Characteristics and properties of Far Eastern Schisandra, its benefits and harm to the body. Schisandra chinensis: beneficial properties, contraindications, photos, application

A large number of people who grow various ornamental plants do not think about their properties. These include the Far Eastern lemongrass, which has been used since ancient times as a source of folk medicine.

What is this Far Eastern lemongrass?

This name is used to describe a woody vine whose stems and leaves emit a pleasant lemon aroma. In a young plant, the stem has a yellowish bark, and over time it darkens. In nature there are up to 25 varieties, but in folk medicine only two of them are used. The Far Eastern berry Schisandra is included in traditional medicine recipes along with leaves, bark and seeds. The bark can only be harvested in the spring, but the stems are best collected during the fruiting period. Foliage collection should be carried out in August.

Far Eastern Schisandra - medicinal properties and contraindications

Numerous beneficial features associated with the rich chemical composition this plant. Far Eastern Schisandra, the benefits and harms of which have been studied by scientists, contains essential oils, lignans, and C, mineral salts, acids and fixed oils. The plant can boast of the presence of tannins, pectins, and so on. Before use, you should consult a doctor to exclude possible contraindications.

Far Eastern Schisandra - medicinal properties

Products containing the presented plant are considered especially effective along with ginseng. The Far Eastern lemongrass plant has the following properties:

  1. Activates metabolic processes and reduces the concentration of lactic acid in muscle tissue, which is important for athletes.
  2. Improves functioning nervous system, helping to better adapt to stress, new climatic conditions and sudden changes in weather.
  3. Helps you better concentrate your attention and activates your mental functions.
  4. It has the ability to sharpen vision, relieving the feeling of fatigue and blurred vision, so Far Eastern Schisandra is recommended for people who spend a lot of time at the computer or experience other visual stress.
  5. Recommended for use in the treatment and prevention of colds, and this is explained by the presence of a powerful immunostimulating effect.
  6. It has a beneficial effect on metabolism, promotes cholesterol, and also increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  7. Useful externally for baldness and as a cosmetic product hair and skin care.
  8. Has a positive effect on the activity of the heart, blood vessels and respiratory organs.
  9. Improves sexual function and sexual activity increases, and this applies to both men and women.
  10. Can be used as additional means for weight loss, since the plant increases energy consumption, removes harmful products from the body, increases metabolism and improves the functioning of the digestive system.

Far Eastern Schisandra - contraindications

In order for the plant to bring exceptional benefits, it is necessary to take into account existing list contraindications:

  1. Since Schisandra is a tonic, it cannot be used for pathologies associated with cardiovascular system and with arterial hypertension.
  2. Far Eastern Schisandra root and other parts of the plant can cause exacerbation of stomach ulcers. Plant raw materials should not be used for infectious diseases.
  3. The presence of central nervous system disorders resulting from cranial tissue, and epileptic seizures.
  4. Cannot be accepted folk remedies pregnant and breastfeeding women.
  5. At excessive consumption Far Eastern Schisandra can cause chest pain and problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

Far Eastern Schisandra - application

Since ancient times, people have known that the presented plant can be used in treatment various diseases. When figuring out how Far Eastern Schisandra is useful, it is worth pointing out that, according to reviews, it will be effective for loss of strength after illnesses, for external use, for stimulating the work of the heart and blood vessels, as well as for hypotension and diseases associated with the work of the genitourinary and respiratory system. Preparations containing lemongrass are successfully used in dermatology.

Far Eastern Schisandra for potency

The plant will be useful for the stronger sex, as it is considered a powerful aphrodisiac. It has been proven that Far Eastern Schisandra is useful for men because it does not allow premature ejaculation, enhances erection and stimulates sperm production. Recommended to use folk recipes as a preventive measure for the development of impotence. Far Eastern Schisandra, like Viagra, is used in the form of a tincture.


  • lemongrass seeds – 10 g;
  • vodka – 50 ml.


