Concert program for the woman's 55th birthday. Festive portal anniversary-na-bis.rf - everything for your anniversary

Farewell to retirement. Scenario

Preparation for the holiday

The hall is decorated with flowers, balloons, and large numbers “55” on the wall.

An excerpt from the song “This holiday is a birthday” (from the repertoire of T. Bulanova) is played. The host solemnly leads the hero of the occasion into the hall, where guests are already sitting at the tables, and escorts her to a place of honor.

Progress of the event


The years fly by. That also happens -

Suddenly the anniversary creeps up,

Life gives us grades,

And our dates are getting rounder.

For two fives in a round date,

For a full hall of guests and friends

Raise your glasses,

Today is an important anniversary!

Take a look, friends, at these two numbers. Fifty-five is a tricky number. These are two “fives” given for excellent work, for labor success, for initiative and love for one’s work! And our first toast, like all the following, will be to an excellent student, Komsomol member, athlete and simply a beautiful woman... (name and patronymic of the birthday girl)\

An excerpt from the song “And I am a Beauty” (from the repertoire of Verka Serduchka) is played.

Leading: This anniversary is not just another date. From now on, your new life begins! We won't call it a retirement party. Rather, it is a meeting of a new stage in fate. And at this exciting moment, I give the floor to my closest and beloved relatives... (name and patronymic of the hero of the day)!

The family congratulates the hero of the occasion and gives prepared gifts. A spouse (if you have one) who can sing can prepare a surprise song.


to the tune of the song “For Your Brown Eyes” from the repertoire of M. Sheleg

At the hour of a joyful holiday

Relatives will gather,

The brightest and most joyful

This day is for me.

You are so elegant

It's chilling...

For you, darling,

I raise a toast!

For your eternal love,

Endless kindness

Both for days and for nights,

And for my son and daughter,

And for being with you to me

Good, like no one else anywhere,

And for that, my sunshine,

What in the world are you!

You are always changeable

But always good

You are the beloved woman

And you are my soul.

I want, my dear,

Looking straight into your eyes

Wish you joy

And say thank you...

Leading: Isn’t it true that her husband gave our birthday girl a wonderful, touching congratulation? Addresses the couple. How many years have you been next to each other? The spouses answer.

An excerpt from the song “Together and Forever” (from Alsou’s repertoire) is played.

Leading: And we continue to congratulate... (name and patronymic of the hero of the day). As the proverb says, tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are. And there are a lot of fables about female friendship in general. It’s as if it doesn’t happen at all... It happens, it still happens! There is not a single woman in the world who does not have girlfriends. So, our friends congratulate our hero of the occasion!

An excerpt from the song “Girlfriend” (from the repertoire of Lolita Milyavskaya) is played.


We'll collect all your wishes in a postcard,

To give to a friend on this day!

With one radiant smile

You can make everything around you brighter.

Support everyone with heartfelt words,

Warm with the warmth of spiritual kindness,

How wonderful it is to be with us

Such a wonderful person like you!

Love, prosperity, luck

Let them always be next to you,

So that you can bloom with happiness

And enjoy life every day!


to the tune of a song from the film “Wedding with a Dowry” (“I won’t praise myself in vain...”)

A song about you, friend

We composed it in the morning,

You and I are so wonderful,

So much light and goodness!

All people will say about you:

Both beautiful and smart

Our women's shortcomings

Completely deprived!

You, girlfriend-girlfriend,

Don't waste your time:

Get out the “check” quickly

And pour some for your friends!

Life will seem more and more beautiful

We'll sing and dance,

All men will be ours,

No one can escape!

Leading: Thank you ladies! Let's raise a toast to true women's friendship and solidarity! And now it’s time for congratulations from the family team. It really became like family during the time the birthday girl spent in it. Well, team, is it a pity to say goodbye to everyone’s favorite?

The presenter gives the floor to congratulate his colleagues. An excerpt from the song “This Birthday” (from the repertoire of the group “Dune”) is played,

Employees say parting words, congratulate, give gifts and comic surprises.


Colleagues: For our team, the departure of such a wonderful, sympathetic person as... (name of the hero of the day) is real stress! But let's imagine that she is not going on a well-deserved rest, but on a long vacation! And if it’s a vacation, that means you need to provide the vacationer with everything she needs! Accept, dear, these irreplaceable things on vacation.

