Pension fund report. How does the IP report to the PFR

Perhaps the most significant event for Russian accountants became known in advance. These are [cancellation of RSV-1 from 2017 and cancellation of 4-FSS]. Let's get down to business, so that after new year holidays do not get confused in the old and new reporting.

root cause

The global revision of the types of reporting on insurance premiums at the turn of 2016-2017 is associated mainly with the transfer of the administration of insurance premiums (in the bulk) to the Federal Tax Service.

This forced the officials:

  1. cancel some types of forms ( cancellation of 4-FSS, RSV-1);
  2. instead, introduce others (a new calculation of insurance premiums to the tax).

It also left its mark on the fact that the norms on insurance premiums were transferred to the Tax Code. In addition, they were formulated and supplemented by analogy with other provisions of this Code.

And another lot important point: most likely, the tax authorities will more meticulously and strictly check the new reporting on insurance premiums than the employees of the PFR and the Social Insurance Fund previously did. This moment became another argument in favor of revising the types of reporting on insurance premiums.

What was and how it became

The main change was cancellation from 2017 RSV-one. And cancellation of 4-FSS. Since 2017 too. For better understanding, let's put it in the form of a table:

Calculation in the IFTS since 2017

A new type of the main report on insurance premiums was adopted by order of the tax service of Russia dated October 10, 2016 No. ММВ-7-11/551. The same command contains:

  • the procedure for entering data into the form;
  • electronic format.

Thus, since 2017, the abolition of RSV-1 - already taken place fact.

Please note that cancellation of RSV-1 does not affect the submission of this report in the previous form for the whole of 2016. By the time it needs to be done:

  • until February 15, 2017 inclusive - on paper;
  • no later than February 22 - send a file with a report.

Calculation to the Social Insurance Fund since 2017

The updated shortened form of the report to the FSS was adopted along with the rules for filling out by order of the Social Insurance Fund dated September 26, 2016 No. 381.

As you can see, it is not entirely correct to say that there was a complete cancellation from 2017 4-FSS. This is not true. The report simply left contributions for injuries and for the payment of insurance coverage, which the Social Insurance Fund continues to supervise. And contributions for illness and maternity were transferred to a new calculation, addressed from 2017 to the tax. In addition, the former name was left to the calculation.

For some time now, the reporting system in the PF has changed. Quarterly submission of documents must be carried out in statutory order, otherwise the data will not be registered. Filling out the form takes place through a special program unified register, but not for everyone it is understandable and convenient, in this case there is an alternative.

So, the first step is to compile the data and fill out the form in one of the programs: the general pension fund program or ProstoBuh. Such data processing involves filling out existing standard forms, which consist of six pages and five sections. The filling algorithm is simple, but requires concentration on important aspects. In the "Information about the company" field, enter the payment details of the company and the registration code of the TFOMS. If you do not have this information, please contact the Medical Foundation. All these data must be indicated at the beginning of the report.

The next page should contain information from the first and second sections, but before that, sections 2-4 must be completed. If the report comes from an enterprise that operates on the basis of the simplified taxation system, then the first section of the report consists of information from the second and focuses on the payment and accrual of contributions. It should be noted that the source is data on wages employees.

The third paragraph is based on the analysis of contributions information, where there is a trend feed-in tariff. If the enterprise is subject to the USNO, then this section is omitted, because the benefits apply to all employees.

The fifth chapter is based on arrears or overpayments of the previous year's pension contributions. The completed forms must be printed in two copies and referred to the PF structure. There is also an option electronic change. In this case, the completed material must be saved and sent by pressing the appropriate button.

If you run a report in this software add-on, then the probability of error is reduced to a minimum and the documents will be accepted the first time. If, over time, amendments are made to the legislation, then the employees of the pension structure will definitely will notify.

Since 2017 insurance premiums transferred to the Federal Tax Service of Russia. This means that since 2017, employers and entrepreneurs have been paying insurance premiums and submitting contributions to the Federal Tax Service of Russia. Let's try with experts to help accountants understand the innovations regarding reporting on insurance premiums since 2017, due dates, deadlines for paying insurance premiums and penalties.

