December 3 is International Day of Persons with Disabilities. How is International Day of Persons with Disabilities celebrated? What is International Day of Persons with Disabilities?

Social connections are significant and necessary for everyone, and people with disabilities are no exception. To touch actual problems the fullness of social life, possible ways decisions, outline development directions, annually On December 3, the world celebrates the Day of Persons with Disabilities.

Unfortunately, today there are about a billion disabled people in the world.

Unfortunately, today there are about a billion disabled people in the world. Most of of them lives in civilized developing countries. Each of them celebrates the Day of Disabled Persons. In Russia, as already mentioned, including.

It was created in order to support these people and ensure their full and equal participation in the life of society. Day of the Disabled in Russia also suggests ways to improve the standard of living of those whose capabilities are limited.

Details about the international holiday Day of Disabled Persons

  1. The official name of the holiday is International Day of Persons with Disabilities;
  2. The holiday was established by the General Assembly of the United Nations;
  3. The event was recognized as significant on December 3, 1992;
  4. The holiday is celebrated annually;
  5. The event is celebrated by all countries of the world;
  6. The UN called the period 1983-1992 the “Decade of Disabled Persons”;
  7. Social protection of people with disabilities is the responsibility of a social democratic state.

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Video: Every year on December 3, Russia celebrates the Day of Disabled People

The fight for the rights of people with disabilities in 2018

The human environment is diverse: there are individuals who are unable to take care of themselves on their own; they need support, care, and love. Having disabilities, they deserve to be treated with respect. It is respect and care that reflect the level of civilization of society.

The situation of disabled people in ancient times was terrifying: the chance of survival tended to zero. Today the situation has changed: they live, have legal rights. The interests of this social category are protected by the state.

Among the assistants are government officials social workers. Those who are endowed kind soul, a strong will, also helps them.

Whatever modern technologies nor did society possess, disabled people without outside help it is simply difficult, impossible to survive.

Complaining glances, rejection, unnecessary sympathy make it difficult normal course life, reduce volitional abilities and morale.

On the Day of Disabled Persons in Russia there are many concert programs

Anyone could have been in their place - no one is immune from such misfortunes. Adaptation to living conditions and surroundings is a long, difficult process, but possible. You need to provide the basics:

  1. Live;
  2. Live among society;
  3. Be a part of society.

1983-1992 - "Decade of Disabled People": changing the perception of such people on a global scale

Interested in solving the issues of disabled people:

  • Official structures of the state;
  • Public organizations;
  • Active civilian population.

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The Ascension of the Lord in 2018: what date is it celebrated, history, signs, congratulations

Modern society has noted positive trends.

World Day of Persons with Disabilities allows us to change the established opinion about them

The identified issues were raised by the United Nations. The UN called 1983-1992 the “Decade of Disabled Persons”. They were devoted to searching for long-overdue answers, research, changing perceptions on a global scale, and legislating the rights of a social category. Consistency has ensured positive changes, and worthy options for overcoming difficulties have emerged.

Video: concert for the International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Significant global event 2018 - International Day of People with Disabilities

Video: every seventh person on the planet is disabled. International Day of Persons with Disabilities

The UN adopted 2 resolutions. The second - No. A/RES/47/88 - consolidated the goals of the event. The most important thing is to create conditions for the rapid adaptation of certain social categories of citizens in modern society. The priority direction is the global integration of people with disabilities.

Day of Persons with Disabilities is another reason to wish everyone:

  • Physical and mental health;
  • Happiness;
  • Success;
  • Means

International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2016 is celebrated on December 3rd. Activities involve people with physical, sensory, intellectual or mental disorders. Those who care about the full participation of people with disabilities join the celebration. disabilities in the development of society and the state as a whole.

The purpose of the holiday is to draw the attention of the population to the problems of people who have lost their ability to work, to protect their rights, freedoms and dignity, and the possibility of their participation in public life.

History and traditions of the holiday

On December 16, 1976, the UN General Assembly, by resolution No. A/RES/31/123, proclaimed 1981 the International Year of Persons with Disabilities, and the period from 1983 to 1992. – A decade of disabled people. Later, an Advisory Council was established, slogans were adopted and a Program of Action was developed.

On December 3, 1982, the 90th plenary meeting was held, at which the results of the work within the framework of the International Year of Disabled Persons were summed up. It was found that after this period the situation of people with disabilities improved and the information level of the population increased.

At the end of the Program for the Decade of Disabled Persons, it was decided to approve International Day disabled people. The holiday was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly at the 47th session by resolution No. A/RES/47/3 of October 14, 1992. On December 16, 1992, by resolution No. A/RES/47/88, it invited all UN member countries to organize events aimed at for the inclusion of people with disabilities in society.