You didn’t work half-heartedly,

And you deserve the best rest!

You need a girlfriend to relax -

Comfortable and soft pillow!

They give you a pillow.

And you also need a notebook,

Write memoirs in it!

They give you a notebook.

We need a ladies' glossy magazine,

So that both the old man and the boy fall in love!

They give you a fashion magazine.

Who puts on makeup

He acts wisely!

To be irresistible

You'll need powder!

They give you powder.

But fashionable gloves to boot,

To effectively process the dacha!

They give you country gloves.

Leading: Thank you dear colleagues! It’s a pity, but the team will have to part with their beloved employee. However, life goes on, and everything changes... Let's raise the next toast so that all changes are only for the better!

The host announces the dances: I see that the energy in this friendly company is in full swing! Looks like it's time for a dance break. And let no one sit still, because today only the birthday girl’s favorite hits will be played!

Anniversary celebrations, unlike wedding celebrations, do not have a clear canon and procedure. A feast with toasts quickly incapacitates all participants, and forces the host to talk incessantly. A costume party requires more thorough preliminary preparation from the organizer, but relieves the manager and host from every second attention to the leisure time of the guests. Stylization of an era or a famous film encourages participants to get used to the environment and roles.

Entertaining arithmetic

Coming up with a cool script is a little more difficult than a program for a men's anniversary, due to the need to smooth out the theme of age. But almost every serious date can be played up humorously.

For example, what is 55?

  1. Two numbers that, when multiplied, give 25. The birthday girl is twenty-five again.
  2. 55 is two A's or double "excellent". You can play on the theme of study by viewing life as a continuous process of learning and gaining grades and scores.
  3. Even a significant number can be presented in a humorous manner, puzzling guests by listing 55 talents and qualities of the birthday girl or pronouncing 55 compliments and toasts.

In the most extreme case, considering the anniversary from the point of view of the onset of retirement age, a home scenario for a woman’s 55th anniversary can be based on the topic: what do a 55-year-old grandmother and a 5-year-old granddaughter have in common?

Both are at a great age:

  1. You can go to work, as well as to kindergarten, or not.
  2. Each has its own dolls that need to knit socks. The youngest has Barbie, the eldest has grandchildren.
  3. You can treat everyone with various tasty treats. The main thing is not to mix up the pots. The one with the sand and leaves is my granddaughter’s.

Knowing the biography of the birthday girl, you can associate periods and significant moments of her life with the number five - perhaps she was born in a city on five hills, drove a Pyaterochka, or lived at the crossroads of five corners.

Children, grandchildren and cats

Everyone, even the youngest grandmother, has a couple of girlfriends with whom she discusses news, shares impressions, or goes shopping.

What would the famous three girls under the window look like if they were 55? Gathering over a glass of red or white wine, what would they talk about? Probably about children, grandchildren, husbands, cats and dogs, gastronomic novelties, hot countries and colleagues from current or former work.

For the birthday of your beloved fifty-five-year-old relative, you can compose a fairy tale-sketch in verse based on the dialogue from “The Tale of Tsar Saltan.”

To create a more vivid impression, you can print and bind the text in a printing house, providing it with photographs of the birthday girl that characterize the content.

Victoria and the Gods of Olympus

A very popular idea today is the anniversary script “55 years of a woman: an oriental fairy tale” - incense, carpets, luxurious fabrics, oriental sweets. The Asian flavor is very feminine and intricate, but Hellenic aesthetics are no less suitable for celebrating the fifty-fifth birthday.

The Roman numeral five graphically coincides with the sign “Victoria” (Victory) in sign language. Thus, the number 55 can be interpreted as a double victory by choosing the two most significant events in the biography of the birthday girl.

To stylize the holiday in an antique style, you need to decorate the interior in white and gold tones, and for the basis of the scenario, select one of the legends or invent a new one. For example, try to imagine how the gods of Olympus would celebrate their birthday.

A scenario for a woman’s 55th birthday with competitions as entertainment for guests may include:

  • oratorical competition for the best congratulation-wish;
  • debate in the style of the game “What to do if?” (an absurd or difficult situation is imagined from which a way out must be found: “What to do if nothing is ready for the table, but guests are already on the doorstep?”);
  • poetry marathon (the first one comes up with the initial phrase, the second one continues the thought, etc.).

