Good reasons to take time off from work. How to get off work

You cannot make corrections to invoices. To fix errors, you should:

  • adjustment invoices (corrections)
  • corrected (correctional). In some cases, errors are allowed to be left.

How to act in this or that situation, read in this article.

Correction or correction

Correction invoice (KSF) is issued in addition to the original document. In other words, the KSF cannot exist separately from the original invoice. An adjustment should be made in the event of a change in price and / or specification of the quantity of goods, works, services, transferred property rights (paragraph 3, clause 3, article 168 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The seller must issue a corrective invoice no later than five calendar days from the date of drawing up the primary document (agreement, agreement, etc.) confirming the buyer's consent to the changes. Thus, an adjustment document must be drawn up in cases of a price change due to a discount or other, a change in the quantity of goods due to underdelivery, defects, etc.

Please note that corrective invoices are issued only with the mutual consent of the parties, which is confirmed by the relevant primary documents. If the buyer does not agree with the actual terms of delivery, then corrective documents are not issued. Depending on the situation, a return, reverse sale, additional delivery, or others are made. As a rule, the procedure for actions in such situations is stipulated in the contract between the parties.

The corrected invoice (ISF) is a new version (copy) of the original document (clause 7 of the Rules for filling out the invoice, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 1137). It is regarded as a new independent document that can exist without the original one. In contrast to the corrective invoice, the ISF is assigned the number and date of the primary invoice, and the line "1a" indicates the serial number and date of correction.

To post a correction, the parties do not need to enter into an agreement on changes to the document. At the same time, the current legislation of Russia does not determine the time frame for issuing an ISF. Corrected invoices are issued in cases of incorrect indication of the tax rate, arithmetic error, typo, etc.

Errors in invoices, as well as in corrective invoices that do not prevent the tax authorities from identifying the parties to the transaction (seller, buyer), the name of goods (works, services), their cost, rate and amount of tax, are allowed not to be corrected (para. 2 clause 2 article 169 of the Tax Code, clause 7 of the Rules for filling out an invoice, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 1137). Such errors can be lowercase letters instead of capital letters, extra symbols (commas, dashes, etc.), typos in the index or designation of units of measurement, etc. Unfortunately, the current legislation of the Russian Federation does not define an exhaustive list of errors that may not be corrected.

Since the invoice can be corrected only by compiling new documents, the question arises, what to do if errors are made in the corrective or corrected documents? How do I issue a re-correction or amend an amended invoice? We understand further.

Fixing a revised invoice

Suppose that after issuing an invoice, we found a typo in the name of the buyer, which prevents the tax authorities from identifying him, and indicated LLC Mylnitsa instead of Melnitsa LLC. We create a new version of the original document - Correction 1. We draw up the document in accordance with Appendix N 1 to Government Decree N 1137.

After issuing the corrected document, we find out that in addition to an error in the name of the buyer, there was also a typo in the TIN of the counterparty, which we did not notice and did not correct in Correction 1. In this case, we create another copy of the document - Correction 2, in which we reflect the changes in the name and TIN of the buyer.

The number of created invoice versions is not limited by the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation. New versions of the document are also created in cases where typos and arithmetic errors are found in previous versions, i.e. in corrected invoices.

Fixing a corrective invoice

You can issue a new copy of the document for both the original and the adjustment invoice. If an arithmetic error or typographical error is found, it is necessary to issue a corrected corrective invoice (IKSF) (clause 6 of Appendix 2 to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 1137).

In a new copy of the KSF, it is not allowed to change the indicators indicated in lines “1” and “1b” of the corrective invoice drawn up before the corrections were made to it, and line “1a” is filled in, indicating the serial number and date of correction.

If an error is found again in the original CSF or if an error is made again in the corrected one, it is necessary to issue a new correction, which will be a new version of the original corrective document.

What if the price or quantity of goods (works, services) changes at the moment when a new version of the invoice, corrective invoice has already been issued?

