Three types of female reproductive organs. Female genital organs - structure and functions

Sexual intercourse is a mechanism of complex interaction between male and female genital organs. The anatomy of intimacy provides the connection between the egg and sperm, resulting in conception. For a better understanding, let's analyze what happens during sex.

Anatomical features of organs

Before proceeding to consider the anatomy of sexual intercourse, it is necessary to remember how the male and female reproductive systems are arranged. It is also necessary to understand the function of each component of the reproductive system. First, let's look at the genitals of women.

  • Ovaries.

These are paired glands located in the pelvic cavity. Their function is to secrete female sex hormones. They also produce the maturation of the egg.

  • Fallopian, or uterine, tubes.

The fallopian tubes are a paired tubular structure. With their help, the uterine cavity is connected to the abdominal cavity.

  • Uterus.

The hollow organ is a reservoir for carrying the fetus. In the structure of the body, the neck, isthmus and body are distinguished.
Female reproductive system.

  • Vagina.

This is a muscular organ, which is a tube that connects to the uterus. When excited, the walls are abundantly lubricated with the secretion of the vaginal and Bartholin glands, as well as with plasma penetrating from the blood vessels. The muscular layer of the organ allows the vagina to stretch to the desired size. This fact of anatomy is important during intercourse and during childbirth.

  • Large and small labia.

They are located along the edges of the genital slit, so they cover and protect the vagina. These structures are rich in sensitive nerve endings. The labia minora is well supplied with blood, and during sexual arousal they are filled with blood and slightly increase in size.

  • Bartholin glands.

These are the glands of external secretion, which are located in the thickness of the labia majora. Their excretory ducts are located at the junction of the small and large labia, and the secret is necessary to moisten the vestibule of the vagina.

  • Clitoris.

This is a small tubercle located in the region of the anterior commissure of the labia minora, its main function is to provide orgasm. During arousal, there is an increase in the clitoris in size and swelling.

The organs of the reproductive system in men are also divided into external and internal. Consider the structure of the male genital organs. Their anatomy is shown below:

  • Testicles.

These are paired glands that are located in the scrotum. The function is to produce testosterone and sperm.

  • seminal vesicles.

Tubular formations with many hollow chambers. They contain nutrients for spermatozoa to ensure their functioning.

  • seminiferous tubules.

Designed for blood supply to the testicles and the withdrawal of the seed from them. Here, spermatozoa are formed from the primary germ cells.

Male reproductive system.
  • The vas deferens are structures designed to eject sperm.
  • Penis.

This is the main organ during sexual intercourse. It consists of two cavernous bodies and one spongy. Anatomically allocate the head and body of the penis. It is important to note that the entire surface of the penis is saturated with sensitive receptors. Therefore, this is the main erogenous zone of men.

  • Prostate.

It is one of the main glands of the male body. The prostate is involved in the regulation of sexual performance, is responsible for the quality of sperm.

What Happens During Coitus

For sexual intercourse, both the man and the woman must be in a state of excitement. In a man, this is manifested by the presence of an erect penis, and in a woman, by an increase in vaginal secretion. The development of arousal is promoted not only by physical factors, such as stimulation of erogenous zones. Psychological and sensory factors take part in the formation of preparation for sexual intercourse.

In response to stimulation of certain areas of the brain and spinal cord, men experience an expansion of the blood vessels of the penis. As a result, blood flow increases, filling of the cavernous bodies, and the genital organ increases in size and hardens. It is this mechanism that causes the formation of an erection, which makes it possible for the penis to penetrate the vagina.

In women, during arousal, blood flow to the genitals increases, and the secretion of the glands increases. Through the walls of numerous blood vessels that braid the vagina, the liquid part of the blood plasma seeps into its lumen. This anatomy provides moisture to the vaginal mucosa, which facilitates sexual intercourse. It is worth noting that the normal size of the vagina is about 8 cm, but due to the elasticity at the time of intercourse, the organ can expand, change shape, adjusting to the size of the penis.

For sexual intercourse, both the man and the woman must be in a state of excitement.

The very process of inserting the penis into the vagina is an even greater stimulant of sexual activity. Then the man begins to commit frictions. These are reciprocating movements made by the pelvis, as a result of which mutual sexual stimulation occurs. The anatomy of women is arranged in such a way that stimulation of the cervix, vagina and clitoris brings maximum satisfaction. In men, the peak of sexual pleasure is observed with direct irritation of the glans penis.

