Special medical care for disabled people of group 1. Allowance for caring for a disabled person




Registration of benefits for caring for a disabled person

Many people know that disabled people receive pensions and cash benefits. However, only a few know that cash payments rely not only on the disabled themselves, but also on the people who look after them. However, you need to understand that such payments are made only if certain conditions are met. Below we will find out how much they pay to care for a disabled person, what documents are needed to care for a disabled person of group 1, whether it is possible to obtain registration for caring for a disabled person of group 2, and so on.

Payments and benefits

Some people who look after people with disabilities are entitled to certain payments and benefits. Let's list them:

  • Compensation payment. Compensation payments are due to able-bodied citizens who do not work and are looking after a disabled child or a group I disabled person. The amount of compensation depends on the relationship between the disabled person and the person providing care. If the person providing care is a parent, adoptive parent or guardian of a disabled person, then he is entitled to compensation in the amount of 5,500 rubles per month; other persons looking after a disabled person can also receive compensation, but in this case it will be only 1,200 rubles. No payments for caring for disabled people of group 2 and group 3 are provided. Many people mistakenly believe that there are benefits and allowances for caring for a disabled person of group 3 and group 2, but this is a misconception.
  • Early pension for caring for a disabled person. Persons who cared for a disabled child under 8 years of age are entitled to early retirement for caring for a disabled person, regardless of how old the disabled person is now and whether he is disabled at all. In fact, this norm is needed to ensure that parents do not abandon their disabled children.
  • Sick leave to care for a disabled person. If a person is raising a disabled child, then he can be given sick leave according to a simplified scheme. Paid sick leave for treatment is issued for a period of 2 weeks, however, if necessary, this sick leave can be extended an unlimited number of times (however, the total amount sick days care should be no more than 120 days per year).
  • Additional days off and leave to care for a disabled child. If a family has a disabled child, they are entitled to 4 additional paid days off. It should be understood that days off are given per family, and not per parent. For example, if dad takes 1 additional day off, then in the same month mom can take no more than 3 additional days off.

Documents for receiving compensation payment

How to apply for a benefit for caring for a disabled person of group 1 or a disabled child? To do this you need to collect the following documents:

  • Application from the caregiver, as well as his passport.
  • Work record book of a disabled person and a caregiver.
  • Written agreement a disabled person to the fact that he will be cared for by a person who claims to receive a compensation payment (only if the disabled person belongs to category 1 and can independently express his will).
  • Certificate for caring for a disabled person of group 1 or a disabled child.
  • A document confirming the fact that the caregiver does not receive a pension or unemployment benefits.
  • Conclusion of medical and social examination.

Many people are also interested in how to arrange care for a group 2 disabled person. However, the law does not provide for such a procedure, since when caring for a disabled person of group 2, the caregiver is not entitled to either monetary payments or compensation.

Termination of payments

Now you know that compensation for caring for a disabled person of group 2 is not paid, and additional payment for caring for a disabled person of group 3 is a myth. However, in some cases, the state may stop payments when caring for a disabled person of group 1 and a disabled child. These are the cases:

  • In the event of the death of a caregiver.
  • In case of termination of care.
  • In case of assignment to the person who provided care, unemployment benefits or pensions.
  • If it has been proven in judicial procedure that the disabled person or carer was engaged in any activity that was aimed at making a profit.
  • Upon expiration of the period for which the person was diagnosed with disability. After re-passing the medical and social examination, the compensation payment can be restored.
  • In the event of an improvement in the health of a disabled person, which led to his transfer from disability group I to another, as well as in the case of a complete recovery.
  • If a disabled person is placed in a specialized social institution who cares for this disabled person.
  • If a disabled child has reached the age of majority and has been recognized as healthy or a disabled person of group II or III.
  • If a disabled child has reached the age of majority, but has not passed a medical and social examination, which must confirm the disability and assign disability groups.

This opportunity is provided to strangers. Payments for caring for a disabled person depend on the place where the citizen lives. When calculating benefits in the Far North, coefficients are used. Such people are entitled to increased payments.

Requirements for guardians who care for disabled citizens

There are several criteria for recipients of budget payments:

  1. A person can count on state aid, if you have no other sources of income.
  2. Experts take into account the age of the assistant. He must not be under 16 years of age.
  3. People caring for a disabled person must live in the same city as him.
  4. The guardian must inform the Pension Fund employees in the event of employment.

