Proven ways to make two cats friends in the same apartment. Two cats in the house: rules and tips for living together How to make two kittens friends

A detailed article on how to make friends between two adult cats, a cat with a kitten or a cat with a cat, as well as what to do if the cats are fighting

Two cats in one house: how to avoid conflict?

Should I get a second cat?

You can start a second cat only when the owners do not have enough one animal in the house. If you have free time and enough money, why not? But getting a second cat just because the first cat is bored alone is hardly reasonable. Cats are not pack animals, they do not need company (human attention is a separate issue, cats need it just as much as dogs). But if the owners have very little free time, the house is empty for days on end, then you can get a second cat so that the first one does not get bored without communication.

Important: sometimes, despite the competent behavior of the owner, cats cannot be reconciled with each other. Animals, being in constant stress, begin to get sick (both physically and mentally). In this situation, one of the animals will need to be placed in good hands - the family must be mentally prepared for such a development of events.

Preparing for a second cat

Before a second cat appears in the house, you need to prepare the space by dividing it into several zones. Two cats in the house will get along much faster if they do not bump into each other in the areas of rest, feeding and toilet.


The "new" cat should sleep separately from the "old" one, and preferably in a different room. The place where the old-timer rests is a taboo for a beginner. Be sure to prepare a comfortable mattress or house that will stand some distance from your cat's "bedroom". It is desirable that between the recreation areas there is a door that will need to be closed at night (at least at first).


Two cats that don't know each other well and haven't yet established contact are likely to be most aggressive around food bowls. Therefore, the newcomer needs to be fed from a separate dish, preferably not in the room where the “old” cat is used to eating. Over time, if the cats get along, the bowls can be moved. Cats need to be fed at the same time so that each one is busy with its own bowl and does not try to take away food from a rival.


Be sure to buy a separate litter box for the "new" cat. The filler in the old tray should be dirty by the time the new settler appears. So the probability that the “new” cat will go to a clean tray is higher (if the second cat dirty the tray of the first one, a conflict may arise, the first cat may sacrifice cleanliness and start dirtying the corners). Over time, if the cats make friends, it will be possible to leave one tray.

The second cat must be placed so as not to disturb the old-timer. For your first cat, everything should remain the same. In no case should she feel infringed on her rights due to the appearance of another animal in the house.

Introducing cats to each other

One of the important factors influencing the development of relationships between cats is the moment of acquaintance. Many owners, not knowing how to make two cats friends, make a number of gross mistakes: they push cats nose to nose, lock them in the same room, or immediately separate them into different rooms, without giving the animals the opportunity to communicate. In the first case, most likely there will be a fight. In the second case, a fight is inevitable and it will probably be a serious fight with bloodshed, since the animals have no way to retreat. In the third case, gradually increasing tension and anxiety, as a rule, again ends in a fight.

So, for starters, we do a manicure for both cats - cut the claws short and process the sharp edges with a nail file. A newcomer can be manicured at the breeder's house or even at the entrance (if the kitten was brought from the street).

Advice: it's great if you can mix the smells of two animals even before the appearance of the "new" cat in the house. This is easy to do: alternately stroke each cat with a dry terry towel. Pay special attention to the genitals, paws and cheeks.

You need to bring the cat into the house in a carrier or in a closed box with holes cut out for viewing. Open all the doors in the apartment so that one of the cats can run away from the attacker if there is a fight. But the windows must be closed. Place the carrier in the hallway and do not take the cat out for a while - let the old-timer sniff the box, get used to the smell, and come to his senses after the first shock.

After a while, open the carrier, but do not pull the cat out of it - let her decide when to go out. Some cats immediately go to explore the territory, others may stay for hours without sticking their nose out of the "shelter" - be patient.

