Delicious but healthy food. Recipes for proper nutrition for weight loss

Almost every day we come across articles about healthy eating, recipes healthy meals, which are able to improve our far from ideal menu ... What prevents you from taking and preparing a lean or vegetarian dish, because they are usually easy to perform? More often than not, ingredients are missing. We tell you what to stock and how to store it properly.

Do you sometimes find a great recipe, but after getting to know the ingredients, your fuse cools down? It seems that all the basics are there, but there are not enough spices, nuts or any apple cider vinegar. I bet you are not going to the store to pick them up, but are looking for a simpler recipe or cooking one of your usual dishes.

I did the same until I collected my "pantry" of culinary ingredients. Now I have enough spices, oils, cereals and other “highlights”, like dried nori seaweed, which are always on hand. This is where true culinary freedom began!

Now I choose recipes based on my inspiration and not on what I have in my kitchen cabinets. My hands are untied! I can open a culinary website and quickly cook any recipe that catches my eye. I experiment with familiar dishes, giving them new flavors. I'll tell you how to stock up on everything you need to prepare original and nutritious meals for you and those you love.

Oils and vinegars

Strive to buy only organic, cold-pressed oils. It is important! Such oils contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are not synthesized by the body and therefore must be supplied with food.

Extra virgin olive oilbase oil in Mediterranean cuisine and beyond. Pay attention to the acidity, which is usually indicated on the package. The lower it is (up to 0.8%), the higher the quality of the oil.

I highly recommend trying Terra Delissa Organic Tunisian Oil. This is one of the most inexpensive and affordable oils that can be found in supermarket chains like Auchan for the price of regular olive oil. Terra Delissa has an American USDA organic certification and an award from the German Food Show.

Grape seed oil- V Lately I use it instead of olive oil. The same relatively neutral taste and smell, while it is not faked as often as olive oil. Another advantage of this oil is that it has high point combustion, and therefore stable for high temperatures. You can use grapeseed oil for dressing hot cereals and side dishes, but not for frying (whatever the label says!).

Linseed, pumpkin, sesame, cucumber oil and so on. one or two to choose from. Don't buy too many at once different oils, as they eventually oxidize from heat and light, becoming unusable. Each oil has its own pros and cons - research them before choosing anything in particular. For example, sesame oil is useful for women with hormonal imbalance, but not recommended for high blood clotting, and pumpkin is a real champion in the content of zinc and selenium, but does not tolerate high temperatures at all.

It is better to refuse frying in vegetable oil. Useful not saturated fat when heated, they oxidize and create free radicals that destroy cells nervous system and other organs. Better for frying ghee or coconut oil- and it is better both that, and another. These are saturated fats that do not oxidize when heated.

Concerning coconut oil , buy only organic and unrefined since the hydrogenated version contains trans fats. The lauric acid in coconut oil supports function and increases good cholesterol levels. It can also be used for baking. It also hydrates the skin beautifully!

Apple vinegar- the healthiest among vinegars. Actively participates in the detoxification of the body.

Wine, balsamic vinegar Both or one of your choice. I have enough balsamic.

Cereals, flour, pasta

Semolina- in casseroles and puddings.

Buckwheat, corn grits - for healthy gluten-free cereals.

Quinoa- not really cereal, but quinoa seeds, however, it is boiled and used in cooking in the same way as cereals. Quinoa is rich in complete protein containing all eight amino acids.

Couscous, bulgur- cereals from wheat. They contain gluten but are a healthier alternative to regular pasta. Yes, it tastes richer.

Flour coarse grinding(wheat, rye, etc.)- it is better to replace the usual one with it wheat flour. Whole grain flour contains fiber, so it fills you up faster and better. Be careful: due to the beneficial grain germ contained in it, the shelf life of wholemeal flour is no more than 6 months.

Pasta made from durum wheat flour. It is more expensive, but healthier and healthier because it contains less starch. In other words, her glycemic index below. These are the same complex carbohydrates which take longer to digest and keep you feeling full.

Buckwheat noodles. Low-calorie, rich in protein and fiber, these noodles are dietary products. Must have if you love oriental cuisine.


Legumes are the main source of protein for vegans and vegetarians. For better absorption, beans are recommended to be pre-soaked (contrary to the instructions on the package).

Lentils, green and red (yellow). Red contains more iron and boils faster, so it's good for a quick vegan dinner. green lentils it is better to pre-soak, but it is exceptionally rich in fiber and lowers blood sugar levels. There is also a rare black lentil, which resembles caviar and looks beautiful in holiday salads.

Chickpeas (chickpeas)- champion in protein content among legumes. Be sure to soak! An indispensable ingredient for classic oriental hummus and a great replacement for starchy side dishes.

Mung dal beans (mash)- small beans of a beautiful green color. In addition to protein, they high content gland. If you soak them overnight and then boil them with sweet peppers, onions and tomatoes, you get an unreal and hearty soup, a thousand times tastier than the usual pea soup. And if you add cumin and cardamom grains there, then it’s just not to get up to die.

Nuts, dried fruits, grains

walnuts, hazelnuts, macadamia, Brazilian nut, cashew, etc.- all nuts are very nutritious, each in its own way. It is convenient to have several types of different nuts in the kitchen. Don't buy too much, as over time, nuts, like all fats, tend to become rancid.

Pine nuts- for pesto and salads. Keep these comrades especially carefully if they are purified. Do not buy pine nuts in reserve if you are not going to use them in the next couple of weeks - you risk getting a gallbladder disorder.

Almond- for the preparation of almond (lean!) milk, as a protein base for smoothies.

Dried dates, figs, apricots, dried apricots, prunes, etc.- the best snack if you want something sweet. The basis of many raw food desserts.

Flax-seed- to add to salads and smoothies. Just a treasury of benefits, perfectly cleanses the body.

chia seeds- a real superfood, a storehouse of omega 3, vitamins and antioxidants. Compared to chia, foods like broccoli, flaxseed, spinach, and blueberries just take a break.

Green buckwheat- for sprouting. Only the lazy do not know about the benefits of green buckwheat seedlings today. If you are not used to eating sprouts just like that, add them to salads.

Brown or black rice- a healthier version of rice, compared to classic white. Again, complex carbohydrates.

rice arborio- medium grain round rice for risotto.

Herbs and spices

I will not list the properties of all spices, I will focus only on some, not the most obvious ones. And yes, there are not many spices. Here's what I have in store.

