Healthy lifestyle - concept, components. Forming a "positive image"

Everyone at least once in their life wondered what a healthy lifestyle is. Some believe that by giving up bad habits and starting to eat right, they are already halfway to success. Is this really so and how to define right image life in the modern world?

HOS - what is it?

healthy image life is a versatile concept, but it is important to understand that it is aimed at strengthening the body and preventing the development of pathologies. To do this, you need to give preference to a healthy diet, moderate physical activity, strictly observe the regimes of wakefulness and rest, get rid of bad habits and learn to control your thoughts and emotions. The environmental situation is also important, but it is not always possible to change it.

Why should you lead a healthy lifestyle?

A correct and healthy lifestyle helps a person in all areas of activity and his undertakings. Thanks to this approach to the body, a person does not have problems with it, and in return receives high intellectual ability and good mood. The useful value of a healthy lifestyle is obvious: it becomes brighter and more interesting. An indisputable advantage is the reduction of fears for the state of one's health.

Promotion of healthy lifestyles

Preserving the health of the population in a civilized society should be a priority in every country. This becomes important for the development of the state in the socio-economic and scientific-technical areas. Modern scientists devote a huge amount of time and effort to the formation of a culture of health. They are sure that the health of the nation depends not only on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Safety plays an important role environment, working conditions and development of the health protection system.

Popularization of a healthy lifestyle for the younger generation is in physical education. The purpose of such activities is to interest young people and involve them in regular training. For this, in all educational institutions there are sports activities. Adults must organize and adjust themselves to right rhythm life. One of the effective and popular sports is fitness, which successfully harmonizes with the Russian bath and massage.

Healthy lifestyle and its components

Mankind wants to have good health, but some make efforts for this, others do nothing at all. What affects our health:

  • about 50% - a healthy lifestyle;
  • about 20% is the environment;
  • slightly less than 20% - genetic predisposition;
  • up to 10% - health care system.

We can distinguish the following basics and components of a healthy lifestyle:

  • absolute rejection of bad habits;
  • daily moderate healthy food;
  • active pastime;
  • hygiene (personal and public);
  • continuous control over emotions;
  • intellectual development;
  • spiritual and social well-being.

Daily schedule for a healthy lifestyle

Mode - necessary condition healthy lifestyle. However, it may also look somewhat different from the usual clock schedule, the most important thing is to correctly determine the time for sleep - it should be at least 7-8 hours. Sample Mode days might look like this:

  • 6.30-7.00 - get up, drink a glass of water.
  • 7.30-8.00 - breakfast.
  • 8.00-10.00 - the time of maximum activity. You can go in for sports, and then relax, visit a SPA center or a beautician.
  • 10.00-11.00 - at this time the body is maximally ready for work.
  • 11.00 - late lunch.
  • 11.30-14.00 - at this time it is worth working in a calm mode. Carry out day-to-day work.
  • 14.00 - lunch.
  • 14.30-16.00 – right time to solve global issues. Brain activity reaches its peak, both in creative individuals and knowledge workers.
  • 16.00-17.00 - afternoon snack.
  • 17.00-18.00 - it's time to hold negotiations, business meetings or discuss with employees the work plan for tomorrow.
  • 18.00-19.00 - the way home. Go shopping along the way.
  • 19.00 - dinner.
  • 19.30 - 20.00 - it's time to pay attention to the skin, wash off makeup, apply a mask. Take a bath or shower.
  • 22.00-22.30 - getting ready for bed and lights out.

To restore strength and maintain balance in the body, it is necessary to alternate labor activity with rest. Spend a few minutes every hour exercising, and at lunchtime take a walk in the fresh air. Don't forget about sports. To do this, you can choose the best option.

Proper nutrition for a healthy lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition are inseparable components. Satisfying hunger is one of the most important instincts of a living organism. Nutritionists from around the world have concluded:

  1. Four meals a day is ideal for health.
  2. Each meal should have its own time.
  3. Meat, fish and legumes should be consumed in the morning and at lunch, and in the afternoon - fruits, vegetables, dairy products.
  4. At a later time, tea and coffee drinks should be refrained from.

