Children's camp vouchers: where to get them? Social Insurance Fund. Compensation for the camp

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All children want to relax in a camp or sanatorium. But not all families can afford this. It is worth considering in detail the topic: “Who is entitled to discounted vouchers to children’s camps, and how to get them.”

Vouchers to camps on preferential terms are provided to children from the following families:

  • incomplete (where there is a single mother or single father);
  • large families;
  • low-income;
  • families where one of the parents or both parents has been assigned disability groups 1 or 2;
  • parents have a certificate of a combat veteran or have lost their ability to work while performing official duties;
  • forced migrants;
  • one of the parents or both are employed in a budget organization.

And also the right to use the benefit extends to orphans, victims of disasters, natural disasters and children with severe form diseases. IN separate category Children who have proven themselves in competitions, Olympiads, and creative competitions are highlighted.

Registration of a discounted voucher

In 2019, applying for a preferential holiday offer involves collecting documentation and submitting it to the relevant authority. There you should ask for a sample application and fill it out, indicating the attached documents and contact details of the parent.

How and where to get it?

Discount vouchers are issued by various authorities. The first option involves contacting social security at the place of registration. 2-3 weeks before the summer holidays, the parent (guardian) writes a statement taking into account their preference for a camp or sanatorium.

The second option is to go to a clinic at your place of residence. The attending physician, according to indications and diseases, has the right to offer preferential treatment. When a child is under 7 years old, a parent can apply for a voucher under the “Mother and Child” program.

The third option is to submit an application to the youth affairs department in the city administration. Documents are submitted there from parents of talented children who have proven themselves in the scientific, entertainment, and sports fields.

The fourth option involves writing an application to the Social Insurance Fund. He works with disabled children. When applying, all documents proving disability and the passport of the accompanying person are attached.

The fifth option is to contact the trade union of the organization where the parent (guardian) works. This may be a private organization or a budget institution.

Residents of the capital have access to a booking option on the State Services portal.

List of documents

To submit an application, parents or guardians must collect the following documents:

  1. Passport of the parent or guardian (guardians additionally attach official documents, indicating guardianship).
  2. Child's birth certificate or passport.
  3. Certificate confirming registration at the place of residence.
  4. If the family is considered to have many children, then you will need to attach the birth certificate of the remaining children.
  5. In the case of orphans, a death certificate of the parents must be presented.
  6. Low-income families confirm their status with appropriate income certificates.
  7. For a disabled child, you must bring a certificate of disability.

The authorities to which documents are submitted may request additional certificates from parents or guardians.


Action plan:

  • collection of documents;
  • contacting the required authority;
  • writing a statement.

The agency employee puts the child on the list of applicants. When it’s your turn, a social security employee will contact you by the specified number and announce the proposal. In a situation where you are not satisfied with the proposed camp, you can refuse and wait for the next offer (the child will not be removed from the queue).

After agreeing to the voucher, you must issue health resort card, medical certificate for vaccinations, extract from the medical record.

Grounds for refusal

The grounds for refusal to submit an application include:

  • the child was brought to justice in previous years while in the camp;
  • failure to attend the camp in previous periods without a good reason (in the list good reasons include illness, death of a close relative, quarantine of a child, the accompanying person had to care for a seriously ill person);
  • violation of the routine and rules of stay during the previous vacation;
  • certificates and documents are fake.

If there are no grounds for the refusal, then the agency employee must accept the documents and put the child on the waiting list.

Compensation for purchased vouchers

When a parent (guardian) purchases a trip on their own, they can claim a refund of the money spent. The procedure is carried out in social security, where the application is submitted before August 31 of the current year. Other documents are attached to it:

  • a receipt for payment for the stay in the camp;
  • ticket stub;
  • certificate of family income.

When choosing a camp for the purpose of subsequent compensation, you should analyze the selected recreation facility for the level and quality of the services provided. The Social Security Administration sets certain requirements for camps. Particular importance is given to the presence of a license. If the requirements are not met, the authority will refuse to return the funds.

