How to care for pets description. Animal care

Do you dream of an adorable kitten that will sleep on your lap, purring softly and stretching sweetly? Or do you prefer cute pot-bellied puppies with whom you can play ball and learn a lot of necessary and useful commands? In any case, you will certainly appreciate the animal care games that are collected on our site.

Animal care games for girls are exciting and very kind simulations that will allow you to fully enjoy the process of raising your new virtual friend. How often did you ask mom and dad for a funny rabbit or a talking parrot? And how insulting it was always to hear that you are still too young for such hyper-responsibility as caring for a living being?! These games will allow you to get absolutely any pet, play with it with pleasure, feed it regularly, clean its ears or feathers, and spend free time with it.

Animal care games will let you prepare for situations like going to the veterinary clinic, cleaning your ears and creating unique doggy hairstyles, regular feedings, and even giving birth to your beloved pig or kitty. Download your favorite games to the browser and give virtual kids your love and care!

When thinking about buying a pet, every future owner should know a few simple but very effective rules for caring for a pet.

1 rule. It doesn't matter what kind of pet you have, be it a ferret, a cat, a dog, a parrot or a hamster. All of them are very important diet. It should be complete and varied, especially during the growing up of the pet. The main food is food. It must be of high quality, from natural ingredients of animal and vegetable origin. Supplements in the form of vitamins are allowed in such feeds, which are very important throughout the entire period of development of the pet and in its later life. Vitamins are also sold separately in veterinary stores; a veterinarian will help you choose them based on the breed, size and propensity of your pet to diseases. They can be in the form of ordinary tablets and capsules that can be put into food for the animal, and in the form of treats, such pets eat with pleasure, and most importantly, with health benefits.

2 rule. Regular visits to the veterinarian are very important. It will help maintain the health of the pet, cure existing diseases and prevent the emergence of new ones. It is also necessary to put different vaccinations, especially at the stage of growing up a pet. The veterinary clinic must be selected qualitatively. There must be certified doctors who have undergone certain training, as well as professional equipment and a clean room. Visit the veterinarian, after all the exposed vaccinations should be every six months.

3 rule. The cleanliness of the room or the aviary, cage, tray is very important. By regularly cleaning the place where your pet is located, you not only warn him against diseases, but also create comfort for both the animal and yourself. After all, everyone knows that a tray that is not cleaned in time, for example, exudes a sharply unpleasant odor. Also, the cleanliness of the animal itself, especially the dog after a walk, is very important. Bathe your pet regularly, at first he may not really like this idea, but then he will get used to it, and maybe bathing will develop into his favorite procedure. There is not enough ordinary water for washing. Purchase zoo shampoos at specialized veterinary pharmacies. They are available for both dogs and cats. The range is huge: from ordinary shampoos, to lotions from fleas and ticks. The veterinarian will advise you on the right one, based on the breed of your pet, its size and predispositions.

4 rule. The most gentle and pleasant rule. Give your pets your time, care, affection and love. They will surely repay you in kind. "We are responsible for those we have tamed."

Follow these simple rules, and your pet will please you for a long time. Full information on dog care and food allergies at

Lesson summary on the living world

"Pet care".

Target: Introduce children to the rules of caring for a cat and a dog.


1) Educational:

To consolidate students' knowledge about pets;

Provide students with knowledge about caring for cats and dogs.

2) Correction-developing:

Develop mental operations when guessing riddles;

Develop coherent speech, with complete answers to questions.

3) Educational:

To cultivate a caring attitude, love for animals, the desire to care for them.

Didactic aids: cards with the task “What does a cat eat, what does a dog eat”, pictures of pets in A4 format; group names: houses, special rooms; presentation: “Caring for pets”, symbolic pictures (for compiling a story about caring for pets”; a statement printed on paper: “We are responsible for those we have tamed”; cards with folk signs about cats and dogs; emoticons - cheerful and sad; additional tasks on cards.

Preliminary preparation: photo exhibition of children with their pets.

- Guys, stand up nicely, straighten your backs, sit down.

Look, we have guests. They will watch how we do. And now all the attention is on me.

What is our lesson now?

In the lessons of the living world, we learn about nature.

Check your readiness for the lesson. There should be a notebook, a textbook, a diary and a pencil case on the table.