Healthy lifestyle and sport

The rules of a healthy lifestyle consist not only of a healthy diet or the rejection of bad habits. Sports are an integral part of a healthy lifestyle, but this does not mean that everyone should take up the barbells and set records. Physical activity is essential to keep fit and prevent early aging organs and skin. It's good enough for this:

  • jogging;
  • swimming;
  • bike rides;
  • tourist trips;
  • tennis.

healthy lifestyle - bad habits

The formation of a healthy lifestyle is aimed at getting rid of bad habits. The most common are smoking and drinking alcohol. They harm not only the person suffering from addiction, but also those around him. Tobacco smoke is especially dangerous, because passive smokers poison their body at the same level as an active "captive" of a bad habit.

Harm from tobacco smoke:

  • the condition of nails, hair, skin color worsens;
  • tooth enamel deteriorates and turns yellow;
  • vessels lose their elasticity;
  • detrimental effect on all internal organs.

The effect of alcohol on the body:

  • the immune system weakens;
  • the functions of the liver, organs of the digestive tract, cardiovascular and nervous systems worsen, the activity of the brain is disturbed;
  • during pregnancy - leads to various pathologies of the fetus.

Hygienic basics of a healthy lifestyle

The rules of a healthy lifestyle are simple and work well, but on one condition - systematic. Trying to observe them from time to time, positive results will not be achieved. Health and a healthy lifestyle requires a person to observe personal hygiene:

  1. Body care (regular shower, bath).
  2. Hair and scalp care.
  3. Oral care (regular teeth brushing and preventive measures for the prevention of caries, periodontal disease and other diseases of the oral cavity).
  4. Hygiene of footwear and clothing (maintenance of cleanliness and selection of harmless materials).

How to lead a healthy lifestyle?

Most of humanity wondered what a healthy lifestyle is and how to get closer to it? Having thought everything over and postponing the implementation of the plan “for Monday”, something more important or just laziness is found at the “X” hour. Before you make a plan on how to start a healthy lifestyle, you need to think through everything and only after that proceed with its implementation. The mistake of many beginners is that they strive to do in one day what they have not done for several years, and maybe all their lives. The main rule is not to overdo it, everything is good in moderation.

Healthy lifestyle motivation

How to start leading a healthy lifestyle? You need to prepare for it (do not ignore this stage):

  • write down on a piece of paper the habits that you need to get rid of (do not try to quit all at once, determine for yourself optimal time for each of them, for example, for a week);
  • start gradually changing your daily routine (pay attention to the duration of sleep, start introducing new ones, good habits);
  • start playing sports (without fanaticism, little by little, but regularly).

Films about a healthy lifestyle

Many of those who wanted to change their lives stopped half way or did not start moving towards their goal at all. Some lacked willpower, others lacked motivation. Movies about a healthy lifestyle will help you take a fresh look at the problem and how you can overcome it:

  1. "Run, fat boy, run"- talks about the power of sport, how much it can temper a person morally and physically.
  2. "Karate Guy"- teaches you to fight with yourself and not despair in the most difficult situations and love for Japanese martial arts helped not only to deal with aggressive peers, but also to believe in yourself.
  3. "Forrest Gump"- the ability to run fast helps the main character become famous and enter the university, and a skillful table tennis game made him a world champion.

Healthy lifestyle books

Many have wondered what a healthy lifestyle is. Preserving your health is a voluntary matter and everyone should have their own motivation. Some are helped by the advice of friends, others by educational films and TV shows, and others by books about a healthy lifestyle. Experts in the field recommend reading:

  1. "350 Dukan Diet Recipes"- some people know that healthy food that helps to make a figure slimmer can be delicious.
  2. "Sugarless"- the author talks about the existing degrees of addiction to sweets and ways to deal with them.
  3. "The Science of Sleep"useful book about the main aspect of a healthy lifestyle, in which the author explains how to sleep properly and how the body behaves at this time.
  4. "The Book of the Body"- teaches how to gain physical and mental strength, love your body, and how all this will help in different areas life.

