Bengal cat. Tamed Wild Nymph

Bengal cats are very interesting felines. The breed was bred in America by crossing with domestic cats such as the Abyssinian, American Shorthair, etc. As a result of crossing, a loving and at the same time a little wild Bengal cat was obtained. Knowing the description of the breed is very useful, especially if you decide to get yourself such a pet. Let's take a closer look at all the features of the character of Bengals and talk about how to care for them.

Let's go through history

Back in 1961, an American woman brought a leopard kitten from Bangkok. Since in those days there was a special demand for this breed because of the valuable skin, they were actively exterminated by poachers. Over time, there was a crossing with an ordinary domestic cat. As a result, a kitten was bred with a unique spotted color and wild nature. However, most of these individuals died of leukemia. Therefore, after 15 years, research began in California, and over time, crossing was more successful. Currently, this breed is recognized by all associations of the world. It is safe to say that the Bengal cat, the description of the breed of which we will now consider, is considered the smartest domestic breed.

A little about appearance

The muscular body of medium and large sizes suggests that the beast is very mobile and perfectly adapted to survive in extreme conditions. The paws are rounded, the tail is rather large in diameter, but not long, but medium. Bengals are the owners of a cute wide muzzle and long neck. The ears are generally medium in size and tilt slightly forward. The cat's eyes are set wide apart, oval and large. As for the acceptable color, there are almost all colors except blue and aquamarine. However, there is an exception - this is a snow bengal with pronounced blue crystal clear eyes. The coat of all individuals is short and shiny. It is worth noting that the Bengal, which can be almost anything, always has distinct oval brown or black spots. Marble and silver colors, as well as snow, are very popular among Bengal lovers.

What can be said about the character?

Bengal cats are animals that combine great amount qualities. The high activity of the animal is due to the well-developed hunting instinct. If the house has a place where to run and jump, then your pet will only be grateful to you. It is desirable for such cats to devote at least a little time to games every day. Bengal loves affection too. If you do not have time for such entertainment, then you can be sure that the cat will eventually run wild.

It is noteworthy that the wild origin does not prevent them from being friends with children. These are one of the most curious and trusting cats who love to spend time near their owner. Experts note that there is no share of aggression in the character. Cats are very fond of conquering new heights, therefore, regardless of age, an individual will explore all the peaks: cabinets, armchairs, shelves, etc. They love water very much, so bathing should not be a problem. Although it is not necessary to bathe the beast too often, a maximum of a couple of times a year. By the way, breeders say that if you want to teach your pet to the toilet, then a Bengal cat is perfect for you. Description of the breed on this let's look at some more features.

Common Bengal Standards

A pure breed must meet a number of requirements, based on which the price of a kitten will be formed. For example, the size of the individual should be medium or large. With all this weight adult cat should be about 4 kg, a cat - 6-7 kilograms.

We have already talked a little about color, but it is worth saying that scientists have come to the conclusion that it is best if the animal has a brown color in all its diversity. "Snow leopards" are Bengals that have a silver color. They are the most expensive and rare, so not everyone can buy such an individual. Cat hair is a separate story. At proper care it has a stunning appearance: shiny with a sheen and very thick. The coat is short and close to the body. For kittens, an average length is acceptable, over time it will become somewhat shorter, but thicker. Wild Bengal cats are also found in southeast Asia. They are somewhat larger than their domestic counterparts. The length of an adult male can be up to one meter, females - 75 centimeters. In principle, a Bengal cat can have different sizes, it all depends on the environment of existence and activity of a single individual.

Bengal cat: care and features

This breed is very unpretentious to the environment. Of course, like other felines, any self-respecting Bengal loves cleanliness. Of the features of care, it is worth highlighting the regular trimming of the claws. This is due to the fact that nature has endowed this breed with very powerful paws and sharp claws, so do not forget to place 1 or even 2 scratching posts in the house.

Every month it is necessary to cut the sharp tip of the claw. So you not only keep your furniture intact and safe, but also do not cause any inconvenience to your pet. Of course, the Bengal cat, snowy in particular, needs to be combed during the molting period. As for bathing, it has already been noted above that this should be done several times a year. In some sources you can find information about bathing every month. But this is strongly discouraged. This is due to the fact that during bathing, the natural protection of the cat's skin is removed, as a result of which the body becomes vulnerable. Please note that Bengals in wild nature visit the pond very rarely. The tongue of these animals acts as the main cleaning agent.