Turmeric (sage), curry, basil (reihan), rosemary, oregano (oregano), mint, whole and ground coriander, hot red pepper, black pepper.

ground nutmeg- perfectly friendly with all types of mushrooms. Great in soups and marinades.

Zira (cumin) ground or in grains - indispensable in the preparation of legumes. If you like hummus, you can't go without zira.

Paprika- for vegetable cream soups, especially pumpkin.

white pepper- for fish and seafood.

Allspice- for soups.

Cardamom in pods- for warming tea and fragrant pastries.

Cinnamon sticks and ground- in tea, pastries and in some Ayurvedic soups.

Carnation- in tea and marinades.

fennel seeds- in tea and vegetable soups. Lactogon, cleanser and tonic.


organic honey- choose honey only in specialized stores and never heat it above 50 degrees.

Olives- only organic, having nothing to do with the product in cans that is sold in stores.

Sun-dried tomatoes- in salads, pastas and for the preparation of delicious sauces.

tomato paste- carefully read the composition: there should not be anything superfluous there.

dried mushrooms better than canned. Great option for winter.

Dried seaweed nori- in salads, sandwiches and homemade rolls. I love them, so I just eat them like chips. best source iodine, which you can think of. Try to choose nori without additives, they may contain salt at most.

Tofu- vegetable protein substitute. Good when you need to add easily digestible protein to a vegan dinner - for miso soup, in tandem with quinoa, etc. Many do not understand the taste of tofu, because it has no taste. But tofu absorbs spices and marinades, while it is low-fat and low-calorie.

Goji berries- I do not share the wild excitement about this product. But, according to my observations, goji berries saturate quite quickly and well. Like all berries, goji is rich in antioxidants. Great snack or addition to morning oatmeal.

Find a market near you and shop there spices by weight, not less than 100 g at a time. This way you save money and time.

Highlight the most quality products in the market and build a kind, human relationship with their vendors. Very soon you will receive not only a smile and friendly service, but also pleasant bonuses for a regular customer.

(9 ratings, average: 3,56 out of 5)

PP recipes have helped many people in the fight for weight loss, normalize work internal organs and improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Many people think that eating every day is hard enough, but over time it turns into a way of life.

It is not enough to just eat healthy foods, it is important to do it wisely. Therefore, nutritionists have developed several rules:

What are the priority products?

For harmonious weight loss, which will not harm the health of the body, it is necessary to include in the diet:

  1. Proteins (up to 50% of the total mass). Protein foods include:
  • Dairy products;
  • eggs;
  • chicken fillet, beef;
  • legumes;
  • fish (salmon, tuna, etc.);
  • liver;
  • nuts.
  1. Slow carbohydrates (up to 30%):

  1. Fats (up to 25%):
  • Olive oil;
  • nuts;
  • avocado;
  • fish fat;
  • hard cheese.

Also, PP products, recipes from which can be used every day for weight loss, will be those that have fat-burning functions:

  • cucumbers;
  • White cabbage;
  • papaya;
  • green tea;
  • raspberries;
  • grapefruit;
  • ginger.

But from following products should be abandoned:

  • flour-containing products;
  • sugar-containing products;
  • alcohol and carbonated drinks;
  • soft cheese, including processed;
  • salty and sweet snacks;
  • food fast food and food in eateries.

Protein pancakes

In a deep bowl, knead the dough from the following ingredients:

  • a quarter cup of oatmeal flakes;
  • a quarter cup of cottage cheese;
  • half a spoon of protein powder;
  • 3 egg whites.

After thoroughly mixing the products so that there are no lumps left, portionwise pour the dough into a hot frying pan. Bake the pancake on each side until a brownish crust forms. It is advisable to fry pancakes in non-stick dishes so as not to add oil. You can use it with walnut urbech.

Curd dessert with fruits and gelatin

Pour a tablespoon of gelatin into a third glass of milk and leave for 30 minutes until it swells. Dissolve gelatin with milk over a fire, making sure that the mass does not begin to boil.

Beat 300 g of cottage cheese, 130 g of sour cream and 15 g of sugar to a small foam, add gelatin and mix thoroughly. Cut strawberries (7 medium fruits), kiwi (3 pcs.) And a third of pineapple into small plates.

Then the products must be laid out in layers in the following order:

  • Strawberry;
  • cottage cheese;
  • kiwi;
  • cottage cheese;
  • a pineapple;
  • curd.

If there are a lot of products, then you should not distribute everything in one layer, it is better to divide it into several.

Cheesecakes with bran and banana

This recipe will be an excellent breakfast in the style of pp, which can be consumed every day for weight loss.

Mash a fresh banana with a mortar, add low-fat cottage cheese (130 g), bran powder (20 g), egg white to it and mix the dough until smooth. Let it swell (about 20 minutes) and gradually add wholemeal flour (no more than 30 g).

The dough should not be too viscous, rather more liquid. Divide the finished dough into equal portions, form balls, and then press them. Fry the resulting cakes on each side to a brownish color. So that the cheesecakes are not too greasy from oil, you should briefly place them on paper napkins before use.

Jelly from kefir

1 st. l. soak gelatin in water for 30 minutes. Combine a liter of kefir with 0.3 l. sugar and a pinch of vanilla, beat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour gelatin melted in a water bath into the resulting mass with a small stream. Whisk well again. Add melted dark chocolate (130 g) to the mixture, mix and pour into cups. Place in refrigerator for 30 min.

banana cupcakes

Mash 3 bananas into a pulp. Mix sifted flour (230 g) with baking powder (13 g). Grate 30 g of soft butter and knead with sugar. Pour in 2 eggs and beat until slightly foamy. Mix all substances until a homogeneous mass.
Place on floured baking sheets and leave in the oven for 30 minutes. Sprinkle the finished cupcakes with a little powdered sugar.

radish salad

Such a recipe includes 4 pillars for weight loss, which can be consumed every day for breakfast or lunch: slow carbohydrates (radish, herbs, celery), proteins (sour cream, garlic) and fats (hard cheese).

Grind the radish, garlic and cheese into small straws. Chop a couple of stalks of celery into small pieces. Combine products, pour sour cream and mix. Sprinkle finely chopped herbs on top.

beetroot salad

This salad is recommended to be consumed at least once every 7 days. The components contained in it are not only low in calories, but also rich in substances that can smooth out the stress of a sudden change in diet and physical activity.

