Types of control in public catering. Abstract: Quality control of catering products

Product quality control Catering- this is a check of compliance with the requirements established by regulatory documents for this product.

At the enterprise, it is important to control the quality of products at all stages of production (locally in the technological cycle) input, operational, acceptance, and on the part of regulatory organizations - inspection control.

Incoming control - control of the supplier's products received by the consumer or customer and intended for use in the manufacture or operation of the product. At the enterprise, the quality of products is accepted by the production manager or the cook-foreman. The incoming control service carries out control of incoming raw materials (products) and checks the compliance of its quality with the data specified in the accompanying documents (certificates, quality certificates, declarations of conformity), according to organoleptic indicators regulated in regulatory documentation. In cases of doubt about the quality or condition of the received raw materials, a food laboratory worker is called to take samples for analysis. At the same time, I invite a representative of the supplier, in whose presence the quality of the products is accepted. Based on the laboratory report, claims are made to the supplier, and cases of supply of substandard raw materials are noted in the journal “Accounting for the supply of substandard and non-standard products.” If there are repeated deliveries of low-quality products, the enterprise may unilaterally terminate the contract with the supplier by notifying him of this at least a month in advance.

Operational control - control of a product or process during or after completion of a technological operation.

Acceptance control is control of products, based on the results of which a decision is made on its acceptance and suitability for use. Operational and acceptance control at the enterprise is carried out by a single service: production manager, cook-foreman, top-class cook.

Inspection control is control carried out by specially authorized persons in order to verify the effectiveness of previously performed control.

Volatile control is control carried out at an indefinite time.

Continuous monitoring is monitoring in which the flow of information about monitored parameters occurs continuously.

Periodic control is control in which information about monitored parameters is received at set intervals.

Continuous control - control of each unit of production in a batch.

Sampling control - decisions about the quality of controlled products are made based on the results of one or more samples.

Production control - control during the preparation of production and the actual production of products, as well as during their release.

Quality assessment finished products is carried out by the quality control service, which acts as a rejection commission and whose members are responsible for assessing the quality of products produced during the working day.

Rejection - quality control of products for mass-market dishes. To carry out a one-time rejection, the commission must consist of at least 2 people. Braquerage begins with determining the mass of finished products and individual portions of cold, hot and sweet dishes. During distribution, the temperature of the food is checked when served using a laboratory thermometer.

Individual indicators of the quality of controlled dishes are assessed in the following sequence: indicators assessed visually ( appearance, color), smell, consistency and, finally, properties assessed in the oral cavity (taste and some features of consistency - uniformity, juiciness, etc.)

Each product quality indicator is assessed using a five-point system:

5 - excellent;

4- good;


1- very bad (unsatisfactory).

Dishes prepared in strict accordance with the recipe and technology, with no deviations from the established requirements in terms of organoleptic indicators, are given an “excellent” rating (5 points). If a dish is prepared in accordance with the recipe, but has minor deviations from the established requirements, it is rated “good” (4 points). Dishes that have more significant deviations from the requirements and are not suitable for sale without processing or after modification are rated as “satisfactory” (3 points). An “unsatisfactory” rating (2 points) is given to products with significant defects (undercooked, undercooked, burnt, with a taste of greasy fat, etc.), but which do not exclude the possibility of their processing.

One of the main components of determining product quality is organoleptic assessment, which includes the following concepts:

1) appearance - an organoleptic characteristic that reflects the general visual impression or a set of visible parameters of public catering products and includes such indicators as color, shape, transparency, gloss, cut-out appearance, etc.

2) texture - an organoleptic characteristic, which is a set of mechanical, geometric and surface characteristics of public catering products, which are perceived by mechanical, textile, visual and auditory receptors.

3) consistency - a set of rheological characteristics of public catering products, perceived by mechanical and textile consistency receptors, is one of the components of texture.

4) smell - an organoleptic characteristic perceived by the olfactory organ when inhaling volatile aromatic components of food service products

5) taste - an organoleptic characteristic that reflects the sensations resulting from the interaction of various chemicals on taste buds.