  1. Mix everything and leave for two weeks.
  2. After this, strain and consume 30 drops three times a day before meals.

Far Eastern lemongrass in bodybuilding

Scientists have determined that the tincture prepared from the presented plant has a strong tonic effect, so it can be used as a natural dope. Considering this, it can be taken by people who play sports to cope with the feeling of fatigue and get a boost of energy. Bodybuilders use the tincture during speed dial weight. The information on how to take Far Eastern Schisandra states that the product should be taken 15 drops, adding them to 200 ml of water, two or three times a day before or after meals.

In the Far Eastern taiga there are many amazing plants that heal the soul and body. One of them is Schisandra chinensis, numerous vines of which, entwining trees, strive upward - towards the sun, in order to fill their berries with healing natural power.

It’s not for nothing that Chinese pharmacologists already 250 years BC. They realized that the benefits of Far Eastern lemongrass are enormous, and they gave it second place in importance after ginseng. This natural stimulant does not contain a single “useless” part - leaves and stems, fruits, seeds and roots - everything is used for human benefit. Having a tonic effect on human body, this adaptogen gives clarity of mind and vigor of spirit, restores strength, relieving both physical and mental fatigue.

The berries are dried, sprinkled with sugar and added to tea by the spoonful, jams and juice are prepared, and jelly is boiled. Squeezed juice may well become a replacement for citric acid used by confectioners. Even when diluted with water 10-fold, it does not lose its refreshing, sour taste, characteristic color, or lemon smell, remaining an effective invigorating drink.

The high content of a rich complex of vitamins, essential oils, tannins, acids (citric, ascorbic, malic) and the main tonic substance schizandrin led to the widespread use of this biostimulant. Schisandra is recommended for gastritis, depression, lethargy and impotence, and people weakened after illness. It improves visual acuity, normalizes metabolism, and helps to concentrate.

But lemongrass should not be used if there are manifestations of insomnia, cardiac disorders and high blood pressure Therefore, prior consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Appearance of Chinese lemongrass

What does lemongrass look like and is it able to grow and bear fruit in “cultivated” conditions, for example? It is quite successful if you know the peculiarities of growing this crop and comply with some requirements.

This tree-like vine has flaky bark and elliptical, bright green leaves. Schisandra blooms in late May - early June with small white or pinkish flowers. Female flowers have a pistil, while male flowers have three stamens. After pollination, an axis gradually forms from the ovary of the pistil, on which 35-40 berries are formed, first green, then white, pink, which then turn into bright red. These clusters hang until frost without falling off. The average per vine is 3-4 kg, the maximum is given by 12-16 year old seedlings: 5-7 kg.

Selecting a site and planting lemongrass

In order to grow and bear fruit to its full potential, you will need light, highly fertile soil, neutral or slightly acidic, sufficiently moist, but without stagnation of groundwater or flood waters. The planting site is only open and sunny; in the shade the lemongrass will wither. Optimal planting scheme: distance from each other 1-1.5 m, between rows 3 m. If you leave 0.5 m, as is often recommended, then already at the age of five they will close together, shade the surrounding vines, interfere with pollination and bear little fruit .

To plant seedlings, they dig holes or trenches up to 60 cm deep and no more than 80 cm wide. A layer of drainage made of broken brick or crushed stone is needed at the bottom, and the hole is filled with a mixture of rotted humus and manure, wood ash and superphosphate. Seedlings need to be cut into 3 buds, weak shoots removed, and the roots shortened to 20-25 cm.

Deep loosening is not used, because Far Eastern Schisandra planting and care for which have their own specific features, has a superficial root system: it grows only 20-30 cm in depth. Therefore, the depth of loosening should not exceed 5 cm. The degree of soil compaction significantly affects the yield, so the distance from the planted vines to the paths should not be less than 1-1.5 m.

Schisandra likes moisture in any form: both watering and spraying are beneficial. Even short-term wilting slows down the growth of vines and stops the formation of fruit buds. In the dry months, mulching will be required; lemongrass will be especially grateful for the forest floor: coniferous or deciduous, which will simultaneously serve as a balanced organic fertilizer.

