The strongest style of martial arts. Types of martial arts

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Martial arts - various systems of martial arts and self-defense of different, often East Asian origin; developed mainly as a means of hand-to-hand combat. Currently, they are practiced in many countries of the world mainly in the form of sports exercises that aim at physical and conscious improvement.


Martial arts are divided into areas, types, styles and schools. There are both quite old martial arts and new ones.

  1. Martial arts are divided into wrestling, drums and martial arts(include not only the study of techniques, but also the philosophy of combat and life).
  2. With or without weapons. Martial arts with the use of weapons include: all types of shooting, throwing knives, darts, etc., knife and stick fighting, fencing (rapier, saber), various oriental martial arts (for example, wushu, kung fu, kendo) using nunchaku, staffs, sabers and swords. Martial arts without the use of weapons include all others in which only various parts of the arms, legs and head are used.
  3. Types of wrestling by country(national). Every nation has its own types of martial arts.

Consider the most famous of them.

  • Japanese karate, ju-jutsu (jiu-jitsu), judo, aikido, sumo, kendo, kudo, iaido, kobujutsu, nunchaku-jutsu, ninjutsu etc.).
  • Chinese wushu and kung fu. In addition, in China there are also various styles that imitate the behavior of animals, birds, insects, as well as a style that imitates the behavior of a drunk person (“drunkard” style).
  • Korean hapkido, taekwondo (taekwondo).
  • Thai muay thai or thai boxing.
  • Russians sambo and combat sambo, hand-to-hand combat.
  • European boxing, French boxing (savate), freestyle and Greco-Roman (classical) wrestling.
  • Brazilian capoeira, jiu-jitsu.
  • Israeli krav maga.
  • mixed kinds. MMA (mixed fight), K-1, kickboxing, grappling are mixed sports, the techniques in which are taken from other martial arts and martial arts.
  • Olympic martial arts. Part of the types of wrestling, martial arts and martial arts are included in the program of the Olympic Games. These include boxing, freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling, judo, taekwondo, various types of shooting.

The difference between martial arts and martial arts

All sports martial arts differ from real martial arts in that they are always aimed at fighting with one person (which is why they are called martial arts), who is always an honest and good athlete, and always operates within certain pre-clearly agreed rules.

Also in martial arts, most often there is a division into weight categories, weapons are not used there, vile tricks and the effect of surprise, as well as tricks that can very much injure a person.

But naturally, in a real battle on the street, such excellent battle conditions are rare. Three of them can attack here, they can put a knife to the throat or even hit from behind without warning in advance, so let's try to discuss more effective and applied types of martial arts further.


This self-defense system was created by the master Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969) based on one of the branches of jiu-jitsu. Separate techniques of aikido were borrowed from the so-called Chinese wushu. soft styles, where the vector of application of force to the enemy coincides with the direction of movement of the enemy himself. The fundamental difference between aikido and other types of martial arts is the absence of offensive techniques. The main sequence of actions of a fighter is to capture the enemy’s hand or wrist, throw him to the ground and here, with the help of a painful hold, finally neutralize him. Movements in aikido are usually performed along a circular path.

There are no competitions or championships in aikido. However, it is very popular as an art of self-defense and quickly incapacitating an opponent. Like karate and judo, aikido is widespread outside of Japan, including in Russia.

American kickboxing

Another type of boxing is "American kickboxing" according to legend, its name and even the development of the fighting style are prescribed by the famous actor and naturally multiple kickboxing champion Chuck Noris. Kick-boxing is translated almost literally as "Kicks and punches."

Because kickboxing has become a mixture of wushu martial arts, English boxing, muay thai, karate and taekwondo. Ideally, fights should take place at full strength and across all levels, i.e. kicks and punches are allowed at full strength across the body. Which allows kickboxers to become quite dangerous opponents both in the ring and outside it, but still this is a sports system and it was not originally designed for street fighting.

English boxing and French boxing

Although the modern English boxing that we know from about 1882 was recognized in its former form as dangerous to health and began to be fought according to the rules known today, which finally reduced its combat effectiveness. But after that time, a bunch of similar combat "boxing" systems from various countries of the world still became known.

Of the most famous types of boxing, it can be noted: French boxing "Savate" was once generally one of the best street fighting systems in Europe.

Savate is a European martial art, also known as "French boxing", characterized by effective punching technique, dynamic kicking technique, mobility and subtle strategy. Savat has a long history: this type of martial art originated as a synthesis of the French school of street hand-to-hand combat and English boxing; In 1924, it was included in the Paris Olympic Games as a demonstration sport.

Greco-Roman wrestling

Classical wrestling is a European type of martial arts in which two participants come together in a fight. The main task of each athlete is to put his opponent on the shoulder blades with the help of a number of different elements and techniques. The main difference between Greco-Roman wrestling and other similar martial arts is the ban on the implementation of any kicks (footboards, hooks, sweeps, etc.). Also, you can not do leg grabs.


Judo means "soft way" in Japanese. This modern martial art comes from the Land of the Rising Sun. The main judo are throws, painful holds, holds and chokes. Judo is based on the principle of unity of spirit and body and differs from other martial arts by lesser use of physical force when performing various technical actions.

Professor Jigoro Kano founded judo in 1882, in 1964 judo was included in the program of the Summer Olympic Games. Judo is a codified sport in which the mind controls the movements of the body, it has the most pronounced educational character in the Olympic program. In addition to competition, judo includes the study of technique, kata, self-defense, physical training and the improvement of the spirit. Judo as a sport discipline is a modern and progressive form of physical activity. The International Judo Federation (IJF) includes 200 affiliated national federations on five continents. More than 20 million people practice judo, a sport that perfectly combines education and physical activity. The IJF organizes over 35 events annually.


