We create a better life with the help of a wish card according to the rules of feng shui. feng shui wishes

As soon as this method of fulfilling desires is not called - a dream card, a dream collage, a treasure map ... Perhaps there are other names. The essence, however, is the same. A dream collage is a way to visually "voice" your desires, clearly define them, formulate them, and ... no, do not wait for them to come true, but take steps towards your dream.

However, if you are thinking about a dream collage, then the first, still small, but very important step has already been taken. You realized that this way of framing your desires is not just fun, but a real prospect. A dream collage is your desires expressed in the form of various images, pictures, in which you are surrounded by those objects and events that you have been dreaming about for a long time. This is a picture depicting you not in the real, but in the desired reality. When you look at your collage and imagine having what you want, you will thus influence your own feelings, thoughts and actions, and your motivation will grow exponentially.

click to enlarge

A dream collage is a picture in which your dreams have already come true. Looking at it, you will feel like a happy owner of a beautiful house or an expensive car, yacht or motorcycle - whatever you wish. At the same time, you will experience thoughts and emotions appropriate to the moment. It is important that these emotions really exist, and be joyful. This is absolutely necessary, because if you do not experience sincere joy from possessing what you want, imagining it to yourself, then later, when your desire comes true, it may turn out that this is not exactly what you wanted. Don't be surprised, it happens. Often our true desires do not lie on the surface, hiding deep in the soul. We, on the other hand, obey the ideas of happiness accepted in society, and “adjust” our desires to fit them.

So, for example, a good expensive car is considered socially necessary. But, if you live in a large overcrowded city, you can imagine how long you will have to stand in traffic jams, breathing gas. Or - you want a huge mansion. But at the same time, you do not want strangers to watch your personal life at all. Now try to put it all together. After all, a huge house requires care - maids, cleaners, gardeners, etc. etc. Are you ready for this? So isn't it better to wish a small cozy house where each of your family can find a place? By the way, about the family. Do you want to marry a singer or a model? And at the same time enjoy quiet cozy family evenings? Oh well. So be careful what you wish for.

Cut seven times...

Choose the photos in which you like yourself the most. Choose that interior, that car, that clothes, accessories, that environment, that house, which are the embodiment of your dreams.

There are schemes for placing pictures with your desires (according to Feng Shui). When compiling a collage, you can use them.

You can do it like this: stick your best photo in the center on a large sheet of drawing paper, and place all the selected pictures around. Pay special attention to the fact that they do not have gloomy, threatening objects and any frightening or negative scenes. Only joy, beauty, abundance, health, only love! See what you got? You showed yourself that your dream has already been achieved. You are there, among all this beauty! You have already got everything you dream of. That is, virtually you have already felt like a successful person who has realized all your dreams, and now it is only a matter of time when all this is realized in reality.

Of course, after the collage is made, it is hardly worth laying on the sofa and waiting for the fulfillment of desires.
A dream collage is a tool, not a magic wand.
Yes, you are consciously changing the course of your life, yes, you have clearly defined your desires, but you still need to take another step towards a happy fate.
Imagine, for example, that you dream of becoming a lawyer, although you work as a kindergarten teacher. You made a dream collage, but will you soon become a lawyer if you don't change anything else in your life, but just sit and wait for "dreams to come true"? I doubt. First you need to at least get a law degree. Of course, in your case, everything will happen faster and easier, since the collage will work for you, but you still need to act. Remember the anecdote with the request to the Almighty to win the lottery? Of course, you need to at least buy a ticket.

Where to put your dream collage? In your bedroom, for example, so that you can see it every morning after waking up and every evening before going to bed. It is necessary that your dreams are in front of your eyes constantly.

Can something interfere with the fulfillment of your desires?

Alas, yes.
Unfriendly looks or idle questions. Therefore, try not to show your dream collage to strangers .. You should not tell random people about it. Dream vibrations are very subtle. Misunderstanding, envy and ridicule can break those invisible threads along which, like wires, our desires run to the Universe.
Take care of your dream.

"Our hearts demand change"

People tend to change their desires, something becomes unnecessary, tastes change. If you feel that you are no longer dreaming about this or that subject, then immediately replace it with a new desire.

The promised three years are waiting.

When will the wish come true? A lot depends on your karma. However, according to observations - a maximum of three years. As in the proverb. Although there are cases when the desired was received on the same day. But it happens that a person seems to have already forgotten about his cherished desire, and suddenly a sudden phone call brings good news.

