Classification of psychopathy by different authors. Psychopathies

Psychopathy in Greek means "sick soul" go "mental illness" or "suffering of the soul." A very telling name, isn't it? Psychopathological syndrome, manifested in the strengthening of negative traits, such as: heartlessness, low empathy (the ability to empathize), lack of remorse, self-centeredness, deceit, superficiality of emotions. There is such a concept as the "Dark Triad", which includes three types of personalities with destructive features: psychopaths, narcissists and Machiavellians.

If they talk about a psychopathic character, then they mean explosive reactions, aggression and rudeness. It is a personality disorder characterized by the presence of psychopathy symptoms.

What is psychopathy?

Psychopathy is a personality disorder characterized by many abnormal behavioral signs and emotional reactions. These include lack of empathy, guilt, or remorse, as well as manipulation and deceit. People with psychopathy are often irresponsible and oblivious to laws or social conventions.

When we hear the word "psychopath", most of us think of rapists, dominating men. There are many male images - psychopathic monsters from films, for example, the film "In Bed with the Enemy", "Silence of the Lambs". There are also female images ("Basic Instinct"). Psychopathic women behave unusually, they are not aggressive and you can’t immediately determine who you are dealing with. Numerous studies show that there are fewer female psychopaths than males. However, such a factor as behavioral differences leads to an underestimation of the true number of female psychopaths. This is important to understand, as female psychopaths can be just as dangerous as their male counterparts.

Psychopathy in men and its signs

Psychopathy is clearly a pathology that requires correction. The vast majority of studies reveal the ratio of psychopathy in men to psychopathy in women as 4:1, respectively, 80% of psychopaths are still men. 10% of the population has some features that are called a psychopathic character, but there is not enough evidence for a diagnosis.

There is such an anecdote: When you die, everyone cries and everyone feels bad, only you don’t care, the same thing when you are stupid. Instead of "stupid" you can substitute "psychopath" and this anecdote will be no less relevant, especially since psychopathy is also called emotional stupidity.

In family relationships, psychopathy manifests itself most clearly and often families break up precisely for this reason, because it is almost impossible to find an approach to a psychopathic man. Psychopathy in men reveals itself first as an imbalance in emotions, which in fact is a mandatory feature. With intelligence, psychopaths are generally doing well, they often occupy serious positions. This is the peculiarity of psychopaths: despite their high intelligence, there is pathological, defiant behavior, outright deceit and aggression for no reason.

Psychopathic men are often hypocritical, envious, self-centered and love to manipulate. They do not understand complex emotions (love, tenderness, pity), but they can imitate them. In the family, such men are physical and emotional abusers, and often lead promiscuous sex lives. A relationship with such a man ends for a woman with emotional disturbances, deep depression and symptoms of PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), such as sleep and eating disorders, tremors, etc.

Psychopathy in women and its symptoms

Hysteria (but not in the sense of sensuality and artistry, but when it becomes unbearable for others). At first it seems to you that you are faced with a miracle, but then you realize that nothing is hidden behind their posture, the words have no evidence base, they are false. They seek attention in all ways, and it doesn’t matter with the “+” or “-” sign. Tears, blackmail and sheer manipulation, all this often coexists with the behavior of a capricious child. They are short-sighted, they live for today. Psychopathic women easily part with men if they cease to suit them, they do not feel remorse, they simply do not know how. They are despotic and domineering. Gentle, kind and honest men are chosen as husbands, this is an excellent resource. Men often drink too much with them, fleeing from a despotic wife. These women are pedantic and they have order everywhere, while they are callous, quarrelsome, vindictive and vindictive.

Also a typical tandem for relationships: a psychopath and a narcissist, where the psychopath "eats" the narcissist.

Psychopathy in children and adolescents

The little psychopath is aggressive and self-centered. Aggressive manifestation concerns everyone without exception. Such a child can easily deliberately throw a stone at a baby, hit his mother, strangle his brother, kick a cat, steal money from his parents, steal from a store.

A story about troubled children: When your child is a psychopath. - Ed.

The first signs appear in boys as early as preschool age; in girls, psychopathic traits begin to appear, as a rule, in adolescence.

Psychopathic children confront their parents and siblings, call them names, beat them, and treat family values ​​with emphatic disdain. They have no sense of shame and conscience. They do not feel guilty, they justify their misdeeds by far-fetched influence from outside, abdicating responsibility at any cost. It is necessary to distinguish between genetic pathology and pedagogical neglect.

Pedagogical neglect can be corrected with the help of specialists and parents, a genetic disorder requires regular corrective classes and medication. If the cause is still genetic or there is a burdened heredity, then the first signs of deviant behavior appear at preschool age. The symptoms are pronounced. This is due to the fact that the child has not yet understood how beneficial it is to comply with the norms of behavior. He doesn't have enough experience to contain his impulses.

Psychopathy in adolescents, as well as in children, manifests itself in cruelty and sadism. They can bite, scream loudly for no reason, and are also prone to running away from home. Such children almost never show tenderness towards their parents or show insincere, but for the purpose of manipulation. The older he is, the more sophisticated and tougher his actions, the better he disguises it. Often parents look for the cause in themselves, but with the organic origin of psychopathy, this is useless, such a child has his own motives and view of the world.

Much more often psychopathy manifests itself in puberty (transitional) age. If a teenager has nowhere to vent his negative energy and rage, then he may well go and kill the animal, first torturing him. The family for him is not a home and support. He does not perceive it in principle. Psychopathy very often occurs against the background of additional mental illnesses or becomes their consequence (meaning psychosis and schizophrenia).

Most adolescent psychopaths can go on killing people they don't like. They can become, for example, homeless people. Such children are also found in prosperous families, but more often still, in dysfunctional ones. Parents can feel fear and horror in front of their own child, and for good reason, because this creature can be quite dangerous.

Psychopathy as a personality disorder

Psychopathies, as personality disorders in general, can be characterized as follows: a pathological change in a person’s character in terms of personal qualities that prevent him from living a normal life in society, prevent him from building any relationship, both love and friendship.

Russian and Soviet psychiatrist Pyotr Borisovich Gannushkin described the so-called triad of clinical signs of psychopathy (psychopathy clinic):

  • The severity of the pathological properties of the personality to such an extent that there is a violation of social adaptation;
  • The relative stability of these manifestations and their low reversibility;
  • Pathological personality traits acquire a total character and determine the entire mental appearance of a person.
"Psychopathy Gannushkina"- This is a classification of types of psychopathy, of which there are a great many. There are two types of this disease according to the nature of their occurrence. These are nuclear (congenital or constitutional - resulting from the inferiority of the nervous system, birth trauma, hereditary factors, etc.) and acquired (arising from mental or physical brain injuries, infections, intoxications, and so on). Congenital psychopathy manifests itself from childhood as a violation of the emotional-volitional sphere with almost complete preservation of the intellect. Pure types of psychopathy are extremely rare, mixed forms predominate, however, classification is possible.

Classical types of psychopathy (psychopathy in static)

1. Cycloid psychopathy(affective psychopathy, hyperthymic psychopathy, timopathy) - affective type psychopathy. The main symptom is a constant change of mood with cycle fluctuations from several hours to several months. The main feature of such people is emotional lability (instability). These emotions can reach very pronounced extremes.

2. Schizoid psychopathy characterized by avoidance of contacts, secrecy, lack of empathy (sympathy) and easy vulnerability;

3. Epileptoid (excitable, explosive, aggressive) psychopathy, refers to the excitable type of psychopathy. The main symptom is extreme irritability, bouts of melancholy, fear, anger, impatience, stubbornness, resentment, cruelty, a tendency to scandals;

4. Asthenic (inhibitory) psychopathy- this is increased susceptibility, mental excitability, combined with rapid exhaustion, irritability, and indecision;

5. Psychasthenic psychopathy- anxious, insecure, prone to constant reflection people with low self-esteem, pathological doubts and detailed excessive introspection;

6. Paranoid psychopathy- come up with overvalued ideas, stubborn, selfish, distinguished by the absence of doubts, self-confidence and inflated self-esteem. He considers all his actions undeniable, and desires and needs must be quickly and unconditionally satisfied;

7. Hysterical (hysterical) psychopathy- the desire to attract attention by any means, they tend to evaluate everything in a favorable direction for themselves, are mannered and theatrical;

8. Unstable (weak-willed) psychopathy- weak character, superficiality, lack of deep interests, susceptibility to the influence of others;

9 Organic Psychopathy- congenital mental limitations, they can study well, but the application of knowledge and the manifestation of initiative are difficult, they know how to "keep themselves in society", but at the same time they are banal in their judgments.