Sexual intercourse ends with the achievement of orgasm. At the same time, in men, contractions of intimate muscles lead to the release of sperm. Seminal fluid is secreted in several portions. The female reproductive system is such that at the time of orgasm, muscle contractions prevent the outflow of seminal fluid and help move it to the cervix. In the future, the sperm enters the uterine cavity, then from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bits bottom penetrates into the fallopian tubes.

If sexual intercourse occurs during the period of ovulation, then the probability of fertilization of the egg is high. Normally, conception occurs in the fallopian tube, and only then the fertilized egg descends into the uterus, where it attaches.

The physiology of sexual intercourse is a complex process of interaction of all organs of the reproductive system, as well as a cascade of biochemical processes. To understand the mechanism of sexual intercourse, it is necessary to clearly understand how the reproductive system works in men and women. This will help you better understand your feelings and find the key to achieving maximum pleasure for your partner.

What does the world know about vaginas? Very little, society seems to pretend that there is nothing at all under women's panties, like a doll.

Even porn and erotic magazines show a vanilla picture that differs from reality in the same way that silicone breasts differ from natural ones. Millions of girls are complex because of the "wrong" structure of their labia and even lie down under the surgeon's knife to correct their imaginary shortcomings.

Elite Daily spoke to a former waxer who has seen hundreds of vaginas in her career. It turned out that there are 5 main types of female labia, which in turn are divided into an infinite number of varieties, each of which is the norm.

1. "Barbie"

This is how most people think of a vagina, but ironically, this type is the rarest.
In Barbie, the inner labia are completely located in the outer labia. Both those and others are on the same level with the pelvic bone.

2. "Curtain"

In this type, the labia minora are located below the labia majora. Depending on the structure of the girl, they can stick out strongly or quite a bit.
This is probably the most common type of vagina, often found in a wide variety of combinations with the other types described below.

3. "Pie"

"Patty" may be very similar to "Barbie", but the difference is that the "Patty" labia is located below the pubic bone. They can be both elastic and full, and thin and a little flabby. Many people think that it depends on the age of the woman, but it is not.

4. "Horseshoe"

In the Horseshoe, the opening of the vagina is wider and higher, thereby exposing the labia minora, but just below the labia majora, as it were, narrow. In this type, the labia minora does not fall below the large ones.

5. "Tulip"

This type of vagina is shaped like a flower ready to open. In this case, the labia minora is slightly exposed along the entire length. Unlike the "Curtain", in which the inner labia hang down, in the "Tulne" they are on the same level with the outer ones.


The long-standing problem of the size and other characteristics of the primary genital organs, it would seem, has always concerned only men. But in fact, women are also secretly concerned about the ambiguous issue of parameters.

How important is the length of the vagina?

Although few dare to start a conversation about the innermost, many girls are worried: do they have a normal length (depth) of the vagina and does this indicator affect whether or not pleasure from sexual intercourse is received, especially after the birth of a child in a natural way? Scientific research in this area is extremely scarce, since female sexuality consists of a huge number of various variables, and it cannot be stated with absolute certainty that the relationship between the length of the vagina and the intensity of sexual satisfaction exists at all.

Christopher Tarney, MD, director of the Division of Women's Gynecology and Urology at UCLA Medical Center, says it doesn't make sense to correlate genital size with sexuality just yet. Nevertheless, in the last ten years, more and more scientists have paid special attention to the field of sexology due to the impressive number of unresolved specific problems.

Size variations

What is the normal length of the vagina? This question cannot be answered unequivocally, since the female vagina is a very elastic organ. On the one hand, it is small enough to hold a tampon in place during the menstrual cycle. But at the same time, the vagina can stretch so much that it is by no means a small newborn child. This is due to the peculiarities of the structure of the tissue: the walls of the vagina are in many ways similar to the walls of the stomach. They shrink and fold when the body doesn't need a lot of volume, and stretch when needed.

How long is the vagina in centimeters? For each woman, this parameter will be different, because the body of any person is initially individual. In addition, even in the same woman, the vagina periodically changes size. It all depends on what exactly needs to be passed in or out.


Nevertheless, many are interested in the average length of the vagina (well, there must be an average indicator?). For such information, it is worth turning to the study of Masters and Johnson, conducted in the distant 1960s. Two scientists described in detail the physical characteristics of hundreds of women who have never been pregnant, and found that in the absence of stimulation, the length of the vagina in girls is at least 6.9 cm, maximum - 8.2 cm. When stimulated, the organ lengthens to 10, 8 cm and 12 cm respectively. The last indicator is the actual maximum length of the vagina within the normal range. Regardless of the numerical characteristics, it should be borne in mind that the area allegedly responsible for the female orgasm is located in the first (outer) third of the vagina.