In nature, this vine of impressive length (up to 15 m) entwines trees; lemongrass growing in the garden, although it grows “only” up to 5 m, it certainly needs support. Without it, a lush bush with a thickened crown will grow, which will not bear fruit soon, the berries will be small, and the harvest will be very modest. , as for lemongrass (1-2 m), will not allow the required number of overgrowing branches to develop, on which fruit buds arise. It is better to install supports 3-4 m high and direct several vines onto them, using shoots growing from the base. Subsequently, Far Eastern Schisandra, the cultivation of which is of interest to many gardeners, will itself twist around the support.

In order for a plant to become highly productive, it is necessary to form a productive crown. Why the crown? It turns out that most of the female flowers are located at the top of the vine, and the male flowers are located at the bottom. Planting a single specimen is absolutely unacceptable, because lemongrass can have only female flowers, and only male ones, and be self-sterile and have sterile pollen. Therefore, it is better to take several seedlings from different plants.

Schisandra is distinguished by the annual active growth of basal shoots: it depletes the plant, which means it must be regularly cut out throughout the entire period of active growth. Far Eastern Schisandra can reproduce vegetatively (by layering, root shoots, cuttings) and by seeds: freshly collected and necessarily stratified.

For two years, lemongrass will simply grow until it reaches 1.5 m. Flower buds will appear in the third year, but they will almost all be male. And only in the fourth year will they appear female flowers, which after pollination will produce a harvest of berries. There is a lot of hassle with lemongrass, but what an invaluable healer will settle in your garden!

Video: Far Eastern lemongrass (Chinese)

Schisandra chinensis- The plant is elegant and very beautiful. In autumn it is impossible to take your eyes off it: the vine has flowing delicate leaves and red clusters. The Chinese gave it the name “five-flavor berries” because their taste is bitter, sour-salty, spicy and pungent.

How is Far Eastern (Chinese) lemongrass useful, what medicinal properties do different parts (seeds, berries (fruits), leaves) and products (juice, syrup, tincture) of this have? medicinal plant, does it have contraindications, what areas of culinary and medical use covers this most useful herb?

Beneficial and medicinal properties of Chinese (Far Eastern) lemongrass

Schisandra is widespread in traditional medicine of China, its properties are second only to ginseng. In our country it is growing by Far East, as an ornamental plant, it is grown in many countries.

Schisandra helps purify the air in the room, so during epidemics of colds it is recommended to leave it in the room.

Berries have the most healing properties Chinese lemongrass and seeds, collected in September. They contain in large quantities tonics that promotes:

  • stimulating reflex activity nervous system;
  • increasing brain excitation processes;
  • stimulation of the cardiovascular system;
  • rapid recovery of strength;
  • increased blood pressure due to hypotension;
  • stimulation of breathing.

.Schisandra seeds contain:

  • fatty oil;
  • resins;
  • catechins;
  • essential oil;
  • anthocyanins;
  • tannins.

Schisandra seeds are used for many diseases:

  • anemia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • fatigue;
  • bronchitis.
IN lemongrass leaves contains essential oils that are used in the treatment of dysentery in children and scurvy. Juice made from lemongrass berries increases performance and improves vitality.

Syrup Its berries are used to treat:

  • drowsiness;
  • hypotension;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • impotence;
  • intoxications.

Chemical composition

The product is low-calorie, 100 g of product contains:

Dry berries of Schisandra chinensis contain:

Berries, leaves and branches contain vitamins,. They have a beneficial effect on the body.

Chinese lemongrass for weight loss

In the context of weight loss, Schisandra preparations can be useful because they:

  • have a stimulating and tonic effect on the body;
  • increase energy consumption;
  • enhance the effect of diets;
  • reduce cholesterol levels;
  • remove harmful products;
  • normalize hormonal metabolism;
  • improve the functioning of the digestive organs;
  • promote fat burning;
  • stabilize metabolism.