For a stylized holiday, the moment of combining elements and their correspondence to the chosen theme is very important - people in jeans will look ridiculous in an antique interior.

Golden wreaths, togas and tunics for guests can be made from scrap materials and distributed at the beginning of the holiday or a mandatory dress code for participants can be announced in advance.

Soiree in Art Nouveau style

The birthday of a lady with artistic taste can be stylized according to the format of literary and musical soirees, popular at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Art Nouveau style has all the features that can fully express attention and respect for the birthday girl’s sense of style - floral and plant patterns, complex curves of lines and eclectic combinations of tones and textures seem to be a reflection of the harmonious, but contradictory female nature.

The interior can be decorated:

  • reproductions of Gustav Klimt, Antonio Gaudi or Alphonse Mucha (on paper, on fabric or as a projection);
  • candles in twisted candlesticks;
  • transparent flowing fabrics;
  • live or dried bouquets;
  • colored intricate branches of deciduous plants.

This is an original scenario for a woman’s 55th birthday at home, which involves a buffet with light portioned snacks and drinks in tall glasses and tea drinking, which saves the hostess and her loved ones from long hours at the stove and long gatherings at the table.

At the turn of the century, there was an increased public interest in mysticism and predictions, so as entertainment for those gathered you can:

  • perform comic fortune telling on a book, on coffee grounds or drops of wax;
  • hold a relay race of mysterious stories (by analogy with horror stories popular among teenagers about green hands, etc.);
  • play one of the popular games of that historical period among representatives of almost all ages (for example, “I was born a gardener,” “Ring, ring” or “Anyuta! What, lady? I’m here!”).

The musical setting can be based on the works of Strauss, Debussy, Ravel, romances by Vertinsky and Kozin.

Music and cinema

Knowing the literary, cinematic or musical preferences of the birthday girl and celebrating the anniversary in an entertainment establishment, you can order a performance by your favorite artist with congratulations or a musical program in the style of “Disco of the 80s” performed by a cover band.

You can make a holiday in the style of one of the famous films that came out when the birthday girl and her guests were 20-25 years old:

  • "Taming of the Shrew";
  • "Bat";
  • “Ah, vaudeville, vaudeville”;
  • “The Same Munchausen”;
  • "Three Musketeers";
  • "Grease."

A carefree mood, wonderful music and sparkling humor of films will help the organizer create an easy and win-win program.

All parts of the Marlezon ballet

In fact, the Merlezonsky ballet has 16 parts, not two, and is a complex theatrical production, and not just a ball.

Organizing an evening with dances and skits in the style of the 17th century is an original and time-consuming task. But she's worth it.

  1. We need to find a rectangular room that can accommodate all the couples standing next to each other at the same time.
  2. Lush costumes and wigs from the era of Louis XIII or Louis XIV can be rented from a theater studio or made to order.
  3. It is not difficult to find the original music of the work on the Internet or replace the theme of the Merlezon ballet with the court works of Jean-Baptiste Lully.
  4. At the balls there was a special manager who watched over the correct execution of the dances and suggested to the participants the order of movements - the dance master.
For an approximately correct performance of dances within the framework of the holiday, a couple (actors of the historical reconstruction theater) is needed who can perform the steps of that era - plies, skids, entrechat, attitudes, cabrioles, arabesques and jetes. The rest of the ball participants only need to repeat the movements of the leading couple.

The success of any action depends on its thoughtfulness and preparedness, so the development of the script, distribution of roles and other organizational aspects should be taken over by someone close to the birthday girl. This will allow you to preserve the intrigue of the holiday as much as possible and save the hostess of the celebration from unnecessary worries.

If your birthday girl is a person close to you who wants to make a pleasant surprise and organize her birthday in an unusual, creative way - then the scenario for a woman’s 55th birthday is a cool scenario just for you. Here you will find a new idea for a holiday in the “Pink” style, fresh congratulations, funny scenes and an interesting entertainment program.