There is also a clause that the duration of rest should not exceed 21 days within 1 year.

The application review period is 3 weeks.

Compensation amount

Magnitude compensation payment depends on many factors:

  • standard value established at the regional level;
  • total family income;
  • family benefits;
  • special status of the child.

The maximum amount of refunded funds cannot exceed 90%. But all regions set their own maximum amounts for compensation.

Who can apply for a trip at the expense of the local or state budget and what needs to be done to achieve this? You will learn about this in this article, in which we will talk, among other things, about the most popular Russian children's camps.

Next summer holidays are almost over, and schoolchildren will soon have to write essays on the topic “How did you spend your summer.” But it’s time again for their parents to think about organizing an interesting children’s holiday on next year. Yes, yes, we didn't make a mistake. You need to start planning your child’s summer vacation long before hour X, and it’s better to do it right at the beginning school year. Especially if you cannot boast of significant financial resources or want to buy a ticket to one of the best camps in Russia.

The fact is that buying tickets to travel agencies in children's areas, many parents start in December, and by the end of winter there is virtually no choice left. And become the owner free trip to Kid `s camp This is possible mainly if you have time (usually before April) to submit the appropriate application to the educational department of your region.

Who can apply for a trip at the expense of the local or state budget and what needs to be done to achieve this? You will learn about this in this article, in which we will talk, among other things, about the most popular Russian children's camps.

Who can get a free trip?

Citizens of preferential categories, which include:

  • children 6-15 years old from incomplete, low-income or large families;
  • orphans;
  • children who have suffered a serious illness;
  • disabled children;
  • children who are victims of a natural disaster, catastrophe or violence;
  • children whose families have the status of migrants or refugees.

They also have the opportunity to relax at the expense of the city, regional or federal budget talented children who have demonstrated their abilities and achieved certain successes in different areas (study, creativity, sports, social activities etc.). These can be winners and prize-winners of creative competitions or olympiads at various levels - from local to state.

By the way, if a child is very talented, then he can even apply for a free vacation in the famous “Artek”, budget trips to which are allocated according to the program approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

What documents do you need to prepare to get a free trip?

Lists of children who apply for getting a free trip, as well as a list of children's camps ready to accept preferential categories of citizens, are compiled annually in the educational departments of Russia. To be included in the list of applicants for a free trip, parents or guardians of children must provide a set of documents to the state social authority, which consists of:

  • statements;
  • copies of parents/guardians' identification documents;
  • birth certificate/passport of the child;
  • documents about the place of registration/residence of the child;
  • health certificates.

Depending on the type of benefit category to which the child belongs, the package of documents may include:

  • for orphans - documents on guardianship or guardianship;
  • for children from single-parent families - a death certificate of one of the parents, or a certificate of single mother status, or a certificate of parental divorce;
  • for children from large families - birth certificates of all children or a certificate confirming this status;
  • for children from low-income families - a certificate of income of all able-bodied family members for the last three months;
  • for disabled children - a certificate of disability;
  • for children who have suffered a serious illness - referral from medical institution for health;
  • for children of refugees/migrants - documents confirming their status.

Please note that the right to free holiday in children's camp can only be used once a year. In this case, you can either immediately issue a trip at the expense of the budget or apply for compensation for its cost. The amount of compensation can range from 40% to 90% of full cost vouchers.

Where can I get a free ticket?

Depending on the type of preferential category, a ticket to a children's holiday camp can be obtained from:

  • Department of Social Protection - deals with the registration of vouchers for orphans, disabled children, children from low-income, single-parent and large families, as well as children of migrants/refugees and victims natural Disasters/ disasters / violence;
  • district administration – is engaged in arranging vouchers for talented children;
  • Social Insurance Fund – deals with the registration of travel vouchers for disabled children and their accompanying persons;
  • medical institution (hospital or local clinic) - deals with issuing vouchers for children, suffering chronic diseases or have suffered a serious illness.

