How many dog ​​breeds are there in the world? How many dog ​​breeds exist in the world: their list and classification How many dog ​​breeds exist in the world.

Since ancient times, a faithful and devoted animal, the dog, has lived next to man. This coexistence dates back at least ten thousand years - approximately the same age as the oldest remains of a dog found by archaeologists. Moreover, it should be noted that even then at least two varieties of these creatures lived next to people.

It is impossible to say exactly how many dog ​​breeds exist in the world today. The International Canine Association now officially recognizes about four hundred breeds, and their number is constantly increasing. Appearance and the size of the dogs different breeds vary enormously. The most big dogs- And . The wolfhound reaches a height at the withers of about 80 cm and a weight of more than 100 kg, and the smallest - the Chihuahua - weighs 200-300 g and has only 13 cm at the withers! Some representatives of the canine world are very rare and expensive.

All dog breeds are divided into groups according to their use. Among dog handlers there is a division into two main groups: working and decorative. At the same time, different representatives of the same breed can be used for both working and decorative (exhibition) purposes. Narrower specializations of dogs gave the basis for distribution into the following groups:

– herding dogs

– hunting (for large and small animals)

– guard and service

- gun

- English gunsmiths

– greyhounds

– terriers

– indoor decorative.

These breed groups are accepted in Russia and are used by the International Cynological Association. However, in other countries the list of breed groups may differ from the generally accepted one - for example, cynologists in America, Australia and the Scandinavian countries adhere to own principles classifications.

If earlier breed properties were determined mainly based on the animal’s exterior, its working or exhibition qualities, today dog ​​handlers have such powerful tool, How genetic analysis. DNA various breeds or different representatives of one breed are carefully studied, compared, and on the basis of this analysis, further preservation and development of breed qualities, selection and crossing of different genetic lines are planned and carried out. A representative of the crossbreeding is the rare Chinook breed.

This allows you to obtain offspring with previously known properties, preserve and develop the necessary qualities, get rid of defects in appearance and character purebred dogs. In addition, the creation of new breeds based on a thorough study of DNA and selection of the required qualities is happening much faster and more efficiently these days than before.


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Any modern man can name at least a few dog breeds, but how many are there in the world? We bet there are some that you have never even heard of?

Number of dog breeds

The world is huge, and in almost every corner of it, the dog has been man's friend for thousands of years. Another thing is that during this time dogs from different parts of the globe have traveled very different paths - after all, even the wolves from which dogs originated are different. In addition, throughout all the thousands of years of friendship between man and dog, the first constantly tried to develop in the second exactly those qualities that he needed here and now, but people have different needs - some need to hunt, some need to ride, and for some and for beauty. Thanks to this, over thousands of years arose great amount breeds It is impossible to accurately count their number, because, in fact, each mongrel can, in some sense, represent a new, separate breed dogs. The International Canine Association recognizes about four hundred different breeds of dogs, but the number of breeds continues to grow, since in our time new breeds are regularly developed - by selecting puppies with certain pronounced qualities or by crossing two, three or more breeds.

There is probably hardly a single person in the world who can name all existing breeds without a “cheat sheet” and tell at least a little about each of them. MirSovetov invites you to get acquainted with the rarest representatives of man's best friends.

Thai Ridgeback. National ancient hunting breed Thailand, which is a real treasure of the nation. Archaeologists claim that already 2000-3000 years ago there were dogs similar to modern Thai Ridgebacks. The first written mention of this breed occurs in 1611-1628. The peculiarity of this breed is the ridge on the back, that is, the area on the back where the hair grows “against the hair” - in the opposite direction.

Today the Thai Ridgeback is used as a companion, protector and hunter. Enough unpretentious breed, possessing excellent health, stable psyche, unpretentiousness, independence and even independence from the owner. There is a belief that these dogs are capable of not only feeding themselves, but also providing food for their owner. Height 56-66 cm, weight 23-32 kg. Color: red, black, blue (gray), fawn (isabella), brindle (the rarest).