Bengal cat: owner reviews

You can endlessly read the joyful reviews of people who have a young Bengal running around the house. Absolutely everyone notes friendliness. By the way, this rather depends not on the nature of a particular individual, but on the breed as a whole. The lack of aggression allows you to keep these animals, even if the family already has a dog or bird. Cats are also very fond of children. If the pet will soon get tired of excessive attention, then he will not hiss and scratch, but will simply find a secluded corner where he can rest. Bengal cats love their owners very much and are always with them. Also, these animals are very curious, so they can follow you from room to room and watch you open and close doors, windows or blinds. What is most surprising is that they remember all this and then try to repeat it. Of course, cases with blinds for the most part end in failure, but the doors are sometimes opened even by the handle.

Many say that the best pet is the Bengal cat. Owner reviews about them are positive, and you are unlikely to meet at least some negative.

Most professionals who have associated their work with the study of cats recommend checking the pedigree of the future pet. Acquisition is best done from a licensed nursery or breeder. So you can not be afraid that you will be deceived. For example, if even a drop of aggressiveness is found in the character of a kitten, then it is rejected and no longer sold as a pure Bengal. The absence of secretions near the mouth and eyes, as well as a beautiful and thick coat, speak of good health baby. Experts draw your attention to the fact that a Bengal cat, whose size in 2-2.5 months can differ by 5-10 centimeters, should have a leopard color, sometimes somewhat faded. The final formation of colors occurs at the age of 3-4 months.

What you need to know about the health of the kitten?

The immunity of the beast in most cases is quite good. But Bengal kittens also suffer from diseases that are often found in this type of animal. The Bengal cat, for example, is prone to leukemia, bowel disease, and heart problems. Sensitive stomach needs proper nutrition, otherwise it is quite possible frequent poisonings and frustration, and that's no good. All vaccinations must be done before purchase, at about 12 weeks of age, when the kitten is taken from its mother. Another cause of disease and deterioration general condition Bengal cat is the lack of physical activity and activity. For this simple reason, it is recommended to play with your pet or buy him a sports ground where he can play and develop.

What to feed bengals?

This point must be taken very seriously. Do not forget that due to malnutrition, a pet can get sick (disorders, poisoning). Therefore, if you can afford to buy a Bengal cat, then take care of a quality daily diet. However, in practice, Bengals can eat almost everything, although the preferences of a particular food depend on the characteristics of the individual's character.

In any case, experts recommend eating dry and wet food. They are balanced so that the animal gets everything essential vitamins and minerals. At malnutrition Bengal, which will exceed 7-8 kilograms, will suffer from obesity. Do not exclude raw meat from the diet. For example, venison or rabbit in raw form at least once a week will greatly please your pet. It has been repeatedly noted that cats of this breed like to drink running water. But it is not necessary to water the beast from the tap, especially if the quality of the carrier is low. It is advisable to equip a special fountain where the Bengal can quench his thirst at any time.

How much does this pleasure cost?

This breed is not considered one of the most expensive in the world, but Bengals are not as cheap as we would like. Much depends on the so-called class. Show-class individuals have a high cost, pet-class individuals are somewhat lower. The high price of the breed is due to several factors. Firstly, this is the complexity of reproduction, as well as the small number of breeding material. Offers from the best nurseries in Moscow or St. Petersburg start from 15,000 rubles and end at 30,000 rubles. If a pet is purchased for exhibitions, then you will have to pay much more for it than for a domestic kitten.


Now you know what is interesting about the Bengal snow, brown - any coloring of this animal attracts the eye. But this is not the main thing, because the color of your bengal practically does not matter, the main thing is that it will give you affection and love. These animals are very kind and sympathetic, and also understand well the mood of their owner. That's all that can be said about how good a Bengal cat is. The description of the breed will help you understand whether to buy a "clean" individual or not. As confirmation, you must be given a pedigree).

The Bengal cat breed appeared thanks to the American breeder Jean Mill, who in 1961 brought a kitten of a wild Bengal cat from Bangkok.

Despite the fact that this kitten grew up at home under the strict supervision of an experienced breeder, he still had the features of wild progenitors. The kitten did not sit on the hands of the mistress at all, was wary of everyone and always slept high above the floor - for safety reasons.

Nevertheless, this did not stop the grown cat from responding to the courtship of a black cat, who also lived with Jean. So a kitten with a spotted fur coat was born, who was named Kin-Kin.

The breeder liked him so much that she decided to start breeding a completely new breed of cats. However, it so happened that the cat that gave birth to the first Bengal kitten had to be given to the zoo, and Kin-Kin himself quickly died of an illness.

Jean Mill was able to return to this work only fifteen years later. In 1982, at a zoo in Delhi, a breeder purchased a new Bengal kitten with a stunning golden-orange spotted coat. The kitten was tailless because it had been crushed, but this did not bother him in any way. The kitten that grew into a cat became aggressive in taking care of the cats in Jean's house, and so it began. new stage in the creation of the breed of Bengal cats that we know now.