Correction of the corrected invoice

Let's say the original invoice has a version, i.e. corrected document posted. After some time, we find an error in the tabular part of the already corrected invoice (the price of goods has changed due to a discount). The buyer agrees to the changes, which is confirmed by the relevant supplementary agreement to the contract. In this case, the supplier should issue an adjustment invoice to the latest version of the original document, i.e. to Correction 1.

Note. A correction invoice is always issued against the latest version of the original invoice, i.e. to the latest fix.

Correction of the invoice

In practice, there are situations when you need to make an adjustment to the adjustment document (re-adjustment) or adjust the original invoice twice or more. Let's consider in more detail.

A. Re-Adjustment

Re-adjustment may be required in case of repeated changes in the cost of goods (works, services). Then a new adjustment invoice is issued for the previously issued adjustment. In accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated May 26, 2015 No. 03-07-09 / 30177, the corresponding data from the previous KSF are transferred to the new KSF (information from line B (after the change) of the previous KSF is transferred to line A (before the change) of the repeated KSF). In line "1b" of the new adjustment, indicate the number and date of the previous adjustment invoice.

B. Re-adjusting the original document

Only those information are transferred to the adjustment invoice in respect of which the price is changed and / or the quantity is specified (clause 2 of the Rules for filling out the adjustment invoice, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 1137).

Let's assume that we need to clarify the quantity of goods indicated in lines "1" and "5" of the original invoice. Submitting a correction. Everything is standard. After a while, the supplier offers a discount on the goods reflected in lines "2" and "4" of the original invoice. In this case, it will not be possible to set an adjustment document for the previous adjustment, since this is not a re-adjustment, but an adjustment of other information in the document.

Thus, if a change in the price or quantity of goods (works, services) occurred at different times and is issued by different primary documents, then a separate adjustment invoice must be drawn up for each change. In other words, one or more corrective documents can be drawn up for one invoice (letter of the Office of the Federal Tax Service for SD dated November 19, 2015 N 16-3-02 / [email protected]).

In practice, there are more complex cases when an adjustment is put up for correction, which in turn also has new versions, and others. Such a "mixed" fix is ​​extremely rare. Let's consider a situation, the probability of encountering which is quite high.

Fixing re-correction

It is clear that complex cases are made up of several simple cases discussed above. We will not dwell on simple scenarios in detail, we will simply indicate the events that took place: an invoice was issued, due to the specification of the quantity of some goods, an adjustment document was issued, which after a while was adjusted again due to the provision of a discount (re-adjustment). After re-correction in the original invoice and in all adjustment invoices, a typo in the buyer's address was found, which would definitely prevent the tax authorities from identifying the company.

In such a difficult situation, we are forced to issue two corrective documents: the first to the original invoice, in which to transfer the original information about quantities and prices; the second - to the last adjustment invoice, in which the corrected information should already be reflected.

In order not to get confused about which document and in what situation to draw up, it is enough to remember two simple rules:

  1. A corrective invoice is issued in case of a change in the price and / or specification of the quantity of goods (works, services, transferred property rights), a corrected invoice - if an arithmetic error or typographical error is found.
  2. The correct filling of corrective and corrected documents depends on which document they are drawn up for. Be extremely careful when choosing a document as the basis for corrections.

Please note that the rules for correcting invoices are the same for paper and electronic originals. If earlier deletions were allowed on paper, now the invoice can only be corrected by drawing up new documents - adjustments and corrections.

How to take time off from work, is of interest to many employed citizens, since a rare boss is ready to allow the absence of subordinates in the workplace during working hours. How to take time off from work, in what cases the employer is obliged to provide time off and how to correctly draw up an application - all these points are described in detail in this article. We also provide you with sample leave applications.

How to take time off from work: reasons

The need to go somewhere during working hours can arise regardless of a person's attitude to work, and there are many reasons for this. In these situations, an application for time off is written indicating the reasons proving the need to provide it. A number of them are recognized as respectful even at the legislative level, but most often this issue is decided by the employer.