The following citizens cannot be trustees:

  1. Minor children.
  2. People who have been declared incompetent.
  3. The court deprives negligent parents of their child care rights. Such people cannot apply for benefits.
  4. People suffering from drug addiction and alcoholism do not have the right to care for disabled people.

Fact cohabitation doesn't matter at all. Often people with disabilities cannot find a guardian. In this case, the state assigns the responsibility for caring for the disabled person to social worker. People who are able to take care of themselves do not need a guardian.

A person caring for an elderly person has the right to count on compensation payments. The condition for receiving benefits is the lack of income. Students often look after people with disabilities.

Are payments due to a teenager receiving a scholarship? The young person has the right to apply for benefits. Studying at a university is not considered work activity. They can receive both a scholarship and a disability allowance.

Entrepreneurs are not entitled to compensation. Payments for caring for a disabled person will not be able to be received by hired employees who work under employment contract. The benefit is not accrued to people listed as unemployed in the employment fund.

Important! In case of employment, a person is obliged to report this to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation within 5 days. Violators risk facing forced collection of payments received illegally.

The amount of benefits for caring for disabled people in 2018

Disabled citizens need constant assistance. The amount of payments depends on who is caring for the disabled person. It is established in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 175.
Parents and guardians can count on a benefit of RUB 5,500. Outsiders may apply for budget payments in the amount of 1,200 rubles.

The benefit is accrued from the 1st day of the next month. To do this, it is necessary to obtain a positive decision from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Special attention given to citizens who live in the Far North. When calculating benefits, regional coefficients are used.

Important! Standard payments for caring for a disabled person of group 1 are 1,200 rubles.

How to apply for benefits

The applicant can contact the regional branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Specialists will require the submission of the following documents:

  1. You must first fill out an application.
  2. If disabled person is capable, then his consent will be required.
  3. Lack of income must be confirmed by an appropriate certificate.
  4. Specialists check the length of service based on entries in the work book. People who are registered with the employment fund do not have the right to receive benefits for caring for a disabled person. A person must obtain a certificate from the labor exchange, which is needed to confirm the citizen’s labor status.
  5. The application must indicate Bank details, for which benefits will be received.
  6. Payments for caring for a disabled person cannot be processed without a passport and SNILS.
  7. The degree of disability is indicated in the conclusion of the medical and social commission.

When does the pension fund begin to accrue benefits for caring for a disabled person?

Specialists must check the documents within 10 days. After this, a decision is made on the assignment of payments. If additional questions arise, the period for reviewing documents may be extended to a month.

The applicant must receive a corresponding notification indicating the reason for the refusal of payments. To submit an application, a guardian does not have to go to the regional office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. There is a service that allows you to submit documents to in electronic format. It is enough to register on the government services portal.

Important! A legally capable disabled person must write his consent. Interests of people with mental illness parents can represent.

In what situations does the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation decide to stop payments?

Benefits are accrued as long as the person is caring for a disabled person. Payments in 2018 for caring for a disabled child are terminated in the following cases:

  1. The user got a job permanent place work.
  2. The death of a ward occurred.
  3. The man has reached retirement age.
  4. A disabled citizen moved to another city.
  5. The person is registered with the employment fund.

The relationship between the disabled person and the helper can be terminated by mutual consent. Usually, relatives look after disabled citizens. Deductions for caring for a disabled person are terminated if an application has been received from the ward. After this, the duty of care disabled citizen is made by another person.

In case of refusal, the user must submit a corresponding application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Some people provide incorrect information regarding the income received. Deception by employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation can lead to serious consequences. The fraudster will have to repay the ill-gotten funds. Malicious intent may cause the case to be considered by the prosecutor's office. If you try to hide your work status, an administrative penalty may be imposed.

Peculiarities of calculating benefits for people who care for disabled children

Most often, this responsibility is assigned to one of the child’s parents. Payments from the budget are due to guardians who have adopted a child. The benefit amount is 5,500 rubles. Taking into account the regional coefficient, the amount of payments can reach 7,150 rubles.

Caring for a sick baby can also be entrusted to an outsider. In this case, the state pays the citizen compensation in the amount of 1,200 rubles. The state accrues benefits until the child turns 18 years old. Payments can be continued only if the teenager enters a university or technical school. Removal of disability deprives a person of the opportunity to receive benefits.

Features of providing payments to persons caring for a disabled person since childhood

Disabled citizens need constant care. Financial assistance is provided not only to close relatives. Compensation can be received by a stranger who cares for a disabled person. The amount of payments for parents and guardians is 5,500 rubles. Other categories of people can count on state support in the amount of 1,200 rubles.