You need to wait relaxed, not straining. We set a goal, pasted a picture - go towards your dream, accept help from your Guardian Angels, be grateful for everything - and go to a completely new level of life. Your wishes will be fulfilled.

Live by the principle: "Do what you must - and come what may" - and you will be happy. This is so, believe me, and you will certainly be stunned by the results.

There are many examples of the realization of desires, even many people are known who ended up where they would like to be. They placed themselves against the background of the desired place, and then found themselves in this place in reality. Our thoughts are material. Just do not forget that you still need additional actions to achieve your dream.

If you are used to the fact that everything you have should be of the highest quality, then you can contact us to create a collage. In order not to buy and go through piles of magazines, you can find suitable pictures on the Internet and send us by e-mail or bring it personally on a digital medium (flash drive, disk), and we will compose and design your Dreams.

Good luck to you, and the fulfillment of your wildest desires!

(Some of the pictures for the design of the article are borrowed from the Internet. )

A treasure map, an album of desires - but I personally like the DREAM COLLAGE more.

Because a Dream is something high and grandiose, and desires can be mundane and small. And what do you call a yacht - so it will float ...

But that's not the point. The main thing is that this way of fulfilling desires and making dreams come true is incredibly effective. Its realizing power has long been tested by millions. And to achieve the materialization of their goals without the use of this miracle remedy is an unforgivable mistake.

dream collage— a super-powerful accelerator of the fulfillment of desires of all times and peoples! No more and no less.

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams

- Eleanor Roosevelt

The principle of a dream collage is very simple - you just need to place on any surface an image of what represents the fulfillment of your dream. And very soon you will see how your desires one by one will begin to come true, as if by magic!

What if the dream has already come true?

When one of your wishes comes true, mentally thank the almighty Universe for its realization from the bottom of your heart and replace the picture in the collage with a new one. Now it's his turn!

Friends, make a DREAM COLLAGE and don't even hesitate, it's worth it! Do it even when in doubt, because it works regardless of your faith. It just WORKS.

With faith in your dreams,

Alena Golovina

Do you already know the Main Secret of Desires?

Photo albums are available in almost every home, this will not surprise anyone. But if you take photos from this photo album, make a collage out of them and decorate the walls of your apartment, it will already look original.

Translated from French, collage means gluing. In ancient times, it was the most popular way to decorate your home. People pasted all kinds of materials on the wall - pieces of paper, pictures, fabric, etc. and it looked pretty nice.

Especially such art of collage creation was used in China, and numerous excavations testify to this. The Chinese created beautiful collages from stones and dried flowers. In the 20th century, it was customary all over the world to decorate their homes in this way. Even the famous artist Pablo Picasso used collages in his works, he pasted newspaper clippings on them. And with the development of photography, people began to make collages of them and hang them on the wall.

Now many designers have taken this idea into service and embody it in decorating the room. On the surface of the wall, they try to stick different materials in such a way that it looks beautiful and enchants. You can make it yourself by learning how to make a photo collage with your own hands. Let's look at some interesting ideas.

paper photo collage

Any person can make such a do-it-yourself collage from a photo, even if your main activity is in no way connected with the world of art.

Before you start creating your own collage, you will need to choose a theme and pictures that match it. The topic can be dedicated to significant events in your life - wedding, graduation, the birth of a child, vacation in another country, student years, etc. It is desirable that your pictures tell a story from your life.

Select photos related to your event, they should be of good quality, you like them, and evoke pleasant memories. The number of photos must be a multiple. You will need to make a beautiful composition of all these photos. Pay special attention to this, because the creation of the composition will determine all your work, an attractive appearance will depend on it.

You will stick the photo on the substrate. As a substrate, you can choose a regular photo frame or a sheet of plywood, plastic, cardboard. You will need to adjust your photos to the size of the substrate by cropping them. To attach pictures to the substrate, prepare either double-sided tape or Velcro. You can beautifully glue the frames of your bases with improvised material - shells, matchboxes and other things.

If you are using a simple frame, consider how you will attach to the wall. You will need to attach the elastic at the back with a stapler or drive in small carnations.