How to cook and how to use lemongrass berries and shoots in cooking

Tea (strengthening and tonic) is prepared from shoots and leaves of lemongrass; jam, preserves, syrups, juice, and filling for sweets are made from berries. Berries are mixed with sugar and long time stored in banks.

Refreshing drinks and jelly, kvass, wine, fruit juice are prepared from the juice. Juice can completely replace citric acid. In the Far East, refined sugar is produced, which is saturated with the aroma of lemongrass. Essential oil is used as a flavoring agent.

The benefits and harms of Chinese (Far Eastern) lemongrass tincture with vodka, instructions for its use

Tincture of lemongrass berries is used as a strengthening, stimulating, vitamin remedy. 10 g of dry berries should be poured into 1 glass. boiling water, leave for 6 hours. Take a dessert spoon twice a day.

For preparations For tinctures, it is advisable to take a dark glass bottle. The berries of Chinese lemongrass are poured with alcohol (70%) in a ratio of 1:5, covered, and kept in a dark place for 7 to 10 days. It is necessary to shake the bottle periodically. After this, the contents of the bottle are filtered, the squeezed-out residue is added here, and kept for 2 days. Filter again, the tincture should turn out transparent. Accept tincture for 3 weeks 3 times a day, 20-30 drops. The tincture is used to increase performance and relieve fatigue. It gives vigor and strengthens the immune system.

How to choose a product

Chinese Schisandra berries are harvested after they are fully ripe, usually in September. You can collect them yourself or buy them in stores in the Far East; in other parts of the country this is problematic. In Siberia, hunters always take lemongrass fruits with them: just a handful of berries allows you to go without food for a day and maintain your shape during long marches.

When dried, the berries retain their properties; it is important to maintain the temperature (when it reaches 90 degrees, the healing properties of the fruit are lost). Preparations containing lemongrass are produced by the pharmacological industry (tincture, powder).

How to brew and use lemongrass

The effect of Schisandra chinensis preparations on the body appears after 40 minutes and lasts from 4 to 6 hours. The effect of their action increases slowly (from 2 to 10 weeks).

Storage Features

The collection of lemongrass fruits begins in September. The collected berries are placed in enamel, glass or wooden dishes, sorted, and the ripe ones are dried. The fruits should be processed within 24 hours. from the moment of collection. Store in paper bags for up to 2 years in a dry, well-ventilated area.

Dry seeds are stored in paper bags in a dry, ventilated area. The juice made from lemongrass berries is stored in the refrigerator. Before preparing the juice, fresh berries washed and dried.

Harm and contraindications

The benefits of Schisandra chinensis are invaluable, but it is important to follow the correct dosage and take into account your health status when using it. Schisandra has contraindications for:
  • hypertension;
  • insomnia;
  • individual intolerance;
  • increased excitability;
  • disruption of the heart;
  • epilepsy;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding.

Schisandra chinensis is an amazing plant that has a huge amount useful qualities. Its effect is long-lasting, so it is better to take the drugs under the supervision of a doctor, always in the first half of the day. If you have experience using this plant, share it in the comments.

Longevity, an inexhaustible supply of health and vitality– Isn’t this what everyone in the world dreams of? But the question is: is there something that will help you find all this? Fortunately, a special vine grows in the forests of the Far East and China - Far Eastern Schisandra. It is she who bestows vitality.

Far Eastern lemongrass - healing and beneficial properties

Back in 250 BC, healers from China discovered the enormous benefits of the plant.

The healing power of lemongrass was so strong that it became second in importance after ginseng.

What are the properties of this plant:

  • Stimulation of reflex activity;
  • Increased excitability of brain neurons;
  • Tonic effect on the whole body;
  • Stimulating effect of the entire nervous system;
  • Increased mood;
  • Strengthening the effect of analeptics (camphor, caffeine);
  • Antidepressant effect;
  • Improving the body's performance;
  • Thanks to the phytoestrogens in the composition, it helps women cope with PMS and menopause;
  • Hepatoprotective effect;
  • Gain male power(considered an aphrodisiac);
  • Suppression of the growth of malignant neoplasms;
  • Therapy of pathologies of the respiratory system;
  • Immunomodulatory and immunostimulating effects.