10. Obsessed (sexual, sexual) psychopathy. Sadism, masochism, attraction to animals and some other deviations.

11. Antisocial psychopathy- complete indifference to the interests of others (including relatives and even their own children). Other people's suffering never touches them. Incapable of friendship, despised moral standards, irresponsible. They often lie. Everyone is blamed for their failures.

12. Mosaic psychopathy- mixed type. It can combine all types of disorders, bizarrely intersecting with each other.

Regardless of the type of psychopathic signs, all these personalities are distinguished by sensitivity to the action of internal (for example, age crises) and external influences. With shallow lesions, psychopathic deviations can remain hidden from view (latent psychopathy, according to Gannushkin), without disturbing the processes of socialization.

In the dynamics of psychopathy, two states are distinguished: compensation and decompensation, which are determined by the severity, type of psychopathy, age and social conditions. Full compensation is possible in 2/3 of psychopaths who previously needed treatment and even hospitalization. Decompensation is often associated with age. Violations of compensation under the influence of environmental factors or associated with endogenous features of the dynamics are called decompensation. The relationship of decompensation with age is clearly visible.

Psychopathies and character accentuations

character accentuation- this is when individual character traits are extremely enhanced, this is an extreme version of the norm. At the same time, there is resistance to some psychogenic influences and complete vulnerability to other influences. For example, schizoid accentuation makes a person withdrawn, and the outside world makes him tense under certain circumstances.

So, what is the difference between accentuation and psychopathy?

There are two variants of the norm: an absolutely normal character and an accentuated (enhanced) character. And there is a very strong deviation in character, which is in the form of pathology, and this is already psychopathy. In the case of psychopathy, the triad of clinical signs described above takes place. In the case of accentuation, all three clinical signs will never be present, and it may be that none of the signs is present at all. Another difference is the vulnerability of accentuators in relation to only a certain type of psycho-traumatic influences, while a psychopath is traumatized by any event related to his form of psychopathy.

For example, a person with hyperthymic accentuation (an active leader) can have a hard time experiencing events that strictly regulate his behavior.

Dynamics and statics of psychopathy

This concept was introduced by P.B. Gannushkin.

With age, a psychopath sharpens pathological, character traits, but the personality does not change, there is no severe outcome (as is the case with illnesses), but recovery does not come either. There are two types of changes that are possible in psychopaths. One kind of change is associated with the most acute periods in the life of any person - with puberty and menopause, which psychopaths experience much more acutely than mentally healthy people.

The second type of changes is associated with the presence of stress and traumatic circumstances. Here there is a quantitative change in the direction of increasing pathological, characterological reactions. There is a strong emotional stress and anxiety. Negative experiences accumulate and any minor reason, for example, a change in plans, can cause an unusually bright affective outburst, sometimes unexpected for the person himself. Then comes calm, physical and mental weakness.

The personality is finally formed by the age of 18-20, then significant stability is acquired. The personality continues to evolve, accumulates experience, but the structure of the personality does not change any more.

In the same person, depending on the conditions, psychopathic features can be either pronounced or not change at all.

The difference between psychopathy and neurosis

The answer lies in one well-known expression: It is not enough for a psychopath that the mountain falls off his shoulders, he needs it to crush the neurotic.

Both of these subjects have an unstable nervous system, getting out of balance quite easily. But, a neurotic is a person who feels bad about everything, from everyone and from himself too. The same can't be said for a psychopath. This comrade is often well, simply because it is uncomfortable for others. A psychopath needs an environment to see how bad they are, and if suddenly they feel good, then the psychopath will do "badly". On the contrary, it is easier for a neurotic when no one touches him or disturbs his nervous system.

and others), in connection with which Gannushkin uses the expression "constitutional psychopathy", emphasizing the static and, in his opinion, innate nature of this group of disorders. By the time of the transition to the ICD-10, the term "psychopathy" was already firmly entrenched precisely for personality disorders.

The classification is based on the features of a pathological nature, manifested in a combination of various psychopathic features, and the type of violation of higher nervous activity.

The difference between psychopathy and accentuations

general information

Comparative table of classifications of psychopathy:

Groups of psychopathy E. Kraepelin (1915) E. Kretschmer (1921) K. Schneider (1923) Gannushkin P. B. (1933) T. Henderson (1947) Popov E. A. (1957) Kerbikov O. V. (1968) ICD-9 with code
Psychopathies with a predominance of emotional disorders excitable Epileptoids Explosive Epileptoids Aggressive excitable


excitable Excitable type 301.3
Cycloids Hyperthymic

Depressive Emotionally labile


Constitutionally excited Constitutionally depressive Emotionally (reactively) labile

Timopathy Affective Type 301.1

Liars and deceivers

Seeking recognition hysterical

pathological liars

Creative hysterical Hysterical Hysterical type 301.5
Psychopathies with a predominance of changes in the sphere of thinking Asthenic Asthenics Asthenics braked Asthenic type 301.6

Unsure of themselves

Psychasthenics Psychasthenics Anancastic type 301.4
Freaks schizoids Schizoids (dreamers) inadequate Pathologically closed Schizoid type 301.2

pathological debaters

Fanatics Fanatics


paranoid Paranoid (paranoid) type 301.0
Psychopathies with a predominance of volitional disorders Rampant limp


Unstable Unstable Unstable Unstable type 301.81
Psychopathies with Attraction Disorders Obsessed with attraction sexual perversion Sexual psychopathy Sexual perversion 302
Psychopathies with behavioral disorders in society public enemies Cold antisocial Emotionally dull 301.7
Mixed psychopathy constitutionally stupid Mosaic Mosaic psychopathy 301.82

Classification of Gannushkin's psychopathies

P. B. Gannushkin identified the following types of psychopathic personalities: asthenics, schizoids, paranoids, epileptoids, hysterical characters, cycloids, unstable, antisocial and constitutionally stupid.

Asthenic group

Asthenic psychopathy

For psychopathic personalities of this circle, increased shyness, shyness, indecision, and impressionability are characteristic from childhood. They are especially lost in unfamiliar surroundings and new conditions, while experiencing a sense of their own inferiority. Hypersensitivity, “mimosity” is manifested both in relation to mental stimuli and physical exertion. Quite often they cannot stand the sight of blood, sudden changes in temperature, they react painfully to rudeness and tactlessness, but their reaction of discontent can be expressed in silent resentment or grumbling. They often have various autonomic disorders: headaches, discomfort in the heart, gastrointestinal disorders, sweating, poor sleep. They are quickly depleted, prone to fixation on their well-being.

Psychasthenic psychopathy

Personalities of this type are characterized by pronounced shyness, indecision, self-doubt and a tendency to constant doubts. Psychasthenics are easily vulnerable, shy, timid and at the same time painfully proud. They are characterized by a desire for constant introspection and self-control, a tendency to abstract logical constructions, divorced from real life, obsessive doubts, and fears. For psychasthenics, any changes in life are difficult, a violation of the usual way of life (change of work, place of residence, etc.), this causes them to increase insecurity and anxious fears. At the same time, they are executive, disciplined, often pedantic and importunate. They can be good deputies, but they can never work in leadership positions. The need to make an independent decision and take the initiative is disastrous for them. A high level of claims and a lack of a sense of reality contribute to the decompensation of such personalities.