When the cat comes out, the old-timer will most likely begin to demonstrate his superiority and defend the territory. The cat will hiss, stare intently at the intruder, fluff up the fur, and growl menacingly. The newcomer, most likely, will take a pose and look like “but I don’t care”, averting his eyes and trying not to look at the aggressor. By this behavior, the cat shows that it does not want conflict. The owners at this time should assume the role of observers and not intervene until a serious fight breaks out. Single lunges, paw strikes, swoops are the norm. You should not get between cats, so you will only delay the moment of showdown. And the faster the cats decide who is the boss in the house, the faster peace and friendship will come to your family.

If both cats take a threatening pose, growl, stare into each other's eyes - be on the lookout! This means, but neither of the animals wants to give in, and both are ready to fight. This state can last for a very long time, even several hours. If it is not possible to observe, separate the cats into different rooms. It is the newcomer that needs to be isolated, otherwise the old-timer will feel that he has lost part of the territory, and this will anger him even more.

What to do when cats fight?

If cats rush at each other and immediately bounce, beat each other with their paws, but it is obvious that they do not inflict wounds (warning blows - a series of short swings with their paws), or chase each other around the apartment - do not interfere, just watch. But when a serious fight broke out, the cats grappled and rolled head over heels on the floor, or one of the cats falls on its back, defending itself from the aggressor with its claws, you need to separate the animals.

In no case should you separate cats with your hands! In the heat of battle, even the cutest house cat can cling to the face of a beloved owner so fiercely that it cannot be torn off (redirected aggression). The most effective way is to pour water over the cats. Preferably head on. Do not be afraid, even if water gets into your ears, nothing bad will happen. If this does not help, throw a heavy dense fabric (bedspread or sheepskin coat) over the fighters. The sudden darkness will frighten the animals - cats will snuggle up to the floor in surprise. After a few seconds, the cover can be removed, one of the cats (which seems less aggressive) can be taken and taken to another room. If surprise did not help, and the cats are fighting, not paying attention to the darkness, strength will help - take a long stick (for example, a mop) and crucify the cats in the corners. You need to act aggressively, but carefully! Cats cannot be beaten, they only need to be pushed away from each other.

Fighting cats are temporarily settled in different rooms (for a couple of days), and then they try again to get to know each other. And so on until the aggression dries up, and the animals begin to treat each other more calmly.

Important: be sure to contact the veterinary clinic or call if one of the cats was seriously injured in a fight. Treat minor scratches with any antiseptic.

How to make friends with cats?

Two cats in the house - not the worst option. Cats do not defend their territory so often if at the moment one of them is not pregnant or nursing kittens. In nature, cats occupy a small area of ​​land (compared to cats) and react more calmly to the presence of strangers. The situation becomes more complicated if one of the cats has already reached adulthood (about 7 years old) or has been the only pet all its life.

Most often, one of the cats occupies a dominant position, while the other tacitly agrees to a “second role”. A dangerous moment occurs when one of the cats is going through a period of estrus.

Sometimes cats seem to get along well with each other, and then one suddenly kills the rival's newborn kittens. By cat standards, this is quite normal behavior. When raising kittens, only their mother can be allowed to see the babies, and the second cat must be isolated. However, if the “non-mother” accepted the kittens, you see that she gently licks them and cleans up the feces after them, and the mother cat calmly reacts to the presence of the “non-mother” in the nest, you can not be afraid for the kittens.

But how to make friends with adult cats, if none wants to give way to the head of the family? This does not happen often, but this scenario is the most unfavorable. Cats fight desperately, to the last. In such a situation, it would be reasonable to sterilize both pets, since it is almost impossible to reconcile cats that hate each other. After sterilization, the aggression associated with sexual instincts will disappear in cats - the chance for normal, calm relationships increases.

cat and cat

Two mature cats in the same house - a constant headache, because. these animals very rarely treat each other calmly. In nature, the territory of cats is much larger than the territory of cats, covering several habitats of females. The more such areas enter the territory of the cat, the more females it fertilizes. Therefore, the territorial claims of cats are much stronger than those of cats, because it is no longer just about hunting, but about procreation.