Breeding new breed was difficult, but already in 1991 the new breed Jean Mill participated in the TICA championship. In Russia, these cats appeared only in 2008. On the this moment The Bengal cat as a breed is recognized by all felinological organizations.

Bengal cats are independent and wayward. , but this is fundamentally the wrong approach. These cats are quick-witted and intelligent, and, like all cats, they love affection very much. Bengal cats are excellent hunters, this is left from their wild ancestors, so it is better not to keep these cats in the same house with rodents or birds.

From the first cat, the same one that Jean brought from Delhi, the current Bengal cats got a beautiful coat with a very beautiful spotted pattern. At the moment, the following five types of stains are distinguished:

  • monophonic spots (can have a very different shape),
  • "tips" (or "darts"),
  • two-color rosettes (or "bagels",
  • two-color sockets - "darts",
  • rosettes in the form of a paw print.


The head is rounded with a wide muzzle. The nose is large.


The ears of this breed are medium in size, wide set, slightly tilted forward, the tips of the ears are rounded with a dark spot.


The eyes of these cats are oval, large, set wide apart. Eye color is different. However, such combinations as blue and aquamarine eye color for tabby color are not taken into account by clubs. And for the seal-lynx color, only intense blue eyes are allowed.


Bengal cats range in size from medium to large. The body is muscular and strong. The paws are also muscular and strong. The tail is thick, has an average length, the tip is rounded and dark in color.


The coat of the Bengalis is short and thick, shiny. Has a silky texture. The pattern on the wool is clear, black or Brown(spotted or marbled) on a golden-orange background. The following colors are recognized: brown tabby spotted, brown tabby merle, seal sepia spotted, seal sepia merle, seal mink spotted, seal mink merle, seal lynx point spotted, seal lynx point merle.


Vertical stripes in coat color.

Bengal cat. Almost a pocket leopard.

The wild Bengal cat (Prionailurus bengalensis or Felis bengalensis) resembles a miniature leopard. This beautiful predator is perfectly adapted to life in different conditions.

Bengals inhabit large territories in South-East Asia. A small population exists in Siberia. The weight of these animals is 3-7 kg, and the height is 70-150 cm, of which 25-40 cm fall on the tail. In size, they are mostly about the same as domestic ones, but they have a more slender body and long legs. Only some species are one and a half times larger than their tame counterparts.

The coat of Bengals is unusually shiny and silky, and its color varies from yellowish and orange to gray and brown. The whole body, including the snow-white belly, paws and tail, is decorated with different shapes and sizes. dark spots. There are up to four rows on their back. All animals have big Brown eyes and rounded ears of medium size.

Bengal cats are found both in tropical rainforests and in semi-deserts, forests temperate zone and in the mountains, up to the border of the snow cover. They are excellent swimmers and also live on small islands. Some of them are so bold that they even appear in cultural landscapes, such as coffee plantations in South India. However, they avoid steppe and desert regions where there is no vegetation.

Bengals are loners. They climb trees well, clinging to the bark with sharp claws, and mainly lead night image life. They feed on small mammals, birds, reptiles and fish. Some individuals are active during the day, but still hunt, prefer at dusk or at night.

After a gestational period of 56 to 72 days (average 66 days), 2-3 kittens are born. They are born in a lair: a hollow, a small cave, or another similar place. Their eyes open at around 10 days of age. The rare Amur cat (Prionailurus bengalensis euptilurus), one of ten subspecies of the Bengal cat, gives birth to an average of 2-4 cubs in 67-70 days.

From 1973 to 2002 spotted predators were protected as an endangered species. Now it is believed that they are not threatened with extinction. However, in some areas there is still a decline in their numbers due to the reduction of living space and poaching. Fraud sellers pass off beautiful skins as leopard or panther fur. In Asia, these animals are also hunted for their meat.

More than 5,000 years ago, the wild Bengal cat was tamed by the Chinese. However, later, it was replaced by domestic animals imported from other countries. The first attempts to mate with tame specimens were made in 1963, but failed. And only, in 1983, the new breed was recognized by the International Cat Association. Externally, domestic and wild animals are similar, but their characters and behavior are completely different. Keeping a forest predator at home is very problematic.


The domestic Bengal cat inherited from its ancestors not only the name and leopard color, but also the stunning radiance of the coat. The path from Felis bengalensis - wild leopard cats to a real breed was long and thorny, but thanks to the diligence and determination of the felinologist-breeder Jane Mill, we can admire the domestic predator with wild color and a wonderfully friendly personality.

