Green onion recipes for the winter. Canned onions: save vitamins for the winter

What to do with green onions for the winter.

In the summer, we add healthy vitamin herbs to various salads, main dishes, without saving on this product.

  • After all, there are a lot of dill, parsley, green onion feathers, and the price for them is low. We invite you to start harvesting young onion feathers and preparing blanks from it, which will become lifesaver in the winter.
  • So you can provide households with a fragrant green onion, because you will definitely add the workpiece to hot dishes.
  • Onion feathers, which are sold in stores in winter, look no less appetizing than greens from the garden, but they contain a small amount of vitamins and minerals, yielding even to frozen, salted and dried greens.
  • This is explained by the fact that onions are grown out of season under electric lighting, and various accelerators are introduced into the soil for its growth. There is no need to talk about the preservation of the beneficial properties of such a green product.
  • Therefore, we do not waste time in vain and stock up on a green onion in the summer, because it is now growing in large quantities in the beds. In winter, we will remember summer days and add onion feathers to the pan to enjoy a pleasant taste.

How to store onion feathers for the winter?

Some dishes do not fully reveal their original taste, unless spices or herbs are added to them. One of the secret components of many dishes is green onions.

  • In addition to using onions directly during cooking, they can also be an excellent cold remedy.
  • Onion feathers are rich in vitamins and minerals that the body needs in the cold season.
  • Onion feathers can be stored for more than 3 months. But for this it is necessary to properly prepare the product.

Onion is an excellent cold remedy.

If you decide to stock up for the winter with economical and simple preparations with green onions, then use one of the recipes in this article. All of them are affordable and do not require special culinary skills.

In the process of harvesting onion feathers, it is necessary to take into account several important points:

  • for harvesting for the winter, choose bright green feathers
  • choose longer onion feathers, remove feathers that are damaged
  • dried tips of onion feathers, as well as existing damage, remove
  • greens are not just washed, but washed under running water, washing away earthen lumps, dust
  • washed onion feathers are laid out on a table to dry (a paper towel is lined below)
  • for convenience, any greens that you plan to use in the winter, it is better to cut the feathers (then all that remains is to open the container with the onion, collect a portion of the desired volume and send it straight to the soup or roast).
  • the size of the pieces of onion feathers is determined by the hostess herself, because she knows for which dishes she will use the blank

The size of the pieces of onion pulp is determined by the hostess herself.

For main dishes, greens are prepared, cut into medium pieces. Finely chopped greens are added to sauces.

Option one: freezing onion feathers for the winter

Frozen onion feathers are a versatile seasoning for any winter dishes. Such a preparation does not require preliminary defrosting. The absence of salt and oil allows you to use greens without fear of spoiling the taste of the finished dish. In the freezer, frozen onion feathers retain their taste throughout the year.

Freezing process:

  • washed onion feathers chopped
  • pour the chopped onion into ice molds (other small containers can be used)
  • fill it by a third, fill it with water and send it for freezing to the uppermost (or lower, depending on where the freezer is located) department
  • carefully remove the frozen cubes with herbs from the molds and pack them in bags or containers

You can also freeze a young onion after it has been boiled for several minutes in boiling water:

  • cut onion feathers
  • blanch for 3-4 minutes in boiling water
  • after that, the greens are laid out in a wide pan or bowl so that the water is glass
  • pack in bags or portions in containers and refrigerate

Tip: It is better to choose containers for freezing greens in such a size that you can use one or two servings during cooking, and not defrost onions in large quantities.

Onion feather preparation option No. 2: salting


  • 1 kg of onion feathers
  • 200-250 g salt

Salting process:

  • wash the onion leaves, remove the damaged leaves and dry, laying on a towel
  • chop the onion into squares with a side of 1 cm
  • mix greens with half the salt
  • put in a glass container (each layer - 2-3 cm)
  • Sprinkle salt on each layer
  • pour the remaining amount of salt in the final layer

Onion feathers prepared according to the above recipe can be added to dishes in 2-3 weeks. During this time, the greens should be covered with juice and marinated. You can store salted onion feathers for 6-7 months.

Recipe from green onions with dill for the winter

  • You can prepare green feathers immediately with dill. Cooking does not require much effort, and the products that make up the preparation are in large quantities in the summer.
  • The process of salting any greens is simple, the efforts are minimal. The main thing is to adopt a recipe and not forget about it when a lot of onion feathers grow in the garden or in the summer cottage.
  • The method of salting onion feathers with dill is an economical and convenient harvesting option. Then it can be used to saturate the taste and improve the aroma of hot dishes. However, it is important to take into account the amount of salt in the finished dish, because the greens are stored in a salted form.
  • Harvesting will complement winter salads and sauces. Salted onion feathers can be used during the preparation of borscht, soups, okroshka.
  • If desired, the recipe can be improved by adding parsley as a third ingredient. If you have not yet harvested greens for the winter in this way, then it's time to try out the recipe. Try it at least once and you will see how easy and profitable it is.