Many people want to stay healthy and full of energy as long as possible, but have no idea what to do for this. They rush between and taking herbal decoctions, but in fact, in order to maintain strength and health, it is necessary to constantly conduct healthy lifestyle (HLS). It is of great importance, because it affects not only health, but also prolongs life itself. What you need to do to achieve these results, stop being lazy and take on yourself.

The concept of a healthy lifestyle is a set of rules, the implementation of which leads to an improvement in the physical and psychological state of the body. Following these rules, all systems and organs begin to function well in a person. What improves physical and emotional condition and increases life expectancy.

It is a healthy lifestyle Lately has become relevant for people who want to improve their well-being. The age of technological progress, hypodynamia, disgusting ecology suggests problems with internal organs, various, often chronic, diseases develop. Therefore, the people see salvation in a healthy attitude to life. Modern people strive to live quickly, they have no time to pay attention to how he and his family live, the main thing is to have time for everything. They eat, are treated with drugs that help to instantly recover, but eliminate only the symptom, but not the disease itself. Driven does not represent a minute to relax and then the body fails.

If a person leads a healthy lifestyle from childhood, then he has a healthy body and a strong character. But to achieve these results, you can perform all of its directions in the complex. If from early childhood parents instill in the child what is included in the concept of healthy lifestyle, then it will not be difficult further. You can go to this life rule yourself, but this requires a lot of willpower.

What does the HOS consist of:

  • Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.
  • Performing the hardening process in different ways.

In addition to the fact that a person follows the rules aimed at his health, he must create safety in his environment in order to eliminate the risk of harm to health.

Aspects that define the general concept of healthy lifestyle:

  • Physical. Maintenance good health and strengthening defensive forces organism.
  • Emotional. The ability to control emotions and respond appropriately to situations.
  • Intellectual. The ability to find the required information and apply it correctly.
  • Spiritual. Ability to set priorities and follow them strictly.

cannot be excluded and social definition HLS. Propaganda is carried out here by various educational institutions, the media and public organizations.

Balanced nutrition in a healthy lifestyle

This means eating only healthy foods. They carry only useful and nutritious substances necessary to maintain the vital activity of the human body. For those who are overweight or prone to weight gain, there are several tips for.


  • Food needs to be diversified, the diet should include plant and animal products.
  • The calorie content of the diet should not exceed the prescribed bar. To calculate calories, the presence is taken into account physical activity, excess weight, diseases.
  • Fractional nutrition. At least 5 times a day, three main meals and two snacks. You need to eat at the same time. Starvation is prohibited.
  • Chew food slowly. By eating this way, you will never overeat, you will receive a satiety signal in time and enjoy the taste of the dish. Thoroughly chewed food will bring joy to the stomach.
  • Every day you need to eat the first. Soups promote excretion gastric juice then the rest of the food will be better digested.
  • Vitaminization with vegetables and fruits. This the best option snack. Hunger will be satisfied and the body will receive the vitamins it needs.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day. Soups, tea and coffee do not need to be taken into account. Plain water, without gas, can be flavored with lemon for taste.
  • Include dairy products in your diet. It is better to take low-fat, but not fat-free. They provide protein and aid digestion.
  • Eat only fresh food. Do not be lazy and cook everything fresh every time, standing dishes lose all their benefits.

What is a healthy lifestyle - a proper nutrition system is quite simple, it is not at all difficult to master and follow it. The availability of products and cooking techniques will not complicate, but facilitate the task of proper nutrition.

Expert opinion

Smirnov Viktor Petrovich
Nutritionist, Samara

The problem of a healthy lifestyle is especially acute for residents of large cities who have physical inactivity, whose food contains a large number of preservatives, palm oil and very often there are periods of stress. But in addition to following the principles of proper nutrition, playing sports, following the rules of hygiene, hardening and giving up bad habits, it is necessary to introduce harmonious sexual relations into the concept of a healthy lifestyle.