Boil 1 large beetroot (at least an hour), then cool and grate into small strips. Z-6 pcs. soak prunes in water (min. 30), cut into small pieces. Z0-40 g of hard cheese and grate a couple of cloves of garlic. Combine all products and pour sour cream.

Light Greek salad

Tofu cheese (30 g.), Cucumbers (3 pcs.) And sweet peppers (2 pcs.) Cut into small cubes. Cut cherry tomatoes (9 pcs.) And olives (one third of a can) into two halves. Combine products and fill olive oil, mix.

Squeeze out a couple of drops of lemon juice. If you want a beautiful serving, then lay a few lettuce leaves on a flat dish, then carefully place the main salad on them.

Salad with tuna

Boil until tender 6 dwarf corn pods and 3 eggs (do not add salt to the water). Mash the canned tuna into a pulp.
Grate eggs and peeled cucumber into small strips. Combine all ingredients, pour sour cream and mix.

Vegetable soup with chicken

Boil in salted water 1 pc. chicken fillet, remove to a plate and cool. In chicken broth, cook a couple of Brussels sprouts and cauliflower inflorescences until soft, half an eggplant (it is better to cut it beforehand).

Grated carrots and finely chopped onions sauté min. 1Z. Split the chicken into small strips, add to the main soup along with the frying. Grind with a blender until a homogeneous thick liquid is obtained.

Vegetable soup with rice and cabbage

Boil 2 pcs. chicken fillet in salt water, when ready, lay out and cool. Chop half a head of fresh cabbage, add to the broth along with rice and chopped potatoes and cook over medium heat.

Finely chop carrots and onions and sauté until translucent. Split the cooled chicken into strips and pour back into the pan along with the frying when the potatoes are soft. Hold for another 3 minutes, then turn off the stove and let the soup brew for 5-10 minutes.

carrot soup

Carrots (300 g), onions (1-2 pcs.) and potatoes (3-4 pcs.) Cut into medium cubes. Pass the onion in a hot frying pan for 6 minutes, then add carrots to it, hold for another minute. Boil the potatoes until half cooked, add 1 bath of processed cheese to the resulting broth. Then add the remaining vegetables, spices (thyme, salt, pepper). Cook until carrots are soft.

Brussels sprout soup with cream

Great Recipes pp for every day for weight loss - recipes for soups, especially vegetable ones. They not only help to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, but are also better absorbed by the body, which prevents the deposition of excess subcutaneous fat.

Boil the chicken fillet in brackish water. Vegetables (potatoes, carrots, onions) get rid of the husk. Cut potatoes and onions into medium cubes, carrots into strips, Brussels sprouts cut into two parts.

Remove the chicken, cool and cut into slices. Pour potatoes into the prepared broth. Fry onions and carrots for 3 minutes, then add cabbage and pour 0.2 l. water. Simmer until vegetables are cooked. When the potatoes are soft, add the rest of the vegetables to the pot.

In a deep bowl, mix medium-fat cream and 1 egg yolk, beat. Add a finely chopped bunch of herbs (parsley, dill, green onion), mix. Pour the mixture into the prepared vegetables in a thin stream, stirring the contents. Remove from stove and let sit for min. 1Z.

Buckwheat soup

Boil chicken fillet. Cut the potatoes into small cubes, finely chop the onion, grate the carrots into thin strips. Remove the cooked chicken, cool and split into layers. Pour potatoes in its place, cook until half cooked, and then pour a third of a glass of buckwheat.

Saute carrots and onions for about 7 minutes. When the potatoes and buckwheat become soft, add the rest of the products to them. Hold for 3 more minutes. At this time, beat the egg in a bowl with a fork until bubbles appear, add pepper and basil. Pour the mixture into the soup in a small stream, stirring often the broth. Let stand for about 5 minutes.

Bulgarian soup

Cut the eggplant into small bars, leave in a small amount of salt water. 2 bell peppers, finely chop a third of the celery, add to the eggplant and mix. Add a pinch of hot pepper. Fry in oil, add grated tomatoes (3 pcs.) And a couple of cloves of minced garlic.

Pour the resulting mixture together with the sauce into a saucepan with boiling water, add salt and Bay leaf. Cook for about 30 min. Toward the end add chopped parsley and savory.

Tomato soup

Cut fresh peeled tomatoes into slices. Finely chop the onion and fry for 3 minutes, then add the tomatoes and keep on the stove for another 3 minutes. Boil water, add a cube of meat broth.

Add a jar of mashed canned tomatoes and fry. Then pour half a glass of tomato nectar, add 30 ml. cream, 3 cloves of minced garlic and finely chopped basil leaves. Keep on fire for another min. 10, then grind in a food processor.

Soup with chicken meatballs

Mix minced chicken with half-cooked rice, add salt and pepper. Form small balls and put into boiling water. Cut the potatoes into cubes and send after the meatballs.

Saute finely chopped carrots and onions for about 3 minutes. When the potatoes are ready, pour the roast into the broth and keep for a couple more minutes. In portions, put into plates half the boiled chicken egg and chopped dill.

Pumpkin baked with egg

Peel the pumpkin from the skin and seeds, cut into cubes. Spread evenly in a baking dish, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Beat the eggs in a bowl, pour them over the pumpkin. Spread a small piece of butter on top. Place in oven for 30 min. If desired, the finished casserole can be sprinkled with hard cheese.

light stewed cabbage recipe

Shred the cabbage head, place in a deep bowl and sprinkle with salt. Thoroughly knead until softened.
Pour into a heated pan, pour in water. Add pepper and some salt. Simmer, stirring occasionally, for about 30 minutes.

Chicken baked with vegetables

PP recipes for every day for weight loss cannot do without vegetables with chicken. After all, chicken meat is the main source of protein, and vegetables saturate the body with fiber, which helps to improve bowel function and burn excess fat.

Eggplant, 2 sweet peppers, carrots, onions, 3 tomatoes and chicken fillet cut into cubes, mix and place in a baking dish. In a deep bowl, mix half tbsp. l. mayonnaise, 3 tbsp. l. sour cream, 300 grated hard cheese, salt, paprika and pepper. Pour the resulting mass of products on a baking sheet. Remove to oven until full readiness.

Chicken fillet in mustard sauce

In a deep bowl, mix 2 tbsp. l. spicy mustard, 2 tsp. Dijon mustard, salt, pepper, turmeric. Wash and dry the chicken fillet, grease on all sides with the resulting sauce and place on the foil (for each piece of chicken there is a separate layer of foil).
Place the sliced ​​apple slices on top of the sauce. Wrap the meat tightly in foil and place in the oven for 30 minutes.