In addition, you can get a permit through the enterprise trade union. Moreover, here you can get a ticket either by preferential categories due to budget funds, and a free trip for any child (but only on condition that the company is ready to reimburse its cost at its own expense).

The most popular destinations for children's holidays

If your financial capabilities allow you to pay for the trip yourself or you do not belong to any preferential category of citizens, then you can choose any children’s camp. Moreover, if you start choosing right now, you can easily buy a ticket even to the most best children's camp in Russia. And these today include:

“Artek” is located in Crimea (Gurzuf), the cost of three weeks of vacation starts from 60 thousand rubles. Absolutely all children can have a fun and useful time here, make friends from different parts of the world, and show off their talent and abilities.

"Orlyonok" is located in the Krasnodar region (45 km from the city of Tuapse), the cost of three weeks of vacation ranges from 34-50 thousand rubles. It consists of 9 camps, each of which has its own specifics and focus.

"VDC Ocean" is located in the Primorsky Territory, on the Pacific coast, the cost of three weeks of vacation is 25 thousand rubles. The team consists of 4 squads, each shift is developed taking into account a specific thematic program.

“Base EMERCOM Rescuer” is located in the Moscow region (10 km from the Moscow Ring Road), the cost of two weeks of rest is about 37 thousand rubles. Each shift is unique and is aimed at acquiring new practical skills and knowledge in the field of computer literacy, extreme sports, video editing, first aid, etc.

“Smena” is located on the Black Sea coast (12 km from Anapa), the cost of three weeks of rest ranges from 25 to 32 thousand rubles. Each shift has a specific focus. The camp is notable for its impressive material and technical base - children have access to a museum, a mini-water park, a horse riding base, a library, a tennis court, a sauna, swimming pools, a comfortable beach area, Gym etc.

The latter type is especially popular in summer time rest in a camp - health, sanatorium-resort, tourist or sports.

Some children have the right to travel there once a year for free - to do this, their parents only need to complete all the necessary documents.

general information

Funds for free health care for children are allocated from budgets of different levels: local, regional and federal.

You can immediately apply for a free trip or first purchase it at your own expense and then receive compensation.

If parents have previously sent their child to the camp and paid the full cost of the trip, then they can reimburse the money spent. All established benefit categories, working citizens, as well as organizations that purchase vouchers for the children of their employees have this right.

The amount of compensation varies depending on the territory and can range from 40% to 90% of the total cost of the trip.

Receipt of compensation occurs in the same authorities where the paperwork for free holidays in the camp is completed.

To receive it, you will need to prove the fact of payment for the trip (for example, provide a receipt) and the child’s stay in the camp, as well as collect documents confirming the grounds for this benefit.

Categories of citizens entitled to benefits

Free vouchers can be received directly by categories of children with benefits or by children whose parents are beneficiaries.

Each region establishes its own list of preferential categories. They are usually designated in local legislation.

Average children's age, which are entitled to vouchers, is from 6 to 15 years, but in some territories these may also include older children (for example, from 7 to 16 years old). General cases , in which a child can receive a free ticket:

  • he is an orphan, disabled or left without parental care.
  • his family has an income per person below the subsistence level;
  • the child has become a victim of a catastrophe, violence, or natural disaster;
  • his family has the status of refugees or migrants;
  • the child’s parents are combat veterans, government employees or public sector employees;
  • the child is raised in a large family;
  • he is registered with the internal affairs bodies.

It is also worth highlighting those children who have earned the right to free holidays thanks to their talents and achievements - in sports, studies or other areas.

These can be laureates, prize-winners and winners of competitions, olympiads, creative competitions of various levels - from city to state.


Lists of children entitled to a discounted voucher, compiled in the educational department Every year.

Together with them, the list of health institutions where these children can be sent is also specified.

The number of tickets is always limited, therefore, it is advisable to submit an application for its registration in advance - ideally several months before the start of the holiday season.

You can take advantage of a free vacation only once a year, but without seasonal restrictions - it can be any time of the year.