Schizoid psychopathy

Personalities of this type are distinguished by isolation, secrecy, isolation from reality, a tendency to internal processing of their experiences, dryness and coldness in relations with loved ones. Schizoid psychopaths are characterized by emotional disharmony: a combination of hypersensitivity, vulnerability, impressionability - if the problem is personally significant, and emotional coldness, impenetrability in terms of other people's problems ("wood and glass"). Such a person is detached from reality, his life is aimed at maximum self-satisfaction without striving for fame and material well-being. His hobbies are unusual, original, "non-standard". There are many people involved in art, music, and theoretical sciences among them. In life, they are usually called eccentrics, originals. Their judgments about people are categorical, unexpected and even unpredictable. At work, they are often unmanageable, as they work based on their own ideas about the values ​​in life. However, in certain areas where artistic extravagance and talent are required, non-standard thinking, symbolism, they can achieve a lot. They do not have permanent attachments, family life usually does not add up due to the lack of common interests. However, they are ready for self-sacrifice for the sake of some abstract concepts, imaginary ideas. Such a person can be absolutely indifferent to a sick mother, but at the same time will call for assistance to the starving on the other side of the world. Passivity and inactivity in solving everyday problems are combined in schizoid individuals with ingenuity, enterprise and perseverance in achieving goals that are especially significant for them (for example, scientific work, collecting).

It should be noted that such a clinical picture is not always observed. So, material well-being and power, as a means of self-satisfaction, can become the main task of the schizoid. In some cases, the schizoid is able to use his (though sometimes not noticed by others) unique abilities to influence the world outside him. With regard to the activities of the schizoid in the workplace, it should be noted that the most successful combination is observed when the efficiency of work brings him satisfaction, and it does not matter what type of activity he is engaged in (naturally, only if it is associated with creation or, according to at least with the restoration of something).

paranoid psychopathy

The main feature of the psychopathic personalities of the paranoid group is the tendency to form overvalued ideas, which are formed by the age of 20-25. However, since childhood, they are characterized by such character traits as stubbornness, straightforwardness, one-sidedness of interests and hobbies. They are touchy, vindictive, self-confident and very sensitive to ignoring their opinions by others. The constant desire for self-affirmation, peremptory categorical judgments and actions, selfishness and extreme self-confidence create the ground for conflicts with others. With age, personality traits usually increase. Stuck on certain thoughts and grievances, rigidity, conservatism, "struggle for justice" are the basis for the formation of dominant (overvalued) ideas regarding emotionally significant experiences. Overvalued ideas, unlike crazy ones, are based on real facts and events, are specific in content, however, judgments are based on subjective logic, a superficial and one-sided assessment of reality, corresponding to the confirmation of one's own point of view. The content of overvalued ideas can be invention, reformism. Non-recognition of the merits and merits of a paranoid personality leads to clashes with others, conflicts, which, in turn, can become a real ground for litigious behavior. The “fight for justice” in such cases consists in endless complaints, letters to various authorities, and litigation. The activity and perseverance of the patient in this struggle cannot be broken by any requests, or persuasion, or even threats. The ideas of jealousy, hypochondriacal ideas (fixation on one's own health with constant walking around medical institutions with the requirements of additional consultations, examinations, the latest methods of treatment that have no real justification) can also be of overvalued importance for such individuals.

Epileptoid psychopathy

The leading features of epileptoid personalities are extreme irritability and excitability, explosiveness, reaching attacks of anger, rage, and the reaction does not correspond to the strength of the stimulus. After an outburst of anger or aggressive actions, patients quickly “depart”, regret what happened, but in appropriate situations they do the same. Such people are usually dissatisfied with many things, look for reasons for nit-picking, enter into disputes on any occasion, showing excessive vehemence and trying to shout down the interlocutors. Lack of flexibility, stubbornness, self-righteousness and the constant struggle for justice, which ultimately boils down to the struggle for their rights and the observance of personal selfish interests, lead to their quarrelsomeness in the team, frequent conflicts in the family and at work. For people with this type of personality, along with viscosity, stuckness, vindictiveness, such qualities as sweetness, flattery, hypocrisy, a tendency to use diminutive words in conversation are characteristic. In addition, excessive pedantry, accuracy, authority, selfishness and the predominance of a gloomy gloomy mood make them unbearable at home and at work. They are uncompromising - they either love or hate, and those around them, especially close people, usually suffer both from their love and from hatred, accompanied by revenge. In some cases, disturbances of inclinations come to the fore in the form of alcohol abuse, drugs (relieve stress), the desire to wander. Among the psychopaths of this circle there are gamblers and drunkards, sexual perverts and murderers.

Hysterical psychopathy

For hysterical personalities, the thirst for recognition is most characteristic, that is, the desire to attract the attention of others at all costs. This is manifested in their demonstrativeness, theatricality, exaggeration and embellishment of their experiences. Their actions are designed for an external effect, just to impress others, for example, with an unusually bright appearance, violent emotions (raptures, sobs, hand-wringing), stories about extraordinary adventures, inhuman suffering. Sometimes patients, in order to draw attention to themselves, do not stop at lies, self-incrimination, for example, they attribute to themselves crimes that they did not commit. They are called pathological liars. Hysterical personalities are characterized by mental infantilism (immaturity), which manifests itself in emotional reactions, and in judgments, and in actions. Their feelings are superficial, unstable. External manifestations of emotional reactions are demonstrative, theatrical, do not correspond to the reason that caused them. They are characterized by frequent mood swings, a quick change of likes and dislikes. Hysterical types are characterized by increased suggestibility and autosuggestibility, therefore they constantly play some role, imitate the personality that struck them. If such a patient enters the hospital, then he can copy the symptoms of diseases of other patients who are with him in the ward. Hysterical personalities are characterized by an artistic type of thinking. Their judgments are extremely contradictory, often without real ground. Instead of logical reflection and a sober assessment of the facts, their thinking is based on direct impressions and their own inventions and fantasies.

Cycloid psychopathy

The group of cycloids includes individuals with different, constitutionally determined, mood levels. Persons with permanently low mood make up the group constitutionally depressive psychopaths(hypothymic). These are always gloomy, dull, dissatisfied and uncommunicative people. In their work, they are overly conscientious, accurate, executive, as they are ready to see complications and failures in everything. They are characterized by a pessimistic assessment of the present and a corresponding outlook on the future, combined with low self-esteem. They are sensitive to troubles, capable of empathy, but they try to hide their feelings from others. In conversation, they are reserved and laconic, afraid to express their opinion. It seems to them that they are always wrong, they are looking for their guilt and failure in everything.

Constitutionally Excited- these are hyperthymic personalities, and, unlike hypothymic ones, they are distinguished by constantly elevated mood, activity and optimism. These are sociable, lively, talkative people. In work, they are enterprising, proactive, full of ideas, but their propensity for adventurism and inconsistency are detrimental to achieving their goals. Temporary failures do not upset them, they take up the matter again with tireless energy. Excessive self-confidence, overestimation of their own capabilities, activities on the verge of the law often complicate their lives. Such individuals are prone to lies, optionality in the fulfillment of promises. In connection with the increased sexual desire, they are promiscuous in acquaintances, enter into reckless intimate relationships.

Persons with emotional instability, that is, with constant mood swings, are of the cycloid type. Mood cyclothymics changes from low, sad, to high, joyful. Periods of bad or good mood of varying duration, from several hours to several days, even weeks. Their state and activity change in accordance with the change in mood.

Emotively labile (reactively labile) psychopaths- persons in whom state fluctuations occur extremely often, sometimes right by the day. Their mood goes from one extreme to another without any reason.

Unstable psychopathy

People of this type are distinguished by increased subordination to external influences. These are weak-willed, easily suggestible, "characterless" personalities, easily influenced by other people. Their whole life is determined not by goals, but by external, random circumstances. They often get into bad company, drink too much, become drug addicts, scammers. At work, such people are optional, undisciplined. On the one hand, they make promises to everyone and try to please, but the slightest external circumstances unsettle them. They constantly need control, authoritative guidance. In favorable conditions, they can work well and lead a proper lifestyle.