Zucchini with cheese and tomatoes in the oven

Zucchini and tomatoes, cut into rounds of medium thickness. Grate cheese and garlic, combine with mayonnaise and mix. Place the zucchini on a baking sheet, put the tomatoes on top. The final layer will be the cheese sauce. Put the snack in the oven for 20 minutes.

Zucchini casserole

Cut zucchini, potatoes and onion into medium cubes. After mixing, the vegetables are evenly placed in a baking dish. Break 3 eggs into a bowl, add paprika, salt, pepper and beat.
Pour the mixture over the vegetables. Leave in the oven for 30 minutes, sprinkle with grated cheese and remove for another 1 minute.

Rice with chicken and vegetables

Chop the chicken, onion and carrot into cubes and fry until the chicken is half cooked. Pour the mixture into a saucepan, add rice, canned peas and corn. Pour hot water and cook until tender, stirring occasionally.

Pollock with stewed vegetables

Pollock is considered an ideal fish for those who wish to lighten weight: besides low content calories, it is also enriched with various vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Regular use this fish contributes to the normalization of work thyroid gland, which is responsible for the performance of all metabolic substances. And, therefore, it contributes to the dropping of extra pounds.

After cleaning the pollock, pour it with lemon juice and leave for 30 minutes. Then cut into portions, grate with spices for fish. 3 pcs. grate the carrots, cut the onion into rings, 2 cubed tomatoes. Distribute half of the resulting vegetables in a deep frying pan, put the fish on top, pour in the rest of the products. Pour a glass of water, simmer until cooked.

Chicken liver stewed with vegetables

Rinse and cut the liver. Chop 2 tomatoes, bell pepper and onion into cubes. Grate carrots. Mix all products in a pan, fry for 3 minutes. Then pour in 1 can of sour cream, a third of a glass of water, salt and pepper. Simmer for about 30 minutes.

Diet pilaf with chicken

This recipe makes the dish dietary and subject to the laws of paragraphs due to the method of preparation: practically free of fat and carcinogens. That leaves all the best quality products for weight loss for every day.

The recipe for dietary pilaf includes chicken fillet, which tops the list of PP

chicken breast rinse, separate from the bone, chop. Cut carrots into strips, onions into rings. Place the brisket in a pot of water and bring to a boil.

Reduce heat slightly and cook for 13 more minutes. Add carrot, onion and pepper powder. Leave on fire for another 5 minutes, then add brown rice, cumin and dried barberry. Simmer, covered, for about 30 minutes.

Veal with mushrooms and potatoes

Cut the meat into medium cubes, place in a pan and fry for 3 minutes with grated carrots and onions. Potatoes (5-6 pcs.) Chop into large pieces, add to the veal. Add 300 ml. water and, cover with a lid, simmer for about 30 minutes. For 13 min. until ready to add a jar of canned champignons, and 3 tbsp. l. sour cream.

Zucchini baked with minced chicken

Cut the zucchini into rings, cut out the seeds. Place on opposite side. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots and cheese. Combine minced meat and vegetables, add salt and pepper, mix thoroughly. Place in the core of the zucchini. Bake for about 30 min. Then sprinkle the dish with cheese in portions and leave for another 3 minutes.

Most people are afraid of proper nutrition, believing that pp is not necessarily tasty, and all recipes are monotonous and boring. However, you can find many dishes that promote weight loss and at the same time are delicious and for every day.

Proper nutrition is the key to longevity and good health. Unfortunately, not all popular dishes are equally healthy for the body. Some contain a lot of cholesterol, others - starch, and others - fats. Contrary to the opinion of the majority, tasty and healthy which are suitable for everyday cooking, can contain meat, fish, and even dressings. Another thing is that they have a special method of preparation.

Principles of healthy nutrition

First, the human body must receive daily required amount nutrients. Secondly, it is important that only low-calorie and vitamin products. You shouldn't starve yourself. For perfect figure And healthy body All you need is a well-chosen diet, which will include almost all everyday foods.

When compiling the menu, you should remove too high-calorie dishes from it. It should be noted right away that the key to proper nutrition is to reduce the volume of portions and increase the frequency of their intake. It is recommended to eat 4-5 times a day. Eating is strictly prohibited. In this case, the stomach cannot digest a large amount of food, and the microcomponents from the products do not have time to break down and be absorbed into the blood.

Dinner must be no later than 6 pm. After that, you are allowed to eat one fruit or drink a glass of fat-free kefir. It is important to understand that when eating, saturation does not come immediately, so it is not recommended to take a supplement, referring to residual hunger.

Healthy vegetable dishes

As you know, it is considered green. It is she who is the basis of the dietary salad "Beets with mozzarella cheese". This dish will decorate any holiday table. The composition includes:

  • 1 small beetroot
  • 100 g lettuce leaves (mix of varieties),
  • 200 g mozzarella cheese,
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil,
  • 1 st. l. lemon juice
  • pepper, salt.

It is also not superfluous to season the salad with a pinch of dried herbs for a spicy flavor. The recipe for a healthy dish implies one secret ingredient - sunflower seeds without husk (up to 20 g). The salad is prepared very simply: boiled beets are cut into cubes, mixed with herbs and seasoned with oil, lemon and other flavorings.

Another very nutritious and healthy are in scrambled eggs with sauce. It is worth noting that they can be served both hot and cold. The recipe for a healthy dish is quite easy, although cooking will take about 1.5 hours. To do this, you will need 4 medium zucchini, 1 large tomato, 10 eggs, garlic and dill to taste.

Zucchini are cut lengthwise into thin strips and well lubricated with oil. Tomatoes and dressing are crushed in a blender. Then the zucchini are baked (40 minutes), doused with tomato sauce and beaten eggs. After that, the dish should be held in the oven until golden brown. You can decorate with basil.

Healthy fruit dishes

One of the most common is "Currant Delight". It is worth noting that this fruit dish is allowed even if strict diets, it is also very useful for the body due to a large number vitamins. The composition of the ingredients includes 150 g of currants, 3 apples and lemon juice.

The first step is to wash the fruits and berries well. Then the apples are peeled and core, cut into cubes and sprinkled with lemon juice. After 10 minutes, the fruit must be simmered over low heat until it becomes soft. After that, mashed apples are mixed with currants, which are subsequently poured into molds and baked for about 20 minutes.