For salting green onions and dill, we will prepare the following products:

  • a large bunch of onion feathers and dill
  • sea ​​salt
  • Let's prepare the greens for salting: rinse under running water, remove the damaged and yellowed parts.
  • Cut off and discard the dill stalks. We need only juicy green "panicle branches".
  • Put the greens on a paper or waffle towel and leave to dry.
  • We decide on the size of the pieces into which we will cut the onion and dill (the best option is finely chopped) and chop the dried greens.
  • We put the chopped greens in two separate containers. After chopping the greens, we begin to prepare containers for storing the workpiece: we sterilize the jars in any accessible and familiar way.

  • Spread the chopped greens in layers. The first layer will consist of dill. Sprinkle it with salt.
  • Next add a layer of onions. Sprinkle again with salt. We determine the amount of salt by eye: greens should not “drown” in salt.

  • We repeat the harvesting process until the last layer of greens, sprinkled with onions, reaches the neck. We tamp the contents of the jar. The main thing here is not to overdo it and only lightly press down a layer of greens with salt.
  • The last layer in the container should consist of salt so that the greens under the lid do not deteriorate.
  • We close the jar with a plastic lid and put it in the refrigerator for storage.

Video: Onions in a jar for the winter

Recipe from green onions with vegetable oil

If for some reason harvesting onions for the winter using salt is not suitable for you, then use another method. Preserve young onion greens with sunflower oil.

  • Greens, which are prepared for the winter in oil, are also stored in the refrigerator. If you have a small refrigerator and often do not have enough space in it, then you need to find another way to harvest greens.
  • You can harvest any greens in oil: onions, parsley, dill. Other types of useful grass can be added to the blank.

To harvest green onions in oil, we need the following products:

  • young onion feathers
  • optional - other greens
  • vegetable oil
  • We sort out the greens and remove the damaged areas.
  • Leave the washed greens to dry for a while, laying out on a paper towel.
  • When the liquid from the stems evaporates, chop the greens and put it in a glass container in which the onion will be stored.
  • Fill the jar ¾ full.
  • Pour vegetable oil on top and mix.
    Pour a little oil again and close the jar with a plastic lid.

This onion harvesting recipe has some disadvantages:

  • a large amount of vegetable oil may be inappropriate for some dishes
  • store such a blank in the refrigerator

There are also positive points: you can store greens in oil for more than 6 months. In the onion harvested in this way, all the nutritional components are preserved.

Recipe from green onions with vegetable oil

How to pickle green onions: a recipe for green onions with salt for the winter

  • For salting young feathers, you only need two ingredients: salt and onion. The most time-consuming process will be the process of cutting green onions into small pieces.
  • However, onion greens can be harvested in small quantities in one day. And as you harvest the greens, prepare the next jar.
  • The season will be quite enough to make more than one container with salted useful grass. The recipe for salting is very simple.

Let's prepare the products according to the recipe:

  • green onions - 1 kg
  • salt - 200-250 grams
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • We select juicy onion feathers. Rinse, sort and dry, laying out on a towel made of cloth or paper.
  • Chop onion feathers. The size of the pieces may be 2-3 cm or less.
  • Pour all of the salt into a bowl. Add chopped greens here.
  • We mix. We rub with our hands. this should be done carefully: greens and salt can damage the skin of the hands.
  • To add juiciness to the green mass, we use a spoon: you need to mash the onion a little with salt.
  • Preparing jars for harvesting. We wash them with soda, rinse with water. We put it in the oven, turn it on and heat it to 100 degrees.
  • We maintain the containers for the workpiece at this temperature for 10-15 minutes and turn off the fire. This sterilization method helps to prepare several containers at the same time. This greatly reduces the time you can spend harvesting onion feathers.
  • If you sterilize the jars long before preparing the onions, then there is no need to repeat the same procedure. It is enough just to set the glass containers aside and do not forget to cover with a clean cloth.
  • We put the chopped onion pulp in jars. We tamp well. Onion juice should appear on the surface of the mixture. If there is little or not enough juice, we continue to tamp.
  • Fill the green mass with vegetable oil. The surface should be covered with oil.
  • We close the jars with ordinary lids or use iron screw ones. We take it to the darkest and coolest place in the house for long-term storage.

Video: Salting onions for the winter

Green onion dressing recipe for the winter

The recipe is very simple, but in the winter, harvesting will help out any housewife.