Antisocial psychopathy

A feature of antisocial psychopaths are pronounced moral defects. They suffer from partial emotional dullness and have practically no social emotions: they usually lack a sense of duty towards society and a sense of sympathy for others. They have neither shame nor honor, they are indifferent to praise and blame, they are unable to adapt to the rules of the hostel. Often gravitate towards sensual pleasures. Some antisocial psychopaths tend to torture animals from childhood and have no attachment even to the closest people (even to their mother).

constitutionally stupid

Psychopaths who are born unintelligent, narrow-minded. A distinctive feature is congenital mental deficiency. These individuals, unlike oligophrenics, study well (not only in a secondary school, but even at a university), they often have a good memory. However, when they enter into life, where they have to put their knowledge into practice and take the initiative, nothing comes of it. They show no originality and tend to say banal, formulaic things, which is why their disorder is called "Salon Blödsinn" (from it. - "salon dementia"). To denote the same concept, Eigen Bleuler used the term "die unklaren" ("obscure"), emphasizing that their main characteristic is more the ambiguity of concepts than the poverty of associations. The group of constitutionally stupid also includes "philistines" - people without spiritual (intellectual) needs and requests. However, they can cope well with the simple requirements of a specialty.

Constitutionally stupid psychopaths are suggestible individuals who are ready to obey "public opinion", they also tend to follow fashion. They are always conservative, afraid of everything new and holding on out of a sense of self-defense for what they are used to and adapted to.

Constitutionally stupid psychopaths can have great conceit, while with a pompous solemn air uttering complex phrases that make no sense, that is, a set of pompous words that have no content. In the literature there is a similar subject in a caricature form - Kozma Prutkov.

Kraepelin's classification of psychopathy

  • Public enemies (German Gesellschaft feinde), also "anti-social";
  • Impulsive (German Triebmenenschen), also "people of inclination";
  • Excitable (German Erregbaren);
  • Rampant (German Haltlosen), also "unstable";
  • Eccentrics (German: Verschrobenenen);
  • Pathological debaters (German Streitsüchtigen);
  • Liars and deceivers (German: Lügner und Schwindler), also "pseudologists".

Schneider's classification of psychopathy

  • depressive(German Depressiven) - pessimists and skeptics who doubt the meaning of life. They have a penchant for refined aestheticism, sophistication and self-torture, which embellishes the inner bleakness. They suffer from a more or less prolonged depressed mood, usually they perceive everything in a darkened light and see the other side of everything. Some depressed individuals are characterized by arrogance and ridicule of people who are internally "light" and simple. They feel themselves as sufferers, standing above others, like aristocrats.
  • Hyperthymics(German Hyperthymischen) - active personalities people with a cheerful character, lively sanguine temperament, good-natured optimists, debaters, excitable. They tend to actively interfere in other people's affairs. Of the negative qualities, one can note uncriticality, inattention, low reliability, and they are also easily amenable to other people's influence.
  • Emotionally labile(German Stimmungslabilen) - individuals with an unstable mood, prone to its unexpected changes.
  • Seeking recognition(German Geltungsbedürftigen) - eccentric and vain people who strive to appear more significant than they really are. Eccentricity serves to draw attention to themselves, for this they express the most unusual opinions and do the most unusual things.
  • Explosive(German Explosiblen) - easily excitable, irritable, quick-tempered personalities. They often "boil" for the most insignificant reason. According to E. Kretschmer, their reactions are primitive reactions. They are offended by any word spoken in defiance, and before they realize its meaning, a reaction follows in the form of a swiftly violent form of violence or offensive objection.
  • Soulless or insensitive(German Gemütlosen) - individuals who are deprived of a sense of shame, compassion, honor, remorse. They are gloomy and sullen, and their actions are instinctive and rude.
  • limp(German Willenenslosen) - unstable personalities who are subject to both positive and negative influences, they simply do not resist any influence.
  • Unsure of themselves(German Selbstunsicheren) - constrained, anxiously insecure and shy personalities. They can hide these features with an overly bold and bold demeanor. Internally indecisive and often slightly depressive.
  • Fanatical(German Fanatischen) - expansive and active personalities, are captured by overvalued complexes of thoughts of a personal or ideological nature, prone to fighting for their legal or imaginary rights. Sometimes expansive fanatics show paranoid manifestations that go beyond ordinary suspicion. There are also listless fanatics, eccentrics of a “fantasy plan”, detached from reality, with a character less or not at all wrestling, like, for example, many sectarians.
  • Asthenic(German Asthenenischen) - individuals who are characterized by difficulty concentrating, low performance, poor memory, insomnia, increased fatigue. Acutely feel mental and mental insufficiency. In the future, some asthenics complain of a feeling of alienation, the unreality of the world and all sensations (states that, by description, resemble derealization). All these states are not always, but often, caused by introspection. Asthenik is constantly engaged in introspection and looks inside himself, they tend to look for any malfunctions in the body, and they complain to doctors about the state of their body. It is worth noting that under "asthenic psychopathy" is not related to "asthenic physique", the so-called leptosomal physique.

Classification of psychopathy Kerbikov

The typology of psychopathy proposed by O. V. Kerbikov was one of the most common in Soviet psychiatry and included the following types:

  • unstable type.
  • psychasthenic type.
  • Mosaic (mixed) type.

The triad of criteria for psychopathy Gannushkin-Kerbikov:

  1. The severity of pathological personality traits to the degree of violation of social adaptation.
  2. Relative stability of mental character traits, their low reversibility.
  3. The totality of pathological personality traits that determine the entire mental appearance.

Kerbikov O. V. noted that a certain type of education leads to the formation of a certain psychopathy. So, with dominant hyper-protection (raising a child in "hedgehog gloves"), an asthenic type is formed, and with indulgent hyper-protection (the child is the "idol of the family"), a personality of a hysterical type is formed, etc.

Genetic systematics of psychopathy Kerbikov-Felinskaya

This taxonomy divides psychopathy according to etiological characteristics into the following groups:

  1. Nuclear (constitutional, true).
  2. Acquired, which include the following groups:
    1. Post-procedural (due to a previous mental disorder).
    2. Organic (associated with cerebro-organic pathology. For example, a characteropathic variant of the psychoorganic syndrome).
    3. Regional (pathocharacterological, postreactive and postneurotic pathological development of personality).

In most cases, the etiology of psychopathy is mixed.

See also: Personality disorder

Classification of [constitutional] psychopathies- classification of personality disorders.

The classification, developed in 1933 by P. B. Gannushkin, received the greatest recognition in Soviet and Russian psychiatry, and was used until the transition to the International Classification of Diseases of the 10th revision (ICD-10) in 1997.

The term "psychopathy" is very ambiguous (it can be used as a synonym for dissocial personality disorder, and as a designation for mental disorders in general, etc.), in connection with which Gannushkin uses the expression "constitutional psychopathy", emphasizing the static and, in his opinion, the innate nature of this disorder groups. By the time of the transition to the ICD-10, the term "psychopathy" was already firmly entrenched precisely for personality disorders.

The classification is based on the features of a pathological nature, manifested in a combination of various psychopathic features, and the type of violation of higher nervous activity.

According to the research of A. E. Lichko, psychopathy differs from accentuations in that they appear always and everywhere (accentuations appear when difficult situations make increased demands to the “place of least resistance in character”) and lead to social maladaptation. Accentuations, unlike psychopathy, in some situations can even contribute to social adaptation. Some researchers consider accentuations as a characterological feature that occupies an intermediate place between the norm and psychopathy.

general information

Comparative table of classifications of psychopathy:

Groups of psychopathy E. Kraepelin (1904) E. Kretschmer (1921) K. Schneider (1923) Gannushkin P. B. (1933) T. Henderson (1947) Popov E. A. (1957) Kerbikov O. V. (1968) ICD (9th revision)
Psychopathies with a predominance of emotional disorders excitable Epileptoids Explosive Epileptoids


Aggressive excitable


excitable Excitable type 301.3
Cycloids Hyperthymic

Depressive Emotionally labile

Constitutionally depressive Emotionally (reactively) labile

Timopathy Affective Type 301.1

Liars and scammers

Seeking recognition hysterical

pathological liars

Creative hysterical Hysterical Hysterical type 301.5
Psychopathies with a predominance of changes in the sphere of thinking Asthenic Asthenics Asthenics braked Asthenic type 301.6


Psychasthenics Psychasthenics Anancastic type 301.4
Freaks schizoids Schizoids (dreamers) inadequate Pathologically closed Schizoid type 301.2


Fanatics Fanatics


paranoid Paranoid (paranoid) type 301.0
Psychopathies with a predominance of volitional disorders Unstable limp


Unstable Unstable Unstable Unstable type 301.81
Psychopathies with Attraction Disorders Obsessed with attraction sexual perversion Sexual psychopathy Sexual perversion 302
Psychopathies with behavioral disorders in society antisocial Cold antisocial Emotionally dull 301.7
Mixed psychopathy constitutionally stupid Mosaic Mosaic psychopathy 301.82

Classification of Gannushkin's psychopathies

P. B. Gannushkin identified the following types of psychopathic personalities: asthenics, schizoids, paranoids, epileptoids, hysterical characters, cycloids, unstable, antisocial and constitutionally stupid.

