Which cat is better to have in an apartment: calm and unpretentious breeds. What breed of cat should I choose for my child? The best cat breeds for indoors


We will not reveal the truth to you if we say that choosing a pet is always associated with many factors: the presence of children in the house, the size of the apartment, the cleanliness of the owners, their frequent presence or absence, financial capabilities to care for pets, the presence of other pets, and much more. . In general, the conditions of a city apartment are not very suitable for keeping pets due to its small area and the rhythm of human life in a metropolis. However, there are several trends that make it possible to highlight best breeds cats for an apartment according to several characteristics at once. These are the ones we will consider in this article. The criteria for selecting animals will be: small apartment dimensions, ease of care and character traits.

What kind of cats are convenient to keep in a small apartment?

First of all, these are medium-sized cats that are not highly active. The possibility of keeping large cats (for example, a Maine Coon or a Bengal) immediately disappears - the animal will feel like it is in a cage, which will negatively affect its health. It is not recommended to keep hyperactive cats (for example, Abyssinian, Siamese, bengal cat, Kurilian Bobtail and others). Calm, not too active animals are suitable for a small apartment, the most popular of which are:

Don't assume that these cats will exclusively sleep and eat. They are playful, moderately active, and sociable. But pets of these breeds will not rush around the apartment, sweeping away everything in their path. With the exception of special occasions They do not show aggression and are calm towards children and other pets. Sometimes they are talkative and independent (Scottish fold), passive (sphinxes), and moderately capricious (exotic cat), but they will not cause problems to their owners with their behavior.

Which cat is the easiest to care for?

A city apartment involves keeping an animal exclusively indoors. Accordingly, you will have at least the opportunity to walk him, and everything related to the cat will remain in your apartment. Smells and fur are an integral element of keeping any animal in the house. In addition, any cat can behave unpredictably and you should not get too annoyed because of this: the animal cannot be as civilized as its owners. However, a number of cats are traditionally easier to care for than other breeds. Easy to care for include:

  • All sphinxes. Lack of hair, low sexual activity (males rarely “mark” territory, females do not cause problems during estrus);
  • Scottish Fold. Short hair - rare brushing, ease of training - the cat is easily toilet trained even after moving, the animal is clean;
  • Cornish Rex. The animal sheds rarely, losing minimal amount wool

Moreover, the cat can be adapted to living conditions in a city apartment. Thus, declawing will prevent scratches on the floor and furniture, and sterilization will rid your apartment of additional odors. However, do not forget: interfering with the natural nature of an animal will certainly change its character. Neutered cats and female cats become more passive, and declawed animals also do not exhibit many natural instincts.

Cats with the best personalities for apartment living

The character of a cat can be decisive when keeping an animal in a city apartment. It is for this reason that it is difficult to care for a Siamese cat, which often resembles a dog in behavior - it easily and forever becomes attached to its owner, treats other people and pets without much sympathy, and does not tolerate loneliness well. And here Siberian cats often display the instincts of a hunter, which determines the outbreaks of their activity. The most suitable breeds of cats for keeping in a city apartment are the following:

Of course, this list is incomplete and can be continued indefinitely. In addition, most purebred cats are endowed with remarkable intelligence and are easy to train - their behavior can be corrected. You should approach the choice of an animal taking into account the individual characteristics of your apartment and family as a whole. Only a conscious, balanced and most thoughtful decision to get a cat can guarantee sincere pleasure from the life of a pet in your family.

Mom, let's get a kitten? And now the happy parents are already looking for a four-legged friend who will not only keep the baby company, but also teach him responsibility, compassion and love for animals. Is there a way to choose that same playful and good-natured kitten?

When planning to give your child a tailed playmate, it is important to remember that responsibility for the kitten lies on the shoulders of adult family members. Parents will have to feed, comb and bathe the mustachioed baby. If you are not ready to sacrifice your free time, you should not get a pet in the hope that the child himself will perform all the necessary care.

Cats live on average about fifteen years. And all these years, the cat has been a member of the family with its own character and habits. Shy or aggressive kitten And Small child- an explosive combination that will lead to nothing good. A mustachioed baby weighing half a kilo is capable of seriously biting or scratching a noisy child, acting within the framework of natural instincts. It does not matter which kitten to choose for a child, one month old or six months old, if he was born from a street cat and spent the first weeks of his life without contact with a person. Therefore, you should not look for a friend for your baby in courtyards and basements: semi-feral kittens born on the street are very wayward and independent.

Kitten "from hand"

Popular cat breeds for young children are a very expensive purchase. Purebred kitten, born from quality sires, healthy and raised in compliance with all rules, will never end up in the market, pet store or subway crossing. You should not skimp on the safety and health of your child - contact only professional nurseries with breeders who have felinological or veterinary education.