A person is a social being, and, very accurately following all the rules described in the article, but not having a full-fledged intimacy, it is hardly possible to count on harmony in other areas physical health. This topic is not in vain. The point is that everything listed principles a healthy lifestyle, in addition, depends on the person himself, and building relationships involves the ability to communicate, and this brings the observance of the principles of a healthy lifestyle to a completely different level. And just the harmony of relationships and the ability to communicate, the desire to be attractive and attract others can be called the spiritual level of a healthy lifestyle.

Physical activity in a healthy lifestyle

Modern people and not only young age, are chained to TV screens, computers and move little. Poor muscle activity brings colossal problems. Physical inactivity, according to a WHO study, is fatal in 6% of cases. According to the same medicine, even regularly performing physical exercises that are suitable for a person according to his age and condition, they only benefit the body:

  • Do not allow depression and psycho-emotional disorders to develop.
  • Helps maintain health in diabetes.
  • Reduce the possibility of developing cancer.
  • Strengthen bone tissue.
  • Helps maintain normal weight.
  • Strengthen immunity.

If a person has free time, you can attend group classes, fitness, swimming pool or dancing. In the absence of time, you can start doing morning exercises.

Every day, spend only 10-15 minutes on this and it will be enough for the good condition of your body. Running has a good effect, morning or evening jogging will bring pleasure, cheer you up and help you relax.

Hardening in the practice of healthy lifestyle

Hardening helps to reduce the risk of diseases to zero. It helps the body cope with the impact of external adverse factors. This is the undeniable benefit of a healthy lifestyle.

There are many ways to harden:

  • Air baths. The easiest and most affordable way for everyone to harden with a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to be in the air more often, to go to the forest, the forest air ideally prevents the development of diseases.
  • Sunbathing. Try to get more sun in the summer. At the same time, avoid being in direct sunlight, so as not to get burns or heat stroke.
  • Walking barefoot. The sole of the foot has many points responsible for the health of the organs. Massage of sensitive points will bring healing to the body.
  • Rubbing. This method is suitable even for children. The body is rubbed with a special massage mitt, washcloth or wet towel.
  • Pouring. They are carried out with cold water, you can water yourself completely or just your legs. Be sure to dry your skin with a towel.
  • Cold and hot shower. Alternating water with different temperatures gives tone to the skin and rejuvenates the body.
  • Winter swimming. This is swimming at any time of the year in open water, even in winter. But this method requires a responsible approach and consultation with a doctor.

Strengthening the body requires immediate intervention if the following main symptoms are present: pain in the joints, muscles and headaches, frequent colds, feeling tired, insomnia, the appearance of rashes on the skin.

Eradication of bad habits for a healthy lifestyle

Almost everyone knows about the harm that alcoholic beverages nicotine, as well as drugs, do to health. If you wish to have good health and a wonderful psycho-emotional background, it is better to send these hobbies to the past.

Please note: Your life and health is in your hands. How you want to see yourself in the future depends only on the individual.

Therefore, it is important to follow the simple rules of a healthy lifestyle, laid down since childhood. IN adulthood not to become like society and not to take from them the habit of drinking and smoking.

Personal hygiene with a healthy lifestyle

A person's body must always be kept clean, then infectious diseases can be avoided. Important role sleep plays in the lifestyle - you need to rest at least 8 hours a day, this will give energy and lightness in the body. It is better to give rest hours from 22:00 to 6:00.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle today is hot topic for any person, whether it be an adult or a child, a schoolboy or a student. Sometimes in the family, the culture of a healthy lifestyle is taught by parents to children, starting from preschool age. Kindergartens, schools, and the media are now actively promoting a healthy lifestyle and its constituent elements: physical education, gymnastics, and a variety of diets. This trend has its reasons.