On December 13, 2006, the UN General Assembly, by resolution No. A/RES/61/106, adopted the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Every year the holiday takes place under a new slogan. On this day they arrange concert programs, conferences are held. Meetings of disabled people are held. IN educational institutions extracurricular lessons, conversations and discussions are organized.

Interesting Facts

During the Second World War, pilots who were injured and became disabled continued to fight for their homeland. History knows of 3 such people with loss of vision, 1 without an arm, 6 without legs, and 3 who were discharged as a result of severe injuries (inability to move - the spine was broken).

According to Rosstat, at the end of 2015, there were 12.93 million disabled people living in Russia. Of these, 1.36 million are group I, 6.47 million are group II, 4.49 million are Group III, 0.61 million – disabled children.

It’s difficult to call this date a holiday, but its importance should not be diminished in any way. On the third of December they try to point out to the public the problems of disabled people - people with serious impairments in the functioning of the body. Various physical disabilities, hearing and vision problems, psychological illnesses - the list of diseases that can lead to disability can be continued for a long time. On this day, people try to help protect the rights and freedoms of those who, for some reason, have lost their ability to work.

history of the holiday

Its story began in 1976. Then the UN General Assembly decided to devote the eighties to people with disabilities. For these purposes, an Advisory Council was established, experts developed a program of action and came up with slogans under which the events would be held. In 1982, a plenary meeting was held, during which the interim results of the work were summed up.

In December 2006, the UN General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which is a human rights instrument focused on social development is both a human rights treaty and a development instrument. The Convention entered into force on May 3, 2008, and its principles of the convention are: respect inherent in man dignity and personal independence; non-discrimination; full and effective involvement and inclusion in society; respect for the characteristics of persons with disabilities and their acceptance as a component of human diversity and part of humanity; equality of opportunity; availability; equality between men and women; respect for the developing abilities of children with disabilities and respect for the right of children with disabilities to maintain their individuality. It turned out that after this period, the situation of citizens with disabilities improved significantly, and people began to treat them with greater understanding. When the ten-year program was completed, it was decided to approve the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. This date has been celebrated since 1992.

The International Day of Persons with Disabilities was established on December 3 by the UN General Assembly at its forty-seventh session in 1992. At the same time, the organization called on the states that are members of the UN to carry out all kinds of activities in order to promote the integration of people with disabilities into social life. This significant date preceded by the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons, launched in 1983.

The holiday is primarily aimed at attracting people's attention to the problems of people with disabilities, to the benefits of the participation of these people in social, political, economic and cultural life, protection of their rights and dignity.

Today in our country there are more than 13 million people with disabilities, which is 9% of the Russian population. IN last years increased attention is devoted to both improving the quality of life of people with disabilities and their medical and social protection.

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Today is an important day when the International Day of Persons with Disabilities is celebrated around the world. Let us remember those who are a little less fortunate than us, but who do not lose optimism. Let people with disabilities never need anything and always feel comfortable in society.


Many of you may have limited capabilities, but on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, let me wish you: simple human happiness, love and joy, understanding of strangers, success in your chosen life path, career heights.


International Day of Persons with Disabilities unites all people with disabilities! We do our best to make this event for you - a holiday during which you can express your strengths And Creative skills. Disability is just a condition of the body. The main thing is that you all have souls, desires, goals, which are difficult to find in our world among the so-called full-fledged people. Your illness has not broken you, you only see your cherished goal better and dynamically strive for it. Low bow to you!


Today is a special day
For special people
For them, material wealth is
It doesn't matter now.

One desire is to survive
And become healthier
So that all ailments
They left quickly.

Not hard to guess -
This is Disabled Day
But they will smile
Hiding the pain inside, somewhere there.

We will visit you with all our hearts,
Let's talk about life
We wish you good health, of course,
You, disabled person - hold on!


How much whining we hear everywhere,
From those who do not know the taste of trouble,
If they drank the fate of disabled people,
Such a hopeless and difficult fate!

For this reason, disabled people silently do not complain,
They quietly move towards their goals.
It’s not easy for them, but they got used to it, they endured it,
With the fact that not everyone shakes hands with them!

No one is safe from trouble,
Even those born are healthy here.
Let's help as much as we can,
To those whose life's path is thorny.


Don't be indifferent to people with disabilities
To those people crippled by fate.
Sometimes we don’t immediately see their pain,
It is enough to hear them sometimes.

A person's actions are glorified,
What shines in the eyes.
And may it add health to society
That help contained in deeds!