Two adult cats can remain neutral for some time, periodically arranging violent fights. In such a fight, cats find out which of them is more important and try to remove a competitor from their territory. Passions run high if there is a cat nearby, ready to mate. Fights during this period end with serious injuries, and sometimes the death of one of the animals. Often, cats begin to mark the territory, constantly overlapping each other's marks - the smell in such an apartment is stupefying. Therefore, having decided to have a second cat, immediately tune in to the castration of both animals. And it is better to do this a couple of months before meeting (which, unfortunately, is not always possible).

How to make friends with a cat?

Different-sex animals, as a rule, easily get along with each other. In many cases, neutrality develops into friendship and tender relationships. However, at first, most likely, the cat will often "educate" the cat - warning blows, hissing, expulsion from the recreation area. It is especially important to feed such animals separately - the cat often leaves nothing for the cat, eating all the food just to prove its leading position. As a result, the cat gets extra calories, and the cat remains hungry.

If we are not talking about breeding producers, one of the animals must be castrated. Cats are quite prolific, the period of "hunting" is not accompanied by secretions (as in dogs), and the cat is very resourceful in his desire to get to the female, who is in "hunting". Therefore, it is unlikely that it will be possible to simply separate the animals for a while in order to prevent fertilization (either the owner will miss the deadline, or the cat will still get to the female). But even if you put a cat or a cat in a cage, the problem is only partially solved - insane screams and constant marks can unbalance the most patient owner. In addition, the neighbors are unlikely to tolerate a round-the-clock op, and they will be right. And it is very difficult for animals to endure such stress - the consequences will certainly affect the health of both pets. You can’t even talk about constant pregnancies and childbirth - not a single cat can withstand such loads.

How to make friends with a kitten?

A cat and a kitten is the best option (if you do not take into account the situation when two small kittens grow up together). The cat either immediately accepts the kitten, taking on the role of its mother and caregiver, or remains neutral. Cats rarely show open aggression towards kittens. Yes, they can quite rudely besiege an annoying fidget, but they are not satisfied with serious battles. However, it is important to consider that a kitten is a baby at the age of 2-3 months. A six-month-old animal looks like a kitten only for people - for a cat it is already a teenager who can be dangerous, which means that you already need to defend yourself from it with all four paws.

When the baby grows up, the relationship between a cat and a kitten will be transferred to a new level. The animals will either become very friendly, or one of the cats will take over the dominant position (details are described above: cat and cat, cat and cat, cat and cat).

cat and kitten

Cats are more wary of kittens than cats. In nature, males do not care for offspring and can even kill other people's kittens. Therefore, a domestic cat, most likely, will simply ignore the newcomer, avoiding contact with him for a while. Then the cat will understand that the kitten is not dangerous for him and, most likely, friendly relations will arise between the animals.

But open aggression is also possible - here you need to be on the alert. The cat may rush at the baby and try to strangle him. Therefore, owners, especially at first, should not leave the cat and kitten alone.

After the kitten reaches puberty, the relationship of animals will develop depending on the gender of the pets.

To figure out how to make friends with cats, the owner must study the psychology of these animals. The better a person understands the motivation of this or that act of a cat, the more effective will be his actions aimed at maintaining neutrality and developing friendly relations between pets. But do not forget that each cat has individual features and unique character. It is important to understand your cat, to realize why she acts this way and not otherwise. Cats can be stubborn and headstrong, aggressive and pugnacious - such an animal is very difficult to make friends with a newcomer. Other cats have a soft, non-grumpy character - in this case, even two cats get along well together. And don't forget that a cat is a proud and independent creature. Do not try to bring up a hospitable "hostess" in your pet by force and punishment - this approach will lead to the development of even greater aggression towards the "alien". Be persistent, but gentle, adamant, but affectionate. You should not play the role of a leader - a cat will never recognize a head in a person. Remain for your tailed stubborn protection, support and loving friend.

Sooner or later, many cat owners decide to have another pet. And then the big question arises: how to make two cats friends in the same apartment? In fact, it is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The main thing is to properly prepare for the acquaintance of two family members and provide for all possible scenarios.