According to Dr. Christopher Tarney, the main problem of patients is the feeling of discomfort during intercourse. It is caused by insufficient length of the female vagina or excessive tension of the walls. In some cases, discomfort occurs due to prolapse - prolapse of the uterus, bladder or other organ into the vagina. This often happens after the birth of a child.

However, Tarney believes prolapse is the only real problem. The length of the vagina, in his opinion, in no way affects sexual satisfaction, including because there are very significant variations in the norm.

Muscle tone

What really matters is the size of the vestibule, or vaginal opening. Most often, patients of gynecologists complain of problems that appeared after natural childbirth.

According to Tarney, female visitors mostly describe changes in sexual function and notice that the vagina feels like it has become too wide. As a result of this "expansion", women experience less intense sexual pleasure. In fact, recent childbirth changes the sexual experience in many ways, so the feeling of a "wide vagina" almost never has anything to do with the diameter of the vaginal opening.

Scientific verification

The vaginal vestibule expands only slightly after childbirth. In 1996, physicians in the United States began to make special measurements called the "Pelvic Organ Prolapse Quantification System", which were supposed to clearly indicate medical success in the fight against prolapse after childbirth.

For the first time, the length of the vagina in women was measured fully, before and after. Doctors used the system to study the genitals of several hundred patients and found that after a natural birth, there is a slight dilation of the vaginal opening. Most likely, the responsibility for this phenomenon lies not so much with the immediate process of delivery, but with muscle weakness or the consequences of injury in this area.

Way out

Women who know how to consciously squeeze and unclench the pelvic floor muscles are able to increase or decrease the size of the vaginal opening. According to Dr. Tarney, increasing the tone of the pelvic floor muscles helps to combat the feeling of "wide vagina". For these purposes, it is very useful to perform Kegel exercises - among other things, specific gymnastics for intimate muscles contributes to an overall improvement in the quality of sex.

According to a study published in the Australian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2008, women who regularly performed Kegel exercises admitted to experiencing more intense sexual satisfaction than those who did not. The only problem with such gymnastics is that most women do not understand how to do it correctly.

Kegel exercises: work without mistakes

Dr. Tarney states that any of his patients can show how to contract and relax the biceps. But when most girls report that they regularly do Kegel exercises, the doctor makes sure that one half does intimate gymnastics incorrectly, and the other simply cannot maintain normal coordination between the brain and muscles.

To fix the location of the muscles involved in the world famous exercises, one should either place a finger in the vagina and squeeze its walls, or deliberately stop the flow during urination. After discovering the muscles, one should practice their contraction in periods of five to ten seconds, alternating contraction with minutes of complete relaxation. If you are concerned about the length of the vagina and are not able to withstand such a long period of muscle tension, start with shorter periods and gradually increase the load. Repeat the exercise should be 10-20 times in a row, three times a day. During gymnastics, you need to monitor your breathing and try not to use the muscles of the legs, abdomen or pelvis in any way.

Some women experience nerve tissue injury during childbirth and do not feel their pelvic floor muscles. Others simply perform gymnastics incorrectly. It is interesting that in the United States of America there are special specialists - therapists who professionally help patients to correctly perform Kegel exercises.

What really matters

What is the ideal length of the vagina? There is no exact indicator. Moreover, such phenomena as sexual desire, sexual desire, arousal, orgasm, pain and satisfaction are in no way related to the parameters of the genital organs. If you notice that your sexual activity has decreased, the most likely reason is old age, an increase in body mass index, or a lack of deep emotional connection with a partner. Perhaps the situation will be helped by special lubricant gels, longer preludes to sexual intercourse, or the spiritual rapprochement of the couple.

In general, we can say: the female genital organs are absolutely individual. Their size, color, location, shapes create unique combinations. But even here there is a classification. For example, by the location of the vulva. The one closest to the navel is called the "English lady". If the vagina is closer to the anus, then this is a “minx”. And those who have taken a strictly middle position are called “queens”.

Many nations have their names for different sizes of the vagina. So, in tantric sexology there are three main types.

The first is a deer (no deeper than 12.5 centimeters). The female fallow deer has a tender, girlish body, firm breasts and hips, is well built, eats in moderation, and loves to have sex.

The second is a mare (no deeper than 17.5 centimeters). The female mare has a slender body, lush breasts and hips, and a noticeable belly. This is a very flexible, graceful and loving woman.

