Essential oils for headaches with pressure. Lemon mint essential oil

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

1.If The cause of the headaches has not been determined, then try inhaling the aromas of lemon or mint, or lavender through an incense bottle or aroma medallion. 2. Rubbing.
Can be rubbed into temporal areas a few drops of lavender or peppermint oil. 3. Cold compress..
Pour 2 glasses into a container cold water and add 3 drops of mint oil. Fold several layers of fabric that can absorb water well, preferably red, and dip it in water several times. Wring out the fabric and place it on the back of your head.

Aroma oils against migraine.

1. Mixture for aroma makers or aroma medallions.
2 drops of pine oil + 2 drops of mint oil + 2 drops of lemon oil. 2. Rub mixtures.
2 drops ylang-ylang + 2 drops geranium.
3 drops of pine + 1 drop of lemon + 2 drops of geranium.
2 drops mint + 3 drops eucalyptus + 2 drops rosemary.
When heated, rub these mixtures into whiskey. 3. Cold compress.
Take 4 drops of rosemary oil, 4 drops of mint and 4 drops of lemon, dissolve them in a spoon warm milk and pour the resulting mixture into a glass of water. Place the glass in the freezer until an ice crust forms on the water. Then dip a piece of cloth in this fragrant water, wring it lightly and place it on the area of ​​the back cervical hollow, which is located under the back of the head. Keep this compress while it is cold. If necessary, wet the cloth again and apply to this area.

Aroma oils against dizziness.

1. Inhaling the aromas of black pepper and orange helps very well.

2. Mixture for aroma burner.
2 drops sage oil + 3 drops rosemary + 4 drops ylang ylang. 3. Mixture for aroma medallion.
2 drops lavender + 2 drops mint.

Aroma oils against headaches associated with overwork.

1. Aromatic bath oil mixture.
2 drops of orange oil + 4 drops of geranium + 4 drops of mint. The water should not be hot!
2 drops of oil nutmeg+ 4 drops of ylang-ylang + 2 drops of lavender dissolve in a spoon of warm milk.
Pour this mixture into cool bath. Good for summer. 2. Mixture for aroma lamp.
2 drops rosemary oil + 3 drops eucalyptus.
1 drop of nutmeg oil + 2 drops of geranium + 1 drop of orange. 3. Mixture for aroma medallion.
2 drops of geranium oil + 1 drop of pine + 1 drop of lemon.
3 drops of orange oil + 2 drops of lavender.
2 drops ylang-ylang + 1 drop nutmeg +1 drop rosemary + 1 drop mint.

Aroma oils against fainting.

1. Aromatic compositions for aroma medallions.
2 drops tea tree oil + 2 drops mint + 2 drops rosemary.
3 drops nutmeg oil + 3 drops lavender.
1 drop of geranium oil + 2 drops of lemon + 1 drop of lavender.
4 drops rosemary oil + 2 drops nutmeg.

If you experience frequent fainting, then you simply need to carry an aroma medallion with you. At the first urge to feel unwell, start inhaling these mixtures.

Mixtures for aroma lamps.
3 drops geranium oil + 3 drops ylang-ylang
1 drop mint + 2 drops rosemary + 1 drop orange.

An attack of a headache can begin suddenly, while performing even the most simple tasks requires a lot of effort. Essential oils can help relieve minor headaches and improve your mood. At the same time, the sedative properties of some essential oils help you reduce the amount of pain medication you use.

The best essential oils for headaches: eucalyptus, immortelle, lavender, chamomile, mint.

How to use essential oils to relieve headaches?

Massage with essential oils for headaches.

Rub 1-4 drops of a mixture of essential and base oils on your fingertips and make a gentle massage of the forehead, occipital and temporal areas.

For massage you can use the following mixture

30 ml of any vegetable oil(for example, or ),

10-12 drops of any of the above essential oils (if using eucalyptus or peppermint essential oil, use only 6-8 drops)

Mix the oils in a glass bottle. Use 1-4 drops of the massage oil mixture. Avoid getting the oil into your eyes and the area around them.

Here are some more essential oil blends to treat headaches.

Mixture No. 1: 8 drops of lavender oil, 4 drops of chamomile, 30 ml of base oil.