Anything is possible in life
We know firsthand.
Although it's hard to believe,
But we don't sit like mice.
We are active and smart
Let's throw off all the shackles in life.
Disabled person. Where should I go?
But we will laugh.
There is a place for happiness in life,
We do it here.


Understand that disability is not a death sentence,
This is a reason to be stronger in spirit!
Prove to the whole world: you are also a hero,
And everything else is rumors!

A best friend is hard to find
You always help with advice!
You see right through this whole world, strange,
There are no secrets from you in life!

Strong will, strong your spirit,
You strive for many things in life!
You will achieve your goal,
And you will be transformed again!


I don’t like the words “disabled” and “crippled.”
It's like it's a nuisance to society.
This strong people, we need to accept,
That we can only wish for their courage.
These people, who are at war with themselves every moment,
This is not a simple man, with a difficult fate.
I want to wish you from the bottom of my heart:
If you feel tired, wave your hand.
Wave at the difficulty, at the heaviness, at the pain.
You are great, you are brave, you are simply a hero.


We are all people on the planet.
So let's be with you
Be a little kinder
To those who are weaker than us in some way.
The main thing is inside, keep in mind,
And don't look at appearances.
We all want to fall in love
And work and study.
Let the one who is not like that
He will find happiness like anyone.


We need to be kinder to everyone
Whether he is similar to us or not,
To those who are weaker than you,
Who doesn't look healthy?

The light of the universe is in every heart,
The whole world is in everyone's eyes.
So open the doors in your souls,
Drive away evil and fear!


It happens that every step
It's very difficult
And what is a trifle for others,
For others it is a great torment.

They don't need pity at all
They are stronger in spirit!
You yourself do not whine, and do not whine -
They were able to win!


Disability Day is a reason to remember
About those who sometimes wait for help,
But he won’t ask about her out loud,
He's too proud, after all.

Your whole life is overcoming:
Yourself, ailments and systems!
It's not easy being disabled
You don't like these topics!

And every moment of a wonderful life,
This is not generally accepted!
You develop your mind
And bravely fight fate!


Like a label, like a mark, like a stamp,
It often hurts to hear this word!
“Disabled” and wrong a hundred times,
Who paid special attention?

Yes, the illness has bound you for a long time,
Maybe from birth
Everything in life was different from everyone else,
And learning became home.

Don't give up! And you don't whine
If you don't ask for mercy, it's useless!
Let your beautiful dreams come true!
Life will be extremely interesting!


Diagnosis. Hospitals. Analyzes.
Endless whirlpool
But the disabled person does not give up,
He lives in spite of prejudice.

Busy with social life
We strive to help many,
Although sometimes it's too bad
The night can be sleepless.

We wish you understanding,
Everyone around,
Find your calling
And joyful, pure laughter.


We are proud of you, you are strong people,
Even though your every day is not easy at times,
Let there be less worries in life,
Let the pain torment you less often!

We wish you peace, strength and patience,
So that someone can always support you nearby,
Today, on your holiday, leave your worries behind,
After all, holidays should be celebrated with joy!

The International Day of Persons with Disabilities is celebrated around the world annually on 3 December, in accordance with General Assembly resolution 47/3 of 14 October 1992, to raise awareness and mobilize support important issues related to the inclusion of people with disabilities both in public structures and in development processes.

The Register provides access to “ personal account", which reflects information about all cash payments and other measures of social support for a disabled person, about the progress of the implementation of his individual rehabilitation or habilitation program.

Through your “personal account” you can get government services in electronic form, leave feedback on their quality and, if necessary, file a complaint.

The register is integrated with the “Work in Russia” vacancy database, which helps inform people with disabilities about special categories of vacancies.

The registry allows you to Russian Federation collecting appropriate information about people with disabilities in order to develop effective government measures regarding them. It also raises awareness among people with disabilities about government services and measures available to them. social protection(support).

Concept for the development of early assistance in the Russian Federation for the period until 2020

In 2016, for the first time, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the Concept for the development of early intervention in the Russian Federation for the period until 2020, as well as a plan for its implementation.

The concept is designed to create unified approaches to early assistance and combine the efforts of various departments (health, education, social protection).

The concept defines the circle of children who are offered early assistance. These are children aged from birth to 3 years with serious diseases or the risk of their development, children who are left without parental care, as well as children whose families are in a socially dangerous situation.

The starting point for early help will be identifying a problem in a child. Specialists in the field of healthcare, education and social protection, primarily medical and social workers, teachers, psychologists, speech pathologists, speech therapists, will have to identify such problems and promptly report to the early assistance system about the child’s illness or the risk of its development, about the unfavorable situation in the child’s home. family. This message will give rise to interdepartmental work with both the child himself and his family. If a family becomes concerned about a child's development, parents can seek early help on their own.