To keep the mixture longer, it is better to add more salt. During cooking, excess salt is removed very easily. It is enough just to hold the greens under running water.


  • 1-2 kg of young green onions
  • 100-400 g salt
  • Wash greens and chop.
  • Preparing jars by sterilization.
  • We fill the containers with green mass so that the layers are 2 cm thick.
  • Sprinkle a layer of salt on top. Ramming. You can use a spoon for this.
  • Repeat until the container is full: a layer of onion pulp and a layer of salt. We cover the last layer of pulp with salt, this will help to avoid the appearance of mold on the greens.
  • To prevent the spread of mold, not only salt is used, but also mustard powder or vegetable oil. Banks are closed with lids. We store in the refrigerator.

Green onion dressing recipe for the winter

Canned green onions, salad in a jar for the winter: recipe

Onion feathers for the winter can be preserved.

To do this, we will prepare products:

  • onion feathers (add parsley and dill to taste)
  • 1 liter of water
  • 250 ml vinegar
  • 50 g sugar
  • 1 incomplete art. l. salt
  • We wash onions (and other greens) under running water.
  • We spread the greens to dry on a towel. We grind.
  • We fill the container suitable for further preparation with herbs. Ramming.
  • We light a fire and put water to fill. When the water boils, add sugar and salt, pour in the vinegar.
  • The filling should boil a little so that all the grains of sugar and salt dissolve.
  • Pour over the onion in jars.
  • Then everything is as usual: sterilization for 25 minutes and seaming with lids.

Pickled green onions in a jar for the winter: a recipe


  • onion feathers (chopped or whole) without roots
  • black pepper
  • mustard and coriander seeds
  • salt at the rate of 40 g per 1 liter of water
  • boiled water
  • 6% vinegar

Cooking process:

  • My greens.
  • We put in jars (it is better to take half-liter containers).
  • We send several peppercorns, mustard and coriander seeds to each container.
  • Prepare saline solution. We need salt and water for this. The proportions are indicated at the beginning of the recipe.
  • Pour vinegar (2 tablespoons per 1 jar).
  • Pour the filling into the jar to the brim.
  • Place the jars filled with herbs and filling in a large saucepan and sterilize for 15 minutes.
  • Pickled onion feathers will complement the taste of meat and other dishes.

For more information on how to pickle onion feathers for the winter, watch the video.

Video: Pickled green onions

Harvesting green onions for the winter

To learn how to make a delicious preparation for the winter from unnecessary gardeners, watch the video.

Video: Freezing green onions and arrows

winter green onion pasta recipe

Green onions can be used to make a paste. Greens for harvesting is taken to taste.


  • bow feathers
  • garlic cloves (without roots)
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp salt
  • We wash the onion feathers.
  • We pass through a meat grinder. Pour vegetable oil into the resulting green mass and pour salt. Mix the mixture.
  • Fill the food container with the mixture. Close the lid and send for further storage in the refrigerator.

winter green onion pasta recipe

How to freeze green onions for the winter?

The method of freezing onion feathers presented in the video is very simple. The main thing is the desire and the availability of the right ingredients. The last in the summer, each gardener in abundance.

Video: How to freeze green onions for the winter easily and quickly?

How to dry green onions for the winter?

Onions, like any other greens, can be dried for the winter. How to do it, watch the video.

Video: How to dry onions (onion feather)?

How to keep green onions fresh for the winter?

You will learn about the correct freezing of onion feathers for the winter from the video.

Video: How to freeze greens for the winter CORRECTLY?

Summer is a great time to gain strength before a long and cold winter, eat up vitamin vegetables and fruits for the future and, of course, prepare them for future use. There are many ways to prepare food for the cold season. Not so long ago, preservation and drying were the most popular of them, but after the appearance of modern freezers on the market, many housewives also freeze various summer products. Let's talk about how we prepare green onions for the winter, consider how freezing, salting, preservation and pickling of this product is carried out.

We prepare onions for the winter in different ways

Freezing green onions

If you want to prepare green onions for the winter, freezing is what you need for this. You need to first collect the onion feathers and rinse them thoroughly. Next, blot the moisture using a paper towel, and leave the raw material decomposed for several hours so that it dries well. After finely chop the onion and pour it inside a plastic bottle, wrapping it with a lid, or put it in portioned bags. Then put these blanks in the freezer.

Onions can be frozen without cutting. In this case, it should also be washed and dry, but it is more convenient to wrap it in cling film or in ordinary plastic bags.

Some housewives prefer to freeze green onions a little differently, they first cut them one or two centimeters in length, then blanch them for five minutes. The resulting raw material should be thrown into a colander, cooled and sent to the freezer.