Mixture No. 2: 4 drops of mint essential oil, 4 drops of eucalyptus essential oil, 30 ml of base oil.

Mixture No. 3: 4 drops of immortelle essential oil, 8 drops of chamomile essential oil, 30 ml of base oil.

Mixture No. 4: 4 drops of mint essential oil, 8 drops of lavender essential oil, 30 ml of base oil.

Cold inhalations with essential oils for headaches.

To treat headaches with essential oils, cold inhalations are also effective. For this purpose, you can use an aroma lamp. Place a few drops (8-15 drops per 15 m3 of room) of one of the above essential oils into the aroma lamp, add warm water into the bowl and light the candle. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes. The amount of essential oils that must be used for evaporation in an aroma lamp is usually indicated in the instructions.

You can also place 2-3 drops of essential oil on your pillow or pajamas before bed. Evaporating from the surface of the fabric, the essential oil will also have an inhaling effect.

Other types of cold inhalations can be used to treat headaches. You can read more about the types and rules of cold inhalations in.

Compresses with essential oils for headaches.

With a headache, cold compresses with essential oils help well. To do this, add 5 drops of any of the above essential oils to 1 glass of cold water and mix. Take a piece of cotton cloth and dip it in the water-oil mixture, then wring it out and apply it to your forehead. Hold this compress for 5-10 minutes. You can repeat this procedure several times a day until the headache subsides.

Baths with essential oils for headaches.

Baths with essential oils are one of the most effective remedies for headaches. This is due to the fact that while taking a bath, essential oils act in two directions: 1. evaporating from the surface of the water, they penetrate through the respiratory system; 2. dissolving in water, oils penetrate through the skin into the bloodstream. Thus, the maximum therapeutic effect is achieved.

In order to make a bath with essential oils, you must first combine the oils with an emulsifier (milk, sea ​​salt, honey), and then dissolve in water. The number of drops of essential oil depends on its type, usually it is 8-15 drops. You can read more about dosages and rules for taking baths with essential oils.

When using essential oils, it is worth remembering that oils are the strongest plant concentrate, so when applying pure essential oil to the skin, you can get burned.

If the headache does not go away for a long time and tends to increase, you should consult a doctor.

Essential oils help to get rid of the headache that has become the scourge of modern man.

Bad ecology, stress, life at a fast pace lead to the fact that a headache becomes a constant companion. People get used to not paying attention to it.

Pharmaceutical companies produce a variety of painkillers. But no one thinks about the fact that they have many side effects.

Not everyone knows about the existence of other methods of getting rid of headaches. Reduce or even stop chemical treatments medicines, which are quite often harmful to health, can be done with the help of essential oils.

Let's talk about essential oils as a remedy for headaches.

Essential oils are substances isolated from plants, characterized by volatility and rapid penetration into the blood through the skin and respiratory organs.

They have healing properties:

  • antiviral;
  • pain reliever;
  • antispasmodic;
  • relaxing.

Esters that help reduce headaches act on nervous system, dilate blood vessels.

They're filming muscle tension, normalize sleep, improve performance, relieve pain.

Take off painful sensations You can use essential oils of peppermint, lemon balm, rosemary. Migraine pain and fatigue can be treated with lemon balm oil. Lavender oil has a calming effect. Marjoram essential oil dilates blood vessels.

Many aromatic remedies help relieve headaches. Therefore, you can choose the scent based on personal preferences.

How to choose essential oils?

Which essential oil helps with headaches? When choosing a product, you need to consider the following factors:

  • the cause of the pain;
  • nature of pain;
  • product properties.

For quick removal pain Essential oils of immortelle and chamomile are suitable.

Good pain relief for migraines aromatic oil rosemary. If your head hurts due to hormonal fluctuations, marjoram ester will help.

Lavender oil is especially effective in the evening and at night. If you rub it into your temples, pain due to overwork will go away.

Inhalations with eucalyptus oil will help reduce headache caused by a cold. Eucalyptus ether will also help if the headache is associated with inflammation of the nasal sinuses.

Baths with the addition of sage, basil, and lavender oils are used to relieve chronic headaches. Aromatizing the air with oils of anise, chamomile, rose, and lavender will relieve vasospasm.