Tibetan mastiff(Tibetan dog, do hi, do khyi). One of the most ancient breeds of dogs was bred in Tibetan monasteries for protection, perhaps that is why the origin of this breed is shrouded in secrets and myths. It is believed that this particular breed is the progenitor of all mastiffs and mountain dogs existing today. Despite its impressive, menacing appearance, it is very calm and friendly dog. The Tibetan Mastiff has excellent health, so average duration life is about 20 years.

The Tibetan Mastiff is a true pet who loves his owner and his family, so he is ready to give his life for her. There are legends about the devotion and loyalty of these dogs - there is a belief that Tibetan mastiff, which protects its owner, can enter into a fight with a lion or bear. Height is from 72 to 78 cm, weight – up to 85 kg. Color: black and tan or pure black, golden, brown-brown, and also gray in different shades.

Dosa Inu(Korean Mastiff). This breed was bred in South Korea just 150 years ago. Currently, this is the most popular dog breed in its homeland, but outside its borders these skinned dogs are practically unknown.

Dosa Inu is a universal breed: it is not only an excellent watchman and security guard, but also a nanny dog ​​and a devoted friend for children. Height at least 75 cm, weight 80-85 kg. Color: deep dark red.

Levchen(lowchen, lion dog, levhun, lion bichon). Antique French breed indoor and decorative dogs, which was found already in the 16th century. Back then, these furry babies were the favorites of the court ladies. Often these dogs were depicted by artists on their canvases. In the early 1960s, the Löwchen was the rarest dog breed in the world (for which it was included in the Guinness Book of Records). Today this breed is no longer so rare, however, the number of livestock has not yet increased to the point where there is no need to worry about this breed. The name of the breed was given because of the peculiar haircut of these dogs, thanks to which they look like lions - with a large mane and a tassel on the tail.

Levchen is a wonderful companion and tireless companion. These dogs are capable of sitting in your arms for hours and frolicking in the garden from morning to evening. Height from 25 to 33 cm, weight from 3.5 to 8.5 kg. Color: any.

Pharaoh's Hound. One of the most ancient Egyptian dog breeds, which has a 5000-year history, although the standard was approved only in 1975. The Pharaoh Hound has a very noble and majestic appearance.

Pharaoh Hound great companion. In its homeland it is used as a sighted hunter. Height 53-64 cm, weight 20-25 kg. The color is bright red or nut.

Double-nosed Andean tiger hound. Probably this breed of dog from Bolivia is the most unique in the world, because only these animals have two... noses! Despite the fact that the International Canine Organization has not identified this type of dog as a separate breed, there are already many fans of these animals all over the world. The first specimen was discovered in the village of Ohaki in the Andes in 2005. The origin of dogs is unknown, but a persistent mutation, as many skeptics call “double-nosedness,” can be traced in all generations.

Double-nosed dogs are wayward, aggressive, and sometimes simply wild, so they are practically not suitable for apartment living. But the dogs simply have a unique sense of smell - perhaps, if you seriously start breeding this breed, these dogs will be able to search for drugs. Height – about 50 cm. Color: any.

Chongqing. Today it is the rarest Chinese breed dogs. It is believed that the breed existed more than 200 BC. Historians claim that these unusual dogs were faithful companions rich and noble people who had great weight in society. But then, for unknown reasons, almost the entire Chongqing clan was destroyed. Now enthusiasts are engaged in restoring the breed, so for a long time The export of dogs outside the country was prohibited and punished to the fullest extent of the law. By the way, these dogs are long-lived, as they live on average 20 years!

Chongqing is a wonderful companion with a charming appearance, and he is also a good watchman and hunter (of small game). Height 35-50 cm, weight 15-25 kg. Color: brown, mahogany.

Chinook. The American breed of service dogs was developed relatively recently - at the beginning of the 20th century. Breeder Arthur Walden dreamed of breeding a completely new sled breed dogs that could not only pull a sleigh, but also protect its owner (as you know, sled dogs have practically no guarding instinct and are distrustful of strangers). Currently, the breed is practically unknown outside the United States.