Good reasons for taking time off from work

The manager will not be able to prohibit the employee from leaving the workplace in the event of:

At the same time, all the above reasons must be confirmed, that is, when taking time off from work, the employee is obliged to submit the relevant supporting documents to the manager: a certificate of incapacity for work, a summons, a certificate from the management company, etc.

In addition, the Labor Code of Russia contains other grounds for providing additional days of rest. So, in accordance with articles 152 and 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee who has worked overtime or on a weekend or holiday has the right to demand the replacement of monetary compensation with a day off.

Other reasons for taking time off from work. Where can I get a leave application form?

How to take time off from work if the reason for this is not included in the list of a priori recognized as valid? In this case, the result largely depends on the relationship with the employer and the nature of the work itself (for example, in continuous production, this can be extremely difficult).

However, there is still a way out: it is necessary to write a reasoned application for a day off, in which you should describe in as much detail as possible the circumstances that caused the need for absence from the workplace. You can always download the required sample application for time off on our or on any other specialized website.

As a rule, managers meet halfway if the reason for leaving work is related to a small child (for example, temporary closure of children's institutions, parent meetings, etc.).

Most likely, they will be released from work if there is a need to visit state institutions (for registering property rights, filing an application for marriage or, conversely, divorce, etc.).

How to write an application for time off for previously worked time for the provision of time off

In this case, it makes sense to write an application for time off even when the boss does not insist on it. This will completely eliminate the likelihood of punishment for absenteeism, the severity of punishment for which, according to labor law, varies from reprimand to dismissal.

Therefore, the question of how to take time off from work, so as not to receive a penalty for absence from the workplace, has only one answer: obtaining the verbal consent of the manager with the mandatory submission of a written application - only in this way, in case of an unfavorable outcome, it will be possible to prove timely notification of the employer of the intention to leave workplace.

So, how to take time off from work in writing? There is no sample statement of this type, but there are still several generally accepted rules for its preparation:

  1. The addressee is indicated in accordance with the standards adopted in a particular organization. In some companies, such documents are usually addressed to the immediate supervisor, in others - to the first manager. It is best to clarify this before proceeding with the application.
  2. Drawing up an application in two copies (one of them with the visa of the head must remain with the applicant).
  3. If there are attached documents - a link to this in the text of the application. For example, when requesting time off due to a scheduled visit to a health facility, a doctor's referral or an extract from the outpatient card should be attached.
  4. Indication in the application of the date and time (period) of absence from the workplace. In the future, this will eliminate misunderstandings associated with deductions from wages.

How to take time off if the boss is against

Managers who are negative about the absence of employees in the workplace can be understood. But it happens that circumstances develop in such a way that it is really necessary, but the boss persists. In this case, you can go for some tricks.

The safest reason in terms of labor law is donation. Donating blood is an absolutely legal and, moreover, noble way to get two legal days off: directly on the date of blood sampling (or its components) and the next day. In addition, this time must also be paid.

Don't know your rights?

It should also not be forgotten that the Labor Code contains many reasons for the mandatory provision of short-term unpaid leave. For example, Article 128 prohibits an employer from refusing an employee's request in the following cases:

  • Marriage registration;
  • birth of a child;
  • death of a close relative.
  • disabled people with the right to work;

Vacation leave application

If the employee does not have overtime, he has the right, if necessary, to submit an application for granting him one or several days on account of vacation. In this case, there is no question of time off as such, it would be more correct to say that this is an extraordinary paid vacation, provided in agreement with the employer, who has the right to both allow and prohibit it.

Such days of rest are provided, regardless of whether the days of the next vacation have been used or still remain. It is not forbidden to use days in advance by prior agreement with the management.

An application for time off on account of a vacation, a sample of which you can always find on the Web or directly on our website, is drawn up something like this:

Head of _______________________

(Company name)

Full name of the head _______________________

from ______________________________________


I ask you to provide me with additional days off ________________ ________ on account of the next annual paid vacation.