A child for everyone New Year and asks for a birthday pet, has the right to make your dreams come true. Many parents are intimidated by the thought of having a dog because they need to be walked and trained. A cat is naturally more independent and can easily do without human attention during your workday or the absence of a schoolchild. However, if everything is more or less clear with the characteristics of dogs, then it is quite difficult to “guess” the best cat breeds for children.

To begin with, you need to decide what you need a pet for. You have decided to get a cat for your child, but are you prepared for the fact that your four-legged dog might get sick? The likelihood of a change in priorities for the child himself is also important, because the animal will live with you for 10–15 years, and during this time the child will have time to grow up, and maybe start his own family. The next important aspect is the presence of an allergy to wool in one of the family members. There are cats in the world with hypoallergenic fur, there are not many of them, kittens are quite expensive, but sometimes this is the only way out. If you suspect an allergy, you should not rely on intuition, lab tests much more reliable. You or your child may have a reaction to skin discharge animal. In this case, no breed of cat or dog will suit you.

Important! A pet is a figurative concept, a cat is a full-fledged member of the family and you do not have the right to betray it, due to a move, illness, or simply because you are “tired of it.”

Are you a busy parent, but your child needs a pet? In this case, it is worth foreseeing the activity of the breed in advance. The integrity of furniture and things directly depends on physical activity available to the pet. The main restrictions are related to the type of housing, so:

  • Suitable for home independent breeds with innate balance. At the same time, the pet must be able to stand up for itself, because a stranger may come onto your territory. Keeping with free access to the street excludes breeds that do not tolerate anesthesia well, since in order to avoid a constant litter of kittens, the pet must be sterilized. An uncastrated cat will not “bring in the hem”, but, guided by instincts, will get into fights for females. The fight of males “for the lady’s heart” is sometimes quite cruel, the animals lose their eyes or are seriously injured. The next nuance is elastic, short or semi-long wool, otherwise you will have to get rid of tangles literally every day. In addition, your pet will need to be accustomed to a collar with an address medallion.
  • A medium-active breed that does not require “round-the-clock” attention is suitable for an apartment. To be fair, most adult cats spend 60% of their time busy with themselves and sleeping, but there are exceptions. The next question is the length of the fur, is your child ready to scratch the cat every day? Then there are no restrictions. As a rule, only teenagers can be expected to take a responsible approach, so it is better to purchase a pet that is easy to care for.

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Important! Remember, it doesn’t matter whether you live in an apartment or a house, self-walking is always dangerous! You are fully responsible for the life and safety of your pet. Car wheels or intentions angry dogs won't stop" home view» cats.

What qualities should a cat have?

So, which cat is best to get for a child? You should be interested in the following qualities:

  • The ability to stand up for yourself, because a child can hurt an animal and must get back. At the same time, for children under 5 years old, a breed is needed that will never “raise its paws” against an offender.
  • Loyalty and sociability– after all, a pet should become a friend, and not an independently existing subject.
  • Love for games– otherwise the child will have nothing to do with the pet.
  • Adequate attitude towards the street– of course, it all depends on upbringing, but walks are additional leisure time for the owner and the animal. By the way, a child can be entrusted with growing grass for a pet; this is an additional incentive for responsibility.
  • Fast adaptation– when investing responsibility in the child, you must make it clear that the animal is forever, until the end of his life, and not for as long as it is convenient. Whether you're going to the country or on vacation, your cat is coming with you! If you move, the cat goes with you and this is not discussed! The child wants a dog, a hamster, a ferret, fish - which means you get another pet, but the cat remains in the family!

Read also: Australian Smoky Cat: Mist or Mix?

Friendly Cat Breeds – A Brief Overview

mongrel cat– if you want to teach your child compassion and responsibility, you should not look for nurseries. Adopt a kitten from a shelter or pick up a homeless baby on the street. In the future, when the child’s priorities begin to change, you can remind him that he saved this life and must be responsible. Don't be afraid of infections or worms, primary processing will minimize risks. In addition, “yard” cats are usually healthy, not picky about food and not prone to chronic pathologies.

Abyssinian cat– a graceful and very active breed. Abyssinians never get enough attention and games; they are always on the move and never get tired. An excellent breed for “restless” children. However, it is worth understanding that representatives of the breed require respectful treatment and are able to fight back, therefore Abyssinians are not recommended for children under 10 years of age.

Since ancient times, there has been no better neighbor for a person than a cat. She brings harmony to life and calms even with her very presence, she pleases and amuses, committing small pranks. The indoor cat is the most adapted animal. She easily gets accustomed to her place, to the toilet and lives quite a long time compared to other pets.

Which cat breeds are better?

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. There are many factors influencing the choice. This behavior, color, character and much more. To decide which breed you should give preference to, you need to consider the features of the most popular ones.