Don’t forget to prepare a birthday cake in a pink style, a video greeting “55 – two A’s in my life”, decoration of the hall with elements of floral motifs: a garland of fresh flowers, balloons with flowers, etc. On tables for guests you can prepare bouquets of roses in vases, decorate tables with napkins with roses. In addition, you should purchase rose petals, which will be sprinkled on the path to greet the hero of the day, and you can also distribute roses to all guests of the holiday. By the way, birthday invitations can also be decorated with rose flowers.
Also prepare in advance. But read the article for congratulation ideas so you know what exactly you want to say.

The musical material of the holiday, the dance program should reflect compositions of past years, all songs can be accompanied by video sequences on a multimedia board. The presenters are a man and a woman, close friends or relatives of the birthday girl.

So, the guests of the anniversary have arrived, the path along which the birthday girl will walk is covered with pink rose petals. Each guest holds a pink rose in their hands. Everyone is waiting for the hero of the occasion.

Meeting the birthday girl. "Pink Tunnel"

HOST: A woman is created for a man, and a man is created for work. It was men, out of boredom, who came up with why they needed a woman, and God left the trouble of creating her.

HOST: He took all the magical colors of the morning star, the thoughtfulness of the moon, the beauty of the sun, the attractive power of the magnet.

HOST: Exactly. He mixed it all up and added the coldness of the stars, the uncontrollability of a mountain river, the inaccessibility of the mountains, the flexibility of a panther, the mercilessness of the elements.

HOST: And then, handing over his creation to the man, he ordered him to love her as she came out, and not try to remake her, to experience happiness with her throughout her life, and to withstand all her shortcomings to the end. And to make life easier together, I wished to organize at least a small holiday every day.

HOST: Yes, I accidentally ruffled a rug from the corridor - it’s a holiday. He happily sat down on chewing gum in a new suit - a big celebration.

HOST: Wait, today is not about that. Now a beautiful woman will appear in our hall, into whom the Lord has invested intelligence, beauty, charm, a warm spring morning, and added a little fragrance of roses - all this is our birthday girl Zhanna!

HOST: We greet her with applause!

HOST: Dear Zhanna, today is an extraordinary day for you, today we, your friends and relatives, with great pleasure put two A’s in the diary of your life.

HOST: But for this, you must open your heart to us today, give us your cheerful mood, introduce those who are not yet familiar in this room, and answer the question, what is your favorite flower?

BIRTHDAY GIRL: I agree to everything, I am happy to welcome you to my birthday, I accept a gift from you in the form of two A’s, and my favorite flower is, of course, a rose!

HOST: Then, dear Zhanna, we propose to walk along this festive path, covered with the petals of your favorite flowers. Today you will accept roses and receive congratulations on your anniversary!

HOST: Your daughters are the first to meet you, today they bow to you for being able to raise them in love, for everything you taught them, for your love and tenderness, for wisdom and mentoring.

The birthday girl’s daughters bow to her, kiss her, and give her their roses.

HOST: Next on the path of life is your beloved husband, today from him to you - his kiss and gratitude for your love and tenderness.

The husband comes up, kisses the birthday girl, gives her a rose.

HOST: Two more important men in your life, dear Zhanna, are your brothers-in-law, for whom, we know, you have become a second mother in life. Accept flowers and their love from them.

Sons-in-law give flowers to their mother-in-law and kiss her.

HOST: We all know that Zhanna is a loving grandmother, so, of course, her most beloved people - her grandchildren - came today to congratulate her on the holiday. Keep it up, Zhanna, don’t scold your grandchildren, but accept a loaf from them today.

The grandchildren come up to their grandmother and give her a loaf of bread.

HOST: But these are not all the beloved men in the birthday girl’s life. From childhood to this day, Zhanna is surrounded by the love of her brothers. Look, they look like a selection. Take from them, Zhanna, a set of sweets.
The brothers approach the birthday girl and hand her candy and roses.

HOST: And the brothers have wives. Zhanna has been friends with them for many, many years, they are like friends to her, and today they prepared delicious buns for Zhanna.

Following the anniversary scenario for a 55-year-old woman, the brothers’ wives present profiteroles and roses to Zhanna

HOST: We know that your great love for your nephews plays a certain role in your life; you helped them in life at certain moments. So, get their loud applause for this!

The birthday girl's nephews applaud, come up, hand over roses and their kisses.

HOST: Having friends in life is an important fact, then life goes well. Accept from them today Zhanna dark, but very sweet chocolate!

Friends come up to the birthday girl and give the birthday girl a huge bar of chocolate.