Is there a new chapter in the Tax Code?

Yes. In connection with the adoption federal law from "On amendments to parts one and two tax code Russian Federation in connection with the transfer tax authorities authorities to administer insurance premiums for compulsory pension, social and medical insurance” the Federal Tax Service of Russia is entrusted with the functions of administering insurance premiums.

And what about reports and contributions for the past tax period?

Companies must submit their financial statements for 2016 in accordance with the forms that are currently in force and within the same time frame. And the first report on contributions to the Federal Tax Service is to be submitted for the 1st quarter of 2017.

Refined calculations for periods up to January 1, 2017 will also be accepted by funds in the old forms. And the updated calculations for the period, starting from the 1st quarter of the next year, will have to be submitted to the tax office.

As for the payment of contributions, the overpayment as of January 1, 2017 will be returned by more funds, and the tax inspectorates will collect the arrears on this date. Arrears, including penalties and fines, as of January 1, which cannot be withheld, the tax authorities recognize as hopeless and write off (). Please note that dues for December will be due in January at tax office according to the new CBC. is registered with the Ministry of Justice. Codes for different funds will be different. Entrepreneurs are required to transfer fixed contributions for 2016 no later than January 9, 2017. The deadline is moved from December 31 due to holidays. If you transfer the last payment for 2016 before January 1, 2017, then the money must be sent to the old bank details for contributions to the funds. After January 1, nothing can be sent to these codes, the bank will not accept the payment. Even if the money is gone, the payment will fall into the unexplained, and they can only be returned.

And what about the reporting since January 2017? Will it get smaller?

Despite the fact that the old forms for contributions 4-FSS and RSV-1 will be canceled, reporting on insurance premiums in 2017 will not decrease. Since 2017, a new calculation has been introduced for insurance contributions to the tax

This is a quarterly report on accrued and paid contributions to the PFR, FFOMS and FSS (Article 423 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). It must be submitted to the tax office at the place of registration. The composition of the indicators identifying the employee and the employer has been updated in the new calculation, as well as redundant and duplicate indicators have been reduced. The report on insurance premiums in 2017 will have to be submitted to the tax office once a quarter - no later than the 30th day of the month following the reporting period (clause 7 of article 431 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Separate deadlines for reports on paper and in in electronic format will not. Indeed, as now, average headcount 25 people or less it will be possible to submit the calculation on paper, and with more than 25 people - only through electronic document management(clause 10, article 431 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

In the new year, the rate on insurance premiums will be maintained and will be 30%. Reduced and additional rates will also remain unchanged. For the FSS in 2017, there will be a limit of 755 thousand rubles. Within this amount, contributions are charged at a rate of 2.9%, and in excess they are not paid. For the PFR, the limit in 2017 will be 876 thousand rubles. Within this amount, contributions are charged to the employee at the rate of 22%, and in excess - at the rate of 10%. Limit bases will be reviewed annually.

The term for paying insurance premiums will remain the same. As now, they will have to be transferred no later than the 15th day of the month following the month for which they are accrued. It will be necessary to transfer contributions to the tax office in which the company is registered or at the location separate subdivisions, which accrue payments in favor of employees, or at the place of residence individual making payments.

Will reporting on insurance premiums to the Pension Fund disappear?

No, it won't disappear. The FIU will remain in charge of assigning and paying pensions. That is, the tax authorities will control the reliability of information about earnings, and the employees of the PFR will control the accuracy of information about experience.

Companies will submit two calculations to the Pension Fund: Form SZV-M (monthly information about insured persons) and a new report on the length of service of each employee of the company, for which insurance premiums are accrued. The SZV-M form will remain. Its companies and individual entrepreneurs will have to pass in the same order as now. Only the deadlines for submitting information will be shifted - no later than the 15th day of the month following the reporting one, and not until the 10th, as it is now (clause 2.2, article 11 of the Federal Law of 04/01/1996 No. 27 FZ). A report to the FIU on the length of service of employees should become annual and must be submitted no later than March 1 of the year following the reporting year (subparagraph 10, paragraph 2, article 11 of the Federal Law of 04/01/1996 No. 27-FZ).