Another recipe for a healthy dish received the uncomplicated name "Strawberry Dessert". It includes only fresh berries. The proportions are as follows: 100 g strawberries, 50 g currants, 50 g raspberries, 50 g blueberries. A sprig of basil is used for decoration. Puree is made from strawberries, which is poured over the rest of the berries.

Healthy chicken dishes

Poultry fillet is considered the lowest calorie meat product in traditional cooking. In addition, recipes for simple and healthy chicken-based dishes are available to every housewife. The most common of these is a baked bird in a sleeve with vegetables. The composition of the dish includes:

Poultry meat is cut into pieces. Raw vegetables (in small cubes) and spices are added to it. All ingredients are mixed and tied into a sleeve. Bake for 40 minutes (180 degrees). The recipe for a healthy dish "Royal Chicken" involves the use of the following products: 0.5 kg of boiled poultry fillet, 150 g of bell pepper ( different colors), 70 g champignons, 600 ml broth, 100 ml skimmed milk, 5 tbsp. l. white wine, 3 tbsp. l. flour, salt, spices, oil.

Mushrooms are cut and stewed for about 15 minutes. A dressing sauce is made from flour, butter, milk and broth. Then the chicken and vegetables are cut, mixed with mushrooms, salted. The final step will be filling the fillet with sauce and stewing for about 30 minutes.

Healthy seafood dishes

Salmon Profiteroles is a very refined, fragrant and dietary dish. The recipe for a healthy snack includes: 100 g of rye flour, 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 180 ml of water, 80 g of salted salmon, 30 g of red caviar, herbs and oil. First, a fluffy dough is kneaded, balls (5 cm) from which are baked for half an hour. Separately cooked salmon with cottage cheese. Both ingredients are whipped with a blender and added to buns as a filling. Caviar is served as decoration.

Stuffed pineapple with shrimp is not only delicious, but also very vitamin. The composition of the ingredients includes honey, lemon and orange juice, oil, salt, spices. For 4 servings, ingredients are needed: 1 kg of chopped pineapple, 300 g of peeled fried shrimp, 150 g of grated cheese. All ingredients are mixed and served as a salad.

Healthy meat dishes

Many nutritionists and gastroenterologists advise their patients to consume as many rabbit fillets as possible. The recipe for a healthy dish based on such meat also includes ingredients: 1 onion, 300 g of broccoli, 400 mg of sour cream, 2 medium carrots, 200 g of beans, 10 g of dried rosemary, garlic, oils, seasoning. For one serving, 1 kg of rabbit fillet is enough.

The meat is cut, soaked for 1 hour, seasoned and well fried. Vegetable gravy is prepared separately. Then all the ingredients are mixed and stewed for about 15 minutes.

Another useful recipe among the components provides for 300 g of boiled beef, 4 eggs, 2 onions, 5 tbsp. l. ground crackers, butter, herbs, spices. The meat is cut into small pieces. Vegetables and herbs are chopped. Beef slices are dipped in beaten egg, dressing and breadcrumbs. Bake with vegetables.

Healthy sweet food

Oddly enough, cakes can also be low in calories and rich in vitamins. Properly prepared fruit desserts are healthy diet meals. Recipes for such cakes are striking in their variability. The main thing is to use only low-calorie foods.

One of the most common in nutrition healthy desserts considered peach-curd cake. It is also a low carb dish. The composition includes 0.5 kg of cottage cheese, 2 eggs, 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal and semolina, 1 tbsp. l. honey. Fruit jam will be used for the layer, and 1 can of canned peaches for decoration. All ingredients are whipped in a blender. The mixture is poured into a mold and baked for about 30 minutes. The cake should be cut lengthwise and laid with a thick layer of jam, garnished with peaches.

Healthy meals for children

The daily diet of a child should be saturated with vitamins, minerals and other trace elements important for health. This is especially true for children under 2 years of age. Vitamin salads are the most healthy dishes for children. Recipes may be different, but the basics should be the same.

The composition of the vitamin salad includes apples, cherries, pears, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, celery, grapes and greens. As a dressing there will be fat-free sour cream and lemon juice. Depending on the recipe, the composition of the ingredients may vary, as well as their quantitative ratio. To prepare a salad, it is enough to finely chop all the products and mix with sour cream.

Also, young children really like fried bananas. It is both healthy, and vitamin, and dietary, and piquantly crispy dish. For 1 banana, 15 g of oil is enough. Salt and flour are not required.

As the great Hippocrates said: "We are what we eat." Many will agree with this. Of course, in the modern rhythm of life, we strive to do everything quickly in order to do more. Not many people have time to look for recipes for proper nutrition.

But as far as health is concerned, there is no way to act in an accelerated mode. After all, usually what is prepared quickly is not very useful. Yes, it is much easier to heat up some semi-finished product or gobble up a freshly bought pie. But how will such food affect our health? Few people think about it.

We are talking about. Healthy food will keep you healthy and promote good health. Do not think that proper nutrition is something complicated or hard to reach, because so many people think so.

Here are some healthy recipes for you proper nutrition. Try to cook it yourself, you will see that it is not difficult at all and very tasty.


Well, with breakfast everything is very simple and more varied. Since we store energy for the whole day, we can afford a lot of things. This main reception food for the whole day. Most importantly, do not overeat and do not starve. After all, an excess of sugar in the diet will inevitably lead to education (if you are interested in this topic, then follow this link).

1) Oatmeal, sir.

Don't think it's trivial. But useful. And you can add fresh berries, nuts or dried fruits. It diversifies oatmeal. But this is the simplest of the recipes for proper nutrition. The main thing is to choose flakes of long cooking for at least 20 minutes. They are healthier than instant ones.

The recipe is simple:

1 cup low fat milk (1.5% or 2.5% fat)

2 tablespoons cereal

Moreover, it is not necessary to cook all this, you can pour hot milk over oatmeal and let it brew. So it will be more useful. Better yet, fill with water. Since milk will give the porridge a high calorie content. If you like it sweeter, then add some honey.

2) Good old buckwheat.

Of course, not everyone loves this cereal since childhood. But everyone knows that it is useful. It contains many trace elements and vitamins that are simply necessary to maintain the beauty and freshness of the skin.

You can eat this porridge with milk. And you can overcook champignons with onions and add to buckwheat. So it will be even tastier and more satisfying.

3) Millet porridge is our food.