After the appearance of a new four-legged guest in your house, a special relationship will arise between the two pets, which can begin as friendship, aggression or even fear.

It is not always possible to foresee the reaction of animals to each other, therefore the task of the owners is to create the most comfortable conditions for animals to meet and live in the same territory.

Did you know? A cat rubs against a person not only because she wants to fawn, she marks him. So you can consider yourself the property of your pet! And excessive love for these cute creatures is called ailurophilia.


The most favorable development of the situation, except for the case when animals grow up together from a very young age, is an immediate sympathy between them. This happens when a kitten appears in a house with an adult cat. And then the owners do not have to think about how to make friends a cat with a kitten, because thanks to the maternal instinct, the cat is extremely rarely aggressive towards the baby. On the contrary, she usually takes him under guardianship.
But if a kitten is purchased in a house with an adult cat, then there is a possibility that at first the old-timer will ignore the newcomer. But later, a warm and strong friendship can also develop between them.

Unfortunately, sometimes animals show real aggression towards each other. Cats may start to jump on each other, beat with their paws or drive around the room. If this happens, then there is no need to intervene, but simply observe, allowing the animals to find out if two cats get along in the same apartment and "who is the boss in the house." However, if aggression has turned into a full-fledged fight, it is worth dispersing the animals (do not separate them with your hands!) And for a while, separate them into different rooms.
And then, after a pause for a couple of days, try again to get to know each other. So it is worth acting until the cats or cats get used to each other and are more calm at the sight of a relative.

By the way, the most effective way to separate fighting cats is to pour water over them. If this does not work, then you can throw a thick blanket over them, the darkness should scare the animals. If this does not work, then try pulling them apart using any long stick, for example, a mop. Be persistent but careful not to injure the animals.

Often the cause of aggressive behavior is the sexual instincts of cats or cats. In this case, if it is not possible to reconcile them in any way, the only way out remains.

If the cats do not react and do not contact each other, then there is a possibility that this is a manifestation of fear. They can be tense in each other's presence, hiss, run away, hide under furniture, lose their appetite, and even show aggression.
This can happen for several reasons. Firstly, if a domestic cat or cat has never communicated with its relatives before. Secondly, perhaps you were too hasty with the first acquaintance, tried to force the animals together, and this caused them fear.

In any case, it must be remembered that your pet also has its own character and inclinations, and if it is timid in everyday life, then it is unlikely that it will be pleased with the appearance of a second four-legged family member. But this does not mean that such animals cannot be made friends. It just might take longer.

Important! You need to be prepared for the fact that two cats will not be able to reconcile with each other. And being in constant stress, they can start to get seriously ill. Then there is only one way out: to find a good family for the newcomer.

To make cats friends with each other, for a start it is worth preparing the space properly by defining two separate territories where the animals will sleep, go to the toilet and eat. In addition, before meeting both animals, you need to trim the claws and process the sharp edges with a nail file.
It is better to bring a beginner in a carrier and let him decide when to leave it. Do not force the animals to communicate, let them get used to the new situation first.

If you buy two pets at the same time, then the question of how to make two cats or cats friends in one apartment is practically not worth it, especially if they are still kittens. Animals enter a new home for both, with unfamiliar things and smells, and the owners have a good opportunity to set the necessary rules for living.

At the same time, try not to single out anyone and treat both pets gently and patiently. In addition, at this young age, kittens find a common language well and easily get used to their characters.
Of course, if the animals are already quite old, then everything is unlikely to go smoothly, so in order for the cats to get used to each other as quickly as possible, you should:

  • divide their territory with a metal mesh into two halves;
  • swap animals twice a day so that they quickly get used to each other's smells;
  • bowls with food and water should be placed near the net on both sides, while they should always be full;
  • an aggressive cat must be stopped by splashing water on it or making a loud sound;
  • a couple of days after the pets began to be friendly to each other, remove the net;
  • watch the cats for two to three weeks: if everything is in order, then they can be left unattended.