"___" ___________201__ Signature: ___________________

Application for time off at own expense (not at the expense of vacation)

It should also not be forgotten that the Labor Code contains many reasons for the mandatory provision of short-term unpaid leave ( leave at own expense). In this case, the employee will have the right to spend his next vacation in full, time off at his own expense will not be deducted from it. Article 128 prohibits an employer from refusing an employee's request for time off at his own expense in the following cases:

  • Marriage registration;
  • birth of a child;
  • death of a close relative.

Also, the unconditional right to provide unpaid free days due to family circumstances have employees classified in the following categories:

  • veterans of the Great Patriotic War and persons equated to them;
  • disabled people with the right to work;
  • spouses and parents of military and law enforcement officers;
  • old-age pensioners who continue to work.

In all the situations described, it is also necessary to submit an appropriate application to the employer, since only on its basis you can be granted additional days of rest.

5 reasons to take time off from work from Vyacheslav

It all depends on what kind of boss, who you are and your relationship and when you found out that you need to take time off!! You can for example:

  • Put the car away from the office and then pretend that they called you and the car was taken away on a tow truck!
  • Drinking cool coffee, grabbing your head, like sneezing, blowing your nose - in short, arouse pity and ask for leave!
  • Ask a friend to call you at a certain time, like from ZhES and with round eyes and screams that the pipes burst and drowns everyone to rush home!
  • Having learned that the director is on a business trip, call him under the pretext of signing documents, to clarify when he will be and dump him!
  • You can write a lot more - my wife's car broke down, she was urgently called to school, someone died, etc!

1 tip for asking off work from Lilia

Seriously, this option has always worked: with a business-like serious look, you report on a huge volume of high-quality and timely completed assignments, solving the assigned tasks (with figures and facts) and even more, after which you leave an hour earlier - a sacred thing, they didn’t even try to object ...

Do not exaggerate and you will be released from work, Tonya believes

When worked in an agency, asked the director for leave in this way: she told the truth, told why I was actually asking for leave. Clarified personal circumstances. It's good when management makes concessions. The main thing is not to exaggerate.

Instructions with reasons to take time off from work from Alexandra

I believe that in this business, as in any other, the main thing is honesty, respect and responsibility.

  • If I need to take time off, I do it in advance, and not at the last moment (unless the problem arose immediately and urgently).
  • I analyze whether my personal participation in the issue on which I want to take time off is necessary. How respectful and important he is. Or you can play the situation differently, without a personal break from production.
  • If you still need to leave work, then first I work with my internal state, because there is a certain fear of the employer. I admit my fear, I accept it, I realize that I am asking for a good reason and, as a person, I have the right to such infrequent situations that require resolution during working hours. I remember that I am a good and responsible worker, the work will be done in any case.
  • I approach the employer, ready to receive any answer, both refusal and assistance, politely, without making excuses, without fawning, I explain the situation, I put it before the fact. I receive feedback. We are having a dialogue, we are negotiating.
  • If an employer starts to run into me, make claims, be rude, refuse to assist, does not want to make concessions, but you need to leave like blood from the nose, and there is no other way, then I would think about how to part with such an employer. Because the relationship between the employer and the employee is a contract where everyone has rights and obligations, this is cooperation, not slavery. And there is also a constitution, where everyone has the right to protect their rights and interests, their dignity, and is not at all obliged to tolerate an impudent employee or leader who is a boor and a Cerberus.

Leave early - toothache, advises Valera

You walk around the boss or senior master, and whine that your tooth hurts a lot. And all things.

You need to leave - face the fact, Tatyana believes

Everything is very simple. If it is necessary for half an hour, I simply confront the boss with the fact that I am running away and this is not discussed. If you need almost two hours, I warn you without explanation that I'm going to a higher organization with documents. If for half a day or a day, it’s even easier, for my zeal for work and not taking into account modesty (I have to help out the bosses in many issues and do his job, then explain to him so that he can somehow explain to the management) just correctly remind him of this.

