Why is lemongrass jam bitter? Lemongrass jam - we make a uniquely healthy dessert

Preparations from lemongrass.

Lemongrass compote.

Ripe lemongrass berries are separated from the brush, washed, placed in jars and filled with syrup prepared at the rate of 350 g of sugar per liter of water. Banks are placed in a water bath: liter - for 15 minutes, half-liter - for 10 minutes. A. Sidorova, Bryansk

Source - site canning, preparations for the winter:
Collection and preparation of Schisandra chinensis. Berries are harvested during their full ripening (September-October). Fruit picking should be done very carefully, as damaged vines stop bearing fruit. Therefore, lemongrass brushes are best cut with a sharp knife.

The harvested fruits of lemongrass should be placed in baskets, barrels or enamelware, and in no case - in galvanized buckets, since they begin to oxidize from lemongrass juice.

After harvesting, the berries should be processed within a day. There are two ways to harvest Schisandra chinensis berries:

The first preparation method: berries are dried for 2-3 days in the shade, under awnings. Then the berries are separated from the receptacle and dried in the oven at a temperature of about 60 degrees.

Second workpiece method: berries are pressed on screw or hydraulic presses. After fermentation is completed, they are washed on a sieve under running water from the skin and pulp. Seeds are removed and dried in ventilated dryers. The fruits of Schisandra chinensis are first dried at 35-40 degrees on grates in thermal dryers, then dried at a temperature of 60-70 degrees.

Lemongrass leaves are harvested in the blooming phase (to obtain flavonoids) or in the leaf fall phase (to obtain mucus). The bark of the stems is harvested during the fruiting period.

Schisandra chinensis - recipes traditional medicine

Schisandra chinensis juice.

Wash freshly picked lemongrass berries, squeeze. Pour the juice into pasteurized half-liter jars, pasteurize for 10-15 minutes, then close hermetically. To raise vitality, increase efficiency, you need to add such juice to tea (a teaspoon per glass).

Tea from the leaves and shoots of Schisandra chinensis.

Dried leaves and young shoots of Schisandra chinensis are brewed as a tea (about 10g of raw materials per serving).

Infusion dried fruits Chinese lemongrass.

Dried fruits of Chinese magnolia vine are boiled for 10 minutes in a closed enameled bowl, after which they insist, filter through gauze and add sugar to taste. For 1 tablespoon of dried berries take 1 glass of water. In addition, if desired, you can add the dried fruits of Schisandra chinensis to regular tea.

Schisandra chinensis is used for:

General loss of strength
to increase physical and mental endurance
reduced blood pressure
bronchitis, bronchial asthma
diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys
sexual weakness

How to dry fruits.

Slightly dried fruits must be sorted out, impurities and stalks removed, spread thin layer and dry in the oven at a temperature not exceeding 60-70 ° C (otherwise they turn black). Dried fruits should be firm, coarsely wrinkled, irregular shape, dark red or almost black, have a spicy, bitter-sour, slightly irritating taste and a slightly aromatic smell. Drying whole juicy fruits at room temperature is ineffective, as they become moldy.

How to dry leaves and young shoots.

Optimal time harvesting leaves and young shoots - early August. They should be chopped with secateurs into pieces up to 2-3 cm, spread out in a thin layer and dried in the shade with natural ventilation, stirring regularly. Store in paper bags.

Basically, lemongrass fruits are used for drying.

Lemongrass juice can be used to make kvass, syrups, jelly, jam, marmalade, etc. Processed products acquire a good color and have the aroma and taste of fresh lemon.

frozen lemongrass

Prepared lemongrass berries are frozen on plates in bulk, and then poured into plastic or cardboard boxes (as an option, into plastic bags). Store the product in the freezer.

lemongrass jam

Pure lemongrass berries are steamed and then ground through a fine sieve. The resulting puree is placed in an enamel basin, sugar (1:1) is added and boiled with constant stirring until thick. The finished jam is laid out in sterilized jars and corked (as an option, the neck of the jar is covered with parchment paper and tied with twine).

lemongrass jam

Jam is cooked in almost the same way, but they are introduced into the composition Apple juice(100 ml per 1 kg of puree) and increase the amount of sugar by half (1.5 kg of sugar is required for each kilogram of berries). The rest of the cooking technology remains the same.

Lemongrass compote

Lemongrass Sugar - 400 g Water - 1 liter Schisandra berries are separated from the brush, washed thoroughly, placed in sterilized jars and poured with hot syrup. Half-liter jars with compote are heated at 80 ° C for 10 minutes or sterilized in boiling water for exactly 3 minutes.

Lemongrass juice

The harvest is kept for a couple of days, waiting for the softening of the berries. After that, they are washed and the juice is squeezed out using a manual juicer (it is better not to crush the seeds, because they have a resinous taste). The juice is mixed with sugar in a ratio of 1:2, waiting for the complete dissolution of the sweet grains, poured into dark glass bottles and hermetically sealed. Store the finished product in the cold.

Lemongrass Wine

From the pomace remaining after making the juice, wine is made (in passing, seeds are extracted from the crushed fruits). Push-ups are poured cold water and let stand for 2-3 days. The wort is drained, diluted with water and sugar is added (to taste). The wine is allowed to ferment, closed with a water seal, and then drained from the sediment

Lemongrass seed tincture

The seeds remaining after making the wine are washed from the remnants of the pulp, crushed and poured with alcohol. After a couple of weeks, the product is ready for use (it is drunk in small doses, no more than 30 drops).

lemongrass syrup

Schisandra berries are washed, poured into a glass jar and ground with sugar in a ratio of 1:1. After 7-10 days, the settled syrup is drained, filtered, poured into sterilized bottles and sent to a cold place for storage.

Lemongrass marmalade

Lemongrass juice - 1 l Pectin - 3 tbsp. Sugar - 2-3 tbsp. Pectin is diluted in heated juice and allowed to stand for about half an hour. Syrup is boiled separately using the indicated amount of sugar and 150 ml of juice. The pectin mixture is poured into the hot syrup, brought to a boil and boiled with constant stirring until thick. Ready marmalade is transferred to sterilized jars and closed. Harvesting and growing lemongrass may seem like a troublesome process, but this is not entirely true. Liana, rising on a support, takes up a minimum of space, but at the same time provides maximum benefit, decorating the garden and giving valuable medicinal raw materials. .

The bright red berries of lemongrass have a pronounced sour taste and delicate aroma. Our today's article is devoted to the preparation of this valuable natural raw material.

In our region in natural conditions there is a Chinese who came to us, as the name implies, from China. This liana prefers to settle in mixed coniferous-deciduous forests. Domesticated lemongrass pleases with a good harvest - each plant produces about 7 kg of berries. Bright fruits are an excellent energy drink (a handful of dried berries is enough to feel cheerful all day long - hunters have been using this property for many centuries).