This porridge is also very useful. Here is a simple recipe:

We take 1 part of millet groats and 5 parts of milk. Add grated pumpkin. We cook until ready. Approximately 20 minutes, depending on the power of your stove. You can also sweeten with honey instead of sugar.

4) Omelet or scrambled eggs, that is the question.

You can experiment with this option. Add tomatoes, bell peppers, mushrooms, onion, greenery, low fat cheese- whatever your heart desires.

This is an inexpensive and quick breakfast option, which is also healthy. Instead of the usual white bread, eat scrambled eggs with crispbread or whole grain bread.

You can make a pancake from an omelet and wrap stewed or fresh vegetables in it. Or put cheese with greens inside, which will be a more spicy breakfast. This is a little diversification of a simple dish.

5) Oatmeal with apple.

You will need:

1 apple

2 eggs

3 tablespoons oatmeal

1 tablespoon milk

sugar to taste

Cooking method:

We clean the apple from the core, cut into small pieces and put in a pan, sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon. Simmer over low heat for a few minutes. We grind cereals, add eggs, milk and mix everything together. Pour the stewed apples with this mixture and fry for another five minutes (until cooked). Then fold in half, put on a plate and pour with honey or melted dark chocolate. And enjoy...

Moreover, you can come up with any filling for such a pancake that you just want: cheese, cottage cheese, banana, vegetables, and so on.


1) Soups.

You can cook a variety of soups, the main thing is not very fatty and it is not necessary to cook the broth from some bone for three hours. There are so many varieties of vegetable soups or various cream soups.

For example, cream - soup with champignons.

4-5 pcs. potatoes

400 g champignons

1 large onion

Cream 10-15% 200 ml

Salt, herbs

Water 500 ml

Cooking method:

We clean the potatoes, cut them into cubes, fill them with water and boil, add some salt to taste. Fry the finely chopped onion for about 5 minutes. Then add the mushrooms, cut into strips, pre-boiled, and fry until the onion is golden (about 10-15 minutes).

Add this mass to the potatoes, bring to a boil and carefully pour in the cream. We cook food for a couple of minutes. Then we grind everything in a blender and, voila, the cream - the soup is ready. Before serving, sprinkle the soup with chopped herbs and serve with whole grain bread.

2) Pasta with vegetables.

Durum wheat pasta

Onions, tomatoes, sweet peppers, zucchini or eggplant (or you can buy frozen vegetables, various mixtures are now sold - lecho, minterone, Hawaiian and others)

tomato paste


Cooking method:

Boil macaroni until done. Stew vegetables and add tomato paste and herbs at the end, spread on pasta. You can sprinkle grated low-fat cheese on top.

3) "Lazy pigeons".

0.5 kg white cabbage

100g steamed rice

300g minced turkey or beef

onion - 1 pc.

carrots - 1 large

tomato - 2 small

salt, herbs, your favorite seasoning

Cooking method:

Boil rice as usual. Who does not know, we take washed rice, fill it with water in a ratio of 1: 4, and cook for 15 minutes. The main thing is not to digest it, otherwise it will turn out to be rice porridge, and this does not suit us at all.

Fry the minced meat in a pan for 10 minutes, then add finely chopped onion and grated carrots, fry for another 5 minutes, stirring beforehand. Then add cabbage, simmer for 10-15 minutes. Five minutes before readiness, add finely chopped tomato, seasonings and herbs. Yes, I forgot to say that we stew all this splendor in olive oil, but you should not get carried away.

Moreover, you can cook this dish as a hodgepodge or as cutlets. Those. do not fry everything with a total mass like a hodgepodge, but make balls out of this, adding an egg for coupling, and fry on both sides. Five minutes before cooking, you can add milk or low-fat cream to make the dish juicier and more tender.

4) Diet nuggets.

You will need:

2 chicken breast fillets

2 eggs

Oat bran

Salt, pepper or other spices to taste

Cooking method:

Cut the fillet into small pieces, salt, pepper. Separate the proteins from the yolks, which we do not need.

Dip the chicken pieces first in the protein, then in the bran. We send it to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

healthy sauce: add finely chopped garlic, chopped herbs and 1 teaspoon of mustard, half a tablespoon of soy sauce to low-fat sour cream, you can pepper if desired. Mix everything thoroughly and you can eat with nuggets.

5) Fish in a creamy sauce.

You will need:

500-600g fish fillet

200g low fat cheese

200ml milk or low fat cream

Greens, salt, spices to taste

Cooking method:

Wash the fish and cut into small pieces. We rub the cheese on a coarse grater, finely chop the greens and mix with milk. We put the fish fillet on a baking sheet, greased with olive oil, salt, sprinkle with spices, pour the prepared creamy sauce. We send it to the oven, heated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes. Serve with boiled rice and vegetable salad. Very tasty and nutritious.


Remember that dinner dishes should be light and not very high-calorie. Do not be afraid, in fact, there are a lot of recipes for healthy and healthy dinners. If you don't know then avoid carbs for dinner.

In fact, there are quite a few recipes for proper nutrition for dinner. Only a few of them are described here. It all depends on your tastes and imagination.

1) Cauliflower casserole.

Cauliflower 500g

Low-fat hard cheese 100g

Eggs 3pcs

Milk 200g

Salt, herbs, spices to taste

Cooking method:

Boil cauliflower until half cooked, drain the water. We take any form for baking and spread the cabbage. Beat the eggs together with milk, add salt, sprinkle with your favorite spices (see the composition so that there are only dried herbs without salt and chemical additives). Sprinkle grated cheese generously on top. Bake in the oven, preheating to 180 degrees until golden brown. It makes for a quick and healthy meal.

2) Stuffed squid.

You will need:

4 medium sized calamari

200g low-fat hard cheese

500g champignons

3 small onions

Salt, pepper, herbs

Cooking method:

We clean the squid from the skin and entrails. Boil for 7 minutes, no more, otherwise they will be rubber. We cut the mushrooms into strips and fry with finely chopped onion for about 15 minutes, see that the onion becomes golden. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. We mix mushrooms with cheese and stuff squids with this mass. You can add chopped herbs, spices and garlic to the filling for flavor, salt to taste. On top of the squid carcass, you can sprinkle curry or some other seasoning for beauty.

We spread it in a baking dish and send it to the oven, heated to 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Place on plates and enjoy! You can serve the dish with any side dish or vegetable salad.

3) Baked zucchini rings.

You will need:

big zucchini

carrots - 2 pcs

onion - 1 pc.