Jiu-Jitsu is a generic name for a combat system that is almost indecipherable. This is hand-to-hand combat, in most cases, without the use of weapons, and only in some cases with weapons. Jiu-jitsu techniques include kicking, punching, punching, throwing, holding, blocking, choking and tying, as well as the use of certain weapons. Jiu-jitsu does not rely on brute strength, but on skill and dexterity. The use of minimal effort for maximum effect. This principle allows any person, regardless of their physical form or physique, to control and use their energy with the greatest efficiency.


(Capoeira) - Afro-Brazilian national martial art, a synthesis of dance, acrobatics and games, all accompanied by national Brazilian music. According to the generally accepted version, capoeira originated in South America in the 17th and 18th centuries.

But nevertheless, experts still argue about the homeland and the time of the emergence of such a unique art. No one knows exactly where it came from, who was the founder of the ancient skill and, like capoeira, from century to century has reached rapid popularity.

There are several main hypotheses for its occurrence:

  1. The African zebra dance, which was common among local tribes, became the prototype of warlike movements.
  2. Capoeira is a fusion of ancient cultures - Latin American and African dances.
  3. The dance of slaves, which gradually developed into a martial art. Associated with the landing of Europeans on the continent and the emergence of the slave trade.


Karate (“the way of the empty hand”) is a Japanese martial art that offers different forms of hand fighting and several weapon techniques, including bladed weapons. This martial art does not use grabs and throws. The main principle is speed and speed, and the main task is to maintain the main stance for a long time. Therefore, first of all, balance plays a role in karate.


During sports fights, fencers hold elastic bamboo swords, and special training armor covers their head, chest and arms. For purely executed blows to certain parts of the opponent's body, the participants in the duel are awarded points.

Currently, kendo is not only a popular sport, but also an integral part of the physical education program of Japanese schools.


The term "kobudo" in Japanese means "ancient military way". The original name is "kobujutsu" - "ancient martial arts (skills)". Under this term, the art of owning various types of oriental types of edged weapons is represented today.

Currently, there is a division of kobudo into two autonomous independent areas:

  1. Nihon-kobudo is a direction that combines systems common on the main islands of Japan and uses in its arsenal edged weapons of samurai origin and weapons from the arsenal of ninjutsu.
  2. Kobudo (other names Ryukyu-kobudo and Okinawa-kobudo) is a direction that unites systems originating from the islands of the Ryukyu archipelago (modern Okinawa Prefecture, Japan) using tools (objects) of peasant and fishing households of the inhabitants of these islands in the arsenal.


Sambo belongs to the unique types of martial arts that have spread throughout the world. It has become the only sport where international communication is conducted in Russian. There are two types of sambo, the first of which is combat, used to protect and incapacitate the enemy. The second type of this wrestling - sports sambo, promotes the development of personal characteristics, tempers the character and body, allows you to develop self-control and discipline.


The rules of sumo are very simple: to win, it is enough to either make the opponent lose his balance and touch the ring with any part of the body, except for the feet, or simply push him out of the ring. Usually the outcome of the duel is decided in a few seconds. Associated rites can take much longer. Wrestlers are dressed only in a special loincloth.

In ancient times, sumo champions were revered on a par with saints; according to the beliefs of the Japanese, wrestlers, shaking the earth, not only make it more fertile, but also scare away evil spirits; sumo wrestlers were sometimes hired to "expel disease" from wealthy homes and even entire cities.

Therefore, such attention is paid to the weight of the wrestler (there are no weight categories in sumo). Since ancient times, a variety of diets and exercises have been preserved to most effectively gain maximum weight. The age of professional wrestlers ranges between 18 and 35 years. Most sumo champions become folk idols.

Thai boxing

Muay Thai was developed as a military and army martial art, whose fighters with and without weapons had to be part of the personal guard of the king and really confront entire armies of a superior enemy on the battlefield.

But today, like the previous sports martial arts, Thai boxing has undergone quite strong changes in the direction of sports, it has also changed the modern rules a lot, which have become much more loyal and made this super tough and even deadly martial art an order of magnitude less effective.

Although in more closed schools and even sects, even outside of Thailand, where Thai boxing is also taught, there are still people who teach more effective forms of it.

Taekwondo (taekwondo, taekwondo)

Taekwondo is a Korean martial art. Its characteristic feature is that the legs in a duel are used more actively than the arms. In taekwondo, both direct kicks and kicks with a turn can be delivered with equal speed and strength. The martial art of taekwondo is over 2000 years old. Since 1955, this martial art has been considered a sport.


Literally translated as martial art. This is the common name for traditional Chinese martial arts, more commonly referred to in the West as kung fu or Chinese boxing. There are many different directions, wushu, which are conditionally divided into external (waijia) and internal (neijia). External or hard styles require a good athletic form of a fighter and a large expenditure of physical energy during training. Internal or soft styles require special concentration and plasticity.

As a rule, the philosophical basis of external styles is Chan Buddhism, and internal styles are Taoism. The so-called monastic styles are traditionally external and originate from Buddhist monasteries, one of which is the famous Shaolin Monastery (founded around 500 BC), where the Shaolinquan style was formed, which influenced the development of many styles of Japanese karate.

Which martial art to choose?

The choice of classes depends, first of all, on your preferences and physical characteristics. The table will help determine your body type and the type of wrestling suitable for this correspondence. However, do not forget that only general recommendations are given. Learning martial arts is a long process, during which your body will get used to, adapt to new conditions and gain experience in the martial arts that you choose.