Each of us from time to time needs an unplanned day of rest or psychological relief. Unfortunately, your workplace will probably not appreciate your spontaneous absence, and with good reason. But fortunately, there is still a way out of this particular situation - to pretend that you are sick. Obviously, this is not a technique that can be used too often, but it will provide you with the necessary break. In order to successfully tell your boss about your illness, you need to convince your colleagues that you really felt unwell the day before, and in a telephone conversation with your boss, let him know that you are very sorry that you have to stay at home due to illness, while not exaggerating its role.


Part 1

Call your boss

    Call your manager early the next morning. Don't delay - the sooner you tell your boss, the better. In addition, upon awakening, you will have a rather rough voice that inspires additional confidence. Plus, if you call early, you're more likely to stumble upon your boss's voicemail or take him by surprise. If you call late, everything will look like you have no respect for the manager at all.

    • Be brief. Yes, knowing literally everything about your "illness" is good, you must remember that long fables are usually told by liars. Don't go into details, just say you don't feel well and don't come. Give your boss as much information as needed to make him believe by saying something like "I didn't sleep all night" or "I have terrible stomach problems."
    • You can also say, "I know I should have warned you at the end of the day yesterday, but I was hoping I'd get some sleep and it would all go away." Without being too trite, demonstrate how much you really hoped and wanted to get out of the job.
  1. The voice should sound painful. Don't overdo it, but it won't hurt at all if the voice is really slightly painful. In addition to the morning husky voice, you can occasionally sniffle and cough to make the boss think that you are sick, and not pretend. You can also speak more slowly and quietly to show that you are completely exhausted. To be more convincing, rehearse this conversation out loud.

  2. Prepare for questions. Is your boss curious? Try to imagine what questions might arise. For example, if you work in the food service industry, it will likely be important for your boss to know how contagious you are. You will probably also be asked if you have tried everything possible to get yourself in order. A better policy is to say that you think you are contagious and that you have tried every possible medication (painkillers, antacids, drinking more fluids, etc.) to no avail.

    • Casually mention that you called the clinic. Sometimes during the peak of the cold and flu season, making an appointment with a therapist can be difficult and you have to wait several days. If, after returning, the boss requires a sick leave, you can always say that it will be provided no earlier than at the end of the week. You will have time to go to the doctor.
  3. End the conversation on a good note. At the end of the conversation, try to leave the most positive impression. Promise to do everything possible to recover and return to work the next day, and thank your boss for understanding. Without going too far, tell how committed you are to the work and that you are ready to return to your duties as soon as possible. Let the manager feel how sorry you are for missing a work day, rather than showing that you can't wait until you sit in front of the TV and don't care about work.

    • You can even invite your boss to contact you with any questions if you think he really needs your help. If you are ready to be disturbed during a fictitious day of illness, you can say: "I will be in bed all day, so call if you need me ...". But only do it if you think they can't do it without you.
    • At the end of the conversation, thank your boss for understanding.

Part 2

Continue in the same spirit
  1. Continue feigning illness when you return to work. Do not go to work after an illness with a completely healthy look. Pretend that you are still experiencing the unpleasant consequences of the disease. Blow your nose a couple of times or cough. Don't overact or play the martyr back to work. Do not mention the illness - if the employees see fit, they themselves will take an interest in your well-being. For more authenticity, you can say something like: "I really don't feel so bad anymore," or: "I just need one night of good sleep and everything will be fine."

    • If you want to look especially believable, you should not get enough sleep the night before in order to look exhausted and exhausted at work. This will increase your credibility in anticipation of the next fictitious disease. In addition, this will give you an excuse to stay up longer.
    • Be more reserved on this day. Don't be very friendly or chatty with colleagues and turn down invitations. Remember, you still need to conserve energy.
  2. Don't tell co-workers that you were pretending to be sick. You may think that you are very close to them and you will never be betrayed, but be extremely careful about divulging your secret. Colleagues will not pat you on the head for this, but they will consider you irresponsible and annoying. In addition, if at least one employee let it slip and it reaches the authorities, you will not only run into serious problems, but you will never again be able to get a day off due to a fictitious illness.