Schisandra berries are harvested in September-October(at full maturity). The brushes are cut with a sharp knife so as not to damage the mother plants (having received an “injury”, the vines can stop bearing fruit). Harvest is stored in enamelware or wicker baskets, but not in galvanized buckets (sour juice oxidizes the surface). Berries are removed from the brushes and processed during the day.

dried lemongrass

Schisandra berries are washed, laid out on a canvas and allowed to dry completely from moisture. Then they are transferred to iron sieves or on baking sheets and dried in an oven (in an oven, in a dryer) at a temperature of 55-60º C, taking a break for 3-4 days after several hours of drying.

frozen lemongrass

Prepared lemongrass berries are frozen on plates in bulk, and then poured into plastic or cardboard boxes (as an option, into plastic bags). Store the product in the freezer.

lemongrass jam

Pure lemongrass berries steamed and then passed through a fine sieve. The resulting puree is placed in an enamel basin, sugar (1:1) is added and boiled with constant stirring until thick. The finished jam is laid out in sterilized jars and corked (as an option, the neck of the jar is covered with parchment paper and tied with twine).

lemongrass jam

Jam is cooked in almost the same way, but apple juice is added to the composition (100 ml per 1 kg of puree) and the amount of sugar is increased by half (1.5 kg of sugar is required for each kilogram of berries). The rest of the cooking technology remains the same.

Lemongrass compote

  • Lemongrass
  • Sugar - 400 g
  • Water - 1 l

Schisandra berries are separated from the brush, washed thoroughly, placed in sterilized jars and poured with hot syrup. Half-liter jars with compote are heated at 80 ° C for 10 minutes or sterilized in boiling water for exactly 3 minutes.

Lemongrass juice

The harvest is kept for a couple of days, waiting for the softening of the berries. After that, they are washed and the juice is squeezed out using a manual juicer (it is better not to crush the seeds, since they have resinous aftertaste). The juice is mixed with sugar in a ratio of 1:2, waiting for the complete dissolution of the sweet grains, poured into dark glass bottles and hermetically sealed. Store the finished product in the cold.

Lemongrass Wine

From the pomace remaining after making the juice, wine is made (in passing, seeds are extracted from the crushed fruits). The squeezes are poured with cold water and allowed to stand for 2-3 days. The wort is drained, diluted with water and sugar is added (to taste). The wine is allowed to ferment, closed with a water seal, and then drained from the sediment.

Lemongrass seed tincture

The seeds remaining after making wine are washed from the remnants of the pulp, crushed and filled with alcohol. After a couple of weeks, the product is ready for use (it is drunk in small doses, no more than 30 drops).

lemongrass syrup

Schisandra berries are washed, poured into a glass jar and grind with sugar in a ratio of 1:1. After 7-10 days, the settled syrup is drained, filtered, poured into sterilized bottles and sent to a cold place for storage.

Lemongrass marmalade

  • Lemongrass juice - 1 l
  • Pectin - 3 tablespoons
  • Sugar - 2-3 tbsp.

Pectin is diluted in heated juice and allowed to stand for about half an hour. Syrup is boiled separately, using the indicated amount of sugar and 150 ml of juice. The pectin mixture is poured into the hot syrup, brought to a boil and boiled with constant stirring until thick. Ready marmalade is transferred to sterilized jars and closed.

Harvesting and may seem like a troublesome process, but this is not entirely true. Liana, rising on a support, takes up a minimum of space, but at the same time provides maximum benefit, decorating the garden and giving valuable medicinal raw materials.

When copying site materials, keep an active link to the source.

The Chinese lemongrass plant is rarely used in our latitudes for cooking, however, in vain. Lemongrass has many useful properties and a pleasant taste. Today we will tell you how to cook lemongrass.

Lemongrass plant recipe for the winter

Lemongrass with sugar - a recipe for the winter

Peel fresh berries of lemongrass from twigs and put in clean jars, sprinkling layers of sugar. Sugar is taken 2 times more (by weight) than berries. Harvesting lemongrass with sugar for the winter is in the refrigerator all winter and is used as needed.

How to make juice from Schisandra chinensis

The juice squeezed from the berries is poured into sterilized jars (preferably dark ones) and stored in the refrigerator. Use in vitamin drinks and as an anti-febrile agent.

Dried lemongrass - recipe

Whole berries or pulp left over from squeezing the juice is dried in a non-hot oven and then dried in the air. Berries are consumed whole, chewed in the mouth, and the seeds are ground into powder and used as a remedy.

Lemongrass syrup - cooking recipes

Squeeze lemongrass through cheesecloth or in a juicer, add sugar (1:1.5) to the juice, heat until sugar dissolves over low heat, stirring regularly. Pour the syrup into scalded bottles and store in a dark, cool place.

How to freeze lemongrass - recipe

Berries peeled from twigs are frozen in containers at a temperature of -18°C. Keep 2 years.

How to cook lemongrass recipes

Schisandra chinensis drink - recipe

Pour fresh (or dried) berries with water and boil for 5 minutes after boiling. Add sugar and cool to room temperature. For a glass of berries take 2 liters of water and 150 g of sugar. You can dilute the pre-prepared syrup to your liking.

How to cook lemongrass jelly

Lemongrass syrup is diluted 10 times with water, brought to a boil and diluted starch is poured in. Turn off and stir for a few more minutes until thickened. Usually for 1 liter of jelly you need 2 tbsp. l. starch.

Schisandra chinensis tea - recipe

Pour green tea and finely chopped dried young shoots and lemongrass leaves into a wide thick bowl and pour boiling water over it. Infuse for 3 minutes and drink as a tonic and regenerating agent that relieves eye fatigue and helps with depression. Usually 1 tsp is brewed. tea leaves and 1 tsp. dry parts of lemongrass per 0.5 l of boiling water.

How to make lemongrass honey - recipe

Dissolve a glass of honey in 1 liter hot water(temperature not higher than 50 ° C), add lemongrass juice (1-1.5 cups), yeast - 20 g and put on fermentation in a warm place. Then they clog tightly and put in a cool place for three weeks for quiet fermentation.

Recipe for cooking meat with Schisandra chinensis juice

Cut hard red meat into slices, pour lemongrass juice diluted 1:3 with water. Soak overnight, salt, roast on a grill over coals.

Lemongrass juice recipe

Dilute lemongrass juice with water, add a little sugar, bring to a boil and pour diluted into cold water flour. Stir quickly and turn off when the first bubbles appear on the surface.

How to make confectionery lipstick with lemongrass juice - recipe

Dissolve sugar in water and boil covered until thickened. Before the end of cooking, add 2 tsp. lemongrass juice, quickly remove from heat and cool the pan in a bowl of cold water. Beat the cooled mass with a spatula (or a mixer) into a finely crystalline mass. Heat up again and add 1 tbsp. l. lemongrass syrup, stirring all the time. Fudge can be used on donuts, for example, or other sweet pastries.

Lemongrass recipes for the winter: Video

Of course, these are not all recipes for cooking dishes from Chinese magnolia vine, we told you how to cook lemongrass is simple and affordable for everyone.