Tai chi chuan (tai chi chuan)

This graceful, non-offensive Chinese martial art emphasizes stability, balance, balance and is ideal for lean individuals. A set of controlled smooth movements will teach all your muscles to work together and smoothly. Do not confuse tai chi chuan and tai chi, which is offered in fitness clubs. Real schools are more stimulating and allow their students to master many different weapons, including the double-edged sword.

This Chinese style is also called kung fu. There are over 300 varieties of wushu. Of these, wing chun (yongchun, "eternal spring") is suitable for people with a lack of weight and dimensions. This style allows a small, lightweight person to defeat a larger opponent by targeting sensitive areas of the body that are not protected by muscles (eyes, throat, groin, knees, and specific nerve points). Special flexibility is not required as most punches are thrown low (knee caps or calf).

Taekwondo (taekwondo, taekwondo)

It is desirable to be lean, light and loose for this Korean martial art, as it is best known for its wide variety of high impact kicks. This fighting style relies more on the legs than the fists. Head strikes are common, so you must at least be able to raise your foot to face height. In class, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will receive a couple of painful blows, but in general, contacts are not very cruel. In addition, taekwondo students train not only in fighting with each other, since this is one of the martial arts where breaking boards and bricks with your hands and feet is part of the training regimen.



Aikido does not focus on exhausting punches and kicks. The focus is on using the opponent's own energy against himself, in order to incapacitate him (using wrist locks or handholds) or knock him back. This style is easier for people with an athletic build, as most offensive moves are more effective when the musculature is developed. Also, unlike most martial arts, which require 10 ranks to reach a black belt, this Japanese martial art only has 6 levels.


A Japanese martial art that allows you to wield a bamboo sword, dress like a samurai, and repeatedly stab your opponent's neck and head. It sounds menacing, but in this martial art the body is protected by armor similar to a knight's, which minimizes damage. Speed, strong shoulders and arms are necessary attributes of sword fighters, so a lean muscular physique will be ideal.

Muay Thai (Thai boxing)

Thai martial art with full contact with the opponent. Instead of just using the fists and legs, the opponent gets a series of blows to the elbows and knees. Most suitable for people of athletic build with developed muscles around the joints. Those wishing to master this type of martial arts should be prepared for early retirement, as serious practitioners have a rather short career (4-5 years maximum).



A Japanese martial art that aims to unbalance an opponent and throw them onto the mat. Stocky people have an advantage in it when performing defensive maneuvers, since the extra weight helps to stand more stable in the ring. Breathlessness will not be a problem in the early stages of training, which is all about perfecting grips, grappling maneuvers, and how to fall properly. To reach a more advanced level, you will need to develop endurance.


Based on a combination of cultures (roots from both Japan and Okinawa), karate is also a mixture of different fighting methods. Students learn how to fight with their hands, several techniques with the use of weapons, including nunchucks. While this martial art does not involve grappling or throwing, stocky people benefit from a stronger and more stable stance that gives more power to their punches and blocks. Most varieties of karate are worth choosing, but if you are afraid of pain, then be careful with styles that have "kenpo", "kempo", "American freestyle", "full contact" in the name.

Shorinji Kempo

This boxing style of karate is more suited to larger people for several reasons. First, he uses a series of punches, like in boxing, where stability in the ring due to a powerful physique is more important than strong fists. A strong physique will also be useful for mastering the techniques of dodging opponent's blows. Striking will require flexibility, but strikes are usually performed no higher than the waist.

Jiu-jitsu (jujutsu)

This Japanese technique combines many dangerous offensive and defensive techniques. This type of martial art is merciless, as it was originally developed for training an unarmed person to neutralize an armed soldier. It will be easier to master jiu-jitsu for those who are accustomed to loads, have endurance and flexibility.

Types of martial arts can be roughly divided into three categories:

  • Drums;
  • Wrestling;
  • Mixed.

Percussion martial arts

Striking styles include martial arts such as:

  • Boxing;
  • Thai boxing;
  • Kickboxing;
  • Karate;
  • Taekwondo.

In percussion martial arts, only percussion techniques are allowed. For example, in boxing, only punches are allowed. In kickboxing, muay thai, karate, taekwondo only punches and kicks without wrestling. In Thai boxing, knees and elbows are also allowed, which makes this sport the most versatile of the above.

The absence of wrestling techniques in these fighting styles makes the fighters of these styles vulnerable to athletes studying mixed martial arts, since after the transfer of the fight to the stalls they will become defenseless in front of fighters of mixed styles. But if the fight is carried out according to the rules that exclude wrestling, then the strikers will have an advantage.

Wrestling martial arts

Wrestling styles include styles such as:

  • judo;
  • sambo;
  • jujutsu;
  • freestyle wrestling;
  • grappling.

In them, in different proportions, are allowed:

  • wrestling in the rack (in the clinch);
  • wrestling on the ground;
  • painful and suffocating (not everywhere) techniques.

Athletes of these sports are distinguished by physical development and endurance, but they are inferior to strikers in terms of speed, as they are used to working in the clinch or on the ground, which is more viscous and less dynamic than in striking styles. But this does not deprive these sports of entertainment and the breadth of technical methods.

Mixed styles of martial arts

These types of martial arts include disciplines such as:

  • Army hand-to-hand combat
  • Combat Sambo
  • Wushu Sanda
  • MMA (Mix Fight)

Data types of martial arts differ in that they use both elements of striking techniques of arms and legs, and elements of wrestling techniques in the clinch and in the stalls, as well as painful and suffocating (not everywhere) techniques. This makes these martial arts versatile and provides a strategic and technical advantage over fighters of purely striking or wrestling styles. Between themselves, mixed styles differ in some nuances. These nuances are:

  • the presence or absence of a kimono;
  • the amount of protective ammunition used in competitions;
  • time allotted for wrestling on the ground;
  • permission or prohibition on the use of suffocating and some pain techniques;
  • the time allotted for the duel;
  • the number of points awarded for a particular technical action.