    • In addition, absenteeism due to a fictitious illness will make management more suspicious if you become sick for real in the future. You don't want to make excuses for the rest of your career, do you?
    • We all need a day of rest from work from time to time, and there is nothing wrong with that. Nevertheless, this does not mean that you need to brag about absenteeism, because in this way you will only demonstrate your frivolous attitude to work.
  3. Be friendly with management. When you return to work, treat your boss especially well. You should not mention the illness or thank him for his understanding, but work with a good attitude and give the manager only positive emotions. Remind him what an amazing employee you are and leave no doubt about the authenticity of your illness.

    • Don't be overly friendly or talk non-stop about how much you love your job and how much it means to your life.
  4. Have a productive work day. When you return to work, make every effort to achieve the result. This is not a good day to be an hour late, two hours on the phone about personal matters, or book a tour for your next vacation. On the contrary, spend all the time at work, attend meetings, respond to emails in a timely manner, and do whatever it takes to make a good impression.

    • If you like to complain about your colleagues when you come to work, then when you return from an illness, it is better to cool down and be a little more positive. You don't want your boss to hear your complaints after you've taken a day off, do you?
    • There is nothing wrong with pretending to be sick from time to time, but if such weakening becomes a habit, you can lose your job. Make every effort to work with pleasure when you return from illness.

Part 3

Prepare for the call
  1. Pick a good moment. You may think that any day is fine for a fictional illness, but if you really intend to fake an illness, think carefully about all the details. If you pick a bad day, it will be much more difficult to prepare a convincing case. So make sure everything works out for the best for you before you go ahead with your grand plan. Here are some details to keep in mind:

    • Prepare to be especially persuasive if you decide to call on Sunday or Monday. It will be much harder for your boss to believe that you felt unwell over the long weekend.
    • The number will not work if you have been sick lately or have taken many days off.
    • Don't feign illness after a conflict at work or after complaining a lot about life. Your boss doesn't need to take your fake illness as an insult. The disease will look much more convincing if everything was great on the last working day.
    • Try not to miss especially unpleasant working days on purpose. If your boss knows you hate terrible monthly meetings, don't fake sick on that particular day, as much as you'd like to.
  2. Learn some basics. If you plan on feigning illness, do your best to appear ill the day before without being too intrusive. Don't fake coughing all day long, but show some discomfort and even sniff a little, provoking colleagues to ask how you're feeling. Act like you're sick, but deny it so co-workers don't suspect you're faking it. Prepare the ground the day before so that the reasons for your absence are more convincing.

    • Be restrained the day before. Being too energetic one day and getting sick the next day will surprise people. Don't accept dinner invitations and don't party the night before.
    • As if by chance, ask colleagues for an antipyretic.
    • Blow your nose a little more often than usual.
    • When dining with co-workers, don't eat the whole meal to make it look like you don't have an appetite.
    • Look a little untidy. Tousle your hair, don't wear your best outfit, and try to show signs of fatigue around the eyes.
  3. Know the internal and external signs of the disease. Your boss may not ask too many questions, but it's always a good idea to find out more about the fictitious illness before you call. Instead of saying you're not feeling well, say you have a migraine, an upset stomach, or a cold; so your arguments will be more convincing. Be prepared to answer any questions your manager may have, such as when you felt unwell, when did you go to work, and did you call a doctor at home. Don't seem vague or your boss will get suspicious of you.

    • If you want to skip a few days, select the appropriate disease. A migraine or a complex case of gastroenteritis can put you out of action for a couple of days, escalate at any time, and with such illnesses you have to spend up to several days in a hospital bed. Eye redness or strep throat may last longer. Whatever you choose, study the disease carefully so that you can discuss the symptoms with understanding.
    • You can even rehearse the conversation with a close friend to make sure you're on the mend. Chances are your boss won't want to get into the details of what's going on with your stomach or throat, but it's best to be prepared.
  4. Be prepared to be calm at home. Having pretended to be sick, you should not follow him for a walk with his wife or throw a party. Otherwise, the news of your active social behavior will certainly reach the authorities. So pretend to be sick when you really want to lie in bed, stay at home and relax. In general, do what you do when you're sick, minus feeling unwell.