Schizandra has such a rich list of healing properties ( official name Schisandra) due to its chemical composition.

A storehouse of useful substances was found in the fruits, juice and seeds of the plant:

  • Organic acids (citric, tartaric, malic);
  • Sahara;
  • Vitamins (C, B1, B2, E);
  • Tonic substances (schisandrins);
  • Fixed oils;
  • Essential oils with a subtle lemon aroma.

Application of the plant

Thanks to this list of beneficial properties, schizandra is used in many industries:

  1. In medicine and cosmetology;
  2. In cooking (plant juice is a substitute citric acid, and jams, preserves, and compotes are prepared from the berries);
  3. In perfumery (plant essential oils are added to compositions);
  4. In winemaking (juice is used for bouquets of elite wines).

Use of the plant in medicine

In medical practice, preparations based on Schisandra fruits and juice are used for the following pathologies and conditions:

  1. Hypotension;
  2. Depressive states;
  3. Malignant neoplasms;
  4. Increased mental and physical activity;
  5. Therapy of diseases of the respiratory system;
  6. Decreased cardiac muscle tone;
  7. Skeletal muscle weakness;
  8. Trophic ulcers;
  9. Liver diseases;
  10. Violations hormonal balance among women;
  11. Problems with potency in men;
  12. Decreased immunity;
  13. Tuberculosis;
  14. Stomach diseases associated with low acidity;
  15. Dermatological diseases (vitiligo, psoriasis, lichen planus).

The benefits and harms of Chinese lemongrass - important question for those who love unusual products in the kitchen and in home medicine cabinet. To understand what properties lemongrass has, you need to familiarize yourself with its composition and features.

What does lemongrass look like and where does it grow?

Schisandra is a liana-like plant that grows in the Eastern and South-East Asia. The plant is found in Japan, China and Korea, and in Russia it grows in the Far East, Kuril Islands and Sakhalin.

Chinese magnolia vines can reach quite a long length - up to 15 m. They are covered with elliptical dark green leaves. The main value of the Chinese plant is its fruits - juicy red berries that appear on the shoots in long dense clusters.

At first glance, it seems that both the vine and the berries have nothing in common with lemons. The question arises - where does the name come from? The answer is very simple - the berries, leaves and stems of the plant emit a distinct lemon smell.

Chemical composition of Chinese lemongrass

Berries Chinese plant quite small. And, nevertheless, they contain a lot of valuable and needed by the body substances. Namely:

  • vitamins C and E;
  • vitamin PP;
  • antioxidants lignans, important for both cancer prevention and cholesterol reduction;
  • mineral components iron, potassium, barium, calcium, iodine and zinc;
  • substances selenium, manganese and magnesium;
  • organic acids - for example, tartaric, malic and citric;
  • fatty and essential oils;
  • flavonoids;
  • pectins and tannins.

Also, the benefits of Far Eastern Schisandra for the body are expressed in high content fiber in fresh and dried fruits.

Nutritional value and calorie content of lemongrass

The berries of the Chinese plant do not contain any fat. But 19 g of them are carbohydrates, and proteins account for about 10 g. The calorie content of berries is very low - only 120 kcal per 100 g of product.

What are the benefits of Chinese lemongrass?

The benefits of Chinese lemongrass for the human body are quite great. With constant consumption of berries:

  • fight fatigue and replenish energy reserves;
  • cope with muscle pain;
  • increase the level of immune resistance and strengthen the nervous system;
  • contribute quick deliverance from excess fat deposits;
  • lower blood glucose and equalize blood pressure;
  • strengthen vascular walls and thereby protect the heart from illnesses;
  • activate brain activity and have a beneficial effect on hormonal levels;
  • help in treatment stomach disorders and colds.