Conclusion: the company pays enough attention to serving dishes; all dishes are beautifully decorated and laid out. It is proposed to take a better approach to the shelf life of dishes, since the reputation of the enterprise depends on it, as well as to carefully monitor the demand for this or that product so as not to lose losses.

1. Requirements for the quality of industrial products: organoleptic properties

Product quality is formed at the product development stage and is accompanied by regulatory and technical documentation. Product quality must be ensured at all stages of production and maintained at the stages of storage, transportation and sales.

The planned provision of quality levels depends on many factors:

· From the clear formulation of product quality requirements in regulatory and technical documentation;

· On the quality of raw materials or semi-finished products;

· Perfection of formulation and technology;

· Compliance with technological processes;

· Level of technical equipment of production;

· Level of personnel qualifications;

· Organization of production and service;

· Compliance with product quality control at all stages of its production;

· Interest in producing high-quality products.

For example: if the recipe is compiled incorrectly and the technological process has not been worked out, then even if good quality raw materials and highly qualified personnel it is impossible to produce high-quality products.

The process of ensuring product quality consists of interdependent stages and operations: from acceptance of raw materials (or semi-finished products) to storage and sale of finished products. For example, even one poorly performed operation in the technological process of product production can spoil previously performed high-quality work and, as a result, a product of the specified quality will not be produced. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the technological discipline prescribed in the regulatory and technical documentation, strictly control the quality of performance not only of individual operations, but of the whole technological process. To ensure product release High Quality It is necessary to increase the level of technical equipment of enterprises, automate technological processes, and also improve the mechanism for managing product quality.

Organoleptic properties of industrial products. The quality of raw materials and semi-finished products is assessed by basic organoleptic properties: appearance (including color), consistency, smell, taste. Some groups of products have their own indicators: transparency (tea, jelly, brine), cross-sectional appearance (meat, fish, stuffed products, muffins, cakes), crumb condition (flour confectionery and bakery products).

When raw materials or semi-finished products arrive at the enterprise, the first thing they look at is their appearance. Are there any cracks or dents on the surface, is the product in the correct shape, is the packaging intact, and does the manufacturing date match? Sometimes suitability is determined by smell. Smell is a sensation that occurs when the olfactory receptors are stimulated. When applied to food raw materials and semi-finished products, concepts such as aroma are distinguished - a natural attractive smell characteristic of the raw materials (fruits, vegetables, spices, milk, fresh fish and meat); and bouquet - a smell formed during the technological processing of products under the influence of complex chemical transformations (zrazy, cutlets, cabbage rolls, muffins). Odors that are not characteristic of the product are the result of violations of the preparation technology or spoilage during storage.

One of the main indicators of the quality of raw materials and semi-finished products is their consistency. The very concept of consistency includes the characteristic state of aggregation(solid, liquid), degree of homogeneity (curdled, flaky, lumpy, homogeneous), mechanical properties (brittle, elastic, plastic, elastic, brittle).

The consistency is determined visually (foamy, liquid) and using the organs of touch. For example, with your fingertips you can determine the degree of elasticity, hardness, and plasticity of various raw materials and semi-finished products. In the oral cavity, tactile sensations such as juiciness, friability, homogeneity, and astringency arise. Juiciness is the sensation caused by the juices of the product when chewing, and is expressed quantitatively (the product is very juicy, slightly juicy or dry). Friability and crumbliness are determined by the resistance that the product provides when chewing (short pastry products). Uniformity is the impression generated by the particles of the product when distributed on the surface of the tongue and oral cavity(uniformity of sauce, cream). Fibrous – product fibers that resist chewing (coarse-fibrous meat). Astringency is a sensation that occurs in the oral cavity when the inner surface tightens (wrinkles) and is accompanied by the appearance of dry mouth.

Consistency various groups products are usually characterized by several definitions: consistency fried meat– soft, juicy; mashed potatoes– loose, fluffy, homogeneous.