Chinese lemongrass grows not only in China, but the Chinese told about its healing properties, and it is they who need to be thanked for this wonderful plant from a hundred diseases. In lemongrass, almost all parts of the plant are healing and useful, and not only berries, but also leaves with young shoots can be harvested for the winter.

Drying lemongrass berries

Schisandra berries are harvested at the end of summer - at the beginning of September. Arm yourself with scissors, and cut the entire bunch without cutting off the berries. Put lemongrass clusters in a wicker basket and try to avoid contact of berries with metal objects. Oxides of lemongrass juice and metal can cause unpleasant and not at all useful compounds.

Schisandra berries are very tender and ooze juice instantly if you press them down a little, so they are dried like that, along with the stalk.

If the harvest is not rich, you can hang the bunches in the kitchen, on wire hooks, until completely dry.

If there are a lot of berries, then they are dried by laying them out in one layer on wooden boards, or special nets for 5-7 days.

After the berries are tied, they should be dried in the oven or in an electric dryer. In an electric dryer, it will take about 6 hours, at a temperature of +50 degrees.

Ready berries become dark, almost black color and somewhat wrinkled structure.

If the stalks interfere with you, now they can be safely removed without damaging the berry itself.

It is better to store dry lemongrass berries in a wooden or cardboard box so that they do not become moldy.

Drying leaves and shoots of lemongrass

Leaves and young shoots of Chinese lemongrass are also harvested in order to brew delicious lemon-flavored tea in winter. Leaves are harvested immediately after picking berries, and before the start of leaf fall.

Leaves and creepers are crushed with scissors, and dried, scattering not in a thick layer on a drying tray in a dry and warm room.

Lemongrass leaves and sprigs can be brewed as an independent drink, added to purchased tea, or combined with other herbs. And since lemongrass is a medicinal plant, first consult your doctor about its use.

How to harvest lemongrass berries for the winter, see the video:

Harvesting lemongrass

The bright red berries of lemongrass have a pronounced sour taste and delicate aroma. Our today's article is devoted to the preparation of this valuable natural raw material.

In our region, under natural conditions, Chinese magnolia vine is found, which, as the name implies, came to us from China. This liana prefers to settle in mixed coniferous-deciduous forests. Domesticated lemongrass pleases with a good harvest - each plant produces about 7 kg of berries. Bright fruits are an excellent energy drink (a handful of dried berries is enough to feel cheerful all day long - hunters have been using this property for many centuries).

Schisandra berries are harvested in September-October (during the period of full ripening). The brushes are cut with a sharp knife so as not to damage the mother plants (having received an “injury”, the vines can stop bearing fruit). Harvest is stored in enamelware or wicker baskets, but not in galvanized buckets (sour juice oxidizes the surface). The berries are removed from the brushes and processed during the day.

dried lemongrass

Schisandra berries are washed, laid out on a canvas and allowed to dry completely from moisture. Then they are transferred to iron sieves or on baking sheets and dried in an oven (in an oven, in a dryer) at a temperature of 55-60? C, taking a break for 3-4 days after several hours of drying.

frozen lemongrass

Prepared lemongrass berries are frozen on plates in bulk, and then poured into plastic or cardboard boxes (as an option, into plastic bags). Store the product in the freezer.

lemongrass jam

Pure lemongrass berries are steamed and then ground through a fine sieve. The resulting puree is placed in an enamel basin, sugar (1:1) is added and boiled with constant stirring until thick. The finished jam is laid out in sterilized jars and corked (as an option, the neck of the jar is covered with parchment paper and tied with twine).

lemongrass jam

Jam is cooked in almost the same way, but apple juice is added to the composition (100 ml per 1 kg of puree) and the amount of sugar is increased by half (1.5 kg of sugar is required for each kilogram of berries). The rest of the cooking technology remains the same.

Lemongrass compote

  • Lemongrass
  • Sugar - 400 g
  • Water - 1 l
  • Schisandra berries are separated from the brush, washed thoroughly, placed in sterilized jars and poured with hot syrup. Half-liter jars with compote are heated at 80 ° C for 10 minutes or sterilized in boiling water for exactly 3 minutes.

    Lemongrass juice

    The harvest is kept for a couple of days, waiting for the softening of the berries. After that, they are washed and the juice is squeezed out using a manual juicer (it is better not to crush the seeds, because they have a resinous taste). The juice is mixed with sugar in a ratio of 1:2, waiting for the complete dissolution of the sweet grains, poured into dark glass bottles and hermetically sealed. Store the finished product in the cold.

    Lemongrass Wine

    From the pomace remaining after making the juice, wine is made (in passing, seeds are extracted from the crushed fruits). The squeezes are poured with cold water and allowed to stand for 2-3 days. The wort is drained, diluted with water and sugar is added (to taste). The wine is allowed to ferment, closed with a water seal, and then drained from the sediment.

    Lemongrass seed tincture

    The seeds remaining after making the wine are washed from the remnants of the pulp, crushed and poured with alcohol. After a couple of weeks, the product is ready for use (it is drunk in small doses, no more than 30 drops).

    lemongrass syrup

    Schisandra berries are washed, poured into a glass jar and ground with sugar in a ratio of 1:1. After 7-10 days, the settled syrup is drained, filtered, poured into sterilized bottles and sent to a cold place for storage.

    Lemongrass marmalade

  • Lemongrass juice - 1 l
  • Pectin - 3 tablespoons
  • Sugar - 2-3 tbsp.
  • Pectin is diluted in heated juice and allowed to stand for about half an hour. Syrup is boiled separately using the indicated amount of sugar and 150 ml of juice. The pectin mixture is poured into the hot syrup, brought to a boil and boiled with constant stirring until thick. Ready marmalade is transferred to sterilized jars and closed.

    Harvesting and growing lemongrass may seem like a troublesome process, but this is not entirely true. Liana, rising on a support, takes up a minimum of space, but at the same time provides maximum benefit, decorating the garden and giving valuable medicinal raw materials.

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    How to prepare Ivan tea

    How to prepare Ivan tea

    Fireweed (Ivan-tea), collection and preparation.

    It will not be a discovery for anyone that more tea sold in stores can be called such with a big stretch. But delicious tea huge quantities once exported abroad, it is easy to prepare with your own hands without spending a penny of money on it. And believe me, the benefits of it will be much more.

    Ivan tea, useful properties

    As you guessed, I mean Ivan tea, the beneficial properties of which have been known since ancient times. Before proceeding to the description, I want to say that I have been preparing Ivan tea in the following ways for about 5 years. I don’t presume to judge how useful Ivan tea is for men, as many say, but the fact that it contains an incredible amount of various vitamins and minerals, and in terms of vitamin C content, significantly exceeds lemon, says a lot. Add here the strongest antioxidant properties and get a real elixir of health.
    And by adding lemongrass berries to Ivan-tea, we get natural energy drink which will help relieve fatigue and drowsiness while driving.