In addition, the beneficial properties of schisandra berries prevent the development of vitamin deficiency and anemia. The plant helps to extend overall life expectancy because it strengthens all the important systems of the body.

For women

The benefits and harms of Chinese lemongrass for the female body are expressed in the fact that the properties of the plant eliminate bad feeling and mood swings during menopause. It is useful to use it during menstruation and simply during periods of intense mental and psychological stress.

The benefits of lemongrass for women also include the fact that its properties have a beneficial effect on feminine beauty- Many effective home care products are prepared based on the plant.

For men

The berries of the plant contain a lot of phenolic compounds and are biologically active ingredients, prolonging youth male body. The benefits and harms of Far Eastern Schisandra manifest themselves primarily in relation to hormonal levels men - the properties of the product increase libido and potency, protect against impotence.

The benefits of lemongrass for men are also expressed in the fact that the berries prevent the occurrence of prostate inflammation and improve the quality of genetic material.

At what age can lemongrass be given to children?

The beneficial components in the berries of the plant will have a positive effect on children's body, but only with proper use. For the first time, Chinese lemongrass can be offered to a child after 12 years of age; before this time, the properties of the product will most likely cause harm to health.

In addition, the first dosages of berries should be very small to avoid harm - a few fruits at a time.

Attention! Since Chinese lemongrass is a potentially dangerous and allergenic products berries that can cause harm to the body, you should consult a doctor before introducing berries into your child’s diet.

Is it possible to use lemongrass during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

The health benefits and harms of lemongrass are expressed in a fairly strong tonic effect. During pregnancy, this property of berries becomes rather dangerous, moreover, their consumption often provokes uterine contractions. For these reasons, pregnant women should avoid using the product.

The same applies to the lactation period. The properties of substances in the composition of Chinese lemongrass can harm the health of infants.

Indications for use of Chinese lemongrass

The properties of Schisandra fruits are used to normalize well-being in a wide range of ailments. Indications for consuming the berries of this plant are:

  • anemia, vitamin deficiency and general loss of strength;
  • bronchitis, asthma and tuberculosis;
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys and stomach;
  • problems in the sexual sphere in women and men;
  • skin ailments - inflammation and irritation;
  • intoxication of the body.

Schisandra berries are often used for preventive purposes during periods of intense physical and mental stress.

The use of Chinese lemongrass in folk medicine

Chinese lemongrass is used to create a variety of medicines. At home it is mainly used to prepare healthy drinks, the properties of which quickly help when you feel unwell.

Schisandra juice

When you lose strength, bad mood and irritability benefits from lemongrass juice. It's extremely easy to do.

  1. The fruits of the plant must be thoroughly cleaned of flowers and twigs, washed and poured into an enamel container, and then thoroughly ground.
  2. The released juice is filtered into sterile jars and sterilized for 15 minutes, that is, heated to approximately 75 ° C for steam.

The cooled juice is hermetically sealed and stored in the refrigerator. It is usually consumed with tea, adding 1 teaspoon of the drink to a cup.

Schisandra decoction

Schisandra fruits are used for cooking useful decoction. Necessary:

  • pour into pan 1 big spoon fresh or dried berries;
  • add water and then boil for several minutes;
  • Remove from heat and leave covered for another couple of hours.

The cooled broth is filtered and added to it if desired. natural honey or sugar and drink up to 1 large spoon every day. The properties of the decoction help well with increased blood sugar, cope with digestive disorders and disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system.

Important! Drinking a decoction is useful for symptoms oxygen starvation, the drink saturates the body with vitamins and quickly improves well-being.

Infusion of lemongrass

The benefits and harms of lemongrass berries are manifested in a healing infusion. To create it, you need to pour 1 large spoon of berries with a liter of boiling water, close the container with a lid and leave the medicine for 10 hours.