And reporting on insurance premiums to the FSS?

Also no. The FSS will remain responsible for the administration of contributions for insurance against accidents and injuries. The Fund will continue to check whether contributions are correctly calculated and listed, whether benefits are paid correctly. The payment of benefits is also for the FSS. Companies will submit to the FSS a new form 4-FSS 2017. The FSS form and the procedure for filling it out were approved by order of the FSS dated September 26, 2016 No. 381 (registered with the Ministry of Justice on October 14, No. 44045). new shape It will be necessary to hand over, starting with the reporting for the 1st quarter of 2017.

And what are the penalties for insurance premiums in 2017?

Inspectors will be penalized for violation of the deadline for submitting the calculation according to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. For example, for late submission of a new calculation, the tax authorities will be fined 5% of the unpaid amount for each month. The maximum is 30% of this amount. The minimum fine will be 1000 rubles (). For non-delivery of documents on contributions, the tax authorities will be able to fine 200 rubles for each document that is missing (). The tax authorities will have the right to block a bank account for late payment. Now the article refers only to the declaration, but it is likely that the provisions of the article will also apply to the new calculation of insurance premiums from 2017. Non-payment of insurance premiums, gross violation of the rules for accounting for income and expenses, if they led to an underestimation of the base for calculating contributions, threaten with a fine of 20% of the unpaid amount (,). For deliberate understatement of the contribution base or other illegal actions, from January 1, 2017, the fine will be 40% of the unpaid contribution amount. There will also be penalties for late submission of reports to the funds. So, for a delay in submitting a new calculation to the FIU with information about the length of service, the fund will fine 500 rubles for each employee who must be indicated in the calculation.

What about insurance premium checks in 2017?

From 2017, the tax authorities will check the correctness of the calculation and payment of insurance premiums according to the rules tax audits. Accordingly, at the on-site audit, the tax authorities will immediately check both taxes and contributions. Therefore, companies with significant discrepancies in the bases for personal income tax and insurance premiums will fall into the risk zone. Moreover, the tax authorities will be able to check the contributions for the periods until January 1, 2017 and up to 2014, since the verification period covers three years. The FSS will go on field audits together with the tax authorities - to check the payment of temporary disability benefits, while the tax authorities will check the payment of insurance premiums to the FSS.

Since 2017, tax authorities have been administering insurance premiums for OPS, CHI and VNiM. And, as in 2018, in 2019 it is necessary to submit reports to the FIU in this regard.

What reporting to submit to the FIU in 2019

Personalized accounting information must be submitted both to the IFTS and to the FIU. Our table will help you figure out where to submit which reports:

What other reporting needs to be submitted to the FIU

If you need to clarify the RSV-1 data for the old periods (until 01/01/2017), then the updated calculations must be submitted to the PFR department - tax authorities do not need to submit such clarifications.

When else should I apply to the Pension Fund?

If you have overpaid contributions to the OPS and / or to VNiM for the periods expired before 01/01/2017, then you can only return this overpayment. So, in order to return the overpayment, you must write an appropriate application and submit it to your branch of the Fund.

Read more about the procedure for refunding overpayments on contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in

Starting next 2017, insurance premiums (they do not include injury premiums) begin to be controlled by the tax services of our state. This article will discuss where and how such reporting is submitted next year.


Reporting for the annual period of 2016 is submitted to the relevant funds

For 2016, annual insurance reports are RSV-1 and 4-FSS, which must be submitted to the relevant funds. RSV-1 in the PFR, and 4-FSS in the FSS. The procedure for submitting documentation for 206 to these funds remains unchanged.