This breed of dog is very hardworking - it is not suitable for “sofa” keeping, since the Chinook needs daily physical activity. The height of dogs is from 53 to 66 cm, weight is 29-40 kg. Color: golden.

Cau Fila De San Miguel(Azorean Cattle Dog). A Portuguese dog breed that is very rare even in its homeland - and this despite the fact that dogs similar to the round-eared cau were found on the islands of the Azores archipelago back in the 15th century. This breed of herding dog could have disappeared altogether if Portuguese cynologists had not seriously taken up its revival in 1981. A distinctive feature of this breed is its round ears, like those of a bear cub; they can be cropped, giving the required form, shortly after the birth of the puppies.

Cau Fila De San Miguel is beautiful shepherd dog, which has also established itself as an excellent guardian of the owner’s property. The height of dogs is from 48 to 60 cm, weight – 20-35 kg. Color: brindle, fawn, fawn, gray.

American hairless(hairless) terrier. Fans of this breed claim that today there are only seventy representatives in the world. This is a fairly young breed - the first puppy was born in 1972 in the USA (Louisiana) in a litter of ordinary rat terriers. The owners of the litter - Willie and Edwin Scott - decided to breed a new breed and over time they succeeded. What is noteworthy is that the American Hairless Terrier is simply amazing phenomenon in nature. Of course, there are other hairless dog breeds in the world, but new breed The hairless gene is autosomal recessive. That is, to get hairless puppies, there is no need for “transitional” individuals that have hair. In addition, all puppies are born with full teeth (unlike other hairless dogs that lack permolars).

This breed is an excellent companion for both adults and children. The height of the hairless terrier can vary from 23 to 36 cm. The weight ranges from 3 to 6.5 kg. Color: pinkish-beige with gray, black or golden-red spots. Hairless terriers need special care: they should not freeze, and direct sun can cause burns on their skin.

Animal world. Volume 6 [Stories about pets] Akimushkin Igor Ivanovich

Second interlude: how many dogs are there in the world!

Before the war, according to statistics from 1935, there were 70 million dogs in the world (the figure is very, very approximate: try to count all the dogs in at least one country!). Of these, in the USA - 6 million, in England - 3 million, in Germany - 2.5 and in France - 2 million.

After the war, the dog boom began. Over the past decades, the number of dogs has increased tenfold! In the USA alone there are now 61 times more of them - 248 million! In terms of the number of dogs and their “demographic” density, the United States ranks first. If we take into account that the population of this country has reached 213 million 611 thousand people today (in 1975), it turns out that there are 1.16 dogs per American, for every square kilometer territory of the country - 26.3 dogs!

$17 billion is spent annually on dog care and nutrition in the United States! Some families spend up to $120 monthly on maintaining one dog, while only $76 per child.

The services provided to dogs reach the point of absurdity: in the state of Illinois, for example, a hotel was opened for them, the construction of which cost a million dollars. Here, for eight dollars a day, the dog receives a separate room and three meals a day - fried meat, ham, omelet. For $150, you can send your dog to a mountain camp to rest for a month. “She can tell you whether she likes it there.” loving owners joyful yapping in a “sound letter.” And so on and so forth…

...Millions and millions of dogs! They guard houses, herd herds, guide hunters to game, languish with boredom in the concrete jungles of overpopulated cities, guard reindeer and carry heavy sledges in the snows of the Arctic... In a word, dogs live everywhere in the world, and their number is incomprehensible. How to count them?

It is estimated that there are more than half a billion dogs on the globe.

An unexpected problem arose: dogs, like pigeons, became the main polluters of city streets, boulevards and parks. This issue arose especially acutely for the municipal authorities of Paris. France has more dogs than any other country in the world (except the USA). There are about 800 thousand of them in Paris alone. Every year the number of dogs in the cities of France multiplies at a dizzying rate. In this country, as reported by the American magazine Parade, a bill has been passed to impose a special tax on dog owners “to cover the growing costs of cleaning up urban areas polluted by dogs.”