Asthenic group

Asthenic psychopathy

Main article: dependent personality disorder

For psychopathic personalities of this circle, increased shyness, shyness, indecision, and impressionability are characteristic from childhood. They are especially lost in unfamiliar surroundings and new conditions, while experiencing a sense of their own inferiority. Hypersensitivity, “mimosity” is manifested both in relation to mental stimuli and physical exertion. Quite often they cannot stand the sight of blood, sudden changes in temperature, they react painfully to rudeness and tactlessness, but their reaction of discontent can be expressed in silent resentment or grumbling. They often have various autonomic disorders: headaches, discomfort in the heart, gastrointestinal disorders, sweating, poor sleep. They are quickly depleted, prone to fixation on their well-being.

Psychasthenic psychopathy

Main article: Anancastic personality disorder

Main article: Psychasthenia

Personalities of this type are characterized by pronounced shyness, indecision, self-doubt and a tendency to constant doubts. Psychasthenics are easily vulnerable, shy, timid and at the same time painfully proud. They are characterized by a desire for constant introspection and self-control, a tendency to abstract logical constructions, divorced from real life, obsessive doubts, and fears. For psychasthenics, any changes in life are difficult, a violation of the usual way of life (change of work, place of residence, etc.), this causes them to increase insecurity and anxious fears. At the same time, they are executive, disciplined, often pedantic and importunate. They can be good deputies, but they can never work in leadership positions. The need to make an independent decision and take the initiative is disastrous for them. A high level of claims and a lack of a sense of reality contribute to the decompensation of such personalities.

Schizoid psychopathy

Main article: Schizoid personality disorder

Personalities of this type are distinguished by isolation, secrecy, isolation from reality, a tendency to internal processing of their experiences, dryness and coldness in relations with loved ones. Schizoid psychopaths are characterized by emotional disharmony: a combination of increased sensitivity, vulnerability, impressionability - if the problem is personally significant, and emotional coldness, impenetrability in terms of other people's problems ("wood and glass"). Such a person is detached from reality, his life is aimed at maximum self-satisfaction without striving for fame and material well-being. His hobbies are unusual, original, "non-standard". There are many people involved in art, music, and theoretical sciences among them. In life, they are usually called eccentrics, originals. Their judgments about people are categorical, unexpected and even unpredictable. At work, they are often unmanageable, as they work based on their own ideas about the values ​​in life. However, in certain areas where artistic extravagance and talent are required, non-standard thinking, symbolism, they can achieve a lot. They do not have permanent attachments, family life usually does not add up due to the lack of common interests. However, they are ready for self-sacrifice for the sake of some abstract concepts, imaginary ideas. Such a person can be absolutely indifferent to a sick mother, but at the same time will call for assistance to the starving on the other side of the world. Passivity and inactivity in solving everyday problems are combined in schizoid individuals with ingenuity, enterprise and perseverance in achieving goals that are especially significant for them (for example, scientific work, collecting).

It should be noted that such a clinical picture is not always observed. So, material well-being and power, as a means of self-satisfaction, can become the main task of the schizoid. In some cases, the schizoid is able to use his (though sometimes not noticed by others) unique abilities to influence the world outside him. With regard to the activities of the schizoid in the workplace, it should be noted that the most successful combination is observed when the efficiency of work brings him satisfaction, and it does not matter what type of activity he is engaged in (naturally, only if it is associated with creation or, according to at least with the restoration of something).

paranoid psychopathy

Main article: paranoid personality disorder

The main feature of the psychopathic personalities of the paranoid group is the tendency to form overvalued ideas, which are formed by the age of 20-25. However, since childhood, they are characterized by such character traits as stubbornness, straightforwardness, one-sidedness of interests and hobbies. They are touchy, vindictive, self-confident and very sensitive to ignoring their opinions by others. The constant desire for self-affirmation, peremptory categorical judgments and actions, selfishness and extreme self-confidence create the ground for conflicts with others. With age, personality traits usually increase. Stuck on certain thoughts and grievances, rigidity, conservatism, "struggle for justice" are the basis for the formation of dominant (overvalued) ideas regarding emotionally significant experiences. Overvalued ideas, unlike delusional ones, are based on real facts and events, are specific in content, but judgments are based on subjective logic, a superficial and one-sided assessment of reality, corresponding to the confirmation of one's own point of view. The content of overvalued ideas can be invention, reformism. Non-recognition of the merits and merits of a paranoid personality leads to clashes with others, conflicts, which, in turn, can become a real ground for litigious behavior. The “fight for justice” in such cases consists in endless complaints, letters to various authorities, and litigation. The activity and perseverance of the patient in this struggle cannot be broken by any requests, or persuasion, or even threats. The ideas of jealousy, hypochondriacal ideas (fixation on one's own health with constant walking around medical institutions with the requirements of additional consultations, examinations, the latest methods of treatment that have no real justification) can also be of overvalued importance for such individuals.

Epileptoid psychopathy

Main article: impulsive personality disorder

The leading features of epileptoid personalities are extreme irritability and excitability, explosiveness, reaching attacks of anger, rage, and the reaction does not correspond to the strength of the stimulus. After an outburst of anger or aggressive actions, patients quickly “depart”, regret what happened, but in appropriate situations they do the same. Such people are usually dissatisfied with many things, look for reasons for nit-picking, enter into disputes on any occasion, showing excessive vehemence and trying to shout down the interlocutors. Lack of flexibility, stubbornness, self-righteousness and the constant struggle for justice, which ultimately boils down to the struggle for their rights and the observance of personal selfish interests, lead to their quarrelsomeness in the team, frequent conflicts in the family and at work. For people with this type of personality, along with viscosity, stuckness, vindictiveness, such qualities as sweetness, flattery, hypocrisy, a tendency to use diminutive words in conversation are characteristic. In addition, excessive pedantry, accuracy, authority, selfishness and the predominance of a gloomy gloomy mood make them unbearable at home and at work. They are uncompromising - they either love or hate, and those around them, especially close people, usually suffer both from their love and from hatred, accompanied by revenge. In some cases, disturbances of inclinations come to the fore in the form of alcohol abuse, drugs (relieve stress), the desire to wander. Among the psychopaths of this circle there are gamblers and drunkards, sexual perverts and murderers.

Hysterical psychopathy

Main article: Histrionic Personality Disorder

For hysterical personalities, the thirst for recognition is most characteristic, that is, the desire to attract the attention of others at all costs. This is manifested in their demonstrativeness, theatricality, exaggeration and embellishment of their experiences. Their actions are designed for an external effect, just to impress others, for example, with an unusually bright appearance, violent emotions (raptures, sobs, wringing of hands), stories of extraordinary adventures, inhuman suffering. Sometimes patients, in order to draw attention to themselves, do not stop at lies, self-incrimination, for example, they attribute to themselves crimes that they did not commit. They are called pathological liars. Hysterical personalities are characterized by mental infantilism (immaturity), which manifests itself in emotional reactions, and in judgments, and in actions. Their feelings are superficial, unstable. External manifestations of emotional reactions are demonstrative, theatrical, do not correspond to the reason that caused them. They are characterized by frequent mood swings, a quick change of likes and dislikes. Hysterical types are characterized by increased suggestibility and autosuggestibility, therefore they constantly play some role, imitate the personality that struck them. If such a patient enters the hospital, then he can copy the symptoms of diseases of other patients who are with him in the ward. Hysterical personalities are characterized by an artistic type of thinking. Their judgments are extremely contradictory, often without real ground. Instead of logical reflection and a sober assessment of the facts, their thinking is based on direct impressions and their own inventions and fantasies. Psychopaths of the hysterical circle often achieve success in creative activity or scientific work, as they are helped by an unbridled desire to be in the spotlight, egocentrism.