Drink the infusion daily in small quantities, no more than 1 large spoon. Healing properties Schisandra shows itself in cases of weakened immunity and loss of strength, with a lack of vitamins and anemia.

Tincture of lemongrass seeds and fruits

A useful alcoholic tincture is prepared from the medicinal plant; most often it uses lemongrass seeds and its fruits. The seed recipe is as follows:

  • 2 teaspoons of plant seeds are poured into a small glass vessel;
  • pour the raw materials with vodka or pure alcohol;
  • tightly plug the vessel with a stopper and put it in a dark place for 2 weeks.

The container with the tincture must be shaken daily for better distribution. useful substances. When the medicine is completely ready, you will need to strain it. The berry tincture is prepared in the same way.

The medicine should be used in case of excessive physical and emotional overload, depression and loss of strength. The benefits and harms of tincture of lemongrass seeds depend on the dosage; drink it only 20-30 drops before meals, no more than three times a day. Wherein general course treatment should not exceed 25 days, otherwise home remedy will cause harm.

Attention! The instructions for use for tincture of lemongrass seeds state that the medicine is strictly prohibited for minors. Adults should not exceed the indicated dosages, otherwise the alcohol in the medicine will harm the body.

Tea made from berries and lemongrass leaves

Based on Chinese lemongrass, aromatic and healthy tea, and in recipes they use not only the fruits, but also the benefits of lemongrass leaves.

  1. A teaspoon of finely chopped dry leaves should be poured with a glass of boiling water.
  2. Infuse the tea for about 10 minutes, then add honey or sugar to it if desired.
  3. Drink in the same way as a regular tea drink.

Instead of leaves, you can use the berries of the plant - all parts of Chinese lemongrass have a positive effect on health. The benefits and harms of lemongrass tea are determined by the amount of drink - it is recommended to consume a maximum of a couple of cups per day. Properties healing drink They tone well and prevent colds. The benefits of Chinese lemongrass leaves include the fact that the drink disinfects the oral cavity and reduces the risk of developing caries.

Schisandra syrup

For lovers of sweet tastes medicinal drugs home medicine offers a tasty and healthy medicine - syrup from Chinese lemongrass berries. They do it like this:

  • the berries are thoroughly washed, wrapped in tightly folded gauze and the juice is squeezed out;
  • the liquid is poured into a saucepan, and then covered with sugar, and 1 liter of juice should contain 1.5 kg of granulated sugar;
  • the mixture is heated until the sugar is completely dissolved, and then removed from the stove and poured into a glass vessel.

Cooled syrup is taken 1 large spoon three times a day, with or immediately after meals. The syrup is especially indicated for use in cases of low blood pressure and poisoning, drowsiness and decreased libido, and infections. In total, you need to use the product for a month, after which you take a break.

Schisandra tablets

Some medicines based on Chinese lemongrass can be purchased at the pharmacy. This list includes not only tinctures and syrups, the product is also sold in tablet form.

Chinese Schisandra tablets are very convenient to use - it is easy to choose the dosage when using them, and you can take them with you on the road without unnecessary difficulties. Useful medicine If you are prone to heart disease and have a weak immune system, the pills are taken to strengthen blood vessels, slow down aging and for the general tone of the body.

Schisandra seed oil

Another drug that can be bought at the pharmacy is healthy oil, prepared from the seeds of a Chinese plant. It is sold in the form of capsules intended for use twice or thrice a day immediately after meals.

Properties of oil in medicinal capsules effectively increase tone and performance, relieve inflammation and help with digestive disorders. A useful remedy accelerates the healing processes of wounds and abrasions, strengthens the body's defense systems. This beneficial oil is especially recommended for those whose work involves overheating or hypothermia, radiation exposure or lack of oxygen.

Schisandra powder

Treatment with Chinese lemongrass is carried out using powder. To prepare such a remedy, you need:

  • add water and infuse the berries of the Chinese plant for several hours;
  • separate the pulp and extract the seeds;
  • Dry them completely in the oven and grind them into a fine powder.