200g low fat cheese

500g chicken fillet or minced meat

Salt, spices to taste

Cooking method:

Grind the chicken fillet or take the prepared minced meat, salt, pepper. We rub the carrots on a fine grater, finely chop the onion, fry in a pan until golden brown. Mix with minced meat. We clean the zucchini from the skin and seeds. We cut in circles.

For convenience, you can remove the middle of the zucchini with a small glass or a large tablespoon. Then we spread the circles of zucchini on a baking sheet, greased with oil, and put our minced meat inside. Top with grated cheese. We send it to the oven well preheated to 200 degrees for 30 minutes.

Sauce: 200g tender cottage cheese or natural yogurt, 1 teaspoon tomato paste, 1 teaspoon mustard, 1 teaspoon soy sauce, lemon juice optional. We mix everything and weave it together with our dish.

4) Useful salad.

This is a very easy and healthy dinner.

You will need:

avocado - 1 ripe fruit

onion (it is better to take a purple onion, it is sweeter) - 1 piece

tomato - 1-2 pieces

egg - 1 boiled

Olive oil, salt, pepper to taste.

The cooking method is simple:

Cut all the ingredients into cubes and put in a salad bowl. Avocados are pre-peeled. We fill with olive oil (you can use some other one that you like, linseed, mustard, etc.), salt, pepper. And the salad is ready. Avocados contain many vitamins and protein, which our body needs and is easily digested.

5) Baked fish with vegetables .

You will need:

Carcass of any fish

Vegetable mix (you can use frozen Mexican)


Salt, dried herb spices to taste

Cooking method:

Clean the fish from the insides, head, fins, and salt. Place on a baking sheet greased with olive oil. Put vegetables inside the fish and secure with toothpicks so that nothing falls out. We send it to the oven, heated to 200 degrees, for 20-30 minutes. You can wrap the fish in foil, so it will turn out even tastier.

We spread the finished dish on a plate, sprinkle with chopped herbs and enjoy.

Of course, these are just a few recipes for proper nutrition. Having shown your imagination, you can eat tasty, varied and healthy. Main -

2) The interval between meals should be 2-3 hours.

3) Do not get carried away with purchased sauces, you can cook them yourself.

4) Do not starve, otherwise you will get better on the contrary.

5) Remember that proper nutrition is not a diet, it is a way of life.

6) We drink during the day clean water at least 1.5 liters.

7) Eat 3-4 hours before bed.

There is an erroneous, but, unfortunately, widespread belief that eating healthy is expensive. Like to cook tasty dish, you must certainly spend well in the store. But the real mistress will be able to feed the family, using the available resources efficiently and economically. What is very important in the conditions of constantly recurring economic crisis.

We offer you an overview healthiest recipes. Why do we call them "the most useful"? Firstly, all their constituent components are only healthy and natural products. Secondly, the final cost of the dish will not exceed fifty rubles. And finally, here you will not find recipes that will harm your health or figure.

What to cook first?

Everyone knows about the importance of soups for the body. The first dish is recommended to eat every day. Vegetable soups are considered more useful, rather than cooked “on the bone”. There is an opinion that a lot of harmful substances. In particular, radionuclides. And when cooking, it all gets into the dish.

Vegetable soups are low in calories. They are easily absorbed by the body. Prepare quickly, easily. And the final cost is exactly what we need: less than 50 rubles.

Lenten borscht


  • red beets - 150 g (price - 5.25 rubles);
  • white cabbage - 110 g (price - 4.4 rubles);
  • - 40 g (cost - 1.4 rubles);
  • onion - 40 g (1.4 p.);
  • parsley root - 10 g (0.35 r.);
  • tomatoes - one medium size, approximately 100 g (10 rubles);
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. (3.4 rubles);
  • sugar - 2 tsp;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp;
  • salt (to taste).

Note. In recipes, we calculate the cost of the amount of products that will be included in the dish. For calculation, we take the average prices for the country.

For the purchase of ingredients for lean borscht, we need 26.2 rubles. Round up to 30, including sugar, salt and vinegar. Not bad!


  • Put shredded cabbage into boiling water.
  • While it is cooking, fry the grated red beets in a pan. In the process, add vinegar. After fifteen minutes, transfer the vegetable to the pan.
  • Saute chopped onions, grated carrots, finely chopped tomatoes and parsley root in vegetable oil.
  • After 10-15 minutes, put the vegetables in a saucepan.
  • Ten minutes before the soup is ready, add sugar, salt.

What do we get as a result?

The calorie content of the dish is 57 kcal.

Proteins - 3.7 g; fats - 3 g; carbohydrates - 4.8 g.

Zucchini soup-puree


  • - 250 g (price - 15.5 rubles);
  • carrots - 20 g (0.70 r.);
  • onion - 20 g (0.70 r.);
  • parsley - 10 g (0.35 r.);
  • leek - 40 g (15 p.);
  • wheat flour - 30 g (1.05 p.);
  • butter - 1 tbsp. (7.4 rubles);
  • milk - 200 g (9.8 rubles);
  • salt.

Total - 50.5 rubles.


  • Peel the zucchini, cut into pieces and stew in boiling milk.
  • Chopped leeks, onions and grated carrots to put on butter. Five minutes before the readiness, carefully introduce wheat flour.
  • Grind vegetables through a sieve or with a blender. Dilute with boiling vegetable broth.
  • Serve to the table, sprinkled with parsley.

The calorie content of our dietary soup is 47 kcal.

Proteins - 1.4 g, fats - 2.7 g, carbohydrates - 4.3 g.

Fresh fruit soup


  • apples - 160 g (8 rubles);
  • pears - 180 g (16.2 rubles);
  • plums - 120 g (14.4 rubles);
  • potato starch - 1 tbsp. (0.75 p.);
  • sugar - 110 g;
  • cinnamon - a pinch.

Total - 39.35 rubles (excluding sugar and cinnamon).


  • Wash and peel apples and pears, remove the cores. Cleaning pour water (approximately 600 g) and put on fire.
  • While the fruits are cooking, prepare the plums. Wash and take out the bones.
  • Strain the finished broth, add sugar and cinnamon. Put on fire again.
  • When it boils, add pieces of fruit. After 4-5 minutes, gently fold in the starch. Bring to a boil again.

The calorie content of this delicious soup is 63 kcal.