Also an indicator of quality is TASTE - a sensation that occurs when taste buds are excited and is determined qualitatively (sweet, salty, sour, bitter) and quantitatively (taste intensity). The taste sensations caused by food products are the result of the influence of two or more basic tastes on taste buds. When we try this or that dish, we experience not only taste sensations, but also a number of others that give an idea of ​​the product as a whole. Therefore, the indicator that defines taste is a combination of taste, tactile sensations and smell perceived during tasting.

Organoleptic evaluation of raw materials and semi-finished products can give accurate results subject to the rules of its conduct and compliance with the rules. The amount of raw materials and semi-finished products should be small, since under the influence of fatigue the impressionability of the senses quickly decreases, and they also become accustomed to a certain stimulus.

The room where the organoleptic assessment of raw materials and semi-finished products is carried out must be well and evenly lit. Lighting should be natural, since artificial color can change the natural color of the product, which is very important when detecting differences in shades of color that appear in meat and fish semi-finished products during storage and packaging. There should be no foreign odors entering the room that could affect the assessment of the quality of the products.

During organoleptic assessment, the accuracy of the results directly depends on the professional skills of workers, knowledge of the methodology and the thoroughness of its implementation. Therefore, workers who constantly monitor the quality of food products must develop a pronounced sensitivity to taste, smell, color, etc.

2. Rules for sampling from a batch of catering products sent for sale

When checking the operation of an enterprise, employees of sanitary food laboratories and other regulatory organizations carry out an organoleptic assessment (grading) of all ready-made dishes and products and determine their average weight.

Piece and portioned products are selected from different (or one) baking sheets and trays and weighed in 10 pieces. on the scales. If the total mass of weighed products is below the norm, weigh 10 more products. The products are then weighed individually.

To determine the average weight of dishes (items) selected for distribution, weigh 3 portions separately, sum up their weight and divide by 3.

To check the correct dispensing of products portioned using measuring cups or spoons (sour cream, sugar, butter), take 10...20 portions of the product with a measuring stick, weigh it and determine the average weight.

The average weight of dishes (products) should not deviate from the standard yield of the dish (product) according to the recipe. The weight of one dish (product) may deviate from the norm by no more than + 3%.

The results of the organoleptic assessment are recorded in the enterprise’s rejection journal, and in the case of a referral to a laboratory, in the sampling report; the weighing results are reflected in the sampling report.

In production, laboratory workers carry out the simplest qualitative and quantitative analyzes(reaction to the presence of a filler in natural minced meat products, the mass of the dense part of the components is determined), which allows you to quickly detect violations of recipes or cooking technology. Dishes and products rated “unsatisfactory” are removed from sale.

Products with a “satisfactory” rating are selected for laboratory analysis, as well as if there is any doubt about freshness or compliance with the recipe. All this is recorded in the sampling report.

A laboratory worker takes samples during distribution from portions prepared for dispensing (at self-service establishments) or when fulfilling an order (when served by waiters). Representatives of other control organizations can carry out sampling through a test purchase.

In addition to portions of the first or sweet dish from those prepared for the holiday, one portion of the dish of the same name is also selected from the cauldrons for distribution. When sampling milk soups and hot drinks with milk, a sample of the milk used for preparation is taken. Dishes taken from the cauldrons are control dishes and are studied separately. When selecting first courses, mix the contents of the cauldron well, pour at least 5 portions into a separate clean pan, pour into plates and select one portion. A control sample of the soup is taken without sour cream and meat. If a violation of the recipe or cooking technology is detected, analysis of control samples will make it possible to determine who committed the violation: the cook who prepared the dish or the food distributor.

Products made from meat, poultry, fish, rabbit, whose organoleptic characteristics meet the standard, are not selected for analysis. If the weight of the products is below the standard, their appearance indicates that the culinary processing was carried out incorrectly (overcooked), or there is a suspicion of poor quality, the entire dish is selected for analysis. Additionally, the side dish and sauce with which this dish is served are selected from the serving cauldrons. A sample of the side dish is taken from the center of the cauldron, retreating 2-3 cm from the wall, after thoroughly mixing its contents. Before sampling, the sauce is also mixed with a slotted spoon, moving it up and down at least 8-10 times. After mixing, the sauce is taken out with a pouring spoon.