Another way to freeze: fry chopped green onions until cooked in a pan, then transfer to a plastic container and freeze. Such a preparation will acquire a special taste and will be able to decorate many dishes.

Salted green onions

Pickled cucumbers or tomatoes can be found in winter in almost every apartment, but few people salt greens. But in order to stock up on harvested green onions for the winter, salting is also an option. However, such raw materials will serve you as an excellent source of vitamins and other useful components in the cold season. So for pickling green onions you need a minimum of time and effort, so every housewife can do this.

For one kilogram of green onions, it is worth preparing about two hundred grams of salt.

First of all, rinse the raw material, dry it and cut off the very tips of the feathers. Then chop the green onion into small pieces. Put the resulting raw materials in a sterile glass jar in layers of about one and a half to two centimeters high. Sprinkle each layer with salt. Then cover the containers with lids and put them in the refrigerator for storage. Such raw materials can be successfully stored for six to eight months.

Canned Green Onions

Such a preparation will come in handy if you need already cooked onions, which can be used as a side dish for meat, vegetables, and also used to create first or second courses. Agree that this is also necessary and preserving green onions for the winter will also help you.

For such a preparation, you need to prepare one kilogram of onions, one liter of water for marinade, a couple of tablespoons of sugar, a tablespoon of salt, a glass of table vinegar, as well as bay leaves (one piece per jar), black peppercorns (a couple of pieces per jar). You can also use cloves if you wish.

For canning onions, it is best to prepare green onion bulbs with a small piece of feathers - just such a length that they fit perfectly into the selected jars. The container, by the way, must first be sterilized, this also applies to cans and lids. Onions should be thoroughly washed and dried a little. Next, place it in jars and fill with boiling water. Cover each jar with a lid. Let the onion stand and warm up for about five minutes.

Then drain the water and boil again. Boil the onion with this liquid and leave again for five minutes. Then dissolve vinegar, sugar and salt in the water drained from the cans. Boil the marinade until salt and sugar are completely dissolved in it, pour peppercorns into jars, as well as bay leaves. Pour the marinade into jars and immediately roll them up. Turn the canned onions over, cover with a towel and leave to cool completely.

Optionally, the onion can be chopped for canning.

Such canned food can be stored for a long time, but it is best to use them in the first winter after preparation.

Pickled green onions

To prepare such a preparation, it is worth preparing one and a half kilograms of green onions, three hundred milliliters of dry white wine, the same amount of water, fifty grams of high-quality honey (only liquid), as well as half a teaspoon of ordinary salt and six sprigs of fresh thyme.

First of all, pour wine with water and honey into a saucepan, then add salt. Mix well and boil for two to three minutes. Well-washed onions, along with thyme sprigs, should be laid out vertically in sterilized jars, adjusting the raw materials with a knife to size.

Pour the onion with boiling marinade so that about a centimeter and a little remains to the edge of the jar. Wrap the onion with a lid and sterilize in a water bath for ten minutes. Then turn off the heat, but leave the containers in the water for another five minutes.

Saving green onions for the winter pickling helps perfectly. This preparation for the winter has a special interesting taste. You can add it to salads and many prepared meals.

Thus, there are a lot of recipes, following which you can make green onion preparations for the winter.


P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.

Onion greens are a storehouse of vitamins and microelements, which is useful to have on the table with the onset of cold weather. But how to store green onions for the winter at home? There are simple harvesting methods that will help enrich your diet with greens at any time of the year.

Preparing the greens

Before you prepare green onions for the winter, you need to properly prepare it:

  1. Select healthy feathers without rot, damage, cut off dry tips.
  2. Rinse the prepared leaves thoroughly to remove dust, earth, and debris.
  3. Then remove excess moisture from them by blotting with a towel.
  4. Cut the dried stems into medium or small pieces.

Now they are ready for further processing.


An easy and quick option to keep green onions fresh in the refrigerator is deep freezing. Greens are stored for a long time, up to 12 months, do not need to be defrosted before use. It can be added to salads, first and second courses and snacks. It is possible to freeze in the freezer, onions, batun, any other types of onions.

Deep freezing fully preserves the beneficial properties of greens

How to freeze green feathers? There are two harvesting methods:

  • prepare frozen cubes;
  • chop and store in portions in a bag, containers.

To make vitamin ice cubes, spread finely chopped feathers into ice cube trays, filling them a third of the way. Then fill the greens with water and place in the freezer. Take out the finished cubes, distribute them into packages, use as needed.

For the second freezing option, pour the chopped greens into a large bag without tamping. Put in the freezer horizontally so that the onion spreads in a thin layer. After freezing, pack the semi-finished product more tightly. Onions in this case are obtained as loose crystals.