Living world lesson

2. Repetition of the material covered.

Guys, listen carefully to the poem.

I love pets very much

I feed, caress and caress

Dog and cat, goat and pig

I consider my friends.

Cow, goat give us milk,

There is no sheep's wool,

The purring cat will give us comfort

And catch all the mice.

Our helpers are a cow, a ram

And a dark-maned black horse

Live next to us, attached to us,

Confident, peaceful.

What animals are we talking about? What animals are called pets?

Names of what animals are found in this poem?

(children name animals, I post pictures). Dog, cat, goat, pig, cow, ram, horse.

Well done guys, you're right

Domestic animals can be divided into 2 groups. Which?

Let's divide the pictures with pets on the board into these 2 groups?

1gr.Houses -Cat dog. 2 gr.Specialist. premises - goat, pig, cow, ram, horse.

What other animals can be attributed to the first group?

Correctly. Now I will guess riddles about some of them, and you try to guess.

He loves to eat carrots
And cabbage for skill
And Tolik is watching the cage,
Fluffy lives there(rabbit)

I'm fine with:
I have a closet with me.
Where is the closet? For the cheek!
Here I am cunning!

Who has four paws
Head, short tail
Shell on top in the form of a hat?
Who will answer the question?

He lives in a spacious cage
The kids love to talk to him.
In vain you do not scold him -

I post pictures when I guess.

About home

Pets are those that live next to a person, he takes care of them, gives them housing and food, and they benefit a person.

Dog, cat, goat, pig, cow, ram, horse

1) animals that live next to a person, in a house

2) Animals for which a person builds a special. room.

Rabbit, ferret, parrot, rat, turtle, guinea pig, hamster, fish


Here the window is open. (hands to the side)

The cat came out on the ledge. (imitation of the soft, graceful gait of a cat)

The cat looked up, (throw back your head, look up)

The cat looked down. (lower head, look down)

Here I turned to the left, (turn your head to the left)

She looked at the flies. (turn your head to the right, look at the fly)

Stretched, smiled (corresponding movements and facial expressions)

And sat down on the ledge. (sit down)

4.New theme

Today in the lesson we will talk about how to take care of pets that live next to us, using the example of a cat and a dog.

Many people have cats or dogs at home. We have prepared a wonderful exhibition about them.

Maxim, what pet do you have?

(Karina, Varya, Denis, what pet do you have?)

What do you need to know about caring for these animals?

    Cats and dogs must haveown place.

(showing pictures, houses, rugs, etc.)

And I hang a picture-symbol on the board

    The place where the animal livesto keep clean.

*To clean the apartment, use special disinfectants to kill dangerous bacteria.

*Vacuum clean animal hair;

* Wash dishes for food and water. Water must always be clean

(The picture is a symbol of a broom.)

    Dogs and cats neededcomb, clean, wash, take for a walk , change cat litter.

(I show pictures, I post a picture - a comb symbol.)

    Animals need to be fed.

Who knows what a cat eats?

What does the dog eat?

(I show pictures, I post a picture of a symbol-bowl).

I have a task prepared for you.

(distributing papers)

It is necessary to distribute what the cat eats and what the dog eats.

Well done.

    Dogs and cats needededucate and train.

(showing a picture, a symbol on the board.)

*To educate animals means to tame them to the toilet, to show where their feeding place is.

* Train dogs, that is, teach them to obey the commands of the owner (sit, voice, paw),

learn not to attack people.

Pets neededtreat them if they get sick and give them the necessary vaccinations .

Who knows the name of a doctor who treats and helps animals if they get sick.

Veterinarian. (I post the word on the board) Show the picture, the symbol is a red cross).

When cats and dogs have babies, a person must help themcare for offspring.

(pictures, symbol.)

Guys, why do you think we need to take care of animals?

As the French writer said in his book The Little Prince - "We are responsible for those we have tamed"

How do you understand his words?

If you have an animal, then you need to take care of it, and the animal in return gives us joy, creates a good mood, decorates the home, protects its owner and the house. Pets are our friends, and friends cannot be betrayed, they cannot be thrown out into the street.

For betrayal, we get abandoned, hungry cats, angry, feral dogs, which are dangerous in a pack, can also be carriers of dangerous diseases.

Today we talked a lot about how to take care of pets.

Who wants to talk about it on their own.