Product quality is formed at the stage of product development and is included in regulatory documentation, ensured at the production stage and maintained at the stage of storage, transportation and sales.

Product quality generally refers to the totality of product properties that determine its suitability to fully satisfy certain consumer properties in accordance with its purpose.

The technical and economic concept of "product quality" in contrast to philosophical concept“quality” provides only those true properties of a product that make it possible, with the necessary ability, to satisfy certain social or personal needs with the product in accordance with its purpose. Products in this case are considered as the material result of the process labor activity, having beneficial properties and obtained in a certain place over a certain period of time and intended for use by consumers to satisfy their needs, both social and personal.

Guided by standard definition and assessing the specifics of public catering products, under quality of catering products we must understand - the totality of properties of a product that determine its suitability to ensure the normal functioning of the human body, i.e., satisfy physiological needs human in nutrients and energy, taking into account the principles of rational nutrition.

Public catering products have many properties that can manifest themselves during development, production, storage, transportation, and use.

Product property- this is an objective feature of a product that can manifest itself during its operation or consumption. The aggregate makes it possible to distinguish one type of product from another. Product properties can be divided into simple and complex. To the number simple properties These include appearance, color, and complex ones include digestibility, digestibility, etc.

The quality of a product depends on the quality of its constituent products. Product quality can be noted as the total set of technical, technological and operational characteristics of a product, through which it will meet the requirements of the consumer when consuming it. Quality measurement involves basically determining the degree or level of conformity of products to this general population.

Quality indicators are used to assess product quality. Product quality indicator- this is a quantitative characteristic of one or more properties of a product that make up its quality, considered in relation to certain conditions of creation or consumption.

The product quality indicator quantitatively characterizes the suitability of a product to satisfy certain needs. The range of quality indicators depends on the purpose of the product and can be numerous for multi-purpose products. The product quality indicator can be expressed in various units (kcal, percentage, points, etc.), but can also be dimensionless. When considering a quality indicator, one should distinguish, on the one hand, the name of the indicator (humidity, ash content, microbial contamination, elasticity, viscosity, etc.), and on the other, its numerical value, which may vary depending on different conditions(for example, humidity 68%, energy value 180 kcal, viscosity 10 Pas, etc.).

Products can have qualitative and quantitative characteristics. Qualitative characteristics include color, shape of the product, and the method of connecting individual components of the product. A quantitative characteristic of a product is its parameter. A product parameter quantitatively characterizes any of its properties, including those included in the quality of the product. Geometric parameters of products are provided constructively, and structural parameters - constructively and technologically.

The ability to manage quality presupposes the need and opportunity quantification indicators.

To assess the quality of public catering products, a system of indicators (single, complex, defining, integral) can be used.

Single indicator is an indicator of product quality that characterizes one of its properties, for example taste, color, aroma, moisture, elasticity, consistency, swelling, etc.

Complex indicator- an indicator characterizing several properties of a product or one property consisting of several simple ones.

Thus, the indicator “culinary readiness”, widely used in culinary practice, is complex, which is understood as a certain state of a culinary product, characterized by a complex of physico-chemical, structural-mechanical and organoleptic properties that make it suitable for use.

The indicator of the quality of culinary products - “nutritional value” - is also comprehensive and reflects the entirety of beneficial properties, associated with the content of a wide range of nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, etc.), its energy value and organoleptic advantages of the product.

The term “biological value” used characterizes the quality of the proteins contained in the product and the balance in amino acid composition, digestibility and assimilability, which depend not only on the amino acid composition, but also on its structure.

Energy value is a term that characterizes that portion of energy that can be released from food substances in the process of biological oxidation and used to provide physiological functions body.

Determining indicator of product quality- an indicator by which products are evaluated.

For example, it is necessary to evaluate the quality of a product for which organoleptic evaluation is fundamental. Let's assume that a decision has been made to evaluate the quality of the cakes according to the table. 9.1 a set of values, the indicators of which are expressed in points.