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Today, dogs are perhaps the most popular pets in existence, rivaled only by cats. Of course, today there are different breeds of dogs, there are both unpretentious ones and those that require special care, each of which has its own specific features. True, unlike pampered cats, which are always on their own minds, dogs are ready to follow their owner into water or fire at any time.

Moreover, it is quite problematic to overestimate the merits of these pets - they are capable of performing search and guard duties, and being guides for people with disabilities. disabilities, help hunters in catching prey, take part in protecting and grazing livestock, and are also excellent and devoted companions, capable of interceding for the owner at the cost of their lives. This article will tell you about dogs of various breeds that currently exist on the planet, for example, aboriginal ones.

Today the dog is rightfully best friend person. For such pet You can shell out a tidy sum of money. There are people who train and educate throughout their lives. Telling everything about dog breeds, it is impossible not to mention the most expensive pet in the whole world.

The calmest types of dogs

It should be noted that such an animal as a dog is owned not only by families where there are children or people leading active image life. Sometimes some dog lovers just want to sit in own apartment in the company of a leisurely and calm friend or take a leisurely stroll in the park in the evening. Listed below are the most calm breeds dogs from all over the world.

The first representative of this category of animals is English bulldog, who may be stubborn, but at the same time a sedate dog, suitable for a leisurely walk lasting about an hour. In addition to this species, you can also note such breeds as Basset Hound, Labrador, St. Bernard, German dog. And the Shar Pei pet completes the ranking of dog breeds with the calmest character and behavior.

The most unusual types of dogs

Today around the world there are about 450 of the most different types dogs, and breeders do not complete their work on creating new breeds. Such unusual dog breeds are taking away some of the popularity from older species. Naturally, these animals are bred artificially.

To the most unusual breeds These animals include the Komondor dog, originally from Hungary. Distinctive
The peculiarity of this pet is long wool in the form of twisted braids that protect the animal from cold or extreme heat. Such "clothes" adult reaches a mass of 7 kg. In addition to this species, there are also such unusual pets as Catalburun, Pharaoh Hound, Bedlington, Peruvian Orchid and Bergamasco Sheepdog. Some people are interested in the answer to the question, how many dog ​​breeds are there in total? Today there are about 450 of them.

New types of dogs

Today, despite very a large number of all kinds of dogs, as well as an even greater number of varieties, breeders still continue to breed new breeds of dogs, which sometimes surpass many older types of these animals in their characteristics. True, sometimes the result of their work is the birth of a breed that in fact turns out to be completely useless both in terms of performance and in its external characteristics.

Today there are species of these pets in the world that almost no one has probably heard of. But some of these animals are also distinguished by a completely unusual appearance. These include Cirnekodel Etna, Lövchen, Keeshond, Xoloitzcuintle, Harrier, Bergamasco, Plott Hound and Puli.

The answer to the question of how many dog ​​breeds there are is more than 450.

The most obedient types of dogs

Describing the most obedient breeds dogs, it should be noted that the majority of people, when choosing this pet, are guided by different goals. Some prefer watchmen or shepherds, others hunters, while others prefer companions. However, the most common criterion is the intellectual capabilities of the future pet.

After all, every dog ​​owner has a completely natural desire to show off his pet, how he follows commands, and how well-mannered he behaves. For this reason, today the most docile species are the most popular. These dogs include Border Collie, Poodle, German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, Sheltie, Labrador Retriever, Papillon and Doberman. Here, dog breeds were not listed alphabetically, but were distributed according to the level of intellectual development.

The fastest type of dog

It should be noted that people have been trying for a long time to determine which is the fastest breed of dog in the world. Modern advances in electronics have made it possible to establish a speed champion. This happened in 1984, and the dog is Star Title's Greyhound. It was from that year that this species was recognized as the fastest in the world.

To date, no one has broken his speed record of 67.32 km/h. What other breeds are able to compete in running speed with such an unsurpassed runner? Among all existing breeds, the most nimble include the Saluki or Persian Greyhound, Azawakh, Whippet, Italian Greyhound or Italian Greyhound, Russian Hound and Afghan Hound. This entire list is included in the top dog breeds with the most strong limbs and high endurance.