If you cover the photos with a layer of decoupage glue, you will protect them from the formation of dust on the surface. Wait until the glue is completely dry. Hang your pictures on the wall as you like. See the photo examples below for inspiration. And your photo collage, evoking pleasant memories, is ready!

original form

You can not just arrange your photos in the form of a geometric figure, but make it more original. For example, arrange wedding photos in the shape of a heart, vacation photos in the shape of sunglasses, and birthday photos in the form of the letter of the birthday person's name, photos of your pet in the form of an animal.

In order to make such a form, it is necessary to make markings on the wall. It is necessary to fit the photos in such a way that there are no gaps left, without too much overlap of the photos. Laminating photos will help give you a more attractive look to your composition. If you add some highlighting to your collage, it will look really great.

Collage of matchboxes

With the help of matchboxes, you can create a really attractive thing. How to make a collage with your own hands from matchboxes.

Collect several matchboxes, glue them together on the base to make a geometric shape. For everything to work out, you must first draw up a sketch of the future work. The sketch should contain all the cells that will be in the future work. You will then put matchboxes into these cells.

Prepare the required number of matchboxes, remove all matches from them. Use glue to attach the boxes to the base (cardboard, plywood, frame). Use decoupage paint or glue to decorate the surface of your base. Wait until it dries completely.

Arrange the photos in the way they will be placed in the future collage. Each cell contains one photograph. Between them, you can lay out other decorations that you choose at your discretion. After that, you can start the gluing process. Take transparent glue for this. If you need to glue any large object, then it is better to use a glue gun.

Once all the pieces are glued down, put your collage somewhere safe and don't touch it until the glue is completely dry. You can also cover your entire creation with decoupage glue to increase its durability. After a while, decorate the wall of your house with this thing.

Photo collage in the form of puzzles

By embodying this original idea, you will get an unusual collage on the wall, which will decorate your room. To make it, prepare all the necessary material: whatman paper, sheets of printer paper, cardboard (corrugated), glue, adhesive tape (double-sided).

Draw a sheet of paper into several squares, give each square the shape of a puzzle, cut it out carefully. This will be a template that will then need to be transferred to corrugated cardboard and should be in a different color.

All puzzles are fastened together on a large sheet of drawing paper. On the reverse side, you can stick sheets of thick cardboard to strengthen the entire structure and sell it a finished look. On the reverse side, you can stick another sheet of whatman paper and make puzzles again, then the design will be two-sided.

Pictures for puzzles you can change at a distance. This idea is especially suitable for a small child, as they grow up quickly. Photograph young children constantly, and then you will have the opportunity to make a collage showing their growth and development.

What you need to know about collage design

The place where you hang your collage should be suitable for this and in harmony with the whole environment. You should not hang a heart-shaped collage in the common room, as it is most suitable for bedroom decor. The living room is best decorated with bright photographs. You can even make a collage for the kitchen using a special frame 10 centimeters deep.

Divide the frame with slats to make geometric shapes. You will insert photos or other items into them. But before you do this, cover the surface of your design with varnish.

The frame can ruin the whole impression, so if you decide to use it, choose the shape and material. The most suitable square, rectangular shape and a thin baguette.

Use a photo editor such as Photoshop or Picasso to edit your photos. This is to make your work look more original. A personal computer can become your assistant in arranging photos. There are special programs that help to do this.

You can do all the work right on your computer, then print it out and hang it on the wall. Computer programs are great help in the work. You can choose any background, photo processing, giving them the desired brightness and contrast. By choosing different effects, you improve quality, sell originality.

You can rotate your pictures in every possible way, decorate with graphic elements, add details from other images. Graphic editors give you a huge scope for the manifestation of your creativity.

You can match the photos in a consistent style or change the shape if necessary, or make a bold accent from the base of your collage.

Use not only photographs and other materials - shells, buttons, dried leaves, flaps, ribbons, tickets, starfish and other things that suit the theme of your creation.

Give free rein to your imagination and come up with something original, and then your do-it-yourself collage from photos will express a bright personality and creativity. Do not forget about accuracy, the result of the work will also depend on this. By following these rules, you will receive a magnificent thing that will warm your soul with pleasant memories.

A collage of desires is also called a visualization, it is also a “treasure map”, it is also a “newspaper of happiness”, or a “poster of desires” is a collage that depicts your dreams and desires.

Imagination is the main tool of any person, because we can only do what we can imagine! Since our brain receives most of the information through the eyes, then real photos and pictures become the most effective components of self-programming. If you can imagine it, then you can achieve it! Dreams Come True! Otherwise, nature would not have endowed us with the ability to dream.