List of general documents, which must be brought to the state social body by the parents, guardians or trustees of the child, to get him a free trip:

  1. Application with the corresponding request.
  2. Copies of pages of the applicant’s passport and pension certificate (if he is a pensioner).
  3. The child’s birth certificate and, if available, his passport.
  4. Documents about the place of his registration or stay.
  5. A certificate from the hospital confirming the absence of contraindications for spa treatment.

The full package will depend on which category the child belongs to:

  1. Single-parent family - this is confirmed by a copy of the divorce certificate, or the death of one of the parents, or a certificate stating that the mother is a single mother.
  2. Large family - you must bring either a certificate confirming this status or birth certificates of all children.
  3. The child is an orphan or left without parental care. In this case, documents on guardianship or trusteeship are needed. If their role is not individual, A special organization, then copies of passport pages are not attached to other documents.
  4. Low-income family - a certificate from the employment center or about the income of all family members is required (for three months).
  5. The child is disabled or needs health improvement - a copy of the disability certificate, sending the child on vacation for health reasons (including indicating the persons who will accompany him, if necessary).

For children of other benefit categories(refugees, veterans, migrants) also We need documents confirming this.

How and where to get it?

Voucher registration takes place in various organizations and institutions depending on the territory or type of benefit category:

  1. Local clinic. Children registered at the hospital and suffering from chronic diseases receive a voucher from the medical institution to which they are attached.
  2. Social Security Administration. Here you can apply for a trip for disabled children and orphans, providing all the necessary documents confirming this.
  3. Enterprise trade union where the parents work. Many enterprises provide vouchers for the children of their employees - fully or partially paid for. Moreover, this applies not only to state-owned, but also to private enterprises. The procedure for obtaining a voucher is standard - collect documents and, if available, free seats send the child on vacation.
  4. District Administration. Talented children or parents with children aged 4 to 7 years can get a free trip here by writing an application and collecting the necessary documents.
  5. Social Insurance Fund. Here you can also issue a voucher for a disabled person and his accompanying person and even get money for travel to the camp and back.

In any case, each of these bodies must be located at the place of registration of the child.

Within a certain time (about 10 days), the submitted application will be reviewed and the child’s parents (guardians) will receive a response.

The deadline for submitting documents for a free trip to the camps begins 15 days before the start of the season.

A legal basis for refusal may be the lack of available preferential places or late submission of documents.

Because the there are always more people willing than tickets, it is better to worry about collecting documents in advance.

A holiday in a children's camp can be not only beneficial for the child's health, but also not burdensome for the family budget.

In some cases, it will be possible to return money even for previously fully paid trips - if there are grounds for such compensation.

See also video

Free vouchers to the sanatorium for children are available for minors aged six to fifteen years. For getting free referral you need to get on the social security queue and confirm your right to benefits.

Who is entitled to vouchers?

Children from six to eighteen years old can apply for a trip. Not everyone can get a free vacation.

The right to benefits is guaranteed by legal acts:

  1. Art. 12 of the Law “On basic guarantees of the rights to rest of a child in the Russian Federation”;
  2. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 138n dated March 27, 2009

Additional guarantees are determined by regional acts.

  • orphans;
  • children who were left without care;
  • families with income below the subsistence level;

To receive benefits, you must submit documents confirming your status.

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How and where to get

To get a ticket to next year, you need to register with social security. Available various options summer holiday. There are differences in prices and types of child care facilities.

Required documents

You will need to fill out an application and attach the following documents to it:

  • photocopy of passport;
  • income certificates;
  • referral from a medical institution;
  • certificate from medical institution(form No. 070/U-04);
  • photocopy of the minor's birth document and passport.

Additionally, documents confirming the preferential status are submitted:

  1. When receiving benefits for children with disabilities, you will need a VTEK certificate and a referral for a recreational holiday.
  2. Single moms bear witness from social protection.
  3. receive benefits based on a certificate of large families.
  4. , I present documents on income for three months.