The third type is the elephant (up to 25 centimeters deep). She has large breasts, a broad face, short arms and legs, and a deep, rough voice.

Poetic comparisons of the vulva by the appearance of the labia are known, which can also be considered a kind of classification: rosebud, lily, dahlia, aster and tea rose ...

A peculiar (to put it mildly) “classification” of vaginas is given in the book of the Polish author M. Kinessa “Marriage under a microscope. The physiology of human sexual life” (there are still disputes about whether he actually existed). Here is what he writes, referring to a certain Professor Jacobson. “In addition to the topographic position of the gap (queens, kings), sips, patties, the genitals of women also differ in the size of the vagina - length, width. The position of the clitoris, relative to the vagina - high, low. The size of the clitoris - big, small. The size and design of the labia, especially small ones. The degree of moistening of the vagina with juice during sexual arousal - dry and excessively moistened vagina, and also by the plane in which the genital tube of the woman is compressed.

The classification is as follows:

CELKA - a girl's sexual organ untouched by men (in Polish “Pervachka”).

DICKA - a sexual organ with an extensible hymen, which persists until childbirth.

CHILEAN - the sexual organ of a girl without a hymen. Found in India, Brazil, Chile. This is explained by the fact that mothers in these countries wash little girls so vigorously that the hymen is completely destroyed even in early childhood.

EVA - vulva with a large clitoris (6-8 cm or more), women with a large clitoris are less intelligent, but more sensitive.

MILKA - a vulva with a clitoris located close to the entrance to the vagina (low) and rubbing during intercourse directly with the penis of a man. Women with Milka are easily satisfied, during sexual intercourse they almost do not require caresses.

PAVA - a vulva with a high located clitoris. During intercourse, such a vulva is extremely in need of caresses, since her clitoris does not rub directly against the man's penis, but rubs against other parts of the man's body, which greatly reduces feelings.

ZAMAZULYA - vulva with abundant sap secretion during sexual arousal of a woman. Causes discomfort in a sexual partner and often leads a man to refuse copulation.

DRUG - an underdeveloped flat external organ of a woman with infantile labia. It occurs, as a rule, in thin women with a narrow pelvis, almost all Kostyanka are Sipovki, that is, they have a low location of the genitals, reports The drupe is one of the most unattractive genital organs for men.

MONKEY - the genital organ of a woman with an abnormally long clitoris, more than 3 cm. It is so named because in some monkeys the clitoris reaches a length of 7 cm and is often longer than the penis of a male.

HOTTENDOT APRON - a female genital organ with overdeveloped labia, covering the entrance to the vagina and hanging outside the labia majora. Such an organ pathology can develop as a result of excessive female onanism on the labia.

PRINCESS - the most beautiful female genital organ with a well-developed clitoris, small labia in the form of a pink flower bud above the entrance to the vagina. The princess is the most beloved by men, the most attractive and convenient for intercourse in any position is the sexual organ of a woman. With good hormonal secretion, a woman who has a princess is able to receive and deliver unspeakable pleasure to a man. In addition, the small size of the genital tube, which also attracts men. The princess is found only in short (but medium-sized women inclusive) women with full hips, developed breasts and a wide pelvis.

Half-knyaginya, half-drugs, half-eves, etc. organs occupy an intermediate position.

This classification of the appearance of the vulva. Some authors also mention transverse vulvas, “Mongolian type” vulvas. But no less important for the course of sexual intercourse is the size of the genital organs of women.

These dimensions are described by the following classification:

by lenght:

Manilka - a vagina up to 7 cm long (beckons men);

Swan - 8-9 cm:

Guinea fowl - 10 cm

Fool - 11-12 cm

Manda - 13 cm or more.

in width:

Khmelevka - vagina 2.5 cm wide (gives men hops)

Enchantress - 3 cm (enchants men)

Slastunya - 3.5 cm (sweetened during intercourse)

Lyubava - 4 cm

Hetera - 5 cm or more (as prostitutes were called in ancient times).

Sexologists use the following terminology:

Bacchante - a female organ with easily excitable erogenous zones, always having a desire for caresses. Such an organ is popularly called “hot vulva” (in Georgian, tskheli muteli).

Forget-me-not is a female organ that has not given birth.

The bride is a monogamous vulva, that is, a female organ that knew the caress of only one man.

Chamomile is a girl's sexual organ before the onset of the first menstruation and hair growth.

The Madonna is the vulva that experienced sexual intercourse for the first time.

A drinking bowl is the sexual organ of a depraved woman.

About the distribution of one or another type of female genital organ.