As an option, the greens can be slightly fried in sunflower, after which they can be stored in the freezer.

A simple way to freeze onions, see a short video:

Do you know that…

The first 1-2 weeks the smell in the freezer is very “onion”, but then it disappears and does not affect other products.


Drying is one way to store green onions in winter. With this option, as with freezing, the greens retain their nutritional properties, ready for use all year round. There are several ways to prepare onions by drying:

  • air drying;
  • in the oven;
  • in an air fryer / electric dryer.

With natural drying, spread the prepared green mass in a thin layer on a tray, sieve, baking sheet. Cover the top of the bowl with gauze, paper, place in a dry, dark place.

Dry the plants for 7-8 days, stirring occasionally to dry evenly. Distribute the finished mixture for storage, place the containers on a shelf away from sunlight and moisture.

Chopped onion feathers are convenient to dry in the oven, convection oven. Distribute the prepared raw materials evenly over the baking sheet, place in the oven, heated to 40-50 ° C for 2-3 hours.

Air fryer dries faster. In order for the green mass to dry, it is enough to set the temperature to 70 ° C, wait half an hour.

Drying is the second most useful harvesting method: up to 80% of nutrients are preserved

Onion greens shrink by 11 times, so they take up little space during storage. It restores its properties in hot water, therefore it is used mainly for cooking first and second courses.

Do you know that…

When fresh, the taste of onion greens is different for different varieties and types of onions, but after freezing or drying it is almost impossible to distinguish.


A simple option to provide yourself with vitamins in the cold season is to harvest green onions for the winter by pickling. The leaves are prepared, washed, dried thoroughly.

  1. For salting, for every 1 kg of greens, take 250 g.
  2. Mix prepared leaves with ½ serving of salt.
  3. Spread the mass in a jar, sprinkling each layer 1-2 cm thick with the remaining salt.
  4. Sprinkle the last top layer generously with salt.

Greens with salt will be ready for use in 15-20 days, when they give juice and marinate. It is recommended to store it no longer than 7 months.

Tip of the day

If you have not tried such a blank before, then do a little for testing. This method slightly changes the color and smell of onions, gourmets may not like it.


Pickling will help you store green onions in the refrigerator. Preparations can be made in different ways: using different marinades, adding seasonings to taste. Most popular recipes:

  • classical;
  • with honey;
  • with wild garlic.

You can get rid of excessive onion bitterness by blanching or boiling for a short time.

Classic way

For classic pickling, take 1.5 kg of feathers:

  • 150-170 g and;
  • a little bitter and allspice;
  • salt and seasonings to taste.

Rinse the onion greens, let the water drain, chop. Prepare a brine at the rate of 100-110 g of salt per liter of water, pour the prepared green mass, leave for a couple of days. After 2 days, drain the brine, pour boiling water over parsley and dill, add to the onion.

Prepare a marinade with seasonings, and salt, pour them with greens placed in sterilized jars. Sterilize the preservation for 10-12 minutes, roll up with lids, cool under a “fur coat”.

With honey

  • 200 ml of vinegar;
  • the same amount of water;
  • 35-40 g of honey;
  • a pinch of salt

You can add seasonings to your taste.

Put the greens in sterilized dry jars, pour the marinade. Prepare the latter from water, salt, vinegar and honey, boil for 2-3 minutes, pour into jars with onions. Then sterilize the preservation for 10-12 minutes, roll up, cool under a "fur coat".

With wild garlic

Rinse the prepared green stems of plants, chop, pour sweet and sour marinade (ingredients are selected individually, to taste). Boil the green mass for 3-5 minutes, then distribute it among jars, close with a nylon lid, put in the refrigerator for storage.

One of the variations of the classic recipe is shown in the video:

seasoning in oil

For a long time to keep the onion green in the winter, olive, sunflower, or any other will help you. Fill the jars 3/4 with prepared herbs, add oil, cover with a nylon lid. These in the refrigerator for up to six months, are used as needed.

If you add salt, vinegar to the oil and bring to a boil, you can pour the greens with the prepared composition and roll it up with iron lids. The resulting mixture is stored for a long time, suitable for cooking various dishes.

Freezing, drying, pickling, salting are different ways to help you enjoy your greens with the onset of cold weather. What to choose depends on your personal preferences and free time. Marinate, preserve and dry greens longer. The simplest methods are freezing and salting. Try one of them first.

Store properly and be healthy!

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Green onions are often used to prepare various dishes and added to salads. In the summer it is bought in bunches or simply plucked from the beds. But there are many recipes for how you can save green onions for the winter. Such preparations do not take much time, but allow you to have a useful vitamin product on hand all year round.

