing ones to the attention of the population. At the same time, the tobacco industry spends millions to encourage people to buy more, more expensively and more regularly. But you cannot overcome smoking by, on the one hand, refusing it, and on the other, tempting you with it...

Smoking statistics: quit before it's too late
Please, according to WHO, 90% of smokers die from lung cancer, the remaining 10% lose their lives as a result chronic bronchitis, coronary disease heart disease and other smoking-related diseases. Not very funny anymore, right? According to the forecasts of experts from the same WHO, in 6 years, one smoker will die every second in the world. Maybe it’s time to come to your senses and spend more than a day without smoking?

International No Smoking Day in Russia
In Russia, smoking has never been considered something prejudiced. On the contrary, smoking was a sign of wisdom, meaningfulness, and “maturity.”

Meanwhile, almost a million people a year die in Russia as a result of smoking. Even tightening laws on smoking, banning smoking breaks in in public places, the publication of terrible photographs of the consequences of smoking on packs are not able to convince persistent smokers.

For example, almost half of smokers consider smoking just bad habit. Like, if I want to, I’ll give it up, even tomorrow, even the day after tomorrow, but better in a month, but in fact in next year. Others directly claim that smoking is a terrible, incurable disease. Therefore, you need to relax and enjoy yourself, anyway, nothing can be done about smoking, the disease is incurable.

Quitting smoking: why is it impossible?
According to another survey, more than 20% of smokers know nothing about the harmful effects of tobacco. Well, think about it, I let the smoke in, but it doesn’t stay in the body forever. Look, I breathed it out. It’s not stupid blondes who talk like this, but grown-up, respectable guys.

More than 40% of these same men and women believe that quitting smoking is easy, so at any convenient moment they will do it without any problems. Well, as a last resort, they will read Allen Carr's magic book, which has already helped all his friends. And if it doesn’t help, then everything can be attributed to your own uniqueness. This book doesn’t bother me, they say, I’m not suggestible.

In fact, the secret of the book is that the person reading it quits smoking thanks to his strong desire, and not to the magic spells of Sir Carr.

In general, if you still smoke, then quit, turn International No Smoking Day into a lifetime.

It is not customary to pay attention to smoking. Everyone has friends who love cigarettes, and even if the smell of tobacco is unpleasant, this bad habit does not cause much disapproval. Many people do not realize that every ten seconds one person in the world dies from exposure to nicotine. No Smoking Day aims to alert cigarette lovers to the risks they pose to their bodies, focusing less on the ban and more on promoting the benefits healthy image life.

World No Tobacco Day

More than one holiday is dedicated to the fight against addiction. In 1977, the American Cancer Society declared that the third Thursday in November would be observed as International No Tobacco Day. Later they decided to strengthen the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, and new date. In 1988, WHO declared May 31st as World No Tobacco Day.

The main goal of such events is to change the consciousness of smokers and attract those who have never smoked or managed to quit to fight it. The action invariably attracts the attention of doctors who talk about the harm it causes to health. The World Health Organization, proclaiming World No Tobacco Day, asked all countries of the world to accept nicotine addiction as a serious problem. global problem and tell people what the consequences of tobacco are.

In order to combat the bad habit, cigarette advertising is banned in some countries. Numerous campaigns are held to educate people about the dangerous effects of tobacco on health. Substitutes appear in pharmacies, and scary pictures about the dangers of smoking are printed on cigarette packs. International Anti-Smoking Day has a specific motto: in previous years there were slogans such as “Tobacco-free youth”, “Tobacco and poverty: a vicious circle”. The use of slogans is encouraged both in social videos and during various events.

Purpose of the holiday

No Smoking Day has a global goal - the complete ridding of humanity from addiction smoke tobacco. WHO wants future generations to be free of all diseases caused by nicotine. It is important that Anti-Smoking Day informs the population about the impact tobacco addiction has on the body and how dangerous it is passive smoking. Such actions lead to the fact that everyone more people prefer to give up a bad habit. As a result of choosing the right solution:

  • a surge of energy is felt;
  • blood cholesterol levels drop;
  • women have a chance to give birth to a healthy baby;
  • vision becomes better, since after stopping smoking the condition of the vessels of the fundus normalizes;
  • men can forget about impotence;
  • the immune system begins to work better.