The thing is that modern life requires from a person large investments of his labor, time and, most importantly, health in order to achieve his own goals. The situation is also exacerbated by poor ecology, sedentary working conditions, poor quality products and poor diet, harmful radiation from a variety of technology and many other factors that can affect our mental and physical well-being. Despite the fact that modern medicine has achieved significant success in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases, it often turns out to be powerless in cases where the human body is no longer able to fight the disease even with the help of drugs and medical events. In order to avoid such cases, you need to know and follow special preventive techniques and rules that are the basis of a healthy lifestyle.

In this training, we invite you to take a series of free online lessons on how to lead a healthy lifestyle, form healthy eating habits, exercise and sports, how to build an optimal daily routine, and maintain your mental health. The course program is designed to help everyone form their own healthy lifestyle system.

The concept of a healthy lifestyle, or what is it?

Healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle) is a skill of a person, which consists in the ability to perform special actions (or vice versa, to refuse to perform such actions) aimed at maintaining and improving his health and preventing diseases.

Disease prevention called a system of measures to prevent or eliminate the causes of disease. Prevention can be of different levels: primary prevention is a system of measures to eliminate the causes and factors of diseases, secondary prevention is the prevention of the progression of an existing disease, and tertiary prevention is the prevention of recurrence of diseases. Within the framework of a healthy lifestyle, it is customary to consider the primary prevention of diseases.

Have the ability to lead a healthy lifestyle - it means to have special knowledge about what is healthy and what is not, how to discipline yourself, build the right daily routine, as well as perform special procedures and eat the right food.

Why lead a healthy life?

Each of us has our own physical and mental features, some of which are passed down to us at the genetic level. Someone without doing anything exercise and special recommendations on nutrition, always remains in good shape, someone is not prone to colds, and in winter it is impossible to infect with acute respiratory infections, someone is able to sleep 4 hours a day and stay alert. All these abilities are more of an exception to the rule, peculiar only to some people. And we can certainly say that in the world there is no perfect healthy person which has all the advantages listed above. That is why it is important for us to know our weak spots and be able to take all necessary measures to prevent diseases. This is the role of a healthy lifestyle.

The application of healthy lifestyle knowledge can be useful to any person in a variety of situations, for example, it will allow:

  1. Correctly educate children (parents, teachers, educators and teachers).
  2. Live longer and feel better - absolutely everyone.
  3. Do not ruin the health in youth for everyone who studies a lot in the student's bench, and who works tirelessly to climb the career ladder.
  4. Organize events and make the right decisions if you are involved in the organization of human pastime, for example, you are an employer, school principal or university president.

It should be noted that a healthy lifestyle culture affects the quality of life of any person, which is associated with the achievement of longevity, the ability to fully perform social functions and actively participate in the family, work, and social life of society.

How to learn it

Many of us sometimes think about how to lead a healthy lifestyle: exercise or eat moderately and balanced. But often things never go further than promises to themselves that from Monday it is necessary to change their lives. These promises can be repeated many times until a really serious problem appears, which will be quite difficult to deal with.

In order not to bring your body to such situations, you need to observe special rules , which will help maintain your health and which you will learn from the lessons of this course. Compliance with these rules must be purposeful And systemic . To do this, firstly, you need to decide what you want to achieve by leading a healthy lifestyle, and set yourself. Secondly, you need to try and confidently strive for the goal every day. It is very important in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, as in any other business, to develop a regimen, habits and self-discipline.

One of the important habits should be proper nutrition, consisting of balanced diet and received in the right way. No less important for health are such components as the correct balance of work and rest, sleep, moderate physical activity, understanding the biological rhythms of your body, and much more. However, even a person leading a healthy lifestyle is not immune from all diseases, and therefore it is important to know how to behave correctly in case of illness or injury. To successfully lead a healthy lifestyle, you need to be able to understand your body, learn from your own experience, constantly replenishing your knowledge base.

A healthy life also requires a complete rejection of bad habits that can negate all your efforts. You must understand that drinking, smoking, overeating and many other weaknesses only exacerbate the impact of factors associated with poor ecology, mental and labor stresses on the human body.