Cycloid psychopathy

Main article: Cyclothymia

The group of cycloids includes individuals with different, constitutionally determined, mood levels. Persons with permanently low mood make up the group constitutionally depressive psychopaths(hypothymic). These are always gloomy, dull, dissatisfied and uncommunicative people. In their work, they are overly conscientious, accurate, executive, as they are ready to see complications and failures in everything. They are characterized by a pessimistic assessment of the present and a corresponding outlook on the future, combined with low self-esteem. They are sensitive to troubles, capable of empathy, but they try to hide their feelings from others. In conversation, they are reserved and laconic, afraid to express their opinion. It seems to them that they are always wrong, they are looking for their guilt and failure in everything.

Constitutionally Excited- these are hyperthymic personalities, and, unlike hypothymic ones, they are distinguished by constantly elevated mood, activity and optimism. These are sociable, lively, talkative people. In work, they are enterprising, proactive, full of ideas, but their propensity for adventurism and inconsistency are detrimental to achieving their goals. Temporary failures do not upset them, they take up the matter again with tireless energy. Excessive self-confidence, overestimation of their own capabilities, activities on the verge of the law often complicate their lives. Such individuals are prone to lies, optionality in the fulfillment of promises. In connection with the increased sexual desire, they are promiscuous in acquaintances, enter into reckless intimate relationships.

Persons with emotional instability, that is, with constant mood swings, are of the cycloid type. Mood cyclothymics changes from low, sad, to high, joyful. Periods of bad or good mood of varying duration, from several hours to several days, even weeks. Their state and activity change in accordance with the change in mood.

Emotively labile (reactively labile) psychopaths- persons in whom state fluctuations occur extremely often, sometimes right by the day. Their mood goes from one extreme to another without any reason.

Unstable psychopathy

People of this type are distinguished by increased subordination to external influences. These are weak-willed, easily suggestible, "characterless" personalities, easily influenced by other people. Their whole life is determined not by goals, but by external, random circumstances. They often get into bad company, drink too much, become drug addicts, scammers. At work, such people are optional, undisciplined. On the one hand, they make promises to everyone and try to please, but the slightest external circumstances unsettle them. They constantly need control, authoritative guidance. In favorable conditions, they can work well and lead a proper lifestyle.

Antisocial psychopathy

Main article: antisocial personality disorder

A feature of antisocial psychopaths are pronounced moral defects. They suffer from partial emotional dullness and have practically no social emotions: they usually lack a sense of duty towards society and a sense of sympathy for others. They have neither shame nor honor, they are indifferent to praise and blame, they are unable to adapt to the rules of the hostel. Often gravitate towards sensual pleasures. Some antisocial psychopaths tend to torture animals from childhood and have no attachment even to the closest people (even to their mother).

constitutionally stupid

See also: Stupidity

Psychopaths who are born unintelligent, narrow-minded. A distinctive feature is congenital mental deficiency. These individuals, unlike oligophrenics, study well (not only in secondary school, but even at the university), they often have a good memory. However, when they enter into life, where they have to put their knowledge into practice and take the initiative, nothing comes of it. They show no originality and tend to say banal, formulaic things, which is why their disorder is called "Salon Blödsinn" (from it. - "salon dementia"). To denote the same concept, Eigen Bleuler used the term "die unklaren" ("obscure"), emphasizing that their main characteristic is more the ambiguity of concepts than the poverty of associations. The group of constitutionally stupid also includes "philistines" - people without spiritual (intellectual) needs and requests. However, they can cope well with the simple requirements of a specialty.

Constitutionally stupid psychopaths are suggestible individuals who are ready to obey "public opinion", they also tend to follow fashion. They are always conservative, afraid of everything new and holding on out of a sense of self-defense for what they are used to and adapted to.

Constitutionally stupid psychopaths can have great conceit, while with a pompous solemn air uttering complex phrases that make no sense, that is, a set of pompous words that have no content. In the literature there is a similar subject in a caricature form - Kozma Prutkov.

Kraepelin's classification of psychopathy

Emil Kraepelin (1915) distinguished the following types of psychopathic personalities:

  • enemies of society (anti-social);
  • impulsive (people of inclination);
  • excitable;
  • unrestrained (unstable);
  • weirdos;
  • pathological debaters;
  • liars and deceivers (pseudologists).

Schneider's classification of psychopathy

Kurt Schneider (1915) identified 10 types of psychopathic personalities:

  • depressive- pessimists and skeptics who doubt the meaning of life. They have a penchant for refined aestheticism and self-torture, which embellishes the inner bleakness.
  • Hyperthymics- active personalities people with a cheerful character, good-natured optimists, debaters, excitable. They tend to actively interfere in other people's affairs.
  • Emotionally labile- Individuals prone to sudden mood swings.
  • Seeking recognition- eccentric and vain people who strive to seem more significant than they really are.
  • Explosive- Easily excitable, irritable, quick-tempered personality.
  • Soulless- individuals who are deprived of a sense of shame, compassion, honor, conscience.
  • limp- unstable personalities who are subject to both positive and negative influences.
  • Unsure of themselves- constrained and shy personality. They can hide these features with an overly bold and bold demeanor.
  • Fanatical- active and expansive personalities, inclined to fight for their legal or imaginary rights, or sluggish fanatics, eccentrics prone to fantasies, detached from reality.
  • Asthenic- individuals who are characterized by difficulty in concentrating, low performance, poor memory, insomnia, increased fatigue. Acutely feel mental and mental insufficiency.

Classification of psychopathy in ICD-9

The International Classification of Diseases 9th Revision (ICD-9) included the following classification of psychopathy:

  • 301.0. Paranoid (paranoid) psychopathy (personality disorder of the paranoid (paranoid) type);
  • 301.1. Affective psychopathy, hyperthymic psychopathy, hypothymic psychopathy (affective type personality disorder);
  • 301.2. Schizoid psychopathy (personality disorder of the schizoid type);
  • 301.3. Excitable psychopathy, explosive psychopathy (excitable personality disorder);
  • 301.4. Anankastic psychopathy, psychasthenic psychopathy (anankastic type personality disorder);
  • 301.5. Hysterical psychopathy (a personality disorder of a hysterical type);
  • 301.6. Asthenic psychopathy (asthenic type personality disorder);
  • 301.7. Heboid psychopathy (personality disorders such as emotionally stupid);
  • 301.8. Other personality disorders;
    • 301.81. Unstable psychopathy (unstable personality disorder);
    • 301.82. Mosaic polymorphic psychopathy;
    • 301.83. Partial disharmonious mental infantilism;
    • 301.89. Other psychopathy and personality development.

Psychopathies are painful personality changes, with emotional disturbances, volitional disorders, pathological experiences and bouts of inappropriate behavior. People suffering from these types of disorders may retain intellectual abilities, but often lose them. The development of psychopathy gradually leads to the fact that patients develop inappropriate behavior in society, the ability to normal social adaptation is lost. Psychopathic manifestations are especially difficult if painful changes begin in childhood.

The representative of the German school of psychiatry, K. Schneider, argued that the personality of a psychopath exposes both himself and the people around him to suffering. Psychopathic manifestations can undergo dynamic changes with the age and development of a person. Especially clinical symptoms increase in adolescence and in the elderly.

Table of contents:

Causes of psychopathy

provoking factors in the development of pathological changes can be severe diseases of internal organs, severe stressful situations. According to official data, up to 5% of the population suffers from psychopathy.

Despite the prevalence of this pathology, its causal factors have not been studied enough. Scientists differ both in some questions of classification, and in the mechanisms of development of painful changes.