    Collection of Ivan tea

    When to collect Ivan tea

    It is worth recalling that it is necessary to collect any grass (willow-herb, chicory, St. John's wort, oregano, etc.) away from the city and highways. Fireweed (Ivan tea) blooms from June to August.

    fireweed (ivan tea)

    You can collect throughout the entire period. Fireweed inflorescences are an excellent honey plant, so it is better to leave them to the bees. In addition, mature seeds with fluff inside can get into tea with them, and this is very unpleasant.

    If you really want to decorate tea with flowers and add additional fragrant notes, you need to collect them at the beginning of Ivan-tea flowering. The flowers are dried separately without fermentation.

    With your left hand, hold the stem just below the inflorescence. With the right we hold the stem in the palm of our hand and draw it from top to bottom.

    how to collect Ivan tea

    All the leaves of Ivan-tea are in the palm of your hand.

    How to collect Ivan tea

    We put them in a bag. Collect as many leaves as you can handle. If it so happened that you did not calculate your capabilities and do not have time to process the leaves, put them in a bag in the refrigerator, otherwise they may dry out.

    Leaves should not be washed, but it happens that aphids settle on them. In this case, pour the leaves into a container of water (more convenient in the bath), rinse well and remove with a colander.


    We spread a clean cloth in the shade and lay out the leaves on it.

    Withering continues for several hours. If the sheet was washed, then the time increases. In order for the leaves not to dry out, it is necessary to stir them periodically. After they become lethargic,

    we continue the process of harvesting willow-tea. Two methods can be applied here. Tea prepared in the first way looks like large-leaf tea (on the right), while in the second way it looks like granulated tea (on the left).

    Freezing (freezing) willow-tea

    Another way to prepare a sheet for curling is freezing.
    The collected leaf of willow-tea is placed in the freezer for a day or more. Then, as needed, it is taken out, defrosted and twisted. There is an opinion that in the old days the collected leaves of Ivan-tea were lowered for storage in the cellar on ice. And only after a while, gradually processed.

    But the method has both advantages and disadvantages.

    First, about the merits. Freezing - defrosting willow-tea allows you to skip the withering process. The leaf of willow-tea after this procedure is very well twisted and has a uniform dark color. The sheet is taken out of the freezer in small batches, as a result of which processing can be stretched for a very long time.

    Now for the disadvantages. Passing the temperature barrier with an interval of -1° to -5°C and vice versa, in the process of freezing and thawing, ice crystals destroy cell membranes and fibers, and the juice flows out. In addition, the separation of water from the protein leads to a change in its structure (denaturation). The simplest example of protein denaturation can be observed during the preparation of scrambled eggs. When a clear and sticky protein becomes milky white and brittle. But that's not all - when defrosting, most of the vitamin C is irrevocably oxidized.

    Ivan tea, preparation (method No. 1)

    The first method is the most laborious. Many people recommend rolling the leaves between the palms. This method requires a lot of effort. It is much more convenient to twist on a glass cutting board with a ribbed surface. We take a few leaves and turn them into "sausages".

    The action is similar to rolling out the dough with a rolling pin.

    ivan tea cooking

    This is necessary in order to destroy the fiber of the leaves and start the fermentation process. After curling, the leaves become dark green.

    At this stage, you can add to the leaves various herbs(St. John's wort, matryoshka, Linden blossom, basil, etc.).

    Ivan tea fermentation

    We put the "sausages" in a stainless steel saucepan (preferably in an enameled one),

    cover with a damp cloth or towel

    and leave to ferment in a warm place (not in the oven!).

    You can ferment Ivan tea in disposable plastic bags. To do this, we put several "sausages" in a bag, wrap it, and then put the resulting briquettes into a large plastic bag.

    The fermentation process can take from 3 hours or more (depending on temperature). With proper fermentation, the grassy smell changes to a pleasant fruity aroma.

    How to dry Ivan tea

    We cut the "sausages" into slices.

    We spread baking paper on a baking sheet and pour the chopped willow-tea.

    How to dry Ivan tea

    The best results are obtained when drying herbs in a Russian oven or on a sauna heater. If this is not possible, then put the baking sheet in the oven and set the temperature to 90 degrees.

    Drying must be controlled and periodically stir the tea. The finished tea looks like any other black large-leaf tea. The color depends on the correct fermentation and drying temperature. Keep in mind that the tea leaves should not crumble. If you are afraid of overdrying the tea, then it is better to dry it at a low temperature.

    If left in the oven free place, then in order to save electricity or gas, harvesting willow-tea can be combined with harvesting chicory. It is advisable to place a baking sheet with the roots of the latter in the hottest place in the oven.

    Ivan tea, preparation (method No. 2)

    (Before choosing this method, I advise you to read the article about antivitamins)
    The second method is much simpler than the first, since the most difficult stages are mechanized. After the sheet has withered, we pass it through a meat grinder with large cells. (See amendments)

    We put the resulting "minced meat" in disposable plastic bags (see amendments)

    and put in a warm place for fermentation. The rest of the steps are identical.

    I tried this method very recently. I wanted to facilitate the process of fiber destruction without the use of a meat grinder and exclude the interaction of raw materials with metal. It took less than an hour of free time to make a device for twisting tea leaves. It is based on the principle of operation of a roller for twisting tea. Here's what happened in the end.

    Even after a minute of twisting, the brewed tea has a rather tart taste and a pleasant color. In addition, after drying in the oven, only one day has passed.

    And one more plus of this option for harvesting Ivan-tea is that the leaves do not need to be cut (as is the case with "sausages").

    To “adjust” the pressure on the willow leaf and roll it more tightly, like on an industrial roller, it is better to use two cups of different sizes. That is, first a large cup, then a small one.

    Fireweed - Ivan tea, how to brew

    Someone says that the taste, properly prepared and brewed willow tea, is similar to Indian - I would not say so. It has its own specific taste. I tried several options for brewing Ivan tea, but settled on one:

    I put one tablespoon of tea without a top for 250 ml. water. After 10 minutes, pour into cups and brew again. Ivan tea, prepared in the second way (using a meat grinder) and similar to granulated tea, has a richer color and taste when brewed.

    For long-term storage, it is advisable to pack ready-made Ivan-tea in sterilized glass jars.

    Planting, care, pruning, harvesting Schisandra chinensis

    Choosing the right landing site great importance, since not only the productivity of lemongrass, but also the decorative design of the garden largely depends on this. The place should be open to the sun, but protected from cold and withering winds. It is good to place lemongrass on the south side of the buildings, but it is possible on the east or west side (so that the sun illuminates the plants for half a day). The best soil is loose, rich in humus, drained, with a reaction close to neutral. Therefore, the area intended for planting lemongrass must be thoroughly prepared and deeply cultivated. Heavy, dense, clay soil should be patched up with sand and organic fertilizers, peaty and sandy with clay and organic fertilizers, acidic with lime. Plots with high level groundwater, it is necessary to raise or plant lemongrass on shafts or other elevations.