Table Product quality indicators

Each indicator can have one of the following points: excellent - 5, good - 4, satisfactory, bad - 2, very bad (unsatisfactory). Experts have established a weight (importance) coefficient for each indicator, according to which the most significant indicator for a given type of product is highlighted.

Integral indicator product quality is defined as the ratio of the total beneficial effect from consumption to the total costs of its creation, operation or consumption.

For food service products, as an example of a quality indicator, we can offer indicators such as amino acid score, integral score, which reflect the percentage of compliance with amino acid or chemical composition(respectively) and a particular product (product, semi-finished product) to the formula balanced nutrition. For example, pearl barley in terms of protein, it corresponds to the balanced nutrition formula by 7%, and cod - by 78%.

Currently, a nomenclature has been established for the main groups of product quality indicators according to the properties they characterize:

· destination indicators,

· reliability,

· manufacturability,

· transportability,

· security,

standardization and unification,

· aesthetic,

· ergonomic,

· patent legal,

· environmental,

· economical use of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy and labor resources.

Purpose indicators characterize the properties of a product, determining the main functions for which it is intended to perform, and determine the scope of its application. For public catering products, the destination indicators are the energy value of the product, the composition and structure of the product, determined by the introduction various additives(protein, vitamin, mineral, aromatic, etc.)

The reliability indicator should be considered one of the most important for public catering products. Reliability is understood as the property of an object to maintain over time, within established limits, the values ​​of all parameters characterizing the ability to perform the required functions in given modes and conditions of use, Maintenance, storage and transportation. An indicator of the reliability of public catering products is shelf life, which is guaranteed by the manufacturer for a certain time under strictly defined temperature and humidity conditions, which are established in regulatory documentation, and for non-standardized products, quality preservation is regulated sanitary standards and rules.

Manufacturability indicators characterize the properties of the composition and structure of a product, which determine its suitability to achieve minimum costs during production, storage and restoration for given values ​​of product quality indicators, production volume and work conditions. Indicators of manufacturability include labor intensity, material intensity and energy intensity of products associated with its manufacture. The technological effectiveness of the production of public catering products depends on the composition and structure of raw materials and the finished product, recipes and technology, equipment used, modes and methods of culinary processing and other factors.

Ergonomic indicators reflect the interaction of the “person-product” system and are always divided into anthropometric, hygienic, physiological and psychological.

Aesthetic indicators characterize external expressiveness, originality, integrity of composition, expressiveness and rationality of forms, stability of product presentation. Requirements for appearance, shape, color, transparency, turbidity are specified in the regulatory documentation for individual species catering products. In addition, a description is given of the rules for preparing and serving dishes, which also affects the quality of the product.

Indicators of standardization and unification characterize the degree of use of standard and standardized products, components, and individual elements in products. The ultimate goal of unification is standardization. Standardization of composition and structure makes it possible to obtain products with specified and reproducible properties, as well as model systems for studying the influence technological parameters production and culinary processing of products on the quality of semi-finished products and finished products. The use of unified technological processes makes it possible to significantly reduce the cost of living and embodied labor per unit of stored and sold products.

Economic indicators reflect the costs of development, manufacturing, storage and sales of products. With the help of economic indicators, the manufacturability of products, the level of their unification, etc. are assessed. Economic indicators are reflected in product prices and play a large role in the product quality management system. Patent and legal indicators indicate the possibility of unhindered sales of products not only within the country, but also abroad. It should be noted that natural food products are not patentable, while public catering products and their individual names may be protected.

Methods for assessing product quality. Methods for assessing product quality include:

· differential,

· complex,

· mixed,

· statistical.

Differential method Product quality assessment is based on the use of single indicators of its quality.

Complex method involves the use of comprehensive quality indicators.

The mixed method allows the simultaneous use of single and complex quality indicators.

Statistical method is a method in which the values ​​of product quality indicators are determined using the rules of mathematical statistics.

Methods for determining quality indicators. Depending on the measuring instruments used, methods are divided into

· measuring,

· registration,

· settlement,

· sociological,

· expert,

· organoleptic.