There are annual collages that affect all areas of our lives, as well as thematic ones, designed to improve one specific area, for example, improve family relationships, go on a trip, get a desired job, etc. In this article, we will talk about making exactly the annual collage of desires, since the thematic collage is one of its components, and it is made according to the same principles.

Thematic and annual collage can be individual, that is, only for you and reflect all your aspirations of the soul, or family. It takes into account the last desires and interests of all family members and is jointly made by efforts. You can attract even the smallest and most adult family members, because there are no age limits for dreams and creativity!

When is the best time to start making Collages?

Our answer is right when you feel the desire and are ready to start! It is very good if the opportunity to create and the desire will fall on:

  • The period of the growing moon is considered the most favorable from 1 to 5 lunar days.
  • Your birthday (a favorable period is the month before and after the name day).
  • The lunar day on which you were born, even if the moon is waning.
  • New Year Holidays: Chinese New Year, Old New Year, Calendar New Year, etc.
  • Depending on your religion, for all kinds of religious holidays, for example, for Buddhists, these are 9 and 21 lunar days - the days of Dakini and Daka, respectively, the full moon, the May full moon is considered the most powerful - the birthday of the Buddha.
  • Your own choice.
  • But the most important day is the one when you just want to create!

So, the stars have converged, now it's time to decide on the structure of the collage. The Ba-gua grid from the Feng Shui system is best suited for an annual collage. Why is she? Because it includes all areas of our life: travel, protectors / helpers, knowledge / wisdom, wealth, success, career, creativity, children, relationships and love, family, and also health. To build a happy and harmonious life, it is important to set the vector of the desired development in all these areas.

Collage Making Methods:

  1. Draw by hand (with felt-tip pens, pencils or paints) on a blank sheet of A4, A3, A2 or A1 paper and it is not necessary to be an artist for this, but the main condition must be observed - you should really like your collage.
  2. Paste the pictures and phrases collected in advance from magazines and newspapers on a sheet of paper in A1, A2, A3, A4 format. You can also download from the Internet and print the pictures and photos you like on a color or black and white printer.
  3. In any of the above formats, print a collage drawn in a graphic editor, made up of photos and pictures drawn by oneself or uploaded to the Internet.
  4. A combination of the previous methods.
  5. Your choice.

Step-by-step instructions for making an annual collage:

In our example, we use the structure from the Feng Shui system of the Ba-gua grid, you can use any other system you like, but the one that you create yourself works best!

STEP 1. Desires should be clear, precise and written down on paper.

In electronic or paper form, we take a blank sheet of the required format. Whatman paper is best suited in A1 format. It must be drawn into nine equal parts, we give the name to all sectors:

1. Wealth, welfare; 2. Glory, success; 3. Love, Marriage

4. Relations with loved ones, parents, friends; 5.I, Health; 6.Children, Creativity

7. Wisdom, knowledge, travel; 8. Career, life path, new projects; 9. Helpers, Significant people, Protectors, Patrons

In order to get what you want from life, you first need to determine what you want. Therefore, we write down in each sector our desires and goals for the next year or more:

  • The desire must be expressed clearly and clearly in a few words in the affirmative form and in the present tense, as if you already have what you want.
  • Particles "NOT" should not be.
  • Bring pleasure should desire to you and your loved ones.
  • Safe should be the desire for you and those around you.
  • No need to expand your consciousness, just stop limiting it. Achieve, write, dream and do not deny yourself anything.

Important! It is necessary to leave one sector empty during the filling process. Which - you will see for yourself. This sector is closed from you for the time being, and the higher forces themselves determine what kind of surprise to arrange for you in it. Sectors in their fullness for women and men will differ, since a man is realized in achievements, and a woman in relationships.

So, for example:

1. SECTOR "Wealth, welfare":

  • My monthly income is $15,000.
  • I own a brand new white Range Rover Jeep.
  • I have a large wardrobe of beautiful shoes, dresses and several fur coats that make me look amazing.
  • Purely and easily money comes to me.
  • I easily attract money into my life.
  • I have a diamond ring with a large dark blue sapphire.
  • I/my family owns a house in the Crimean mountains, with a swimming pool and a fireplace.
  • Etc.