    How to prepare a seat. One plant can be planted in a hole, but lemongrass alone is not recommended. Several plants are best planted in a trench 50 cm wide and no more than 60 cm deep. In the middle of it, at a distance of 1.5 m from each other, it is necessary to drive in metal stakes for attaching the trellis. At the bottom, you need to lay drainage material (gravel, gravel, slag, broken brick, construction debris) with a layer of 30 cm and slightly compact, then fertilized soil. The latter should be prepared in advance: add (per 1 m2) to the dug-out cultivated layer: rotted manure (60-70 kg), sand (three to four buckets), lime (500 g,) phosphorus (150 g a.i.), nitrogen (40-50 g d.c.). The soil with fertilizers must be thoroughly mixed and compacted in a trench. At each seat (after 1m), you need to pour a cone-shaped tubercle from fertile soil and slightly compact it.

    How to plant lemongrass. When planting, the strongest shoot of the seedling should be cut into three buds, from which the plant will form, weak shoots should be cut into a ring, the roots should be shortened by 20-25 cm. The root system of seedlings must be treated with a clay mash, adding mullein to it (1 liter per bucket). When planting, the seedling must be placed on a cone-shaped tubercle, spread the roots in all directions and sprinkled with soil. The last one should be slightly compacted, watered abundantly and mulched.

    It is best to plant lemongrass on permanent place. If seedlings are purchased in the fall, then they should be planted at this time. Pigging for the winter worsens the survival rate during spring planting.

    Lemon care. In the first two years, the root system develops intensively. It is fibrous and is located at a depth of 8-10 cm. Therefore, loosening the soil is deeply undesirable, and mineral and organic fertilizers must be applied superficially in the form of mulch. In the third year, fairly good growth shoots are formed, which must be directed upwards and temporarily tied with twine. They themselves curl around the support. The soil should be weeded and the mulch loosened to a depth of 2-3 cm.

    Mineral fertilizers, starting from the third year of planting, must be applied in the form of three top dressings during the growing season. In the spring, before bud break, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium should be added (40 g of a.i. per 1 m2), after flowering, during the period of active growth of the ovary, nitrogen (20 g), potassium and phosphorus (15 g each), after harvesting in September - phosphorus and potassium (30g per 1m2). Fertilizers must be raked into the mulch and watered abundantly.

    The form of cultivation of lemongrass affects not only the yield, but also the performance of the brushes. Of the two forms - bushy and vertical (on a trellis) - the latter is better. At the same time, the vines are well lit, and conditions are improved for pollination of flowers by insects. As a result, the length of the brush, the number of fruits and their weight increase. The average weight of one brush is 3.5 g, on a trellis - 9.8 g. In addition, with a vertical culture, the life span of the plant increases, the vines develop better, it becomes easier to form a crown, and more female flowers are formed.

    Supports for lemongrass can be used the same as for actinidia.

    Does lemongrass grow without support, but it will bear fruit later and worse. To speed up the entry into the fruiting season, the vine must be lifted onto a support as soon as possible.

    Vegetatively propagated lemongrass plants come into fruition after three to four years, grown from seeds - after five to six years.

    Pruning lemongrass. With good care during the fruiting period, the vines branch intensively, which thickens the crown and reduces the yield. At the same time, a large number of root suckers are formed. Therefore, cutting and shaping vines is necessary. To reduce thickening in the crown in late autumn (after leaf fall), dried, weak and extra shoots should be cut. It is possible to shorten too long growth of a given year. With a large thickening on the trellis, young growing shoots should be shortened in the summer as well (usually by 10-12 buds), and all root suckers should be cut out annually, old vines should be replaced with young ones. The cutting of old vines does not depend on age, but on the bareness and remoteness of their crowns from the ground.

    Decorative lemongrass. It is a fast growing vine with graceful and juicy green foliage, white, pleasantly smelling beautiful flowers spring and bright red fruits in autumn. In summer, it creates a pleasant shade and coolness near arches, trellises, pergolas, arbors, trellises, etc. Deserves widespread use in garden plots.

    How to collect lemongrass fruits. You need to harvest when you reach full ripeness (for the middle lane - in September-October). Brushes must be plucked or cut off at the base. It is unacceptable to put fruits in metal dishes, as harmful compounds are formed during oxidation in the juice. With good care on fertile soil, 4 kg of fruits can be obtained from one plant, but most often - about 0.7-1 kg.

    How to dry fruits. Slightly dried fruits must be sorted out, impurities and stalks removed, spread in a thin layer and dried in the oven at a temperature not exceeding 60-70 ° C (otherwise they turn black). Dried fruits should be hard, coarsely wrinkled, irregular in shape, dark red or almost black, have a spicy, bitter-sour, slightly irritating taste and a slightly aromatic smell. Drying whole juicy fruits at room temperature is ineffective, as they become moldy.

    How to dry leaves and young shoots. The optimal time for harvesting leaves and young shoots is the beginning of August. They should be chopped with secateurs into pieces up to 2-3 cm, spread out in a thin layer and dried in the shade with natural ventilation, stirring regularly. Store in paper bags.

    Basically, lemongrass fruits are used for drying. Lemongrass juice can be used to make kvass, syrups, jelly, jam, marmalade, etc. Processed products acquire a good color and have the aroma and taste of fresh lemon.

    Diseases and pests of lemongrass. exist in natural conditions. On lemongrass grown in the middle lane, they have not yet been seen.

    Photos, cultivation and methods of harvesting lemon mint

    Melissa, among other varieties of mint, stands out with citrus notes in the smell and belongs to the mint family. In Europe, where the plant has long been cultivated as a spicy-flavoring crop, lemon balm is called lemon mint. This name has taken root in Russia.

    The lemon balm plant, as shown in the photo, reaches a height of 30-100 cm and consists of powerful erect pubescent stems, on which are heart-shaped or oval leaves with noticeable rounded teeth along the edges.

    It is in the leaves and upper parts shoots contain most of the aromatic and useful substances, and pale pink or almost white flowers of lemon balm attract masses of bees every summer.

    Like a beautiful spice and honey plant lemon mint highly valued by gardeners and gardeners. Lemon balm herb is used in many traditional medicine recipes, and culinary specialists are happy to add fragrant foliage to marinades, vegetable and fish dishes. Melissa emphasizes the taste and aroma of baked poultry, sweet pastries and cheeses. Fragrant herbs are indispensable in refreshing and healing tea blends, cocktails.

    AT summer days plants generously supply spicy greens, but what to do with the onset of cold weather? How to prepare mint for the winter for tea? Keep the beneficial properties of lemon balm for the whole cold period years can be done in many ways, but first of all, it is important to properly collect lemon mint.

    How to prepare mint for tea for the winter?