HOST: Well, dear birthday girl, you have gone through your floral holiday tunnel. Now, rather, invite your guests to celebrate your 55th anniversary together!

Festive feast. Congratulations to family and friends

First toast

HOST: How joyful and bright it is today in this room, filled with the smiles of guests, close people of our birthday girl. Today we want to wish her to always remain the same young soul, mischievous lover of life that she has always been, and for which we all love her.

HOST: Let's fill our glasses and drink to the birthday girl's optimism, love, wisdom and health for many years to come!

Second toast

HOST: You have all noticed that today is not an ordinary holiday, it is accompanied by beautiful roses. Why, you ask - it’s all because our Zhanna not only loves these flowers, but also grows them herself.

HOST: There is also a legend that roses grow in those places where a falling star leaves a trail. Well, we have no doubt that our Zhanna is a star in life! And yet, not everyone knows, but in the language of flowers the word “rose” means “beauty and romance.” And our Zhanna’s 55th birthday is a beautiful and romantic holiday. Does everyone agree with this?

HOST: Let's drink to the beautiful rose - our Zhanna. For her today - all the flowers of the world, the smile of the sun from above. And how wonderful it is that in our lives we know for sure that you exist! Then, let's drink to that!

Third toast

HOST: I invite you to proclaim the third toast of our feast to the man who once, quite by accident, entered the life of our Zhanna. The story was romantic - one day, on a cold and frosty winter day, our Zhanna was moving from one dorm to another, and one young man decided to help a pretty girl. And he helped, and together they still walk the same path in life, having raised two beautiful daughters.

HOST: I think that Zhanna’s beloved husband, Anatoly, will tell you everything better!

Fourth toast

HOST: Dad and mom are two native words, from them come our love and courage, in them is love for everything native: for the land, for your home, for your children. They teach a lifetime of wisdom.

HOST: And if you are 55 today, you are still a child for them. Therefore, let’s raise our glasses to the beginning of our Zhanna’s life, to the source that gave her life, and invite the parents of the birthday girl to make a toast. Let's drink to their health!

Fifth toast

HOST: When grandma is at home, life is always good. She is my best friend. No wonder people say: happy is the one who has his dear grandmother.

HOST: Grandma. What a gentle, beautiful, meek, kind and warm word? And why? But because grandmother is mother’s or father’s mother, so she lived twice as long as mother or father.
I've seen twice as much in my life. And her grandchildren are probably twice as dear to her. Because they are her child's children.

Entertainment. Competitions and jokes

Congratulations from fans

HOST: Our birthday girl is an attractive woman. Of course, she has many fans. Some of them arrived today to congratulate her on the holiday.

Arabic music sounds, the Sultan enters the hall (dressed in oriental costume)

SULTAN: Oh, the unsurpassed rose of my heart, the sultana of my soul, dear Zhanna. Your beauty outshines the light of the sun, and your mind outshines the wisdom of the moon. It’s a gift from me for you.

The Sultan performs a simple trick, or simply takes out the first crystal rose from the box.

SULTAN: Accept this Rose of Love as a gift from me, it will always disperse your hot blood through your veins, will protect and cherish you. Let him shine like a star on the way, let him warm you at night and remind you of me. Do you agree to be mine forever?

The birthday girl accepts the rose, but replies that she does not agree.

HOST: Yes, our birthday girl is a picky lady. Let's meet our next fan.
To the music, the Doctor enters

DOCTOR: Citizen Zhanna Petrova? So, so, it’s your beauty that blinded my eyes? Yeah, but because of love for you, heart problems, tachycardia, and neurosis began? Clear. I attribute: You need to become mine. Accept the Rose of Health from me as a gift (takes out a second crystal rose from the reticule). This rose is a powerful weapon against all diseases. She is the fire of my love, the winds of time cannot blow it out, keep it always, and be healthy with me - and you will never have illnesses. I will always be with you! Do you agree to become mine?

The birthday girl accepts the crystal rose, but refuses. A Jock (a guy dressed in a tracksuit with false “biceps”), or for fun, maybe a Stripper, enters the hall to the music.

Jock: I've been looking for you for a long time, Beauty Queen. And you appeared in my dreams every day. Become mine, and I will be your man forever. And as a gift, accept a Rose of Beauty from me. Keep it, because it is known that beauty will save the world, and your beauty will save the entire universe. Be with me, my Queen, give me your heart!