In a separate large group of causes of psychopathy, brain lesions are identified, which are caused by:

  • environmental pollution;
  • severe infectious diseases;
  • traumatic head injuries;
  • poisoning;
  • elevated .

The listed groups of harmful effects lead to painful changes in the brain, nervous system, and as a result, severe changes occur in the psyche.

Also, social factors are of great importance in the development of pathology: the atmosphere in the family, school, work teams, etc. Especially these conditions play a role in childhood.

The hereditary nature of the transmission of psychopathy is of no small importance.

The main classifications of psychopathy

The problem of psychopathy was of interest to many world-class scientists. This has led to the creation of many classifications. We will consider the most common, most commonly used in clinical medicine.

According to the main groups (O.V. Kebrikov), the following are distinguished:

  • nuclear psychopathy(depending on the constitutional type of a person, in which the main role is assigned to heredity);
  • marginal psychopathy(arising from problems of a biological nature and social causes);
  • organic psychopathy(caused by organic lesions of the brain, and manifested at the stage of personality development, at the age of 6-10 years).

An additional role in the development of psychopathic traits is played by:

  • separation of the child from parents, family;
  • overprotectiveness, developing a painful self-importance;
  • lack or complete lack of attention to their children;
  • "Cinderella" syndrome - relegation to the background of the adopted child, or the formation of a complex in children due to increased parental attention paid to one child at the expense of others;
  • the “idol” phenomenon is a painful perception of caring for other children by a child – the “favorite” of the family society.

Note:the existing psychopathic character traits can clearly manifest themselves with defects in upbringing and give painful emotional reactions and pathological behavior.

The main medical classification of psychopathy divides the disease according to the leading psychopathological syndrome.

In practical medicine, psychopathy is distinguished:

  • asthenic;
  • psychasthenic;
  • schizoid"
  • hysterical;
  • epileptoid;
  • paranoid;
  • excitable;
  • affective;
  • heboid;
  • with sexual disorders and perversions

Symptoms of the main clinical forms of psychopathy

The main manifestations of psychopathy depend on the developing type of the disease.

Symptoms of asthenic psychopathy

This form is characteristic of people of a weak psychophysical type, prone to increased vulnerability, hypersensitivity, quickly depleted during strong nervous and physical stress. They are characterized by excessive anxiety (fearfulness), cowardly actions, frequent indecision, if necessary, to take responsibility for themselves.

Deep and prolonged experiences lead to a permanently depressed mood. Over time, an excessive tendency to take care of one's health appears, develop.

The asthenic psychopath is constantly tired, good health for him is an extreme rarity. Excessive pedantry, acrimony prevail in character traits, there is a certain life algorithm, it is very difficult for the patient to go beyond the boundaries of which.

This form is also characteristic of a weak type of nervous system. The main feature of patients is the predominance of the second signaling system. It is characteristic of people of the mental type. The behavior of these psychopaths is dominated by corrosiveness and excessive analysis of events and actions, especially their own. The patient is concerned about abstract, unimportant questions. For example, the color of the shirt in which you need to go out. Reasoning about whether it is right now to go in these clothes can lead a person to a dead end, and he will not go to the place he needs at all. Among the main symptoms of psychasthenic psychopathy are painful doubts (“mental chewing gum”) that arise for any, the most insignificant reason. Psychasthenics are characterized by pettiness and pedantry, which reach the level of obsessive states to an extreme degree.

Psychasthenics are constantly engaged in self-reexamination. Obsessive thoughts distract patients from real life. The insufficiency of the first signaling system makes patients emotionally narrowed, "flat" and indifferent.

Patients with this form of the disease look closed, avoid people and communication, are prone to self-immersion (pronounced introverts) . Thoughts and ideas of patients are obscure to others, very peculiar. Appearance, hobbies are unusual. There is a detachment from the interests of the outside world.

They say about such people that they are “not of this world”, eccentric and indifferent to themselves and others. Often they have developed intellectual abilities. . According to I.V. Chess allocate: sthenic a type of schizoid psychopathy (with symptoms of withdrawal, emotional dullness, rigidity and coldness) and asthenic type (closedness is noticeable, accompanied by daydreaming, anxiety and combined with strange hobbies - “freaks”).

Typology of a person with a predominance of the first signal system. Characteristic of the artistic type of nervous activity. Vivid emotions come to the fore in the life of this category of patients. , that are prone to rapid polar changes . This leads to mood swings, unstable behavior.

Patients suffering from this form are very proud, self-centered, with a characteristic feature - to be constantly in the center of attention (demonstrative behavior). These patients are characterized by inventing stories, a tendency to fantasize and embellish facts, sometimes they “lie” so much that they themselves begin to believe in their writings. This form of psychopathy often develops symptoms .

People suffering from this type of mental disorder have viscous thinking, obsession with details, and extreme pedantry. Their thinking is stiff, hard "swaying". Among the main symptoms are pettiness, scrupulousness and excessive prudence. .

In behavior, there are sharp changes in attitude towards people: from sugary obsequiousness to outbursts of anger and intransigence. One of the features of the type is the inability and unwillingness to forgive. Epileptoid psychopaths can harbor anger and resentment all their lives, and at the slightest opportunity resort to revenge. Outbursts of anger are strong and prolonged. Patients of this form of the disease often exhibit sadistic tendencies.

Patients of this group are prone to one-sided and obsessive thinking, are prone to the formation of overvalued ideas that can completely take over their volitional and emotional sphere. The most common manifestation of this morbid quality is suspicion.

A paranoid psychopath can find in each of his acquaintances the features of an intruder who is watching him. Often, patients attribute envy towards themselves to people around them. It seems to the patient that everyone wants to harm him, even doctors. Painful symptoms of paranoid psychopathy often manifest themselves in ideas of jealousy, fanatical thoughts, constant complaints. It is quite natural that the relationship of this category of psychopaths with other people is conflicting.

This group of patients is more prone to uncontrolled outbursts of anger, inappropriate actions, attacks of unmotivated and pronounced aggression. Psychopaths are overly demanding of other people, too touchy and selfish. They have little interest in the opinions of outsiders.

At the same time, patients with excitable psychopathy may show symptoms of depressive states, despair. The most often excitable type is inherent in alcoholics, drug addicts, socially pathological personalities (thieves, bandits). Among them is the largest percentage of offenders and persons who are examined by forensic medical examinations.

This type of mental disorder occurs in the form hyperthymia- a condition in which patients are characterized by a constantly elevated mood with a feeling of carelessness and activity. This type of patient is inclined to take on all the cases in a row, but not one of them is able to complete. There is frivolity, increased talkativeness, importunity and leadership tendencies. Affective psychopaths quickly find a common language with everyone and no less quickly get bored with their “stickiness”. They have a tendency to get into difficult, conflict situations.

The second type of disorder hypothymia, is the opposite of hyperthymia. Patients diagnosed with "affective psychopathy" are in a depressed state. They tend to see negative aspects in everything, express dissatisfaction with themselves and others, they often have hypochondriacal symptoms, and extreme degrees of pessimism are observed. They are closed and feel a sense of their own guilt in front of everyone, consider themselves guilty of everything that happens. At the same time, hypothymics expressed resentment. Any word can deeply hurt the patient.

The type of this pathological process contains deviations in the sphere of the concepts of duty, honor, conscience. Sick of a cruel disposition, merciless and selfish, with an atrophied concept of shame. General human norms do not exist for them. This type of psychopathy always proceeds in a severe form. Geboid psychopaths are characterized by sadism and indifference to the suffering of other people.

Symptoms of psychopathies with sexual perversions and disorders

The clinic of these disorders proceeds in combination with other types of psychopathy. Sexual perversions include pedophilia, sado-masochism, bestiality, transvestism and transsexualism. The forms of these deviations are constantly reviewed by specialists in order to determine the line between the symptoms of the disease and the variant of behavior within the framework of the mental norm.

Psychopathies run in cycles. Periods of improvement are replaced by exacerbations of the disease process. Psychopathies must be distinguished from personality accentuations (extreme degrees of manifestation of character).