    Cutting fresh greenery is carried out in clear, cool weather, when there is no dew or traces of rain on the plants. Best time for collection - these are the morning and evening hours, when the scorching rays of the sun will not make the leaves and upper parts of the stems wither and lose such a valuable aroma. The highest concentration of essential oils, vitamins and other substances important for the body in the greens of lemon balm accumulates by the time of flowering, therefore, at this time, the greens are cut to prepare mint for winter tea.

    As soon as the upper juicy parts of the shoots are collected, the plant material is washed, and the lemon mint greens, as in the photo, are thoroughly dried with paper or linen napkins. You can find recommendations where vegetable raw materials are advised not to wash, but to blanch before drying:

  • On the one hand, it will help to keep initially green color leaves, which will have a positive effect on appearance dishes and drinks with lemon balm.
  • On the other hand, if left too long, lemon balm leaves quickly become soft, lose their firmness, and will completely lose their shape when dried or frozen.
  • It is rational to blanch lemon mint if it is decided to make syrup, fragrant sugar from it for the winter or freeze it in the form of portioned cubes, since even with short-term heating, the release of juice increases.

    Drying lemon mint at home

    When preparing mint for tea for the winter, small bunches are formed from the shoots, which are hung away from heaters and direct rays. With a constant flow of air and a dry atmosphere, the grass dries out after a few days.

    During drying, it is better to protect the plants from attack by insects and dust by covering the bunches with gauze. If the grass is dried using modern electric dryers, the most gentle modes are used, and, as in the photo, lemon mint is laid out on pallets in an even thin layer and stirred from time to time.

    Dried leaves and apical parts of the stems are crushed and laid out in tightly closed glass jars, where lemon balm will be stored all winter.

    Can mint be frozen for the winter?

    Melissa, like other varieties of mint, can be prepared for the winter by freezing both whole shoots and individual leaves.

    To do this, the washed and dried bundles are packed in foil, cling film or resealable tight bags and store in small portions in the freezer. You can freeze mint for the winter in the form of very convenient ice cubes, which for several months will be useful for flavoring tea, sauces, and obtaining medicinal decoctions.

    When frozen, lemon balm completely retains its taste and smell, but the leaves completely lose their shape. Therefore, for the manufacture of such cubes, you can take both greens and juicy stems, after grinding them in a blender.

    Harvesting lemon mint for sweet tooth

    On the basis of lemon mint, as in the photo, you can prepare very fragrant sugar, which is sure to please not only lovers of sweet tea, but also housewives who pamper their loved ones with fragrant pastries and homemade confectionery. For such an unusual seasoning, they take fresh lemon balm greens and grind it, mixing it with sugar in parallel. For 200 grams of vegetable raw materials, 200 grams of regular sugar are taken. If desired, lemon zest, thyme herb or other types of mint are added to the composition.

    How else can you prepare mint for tea for the winter? Melissa syrup will be no less joy for big and small sweet teeth.

    For 100 grams of clean dry or blanched greens, 100 grams of water and 200 grams of sugar are required, half of which is poured with chopped lemon mint and left for 8-12 hours so that the grass gives juice. When the sugar is almost dissolved, pour the lemon balm into the sugar syrup and bring the mixture to a boil. The container with syrup removed from the fire is cooled, the finished product is filtered and poured into sterilized jars or bottles with well-ground lids.

    You can store mint syrup in the refrigerator, and use it to add to tea, pastry, cereals and fruit salads.

    There are a lot of ways to harvest lemon mint for the winter for tea and other dishes. For example, fragrant oils and sauces are made on the basis of fragrant herbs. But you can take advantage of the unpretentiousness of the plant and try to grow a bush of lemon mint at home in a pot.

    How to grow mint at home?

    The easiest way is to separate a part of an adult lemon mint bush in your own garden in the fall, as in the photo, and transfer it, along with a clod of earth, to a spacious pot, where a drainage layer has been previously arranged. To fill the pot, you can take both loose garden soil and ready-made soil for seedlings or green crops.

    Melissa does not like acidic soils, therefore, if necessary, dolomite flour is added to the soil.

    If it is impossible to get an already rooted plant, do not despair. Melissa gives roots in a few days, if the lower leaves are removed from cuttings 15–20 cm long and the stems are lowered into water with a few drops of a growth stimulator. After about a week, young plants with their own root system are planted in the ground. From now on, at home, in a pot, mint can grow for more than one year, delighting family members with fresh herbs. Subsequently, the plant requires moderate watering, spraying with dry air and its elevated temperature.

    The most laborious and long way- growing mint at home from seeds.

    The best time for sowing is spring, but since it is desirable to get fresh greens in winter, you will have to plant the seeds in the ground at the end of summer or autumn, when daylight hours are reduced every day. In this case, the brightest place on the windowsill is chosen for the lemon balm, and it is even better to arrange additional lighting at home for mint in a pot.

    Shallow grooves are made in a container with a soil mixture at a distance of 5–7 cm, the soil is moistened and dry seeds are sown. As necessary, the soil is moistened, and seedlings should be expected in about a week. If the sprouts have risen too closely, they are thinned out or swooped down. In order for lemon mint to form a healthy strong bush, choose the brightest place for lemon balm on a window or balcony.

    Watering is carried out up to 3 times a week. To prevent flowering and weakening of the plant, when the shoots of house mint in a pot reach a height of 15–20 cm, the tops of the stems are shortened. Such a measure will lead to the appearance of lateral branches and an increase in the amount of foliage.

    If the tops of the stems are cut off to dry or freeze, home-grown lemon balm produces up to three full crops over the winter.

    But more often, such a home plant supplies the family with fragrant foliage every day for tea, healing cold decoctions and others. popular means with lemon mint.

    Video of Lemon Balm


    How to prepare and use Schisandra chinensis herb

    Schisandra chinensis grass, its fruits, leaves, vine have long been used in oriental medicine. Since the middle of the last century medicinal properties this amazing plant began to be widely used in medical practice many countries. Most effective drugs considered juice, alcohol tincture, extract and syrup from fruits and seeds. Tea with lemongrass leaves, as well as honey with plant berries, also has good vitamin and tonic properties.

    Chinese lemongrass (schizandra) - perennial, which is a vine that wraps around neighboring trees, a feature of which is the refreshing aroma of lemon emanating from crushed leaves and shoots. The plant is not only useful, but also decorative, so many plant it in their summer cottages.

    Lemongrass is useful for its tonic and adaptogenic properties, as well as the ability to stimulate internal forces body to fight many diseases.

    For daily use tonic tea is suitable, and for a more serious effect, you can use juice, tincture or syrup, for external use, lemongrass essential oil is suitable.

    Since ancient times, the fruits, leaves and vine of Schisandra chinensis have been used in medicine.

    How to properly prepare raw materials

    In order to maximize the benefits of lemongrass treatment, it is necessary to be able to properly prepare medicinal raw materials. The plant can be found in the Far Eastern forests, but many successfully cultivate it on their plots. Lemongrass fruits begin to ripen at the end of August, but the collection is best done during their full ripening, which lasts from September until the first frost. Ripe berries are distinguished by juicy pulp and a bitter-sour taste. From one adult plant, you can collect about 3 kg of fruit.