So, if the average number of employees working in the company is up to 25 people, then the insured himself determines the form of the report. This can be either a paper version of the report or an electronic one. And for companies with more than 25 employees, only an electronic version of this reporting is possible.

The main thing about SZV-M (the report is handed over from 2017)

The SZV-M report form, in which information about the insured workers of the company is entered, was adopted in the current 2016. It must be handed over in a completed form to the local branch of the FIU (that is, to the branch in which the insured is registered).

If the company also has separate branches, then the place for submitting this document directly depends on the characteristics of each division. That is, does it, apart from the parent company, have:

    independent balance;

    your personal account;

    managing payroll for workers.

If the above conditions match, then a report in the SZV-M form is submitted to the PFR branch at the location of this branch. Otherwise, to the department of the fund at the location of the parent company (all information about the workers will be contained in one general report).

Allowed this species Reporting documentation is issued in two versions - paper and electronic.

Companies that include in their report a small number of workers - up to 25 persons, have the opportunity to independently choose one of the options for submitting SZV-M. If information about more than 25 workers is entered in the company's reporting document, then only an electronic version is provided.

Reporting documents on insurance premiums (valid since 2017)

From next year 2017 introduced the new kind reporting on insurance premiums - on accrued and paid insurance premiums. It will operate instead of 4-FSS and RSV-1, which are still being commissioned in the current 2016.

As in the case of SZV-M, the version of the reporting document directly depends on the total number of workers in the company:

    with an average number of up to 25 people, two options are provided - paper and electronic;

    with more than 25 employees - only electronic form.

The officially established deadline for submitting a completed report form is the 30th day of the month that comes after the reporting period (in our case, this is a quarter).

Another innovation in 2017 is the reporting document on injury insurance premiums. It is transferred directly to the FSS, since this fund continues to deal with injuries (that is, it conducts inspections - on-site and cameral, resolves issues of overpayment and return Money).

also in next year every month, a reporting document should be submitted in the form of SZV-M for the FIU. Since 2017, information on the insurance experience of workers must also be transferred to this fund; for this, a special form has been created to fill out. This is necessary to control reporting information of a personalized type for all employees of the company. Such a report is submitted to the FIU once for the entire annual reporting period. So, for 2017, companies according to this report transmit information in 2018.

Information table: a list of all reports on insurance payments in 2017

Name of the reporting document

Legislative confirmation

Communication mode

Deadlines for 2017

RSV (single calculation of insurance premiums for workers)

Tax Code, article No. 431, paragraph 7

Tax office, every quarter

Until the 30th day of the month following the reporting period (quarter):

Calculation of contributions for injuries

Federal Law, Law No. 125, Article 24, Clause 1

To the local branch of the FSS, every quarter

For electronic version- by the 25th day of the month following the reporting period.

For paper - by the 20th of the same month.

Work experience reporting

Federal Law, Law No. 250, Article 11, Clause 2

Local branch of the FIU, every year

Federal Law, Law No. 250, Article 11, Clause 2.2

To the local branch of the FIU,

served once a month

Until the 15th day of the month following the reporting month (for example, for January 2017, the document is transmitted until January 15 of the same year).

The nuances of cameral and field inspections that relate to payments on insurance premiums

Starting next 2017, the tax service will conduct audits of reporting documentation related to insurance payments - on-site and cameral. They are

will review all reports on contributions for insurance deducted to the following funds - PFR, FFOMS, FSS.

The social security staff will assist in conducting such checks when the documents are being reviewed. social insurance for the FSS.

What should I do if I find errors in insurance payments made before 2017?

If errors are identified in insurance payments made before 2017, then it is necessary to make adjustments in the relevant reporting documents - 4-FSS and RSV-1.

The procedure for the return of overpaid funds for the payment of insurance premiums is controlled by the relevant funds - the FSS and the PFR. Collection of monetary penalties and fines, including arrears, is carried out tax service. After that, all information on the debtors will be transferred to the appropriate funds.

Clean form "Calculation of insurance premiums" for the Federal Tax Service (relevant in 2017)