A head massage done with aromatic products helps reduce pain. A mixture of vegetable oil and esters of mint, lavender, and chamomile is prepared for it.

Aromatic oils quickly alleviate the patient's condition if headache is not a symptom of pathology.

It is better not to use essential oil if you are not sure of its quality. Counterfeits can be harmful to health.

Recipes for aroma mixtures from essential oils

You can reduce headaches or completely get rid of them with the help of aromatic mixtures. It is best to try different options individually.

The most effective aromatic mixtures and aroma oils for headaches:

  1. A mixture consisting of esters of pine, mint, and lemon, taken in equal quantities, will help alleviate the condition of migraines.
  2. If you have a headache from overwork, you should take a bath with a mixture of juniper and lemongrass oils (3: 2).
  3. An aroma mixture of chamomile, lavender, and lemon oils in equal quantities reduces migraine pain.
  4. A mixture of essential oils of ginger, mint, lemon balm (2: 1: 1) relieves headaches caused by overwork.
  5. Chamomile, lemon, bergamot oils (2:1:1) quickly relieve headaches.

The wrong combination of essential oils causes discomfort, so you need to know how to make and use the aroma mixture correctly.

How to apply it correctly?

The choice of essential oil is determined by the cause of pain and its nature, and the selection of the procedure for its use can be carried out individually. The range of uses of aromatic products is quite wide.

Before using oils, you need to do allergy testing.

Most oils in their pure form cannot be applied to the skin; to avoid burns, they must be mixed with base oils (olive, grape seed, almond, flaxseed, etc.)

Esters are insoluble in water, so to prepare a bath, essential oils must first be combined with emulsifiers (salt, milk, cream, honey, etc.)

Methods of application

There are many known ways to use aromatic products. Everyone can find a method that suits them.

The most common ways to use essential oils are:

  • aromatization of indoor air;
  • cold inhalation;
  • steam inhalation;
  • head massage;
  • aromatic bath;
  • compress.

Let's look at each of them.

Aromatization of indoor air

Add five to ten drops of the product to the aroma lamp. As the water heats up, the ether vapor will dissipate into the air. Use the lamp indoors for no more than three hours.

You can spray an aromatic product indoors using a diffuser and spray bottle.

Cold inhalation

Apply a drop of fragrance to a piece of fabric. Inhale for about ten minutes.

Steam inhalation

Pour boiling water into a container, add a couple of drops of aromatic oil. Breathe in the steam for at least ten minutes.

Related video

Essential oils for headaches are very popular in Lately. The range of applications of these oriental medicines is very wide, and people who prefer treatment natural means, is getting bigger. Aromatherapy relieves headaches without causing side effects and without giving harmful effects on the liver, stomach and kidneys.

The beneficial properties of essential compounds have been known for many centuries. They are providing positive influence to nervous and cardiovascular system. Aromatic substances have a vasodilating effect, which relieves pain. In addition, their scent is wonderfully relaxing.

If a person has decided to get rid of a headache with the help of aromatherapy, he should first find out what the causes and nature of the illness are. And there can be many reasons: frequent colds, accumulated fatigue and stress, lack of sleep and much more.

It is necessary to choose exactly the oil that will relieve the cause of the headache.

Eucalyptus and mint, rosemary and lavender render antiseptic effect. If you mix lavender with chamomile, you get a mixture that works great against fatigue. Aromas of rose, oregano and anise easily overcome spasms. Rosemary, lemon, sage, cypress and bergamot are good for headaches. For stress and fatigue, grapefruit essential oil is very effective and gives energy.

When choosing an essential substance for the treatment of headaches, you should also be guided by individual contraindications. Not all fragrances can be used by pregnant women. Patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases and having renal failure, you should choose your scents very carefully.

Please be aware that oils may cause burns or allergic reaction. Therefore, people with sensitive skin you should be careful. To avoid unpleasant consequences You must carefully read the instructions, which describe in detail how to choose the correct concentration for a particular method of application.