Disease statistics

In Russia, approximately 300 thousand people die from smoking every year. Statistics show that 40% of the Russian population are smokers. It is believed that approximately 6 million people die worldwide each year due to nicotine, including passive smokers who suffer from second-hand smoke. tobacco smoke. WHO predicts that in the absence of proper measures, by 2030 the number of deaths due to smoking will reach 8 million people annually.

The attitude towards tobacco is frivolous, because cigarettes do not produce an immediate destructive effect. Unnoticeable erosion of the body leads to many health problems in smokers, often lung diseases:

  • Smokers die 20 times more often from chronic bronchitis.
  • Lung cancer in 96% of cases.
  • Cancer and heart disease often affect smokers.

Some important points, which will become a support in a difficult task:

  1. To ease difficult days when the body weans itself from nicotine, if you have a long history of smoking, special patches, tablets, and sprays will help.
  2. Proper nutrition, including avoidance of alcoholic beverages and coffee.
  3. Exercise and breathing exercises.
  4. You should ask relatives and friends not to smoke if they do not want to get rid of the bad habit together.
  5. Smoke breaks should be replaced by a cup of green tea, fruit or a walk.

There are two international days on Earth dedicated to the fight against smoking - World No Tobacco Day (May 31) and International No Smoking Day, which is celebrated annually on the third Thursday of November. The first of these dates was set by the World Health Organization in 1988, the second appeared even earlier - in 1977, by decision of the American Cancer Society.

Statistics report that every tenth woman in Russia smokes, and 50-60% of men are heavy smokers. Despite the efforts of health organizations, not many people quit smoking, and even the risk of death does not help: smoking and the diseases it causes kill about a million Russians every year. This is much more than from AIDS, traffic accidents or hard drug use.

Every year, a huge amount of money is spent on explaining the dangers of smoking, developing new methods of getting rid of addiction and bringing existing ones to the attention of the population. At the same time, the tobacco industry spends millions to encourage people to buy more, more expensively and more regularly. But you cannot overcome smoking by, on the one hand, refusing it, and on the other, tempting you with it...

Give up the cigarette
After all, this has not been in fashion for a long time.
Freshness, sport, health are in fashion.
Treat yourself with love!

Wishes will be bright
Let your breathing be easy
Cheerfulness, inspiration
On No Smoking Day!

Let's all say "No" today
Smoke that ruins your health.
Let everyone live for many years,
And let everything be fine with us.

Down with cigarette butts and tobacco smoke
With his caustic languor,
So that every moment brings health,
And also happiness, joy and luck.

Happy International No Smoking Day! I wish everyone who has given up an addiction and those who are planning - good health, full breasts fresh air, perfect smile and great mood! You made right choice! I am proud of your willpower and decision to be healthy! All the best to you!

Today we're smoking
Let the whole world say “No!”
Let's try one day
Live without cigarettes.

Tobacco smoke will disappear
The planet will breathe easily,
And she will be grateful
She is for us this day.

One day of clean air
You and I will breathe
And let's say to all smokers:
“Stop smoking, people!”

“No,” you said to the cigarette:
Stop harming the planet
Fresh air is beauty
The lungs became clear.

Now teach someone else
How to keep a simple word
Give up the habit
And don’t seem stupid!

Now tell the children
About all the nasty things, about these,
Tell me about the terrible harm
About the dangers of cigarettes!

Congratulations to everyone today
I don't want to cripple
Neither nature nor yourself,
Quit smoking forever!

Give up the cigarette!
Immediately hard coins
Your wallet will ring,
And the bills will rustle.

You can save a lot of money
Afford a lot...
To sum it up: quit smoking
And you will begin to live in abundance!

Quit the cigarette now
Give up on her
After all, you will maintain your health,
Light will be good!

Fresh air will come in
Oxygen will be pure
The cough will go away immediately
Your body will sing.

Today is the day for you
Even if you're lazy
Shout the word “no” loudly
Make your vow.

Willpower on the way
So that the cigars all go away,
So that the habit stops,
All dreams came true!

The cigarette is not our friend
After all, it is full of bad merits,
Life is better without her,
Healthier, nicer, better,
Make a choice, realize
Life without tobacco is like heaven
Quit smoking, quickly
Be healthy and don't get sick!