Since for the time allotted for training it is impossible to fully cover all the features of wrestling and striking techniques, therefore, some of the techniques that are considered to be less effective when conducting a duel in a mixed style are thrown out of martial arts of mixed styles. And only those technical actions that are considered the most effective are left.

It is important to note that in different schools the arsenal of technical elements of combat varies, so the coaches have different views on the effectiveness of certain techniques. Therefore, the fighting styles of different fighters have a huge variety and make these sports very spectacular.

We've all seen Hollywood's wire-fu (a mix of kung fu and special effects) and Chuck Norris' karate. Everyone knows about how Seagal can break his hands, and saw how Van Damme can lift his legs. Although the popular mixed martial arts are now dominated by a relatively small number of styles, which often end up with fights that are very long and boring. These styles are known to most - methodical Brazilian jiu-jitsu and ordinary kickboxing.

However, there are many other fighting styles. These styles may be too brutal for the ring and not too pretty for the screens. There are also ancient deadly styles that have survived to this day without being glamorized and distorted by the seekers of money and fame. Below are a few examples of hardcore martial arts that aren't taught in rundown gyms for a couple of dollars a month.

10. Bokator

Bokator is a martial art originally from Cambodia that originated during the time of the armies of Angkor (Angkor), which were among the best on the battlefields of Indo-China over 1700 years ago. Bokator is translated as "beating a lion", and the name comes from an ancient legend that tells about a man who was engaged in Bokator, who found himself face to face with a man-eating lion. According to legend, the warrior killed the bloodthirsty animal with one directed knee blow.

Like many other martial arts, Bokator is based on the movements and mannerisms of various animals such as eagles, cranes, horses, snakes and of course lions. What distinguishes Bokator from other martial arts is its brutality and practicality on the battlefield. Featuring 10,000 different moves such as elbows and knees, knuckle locks, throws and more, Bokator is a deep and varied art that provides fighters with endless possibilities in combat.

9. Coups and throws (Rough and Tumble)

This martial art is actually more severe than it sounds. In fact, it should have been called “mutilate and kill”, since this combat system was created for this purpose in the southern United States in the 18th and 19th centuries. The term "gouge" was also used to describe this style of fighting, due to the fact that one of the most common techniques was eye gouging, and this was not an ordinary poke in the eye.

The "flip and roll" fighters emphasized maximum disfigurement and unrestricted brutality compared to few other martial arts. Some of them are even rumored to have sharpened their teeth into sharp weapons with which they would bite off the ears, noses, lips and fingers of their opponents. And given that the genitals were not protected by a special rule, many fighters lost their courage during these cold-blooded clashes. This callous cruelty is the main reason why "Flips and Throws" is not often discussed or practiced in modern "civilized" times.

And since most of the moves have not been formalized and cannot be practiced without danger of severe injury, this martial art is ignored by much of modern martial arts society. Most people now, even those who love to fight, are not cruel enough for the gouging of the eyes, the biting of the neck, the tearing of the genitals used in "Flips and Throws."

8. Bakom

Bakom, the creation of the poor slums of Lima, Peru, is a dangerously brutal martial art that teaches not only to quickly maim and/or kill one's opponent, but also to use deceptive and "not-so-fair" tactics, such as the use of concealed weapons.

The martial art was invented in the 1980s by former Marine and prisoner, Roberto Puch Bezada, and is officially classified as a modern hybrid martial art that includes various elements of jiu-jitsu and Vale Tudo street fighting. Common moves include grabs and breaks in arms, ruthless chokes and precise strikes to vitals, all at the fastest pace in order to defeat an opponent before they even realize the danger they face. The result is a blitzkrieg-style beating that is incredibly difficult to predict.

7. Lerdrit

Lerdrit is a modern development of traditional Thai fighting techniques practiced by the elite special forces of the Thai Royal Army. The basic principles of lerdrite are similar to its predecessors (Muay Thai, Muay Boran). However, there are a few key differences that give it a whole new level of coolness.

Fighters learn to attack without warning, instantly throwing opponents to the ground, and ending the fight with one of the deadly powerful blows, such as a kick to the throat or an elbow to the temple. These techniques are aimed at preventing injury by using such "resistant" parts of the body as knees, hands, shins and the aforementioned classic elbow. As with other martial arts, the purpose of lerdrite is radical and is specifically designed for situations where a person is caught between life and death. It is intended not for beating, but for deprivation of life.

6. Dambe

Dambe is based on ancient Egyptian boxing traditions and is a deadly martial art created by the Hausa people of West Africa, many of whom travel between villages and perform martial ceremonies as well as fight anyone who wants to.

The main weapon of the dam is punches with the strong side of the fist, also known as the "spear". The fists are wrapped in a piece of cloth, covered with a heavily tied cord, and the leading leg of the fighter is wrapped in a thick chain. Apparently punching people in the face isn't hard enough for West African butchers. They also need to wrap their legs in jagged metal to make sure they bleed a little.

An interesting note: many of today's dambe trainees, traveling from village to village, ritually smoke marijuana before fights.

5. Hand-to-hand combat system

Let's be honest - to survive in Russia, you have to be a little crazy. So it's no surprise that Sistema (a common name for several forms of martial arts practiced by Russian special forces) is so cold-blooded and effective at "persuading" capitalist pigs.