  • Outbred cats. These animals, which cannot boast of their pedigree, are in no way inferior, and sometimes even superior, in intelligence, charm and beauty to their titled relatives. They are generally more resistant to various diseases, do not show aggression, are very affectionate and sociable. These are a wide variety of cats, differing from each other in color, coat length, and appearance. Such a friend can be found in any shelter for homeless animals or even on the street.
  • Angora breed. Playful and very cheerful cats easily adapt to unfamiliar surroundings and get along with other animals. Long wool adds hassle to cleaning.
  • British cat. For a home with small children, this the best option. Animals patiently and unrequitedly allow themselves to be squeezed, they are very calm and confident. They have very weak immunity; you should be careful about their health. Grooming is not burdensome.
  • Abyssinian cat. A very active and inquisitive person who demands to be treated with respect may even scratch. Therefore, this is not a very suitable option if there are children in the family. Short hair does not require special care.
  • The Siamese cat breed is also one of those animals that should not be kept in a home with a small child. They are capricious and do not tolerate familiarity when they are pulled by their mustache or tail.
  • Burmese cat. She is moderately active and inquisitive, has angelic patience, allowing children to do whatever they want with her. Absolutely not aggressive. Therefore, she is considered the best “nanny” among cats.
  • Scottish lop-eared. Cats of this breed are friendly and do not allow themselves to bite or scratch. But you can’t hold them in your arms for a long time, and they are also very shy.
  • Persian cats. Resembling little teddy bears, they bond very well with children. Thick coat requires regular brushing and special care.

There are many other breeds that are also worth considering as pets.

How to choose a kitten

When choosing a new tenant, you must take into account the lifestyle that the owners lead and the characteristics of the family. There are breeds of cats that cannot tolerate noise, turmoil, transportation in transport - all this causes them severe anxiety and panic. Therefore, you need to pay attention to what kind of character the kitten has - calm or mischievous, whether it tolerates a change of environment well, whether it is able to remain alone, etc.

Once upon a time there was a black cat

Black cats have always seemed like mystical creatures to people. Many myths, superstitions and legends have been created about them. In fact, these are very graceful, affectionate and playful animals that are not particularly different from cats of any other color.

A house cat is necessary not only to catch mice and rid the owners of their invasion. Possessing the strongest energy, it is able to influence people’s health, improve well-being, relieve pain, stress, normalize blood pressure, etc. And the black cat is especially distinguished by this. In a house where such an animal lives, the energy supply is much better. It is believed that a black cat brings prosperity and good luck to its owners.

Housewarming with a cat

Moving in ancient times, in addition to a change of place of residence, also meant the beginning of a new life stage. And in order for it to be successful, it is necessary to receive the blessing of the gods. For this purpose, the cat was first launched in new house, acting as a sacrifice for higher powers. There is another explanation for this custom. It is believed that animals perceive energy very well, so where the cat chooses a place, it is recommended to place a bed so that sleep is healthy and complete.

How to housetrain a cat

It will take some time for a cat to adapt to a new place. For some animals, a few days are enough, while for others it may take months. The cat should be placed in a secluded corner so that it is not disturbed by other pets. It is advisable to avoid noise, loud conversations, and do not force the cat to come out of its hiding place and pick it up.

The first signs that the animal has settled in and feels quite comfortable are the start of eating and using the litter tray. After this, you can start talking to her and even try playing with the ribbon in front of her nose. The main thing is not to grab the cat in your arms as soon as it comes out of its hiding place. Let him calmly walk around the room, exploring the territory. And only then you can give her the opportunity to explore the remaining possessions.

Several cats in the house

This situation, when there are many cats in the house, is quite acceptable, but only under one condition - each of them must have its own territory.

Otherwise, it may happen that when a new tenant appears, the old resident will begin to leave cat marks and, due to jealousy, will begin to move away from the owner. Enmity may arise between animals. And living several cats in a small room is a serious burden not only for them, but also for the owners. When two cats move into the house, you need to be on guard at first to prevent their aggressive behavior.

It is also problematic to keep animals of different ages and temperaments. If you add a young, playful and mischievous cat to an old or fearful cat, who will pester her with his games, her life will become simply unbearable. Vigilant owner supervision is simply necessary in order to prevent the tyranny of one animal in relation to another.

When a cat and a male cat live together at home, it is easy to predict how it might end. Therefore, if there is no interest in breeding kittens, care should be taken to avoid these undesirable consequences.

Like a cat and a dog

Before bringing a new pet into your home, you should pay attention to whether your cat or dog shows any signs of aggressiveness towards other animals. It may happen that hostility towards the new tenant will threaten his health and life. Animals are very sensitive and can immediately sense that someone else has taken their place in the house. A cat and a dog will need the same amount of affection and love from the owner so as not to feel deprived. Only then can their hatred and aggression towards each other be avoided.

But it also happens that some cats get along much better with dogs than with their relatives. They may well become inseparable friends who play and even sleep together.