    When harvesting, lemongrass fruits are cut with brushes and folded into any non-metallic dish. Within a day after harvesting, the berries must be processed. For several days, the fruits are dried under a canopy, then the pedicels can be separated from them and sorted out. Drying can be done in the oven, the temperature should not exceed 60 degrees. Properly dried raw materials are stored for no more than two years, they are used as an additive in tea, for the preparation of infusions and decoctions.

    From freshly picked fruits, you can get juice, which is used in medicinal purposes, as well as food acid. For preparation, the berries are washed and squeezed. The resulting juice is sterilized in jars for 10–15 minutes, after which the container is hermetically sealed. Then, on its basis, you can prepare a syrup. You can make sweet juice, for which 400 g of sugar are taken for 2 glasses of juice. Then proceed as in the first case.

    If the juice is squeezed out with a press, then seeds can be obtained from the remaining mass. The crushed berries are moistened and left to ferment. At the end of the process, the mixture is washed under running water and the seeds are separated. Initial drying is carried out at a temperature of up to 40 degrees, and drying - up to 70 degrees.

    Lemongrass leaves, like shoots, are harvested in early August - at this time they accumulate the optimal amount of nutrients. The leaves are dried in the usual way, in shaded places, spread out in a thin layer. For harvesting shoots, it is better to take unproductive, but not old vines, which should be cut and chopped with a pruner into small pieces. Drying is carried out in a ventilated room or under a canopy. The root is harvested extremely rarely.

    Therapeutic action

    Lemongrass fruits can be consumed fresh, added to tea, juice, jam, syrup, as well as infusions and tinctures. All parts of the plant, harvested for future use, have the ability to:

  • relieve fatigue;
  • increase physical endurance and mental activity;
  • normalize blood pressure with hypotension;
  • eliminate oxygen starvation;
  • promote wound healing;
  • boost immunity.
  • In Eastern medical teachings, lemongrass is used for anemia, sexual impotence, asthenia, depression, and also for colds and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Tea based on lemongrass leaves has an unusual pleasant aroma, strengthens the immune system, invigorates, helps with colds. To prepare 10–15 g of dry leaves, pour boiling water (1 l) and insist for several minutes. You can add leaves to regular tea, but do not brew in a thermos to avoid loss of flavor.

    The so-called "cold tea" can be prepared using dried fruits, which in the amount of a tablespoon are boiled for 10 minutes in a glass of water. After boiling, the mixture is infused for 1 day and drunk during the day.

    Another way to cook healthy tea, lies in the fact that the lemongrass vine is placed in a kettle (not electric), in which water will be boiled for brewing. Thus, the water at the heating stage is enriched useful elements and you can brew any black or green tea with it.

    Syrup of lemongrass berries helps in the treatment of various ailments, such as hypotension, drowsiness, potency disorders, as well as intoxication and protracted course chronic diseases. pharmacy syrup you can either add it to any desserts and drinks, tea, or take it as an independent product for 1 month, with meals, three times a day.

    The syrup can be prepared independently, after squeezing the juice fresh berries. In order to prepare this product, take 1 liter of lemongrass juice and 1.5 kg of sugar. The mixed mass is heated to completely dissolve the sugar, after which it is poured into sterile jars.

    Lemongrass syrup can be prepared differently. First you need to weld a regular sugar syrup(1 kg of sugar, 2 cups of water), and then mix the juice with it in a ratio of 1:2. After that, you should wait for cooling and pour into glass containers. Store the finished product in the refrigerator. Such lemongrass syrup can be added to any herbal and regular tea to get a tasty, fragrant and healthy drink.

    Schisandra chinensis relieves fatigue, normalizes blood pressure, improves immunity

    Pharmacy forms

    Lemongrass extract is not difficult to find in the pharmacy chain, it is sold in tablets, and is, without a doubt, useful drug, which the:

  • increases the body's resistance to stress;
  • contributes to the stabilization and strengthening of cell membranes;
  • stimulates the internal forces of the body;
  • lowers blood sugar levels;
  • stimulates smooth muscles;
  • exhibits adaptogenic properties;
  • satisfies the body's need for flavonoids.
  • Schisandra fruit and bark extract can be prepared at home with alcohol, it will show therapeutic effect, but in fact it will be a tincture.

    There are basically two types of lemongrass oil - essential and cold-pressed. Both of these products have been successfully used to treat various diseases. Lemongrass essential oil is used in aromatherapy as a tonic, externally as part of massage mixtures improves lymphatic drainage, and is used to prevent varicose veins.

    Lemongrass seed oil is taken orally, therefore it is available in capsules. This form of release is often used by athletes and people whose activities are associated with overload, radiation, overheating and other harmful working conditions. When taking this drug is observed:

    • increase in background indicators of the content of adrenaline;
    • increased endurance and performance;
    • strengthening of immunity even in the conditions of the strongest physical activity, which in athletes often cause immunodeficiency;
    • a decrease in the inhibitory and an increase in the activating effect of the regulatory processes of the central nervous system in the cerebral cortex.
    • In addition, lemongrass in the form of oil is useful as an adaptogen, which significantly increases the body's ability to withstand adverse external influences. In addition, such a drug is used for sexual disorders, after prolonged illness, with hypotension.

      Knowing how lemongrass is useful and how to use it correctly, you can significantly speed up recovery from many diseases. It should be remembered that there are contraindications to the use of the plant, and you can take drugs after consulting a doctor.

      Tincture based on fruit extract and lemongrass bark increases the body's resistance to stress

Chinese magnolia vine is grown not only in China. The benefits of the plant are known throughout the world. Each part of the bush can be used to improve the body. In this article, we will talk about the properties of the Far Eastern berry, tell you how to preserve it, and offer several recipes for preparing blanks for the winter.

What it is?

Chinese lemongrass is a vine up to 18 meters high. It is grown not only in China, but also in Japan, as well as in Russia on Sakhalin. The fruits ripen in autumn, they are collected in small brushes and look like red currants. Round balls of bright red color have a very sour taste and aroma of lemon. That is why the plant was nicknamed that way. One bunch can contain from 5 to 15 balls.

The pronounced sour taste does not allow many to take fresh berries. As a rule, they are dried or sent for storage in the freezer. From lemongrass, you can make a variety of jams or compotes at home. If you prepare Chinese lemongrass correctly, you can save most vitamins and use the mixture to prevent or treat certain ailments. Harvest fruits in early or mid-autumn, immediately after ripening.

Clusters are cut very carefully so as not to damage the plant, otherwise next year it will not yield. It is not recommended to collect berries in galvanized buckets, as they can give juice and contribute to the oxidation of the metal.