The most effective mixtures for headaches are:

  1. Tea tree and thyme (2 drops each). This mixture is also effective for colds.
  2. Sage (1 drop) and lemon (3 drops) help with pain caused by changes in blood pressure.
  3. Marjoram, mint and lavender (2 drops each). These herbs are useful for antispasmodic pain.
  4. Lemon (1 drop), chamomile (2 drops) and lavender (3 drops). This tool helps fight tension, stress and fatigue.
  5. Mint (2 drops), lavender (2 drops), geranium (1 drop) and lemon (1 drop). Are effective means from migraines.

To determine which headache aroma will help you cope with your illness better than others, you need to experiment a little. For this you need full set essential oils. Different compositions have different effects on one or another organism. If one doesn't help, you need to try another. Essential substances of mint, eucalyptus, sandalwood and rosemary are most effective for headaches. Chamomile is good for relaxation and pain relief. Lavender has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Before applying essential substances to the body, you need to mix them. Therapeutic effect manifests itself not only in the aroma. When a substance is absorbed into the skin, it has a physical effect on the body. Cannot be applied essential compounds on the skin in its pure form, it can cause serious burns. You need to mix them with cream or body lotion. To dilute the essential oil, you can use any “base” oils: almond, apricot, sesame, coconut. Or you can mix a drop of aromatic substance with 2 drops of regular or body milk and apply the resulting composition to the sore spot.

Many people prefer to prepare the mixture for future use. Pour regular oil or body lotion into a container, preferably glass, and add essential oil for headaches. Ideal proportion- 1 part lotion to 2 parts fragrance. You can take another recipe: combine 12 drops of essential oil with a tablespoon of lotion, milk or regular oil.

To relieve headaches, rub ether mixture to the source of pain - the temples or the back of the head. You can apply a warm compress to your head or neck. Apply to a damp, warm cloth and apply to your head.

When fighting a headache, you can inhale vapors of essential substances. You need to pour some water into the lamp, add a couple of drops of oil and light a candle under the lamp. You can put a few drops on your pillow before going to bed. You can also do inhalations with aromatic oils. To carry out this procedure, you need to fill a large container hot water and add a few drops of aromatic substance there. You should inhale the vapors for 5-10 minutes.

Often aromatic substances are used when taking baths. It is important to remember that such substances do not dissolve in large containers of water, so for the procedure to bring real benefits, you need to use something that will help the oils mix with the water and distribute evenly in it. Most often, 1 tbsp is used for this purpose. a spoonful of sour cream or milk. Lavender, lemon or geranium oil (1-2 drops each) is mixed in a cup with a dairy product. The resulting solution is poured into the bath. You can take such a bath for no more than 10-15 minutes.

Is quite real. Aroma oils are very effective, healthy and safe. Their scents bring pleasure, turning treatment into a pleasant and relaxing experience. Such treatment will not only bring relief from pain, but will also fill the whole house with magical aromas.

A headache prevents you from concentrating at work, prevents you from relaxing during rest, and spoils your mood. To get rid of it as quickly as possible, we grab pills without thinking about other means. But they exist. For example, essential oils - they help with headaches as quickly as pills, but are harmless to the body. Welcome to the healing, almost Magic world aromatherapy!

The effect of aromatic substances extends to the human limbic system. Its organs (including the hippocampus, hypothalamus, and amygdala) were called " olfactory brain". It is directly related to important processes:

  • formation of emotions and motivation;
  • memory;
  • control of vegetative reactions.

Therefore, stress and emotional stress are accompanied by shifts (sometimes very serious) in such functional systems such as: cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, digestive, excretory.

The primary changes that lead to pathology occur precisely in the limbic system. Under the influence of aromas, the neurophysiological function of the limbic system is normalized - bioregulation occurs.

Essential oils also act through the skin. On our body there are points corresponding to the organs of the body. Their stimulation can have therapeutic effect according to the following scheme:

  • If any organ is sick, a signal wave goes from it to the point of correspondence, which brings the point into a state of excitation, and it becomes painful.
  • We stimulate this point, and the resulting response wave normalizes the condition of the organ that has failed.
  • If you add essential oil to stimulation, your medicinal properties it will reach the diseased organ, as it easily penetrates the skin and mucous membranes.

The properties of ethers are so diverse that there is hardly a problem that they cannot help solve. But for people suffering from headaches, the following are most important.