The system focuses on the control of important parts of the body - elbows, neck, knees, waist, ankles and shoulders, with strong and precise strikes. The main philosophy of the systems is based on the laws of biomechanics and anatomy, and most of the training takes the study of the natural vulnerabilities of the human body in order to then use it for their own purposes.

Another unique characteristic of the System is that it does not focus solely on unarmed one-on-one combat, as in many other martial arts. On the contrary, it explores the possibilities of combat with several opponents attacking simultaneously with different weapons in their hands. After all, what could be cooler than knocking down some ambal? Well, for example, to defeat five or six thugs.

4 Jailhouse Rock

Prison Rock is one of only two martial arts that originated in the United States of America. Set in the cutthroat world of (yes, you guessed it) the US prison system, Prison Rock is a great example of no-limits fighting, designed by people with nothing to do but fight and rock.

Prison rock is notable for its brutal training methods, one of which is "52 raises". A deck of cards is scattered across the floor, and the trainees must pick them all up in turn while they are beaten mercilessly by three or more other people.

3. Kalari Payat

Kalari Payat originated in India's southern state of Kerala and is generally recognized as the oldest martial art in the world and the ancestor of many popular martial arts around the world. Oral art claims that it was created by the incarnation of the Hindu deity Vishnu, who is described as the "Guardian of the universe" and who has "a universal form that cannot be comprehended by man."

Kalari Payat has many subtypes and different forms, each of which is specialized in combat, both with and without weapons. One of the most notable subspecies is Marma Arti (strike to vital points), which "in the hands" of the master can instantly paralyze or kill with a single point blow to one of the 108 nerve nodes, which are considered very vulnerable. And, given that they are so dangerous that they have pangs of conscience, the masters of this powerful art also study the Siddha medical system, which emerged from the same ancient teachings.

2. Silat

Silat is an umbrella term for hundreds of different fighting styles developed by ruthless tribes from Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines. Silat includes striking, twisting joints, grappling, throwing, and using knives.

The first references to silat in its current form were found in Sumatra. There, according to legend, a woman created a combat system based on the observation of wild animals, as is the case with many other martial arts. At the moment, silat is used by several military groups throughout the Malay Archipelago and nearby lands, as well as by notorious pirate clans from the South China Sea (South China Sea).

1. Okichitaw

Okichitau is one of the few surviving examples of American Indian martial arts and is based on the combat techniques of the Plains Cree First Nations. Okichitau was created by George J Lepine, who studied judo, taekwondo, and hapkido (hapkido), and who also knew how to handle the "weapon club" (a traditional weapon of the Indians), and also mastered the techniques of throwing the tomahawk - this is a mixed martial art, combining the fury of the fighting spirit of the Indians with the time-tested techniques of popular martial arts.

Techniques used in Okichitau often involve weapons. As in the case of aikido, even if the fighter does not possess a weapon, his/her strikes are executed as if he had a weapon. For example, the arms are used like tomahawks, and the kicks are like javelins. There are also many knife techniques in formal Okichitau techniques. After all, why teach the martial art of the Indians if it does not teach you how best to scalp a white man?

They were successful at any time, but now they have reached the world level as one of the sports. There are a great many types of martial arts, and they can be divided into two large groups: martial arts and European.

Types of martial arts:

Karate. This martial art originates from the island of Okinawa. The very first Okinawan style of karate was especially brutal, and was not at all like the one that everyone knows now. It wasn't until they moved to Japan in the 19th and 20th centuries that karate styles became more athletic and less combative. Therefore, this type of martial arts is deservedly considered Japanese, and is so popular all over the world and in Russia, in particular.

Kung Fu. In China, this word refers to all Chinese martial arts in general. This term is similar to the Russian one - "hand-to-hand combat", which implies any combat training of a person. However, in China, its synonym is more common - wushu. It has gained a lot of popularity lately wing chun.

Jujutsu. Another Japanese martial art that was previously used in battles by Japanese samurai. His technique is similar to that of karate, judo and aikido.

Judo. This martial art was developed on the basis of jiu-jitsu, and is now a type of wrestling.

Aikido. It also originated from jiu-jitsu, and is currently very popular. His technique is to bring his opponent off balance and use his strength against him.

Taekwondo. This martial art was created in Korea. In the same place, in the Korean special forces, taekwondo-keksul is still used - a more fighting style, but it cannot be mastered outside of this country.

Muay Thai. This type of martial art is more common in Thailand, it is very traumatic, as it is based on knees and elbows.

Types of European and Russian martial arts:

Boxing. The most popular and oldest type of European martial arts, the purpose of which is the ability to strike without damaging the hand.

Savat. This type of martial art is also called French boxing. The peculiarity of this technique is the use of kicks to the lower level, steps and sweeps.

Sambo. Sambo was developed on the basis of national wrestling and judo techniques in the USSR for use in law enforcement agencies and in sports.

In addition to these main types of martial arts, there are also such as capoeira, kickboxing, krav maga, combat hopak and many others.

Martial arts are a set of skills, techniques and techniques aimed not so much at attack as at protecting loved ones and self-defense. Most of them originate in the East and Asia and have an ancient history and many trends and styles.

There are an incredible number of different martial arts. They can be classified according to the method of combat: with the use of weapons and without; wrestling with legs, arms, in clutch; on ancient arts and quite new ones. It can also be divided on a regional basis: into European, Eastern and other martial arts. Speaking of European fighting techniques, we can mention Greco-Roman wrestling, which has been included in the program of the Olympic Games, the World Championship and Europe for quite a long time. It originated in ancient Greece and has received modern development in France. Boxing is an ancient martial art in special gloves, it can also be seen in the Olympic "arena". Unlike Greco-Roman wrestling, where the legs are not used, savate or French boxing is built mainly on kicking techniques.