History of the origin of the domestic Bengal breed

The founder of the breed, American Jane Mill, considered the purpose of breeding a Bengal cat to get a domestic cat that retains the color of wild ancestors - this would help focus on the serious problem of the extermination of leopard cats.

Origin story Bengal breed began almost 60 years ago, in 1961, when Jane came to Bangkok. This trip became fateful: there she got a baby Asian leopard cat, which is almost impossible to tame. The acquired baby was named Malaysia and took root with the new owner. The grown-up cat gave birth to a domestic short-haired cat, but the vicissitudes of fate were not given to breeding a new breed.

A new attempt was made by Jane in 1980. She was provided with 9 hybrids of leopard cat and domestic cats different breeds. Then Mill got into the hands of an Indian cat with a golden-orange color, which gave the Bengalis a radiance of wool, called glitter.

The work was long and difficult due to many factors, and ended in success and recognition by the beginning of the 90s.

Description and standards of Bengal cats

Overlook external features exotic cat is impossible. Even being very small, the baby Bengal looks like a leopard. An adult Bengal cat is awarded the highest reviews and already according to one verbal description - a true handsome man.

According to the WCF standard the breed must have a number of characteristics.

The head is a wedge with a massive chin and thickened whiskers. Due to this structural feature, the muzzle of the animal resembles a tiger's mouth. This similarity is even more noticeable during yawning, meowing or growling.

The ears are short and set high on the head. At the base they are wide, and their tips are rounded.

The nose is large, curved and moderately wide.

The eyes are almond shaped and very beautiful. Eye color - clear green or golden.

The head is located on a thick and strong neck, which is located in ideal proportions in relation to both the head and the body.

The cat of this breed is the owner large body and strong muscles.

Bengals rush around the house on round, large and powerful paws. As usual, the length hind legs exceeds the length of the front.

The tail is medium in size and does not fluff, dense to the touch. There are spots or rings on the tail of a domestic leopard.

Adaptation of the cat to new conditions is fast, very soon the baby will explore all the available places and begin to explore the restricted areas. You can compare the character of a Bengal with the character of dogs - he is just as ready to defend his territory, protect the owner, drag objects from place to place. During the game, the Bengal pet will easily return the abandoned toy, since it is interesting for him to spend time with the owner or his child in this way, therefore it is recommended to train the cat.

Cats welcome the company of their beloved household members and are very talkative, but you should not squeeze animals. Cats are also accommodating with other domestic animals, they are able to make friends with dogs. Bengals are well socialized, but communication with strangers is not approved - they need time to understand whether a person entered the house with good intentions.

The animal captures the mood of the owners very accurately, sensitively reacts to changes in the tone of the voice, remembers the words addressed to them.

Raising a cat should start as early as possible. Bengalis are very socialized, by the voice of a person they learn to understand and know the world. In addition, these cats, like dogs, memorize words and are able to follow commands.

They regularly devote time to raising a spotted cat, mainly playing with a young predator. The game allows the Bengal cat to show the predatory instincts of the hunter and learn an acceptable behavioral model. Aggressive actions of a cat must be stopped, so it is important to know how to properly raise a cat.

Bengal cats need physical exercise: access of cats to heights is welcome.

Bengal care and feeding

Shorthair cat brings less worries at home than, which greatly facilitates the care of a pet. Keeping a cat and caring for it is not difficult: 2-3 times a week they devote a little time to combing out the fur, which will help with a soft rubber brush. Molting can sometimes be overlooked, and if the procedure has begun, it is better to comb the kitty more often.

The offspring of a wild leopard cat needs one every couple of weeks. Ears are cleaned with the same time interval with a damp cotton pad.

You also need a pet, cleaning his teeth once a week.

The bath easily becomes a favorite place of the bengal, which happily beats the water with its paws. Washing is allowed in rare cases with the use of special cat shampoos.

Feeding a Bengal kitten occurs from month to month according to the feeding schedule and the recommendations of specialists. Complete nutrition quickly turns a small cat into a healthy strong cat.

fed and raw meat(beef or rabbit), exclude raw offal from the diet, replacing them with boiled sea ​​fish once a week. Dairy products in the form of kefir, baby cottage cheese without any additives, and low-fat cream are useful for a cat. daily rate feed also involves the addition of vegetables, not exceeding a quarter of the volume of meat products. These are carrots, tomatoes, bell peppers. Bengal cat can be switched to premium dry food and super premium class that animals eat with benefit and pleasure: for example, purina van or royal canin.