Measuring methods are based on information obtained using measuring and control instruments. Using measuring methods, indicators such as mass, size, optical density, composition, flow, etc. are determined.

Measuring methods can be divided into

o physical,

o chemical and

o biological.

Physical methods used to determine the physical properties of products: density, refractive index, refractive index, viscosity, stickiness, etc. Physical methods are microscopy, polarimetry, colorimetry, refractometry, spectrometry, spectroscopy, rheology, luminescent analysis, etc.

Chemical methods used to determine the composition and quantity of substances included in products. They are divided into quantitative and qualitative - these are methods of analytical, organic, physical and biological chemistry.

Biological methods used to determine the nutritional and biological value of products. They are divided into physiological and microbiological. Physiological ones are used to establish the degree of absorption and digestion nutrients, harmlessness, biological value. Microbiological methods used to determine the degree of contamination of products with various microorganisms.

Registration Methods- these are methods for determining product quality indicators, carried out on the basis of observation and counting the number of certain events, items or costs. These methods are based on information obtained by recording and counting certain events, such as product failures, counting the number of defective products in a batch, etc.

Calculation methods - reflect the use of theoretical or empirical dependencies of product quality indicators on its parameters. Calculation methods are used mainly in the design of products, when the latter cannot yet be an object experimental research. The same method can establish dependencies between individual indicators of product quality.

Sociological method is based on the collection and analysis of the opinions of actual and potential consumers. The collection of opinions of actual consumers of products is carried out orally, through surveys or distribution of questionnaires, through conferences, meetings, exhibitions, tastings, etc. This method is used in determining weight coefficients.

Expert method is a method for determining product quality indicators, carried out on the basis of decisions made by experts. This method is widely used to assess the level of quality (in points) when establishing a range of indicators taken into account at various stages of management, when determining general indicators based on a set of single and complex quality indicators, as well as when certifying product quality. The main operations of expert assessment are the formation of working and expert groups, classification of products, construction of a scheme of quality indicators, preparation of questionnaires and explanatory notes for interviewing experts, interviewing experts and processing expert assessments.

Organoleptic method- This is a method carried out on the basis of an analysis of the perception of the senses. The values ​​of quality indicators are found by analyzing the received sensations based on existing experience. Therefore, the accuracy and reliability of such values ​​depend on the qualifications, skills and abilities of the persons determining them. The organoleptic method does not exclude the possibility of using technical means (magnifying glass, microscope, microphone, etc.) that increase the sensitivity and resolution of the senses. This method is widely used to determine the quality indicators of public catering products. Quality indicators determined by this method are expressed in points.

Why is quality control of catering products necessary? First of all, we are, of course, talking about safety of use. food products, purchased both in a store and in public catering (canteen, cafe, restaurant, enterprises fast food, fast food, etc.). Always consumer safety and environment is put first. In addition, we would like to eat food that is not only safe, but also Tasty food. Naturally, we will go to buy food products in the store where they are fresher, look more beautiful, and smell better. Even if they cost more. Product quality control allows only those products to reach store shelves that comply with norms and quality standards and have passed the appropriate safety checks. Quality control process food products and the safety of its use by consumers is quite complex and multifaceted. Moreover, each product in the store has its own compliance standards.

It is quite difficult to understand this topic on your own. It is impossible to put an end to the consideration of this topic, even if you write a series of articles. Therefore, if you still have questions after reading this article (and most likely you will, because we will consider the topic briefly and in general outline, and each situation is individual in itself), seek advice from qualified specialists with a legal education and extensive work experience.

Communication with clients takes place in online mode absolutely free.

The quality of food products must be controlled from the production stage until they appear on store shelves or on the distribution table of public catering establishments. What factors may determine the level of production, delivery, storage, processing, and sale of food products:

  • a clear and understandable formulation of the requirements for the quality and safety of products suitable for consumption and to be sold in a store, market, public catering, etc.;
  • initial compliance with the quality of the raw materials from which they will prepare;
  • use of semi-finished products with certificates of conformity;
  • proven production technology schemes;
  • perfection of the recipe;
  • carrying out technological processes without violations;
  • high level technical equipment;
  • availability of qualified responsible personnel;
  • proper organization of customer service;
  • compliance of the production level with legal norms and established standards;
  • compliance with quality control rules at each stage of preparation, starting from checking the conformity of the starting raw materials.