Let us make a reservation in advance that the frequency with which this or that type of female vulva occurs is different in different peoples. The names of the vulvae given by me, depending on the length and width of the vagina, are valid for the peoples of Europe, including Greece, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, and Russia.

They are found in Europe with the following probability:

Eva - one in twenty vulvas, Milka - one in thirty vulvas, Pava - very common, Kostyanka - quite common, in Europe each of the 6 vulvas is a Kostyanka, and in some nations more often, Khmelevka - one in 70 vulvas, Manilka - one for 90 vulvas, Swan - one for 12 vulvas, Enchantress - one for 15 vulvas. As for the Princess - the most charming female organ, looking at which even women experience aesthetic pleasure, not to mention men, they meet with a probability of one in 50 vulvas.

Sexologists, however, note that in some nations one or another type of female organ may predominate. So, for example, it is no secret that narrow and short vaginas predominate in Greek, French and Italian women (there are a high percentage of Khmelevok, Manilok, Swans, and Enchantresses among them).

Women of African nationalities, as well as black women and mulattos of the American continent, are dominated by long vaginas. Among Georgians, Spanish women and German women, drupes predominate. It can be added that in every nation all the types of genital organs described above are necessarily found.

Modern sexologists say that the vaginotherory described in the above book is a kind of processing of Soviet (to a greater extent) and Polish (to a lesser extent) tales and fabrications about the female genital organ.

Surely many women, and not only, wondered about the relationship between the size of the vagina and the quality of sex. Find out how the size of the vagina affects and affects intimate life, what is the norm, and what is a cause for concern and a visit to a specialized specialist.

Medium sizes

Does size matter? This issue is usually associated with the size of manhood, but the size of the genitals is by no means only a male topic. Both the size of the penis and the size of the vagina can influence this. Like men, often burdened by thoughts about the length of their penis, some women are concerned about the size of their own vagina. This issue becomes especially relevant after childbirth, when the vagina is stretched, adding a few millimeters in diameter.

There is very little research on the effect of vaginal size on the quality of intimate relationships. According to medical data, the average size of the vagina in an unexcited state is 7 - 13 centimeters. The width of the vagina allows you to enter it 2-3 fingers. As a rule, tall women have a deeper vagina. However, according to medical statistics, there are also women of short stature with a vagina measuring 12-14 centimeters. There are also tall women (more than 170 centimeters) with a vaginal depth of only 6-7 centimeters. All these parameters (depth and width of the vagina) are determined genetically and are an individual characteristic that does not depend on the number of partners and

elastic organ

During arousal, the female genital organs move upward, while the width of 2/3 of the vagina can increase up to 5 centimeters. And a third of the vagina in the upper part, on the contrary, becomes thinner due to the large influx of blood. Thus, during arousal, the vagina becomes more elastic and elastic. Due to these properties, the penis inserted into the vagina is tightly wrapped around the tissues of the vagina. In this case, the thickness of the penis is not critical. The thing is that the vagina is able to adapt to any thickness of the penis. This phenomenon is known as vaginal accommodation. This means that regular sex with the same partner makes the shape of the vagina suitable for a man's penis.

It is worth noting that vagina, it is a very elastic organ, the walls of which have folds that can contract (contract) and expand when necessary. That's why the vagina can hold both a tampon and expand to the point where it's possible to give birth to a baby.

When sizes don't suit you

After childbirth or abortion, the depth of the vagina may decrease somewhat. This is due to the descent of the uterus. In addition, the smooth muscles of the vagina are relaxed after childbirth, and the vagina may appear to be greatly dilated (although the vagina does not increase in diameter after childbirth). Therefore, there should not be any problems in intimate life after childbirth.

However, if you are dissatisfied with a too large vagina, then the situation can be corrected in the following ways:

  • you can alternately squeeze (for 10 seconds) and relax the muscles of the vagina. This exercise should be performed at least 10 times a day;
  • you can get acquainted with the Kegel technique - special exercises for the pelvic floor organs, which improve the tone of smooth muscles;
  • Intimate plastic surgery is a surgical intervention that allows you to reduce the diameter of the vagina. Please note that this is an extreme measure, and if everything suits you in sex, then you do not need to resort to this technique.

The small size of the vagina can cause some discomfort during sex. During sexual intercourse, a woman may experience pain, and such sex will not bring any pleasure. Some women with small sizes vagina may suffer from a condition such as vaginismus, where the vaginal muscles contract involuntarily and intercourse becomes impossible. In such cases, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist.

Mikhail Khetsuriani