Happy No Smoking Day!
Throw away your cigarette -
Here's a new birthday
The best has come true!

The lungs will become beautiful
And just breathe freely
You will live very happily,
Enjoy receiving!

Throw away the cigarette immediately
Forget about your tobacco
Let today be the first
Your a healthy day, that's it.

Don't let the smoke billow out,
The evil cough does not dare strike,
Better smile with us
And quit smoking quickly!

Every year on the third Thursday of November in a number of Western countries World No Smoking Day is celebrated. In 2018, the holiday fell on the 15th. The date was set by the American Cancer Society in 1977.

People addicted to nicotine admit that they would like to quit smoking, but there is no reason or company. A worldwide holiday was created to educate about the dangers of tobacco and support those who want to give up the bad habit.

N There's nothing easier than quitting smoking - I've done it myself hundreds of times
Mark Twain

Purpose of the No Smoking Day holiday

“A drop of nicotine kills a horse” - this phrase It's been on everyone's lips for many years now. Surprisingly, this has virtually no effect on the number of smokers in a positive way - it is growing every day. People prefer to follow their addiction rather than take care of their health. However, there is a holiday designed to decide this problem. It falls annually on the third Thursday of November and is called International Day quitting smoking.

The goal of International No Smoking Day is to help reduce the prevalence of tobacco addiction, involve all segments of the population and doctors of all specialties in the fight against smoking, prevent tobacco smoking and inform society about harmful effects tobacco for health.

Smoking is considered a bad habit by 47% of the respondents, 38% consider it an addiction. incurable disease- 9%, could not determine their attitude towards smoking - 6% of respondents.

According to 12% of respondents, quitting smoking is easy, 56% think it is difficult, 4% think it is impossible, 28% have not thought about it. At the same time, 21% of the respondents tried to quit smoking, but mostly unsuccessfully. 30% of respondents know about the existence of smoking cessation help centers, 70% do not know.

Traditions to celebrate No Smoking Day

Although there is good awareness of the health hazards of smoking, few city residents seek to quit nicotine addiction. Either a person does not realize the severity of the consequences of tobacco use on his health or believes that the disease will not affect him, or the habit of smoking is so strong that there is no way to give it up.

Therefore, as part of No Smoking Day in many countries, activists and representatives of health care institutions conduct various educational, charitable and other events designed to educate the population about the dangers of nicotine and ways to stop smoking.

Information about the dangers of smoking

Excessive use of tobacco smoke has a negative impact on human health. In principle, all organ systems are affected, but there are also priority ones

  1. Cardiovascular - under the influence of tobacco smoke, capillaries and arteries become more excitable, their tendency to spasms increases, blockage often occurs, and the heart rate decreases. This is fraught with strokes and myocardial infarctions.
  2. Gastrointestinal tract - nicotine causes changes in the intestinal mucosa, development chronic gastritis, stomach ulcers, thinning inner surface esophagus.
  3. Respiratory – chronic bronchitis occurs
  4. Sexual – male potency leaves much to be desired.
  5. Bone - worsens appearance and the condition of teeth, nails, hair, joints.
  6. Sweat and sebaceous glands– their functionality is impaired.

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Everyone has the power to quit smoking - you just need to wish it. The latter is typical for those who really want to continue living, and a full, healthy life.

Scientists have long figured out where one of the most disgusting human addictions – nicotine – comes from. Basically, they all agree that the American Indians started smoking. It was they who began to cultivate the first tobacco plants. The leaves of the latter were used as a means of releasing nicotine smoke 6,000 years ago. Christopher Columbus at the end of the 15th century witnessed the process of smoking carried out by local residents. They rolled a sheet of tobacco into a tube, lit the tip of a makeshift cigarette, inhaled the smoke through their mouths, and released it through their nostrils. The Mayans called these devices “sik ar”. This is how the word “cigar” appeared. Tobacco, specific plant crops were named after the name of the province on the island. Haiti, where they grew: Tabago. There is a version according to which smoking was widespread among the pharaohs, and this is quite possible, but if this was the case, then the Egyptians took their secret to the grave, and the Indians independently discovered the properties of an unusual plant and were thus the pioneers in this area.