The birthday girl accepts the Rose of Beauty and refuses the Jock. The husband of the birthday girl enters the hall, accompanied by romantic music, with a huge bouquet of fresh roses.

Competition for guests

The presenter invites several guests and the birthday girl to the center of the hall, turns their backs to Zhanna and asks questions:
“What color are the birthday girl’s pants?” (actually she is wearing a dress)
“What color is the manicure?”
“How high are the heels? In millimeters please"
“What was the name of the birthday girl’s grandfather?”
“Who is your specialty?”
“How tall is Zhanna?”
“How many grandchildren does the birthday girl have?”
The guest who guesses the largest number of answers receives an invitation from the birthday girl to the next birthday.
"Berry competition"
The presenter invites everyone who loves to dance to take part in the competition. He counts those who wish, puts them in a circle, and turns their backs to the center of the circle. In the middle of the circle he places a stool, on it a large tray with a variety of fruits and berries - cherries, apples, pears, oranges, lemons, kiwis, etc. There should be several of them, for example, if you have 8 participants, then on the tray there should be 7 apples, 6 pears, 5 plums, 4 cherries, 3 strawberries, 1 raspberry.

Music starts playing and the participants dance. The music stops, the presenter names a specific fruit. Participants must turn around and take the named fruit from the tray. Anyone who does not have time is eliminated from the game. The game continues. Thus, the winner is determined.

Birthday cake

The celebration will conclude with the presentation of a birthday cake with roses. It’s beautiful when the grandchildren take out the cake for grandma.

HOST: For the brightest rose of today's holiday, for the wise and beautiful Zhanna - our holiday cake. Applause from the guests in honor of her wonderful holiday!

HOST: Happy holiday, Zhanna, happy birthday!

Solemn sounds are heard, and the grandchildren bring out the cake on a tray. The birthday girl blows out the candles to applause.
According to the scenario of the woman’s 55th birthday, we end the holiday with fireworks and a photo session as a keepsake.

Leading. Good afternoon, dear guests! According to the good old tradition, we have gathered here today to celebrate the anniversary of ______ in a solemn, festive atmosphere!

Everyone greets the hero of the occasion, who sits at the head of the table.


Anniversary - what a word!

This is a holiday, this is a celebration!

This is joy and warmth in your home!

Friends and employees, without sparing words,

They want to congratulate you on this anniversary day!

You are full of light and joy, happiness,

Your advice is important and necessary for us.

Your family loves and appreciates you,

Colleagues and your true friends.

We all wish you health and strength,

So that youth, happiness, luck, success

Fate has always given you without hindrance!

The hero of the day’s friends come up to her and sing congratulations to the tune of the song “Snowfall.”

You haven't had time to drink up your autumn yet,

And your anniversary has already crept up and is waiting.

He is gray and has added a few wrinkles,

He will bring you more surprises!


Anniversary, anniversary, this is not old age at all,

This is a grateful dawn of mature beauty!

So let's pour some glasses and drink to the joy,

And the hours of fun will fly by like a moment!

Let your wishes flow like a river today.

Be a beloved wife and loved by children.

Prepare a feast for friends and acquaintances.

Everyone will come to the holiday, don’t forget - invite!


And we also wish you, dear,

Long life and great, great luck.

So that there is joy and happiness in your home,

But trouble would have passed him by!


Leading. The floor is given to the employees of the hero of the day.

Employee. It was a long time ago:... years ago. No, no, I’m not starting to tell you a fairy tale. I want to tell you about our hero of the day! So,... years ago, a young, very modest, very pretty girl, a graduate... of the institute, crossed the threshold of our institution. This was our dear hero of the day. True, her name was simply then... They hired her for the position... And since then, she has grown her heart and soul to her favorite business. How much love for your profession you need to have, what kind of heart is it to carry this very difficult, difficult burden for so many years, without ever betraying yourself.

Leading. Dear...!

Accept in the prime of life

Our warm, warm greetings,

And, without hiding our feelings,

We will raise our cups for you!

Leading. Expensive...! Cheburashka came to see us and, having learned that there was an anniversary here, he wanted to congratulate you.