How is the length of service calculated for a person caring for a disabled person?

The Pension Fund continues to accrue IPC to the person. For each year, the guardian receives 1.8 points. Wherein work activity is not interrupted. The guardian can send an application through the MFC. Specialists can review documents within 10 days. When positive decision benefits begin to accrue from the moment the right to payments arises.


To receive payments to care for a disabled person, you must meet certain criteria. Employed citizens will not be able to apply for benefits. The state does not provide financial assistance people who are listed as unemployed in the employment fund. The amount of the benefit depends on the region of residence. When calculating benefits for residents of the Far North, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation uses coefficients.

Modern Russian legislation actively addresses issues related to improving the living conditions of citizens with disabilities. This category of people cannot independently provide for themselves. comfortable conditions. The state has established monthly payments for them. Representatives of government agencies also took care of their trustees. are also paid monthly. The procedure for their execution and all sorts of nuances associated with payments will be discussed in the following material.

Disabled people of the first group are considered incompetent (mentally or physically) citizens whose capabilities differ from the standard by more than 80 percent. Full life such people is very limited. They cannot care for themselves, so disabled people need caregivers. Most often, close relatives living together in the same territory become guardians. Persons who are not related by blood can become trustees. The state will not prevent this, but relatives are a priority.

It's one thing to take care of people disabilities, and another thing is to receive benefits for it. Making monthly payments requires certain conditions. The criteria for guardianship are as follows:

  • majority;
  • no stories of deprivation of parental rights;
  • full legal capacity (mental and physical);
  • not be officially employed. Caring for a patient requires 24/7 presence;
  • lack of additional benefits (labor, military, social pension, etc.);
  • no criminal record.

If a trustee gets a job or starts receiving a pension, he must notify the Pension Fund about this within five working days. Refusal to act is equivalent to an illegal act. He will need to return social payments, received from the moment of registration of new ones. The trustee signs a document waiving payment for caring for a disabled person of the first group. Additional earnings There are no provisions for guardians. State benefits are aimed at replacing labor earnings.

You should count on receiving benefits if:

  • a disabled person of the first category is 80 years old;
  • the guardian will provide full care;
  • the disabled person is a minor citizen;
  • A citizen with disabilities needs 24-hour supervision.

The main advantage for obtaining the status of a guardian is the presence of close family ties and residence in the same territory. Parents of disabled children are primarily considered as trustees. The absence of relatives and others willing to take care of a disabled citizen complicates the process. In this case, and also if the patient needs special medical care, specialized institutions can appoint guardians.

Required documents

It is possible to obtain benefits for caring for a disabled person of group 1 only through the Pension Fund. The procedure requires patience, because you will first need to collect a package of documentation:

  • a statement written by the future guardian. Filling is done in any form;
  • a certificate from the Fund confirming the absence of third-party government payments;
  • medical report and separately from the attending physician. He must confirm the need for ongoing care;
  • a document confirming the first category of disability;
  • passports, work books of both parties;
  • a medical report on the condition of the guardian, allowing him to look after the disabled person;
  • an extract indicating the absence of care benefits until this time;
  • consent of the incapacitated citizen in writing.

If a minor (14 years of age or older) becomes a guardian, a certificate from parents or educational institution will be required. The patient care procedure should occupy time free from the educational process. The absence of family ties between the caregiver and the disabled person will require an additional certificate from close relatives.

The procedure for reviewing the application and confirming the verdict takes two weeks. After checking the documentation package, the person wishing to obtain the status of a guardian is called to the social security department. He is given a conclusion and assigned a new position

Amount of payments and types of benefits

Benefits for guardians of group 1 disabled people are established at federal level. The amount of monthly benefits (except for the region) is influenced by several factors, the amounts vary:

  • payments to a non-working parent caring for a disabled child range from 5,500 rubles;
  • the generally established value is 1500 (since 2017).

Benefits for caregivers may vary by region. The state has the right to provide:

  • 50% discount on housing and communal services;
  • the right to use the property of a sick citizen;
  • free Spa treatment once a year;
  • transport tax cuts;
  • labor of young disabled children under eight years of age;
  • free use social species transport;
  • reduction of land, abolition of property tax.

If more than one disabled person of group 1 is dependent, then the payments are summed up. Guardians looking after own child In case of divorce, mandatory alimony is required.