Student breakfast: boil a sausage, grate on a fine grater, mix with garlic or mayonnaise, spread on bread. If thin-thin layer, then you get a lot of sandwiches. Fast, tasty, cheap, but not healthy. Such options for our healthy diet are not suitable.

Curd and berry mix


  • cottage cheese - 200 g (18 rubles);
  • blueberries - 50 g (12.5 rubles);
  • pounded walnuts- 1 tbsp. (9 rubles; if you buy not kernels, but whole nuts, it will turn out a little cheaper);
  • fresh honey - a teaspoon.

Total - 39.5 rubles (excluding honey).


Add fresh blueberries and crushed nuts to grated cottage cheese. Drizzle with honey.

Calorie breakfast - 235 kcal.

Proteins - 15 g, fats - 18 g, carbohydrates - 4 g.

Wheat-pumpkin porridge


  • millet - 50 g (2 p.);
  • pumpkin - 100 g (8 rubles);
  • milk - 100 g (4.9 rubles);
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • butter;
  • a pinch of salt.

Total - 14.9 rubles.


  • Remove the skin from the pumpkin, remove the seed pulp and cut into small cubes. Put in boiling water with milk. Salt. Add sugar.
  • When it boils well, reduce the heat and add the millet. Cook until fully cooked.
  • Before serving, put a piece of butter in a bowl.

The calorie content of a serving of porridge is 158 kcal.

Nutrient balance "proteins: fats: carbohydrates" - 4: 8: 18.5 g.

Homemade muesli

Muesli is, of course, the most convenient, quick and affordable breakfast. But it is expensive to regularly purchase them for your family. You can cook this dish yourself. It will turn out no less useful and tasty.


  • oatmeal - 200 g (19 p.);
  • dried apricots - 50 g (4.18 rubles);
  • prunes - 50 g (9 p.);
  • walnuts (crushed kernels) - 25 g (7.5 r.);
  • milk - 100 g (4.9 rubles);
  • salt.

Total - 44.58 rubles.


  • Cook oatmeal in milk and water.
  • While the oatmeal is cooking, prepare the dried fruit. Pour boiling water over dried apricots and prunes. After a couple of minutes, take it out and cut into pieces.
  • Add nuts and chopped dried fruits to the porridge.

The calorie content of the finished dish is 300 kcal.

Proteins - 7.9 g, fats - 4.6 g, carbohydrates - 60 g.

Main dishes

Capelin with vegetables


  • capelin - 300 g (18 rubles);
  • carrots - 100 g (3.5 r.);
  • Bulgarian pepper - 100 g (8 p.);
  • tomatoes - 100 g (10 rubles);
  • salt, spices.

Total: 43 rubles.


  • Wash and clean vegetables. Grate carrots. Onion cut into half rings. Peppers and tomatoes - arbitrary sticks.
  • Place carrots in a saucepan and simmer. A little later, add the rest of the vegetables.
  • While the vegetables are stewing, prepare the capelin. Remove heads, giblets, wash well.
  • Posting capelin to vegetables. Salt and season. Simmer until done.

The calorie content of the finished dish is 230 kcal.

cabbage casserole


  • white cabbage - 200 g (8 p.);
  • margarine - 15 g (4.8 rubles);
  • chicken egg (6.5 p.);
  • sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • crackers - 2 tsp


  • Finely chop the cabbage and fry in margarine.
  • Mix it with chicken egg.
  • Spread in an even layer in a deep frying pan, greased with margarine and sprinkled with breadcrumbs.
  • Level the surface. Bake in the oven.
  • Serve with sour cream.

The calorie content of the dish is 162 kcal.

Proteins - 7 g, fats - 13 g; carbohydrates - 5 g.

The vinaigrette


  • Bulgarian green pepper - 300 g (24 rubles);
  • carrots - 100 g (3.5 r.);
  • onion - 100 g (3.5 r.);
  • potatoes - 1 medium;
  • chicken egg (6.5 p.);
  • a bunch of any greens;
  • sugar, salt, mayonnaise.

Total: about 50 rubles. (including all ingredients).


  • Boil potatoes and eggs. Clean and cut into thin sticks.
  • Send pickled peppers and boiled carrots to them.
  • Add salt, sugar and mayonnaise to taste. Place in a salad bowl.
  • Garnish with finely chopped onions and fresh herbs.

The calorie content of the finished salad is 98 kcal.

For dessert, you can serve a grated apple with honey, finely grated carrots with sour cream.

List of anti-crisis products

And now it's time to make a list of inexpensive, but the most useful products nutrition. We focused on the research of scientists and nutritionists.

  1. Apple. It is believed that one apple every day will put doctors out of work. These familiar fruits reduce the risk of developing oncology, Alzheimer's disease, and heart pathologies; have an anti-inflammatory effect, help work digestive system, increase immunity.
  2. Fish. In order to never face cardiovascular ailments, fish dishes should be eaten three times a week. The most inexpensive varieties are capelin, pollock.
  3. Carrot. The vegetable maintains youthful skin and visual acuity, prevents the development of cancer. In order for the beta-carotene contained in it to be well absorbed, carrots must be grated and seasoned with something fatty ( vegetable oil, sour cream).
  4. Dairy products (cottage cheese, sour cream, fermented baked milk, etc.). It is a source of valuable proteins, fast-digesting fats, bacteria beneficial for the intestines. Dairy helps the nervous system and muscle fibers.
  5. Berries. Any berries are good. They are needed for strong immunity, good memory and vision. Regular consumption of blueberries prevents cancer cells become more active. Currant contains great amount vitamin C, a well-known antioxidant. Valuable substances in strawberries are involved in the process of hematopoiesis.
  6. Cabbage. Contains a lot of dietary fiber, which is needed for normal activity gastrointestinal tract. Reduces the risk of diabetes and certain types of cancer.
  7. Legumes. Any. Both beans, and peas, and lentils are very nutritious. They provide us with energy for many hours. These products are especially important for vegetarians, because. rich in protein.
  8. nuts. Natural sources of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. The former "control" the level of cholesterol in the blood. The latter reduce the risk cardiovascular disease prevent free radicals from starting their destructive activity.
  9. Herbs and roots. Parsley, dill, basil, celery root are huge stores of vitamins and minerals.
  10. Honey and other bee products. Unique, energetically valuable and even healing. With the help of honey, they clean the blood after poisoning, increase immunity and treat colds, smooth wrinkles and strengthen hair.

All these products can be called "anti-crisis". Their cost is low, but the value for beauty and health is enormous.