Bengal cat health

Fortunately, thanks to selection work and natural hereditary immunity, Bengali exotic beauties are the owners of excellent health indicators. But if their immunity resists most cat diseases, then there are some genetic diseases, which in many cases are quite successful.

The most common occurrence is "dry nose syndrome". Such a problem can be found in kittens up to one year of age. Do not miss a dry nose: cracks and crusts on the surface of the nose become ulcers. In general, this condition is not critical for health and does not bring any special problems to the beast itself. To know for sure whether a dry nose promises trouble, it is better to seek the advice of a veterinarian - it happens that this condition turns into ulcerative lesion nose. The doctor prescribes timely treatment which will help to return healthy state nasal surface.

Bengals are sensitive to low-quality food, therefore, in order to avoid the appearance liquid stool, the cat is fed only with selected food, and always provide the pet with fresh water.

Of the serious genetic abnormalities, there are two: this hypertrophic cardiomyopathy(HCM) and flat syndrome chest(FCK) in kittens. In the first case, observation and testing are mandatory; proper care will allow the cat to live a long and good life. The second problem is a serious obstacle to the survival of kittens and is looking for solutions. If a Bengal cat is taken from a cattery with a good reputation, where inbreeding and antibiotics were not allowed for a pregnant female, it is unlikely that the problem will affect her and her offspring.

Miniature leopards are carried out on a schedule starting at 8 weeks. All vaccinations are prescribed by a veterinarian.

The life expectancy of a healthy Bengal cat is 14-16 years. if she lives under the supervision of attentive and caring owners.

If the cat was taken as a family pet, then you need to track the onset of puberty so that the animal is on time. The first occurs at 6-8 months, when the weight of the female reaches 2.5-3.3 kg. Kittens "grow up" by 9 months. If you want to get offspring from your pet, you need the obligatory help of a specialist in breeding, otherwise even a successful mating, healthy pregnancy and trouble-free childbirth do not guarantee full-fledged offspring.

Buy Bengal kitten

Catteries where you can buy a Bengal kitten are quite common in Russia. Saving money on buying a descendant of a wild Asian leopard cat will not work if you want to buy a thoroughbred animal that will strictly meet the standards. In the nursery, the buyer learns all the information about future cat, her pedigree, will hear Interesting Facts about the nature of the domestic mini-leopard.

The cost of the Bengal remains high precisely because of the difficulties with breeding. The first generation of Bengals will be sterile if they are males. The females of the first generation are crossed with the Bengal and receive the second generation, where most of males are barren. In the third generation from the f2 female, only some males are sterile. The fourth generation are considered true representatives of the Bengal breed, and have the whole set of characteristic skills and traits.

The price for a Bengal cat in Russia is:

  • pet class 25000-50000 rubles;
  • breed class 50000-100000 rubles;
  • show class from 100000 rubles.

How to name a Bengal kitten

When a Bengali boy or girl is in the house, the family may have a number of names ready. But before giving a kitten a nickname, you should know that it must begin with the same letter as the name in the passport.

Also, you should not give the new cat the nickname of the former pet, this is not only a bad omen, but also a careless attitude towards the memory of a deceased or missing pet.

A long name is hard to pronounce and hard to remember for a cat. Hissing sounds are welcome, to which the cat will react the fastest. You can experiment and try to name the cat different names. There is a chance that the animal itself will choose a nickname.

Convenient tables have been created with names that may suit.

Conclusions about the breed

The Bengal cat deserves praise and admiration, but not only thanks to its chic external data:

In general, Bengals have good health, and please with their intellect.

Bengal cat video

Bengal cats are without a doubt one of the most colorful, extravagant and mysterious breeds.

There are few of them in Russia. Those who are familiar with these animals by hearsay treat them with apprehension and wariness, often wondering if they are dangerous. At the same time, some owners of exotics show signs of excessive love, sometimes reaching fanaticism. Such different opinions not surprising - cats are indeed unique.

Origin of Bengal cats

With their appearance, they are somewhat reminiscent of their wild ancestor - the Asian leopard, because they are genetically related to it.

The appearance of this breed is associated with the name of the scientist Gene Mill who has been involved in hybridization and genetics of cats since 1946.

In 1978, she joined the geneticist W. Centerwall started breeding the Bengal breed - an outwardly exotic cat with a domestic temperament.

They succeeded - in 1985, cats officially registered with TICA, and in 1985 they were shown at exhibitions. The audience was fascinated by the unique breed.

Jean's idea was simple: she hoped that people would stop exterminating a small forest predator if they associated it with a pet. In addition, she wanted to breed an animal, affectionate, tame and similar to a typical jungle dweller. The experiments turned out to be successful.

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