At cohabitation In the house of a cat and a dog, you should also take care of the feeding process, which is noticeably different for these animals. A dog has the habit of eating everything that is put in its bowl, but a cat can go to its cup several times a day to have a little lunch. Therefore, if her dishes are in a place accessible to the dog, then it is unlikely that anything will remain there. The cat's bowl should be placed somewhere high so that the dog cannot reach it.

Proper nutrition for cats

The pet will be active, cheerful and energetic if it is provided good nutrition. Today we offer a huge selection of different ready-made feed for cats. It is important to purchase one that matches the age and energy expenditure of the animal. Under no circumstances should you mix food from different brands.

To walk or not to walk

To decide whether to let your cat out for a walk, you need to decide for yourself which relationship is preferable between you. And only then make a choice. If a cat lives in a house located on a busy street filled with moving vehicles, then for safety reasons it is not recommended to let the animal go for walks. And if the house is located outside the city or there is a large yard, then it is quite possible to send your pet for a walk.

A cat living at home becomes completely domestic. This life suits her quite well, especially if you open the window so you can breathe fresh air lying on the windowsill and admiring the birds.

A cat that is let out for a walk will never become completely domestic. She is forced to preserve her wild instincts when she is on the street, and may well bring them into the house. They manifest themselves in the fact that cats and kittens begin to mark their territory in the house. Moreover, this is typical even for castrated animals. In addition, there are many dangers on the street, including infectious diseases to which a cat may be exposed. For a house where children live, keeping an animal without free range is a better option.

Don't forget about preventive vaccinations which must be done annually.

The following breeds are best for children:

  • Abyssinian . They are peaceful, curious and very playful animals. They get along well with other pets and are suitable for children school age.
  • Scottish fold and straight eared. These cats get along well with children and are friendly with strangers. They will not bother babies with their meowing, they do not scratch or bite. But they don't like close contact with your hands. They also do not like noisy games.
  • Sphinx . These cats can be characterized as sociable, active, affectionate and inquisitive. Such the breed is suitable for small children. These are very loyal and patient friends, they easily find contact with other pets. Sphynx cats love children and willingly sleep under a blanket. The only drawback is excessive intrusiveness. Cats need ongoing care. Representatives of this breed are suitable for allergy sufferers.
  • Siamese . Cats Siamese breed Loved by children aged 4-8 years. The favorite, sensing the child’s perky and positive mood, willingly starts playing. These are patient and non-aggressive animals. But there are also disadvantages. Cats of this breed love to “socialize” and require a lot of attention from the owner. They are very jealous and cannot stand loneliness. Siamese cats More suitable for children over 12 years old.
  • British . This one is flexible and smart breed distinguished by friendliness. The British are good with children. One of the advantages of the breed is calmness and equanimity; they do not show aggression in unpleasant conditions. By appearance The cat looks like a teddy bear, and its lush fur does not require special care. Among the shortcomings is that she does not like to sit in her arms and often gets sick. It can be difficult to explain to young children that a cat is not feeling well.
  • Ragdoll . These cats are ready to tolerate any child’s games and do not scratch or bite. They are best suited for children who understand how to behave properly around a pet. After all, cats of this breed do not know how to gracefully roll over and land on their paws.
  • Persian . This is a very lazy breed. Cats can tolerate being groomed and “socialized” by people for hours. But they don't like noisy games. Such pets are more suitable for calm children. The downside is that their coat requires careful care.
  • Orientals . In character they resemble dogs. Very flexible, smart, safe, affectionate, sociable and lively. Cats love to bring balls or mice to their owners. But you need to keep in mind that they love warmth very much, so you should monitor the temperature in the room.
  • Bengals. It's funny, but also very harmful cats. You should not leave your pet alone in a room where there is a lot of interesting things for her. She will restore “order” there in a matter of minutes. Such cats are good friends, but they do not tolerate rough play. Many people believe that this breed is best for families with school-age children, since they already know how to properly handle animals.

However, it is not necessary to have “noble” cats: the name of the breed is not a guarantee that the animal will suit the child. Many people believe that street dwellers are much smarter than their purebred counterparts, because in harsh conditions they have to be smart to survive. Such animals are less susceptible to disease. All outbred cats are characterized by friendliness and playfulness; they are not aggressive or vindictive. This is very good companions for children.

Medium-sized cats are suitable for an apartment; they are usually calm in nature . Such pets will not feel at home, as if in a cage. The most popular are: British, Persians, Peterbalds, Scottish Straights, Sphynxes, Burmese sacred cats, Russian Blues. For a private home, you should not consider cat breeds with weak immune systems. After all, the animal will go out for walks, and due to its curiosity, it will move further and further from the house, exploring new spaces. The breeds that will feel most comfortable are the Maine Coon and the European Shorthair.