Milk, fish, meat, specialty Feed.

Bones, meat, special Feed.

Carry out the task.

5.Primary fastening

How to take care of your cat and dog

(the story of one of the students according to the scheme).

There are many folk tales about cats and dogs. I wrote some of them on a piece of paper, you need to read the sign and understand who it is about, about a cat or about a dog.

    The cat curled up in a ball - to the frost

    The dog is lying in the snow - to the blizzard

    The cat washes - invites guests

    The dog is bored, eats grass - to bad weather

(the children were divided into 2 columns, then they read).

About a cat and a dog?

What should be done to make animals live well?

About cat and dog

Look after.

6. Summary of the lesson

I will give you 2 emoticons - one is cheerful, the other is sad. If you liked the lesson, raise a cheerful emoticon, and if not, then a sad one.

I'm talking about student grades.

Thank you for the lesson.

Used Books:

1 . Program “Education of children with severe underdevelopment of the intellect: program and methodological materials, edited by I.M. Bgazhnokova, M .: VLADOS, 2007.

2. Textbook by N.B. Matveev M.S. Kotina, T.O. Kurtova Living World Grade 2 Moscow "Enlightenment" 2012.

3 . The program of N.B. Matveeva "Living World" for grade 2 from the collection "Programs of special (correctional) educational institutionsVIIItype: 0-4 classes "Moscow" Enlightenment ", 2011. Edited by I.M. Bgazhnokova

4 . Sinitsyna E.N. Smart riddles. –M., 1997.

5. Bondarenko A.K. Didactic games in kindergarten. –M., 1991.

Since ancient times, it was customary to have a pet that participated in household chores. Cats fought rodents, and dogs guarded the house or went hunting with the owner. Today, a pet is a favorite of all family members, which helps to cope with loneliness, cheers up, and also develops a sense of responsibility from childhood. Before you get a four-legged friend, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for caring for them. After all, the health and emotional state of the animal depends on the seriousness of the owner’s approach to the study of this issue.

Important points when buying a pet
Each owner wishes for his pet to grow up healthy, active and energetic. To do this, you need to know some points for its further quality life:

  • The animal, like a small child, requires a lot of attention and care. It cannot independently take care of its body, eat and carry out other procedures, therefore, all responsibility lies with the owner.
  • You need to get a pet if you have enough free time or other family members can take care of it.
  • It is necessary to vaccinate all animals according to the established schedule, regardless of breed.
  • It is necessary to treat a four-legged friend for fleas and lice, even if he does not go outside.
  • Timely deworming cats and dogs.
Basic rules for pet care
If you are going to get a pet, you need to carefully study its features, environmental factors that can negatively affect it, and of course, familiarize yourself with the basic recommendations for quality care for them. They may differ from each other depending on the type of animal, but it is customary to consider the same for all pets:
It is no secret that the health, appearance and mood of the animal depends on a balanced diet. You should carefully study what kind of food and in what quantity you need to give the animal. Also, do not forget that pets need additional vitamins, trace elements and other useful substances that they need for normal growth and development. In no case should you feed cats with dog food and vice versa, they have a different digestive system. Animals are susceptible to a number of bacteria that cause numerous diseases. Therefore, do not forget to conduct daily personal hygiene of the pet (bathing, cleaning the ears, trimming the nails and hair (if necessary), hygiene of the eyes and teeth, combing the tangles). These procedures can make your pet not only attractive and well-groomed, but also healthy. Your veterinarian will tell you how often and correctly to carry out these activities.
  1. Cleaning the room and cleaning the bed.
Cleaning in the room where the animal lives should be carried out regularly, and its habitat should be kept clean. It is recommended to clean the pet's toilet after each urination or defecation act, as this environment creates conditions for the growth of bacteria. Food and water utensils should always be kept clean to prevent intestinal diseases.
  1. Health monitoring.
To keep your pet in good health, regular consultation and examination by a veterinarian is necessary. It will help to identify the problems and diseases of your four-legged friend at an early stage and start treatment in a timely manner. Therefore, a visit to a specialist is required regularly.
  1. The presence of vaccinations.
An equally important point in pet care is timely vaccination. Vaccinations are necessary for an animal in the event of any infectious disease that they tend to get sick. The vaccination schedule is set by a specialist with extensive experience and knowledge in the field of animals.
For many, a pet is tantamount to a family member, so it should be well cared for and taken care of. Before you get a pet, you should answer yourself the question, are you ready to devote enough time and effort to it? And if you still decide, you can contact our online store, where experienced staff will answer any question about animals.