The next step will be the development of an individual early intervention program for the child. The program, prepared on the basis of an assessment of the identified health problems of the child, will contain a specific set of services, the implementation of which will maximize the development of his potential.

At this stage, in order for parents to understand as fully as possible exactly how, where and when they can turn, their interaction with a specialist coordinator (case supervisor) will be ensured. He will accompany the family when receiving services, monitor the timeliness of program implementation and its adjustments, and inform about the prospects for organizing the family’s life.

An important aspect of the work will be the full participation of the family in the work of the team of specialists. The family is involved in the development and implementation of an individual program. At the same time, the team of specialists must respect the habits and views of the family, provide training (training) for family members in the skills of care, communication, education and upbringing of the child based on the characteristics of his development.

In addition to the individual early intervention program, the Concept provides for the development of recommendations for more long term up to the age of 7-8 years: on issues of adaptation, construction of an educational route, support.

As a result of the implementation of the Concept early help will become the initial link in the process of habilitation and rehabilitation of children with serious illnesses, when children are just developing basic skills, which will make this process more effective.

"Road map" for improving the systemmedical and social examination

In May 2017, “ road map"to improve the system of medical and social examination." It contains key directions actions for the period until 2020.

The first direction involves improving the scientific, methodological and legal support for medical and social examination. Separate classifications and criteria for determining disability for children have been developed and are being tested; new criteria will be developed to determine the degree of loss of professional ability as a result of industrial accidents; It is planned to form an institute of independent medical and social expertise.

The second direction is to increase the accessibility and quality of medical and social examination services. It includes measures to train specialists from ITU institutions, equip ITU institutions with special diagnostic equipment, and form public councils at the main ITU bureaus.

Law on monitoring the accessibility of the environment for people with disabilities

On January 1, 2018, a law will come into force granting authorities the right to control the accessibility of the environment for people with disabilities.

In accordance with the law, authorized federal and regional executive authorities will be assigned separate functions to monitor the provision of accessibility conditions.

The adoption of the law regulates the issue of the powers of the bodies that must exercise state control and supervision over the implementation of mandatory accessibility conditions. This makes it possible to solve problems related to the accessibility of the environment within the framework of pre-trial procedures, including the use of administrative liability mechanisms.

According to the law, control functions are assigned to:

  • The Government of the Russian Federation - to the authorities exercising federal control and supervision;
  • regional governments – to the authorities exercising regional control and supervision.

In particular, at the federal level:

  • on Rostransnadzor - functions of control and supervision over ensuring the accessibility of transportation (including facilities and Vehicle) by air, rail, inland waterway, road transport;
  • for Roskomnadzor - monitoring the availability of facilities and services in the field of communications and information;
  • on Roszdravnadzor - control of ensuring the special needs of people with disabilities in terms of quality and safety medical activities and in the field of drug supply;
  • at Rostrud - monitoring the availability of facilities and services in the field of labor and social protection.

On regional level similarly, bodies are defined that exercise control over the availability of services and facilities in those areas where it is generally already established by law.

Annual monetary compensation to disabled persons for the costs of maintenance and veterinary care of guide dogs

In 2017, the annual amount monetary compensation for disabled people, expenses for the maintenance and veterinary care of guide dogs increased by 5.39% compared to 2016 and amounted to 22,959.7 rubles.

Pension provision

In January 2017, pensioners, including pensioners with disabilities, received a one-time payment of 5 thousand rubles.

From February 1, 2017, insurance pensions for non-working pensioners were indexed to the consumer price growth index established in 2016 – 5.4%. From April 1, 2017, insurance pensions were indexed by 0.38%. Thus, in general, in 2017, insurance pensions of non-working pensioners were indexed by 5.8%. As a result, the total average size of the disability insurance pension increased by 335 rubles compared to the beginning of the year and, as of October 1, 2017, amounted to 8,512 rubles.

From April 1, 2017, social pensions and state pensions have been indexed by 1.5%. The average size social pension as of October 1, 2017 amounted to 8,805 rubles. The average social pension for disabled children is 13,032 rubles. The average pensions of citizens disabled due to military injury and participants of the Great Patriotic War receiving two pensions amounted to 29,912 rubles and 34,334 rubles, respectively.

From April 1, 2017, the size of the monthly cash payment (MCV) to federal beneficiaries (veterans, disabled people, citizens exposed to radiation, Heroes) was indexed by 5.4%. Soviet Union, Heroes Socialist Labor and etc.).