A young man with cardboard ears, like Cheburashka, sings a song to the tune of “Songs of the Crocodile Gena” (“Let them run clumsily...”).

We didn't come in vain -

This is clear to everyone -

And we sat down at this table.

Congratulations to the hero of the day

And leave it as a memory

This song that we will sing!


Let the years not age you,

In life, be in everyone's sight,

Sorry, birthday

Only once a year!

Birthday hero, my friend,

Come out to our circle

And pour us some stronger wine!

It's not often that we're here

Let's get together

On your solemn anniversary!


We all congratulate you

And, of course, we wish

Remain the same as you are:

Modest, kind and sweet,

Patient, beautiful...

We cannot count all your advantages.


Leading. There are so many guests here today! Everyone came to congratulate the hero of the day. And first we will give the floor to the director, our respected...

The director reads out and presents the welcome address and gift.



On your anniversary, we wish you prosperity.

And good health for many years to come.

On your anniversary we wish you good luck

And great happiness to boot.

May the sun always shine on you,

So that the heart of the worthy loves,

So that grief, adversity and misfortune

It turned out to be the desired victory.

Leading. The staff of the institution where you worked for so many years has always been stable in personnel matters; it has always been and remains a single, united organism, friendly and efficient. And today he congratulates you!

The group sings congratulations to the tune of the song “I’m Standing at a Stop.”

Friends and relatives are sitting

Sparkling wine flows

And there is a long way left behind.

The words are welcoming.

Where are your cherished years?

What has passed cannot be returned.

As a sign of our attention

Please accept my wishes,

Live many years to the joy of everyone.

May the years be like a blizzard

Everyone is turning gray,

And the light warms youth!

Inconspicuous happiness for you,

Unchanged success,

We wish you great luck many times over.

Good health to you,

Hopes and personal happiness,

May youth never leave you!

Let adversity be forgotten

And all your wishes will come true,

And let there never be grief!

Love if you love

Live the way you want

And always be cheerful!

Employees present the hero of the day with a gift.

Leading. I give the floor to the rest of the guests for congratulations and presentation of gifts. (After congratulations.) In honor of our celebration, a large gold medal was cast, let me present it to the hero of the occasion.

Presents a comic (chocolate or drawn) medal.

Leading. Dear guests of our holiday! Today we learned a lot about the hero of the day, there were a lot of congratulations and wishes addressed to her. But not everyone present congratulated her yet. The floor is given to the husband.

The husband's congratulations sound. Then the host invites the guests to play and conducts a block of games (to choose from, see appendix).



You can’t escape anniversaries in life,

They will overtake everyone like birds,

But the main thing is to carry it through the years

Warmth of the soul, a bit of cordiality.

Today is your anniversary.

We sincerely congratulate you!

And we wish the most important thing in life:

Health, happiness, joy

And up to a hundred years without growing old!

All guests sing the song “Great”.


We had a great time on your holiday.

Nowhere have we seen a more beautiful holiday.

So be healthy, live richly,

And we are leaving for home, for the hut!



Guests are reminded of the plots of famous Russian fairy tales and are invited to compose and tell new versions - in the genre of detective story, romance novel, tragedy, thriller, etc.

The winner is determined by the guests through applause.

Who is this?

Take each piece of paper and draw a head on top - a person, an animal, a bird. Fold the sheet so that what you drew is not visible - only the tip of the neck. And pass the drawing to your neighbor. Each participant in the game ended up with a new sheet of paper with an image that he had not seen. Everyone draws the upper part of the body, again “hides” the drawing and passes it to a neighbor so that they can complete the limbs on the new piece of paper they receive. Now unfold all the pictures and see what creatures are depicted on them.

Telephone operator competition

Two groups of 10-12 people playing are seated in two parallel rows. The presenter selects a difficult-to-pronounce tongue twister and communicates it (in secret) to the first person in each team. At the leader’s signal, the first in the row begin to pass it into the ear of the second, the second to the third, and so on until the last. The latter, having received the “telephone message,” must stand up and pronounce the tongue twister loudly and clearly. The winner is the team that quickly transmits the tongue twister along the chain and whose representative pronounces it more accurately and better.

Tongue Twisters

Tell me about your purchase. Which purchase? About your purchase, about your purchase, about your purchase.