    • Plus, if you spend your sick day outdoors and come back to work with a tan, you'll look pretty suspicious.
    • It would be nice to temporarily log out of all social networks. That way, your boss won't stumble upon photos of your adventures during a debilitating illness or comments that raise suspicions that you're not feeling well.
  • Don't tell anyone you're going to pretend to be sick, otherwise there's a chance they'll tell their boss or others around you and you'll get in trouble!
  • Try not to beg for a day off on Mondays and Fridays, otherwise it will look like a desire to extend a successful weekend. An illness call on a typical Tuesday inspires more confidence. Also, don't leave your employees to fend for themselves if you need to finish some important project in a very short time, as such negligence will jeopardize your working relationship, especially with those who suspect you of pretending.
  • Build your reputation. By showing up to work on a day when you're really sick, you won't even give your boss a chance to think you're faking it when you want an unscheduled day off. As soon as you appear at the door quite ill a few times (especially with an infection), the manager will be grateful that you took time off and finally listened to colleagues advising you to stay at home on such days.
  • If you get really sick and need sick leave, then ask your doctor to close it a little later than is actually necessary. Then show up to work earlier than your sick leave, which shows you are a conscientious and dedicated worker, spending even less time on sickness than required. In addition, such a sick leave can be entered in a personal file, and it will become your proof if the time of illness is called into question in the future. Please note that some companies do not allow you to return to work until the sick leave is closed, so if you try to return to work before the date indicated on the sick leave, the employer will probably send you home.
  • Do not "set" the day of illness in advance. If your boss finds out that you told people about your illness today, say, two weeks ago, there is a great chance of losing your job.
  • If not only you, but also your friend wants to skip the day, try not to do it at the same time.
  • If you have a profile on one of the social networks, don't forget to update your status by writing something like: "What the trouble, I'm so sick ... I'm making chicken broth" - and in principle, enough. The last thing to do when you're so sick that you can't go to school or work is to update your status with "shopping", "going to the pool", "skiing", etc. Further.
  • Having an impeccable reputation at work can help to nullify all doubts and suspicions on the part of superiors and colleagues. If you are known as a not particularly hardworking employee who constantly strives to slip away from any job, then most likely, the number with absenteeism will not work.
  • If you have urgent business, but still want to relax, go to work early in the morning. Take care of what you need and stay calm. If anyone asks what's wrong, just say you don't feel well. When you decide to leave, go up to your boss and say that you are sick and have to go home. Don't ask, but state a fact. Explain that you have handled all the urgent tasks planned for today, and the manager will definitely have nothing to say.
  • If you go to the beach on your holiday, don't forget sunscreen. Showing up at work the next day looking like a boiled crayfish can be both embarrassing and incriminating.


  • Your absence from work affects your colleagues. Think carefully before throwing your responsibilities on someone else's shoulders, or leaving someone in trouble.
  • Ultimately, if you need days off more often than you can count on, rethink your attitude towards work. Perhaps the work is simply unbearable for you and you only ruin your health with worries, anxieties and resentments. In this case, seriously think about changing jobs or even career direction.
  • Do not use the death of one of your relatives as the reason for your absence from work. The boss can easily catch you in a lie and you will not have any credibility left in case someone really dies.
  • Walking away is not a good idea, because lying can put co-workers in needless stress. If you have problems at work, talk about them alone with your boss and he will definitely help you.
  • Some employers are introducing an unconditional absenteeism penalty program. Check your contract or employment contract, because some companies fine employees for missing time, regardless of whether they have sick days or not. Be careful with absenteeism, your work may depend on them.