And, of course, the manufacturer (seller) himself should be interested in reaching a high level in the field Food Industry. After all, if the head of the enterprise has no interest, then all the staff will gradually begin to treat their duties “carelessly.” As a consequence, low-quality output products due to the fact that control over the quality of goods at all stages of production was weakened.

Procedure and methods

Control of the safety of food products must be carried out at each production stage. To do this, the following must be organized:

  • incoming control service;
  • operational control service;
  • acceptance control service.

The responsibilities of the first service on the list include checking the raw materials that are supplied to production in the catering industry. Operational control means control over:

  • technological process (cooking);
  • compliance with the recipe;
  • cooking sequence;
  • food processing process (for example, heat treatment);
  • rules for decorating and serving ready-made dishes, etc.

The duties of the employees performing acceptance control include checking the quality and safety of already prepared dishes.

It is important to organize the entire security check process as clearly as possible and distribute duties and responsibilities between employees. In a store where finished products are received for sale, the procedure for checking the quality of products is slightly different.

There are several methods for monitoring the safety and quality of products in public catering organizations, which the consumer can buy in a store or in public catering (or, in general, anywhere):

  • organoleptic;
  • measuring;
  • physico-chemical;
  • microbiological.

We will consider each of them in more detail later in the text.

Organoleptic control

This type of food safety and quality control involves assessment through the senses:

  • vision (how the product looks externally);
  • touch (that is, the product must be touched if possible, for example, you cannot touch milk with your hands);
  • sense of smell ( low quality products most often they smell unpleasant, especially if they have expired);
  • taste (this point should be clear without any explanation);
  • hearing.

It happens that organoleptic testing gives more quick results, how laboratory research. And why take it to the laboratory? spoiled milk or rotten meat, if it’s already clear that from of this product you can't cook anything. Such work can only be entrusted to an experienced employee. Or having special education. After all, you can’t just put a person on the street to taste wines or characterize tobacco, tea, coffee drinks, etc. Based on the results of the inspection, the expert expresses his opinion. It can be expressed in an assessment according to the scale adopted at the enterprise. For example, five-point or ten-point. This method has another name – sensory analysis. For greater customer safety, we cannot stop at the bottom of organoleptic control alone. It is necessary to use all methods comprehensively.

Microbiological control

The purpose of this method of food quality control is to check epidemiological safety and microbiological resistance. Experts (or a control group) check the compliance of all necessary indicators established by law standards individually for each type of product. This type of control can be carried out only in laboratory conditions and only by organizations that have permission to do so. Moreover, the analysis can be carried out not only during the processing of the product into raw materials. After all, a finished food product can deteriorate and become unfit for food both during transportation and during storage. Special attention is paid to food products that arrive in the country from outside its borders. In order to obtain permission to work with foreign manufacturers, Russian companies must mandatory receive a special certificate. This document is approved by the Russian Consumer Supervision Authority (Rospotrebnadzor).

Microbiological control detects the presence and quantity of the following microorganisms for compliance with established standards:

  • bacteria that cause E. coli;
  • pathogenic microorganisms;
  • microorganisms that can cause product spoilage (mold, for example);
  • optionally – anaerobic organisms;
  • potentially pathogenic organisms;
  • mesophilic aerobic organisms.

Conduct this type control is possible alternative way or simply count the number of microorganisms and compare with the established indicators accepted by the norm.

Measuring control, physical and chemical control

Measuring control methods include:

  • physical research of products;
  • chemical research of products;
  • biological research of products.

For the most part, this control method is carried out in specially equipped laboratories that have permission to carry out laboratory tests food products. This method can be divided into several types. It makes no sense to list and describe them, since this information will only be understandable to people who have a specific education. For ordinary people, the process of physical, chemical and biological research of food products is simply a set of letters on paper. This control method is often called instrumental due to the fact that its implementation is impossible without specialized equipment and experienced qualified laboratory technicians.