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There will be no problems with obtaining a referral if you follow the plan:

  1. Collect documents and contact social protection specialists at the place of registration.
  2. At the reception, tell your wishes regarding the date and time of your summer vacation. Don't expect everything to be done exactly. Civil service acts as a mediator in this case.
  3. We'll just have to wait for offers. If the offer is not suitable, you can refuse it and wait for a better option.
Nuance! Don't delay your application. To get a place in the desired camp, it is better to submit documents a year in advance, otherwise there may be no places left.

When the referral has already been issued, you will again need to collect certificates:

  1. Get a health resort card from your pediatrician.
  2. Confirm with a certificate the absence of contact with infectious patients.
  3. Order an extract from the medical history.
  4. Get a vaccination card.
  5. Make a photocopy medical policy and the minor’s birth document.
Advice! It is better to take tests when the issue of receiving benefits has already been decided positively. This is due to the fact that some tests have a limited shelf life. If their validity period has already expired, you will have to re-take the tests.

If the proposed options are not at all suitable, you can buy a ticket yourself and then receive a refund.

How to send your child to a children's camp or sanatorium for free

To receive a refund, the following documents are required:

  • voucher payment receipt;
  • tear-off spine;
  • certificates confirming low level income;
  • certificates from a child care facility stating that a minor was there.

The application indicates the bank account number where the refund will be transferred. Funds are transferred within three months. The Social Insurance Fund is responsible for paying compensation. Take advantage of measures social support parents can visit no more than once a year.

Nuance! Refunds may be refused if the level of service at the children's camp does not meet the standards. Therefore, it is advisable to familiarize yourself in advance with the list of companies that provide services at the proper level.

It makes no sense to pay for an expensive vacation. The entire amount will not be refunded. The amount of compensation depends on the family income level, as well as regional standards. When a family is entitled to 100% compensation, it is necessary to attach documents confirming their preferential status.

You can also get a referral through the clinic. For this purpose, a referral is taken from the attending doctor.

If the children's health is fine, you can go a different route. You can inquire about the availability of benefits at educational institution. The criterion is good school performance and sporting achievements.

3 institutions where you can apply for the benefit:

  • social protection;
  • center public services“My Documents” (formerly MFC);
  • city ​​administration.

Also a statement in electronic form can be sent through the portal Residents of the capital can contact the city hall.

Some organizations have created trade unions that deal with issues of providing benefits to employees. Therefore, you can clarify the possibility of obtaining a voucher with the trade union.

Who gets free passes?

There is a general list of beneficiaries.

These include

Plus to this regional authorities may further determine who is eligible for benefits.

Advice! If you are afraid to let minors go alone, you can accompany the children on the trip. The Mother and Child program provides this opportunity. It is the mother who can accompany this program. Fathers, grandmothers, uncles and aunts do not have this opportunity.

Free food and accommodation are provided. But families pay for travel at their own expense.

Travel is paid for children with disabilities, low-income citizens and applicants living in the Far North.

If a voucher is given during school hours, this does not mean that the child will necessarily fall behind his peers. Many camps provide additional developmental activities for children.

Regional program of Moscow

The Moscow Shift program works for Muscovites. Under the terms of this program, in 2019 Muscovites have the opportunity to leave their children in recreation centers. Conditions for summer recreation have been created at camps, schools, and sports centers. Preferential program organized with the support of the United Russia party.

Specialists organize classes with children and provide three meals a day.

The child can be left from nine in the morning to six in the evening. Parents do not have to worry about picking up their children later than the scheduled time. Teachers are on duty 24/7.

The kids who relax under the Moscow Shift project do not sit idle.

  • visiting places of military glory;
  • watching educational films;
  • visiting excursions, sports facilities;
  • visiting exhibitions, cinemas;
  • trips to nature.

Children's interests are respected first. Each child enrolled at the recreation center receives the opportunity for self-development. The orientation of the educational institution is taken into account.

Schoolchildren who have developmental disabilities are sent to specialized rehabilitation centers.