Green onion feathers are a delicate and perishable product. If they are not used for their intended purpose soon after collection, they will quickly lose their freshness. In a warm, dry room, they will soon wither and turn yellow. In a humid environment, they will begin to rot. But if you prepare the feathers a little and create certain conditions, then you can easily extend the terms of their use.

Green onions can stay fresh for 2 weeks to 1.5 months if kept at 1 to 8°C. The refrigerator is perfect for this. Green feathers for storage in this way can be laid at any time.

To make preparations of green onions for the winter, they canned them. All this time, store in closed jars at a temperature of 5 to 10 ° C. This product remains usable for 6 months. Keep canned vegetables in the refrigerator, on the balcony. Residents of private houses save banks in the basement.

Fresh onions are stored even longer after heat treatment. Greens can be frozen or dried. In the first case, the freezer of the refrigerator is used for storage. When stored at a temperature of -18 ... -20 ° C, you can cook dishes with green onions for 6-12 months. When stored in a conventional freezer, the use time will be less - up to 3-4 months.

The longest time you can save this product in dried form. Ideal for him are room conditions, minimal humidity and good ventilation. Store dried onions, as a rule, in the kitchen, in a table or hanging cabinets. Mandatory for the conservation of such products is the absence of light. Drying green onions makes it possible to use the workpiece up to 2 years.

How to keep green onions fresh: ways to store them in the refrigerator

A few tricks can help keep green onions fresh for a few weeks longer than usual. If you just put it in the refrigerator, there will be no effect. It is worth taking care of the correct "packaging". You can store onion greens in the refrigerator in different ways.

In glass container

This method is well suited for preserving young onions with a short green feather. You will need clean, dry glass jars tall enough to hold all the plants in their entirety. You cannot bend or break them. This will quickly spoil the product.

Green onions are not washed at all before being put to save, or they are dried well so that moisture does not remain on it. It is neatly folded into a jar and sealed with a lid. The blank is sent to the refrigerator, where it is kept until the moment when it is needed. Keep green onions fresh in the refrigerator using this method for up to 1 month.

In a plastic bag

An equally good option for storing onion greens is to put fresh plants in an ordinary plastic bag and send it to the refrigerator. So that they do not disappear, but remain fresh as long as possible, they should be:

  • healthy;
  • without traces of diseases and damage left by pests;
  • without yellow, dry leaves and dirt.

Before storing the bulbs and feathers, they must be cooled by putting them in the refrigerator, and after that put them in a bag and tie them. So under the film condensation will not form, which means that the greens will lie longer. You can store green onions in a bag in the refrigerator for up to 1.5 months.

How to save onion greens for the winter

Harvesting onions for the winter can occur in different ways. It all depends on the amount of raw materials, the need for stocks and the conditions available for saving the product. For long-term preservation, vegetables are dried, canned or frozen.


This is a simple and effective way to store onion greens in the winter. To prepare the blanks, the vegetables are washed, dried well and cut into strips 3-5 cm long. The prepared raw materials are laid in a fairly thick layer on pallets covered with parchment paper so that the greens do not darken. Dry in the oven with the door ajar with regular stirring. Maintain temperatures around 50°C. The average drying time is about 2-3 hours. The dried product is put into cloth or paper bags and stored in a residential area.

Green onions are dried for the winter in electric dryers, as well as in the air, in a place protected from direct sunlight, covered with a net or gauze from insects. If it is hot outside, the workpiece becomes ready in 2-3 days. In an air grill, when located on the topmost grill and at a temperature of 60-70 ° C, it will take 20-30 minutes to dry completely.


It is very convenient and does not require much time to pickle green onions. This preparation can be added to many dishes. Washed, dried and chopped onions are simply mixed with salt and put into prepared sterilized jars. For 1 kg of raw materials, 1 glass of salt is consumed. Banks are closed with plastic lids. Often other greens are added to the blanks: basil, dill, parsley. It turns out an excellent mixture for first and second courses.


Very popular among modern housewives is the method of freezing food for the winter. Greens, including onions, are no exception. The easiest option for freezing is to finely chop the pre-washed and dried product from water, put it in a container and store it in the freezer. Regular bags, or special ones with a clasp, are also suitable.

Freeze green onions for the winter and in ice cubes. The cut is laid out in molds, poured with clean cold water and sent to the freezer. After 1-2 days, they are taken out of storage for a short time, pulled out of molds, put in bags and placed back in the freezer. Frozen onions are used immediately, without defrosting they are added to hot food, in dishes it is almost in no way inferior to fresh from the garden.