The benefits and harms of fruits

Berries far eastern magnolia vine rich in a variety of acids: malic, citric and tartaric, while they contain a very small amount of sugar. The fruits are saturated with vitamins A, B, C, P and PP, as well as minerals: potassium, iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, nickel and cobalt. All parts of the creeper are rich in essential oil, which can be used for cosmetic purposes.

Chinese lemongrass is very much appreciated in the countries of the East, because it not only helps to tone the body, but also relieves fatigue. The fruits contain silver, titanium, boron. Not only berries are useful, but also leaves, seeds, bark, rhizomes of the plant - everything can be used for medical purposes. For example, leaves contain significantly more vitamin C.

The use of such a plant in food fills the body with vitamins, has a beneficial effect on nervous system and improves blood circulation. Berries are shown to pregnant women as a source a large number minerals. They can also be used by diabetics, but only after consulting a doctor.

How to dry and freeze?

Most useful method fruit storage is drying, as it is in least degree affects the beneficial properties of berries. The fruits are processed in two steps, during which there is a combination of drying on the street and in the oven.

It is recommended to maintain the integrity of the brushes and not tear the balls from the stalks. First you need to cover a baking sheet with baking paper and spread the clusters on it at a small distance from each other. The container is placed on Fresh air, while it is important that Sun rays did not touch the lemongrass. When the fruits are slightly dried, you can separate them from the brush and spread them over the entire surface of the baking sheet. Then he goes to the oven heated to 55 degrees for one hour.

The procedure is carried out within a couple of days. Properly dried Far Eastern berry has a dark red tint and wrinkled appearance. The fruits do not stick together.

Lianas can also be frozen. In this case, they should also be collected in clusters so as not to damage the skin. Before sending the brushes to the freezer, they should be kept in the refrigerator for four hours, then arranged on plates and sent to the freezer. After twenty-four hours, they can be taken out, put into bags and sent back to the freezer for long-term storage.

The shoots and leaves of the plant can also be harvested for the winter. They make delicious tea with a lemon scent. When the fruits are harvested, you can start collecting leaves. It is important to have time to do this before they fall themselves. They are crushed with scissors and dried in a warm room, evenly distributed on a baking sheet. When they are ready, they can be transferred to a bag and brewed. Lemongrass pairs well with other herbs and teas, giving them a more sour taste and pleasant aroma.


There are many ways to prepare Chinese lemongrass for the winter. It is not only healthy, but also very tasty, and in combination with honey or sugar, it makes an excellent dessert. Many housewives make jam, compote and much more from it.


Making jam from the Far Eastern berry is quite simple. You only need two components:

  • 1 kg of Chinese lemongrass;
  • 1 kg of granulated sugar.

Berries should be ground, separating the pulp from the peel and seeds. Transfer the pureed mass to a saucepan with a thick bottom and add sugar. The contents are boiled over medium heat until a thick consistency is obtained, after which the jam is poured into sterilized jars and corked.


The method of making jam is similar to the previous one, only in this case, whole fruits and other proportions of ingredients will be needed.


  • 1 kg of lemongrass;
  • 1.5 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 100 ml of water.

It is recommended to take slightly unripe berries so that they do not fall apart during the cooking process. Rinse the brushes thoroughly, remove the berries from the stalks and mix with sugar, leaving for twelve hours. Next, water or apple juice is added to the mass. The pan is put on the stove and the contents are brought to a boil, then the mixture is allowed to cool and boil again, after which it is distributed over glass containers.

Jam made from Far Eastern berries will serve as a remedy for colds.


The kids will love this dessert. On cold winter evenings, lemongrass marmalade will be a great addition to tea.


  • 1 liter of lemongrass juice;
  • 3 cups of granulated sugar;
  • 3 art. l. pectin.

Heat the juice slightly over medium heat and add pectin, leaving for half an hour to swell. In a separate saucepan, you need to boil the syrup from 150 ml of juice and granulated sugar. When it boils, the pectin mass is poured inside and the contents are boiled down to a thick consistency. Then the brew is distributed into containers and sent for storage. Before eating, it is cut with a knife into small cubes. If children do not like to take cold remedies, lemongrass marmalade will be an excellent substitute for them.

in sugar

Lemongrass in sugar will be an excellent delicacy for lovers of sweet and sour taste.


  • 1 kg of lemongrass;
  • 2 kg of granulated sugar.

Wash the berries and dry well, then mix with sugar and spread the resulting mass into jars. You can add a little to the mix. ground ginger. It will add a little spice to the delicacy. The finished treat is sent for storage in the refrigerator.


There are two ways to harvest juice from vines.

  1. The berries are placed in two layers of gauze and squeezed well, after which the juice is bottled and sent for storage in the pantry or on the balcony. Freshly squeezed juice can be stored for several years in a sealed state. An open bottle should be emptied as quickly as possible to prevent the contents from becoming moldy. You can store open juice only in the refrigerator.
  2. The fruits are laid in a large glass bowl and covered with a layer of granulated sugar. After four days, the berries will release all the juice they contain, which only needs to be poured into jars and carefully rolled up. The sour drink is rarely drunk fresh, as a rule, it is used as an additive to dishes or put in tea.


Lemongrass pairs well with other fruits in a sweet drink.


  • 3-4 apples;
  • 200 g lemongrass;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 300 g of honey;
  • 40 ml apple cider vinegar.

Pour honey or granulated sugar into the water, bring the solution to a boil and add Apple vinegar. Boil the contents of the pan for about three minutes over low heat. In the meantime, put clean apples and Far Eastern berries in sterilized jars, then pour hot syrup over them. Roll up the jars and wrap them in a towel so that they cool more slowly and are better canned. After a couple of days, you can enjoy a delicious compote.


Can be made from berry juice delicious syrup, which will become the base for other drinks.


  • 1 liter of juice;
  • 1.5 kg of granulated sugar.

Pour the juice into a saucepan with a thick bottom, add sugar and put on medium heat. Heat up gradually, stirring the contents with a wooden spatula. Once the sweetener has dissolved, the syrup can be poured into jars or bottles. Store rolled up containers in the pantry. Open - in the refrigerator.


In the presence of ready-made syrup, fruit drink is prepared very quickly.


  • 1 liter of syrup;
  • 10 liters of water.

Boil and cool the water, then dilute more syrup and pour the resulting composition into bottles. Soak for one day, then enjoy a delicious drink.


From the Chinese lemongrass, a delicious wine with a pleasant aroma is obtained.


  • 1 kg of Far Eastern berries;
  • 1 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 4 raisins;
  • 6 raspberries, red currants or mountain ash.

The preparation of berries is to clean the debris, but not to wash. They must retain the natural patina.

Pour lemongrass with sugar and leave for three days so that the fruits release juice. After a while, pour the liquid into a three-liter bottle and add raisins and berries inside. The next step is the fermentation process. To do this, they put a medical glove on the bottle and pierce one finger with a needle, gas will come out of this hole. The finished wine must be filtered and poured into liter containers.

O useful properties Chinese lemongrass, see the next video.