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Watch the video about discounted vouchers

November 7, 2017, 10:26 March 3, 2019 13:42

The first stage of submitting applications for free trips to summer health camps for young Muscovites belonging to preferential categories. Applications in electronic form began to be accepted on the portal of the mayor and government of Moscow from 10:00 Moscow time. The online publication site tells what documents are needed to send a child to a children’s camp for free and answers common questions about summer vacation at public expense.

What categories of children will be able to go on vacation for free?

Children who permanently reside in Moscow and belong to preferential categories will be able to receive free trips; there are several of them. First of all, orphans and children without parental care, disabled children and children with disabilities can count on rest. disabilities health, children from low-income families, victims of armed and ethnic conflicts, environmental and man-made disasters, natural disasters and other categories (see full list). Children belonging to these categories can receive an individual voucher at the age of 7 to 15 years (except for orphans and those left without parental care, they can take advantage of the benefit up to 17 years inclusive).

Who can accompany the child?

Adults accompanying a child (or children) in the above-mentioned preferential categories can also count on a free trip.

Orphans and children without parental care who are under guardianship, trusteeship, including in a foster or foster family, aged 3 to 17 years can take advantage of the joint holiday option. In addition to them, children with disabilities (from 4 to 17 years old) and children from low-income families (from 3 to 7 years old) can receive this type of voucher.

What documents need to be completed?

There are two options for submitting documents to receive a voucher - through a personal application to the Moscow City Tourism Office and using the government services portal. In both cases, the applicant must provide identification documents of the child and his parent (or legal representative), SNILS insurance numbers and documents confirming the right to benefits.

In some cases, they may be asked to provide the consent of one of the parents or guardians for the child to travel abroad, the child’s international passport, a vaccination certificate and a certificate for visiting the pool. Full list required document please see .

Who can be denied a discounted voucher?

The applicant may be refused if there is an identical application from him for a free trip in the current year or due to failure to provide a complete package necessary documents. Also, refusal will follow if there is an application or payment of compensation for the cost of a independently purchased voucher.

In addition, parents of a child who has gone on vacation for free for three years may be refused if there are applicants who have not yet received such a service.

What is compensation and how to use it?

The applicant can receive not a ready-made voucher, but a certificate and independently organize the child’s vacation if, for example, he does not like the proposed camp options. The amount of payment under such a certificate per child is 30 thousand rubles. In this case, the applicant bears all transportation costs.

Such a certificate will not be able to be obtained by certain categories of children (disabled people, orphans and those without parental care), who, as a rule, vacation accompanied by adults.

Where will the children go on vacation this year?

Traditionally, children will be able to relax in camps and recreation centers in the Moscow region, Krasnodar and Stavropol territories, Leningrad and Rostov regions, in Belarus and so on. In total, there are eight recreation options to choose from: “Moscow. Urban Legends”, “Time Travel” and “Learning to Think” (for the first time this year), “Film Theory”, “Bright People”, “Project: Championship 2018” , "Right Travel" and "Land of Smiles".

How will travel bookings proceed?

In two stages. The first will last two weeks – from March 10 to 24. You must apply for a voucher within these deadlines. It must indicate the type of vacation, the number of children in the family and the preferential category. In addition, at this stage, Muscovites will have to choose three preferred regions for vacation and specify three options for check-in time.

At the second stage – from April 18 to May 2 – it will be possible to choose a specific recreation center or health camp.

You can see the answers to the remaining questions.

Processing of received applications will be completed at the end of March, and from April 1 to April 10, a preliminary list of children who will be provided with preferential vouchers will be compiled. The applicants themselves will learn the final results of the distribution of vouchers from April 18 to May 23.

Those between the ages of 7 and 15, who belong to preferential categories, will receive discounted vouchers. The duration of summer races will be 21 days.

In addition, this year 20 thousand vouchers will be provided to children who go on vacation accompanied by their parents or legal representatives. Accompanied tours will take place from May to November and will last 14 days.