In oil

Such blanks are good for versatile applications. Onion greens can be used for dishes, and oil for salad dressing. During the storage of the product, it acquires a specific smell and taste, which only adds spice to the dishes.

For cooking, the onions are washed, after removing the old yellow feathers and cutting off the roots from the bottoms. Green feathers are dried and cut into small rings. Fold the workpiece into clean, sterile small jars. Fall asleep cutting tightly, pour any vegetable oil on top. Banks are closed with lids. The finished product is stored before and during use in the refrigerator, basement, on the balcony.

Keeping onion greens at home is quite simple if you follow these recommendations.

  1. For harvesting onions that will lie in the refrigerator, it is worth choosing plants that have just been plucked from the garden. They should not have signs of wilting, disease, decay. Any onion is suitable for canning and processing. It is enough to cut out problem areas with a knife, and the remaining parts can be used.
  2. If the vegetables are pre-washed to prepare blanks for the winter, they are then dried well. Feathers should not be wet. Wet raw materials are stored poorly and will quickly disappear.
  3. Fresh onions are stored longer when air does not penetrate to it - phytoncides help to keep the product in its original form.
  4. It is better to freeze vegetables in small portions. Ideally, those that are suitable for one use. This product is losing its appearance and taste properties, if it is frozen and thawed several times in a row. Yes, and using such a blank is more convenient than breaking off pieces from a large block of frozen onions each time.
  5. It is better to cook a canned product in a small container so that it can be used faster. Cans of 0.5 liters or even less are perfect for this. So the harvesting will retain the inherent taste of the onion as much as possible.
  6. It is most convenient to choose several options for harvesting onion greens at once. So it will be possible to save a much larger volume of onions than using one method and enough for the whole winter.

Diverse harvesting onions for the winter will please the body tired of lack of vitamins in the cold season. After all, this onion vegetable should certainly be on the dining tables all year round! In the cold, these are not only fresh heads, but various onion preserves, pickles and marinades, caviar and excellent additives to dishes ... They cover both turnips and green feathers. And all this list contains an irreplaceable vitamin richness, for which onions are so generous.

Harvesting onions for the winter: Dried onions

You can prepare dried onions for future use by selecting the following list of products: 1.3 kilos of onions, 50 g of table salt and 1 liter of water. And, for starters, vegetables are peeled from roots and husks, rinsed under running cold running water and laid out to dry. Then each onion is cut on a cutting board with a sharp knife into rings up to 0.3 mm thick; thicker layers simply will not be able to dry properly. If desired, the rings are additionally split into smaller pieces; and all the cuts are folded into a colander and re-washed in water.

To preserve the pleasant natural color of the onion and avoid its darkening, the cutting must be properly soaked. To do this, water is poured into a deep cooking dish and boiled. Grains of salt dissolve in boiling water, and the brine is removed from the heat. The liquid must cool, for which it must be put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. The onion is lowered into the chilled brine and kept in it for about 5 minutes. Then the liquid is drained, and the onion slices are dried with a kitchen paper towel, removing as much moisture as possible.

Now the workpiece is laid out in an even layer on a baking sheet and placed in an oven heated to 55-60 C for 4-6 hours. Pieces should be periodically stirred with a wooden spatula to avoid burning them. After the specified time, the main product will be ready. It remains to remove the baking sheet and allow the vegetables to cool on their own to room temperature. From this onion preparations for the winter they make dressings, for which they grind it by hand or grind it, adding as a result to a variety of recipes, including “. Winter salads.

It is extremely convenient to dry the bulbs in an electric dryer. In a kitchen appliance with a temperature controller, you can prepare vegetables with minimal loss of their nutrients. As for the storage method, there are two options:

Put the dried pieces in a clean, dry container and seal the lid tightly, preventing moisture from getting inside;

Pack in plastic bags or paper bags and store in a cool, dark place.

For the second method, it would be good to close the bow not immediately, but to let it “breathe” for a couple of days and dry completely. And only then the recipe is clogged and removed to demand.

Harvesting onions for the winter: Freezing

Often " Harvesting green onions for the winter. Ways»consist in freezing the original product. This process is extremely simple to perform. For freezing, the feathers are thoroughly washed and dried so that subsequently the arrows do not stick together into a single whole. It is better to dry it on a kitchen towel or a linen napkin, which absorb moisture amazingly. Then the greens are finely chopped and portioned in food polyethylene bags. In this case, the air should be removed, and the packaging should be tightly tied. At one's own discretion, dill, parsley and other aromatic herbs are sometimes added to it.

Harvesting onions for the winter: Onion pickling

In addition to drying and freezing, the onion is also subjected to salting. For example, " Harvesting onions for the winter. Recipes”, combining the main ingredient with other herbs, close in brine in this way. The components for the method will be: 1 kg of onions, 10 g of salt, 1 kilo of parsley. And for filling, 0.7 kg of salt and 1 liter of water are taken.