Baritzu is a mixed English martial art described by Arthur Conan Doyle in books about Sherlock Holmes, thus making him even more famous. German jujutsu teaches the art of self-defense. Sambo is a hand-to-hand combat technique created in the USSR, based on judo techniques. Fencing is a very beautiful and elegant form of martial art, which is a set of techniques for owning hand-held melee weapons.

There are many more martial arts originating in the east, and often their essence is much deeper than just fighting and self-defense. Most of all different techniques and fighting styles in China. For all of them there is a common name kung fu or wushu, almost all of them originate from the famous Shaolin monastery.

Japan rightfully owns the most popular martial art in the world - karate. Contact between rivals is minimized there, victory is achieved by applying crushing blows with the limbs to pain points. In judo and jiu-jitsu, on the contrary, a lot of grabs, holds, chokes and throws are used.

Aikido is a relatively young fighting technique that tempers not only the body, but also the spirit. Sumo is an unusual and spectacular form of Japanese martial arts. Heavyweight opponents may only touch the ring with their feet - anything else is considered a loss.

Of the martial arts of Japan with the use of weapons, kendo, nunchaku-jutsu, kobujutsu and kabudo can be distinguished. Masters of kendo are fluent in the Japanese sword - katana. Nunchaku-jutsu teaches techniques with nunchaku - oriental edged weapons, which are two sticks connected by a chain or cord. And the other two types of martial arts use in their practice improvised objects and special edged weapons designed for defense and attack.

In other parts of the world, self-defense was also turned into a sport and an art. Capoeira is a mesmerizing Brazilian wrestling dance where only kicks are used. Kuresh is a Kazakh fight with belts, it is an integral element of the national holiday Sabantuy. Korean tehwando, tough American kickboxing, Thai boxing - all these martial arts have found their place in Russian martial arts schools.

Despite the fact that it is not easy to achieve results in any type of martial arts and you will have to go through many injuries and unfortunate failures, engaging in any martial arts will not only give you a sense of self-confidence and your strengths, but will also raise your overall social status.

Many scientists have proven that the first martial arts originated in the east. Their roots are in India, but they have already gained distribution and development in Asian countries. A large number of kite wars inherent in these countries raised the art of combat to a new level, and on the basis of different religions and laws of states, a huge number of variations of martial arts schools were created.

Kung Fu

There is an opinion that kung fu, as a type of martial arts, was founded by the Indian monk Badhiharma, in China he was called Damo. According to legend, he is a prince from the south of Idia, having renounced his privileges, he became a Buddhist monk. Traveling in China, he began to live in the Shao-lin monastery. Local pilgrims seemed to him weak in body and incapable of leading a Buddhist hermit life. Deciding to help the brothers, he began to train them with general physical exercises. These studies proved to be effective, and the monks began to constantly improve. Later, on the basis of exercises, a system of combat protection against robbers arose, of which there were a lot in those days.


Wushu talou is a martial art. Candidates compete in sets of exercises composed of the techniques of many types of wushu, adding acrobatic numbers to their performances.

The results depend on the difficulty of the exercises, the correctness of their performance, the clarity of movements, etc. Sanda - free form sparring. Full contact with the opponent is allowed in this style. The participant must have a helmet that protects the jaw and temples, a mouthguard, boxing gloves, a vest, a hood. Many bandage the tibia and thighs to protect against injury.


Jiu-jitsu is a collective concept for Japanese martial arts, which include fights with and without weapons. This style was used by samurai when fighting against an armed opponent. Due to the development of armor manufacturing techniques, the damage caused by weapons was minimized, so grabs and throws were an effective way to defeat the enemy. The principle of single combat is based on the use of the inertia of the enemy against him, which allows you to win the battle in different weight categories. Thanks to the development of many schools of jiu-jitsu, there are a large number of tricks and techniques. By using this style, you can take full advantage of different types of wrestling. Many dojos taught weapons in addition to hand-to-hand techniques.


Taekwondo is a type of oriental martial art that came from Korea, the creator of which was army officer Choi Hong Hi in the fifties of the last century. The concept of taekwondo consists of several parts: "te" - leg, "kwon" - fist, "do" - art, road. The creator of the school himself is of the opinion that taekwondo is a training of the spirit and body, together with the development of unarmed fighting techniques, as well as powerful punches and kicks, allowing you to fight with several opponents at once. A feature of the style is the presence of a large number of tricks performed in the jump.

Muay Thai

Muay Thai is a type of martial art created in Thailand, formed from the techniques of traditional peasant martial arts "muay boran". He has similar techniques with similar types of martial arts, for example, paradal seray (Kombodia), lehwei (Myanmar), tomo (Malaysia). The word "muay" is derived from the phrase mavya thai - "free fight". The peculiarity of the style is the use of the eight limbs of a person, along with the arms and legs, the knees and elbows are also used. Unlike budo martial arts, Muay Thai does not have sets of exercises (kata), various combinations have been introduced to replace them, and punches are practiced on boxing bags.


Kudo (Daido Juku Karate Do) is a kind of oriental martial arts that came from Japan, which connected the movements and strikes of various types of martial arts. The creator of this school is Azuma Taksashi in the 80s. The rules of sparring allow the use of wrestling techniques, as well as shock movements with all limbs throughout the body, with the exception of the groin, back and neck. Choking techniques are allowed, as well as wrestling on the ground.