Food products are valued based on individual and comprehensive indicators. Individuals include:

  • taste;
  • smell;
  • color;
  • elasticity;
  • consistency, etc.

Complex indicators include different types food product values:

  • energy;
  • food;
  • biological.

Large enterprises can organize their own laboratory (full-time) and recruit specialists to carry out measurement control.

Rejection of finished products

Rejection refers to the assessment of food products for quality and safety through testing. The sample is taken using the organoleptic method. That is, appearance, smell and taste are assessed. In order to carry out screening, a commission must be created, which very often, in addition to management and specialists, can include a physician. The results of the check are recorded in the journal of the same name. What can determine the quality of prepared dishes:

  • on the quality of incoming raw materials for preparation;
  • on the correct adherence to technology during the cooking process;
  • on correct adherence to the recipe, etc.

We have already written about this. As a result of the rejection, the following is assessed:
  • appearance of the finished dish;
  • consistency – hard, crumbly, liquid, soft, juicy, jelly-like, etc.;
  • smell (aroma and bouquet);
  • taste – sweet, salty, bitter, etc.;
  • quantitative perception (looks like a large portion or small, etc.);
  • portioning – checking the weight of the finished dish for compliance with technical and regulatory documentation, information on packaging, etc.

As you can understand from the information you have read, the process of controlling the quality and safety of food products consumed by consumers is quite complex and labor-intensive. Organizing it is not so easy, but it is very important.

Page 2

Organization of quality control of culinary products

Basic control operations include the following:

Determination of the actual state of the object (raw materials, semi-finished products, etc.) in this moment time;

Predicting the state and behavior of an object for a given future moment time;

Changes in the state and behavior of raw materials, semi-finished products while ensuring and observing the necessary parameters of the technological process (storage, processing, sales);

In public catering, quality control of culinary products, in addition to workers directly involved in its production, is carried out by sanitary-technological and technological food laboratories, as well as by authorities state control and supervision and public organizations. The need to control the quality and safety of food raw materials and products is caused by the fact that during storage, if transportation rules are violated, their quality may deteriorate.

At public catering establishments, entrance, operational, and acceptance controls are carried out. To implement these types of control in enterprises, it is necessary to create quality control services or appoint people responsible for the quality of incoming raw materials, materials, equipment and manufactured products. The composition of services and those responsible are approved by order of the enterprise. The quality control system includes the following elements:

Incoming quality control of incoming raw materials and semi-finished products upon their acceptance from suppliers, other enterprises or production sites in order to determine the compliance of products with regulatory documentation regulating quality.

Operational control at individual stages of the technological process in order to determine the correctness of its implementation and timely detection of violations of laying standards and product production technology.

Acceptance quality control of products at final stage technological manufacturing process, during which a decision is made on its suitability for sale or delivery.

Currently, in public catering establishments, product quality is mainly assessed by organoleptic indicators. This control is carried out by screening commissions, which may include the director (his deputy), the production manager (his deputy), a process engineer, a cook-foreman or a highly qualified cook, a confectioner, a sanitary worker or a member of the sanitary post of the enterprise, or a worker in a technological laboratory. In small enterprises, the rejection commission consists of the head of the enterprise, the production manager or a cook-foreman, a highly qualified cook (pastry chef) and a sanitary worker. Highly qualified chefs (pastry chefs) may be given the right to self-serve custom-made (branded) dishes. Representatives of public organizations are also involved in the culling.

In their work, rejection commissions are guided by the regulations on food rejection in public catering establishments, the Collection of Recipes, technological and technical-technological maps, technical specifications and technical specifications. Product quality assessment during rejection is carried out according to the generally accepted 5-point system. The results of the rejection are recorded in the rejection log in the established form given below (Table 5.1):

Table 5.1 - Order of entries in the reject log


Dishes that do not deviate from the recipes and technology correspond to the conclusion: “The remaining batches of dishes included in the menu are available, tested, and comply with: technological requirements and recipe and rated 5 points.”