Important! It’s great if even before the arrival of a new pet in the house it is possible to create a mixture of animal smells. To do this, you need to alternately wipe two cats with a dry terry towel, paying special attention to the cheeks, paws and genitals of the animals. And leave this towel in their joint house.

Often, already having an adult animal, the owners decide to have another one. And then they should understand how two cats get along in an apartment. The most important rule: for an “old” animal, everything should be as unchanged as possible, a cat or a cat should not feel disadvantaged in any way due to the appearance of a second pet in the house.

To begin with, the old-timer's resting place should be a complete taboo for the newcomer. In general, it is better that there is a door between the animal rest areas that can be locked at night. At least at first.
Be sure to put a new pet a personal toilet. When the animals make friends, you can use one.

A new pet should be fed from a separate bowl and preferably not in the same room where the old resident usually eats. After a while, the bowls can be moved to one place and even moved close to each other. But at the same time, you should always give food to cats at the same time so that they do not have the desire to take food from each other.

At first, you should not leave the animals alone, let them be under the constant control of someone from the household. And only when you are sure that the adaptation was successful, you can leave them unattended.

What is forbidden to do if two animals live in the same apartment at once - a cat and a cat:

  • for dating, lock them in the same room or forcibly bring nose to nose;
  • to breed in different places, not letting you get to know each other at all;
  • from the first day, arrange a common toilet, bed and bowls of food;
  • give food alternately, while being in the same room;
  • allow the "new" tenant to use the things of the "old";
  • leave them alone until cats or cats are used to each other;
  • give one of the pets more love, affection and attention.

So, two cats now live in your house. What are the pros and cons of such a situation? For starters - oh cons:

  • if pets remain full-fledged cats, then during the mating season you are threatened with "fights" of local importance, in addition, animals will actively mark the territory;
  • the consumption and filler for the toilet is doubled.

Did you know? In the second half of the 19th century, English scientists, after conducting a series of experiments, proved that feline therapy - therapy with the help of a domestic cat - is not a fantasy, but a proven fact. A cat or a cat provides tangible help in diseases of the nerves, heart, and even helps to cure a cold.

And the positives:

  • despite prejudices, cats are emotional animals, and having a friend or girlfriend will make their life much more active and fun;
  • your home will get twice as much fluffy happiness!

If you are mentally and financially ready for another pet to appear in the house, then do not be afraid of possible problems. Your patience, consistency and perseverance will certainly give results, and the animals will become friends. And after a while - they will give you a lot of funny and warm joint stories.

A pet appears in a family for various reasons: brighten up loneliness; instill in young children a sense of responsibility and care; out of pity for stray animals. Very often, he soon becomes a full-fledged member of the family: the youngest "brother" or "sister" or a four-legged "child".

Especially attached to the owners of cats and cats. There is an opinion that these pets "walk on their own." Myth! Cats and cats are very emotional animals. If they feel a kind attitude and love, they are able to respond with the same feelings to their owners. And where there is love, it is unlikely to do without jealousy when a four-legged competitor appears. To make friends between two cats and peace and harmony reigned in your family, you need to be patient and make some efforts.

Where do the second ones come from?

Having your first pet is a well thought out decision. But the second animal in the house is most often a coincidence:

  • Children brought a small kitten from the street.
  • Acquaintances leave to live abroad and there is nowhere to put a cat or a cat.
  • We read an ad on the Internet that if the animals are not distributed, they will be euthanized.

As you can see, there are many reasons for the appearance of a new family member and there is not always time to think about how two cats (cats) will get along in one family.

Things to Remember

To prevent regular cat fights for territory and your attention in your house, some nuances should be taken into account:

  1. Do not expect mutual love at first sight from pets.
  2. Try to give the same amount of attention to both the new and the old cat (even if the new arrival is a baby).
  3. Do not feed animals from the same plate.