The most affectionate types of dogs

As the song says: “A dog only bites because of the dog’s life”...
Surely every person in Russia knows the words of this song. However, in this section the conversation is devoted to the topic “what are the most affectionate dog breeds in the world”? These animals all over the world are rightfully considered the kindest and most affectionate pets. This fact is confirmed big amount reviews from satisfied owners of such dogs.

A dog is reliable and true friend, whom you can count on in any difficult life situation. However, each animal has its own character and habits. Now we will talk about good-natured dogs, which include, Golden retriever, Newfoundland, St. Bernard, Dachshund and Poodle.

Elite types of dogs

Naturally, a dog is man's best friend. What is she to her owner? Happiness at home or business?
After all, some people are ready to pay enormous amounts of money for a puppy of a particular breed, while others spend their entire lives training and raising these pets. Of course, in addition to a lot of pleasure, such a business also brings a lot of money. Below we will present elite dog breeds that only a select few can afford.

It must be remembered that a puppy with an ideal pedigree, as well as champion parents, will be much more expensive than a representative normal looking. Thus, the most elite dogs include Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Lowchen, Canadian Eskimo dog, English Bulldog, Egyptian Pharaoh Hound, Chow Chow and Saluki.

Types of dogs for a private home

If you want to take care of the protection of both your family and property in your private or country house, then you simply need to know what breeds of dogs exist for a private home at the present time.

Without a doubt, every attacker will think twice when he hears a menacing bark and reads a sign with the text - “Caution, angry dog" After all, no one wants to risk their health, and sometimes their lives.

In addition, such animals, despite their formidable and powerful appearance, turn out to be very kind, devoted and affectionate pets for loved ones, ready to do everything to protect the life and property of the owner. These include German Shepherds, Giant Schnauzers, Moscow Watchdog and Alabai.

The most common types of dogs

Why are some types of dogs so much more popular compared to all others? This question can be classified as rhetorical, since there can be as many reasons as desired, and each breed will be characterized by something unique to it. Sometimes owners strive for changing fashion (this applies to decorative types), and sometimes they want something new that no one else has yet.

However, today there are still the most common dog breeds that are most popular around the world. For example, in the USA itself popular breed are large mastiffs, while in China they are Pekingese, and in France they are bulldogs. In Russia, small dogs are in great demand (if we are talking about city residents). Well, country residents prefer hunting dogs, with which they can have a wonderful walk in the open spaces.

Despite such divided tastes, there are breeds that are equally popular in the most different countries. These include Labrador, Yorkshire Terrier, Chihuahua, Pug and Rottweiler.

Small types of dogs

If we talk about small breeds of pets, it is impossible not to mention that the majority of owners of such amazing and wonderful pets simply adore them, while some abandon such animals. This is due to the fact that these people were simply not ready to keep this dog. What should you know before purchasing such a pet?

Small breeds of dogs are an excellent choice for an elderly person, a resident of a small apartment, as well as residents of cities who do not have their own yard where they could keep a larger dog.
It should be noted that they are quite undemanding in terms of care and maintenance. Also, there is no need to walk a lot and often with them. Such a pet will get tired even when running around the apartment.

Quite often, it is precisely these reasons that encourage people to purchase just such pets. The smallest pets include the Bichon Frize, Boston Terrier, Brussels Griffon, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Yorkshire Terrier, Chinese Crested and Maltese.

In conclusion of all of the above, we can conclude that regardless of what breed the animal will be purchased, the owner must understand and be fully aware of the responsibility that lies in the process of care, feeding, and also daily communication with your favorite pet. Whether this is the most expensive dog breed or the cheapest, every animal needs proper care.

The dog owner must be confident in his own capabilities in the process of keeping a dog, both financial and physical. In addition, you should acquire good patience, because sometimes such a pet can play pranks and rage, or act contrary to the wishes of the owner. In the process of training and education, you should never yell at the dog, and especially hit it.