2. SECTOR "Glory, success":

  • I won $10,000,000 in the lottery
  • I am a magnet for money, luck and love
  • My husband and I are the perfect couple.
  • I am the youngest member of the Forbes ranking
  • Etc.

3. SECTOR "Love, Marriage":

  • I am happily married
  • I am a loving and beloved wife
  • My honeymoon in the islands
  • My wedding is the most beautiful
  • The man of my dreams proposed to me
  • Etc.

4. SECTOR "Relationships with loved ones, parents, friends":

  • My husband enjoys spending time with our children, they read books together, fool around, play and make things.
  • We pamper each other often by bringing coffee to bed.
  • My husband and I often spend time talking by the fireplace with sweets and a glass of wine.
  • My husband likes to give gifts.
  • My parents are happy and healthy.
  • Etc.

5. SECTOR "I, Health":

  • I have a flat tummy
  • I have beautiful thick hair
  • I am well
  • My stable body weight is 55 kilograms
  • I have a slim, beautiful figure
  • Me and my family - we are happy and healthy
  • Etc.

6. SECTOR "Children, Creativity":

  • I express myself with joy and ease in my work, embroidering beautiful pictures with a cross
  • My son is growing up smart and obedient to the delight of his parents.
  • I am a happy mother, loving and beloved woman
  • I gave birth to a healthy and beautiful baby
  • Etc.

7. SECTOR "Wisdom, knowledge, travel":

  • We went with the whole family on a trip around the world.
  • I successfully defended my PhD thesis
  • Etc.

8. SECTOR "Career, life path, new projects":

  • I am constantly growing professionally and developing
  • I am the best seller
  • I am a successful business owner
  • Etc.

9. SECTOR "Helpers, Significant people, Defenders, Patrons"

  • · Vladimir Putin assists me in the implementation of my project
  • The universe takes care of me
  • My guardian angel is always by my side and takes care of me
  • Etc.

STEP 2. We draw our own world!

Let's start drawing/sticking slogans, photos and pictures. Cutting out the expressions we like from magazines, we materialize our desires, which are sometimes difficult to imagine in reality, and even more so for a long time to keep these mental images. And here are some simple secrets on how to attract what you want into your life as soon as possible:

  1. All you need is to know where you want to go, the right solutions and the means to achieve what you want will automatically appear! You only reflect the end result, not the means to achieve it.
  2. Before pasting a picture that reflects your desire, you should look at it and answer the question for yourself, how do I feel when I have this or when I am like this or like that? Feelings from owning these things should cause pleasure and emotional comfort. This means that this is really your desire, and not someone else's, which means that this desire comes from your soul, and not from the mind, and only in this case will your subconscious mind help you in making your dream come true.
  3. If you have found a whole slogan suitable for you from the Internet, newspapers or magazines, then this means that the phrase you need in your life has already begun to work and will become a reality very soon.
  4. For each sector, use as a background or substrate an image that reflects the basis to realize your desires. So, for example, for a sector that displays wealth, images are suitable: banknotes, diamonds, gold bars; for the relationship sectors, marriage and love can serve as the basis for harmony and love - this is the sign of Yin-Yang, hearts, etc. If you don’t have the opportunity to use a background image, then decorate, draw or glue the unfilled remaining places according to the same principle.
  5. On top of the substrate (background image), we place cute pictures with the image of emotions, events, material goods that we want to attract or keep in our lives.
  6. In the “I am health” sector, you need to place your photo or a photo of your family, and no matter how old it is and how you look there, the main condition is that you like it and cause only positive emotions. If you are not planning to be alone in the next year, then you should be in the photo with the whole family or with a partner. If there is no such photo, then place next to you any image that symbolizes the opposite sex for you. So for a woman, the symbol of the masculine principle can be the icon of Mars, the Eiffel Tower, as eros, etc. It is best to avoid photographs where one person is located, because life is a constant interaction.
  7. You can use your own photographs, photographs of celebrities or real people that you would like to take an example from and in your opinion who have the qualities that you want to strengthen and attract into your own life. For example, a photo of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt is a symbol of an ideal and beautiful couple.
  8. In the “wealth” sector, try to use those images where, next to the desired benefits, there are people who enjoy using them. It is better to replace the images of people with your own or with members of your family. If you want to emphasize that you have money, it can be a wad of money, a full wallet in your hand, and so on. The central image of the house from your dreams should also contain smiling photographs of all its residents, etc.
  9. All means of transportation: cars, yachts, planes, etc. should be from left to right should be directed for those who practice right-hand writing, since it is to the right that the looking car will look into the future, and vice versa, the future will be to the left for those who use left-hand writing.