Table showing the amount of benefits depending on the type of disability:

Categories are reviewed every two years. After this period, the documents are collected in the same order, and the medical commission is re-passed. In addition to state pensions, disabled people without length of service or children with disabilities of category 1 are entitled to social benefits. Payments are monthly, the amount is calculated based on the regional coefficient. The allowance starts at 3,500 rubles.

An important aspect of formal paid care for the sick is the inclusion of the period of care in the total length of service. Mandatory item is the presence of entries in the book before or after guardianship.

Care for children

Citizens in Russia who obtain guardianship for a child who has been disabled since childhood or congenital pathologies must be aware of the specifics of the procedure. Cash benefits are available to any person. The amount of social benefits depends on the status of the caregiver.

The state provides maximum financial support to parents or persons who have obtained such rights. The amount of monetary benefits for them is 60% of the minimum wage. It depends on the regional coefficient. The amount of the benefit starts from 5,500 rubles. Other citizens are entitled to a mandatory pension of 1,500. If other relatives (grandparents, sisters, brothers, aunts) arrange for guardianship of a disabled child, then the cash payments will be only one and a half thousand.


IN Russian Federation Guardians of disabled people of the first group are entitled to social and monetary benefits. Only citizens will be able to receive monthly funding without official employment and additional government payments. The procedure for registering guardianship will require significant time. The main stage of the process is collecting the necessary documentation package. However, caring for the patient will require constant presence with him. Apart from low income, the guardian does not have to count on any other income.

In 2019, as in previous years, benefits for caring for a disabled person of group 2 are not provided for by law. The state pays benefits only to persons caring for disabled people of group 1. This is due to the fact that the second group of disability does not provide for the complete inability of a disabled person to provide himself with basic things and personal care during the day.

  • speech apparatus disorder;
  • pathologies of the circulatory system;
  • non-standard parameters of the body and organs;
  • mental disorders;
  • visual impairment;
  • sensitivity disorder.
The disability group is determined by doctors during a social medical commission. Based on the conclusion issued by this commission, the right to receive provided for by law benefits.

Based on the above violations, the commission puts the second group in case of:

  1. Inadequate orientation of the patient in the surrounding space and time.
  2. The need for a disabled person to resort to outside help others when receiving information or transmitting it.
  3. Limited uncontrolled behavior during certain periods, which can be corrected.
  4. Limited ability to care for oneself in basic everyday situations. This requires the help of special additional technical means or strangers.
  5. Restrictions on the possibility of free movement. If auxiliary technical means or strangers, or the inability of a person to move independently on public transport.
  6. Limiting it labor opportunities when he needs to create special conditions to perform his duties.
  7. Problems with learning, when a person cannot learn general skills on his own educational institutions, and for this he needs specialized institutions.
That is, the second disability group is given to people who are partially limited in their capabilities, but at the same time they periodically need help full-fledged people or special technical means. People with this group have the right to get a job and work in accordance with the permitted medical recommendations and permissions.

On this basis, the state denies payments to those people who care for them. But people with disabilities themselves have the right to receive established regional and federal preferential payments and benefits from the state.

Allowance for caring for a disabled child

If a child of group 2 is diagnosed as disabled, a non-working parent or relative has the right to apply for payment of care benefits. This payment is provided as compensation to a person for his inability to go to permanent work due to the need to care for an unhealthy child.

Federal benefit

Payments provided for by federal legislation and made from federal budget funds are called federal. At the federal level, parents or legal representatives Children of disabled people are entitled to the following benefits and payments:

  1. The amount of benefits in 2019 for non-working parents or official representatives is set at 5,500 rubles, for other relatives - 1,200 rubles.
  2. A one-time benefit when a disabled minor over 7 years of age is adopted, 124,929 rubles.
  3. A working parent has the right to register up to 4 days a year to care for a sick child and receive payment for these days in full.
  4. 50% discount on utility costs.
  5. The amount of non-taxable tax deduction for parents is 12,000 rubles per year, and for other relatives - 6,000 rubles per year.
  6. Other benefits and payments intended for a disabled child, which, due to his incapacity, are received by parents or official representatives.

Regional benefits

Regions have the right to provide additional measures to support citizens caring for children with disabilities of group 2.

For example, in Moscow and the Moscow region, a non-working parent can count on additional compensation for caring for a sick child 6,000 rubles.

In Novosibirsk, one of the parents or official representatives who does not have a job can apply for an additional benefit from 318 rubles monthly to 900 rubles.