  • They have a positive effect on the nervous system (eliminate tearfulness and insomnia, fight depression and stress, anxiety, relieve excitability).
  • Have a beneficial effect on circulatory system(expand capillaries, increase blood circulation).
  • They have tonic properties (restore strength during physical and mental stress, increase resistance to infections, increase mental activity).
  • They have a pronounced analgesic effect, including headaches.

Choosing the best aroma oil

Which essential oil relieves headaches better than others? The effect of each ester is largely individual and depends on physiological characteristics a specific person.

Lavender and lavandin

Lavender essential oil relieves cerebral vascular spasm and relieves headaches, eliminates the painful reaction of the central nervous system, simultaneously balancing the entire body.

It is better to use in the evening.

Lavandin (a hybrid plant) also has an antispasmodic effect, but slightly less pronounced.


Mint contains large quantities of menthol. It activates breathing and blood circulation, relieving pain spasms if you apply the oil at the beginning of a painful attack.

See how to relieve pain with this essential oil.


Essential oil of lemon balm has an antispasmodic effect, and its analgesic properties are equivalent to those of analgin. At the same time, it relieves irritability and relieves insomnia, which also helps to eliminate headaches, including chronic ones.


Basil essential oil improves blood supply to the brain, due to which blood vessels dilate and quick withdrawal headache-causing spasms.


Rosemary improves blood circulation, stimulating brain function. Relieves pain, relieves dizziness. It raises blood pressure, so it is used for headaches caused by low blood pressure.

The use of rosemary oil is contraindicated for hypertensive patients.


Has an analgesic and antispasmodic effect. In addition, it dilates blood vessels, reduces arterial pressure, which can also help relieve pain.

lemon grass

Lemongrass essential oil relieves headaches (especially those associated with allergies), reduces blood pressure and helps cope with stress after a hard day at work.

Pink tree

Helps with headaches, especially if it is accompanied by nausea or vomiting. Stimulates brain function, but does not excite the nervous system and can be used in the evening.


Like many of the above essential oils, chamomile contains analgesic and antispasmodic substances that dilate blood vessels in the brain.


Improves blood circulation and brain function, relieves headaches, slightly increases blood pressure and tone of the nervous system.


Citronella oil reduces blood pressure and regulates manifestations of VSD- a difficult-to-treat ailment that doctors often use to explain chronic headaches.

Tea tree

The peculiarity of tea tree ether is its strong analgesic effect.


Geranium oil has proven its ability to relieve cerebral vascular spasms.


Sage is an excellent antispasmodic. It effectively eliminates pain in the forehead area, as well as those that arise when hormonal levels change.

Aromatic blends

To quickly remove severe pain, you can use a mixture of oils. This will enhance the healing effect:

  • rosemary, cedar, eucalyptus – 2:1:1;
  • juniper, lemon grass – 3:3;
  • ginger, mint, lemon balm – 2:1:1;
  • chamomile, lavender, lemon – 1:1:1;
  • lavender, Siberian pine, juniper – 1:2:2;
  • sandalwood, basil, sage – 1:1:2;
  • chamomile, orange or lemon, bergamot – 2:1:1;
  • pine, mint, lemon – 1:1:1;
  • mint, lavender, geranium, lemon – 2:2:1:1.

When making oil compositions, 1-2 drops of each ingredient will be enough.

If you are not new to aromatherapy, you can independently create a mixture that suits you personally.

Rules for using aromatherapy

If you want to relieve pain without harming your health, follow these simple rules:

  1. First of all, do an allergy test: apply just a little on your wrist oil mixture. If after half an hour the skin does not turn red, you can safely apply the mixture.
  2. The oil in its pure form is not applied to the skin, but is pre-mixed with the base oil.
  3. They rub it first into the area that hurts the most and only then move on to the temples, back of the head, and neck.
  4. When treating, it is necessary to strictly follow the recipe of the mixture - too a large number of odorous components can increase pain and cause acute allergies.

Choosing oils depending on the specific headache

The effectiveness of aromatherapy largely depends on the specifics of the situation. Unpleasant symptom, caused for various reasons(, colds, stress and fatigue), and should be treated differently.