Do you want to test your knowledge?

If you want to test your theoretical knowledge on the topic of the course and understand how it suits you, you can take our test. Only 1 option can be correct for each question. After you select one of the options, the system automatically moves on to the next question.

Healthy lifestyle course

Below is a plan for a healthy lifestyle course. In our lessons, we tried to collect everything you need for self-study: information about the key elements and concepts of a healthy lifestyle, diagrams and pictures, videos, notes, programs, scenarios, as well as projects of activities aimed at improving health and preventing diseases. We see the key function of this training in the fact that, unlike school essays, reports or class hours, from these lessons you will receive not so much theoretical and propaganda knowledge as practical skills applicable in the life of every person.

How to take classes

You can take lessons on a healthy lifestyle in any order, paying attention to what is interesting for you. The material in the lessons is presented, to some extent, concisely and is aimed at general familiarization with the main principles of a healthy lifestyle. However, there are many practical tips and examples in the lessons. General recommendations include the following:

Practice self-discipline. It is the ability to adhere to the correct regimen from day to day that is the main component of almost all elements of a healthy lifestyle. In order not to let yourself relax, remember more often that the most important thing is at stake - your health. And if you need other motivational techniques, you can find them in time management training on our website (coming soon!).

Learn to understand your body. Each person has his own physical and mental characteristics, so no ready-made universal techniques will replace your own experience.

Approach any recommendation carefully and with hesitation. Any time you have any doubts about the effectiveness and safety of any advice on a healthy lifestyle on our website or in any other source of information, do not follow the advice until you are completely sure of it. Try from time to time to consult with specialists, doctors, nutritionists, trainers, and also read reviews on the Internet - all this will help to avoid mistakes.

In order to learn the principles of a healthy lifestyle as efficiently as possible, and then form your habits and daily routine, we recommend that you first familiarize yourself with all the lessons of this training, try to complete the proposed exercises and recommendations. After reading all the lessons, you will have enough knowledge to start creating your own healthy lifestyle program. You may need additional knowledge. some useful information you can find in the materials discussed below, as well as with the help of conventional search engines. But remember that everything should be treated somewhat critically, and remember that often applying some especially radical measures to improve health, you risk getting reverse effect and cause serious damage to your body.

Additional material

In addition to online lessons, in this section we will collect all the useful information about a healthy lifestyle: articles, videos, books, textbooks, notes, diagrams, as well as reviews and recommendations from experts and ordinary people on the practice of applying the principles of healthy lifestyle.

Also, take a look at the Healthy Body category on our blog where you can read articles like.

Three whales of a healthy lifestyle are the rejection of bad habits, the transition to a balanced diet and regular classes sports. Only a person who is used to sitting on the couch finds it difficult to replace fast food with fresh vegetables and fall in love with an evening jog. You need to gradually move to the bright side. Sudden changes are a test for the body and stress for the brain. The body needs time to adapt, otherwise the attempt to become slim and healthy will end in failure.

Drawing up a schedule

Where to start for a mere mortal who decides to switch to a healthy lifestyle or the so-called healthy lifestyle? Get used to the daily routine. Fans of sports and proper nutrition live according to a schedule. They go to the gym at the same time. They eat by the hour and try to clearly plan all their actions.

The first step is to change your sleep-wake schedule. The morning of a healthy lifestyle representative does not begin with coffee or scrambled eggs with bacon, but with a run. And in order to have time for sports, a full breakfast, a shower and other household trifles, you need to get up with the first rays of the sun, that is, at 6-7 o'clock. But if a person sat until dawn, and at 5 in the morning only got to bed, what kind of jogging or exercises can we talk about?

The second reason why you need to change the schedule of wakefulness and sleep is metabolism. Metabolic processes slow down if a person regularly goes to bed with the first rays of the sun. Due to poor metabolism, fat accumulates in the subcutaneous layers. The work of the digestive organs and blood circulation worsens. Decreased absorption of nutrients.