Peeled heads of a bitter vegetable, together with parsley, are crushed, mixed and sprinkled with coarse table salt. After the resulting mixture is laid out in glass jars as tightly as possible and poured with cooked, literally boiling salty filling. The container is immediately covered with nylon lids and transferred to the cold for storage.

You can also pickle onions. Or rather ferment its greens. The components for blockage are the greens of the batun (how much there is) and the brine, which is prepared at the rate of 1 liter of water - 100 g of table salt.

Practical harvesting batun onions for the winter It starts with boiling the brine and cooling it down. In the meantime, the liquid cools, the batun is washed, dried and chopped into pieces that are convenient for consumption. Then the feathers are placed in a colander or sieve, and in it they are dipped in brine for 5-7 minutes. Having taken out the cut, it is gently squeezed out and, tightly tamping, is laid out in a sterilized glass container. The containers are covered with nylon lids and left in a warm room until morning. The next day, you should check for the presence of brine and, if necessary, add it (the liquid in which it was soaked). taken out in the cold for long-term preservation.

Nothing worse comes out and " Slime onion. Preparation for the winter". To ferment this product for brine, you will need to take: 1 liter of water, 50 g of salt and 25 ml of 9% ocet. Slime leaves are cleaned of litter, washed, cut into convenient pieces and blanched in boiling water. After the feathers are laid in glass or enameled dishes and poured with cooled brine. From above, the recipe is covered with a clean, dry cloth and covered with a plate with a load. To start fermentation, the onion remains for a week in a room at a warm temperature, and then it is taken out to a cold room.

Pickling onions

The championship of onion rolls is occupied by various marinating recipes. Turnips are closed with all kinds of additives and in the form of assorted. Do, for example, or with beets. Heads are also very good in apple marinade. You can make such a dish to replenish homemade winter supplies from the following list of products needed for 2 kilos of small onion heads: 1 liter of apple cider vinegar, 50 g of salt and sugar sand, spicy clove buds and a few black peppercorns.

Bulbs before processing are "freed" from the outer husk and distributed in clean, dry half-liter or liter jars. The marinade filling should not boil for long, and then you can pour it into a container filled with vegetables, leave for about a quarter of an hour and pour it back into the cooking pot. Having boiled the marinade again, it is again poured into jars. And the operation of "insisting - draining - boiling" is repeated twice. After the final filling by pouring, the containers are sealed.

Sweet and tasty are onion feathers pickled with honey. Required for blockage Arrow bow - preparation for the winter» such a composition of products: 1.5 kg of a green feather onion, 50 g of natural liquid honey, 300 ml of water and dry white wine, a few sprigs of thyme and? tsp salt.

Water, ocet are poured into the cooking container, honey is laid and coarse salt is poured. The ingredients are stirred and boiled for a couple of minutes. Half-liter jars are densely filled with onion greens, sprigs of thyme interspersed between them. You can position it horizontally or vertically, cutting the feathers with a knife along the length. The styling is literally poured with boiling marinade, leaving 1 cm to the very edge of the neck, closed with lids and sterilized for about 10 minutes in a water bath. Turning off the fire, the seaming is given more time to stand warm.

Pickled and leek, supplementing it with fresh sprigs of dill. Harvesting leeks for the winter suggests the presence of such products: 10 kg of false onions, 1 tsp. spices (dried dill seeds, sugar and allspice peas), 20 g of fresh dill sprigs, 125 g of coarse salt, 1 liter of water and 80 ml of table ocetus.

False leeks are washed out, after which they are left to drain from excess moisture and cut into cylinders 3 cm high. Then they are poured with pre-prepared brine, and kept in it for two days in a fairly cool place. After the specified time, the liquid is drained. Dill greens are blanched and sent to jars along with leeks. Dried dill seeds, granulated sugar and sweet peas are mixed, filled with water and boiled. Filled containers are immediately filled with ready-made hot marinade filling. The container is placed for sterilization, covered with lids, aged in quietly boiling water for 10-15 minutes and rolled up. Such a preparation is perfectly complemented by carrots, cut into strips or thin circles.

An equally interesting sunset is harvesting green onions for the winter in the marinade. It is used as an appetizer, added to meat and fish dishes, to chicken marinades, and seasoned with sandwiches. The ingredients for four half-liter jars will be: 2 kilos of green onion feathers with onions (preferably young), 3 cups of table ocet and water, 4 cloves, 1 tsp each. mustard seeds, celery and black pepper, 2 tbsp. salt, a pinch of sugar optional.