With a cold

Eucalyptus will relieve headaches due to colds and sinusitis. Mint, lemon, tea tree and rosemary.

Under stress

Stress and anxiety often lead to pain. Aroma oils will help relieve it (they have proven their effectiveness for headaches): chamomile, lemon balm, marjoram, lavender. These natural esters will simultaneously soothe and relieve severe pain.

For migraine

Some oils can be used as a single remedy (lavender and basil), others are good in combinations, for example:

  • lemon balm, lemon - 1: 1;
  • mint, lemon - 1: 1;
  • lemon balm, marjoram - 3: 1;
  • lemongrass and juniper – 2:3.

With PMS and menopause

Headaches in these difficult moments will be relieved by oils: eucalyptus, mint, marjoram, rosemary, chamomile, thyme.

Important! Chamomile, lavender, marjoram act as sedatives. They will help you sleep well at night.

While eucalyptus, rosemary and thyme are energy drinks and require morning use to raise the tone of the body.

When overtired

The head often hurts from overwork. In such a situation, orange, lemon, lavender, mint, and rosemary oils will quickly help. If you feel dizzy, you can breathe in the vapors of the same ethers.

For severe spasms

For cramps, proven mixtures will work faster than others:

  • lemon, chamomile, lavender – 1:1:1;
  • sage, basil, sandalwood – 2:1:1.

Main advice: for treatment, choose quality and be sure to natural oil. But what should be understood by the word “quality”?

They are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Natural: Produced in compliance with technology and only from environmentally friendly raw materials. Sold in specialized stores at a fairly high price.
  2. Identical to natural: have almost no therapeutic effect.
  3. Synthetic: consist of fragrance and solvent, smell sharp. You can buy it at a pharmacy or even a supermarket at a low price.

How to identify high quality broadcast? Take the time to study the labels on the packaging. The name certifying the naturalness of the product should look like this: “100% natural essential oil” or “100% Essential Oil”. It is mandatory to indicate the manufacturer and the botanical name of the raw material.

A high-quality product is produced in Russia (brands “Iris” and “Glorion”), USA (“Edenbotanicals”, “Aura Cacia”), Germany (“PrimaveraLift”), Switzerland.

Methods of application

  • : a napkin is moistened in a solution of water and oil, slightly wrung out, and applied to the sore spot. Top cover wax paper, cotton wool. Biologically active substances Essential oils penetrate through the skin into the blood and lymph, relieve inflammation, swelling, spasm, and relieve pain.
  • Cold inhalations done using an aroma lamp, an inhaler, and sometimes applied to a pillow or clothing. A person inhales vapors, whose action is aimed at relieving spasms and improving mood.
  • Steam inhalations: Add some water to the pan and let it boil. Required amount drops of essential oil are diluted in alcohol and poured into a saucepan. You need to lean over the pan, cover yourself with a blanket and breathe open mouth. Vapors, getting on the mucous membrane, relieve swelling and kill pathogenic microflora.
  • Oil massage: a mixture of essential and base oils are doing a massage. Biologically active substances penetrate the blood and lymph, providing a therapeutic effect.
  • Baths and tubs: oil is dissolved in milk (a glass), sour cream or honey (3 tablespoons). The water temperature should not be higher than 38°C. After a bath, it is better to wait until the body is dry. You definitely need to lie down, and you can additionally drink relaxing herbal tea.
  • Aromatization of indoor air: air in the bathroom, kitchen, office using an aroma lamp or a spray bottle. You can drop a few drops onto paper or a napkin - the oil will evaporate, spreading a pleasant aroma around.
  • Aroma pendant: It is better to use clay - the smell lasts longer. A person gets the opportunity to inhale vapors without additional effort and get rid of headaches.
  • Tea with essential oils: brew regular tea, add honey and 1-2 drops of natural ether to it. Peppermint and lavender oils minimum quantities can be taken orally without consulting a doctor, but all others must be approved by a specialist.

Useful video

See how to properly use aromatherapy to treat headaches and improve your mood.

If you haven't experienced it yet healing power natural essential oils, now is the time to try. It's powerful remedy for headaches of various etiologies. Plus - a pleasant, optimistic aroma will make you forget about your bad mood.