The forty-forty ate the cheese with a beautiful red crust, and the forty-forty quickly flew in and sat down under the hill.

Praskovya exchanged crucian carp for three pairs of purebred piglets, the piglets ran through the dew, the piglets caught a cold, but not all of them.

He reported, but didn’t complete his report, but started to complete his report and then reported.

Our chebotar is a chebotar to all the chebotars, no one can outdo our chebotar.

Broken phone

Everyone sits in a row. The one on the far left whispers something in his neighbor’s ear, who goes further. The one on the far right says out loud what came to him. The one who started tells what exactly he wanted to convey. Sometimes the distortions can be very funny. After each “call” you need to change seats so that everyone can be at the ends of the “wire”.


Participants are asked to create a story from the titles of newspaper articles cut out and attached to cards.


Each of the players chooses a name for themselves based on the name of one of the kitchen items, for example, a plate, fork, knife, poker, etc. One of the players begins to ask about a variety of objects from their environment, about himself, about the interlocutor (his external appearance, habits, affections, etc.). For example: “What do you have instead of eyes?” Or: “Who do you kiss most often?” or: “What do you like to treat your guests to?” or, “What whets your appetite the most?” The main task of the driver is to pose a question, the answer to which involuntarily causes laughter both from the specific interlocutor and from all the players. When answering questions, the person answering must resort to only one word - the name with which he identified himself - fork, knife, etc. Additionally, only prepositions are allowed. The one who laughs is eliminated from the game.

To conduct this competition, it is necessary to pre-record the soundtrack of introductions to television advertisements and invite participants to continue the text that, in their opinion, sounds after the musical intro. The most knowledgeable ones receive prizes - those things, objects whose advertisements they know by heart. For this competition, it is better to have soundtracks of those TV commercials that are already a little forgotten.


Players are given tickets - cards with the names of cities - this is the destination. The “conductor” (host) asks: “Do you know what country this city is in?” If the owner of the “ticket” with the named city answers correctly, his “ticket” is “validated”. The one with the most “validated tickets” wins.

Literary scholars

Episodes or quotes, or individual phrases from some literary work are read to participants in the competition. Participants must choose from a variety of books the one they think is being discussed. The first one to name the correct answer receives the title of winner.


This game will help all your guests get to know each other. Guests sitting at the table pass a roll of toilet paper around. Each guest tears off as many scraps as he wants, the more the better. When each guest has a stack of scraps, the host announces the rules of the game: each guest must tell as many facts about himself as he has torn scraps.


All participants sit around the table, on sofas and armchairs. Each participant chooses a name of two syllables, with the emphasis on the first (for example, Ka-cha, Sa-nya, Bird-ka, Fish-ka). The leader (a person with a good sense of rhythm) sets the pace, everyone supports it by clapping their palms on the table, knees, etc. The initial pace is one clap per second. The presenter says his name twice, then the name of any other person twice (“Katya, Katya - Petya, Petya”) - one name for one clap. After this, the person whose name is named must also say his name twice, and someone else’s twice. The pace gradually increases. There should be no pauses; a name should be pronounced for each clap. If someone gets confused, then he is given some cool nickname - “Brake”, “Chukchi”, “Woodpecker” - and after that he can no longer be called Petya, Katya, but only with a new name. The third time, the person who makes the mistake is eliminated from the game. It becomes most fun when the pace increases to a frantic pace, and all the participants have new interesting names.


The presenter gives everyone a blank sheet of paper and a pen (pencil, felt-tip pen, etc.). After this, the creation of essays begins. The presenter asks the first question: “Who?” The players write the answer to it on their sheets (the options may be different, depending on what comes to mind). Then they fold the sheet so that the inscription is not visible and pass the sheet to their neighbor on the right. The presenter asks a second question, for example: “Where?” The players again write the answer to it and again fold the sheet in the above manner, and again pass the sheet. This is repeated as many times as necessary until the presenter runs out of imagination for questions. The point of the game is that each player, answering the last question, does not see the results of previous answers. After finishing the questions, the sheets of paper are collected by the presenter, unfolded, and the resulting essays are read out. The results are very funny stories, with the most unexpected characters (from all kinds of animals to close acquaintances) and plot twists. The main thing for the presenter is to successfully choose the sequence of questions so that the resulting story is coherent.