In principle, everything, using these tips, you can create for yourself an excellent collage of desires, which will certainly come true.

Surely many of you have heard about the big collage of wishes, called the wish card. On the Web, you can find many descriptions of this psychological technique and some similar ones (such as the visualization board).

Initially, the wish card was directly related to esotericism, feng shui and astrology. However, it is based on nothing more than indirect manipulations with one's own unconscious. Therefore, I propose to consider this very interesting visualization technique from the perspective of psychology. The information will be relevant and useful to those who have not heard about the wish card at all, and to those who have heard about this technique or even practiced it.

What is a wish card?

The wish card is a big collage of your happy future. To create it, you need whatman paper, pictures, paints, a lot of patience and inspiration!

The map is divided into nine sectors, which are responsible for certain aspects of life. All of them should be on one sheet of drawing paper - this symbolizes the harmony of all spheres.

In the center is the “Health” sector, which is not surprising, because only with good health, you can invest energy and resources in other areas of life. In this sector, you will also need to stick your happy photo. That is, in the very center of the map - you yourself, and around - your life.

On either side of you are the sectors "Hobbies and children" and "Family".

Above and below - "Career" and "Glory", respectively.

Diagonally - "Travel and Helpers", "Wealth", "Love" and "Knowledge".

System approach to life

Looking at the structure of the wish map, it becomes clear that the life of each of us is multifaceted, which means that in order to be happy, you need to take care of all nine sectors. Drawing up such a collage teaches us to look at our own life as a whole and, if there are problems, solve them comprehensively.

How often do we think that, for example, to be slim, it's enough just to take care of your body: sign up for fitness - and you're done. But we don’t understand at all that excess weight is provoked by the lack of favorite activities, vocation, or problems in relationships with a loved one. Maybe you have a discord in the family - that's why you are so addicted to cakes. Or maybe life has become monotonous and it's time to dilute it with travel in order to feel energetic, contented and "alive" again!

"What do I want?"

If the first level, that is, the level of awareness that the problems in our lives are of a systemic nature, has been successfully completed, a natural question immediately arises: “What do I want if I am not satisfied with what I have?” This question, as it turns out, is very difficult and problematic to answer. The answer must be sought somewhere in the depths of one's own soul.

To facilitate this process, the technique of drawing up a wish map was invented. It turns out the following interesting thing. Until we know what we want, we don't get it. The map makes us think closely about what we would really like.

How? We begin to select pictures, for example, a picture of the desired apartment, and we realize that half of the apartments and pictures do not suit us at all, what we would like with a sea view / two-level / Scandinavian style, etc.

The situation is very similar to shopping. You need a sweater, just a sweater. You head to the store to buy it quickly. But you came and don't know what sweater you need: color, style, material? There is no idea at all - you just know that you need a sweater. In this case, there is a high probability of getting something wrong or not getting anything at all. It is the same with global desires.

Accordingly, the whole task comes down to ensuring that your desires are as specific as possible. Imagine that you are making an order in a restaurant - they will bring you exactly what you ordered. We ordered pancakes with caviar - so don't expect pancakes with cottage cheese to be brought to you. Or that the waiter will guess for himself that you will have both cottage cheese and caviar at the same time. This is what allows you to be as concentrated and serious as possible in the process of creating a map.

Rules for compiling a wish map

The wish card has several important nuances:

  • A collage is made for 1-3 years, and nothing can be glued / re-glued there. As a result, we get a colorful plan for our filled and joyful future. Ideally, it should be hung in the most visible place, where it will constantly motivate and inspire you, reminding you of what you generally get up in the morning for.
  • It is categorically impossible to glue other people into it, even a spouse. You can’t wish for other people (“I want my daughter to go to Moscow University”).
  • You can not write non-ecological desires.
  • Each sector has its own color, and each desire must be expressed in the correct verbal formulation.

All this allows you to make your card "yours" - closely connected with your unconscious, with the desires of your soul. So, the transformation of life will begin immediately! Most people already at the stage of drawing up a map already receive the fulfillment of their desires, and in the most unexpected ways!


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