Tell your friends about the games!

Why caring for animals is a good thing to do

Many people dream of pets these days. However, in reality, not every wish is feasible. Even for a cage with a chinchilla or a rabbit in the house, there is not always a place. What then to say about a horse or an elephant, a giraffe or a crocodile? A very good way to better find out what exactly is in store for you if a four-legged friend does appear in your life is the numerous games about caring for animals.

Here you can always choose a pet that you will take care of. Kittens and guinea pigs, dogs and parrots, fabulous unicorns and adorable ponies, they are all waiting for your care. The cherished dream of each of the little animals individually is the desire to find a kind owner and friend, truly devoted.

How to properly care for animals

And so, for starters, you need to learn that all animals must be fed and well-groomed. Some of them should be combed, someone should wash their hair. Go outside with someone. For yourself, you need to learn that any living creature is far from being a toy. If you stop watching your beloved dog or parrot, then he will be very upset. Even in the game, animals will begin to show their displeasure, and even more so in real life.

Animal care games are also interesting because you can make yourself a very large friend. And if you live in a city, and even in an apartment, then you simply won’t have another opportunity to take care of a horse or a fat hippo. Even a giraffe, if desired, can be groomed and cherished.

In the process of the game itself, all kinds of hints appear on the screen all the time. So your favorite horse should first be lathered with a special washcloth, then rinse off the foam with a shower, wipe dry and, finally, comb. The sequence of actions is strictly defined. If you decided to skip any, it would hardly have happened.

Remember that caring for a virtual cage of hamsters or parrots is much easier than a real one. Even the water in the aquarium for fish can be changed here simply by clicking the mouse. In real life, these processes take a lot of time. In addition, not everyone considers cleaning the cage to be a pleasant duty.

Shelter for four-legged friends

Among the games about caring for animals, one can single out into a separate category those in which our smaller brothers have yet to find new owners for themselves and, it should be noted, not without your help.

The shelter gets poor animals that were left to fend for themselves by ruthless owners, simply thrown out into the street or forgotten. Some of them are accidentally lost. In this game, your task is not an easy one. Without exception, all pets need to find owners.

If a turtle or a puppy, a rabbit or a kitten were abandoned, this does not mean at all that they are bad. It is up to you to prove otherwise. We need to restore justice. There are many animals and it will not be possible to leave them at home. To begin with, each of them will need to come up with a name, and then act according to the circumstances.

The complexity of animal care games is that all pets want to eat or drink, play, require care and attention. Indoors, each of the animals must also be on top. Otherwise, potential owners may simply not notice all the charm of pets. In addition, it is not entirely clear when exactly they may appear. Sometimes their visits are influenced by some of the events of social life that take place far beyond the walls of the orphanage. For example, a movie about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles might make someone want to make a turtle their friend, or a concert featuring rabbits might make someone want to have a big-eared friend. And how much joy you can experience watching the owner of the puppy at the moment when he found an accidentally lost pet. In gratitude for having found a friend, some of the owners help the shelter in purchasing animal food or other things necessary for the maintenance of this institution.

Caring for the smallest pets

Among the games there are also those in which you need to take care of little animals that have just been born, well, and of their beloved mother, too. This is where it will not be boring for anyone. As a rule, there are a lot of kids, all at once they cannot even approach their mother to satiate their hunger. In addition, fools show an enviable agility and try to crawl around all the time. So, as a result, you need to feed mommy and give her some water, and at the same time constantly make sure that no one gets into the Skoda or runs away inadvertently, and with all this he would still be full and happy with everything. We have to take care here that the numerous offspring are clean, changing diapers will also be the responsibility of the player, because blind kittens or kittens are not yet able to take care of themselves.

Today, animal care games allow you to choose anyone you want to be your friend. By showing sensitivity and care for virtual animals, children learn to better understand our smaller brothers. Caring for birds or fish, a dragon or a unicorn today, everyone becomes a little kinder and more tolerant of others. After all, the manifestation of such care is not only an exciting activity, but also more than useful.