You need to go to bed at 22-23.00 at night. Turn off all gadgets and appliances an hour before bedtime:

  • smartphones;
  • TV;
  • e-book;
  • computer.

You can spend 60 minutes without a laptop on water treatments, massages, planning next day and keeping a diary. There shouldn't be any concessions on weekends either. You can not lie in bed until noon, neglecting sports and breakfast.

The second step on the way to a healthy lifestyle is drawing up a daily routine. The diary or special program indicates what time breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner take place. When to play sports and relax with friends. In the first weeks, you need to set a reminder, because until the body gets used to the new regimen, the brain will periodically forget about exercise, second breakfast and an evening walk.

Avoiding junk food starts with a glass of water. Fluid starts metabolic processes and enhances immunity. Drink water immediately after waking up, as well as 30-40 minutes before each snack. It dulls the appetite and helps reduce portion sizes.

Representatives of a healthy lifestyle do not drink carbonated and sweet drinks. If tea or coffee, then without sugar. No packaged juice or energy drinks. Water supplement herbal decoctions. For example, tea made from rose hips, chamomile, ginger root or mint. Fluid is needed by the body for vitality and well-being. Water is carried with them in small bottles or thermoses so that it is always at hand.

Harmful foods are removed from the diet gradually. First, they forget about the existence of the frying pan. Meat or fish is not fried, but cooked in the oven or double boiler. Sausages and bacon are replaced with homemade sausages from chicken breast. Instead of pizza, they eat bran bread sandwiches, avocados and red fish. And chocolate, ice cream and cakes are replaced with fruit smoothies, low-fat cottage cheese desserts and sweets made from dried fruits and nuts.

A healthy lifestyle does not mean dieting. On the other hand, you can't go hungry. But so that a person does not stretch the stomach in large portions and does not look into the refrigerator after midnight, he should eat food 5-7 times a day. At a time, he eats 100–150 g of porridge, soup or another dish. And between meals takes a two-hour break.

The main thing is to choose natural products. If the composition contains:

  • monosodium glutamate;
  • aspartame;
  • sweetener;
  • flavors;
  • dyes;
  • ingredients with difficult to pronounce words.

A box with such yogurt or juice remains in the store. Only fresh fruits and vegetables get into the refrigerator, no marinades. With proper nutrition are allowed:

  • nuts;
  • dried fruits;
  • dietary meats;
  • dairy products, but only fat-free;
  • cereals;
  • legumes;
  • sea ​​and river fish;
  • vegetable fats;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • bran and rye bread;
  • seafood.

The diet should be rich in sources of protein and complex carbohydrates. They are responsible for the development of muscle mass, a feeling of cheerfulness and energy. It is not worth completely eliminating animal fats, but they account for only 5% of the diet.

Vegetables are added to all dishes. The meal starts with a salad, stew or sandwich with cucumber, parsley and tomato slices. A vitamin cocktail is prepared from celery and apples, which cleanses the body of toxins.

Vegetables are a source of fiber. And coarse dietary fiber is necessary to reduce appetite, normal operation intestines and fast metabolism. You can live without sausage, cutlets and hot dogs, but you can’t live without broccoli, carrots and sweet peppers.

To avoid the temptation to return to the previous diet, all prohibited foods are removed from the lockers and the refrigerator. No stockpiles of biscuits or canned peas for a rainy day. The store is sent with a list. And they only buy what it says.

Sport is not a punishment, but a way to become stronger and healthier. It is not necessary to sign up for a gym and lift barbells and kettlebells. You can always choose the option of physical activity that will bring pleasure. Morning jogging is easy to replace with half an hour of dancing to energetic music or a bike ride.

Instead of fitness, master roller skates or a skateboard. Get your body in shape with swimming or Nordic walking. Make friends with a volleyball or basketball. And if it’s completely lazy, then it will be limited to a half-hour exercise or stretching.

Sport is a source of vivacity and a hormone of joy. But you shouldn’t overstrain in the first months either, otherwise the body will quickly get tired of excessive loads, and the brain will decide that it lived much better without dumbbells and skipping ropes. Laziness will appear. And it is very difficult to fight the desire to lie on the couch.