Shotokan karate do

Shotokan is a fairly common style of martial arts in karate. This style was founded by Funakoshi Gichin, a student of karate masters from the island of Okinawa - Itotsu and Asato. The traditional style was a fighting version and had similarities with the Okinawan schools. In the future, Funakoshi's son Giko Funakoshi, who created a sporty and less aggressive version of Shotokan, made a great contribution to the development of the style. Among the styles of karate, do setokan stands out for its versatility. It was created as a symbiosis of speed and strength, which is the reason for the choice of the symbolism of the style - the tiger. Shotokan techniques are designed for powerful, but at the same time, fast kicks and punches, at close or medium range.

Strengthens health, promotes mental and intellectual development, teaches discipline and self-control. These calculations are suitable for any kind of sports. In this article, we invite you to talk about the benefits of martial arts, what they teach, and which martial arts are the most popular in the world.

We will not sin against the truth if we say that martial arts are most useful for children. This is due to the fact that children, due to their natural curiosity and strong learning abilities, grasp everything literally on the fly, they do not need to be convinced and retrained for a long time. However, for adults, the benefits of martial arts are undeniable. When practicing martial arts, a person:

  • become healthier physically and spiritually,
  • develops coordination of movements and speed of reaction,
  • becomes more self-confident and able to stand up for himself,
  • learns to be disciplined and purposeful,
  • learns to respect their teachers, associates and opponents.

You can talk endlessly about the benefits of martial arts. But what to choose? What are the types of martial arts in the world? In total there are 3 classes of martial arts:

  1. wrestling (classical (Greco-Roman) wrestling, freestyle wrestling) - there is practically no need for striking in them. The purpose of the wrestling is to lay the opponent on the shoulder blades with the help of technical techniques, while in classical wrestling one has his own arsenal of techniques, in freestyle wrestling - his own, which is slightly wider than in classical wrestling (grabs of the opponent’s legs, sweeps are allowed),
  2. percussion (boxing, kickboxing) - contact types of martial arts, involving striking the enemy with both hands (boxing) and kicks (kickboxing),
  3. martial arts - they are singled out in a separate class, since this is not just a sport, it is a whole philosophy. Oriental martial arts develop the physical qualities of students, and also pay attention to their spiritual education.

Chinese martial arts

All Chinese martial arts have been developed over the past 2000 years. There are a lot of them, like the Chinese. There are different kinds of classifications of Chinese martial arts. We will briefly describe each of them.

According to the geographical classification, there are:

Historically, there are 18 provinces in China, and each of them has its own styles of martial arts. The most famous are Shanxi, Hebei and Henan.

By the nature of manifestations, martial arts are:

  • physical (external) - wushu, teaching how to avoid conflict situations, sanda
  • spiritual (internal or religious) - Shaolin martial arts (Shaolinquan, Hong Gar, Wing Chun, dragon and white crane style), Taijiquan, Baguazhang, Tan Tui, Xingyiquan and Kyoshikan.

Naturally, it is impossible to unequivocally determine the best martial art of China, there are many differences in them, and + - each student will find something for himself.

Japanese martial arts

Japanese martial arts are also numerous. On our website, we have already written about and, so now we will tell you about what types of martial arts in Japan still exist:

  • jiu-jitsu is the progenitor of many types of wrestling. The founder of jiu-jitsu, Okayama Shirobei, based his teachings on the principle that gentleness conquers evil. Jiu-jitsu involves throws, strikes and force on the joints, as well as strangulation techniques,
  • judo (from the Japanese "soft way") - does not involve striking an opponent, its goal is to put the enemy in a helpless position and defeat him,
  • kendo (from the Japanese "way of the sword") - modern Japanese swordsmanship, descended from the samurai and suggesting the unity of three elements: "ki" - the spirit, "ken" - the sword and "tai" - the body,
  • sumo - a type of wrestling, the purpose of which is to defeat an opponent by forcing him to touch the floor in the ring with any part of the body, except for the feet,
  • Kempo is a type of ancient martial art, which is a combination of many martial arts techniques. Now the name "kempo" is used to refer to martial arts in general,
  • kobudo - (from the Japanese "ancient military way") - the collective name of the art of owning various types of oriental types of edged weapons.

To make your final choice, visit a well-reputed martial arts center in your city.

Russian martial arts

It is believed that the concept of "Russian martial arts" in the traditional sense of the word does not exist. Obviously, this happened because the Russian martial art resembles a dance. Any national dance is a fighting form of plastic movement. If we add an accurate understanding of the work of the muscles and the bone apparatus to the plasticity, then a perfect combat form of movement will come out. The Russian school of martial arts has identified the following types of martial arts in the list of martial arts:

  • Cossack saved, which has much in common with martial arts. According to this teaching, a person can transfer his consciousness to naviya (astral body), klubje (mental body), kolobya (budhic body) and divya (devakonic body). By transferring energy into one of the bodies, a person can evade an attack and inflict crushing blows on the enemy,
  • fisticuffs - a competitive male practice of fighting at an average distance, allowing for punches and kicks, throws, grips, as well as various movements,
  • hand-to-hand combat - a universal system for teaching defense and attack techniques,
  • sambo is a young martial art and self-defense system developed in the Soviet Union, based on Japanese judo and traditional folk wrestling,

Naturally, in each of the listed types of martial arts there are world-famous martial arts masters: Jet Li in wushu, Fedor Emelianenko in mixed martial arts, Muhammad Ali in boxing, Alexander Karelin in classical wrestling, Masutatsu Oyama in karate, Wally Jay. in jiu-jitsu and many others. All of them serve as role models and proof that nothing is impossible in the world.

Someone, talking about the qualities of martial arts, thinks that it could be used both in competitions and on the street. Someone is thinking about using it against other martial arts. We will try to reason in both these directions.