And in St. Petersburg, this additional benefit depends on the type of disability and varies this year from 6,220 rubles to 14,020 rubles.

One of the important points when paying these regional benefits is the fact that they are transferred to the person who directly cares for the incapacitated disabled person. The presence of family ties does not matter.

Also, a person caring for a disabled citizen of group 2 has the right to obtain guardianship over him. This will give him the right to receive work experience for this period, and it will be taken into account when forming a pension.

But there are two necessary requirements for guardians:

  1. He must not be employed.
  2. Mandatory residence with your guardian in the same locality.
Other regions also have the right to individually establish benefits or additional payments.

Procedure for obtaining benefits

To receive payment for caring for a sick child of group 2, you must follow a certain algorithm of actions.

You can apply for benefits if:

  • due to his health, he cannot have normal life activities;
  • there are serious injuries or illnesses;
  • the baby needs rehabilitation.

If a child has the above-mentioned deviations, his parents can begin to apply for state child care benefits. The order is as follows:

  1. Receive a referral from a doctor or independently write an application on behalf of a parent or official representative to conduct a social medical examination to determine disability.
  2. Passing a commission with an unhealthy child.
  3. Obtaining a medical report.
  4. Next, you need to collect a complete package of documents and submit an application to the Pension Fund
  5. Indicate the method of receiving benefits and account details if you choose non-cash transfer.

Required documents

When submitting an application to the Pension Fund, you need to prepare the following documents:

  • parent's passport;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • expert opinion establishing disability.
Based of this statement will be transferred cash from the beginning of the month in which the application was submitted.

Unfortunately for many citizens, they are not compensated for caring for the disabled population of group 2 disability. For this reason, many disabled people are forced to pay paid services nurses and other helpers.

Almost all disabled people of the first group need outside help. How to arrange care for a disabled person of group 1. Some people need help getting up, others cannot prepare food for themselves. There are many reasons and problems when a disabled person of group 1 needs outside help. The state has a law according to which a disabled person of the first group in need of care is entitled to a guardian who receives money from the state. Let's now take a closer look at how to prepare documents for caring for a disabled person of group 1.

Requirement for a guardian

Requirements for a guardian caring for a disabled person of group 1. The guardian must not be under 16 years of age, not of retirement age, must not work and receive a salary, and not be a member of an employment center or receive benefits. Also, if you want to become a guardian close relative who has an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur), he also cannot claim to be a guardian, according to the state.

On this moment On September 24, 2015, the amount of payments to a guardian caring for a disabled person of group 1 is 1,500 rubles. By own experience I know (I am disabled group 1) that it is very difficult to find such a person. Who wants to take care of a person, especially a disabled person, for 1,500 rubles. Only a close relative who will look after you for free. But you shouldn’t expect payments from the state to your relatives. Since almost all of them work, because the pension of a disabled person of group 1 is severely lacking. And it turns out to be a vicious circle, like a person caring for a disabled person, but at the same time cannot receive the money provided for this.

How to prepare documents for care

And so, if you find a person who agrees with all the conditions imposed by the state, then start collecting documents. A document about your disability and group, a rehabilitation card that states what you need ongoing care. A person willing to care for a disabled person provides work book with a record of dismissal, a certificate of pension insurance and a certificate confirming that you are not receiving unemployment benefits.

Next, with all the documents, you go to the Pension Fund department at the place of registration of the disabled person. Then the guardian writes a statement on his own behalf, indicating the date from which care for the disabled person began or will begin and registers the place of residence, confirmed by registration. Also attached to all documents is a statement from a disabled person of the first group that he agrees that this particular person will take care of him. If a child is disabled, such an application must be written for him by his parents or responsible person. Don't forget to read this interesting article.

How to get benefits for caring for a disabled person of group 1

After a person is ready to care for a disabled person, he has passed all the documents. He must clarify how and in what way he will receive care benefits (cash). To the card indicated by the guardian, in cash at the branch pension fund or in some other way. For example, my guardian agreed when a pension will be credited to my card. Then, marked “care,” money arrives in the amount of 1,500 rubles, which I give to the person who is caring for me.

According to the new legislation, care for a disabled person can be provided for a year. After a year, you need to re-apply regardless of whether the caregiver has changed or not. If nothing has changed, then an application for extension is written and a certificate from the guardian is attached to it stating that he has not found a job anywhere. A repeated application is considered much faster.

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