However, given that a new cat can be very different from the old one in terms of gender, age, character, there are a number of features in raising pets.

cat and cat

There is a beautiful cat in your family. By chance, a no less charming cat appears. Both are mature in age. In addition to establishing friendship between them, you need to think about the issue of possible offspring. There may be several options:

  • Sterilization of a cat.
  • Contraceptive pills for cats.

If you do not take action in time, then you may not keep track of how friendship turns into “love” with all the ensuing consequences.

Two cats

Your pets are "boys", a prerequisite: they should be equal in everything. Therefore, if one of the cats was deprived of the opportunity to have a sexual life as a result of surgical intervention, it is desirable that the second one also does not have such an opportunity.

In the event that your pets remain full-fledged cats, then be prepared for the fact that quarrels are unlikely to be avoided during the “courtship period”. In addition, uncastrated cats have another feature: they mark their territory. Yellow spots, a specific smell - there is little pleasant, especially if the cats are most of the time in a confined space (apartment).

Adult cat (cat) and kitten

What to expect from this couple? Babies always evoke tenderness and a desire to caress. This behavior of yours will cause the jealousy of an adult animal, so try to restrain your emotions with him.

A kitten, like a child, does not know fear and does not feel danger. He will go to meet the new until he encounters aggression. Then the instinct of self-preservation will work and the kid will fight for life and death.

An adult will not always go on the offensive. Do not underestimate the intellectual abilities of cats. You can offend a younger opponent when the owner does not see.

Remember that the relationship of four-legged households largely depends on your behavior. With the right approach, after a couple of weeks, an adult cat will become the most reliable protector of a kitten.

  1. Getting ready to meet. If you always say hello to your cat when you come home and make a noise, then do not forget to do this on the day you bring home a new pet.
  2. First meeting. Your cat is cuddling at your feet. Get his attention with a phrase. For example, "Boris, look who we have here." The tone should be friendly. After that, you can show a new cat. Be on the lookout, especially if the newcomer is an adult.
  3. Feeding. What does the owner usually do when he comes home? And what will allow the new pet to be distracted and relax a little? Delicious food will be a stress reliever for two cats in such a situation. An important point: everyone's plates should be individual and the feeding area too. At least until the cats become friends.
  4. Weasel. After eating, try to pick up your pets and stroke each one in turn. If this is not yet possible, then first of all take time for the old. He should feel that your attitude towards him has not changed at all after the appearance of a competitor. An offended cat can take revenge not only on a beginner, but also on you: damaged shoes, carpet, furniture.
  5. The control. The first days you will need to monitor the behavior of four-legged households. Attempts to offend each other to stop a strict shout. Never use force on an animal. This is neither humane nor pedagogical. At best, it will be afraid of you, at worst, it will become embittered and try to take revenge.
  6. Play with your pets. A joint game with a ball or a mouse on a string can unite cats in the desire to outplay you. Be sure to encourage their attempts with words, address everyone by mentioning their nicknames. This will help the beginner remember his name.
  7. Dream. Animals in the house should have their own sleeping place: a special house or an easy chair. If your “Boris” slept with you, then you will have to take a newcomer to bed. In winter, you will definitely not freeze now, but there will be much less sleeping space for you.

Don't expect quick success in your attempts to make friends with four-legged family members. You will be very lucky if your cats have a good disposition, then it will take several days to establish contact. As soon as the old cat realizes that no one is depriving him of food and your attention, his rejection of the newcomer will be broken.

Cats and cats are the most popular pets. No wonder. An affectionate, attached to the owner cat is a real treasure. We adore our furries, they love us in return, and the myth that cats are always on their own, let it remain on the conscience of the one who invented it.

Actually cat, if he feels sincere love from the owner, he is quite capable of giving reciprocal feelings and experiencing strong affection.

But it may happen that the domestic idyll suddenly cracks if a second adult animal appears in the house. After all, cats, like people, have already established characters, their own habits, which may not coincide and cause a great personal conflict. In addition, domestic cats are individualists, and sharing food, territory and master's attention is usually not located at all. They do not need their own kind, considering another furry creature only as an annoying nuisance in their own territory.