Take this remedy literally a pinch, in an amount of 0.5-1 g twice a day. The powder is beneficial in the treatment of liver diseases, loss of strength and gastritis with high acidity.

The use of Chinese lemongrass in cosmetology

The medicinal properties and contraindications of lemongrass are important, including home cosmetology. The plant is used to make useful beauty care products.

Schisandra for facial skin

The most known remedy plant-based is a cleansing lotion. To prepare, 2 large spoons of berries are poured with vodka and kept in a cool and shaded place for a week. Then the product is filtered and 1 large spoon of glycerin is added to it.

To prevent the lotion from causing harm, it is diluted clean water in a ratio of 1 to 3, and then wipe the face and neck daily. The product helps normalize fat content skin and get rid of acne.

Hair rinse

The beneficial properties of lemongrass leaves are used for hair care. Fresh leaves, twigs and fruits in the amount of 1 large spoon are thoroughly crushed, poured into a thermos, poured boiling water and left for 3 hours.

Then useful remedy cool and filter to rinse after each hair wash healing infusion hair. With regular use of the infusion, the curls become stronger and stop falling out.

Chinese lemongrass in cooking

Treatment with Chinese lemongrass is mainly practiced at home, but this plant is often used in cooking.

  1. The juice of the plant's berries is added to fruit wines to give them an unusual taste and aroma.
  2. Based fresh juice and berries, compotes and syrups, fruit drinks and jelly are prepared.
  3. The pulp is often found in candy fillings; sweet jams and preserves are made from it.
  4. Chinese lemongrass is found in marmalades, baking fillings, and dairy and curd desserts.

The benefits and harms of lemongrass berry jam are almost the same as medicinal products plant based. Eating delicious desserts is recommended to strengthen the immune system and increase the overall tone of the body.

Harm of Chinese lemongrass and side effects

Despite the benefits of lemongrass, the valuable properties of the plant can be harmful. With excessive consumption of medications or desserts, side effects develop:

  • tachycardia and headache;
  • hypertension and insomnia;
  • increased gastric secretion.

Also, against the background of an overdose of the Chinese plant, an allergic rash may occur.

Contraindications to the use of lemongrass

In some conditions, consuming drinks and sweet foods with the Chinese herb is strictly prohibited, regardless of the dosage. Contraindications for use are:

  • severe heart disease and liver pathologies;
  • frequent migraines and hypertension;
  • increased nervous excitability and sleep disturbances;
  • epilepsy and acute infectious diseases.

Chinese lemongrass can cause individual allergies, so when you first become acquainted with the plant, it should be consumed in minimal dosages.

When and how to collect lemongrass fruits

The berries of the Chinese plant ripen en masse in September, and at this time it is necessary to collect raw materials for preparations. One brush usually contains at least 20 healthy berries, or even more, so you can collect them in fairly large volumes.

Only fully ripe, red fruits need to be picked from the branches; you can return to unripe ones a little later, when they gain ripeness. The ideal weather for collecting is considered to be the first half of a dry and sunny day. It is very important to choose an ecologically clean area for harvesting fruits - the properties of berries that have managed to absorb chemical waste will not bring health benefits, but only harm.

Advice! Since the berries of the Chinese plant are not stored fresh, the time for collection must be chosen in such a way as to be able to immediately begin further processing of the raw materials.

How to dry lemongrass berries

For long-term storage, the berries of the Chinese plant are usually dried. Proper processing as follows:

  • the collected raw materials are laid out in the open air for 3 days, away from sunlight;
  • after this, the fruits are placed in an oven preheated to 60 ° C and kept in it for several hours until the pulp loses any remaining liquid.

Dried fruits are placed in paper bags or linen bags and stored in a dark, dry place. Medicinal raw materials retain their beneficial properties for 2 years.


The benefits and harms of Chinese lemongrass depend on correct dosages- Medicines and teas should be taken in small quantities. When used correctly, the plant will help get rid of the symptoms of many ailments and generally strengthen the body.