Percussion types of martial arts

Percussion types include martial arts in which wrestling is not used, but only blows are used. These sports include boxing, Muay Thai, kickboxing, taekwondo, some types of karate, etc. For each of them, competitions are held where athletes can test their level of skill.

At the moment, modern martial arts do not use the formal sequences of movements that are used in traditional martial arts. A prominent representative is karate with its own kata. Many martial arts experts consider kata a relic of the past and that now more attention should be paid to practice (working in pairs and sparring). But representatives of traditional types of martial arts believe that such formal practices of techniques and combinations are necessary.

My opinion on this matter is that formal training of combinations in the air is of course necessary, but they must go without interruption from practice, so that each student understands how this or that movement is applied in a real situation.

Even in the same boxing, athletes pay a lot of attention to working at the mirror, training the clarity of movements during strikes. This is very valuable, because they understand that a correctly delivered blow is more dangerous than a poorly practiced one.

Wrestling martial arts styles

In wrestling, there is much less practice in the air than in traditional percussion styles. But nevertheless, to some extent it is also present. In addition, there are significant differences in different areas of wrestling styles. Many of them prefer a certain level of wrestling. For example, judo gradually began to specialize more in stand-up fighting than in the ground. And jiu-jitsu, on the contrary, moved mainly to the ground. This is due to the evaluation system of sports competitions, preparing for which, athletes work out more intensively those technical actions for which they can get more points in the tournament.

At the moment, only Sambo is more or less able to balance between the upper and lower levels of wrestling.

Traditional martial arts

There are many martial arts that, according to some experts, are only suitable for competitions and that they are useless on the street. On this occasion, there are many attacks on Taekwondo, Karate, Aikido, Wing Chun and other authentic martial arts.

In my opinion, such claims are partly justified because such martial arts are stuck in their development.

The fact is that from time immemorial, schools of such martial arts have tried to stand apart from each other and did not exchange experience. Competition, of course, was also not held. This was due to the fact that each school tried to preserve its individuality. But on the other hand, it could be due to the selfishness of the founder of a certain martial arts and, as a result, because of the fear of comparing his style with others, which would inevitably lead to the identification of many shortcomings and undermine the authority of the creator of this martial arts. All this made the direction of martial arts more and more closed from the outside world. The exceptions are those combat areas that were developed for use in hostilities, that is, in wars. But again, these are more applied areas in which bladed weapons were most often used. But on the other hand, fighters of such directions had a lot of practice and the level of skill could be assessed by whether a representative of one or another martial art is still alive or dead.

On the other hand, maybe it was the fear of death that made martial arts schools closed. No one wanted to give out the secrets of deadly techniques that can be used to eliminate the enemy.

But nevertheless, in our time, the success of mastery directly depends on the ability to enrich one's own experience, identify one's own shortcomings and work on them.

Wrestlers VS. Drummers

At the competition, the skill of athletes in their sport is tested. They compete on equal terms and there are no contradictions. Whoever has the best competitive discipline wins. But who will win if representatives of different martial arts meet on the street?

If the fight is going to be one on one. Then the chances of winning will be approximately equal for representatives of different types of martial arts. For example, two absolutely abstract athletes met in battle: a judoka and. Which of them will win if their skill level is about the same?

It is impossible to answer this question objectively. If the judoist has time to grab and make an amplitude throw, for which the boxer will obviously not be ready, since he has not studied either throws or correct falls, then the fight will come to an end. But if it happens that when trying to make a grip, he runs into an oncoming blow, then the fight will also be ended ahead of schedule, but in favor of the striker in the face of the boxer.

And this applies to almost any shock or wrestling type of martial arts. Much will depend on the ability to avoid what you are not ready for and start doing what you are ready for. But if something happens that you would like to avoid, then the chance of losing is great.

The street

So which martial art is more effective for street fighting against a regular, random opponent? Again, if the fight takes place one on one, then any martial art will be effective: both wrestling and shock. But if the fight takes place against two or more opponents, then the efficiency is on the side of the strikers. It's obvious that you can fight.
at the same time with only one opponent, while his partners can strike a wrestler whose hands are busy, which excludes the possibility of defending.

The drummer, in turn, can strike several opponents in turn, the main thing is to choose the right tactics for fighting and have the required skill.

But by and large, no matter how skillful an athlete would be, a fight against several opponents is something that should be avoided at all costs, as it is too dangerous. After all, no one knows what a street scumbag can get out of his bosom. Nevertheless, a striker always has an advantage over a wrestler in any street fight. This advantage lies in the ability to flee. Thanks to fighting with strikes, not throws, a strike-style fighter always has the opportunity to break the distance with opponents up to several kilometers.

But it may also be that the hooligans are experienced in street fights and know that if help approaches, the victim cannot be released, and will try to capture in order to play for time before the arrival of their hooligan associates. To be able to avoid such problems, a fighter must be able to get rid of the hold, and this is already part of the skill of the fighter.

So, therefore, for street fighting, it is desirable to have striking skills and some basic basics of fighting, at least in order not to be on the ground and not be kicked.

Mixed styles of martial arts

And now let's find out what kind of martial art gives those involved in both striking and wrestling skills at the same time. This is, as many have already guessed, martial arts of mixed styles. Mixed martial arts include:

  • hand-to-hand combat,
  • army hand-to-hand combat,
  • pankration,
  • Combat Sambo,
  • kudo,
  • Wushu Sanda,

Despite the clear advantages that have been justified above, mixed styles have one drawback. Due to the large amount of material in the form of striking and wrestling techniques, fighters of mixed styles need much more time to master the discipline being studied than it takes to master homogeneous styles. That is why people often come to mixed martial arts who already know some kind of martial art and want to expand their combat arsenal, as well as learn how to connect it with each other.