Note:accentuations are not a pathology, although their manifestations may resemble psychopathy. Only a qualified psychiatrist can distinguish psychopathy from accentuation.

Treatment of psychopathy

Therapy of psychopathy begins with the elimination of the cause that triggered the development of clinical manifestations (infectious diseases, injuries, stress, diseases of internal organs, etc.)

Medical treatment includes:

  • fortifying agents: vitamins, antioxidants, immunomodulators;
  • sedatives (soothing in mild forms of pathology);
  • tranquilizers (to stabilize the emotional background with constant overexcitation);
  • neuroleptics (with affective forms);
  • antidepressants (in cases of depression);
  • sleeping pills (for stabilization in excitable forms of the disease);
  • symptomatic (with problems with the heart, liver, kidneys).

Treatment of psychopathy must be accompanied by psychotherapy (hypnosis, waking suggestion, rational psychotherapy). Acupuncture, physiotherapy, especially electrosleep are widely used.

Prevention of psychopathy

Prevention of this group of diseases is possible only with large-scale measures at the state level, including the solution of socio-economic issues, the early detection of abnormal types of behavior in children and the creation of favorable conditions for their development, with gradual adaptation in society.

The task of medicine is to effectively treat somatic diseases.

Educational institutions should instill in children a healthy lifestyle, raise the cultural and educational level.

You will receive more detailed information about the course of psychopathy, methods of their diagnosis and treatment by watching this video review:

Lotin Alexander, medical columnist

Psychopathy(from the Greek psyche - soul and pathos - suffering) - a congenital or developed in the early years an anomaly of personality, an anomaly of higher nervous activity, causing mental inferiority.

The behavior of the individual is modified depending on the form of psychopathy, acquiring abnormal to separate groups of stimuli. In the development and course of psychopathy, the stages of exacerbation of psychopathic traits, the phase of decompensation, differ.

Causes of psychopathy

Psychopathic personality warehouse arises on the basis of the interaction of congenital or early acquired biological inferiority of the nervous system with acutely negative environmental conditions. The characterological feature of a psychopathic personality is the disharmony of its emotional-volitional sphere, with the relative safety of the intellect. Psychopathic personality traits make it difficult for her to socially adapt, and under psychotraumatic circumstances lead to maladaptive behavioral acts.

Psychopaths do not have irreversible personality defects. Under favorable environmental conditions, their mental anomalies are smoothed out. However, in all mentally difficult conditions for them, a breakdown reaction, behavioral maladaptation is inevitable. Among violent offenders, psychopaths occupy a leading position. Psychopaths are characterized by immaturity of the psyche, manifested in increased suggestibility, a tendency to exaggeration, unreasonable suspiciousness.

The leading factor in personality psychopathization in some cases is congenital constitutional features (the so-called nuclear psychopathy), in others it is the psychogenic influence of the environment (“pathocharacteristic development of the individual”).

long impact of adverse social factors can be the main cause of the psychopathic development of the personality, its distorted mental formation.

personality, formed in the conditions constant rude suppression, humiliation, begins to show timidity, depression, insecurity, or, conversely, increased excitability, aggressiveness, and confrontation. The atmosphere of general adoration and admiration, the unquestioning fulfillment of all the whims of the child can lead to the formation of a hysterical personality type, the development of egocentrism, narcissism. Along with this, traits of explosiveness (explosiveness, impulsiveness) develop. In prolonged conditions of excessive guardianship, asthenicity, lack of initiative, helplessness, external behavioral orientation (blaming external circumstances for one's failures) is formed. Since the pathocharacteristic development of the personality is mainly due to the social factor, it is possible to stop this process under favorable social conditions.

Classification of psychopathy

The classification of psychopathy is still debatable.

Main types of psychopathy:

  • psychasthenic;
  • excitable (explosive);
  • hysterical;
  • paranoid;
  • schizoid psychopathy.

Psychoasthenic psychopathy

Psychasthenic psychopaths characterized by an increased level of anxiety, timidity, self-doubt, extremely hypersensitivity to psychotraumatic circumstances, maladjustment in mentally stressful situations. Their intellectual constructions, life plans are torn off from the real conditions of life, they are prone to painful sophistication (“intellectual chewing gum”), stagnant self-digging (they like to “saw sawdust”), obsessive ideas. Psychasthenics are characterized by a functional preponderance of the second signaling system and weakness of the subcortical systems, which manifests itself in the general energy weakness of their higher nervous activity, the weakness of the most fragile inhibitory process. Their motivational sphere is characterized by stagnant, obsessive urges.

excitable psychopathy

Excitable (explosive) psychopaths characterized by increased irritability, constant stay in a state of mental stress, explosive emotional reactivity, reaching inadequate fits of rage. They are characterized by increased demands on others, extreme selfishness and selfishness, distrust and suspicion. They often fall into a state dysphoria- vicious longing. They are stubborn, quarrelsome, conflict, petty picky and domineering. In rude, and in anger - extremely aggressive, capable of inflicting severe beatings, do not stop even before killing. Their affective behavior occurs against the background of narrowed consciousness. In some cases, viciousness and explosiveness (explosiveness) will mix in the direction of stagnant desires (drunkenness, vagrancy, gambling, sexual excesses and perversions).

True psychopathy

Hysterical psychopaths differ mainly in their desire for recognition. They strive for an external manifestation of their significance, a demonstration of their own superiority, they are prone to theatricality and drawing, posturing and external showiness. Their craving for exaggeration often borders on deceit, and delights and sorrows manifest themselves violently and expressively (theatrical gestures, wringing of hands, loud prolonged laughter and sobs, enthusiastic hugs and insults “for life”). Their life strategy is to be in the spotlight by any means: unbridled fantasy, constant lies (pathological liars and mythomaniacs). In pursuit of recognition, they do not stop even at self-incrimination. The psyche of these people is immature, infantile. In neurophysiological terms, they are dominated by the first signaling system, the activity of the right hemisphere. Their immediate impressions are so vivid that they suppress criticality.

paranoid psychopathy

Paranoid psychopaths (paranoids) characterized by an increased propensity for "overvalued ideas." This is due to the extreme narrowness of their thinking, one-pointedness of interests, increased conceit, egocentrism, and suspicion of other people. The low plasticity of the psyche makes their behavior conflict, they are constantly in the fight against imaginary enemies. Their main focus is “invention” and “reformism”. Non-recognition of their merits leads to constant clashes with the environment, litigation, anonymous denunciations, etc.

Schizoid psychopathy

Schizoid psychopaths highly sensitive, vulnerable, but emotionally limited ("cold aristocrats"), despotic, prone to reasoning. Their psychomotor skills are defective - clumsy. They are pedantic and autistic - aloof. They have a sharply disturbed social identity - hostility to the social environment. Psychopaths of the schizoid type lack emotional resonance to the experiences of other people. Their social contacts are difficult. They are cold, cruel and unceremonious; their inner motives are obscure and often due to orientations that are overvalued to them.

Psychopathic individuals are extremely sensitive to individual psycho-traumatic influences, touchy and suspicious. Their mood is subject to periodic disorders - dysphoria. Tides of malicious melancholy, fear, depression cause them to increase pickiness to others.

Psychopathic Traits

Psychopathic personality traits are formed with extremes in the methods of education - oppression, suppression, humiliation form a depressed, inhibitory personality type. Systematic rudeness, violence contribute to the formation of an aggressive personality type. The hysterical personality type is formed in an environment of all-round adoration and admiration, the fulfillment of all the whims and whims of a psychopath-like individual.

Psychopaths of the excitable and hysterical type are especially prone to sexual perversions - homosexuality(sexual attraction to people of the same sex) gerontophilia(to the elderly) pedophilia(to children). Other behavioral perversions of an erotic nature are also possible - scopophilia(secretly spying on the intimate acts of other people), erotic fetishism(transfer of erotic feelings to things), transvestism(the desire to experience sexual satisfaction when dressing in clothes of the opposite sex), exhibitionism(sexual satisfaction when exposing one's body in the presence of persons of the opposite sex), sadism(erotic tyranny) masochism(autosadism).

All sexual perversions are signs of mental disorders.