In order for the body to get used to the sport, 2-3 classes per week are enough. And people who dream of quickly losing weight and tightening their body are recommended to supplement stretching with other types. physical activity. For example, walking. Do not get on a trolley bus, but walk to the nearest store with your own feet. Walk from office to apartment and vice versa. Play football or badminton with friends instead of watching pizza and beer TV shows.

Tip: If the brain does not agree to do at least exercises, you need to put a chair next to the bed in the evening and put a sports uniform on it. When you wake up, immediately take off your pajamas and change into a comfortable suit. Pants and a T-shirt make you think of a morning run, and a person gets motivated.

The main thing is to set yourself micro-tasks. Do not run 5 km without preparation, but do 15 squats today, and 20 tomorrow. If expectations are not met, the desire to do anything disappears. And vice versa. Small victories make you proud and move forward.

Some people find it hard to deal with laziness alone. In such cases, it is recommended to find a sister in misfortune in in social networks or on the forums. A girl who is ready to run in the morning or evening or go to the pool. It is also useful to organize friendly competitions. For example, who will jump more on a rope, do push-ups or pull up. But the atmosphere should be warm and friendly. Humiliation and mutual insults do not help to achieve a high result, but only kill the desire to practice and improve your own body.

Bad habits and positive thinking

In the first weeks, a person feels euphoria. He is passionate about the new rules of nutrition, enjoys playing sports. Tells everyone around him that he no longer eats chemistry and products with GMOs. But gradually the enthusiasm fades, giving way to laziness and the desire to buy at least 200 g of sausage. If a beginner stumbles, he will return to his starting positions and will not want to repeat the experiment with the transition to a healthy lifestyle.

It will take the body 2 to 3 months to get used to the different routine and develop healthy habits. Optimism will help you endure the test. You need to look at things positively. Praise yourself for small successes, as well as regularly set small goals for yourself. You can write a list with tasks for a month or several weeks. And for each completed item, reward yourself with a series of your favorite series, beautiful clothes or books.

It is important that a person is surrounded by like-minded people. When all relatives twist their fingers to their temples and offer not to engage in nonsense, it's hard not to give up. If there are no healthy lifestyle fans among real friends, you can either change the company or find “colleagues” on proper nutrition on forums or social networks. Experienced athletes are happy to share their tricks with beginners and guide them on the right path.

If one of the reasons for switching to a healthy lifestyle was the desire to lose weight, in the first month it is not recommended to weigh yourself and take measurements of your waist, chest and hips. Due to constant exercise, fluid accumulates in the muscles, which causes swelling. The body is visually enlarged. The body weight is also growing. If a beginner sees that the weights show 2-3 kg more than before, he will be upset and decide that a healthy lifestyle does not suit him. But after all, the body acquires a beautiful outline only 3-4 months after the transition to the light side, so you need not despair and exercise regularly.

It is equally important to give up bad habits:

  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • neglect of the rules of personal hygiene;
  • computer addiction;
  • overeating.

You can’t first run 2-3 km, and then sit on a bench and drink a bottle of beer. Alcohol cancels all achievements, just like cigarettes. The body does not benefit from online games, cakes and buns, stressful situations. Of course, not every person is able to quit a prestigious job and settle in the mountains or in the forest, but you can learn yoga and meditation. Get massages regularly. Spend the weekend in nature. And also love dousing with cold water or cold and hot shower. All these procedures relax the nervous system, increase immunity and help not to lose control in stressful situations.

Changing habits that have been developed over years or decades is difficult. No need to set ambitious and unattainable goals. It is better to complete micro-tasks and celebrate success. Gradually give up harmful foods and accustom the body to sports. Practice calmness and optimism. Temper the body and mind. And do not give up, even if it seems that you will never be able to switch to a healthy lifestyle.

Video: 5 reasons why it is difficult to switch to a healthy lifestyle