In addition, for some reason it usually happens that we consciously get the first animal, and the second appears spontaneously. The children were picked up on the street, friends left when they left, the old man-neighbor died, and the family does not need a cat at all. So it turns out, as in the well-known parable about good intentions: not having time to really come to their senses and be glad for a new pet, the owners find themselves in the epicenter of a cat conflict.

What to do? Will it be possible to make friends with adult animals or is this an insoluble problem? In fact, the task is, of course, more difficult than in the case of a kitten and an adult cat, but solvable. The chances of a peaceful life of two same-sex animals are quite real.

What reactions are possible when two adult animals meet?

Ideal, but the rarest option is friendship at first sight. Both the old-timer and the newcomer treated each other well. Or at least neutral, not aggressive. They are calmly in the same apartment, eat and sleep side by side without any problems.

A more common and natural reaction is fear. And mutual. The new animal is under stress being in foreign territory. The old-timer is also frightened, does not understand what is happening, is afraid that a replacement has been found for him. Naturally, from fear, aggression is born both towards each other and towards the owners.

Cats usually act decisively: warlike cries, fights, hair in all directions. Although it is impossible to guess in advance how the animals will get along. It depends on their characters, health, some other circumstances. But something, of course, and from the owner.

Preliminary preparation for dating

Actions that need to be done in advance to increase the chances of a peaceful acquaintance:

1. Prepare a room - the place of the first cat meeting. It is desirable that it be a fairly spacious room with closed windows. Doors, on the contrary, should be open so that the cats feel free.
2. Put the feeder for the new cat in the same place in the house where the old-timer eats, but at some distance. Further, according to the circumstances, you may have to arrange the bowls even further away.
3. Prepare a separate one for the beginner. If possible, then his old one, if not, then a new one. Maybe later it will become common, but for starters, the toilet must be separate so as not to provoke an additional conflict.
4. You can also use this trick. Take a clean, dry, odorless cloth and wipe both cats with it, especially in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bmuzzles and genitals. Thus, their aromas will mix and when they meet, they may seem to each other not quite strangers.
5. Try to bring the first cat to a good location. Treat something tasty, caress.

Interfering directly with acquaintance should not be done in any way. Do not in any way encourage them to approach each other, do not close them in the same room, do not offer food or toys. Only observe.

If the relationship still doesn't work out

But even carefully conducted preliminary preparation does not guarantee that the cats will certainly make friends or at least behave neutrally. What can be advised in this case?

1. Do not interfere in fights, do not separate if they do not pose a serious threat to the health of cats. Skirmishes, however paradoxical it may sound, allow them to get to know each other better, to build a hierarchy of relationships. If the fight becomes too bloody, then you can spill it with water (a very effective way). Quickly wrap the new cat in a thick blanket and take it to another room. It is new, so that the old-timer does not feel infringed.

2. You can temporarily delimit the territories. It is advisable to put the cats in two different rooms, but so that they can see each other. If this is not possible, at least stretch a strong mesh in one room. So they will gradually get used to each other without the possibility of close contact.

By the way, sometimes you can swap cats in order to be in a place where the smells of the enemy reign. This also helps to get used to each other.

Then you can conduct an experiment by removing the partition. Often this operation is crowned with complete success the first time, but sometimes it has to be repeated.

3. An important point. If both cats are sexually mature, but not neutered, or one is neutered and the other is not, castration will definitely have to be done. This will reduce aggression at times.

But sometimes there are situations when, despite all the efforts and correct behavior of the owners, cats simply cannot be reconciled. Being under constant stress, animals can even start to get sick. In this case, one cat (usually, of course, this is a beginner) has to be given into good hands. This is the best way out in such a situation, and you need to be mentally prepared for it.

Fortunately, this is a very rare scenario. Usually cats still reconcile, and sometimes they become real friends, giving double joy to their owners.