Siamese kitten: breed description, character, care and feeding features. Siamese cats: education and care Mixed diet of Siamese cats

The decision to take a kitten into the house should be balanced and deliberate - thus, a person takes on the responsibility of loving and caring for a defenseless living being. Any kitten needs care with the knowledge of what this animal needs for full growth and development. But the upbringing of a pet also depends on which breed of cat it belongs to. So, in the care of Siamese cats, in addition to general recommendations, there are several nuances. Such a kitten must be brought up, taking into account the peculiarities of his health, character and habits - this breed requires special care.

Features of domesticating a Siamese kitten

A kitten should not be taken away from its mother and placed in an unfamiliar environment until it is at least 1.5 months old. But even after reaching this age, moving for him will cause severe stress - in a new house, he can hide under a closet or bed, from where it can be problematic to get him. In this case, it is better not to try to lure the kitten out, causing him even more anxiety, but to try not to make noise. Next to his shelter, it is better to immediately put a tray, a feeder with food and drinking water. After some time, when the kitten feels safe, he will leave his shelter.

After the kitten gets used to the house a little, he will demand constant attention - representatives of this breed are very playful and quickly become attached to all family members. With a lack of interest on the part of the owners and desire, the kitten can constantly meow, thereby attracting attention to itself.

It's better not to ignore him.- have a strong character and are able to take revenge if they lack affection and attention.

Temperature regime

The recommended temperature for keeping Siamese cats is 25-28°C, the air should not be humid, drafts should be avoided. In spring and autumn, when the weather is very changeable, it is better to equip the kitten's habitat with a heater, which must be turned on periodically - at the same time, if it is cold, the kitten clings to it. It is also recommended to purchase a special insulated house and a warm rug for him. Compliance with a temperature regime that is comfortable for the cat will help keep its color in its original form - due to frequent stay in cool rooms, the coat may darken.


It is better to accustom a Siamese kitten to a regular diet from childhood, while emphasizing a high-quality and balanced diet, for the correct compilation of which it is better to consult a veterinarian. But in any case, the kitten should not be fed only dry food or from a common table.

When compiling a menu for a kitten preference should be given to high-quality feed, enriched with vitamins and minerals, meat (except pork and liver), less often fish and chicken, dairy products. It is also advisable to add germinated wheat and oats, vegetables, and vegetable oil to the diet. Canned food, smoked meats, fried, fatty, spicy and sweet dishes should be completely excluded. If he gained too much weight and became not so dexterous, his food should be limited.

In addition, the kitten should always have fresh clean drinking water. And you should not allow the remains of half-eaten food to be left on the plate - it must be clean.


The eyes of a kitten also signal the state of his health. If mucus is released from the eyes in a small amount - this is a variant of the norm, it must be removed with a soft swab. In the case when mucus flows profusely from the eyes, you should not self-medicate, but it is better to immediately consult a veterinarian.

We must not forget about the teeth - periodically you need to take care of the oral cavity. Brushing your teeth will help you avoid dental problems.

The kitten's ears also need to be monitored - from time to time, gently wipe them, you can use potassium permanganate. If he shakes his head and often scratches his ears, it is better to consult a veterinarian to rule out a possible disease.

Hair and claw care

Siamese cats are a smooth-haired breed, and their coat does not require special care. You need to bathe a kitten only if necessary - if the wool is dirty or, but it is better to try to accustom them to this from childhood. They need to be combed out at least once a week with a special brush - they usually like this procedure, and they accompany it with a contented rumbling and caress. In addition, when combing, the skin is massaged and the formation of dandruff is prevented.

The kitten's nails should be trimmed regularly as they grow. To do this, you need to take the kitten in your arms, while stroking it and trying to calm it down, lightly press on the paw pads with your hand and cut 1-2 mm from each claw. It is better to accustom them to this from a very early age - so they will get used to this procedure and, even as adults, will not interfere with it.

Also, for a Siamese kitten, it is recommended to purchase a scratching post - they are very active and love to climb up and sharpen their claws. Therefore, every time, if the kitten wants to climb somewhere, you need to transfer it to the scratching post and place its paws on it.

In the first months of life, Siamese kittens need especially careful care - proper nutrition, avoidance of hypothermia, stressful situations. As the kitten grows, it will get stronger and such careful care will no longer be necessary. But still, in order for the Siamese to please the owners for longer, at any age he needs a balanced diet, compliance with the temperature regime and sanitary standards, as well as constant attention and care.

In order for the fluffy favorite and darling of the family, the Siamese cat is always cheerful, healthy, you should properly care for him, because this particular breed requires special care. Siamese kittens cannot be called hardy, so the first months of life should be treated with particular care: avoid hypothermia, stressful situations and, of course, provide a balanced diet. When the kitten grows up, he will become stronger and will not need such reverent attention. If you want the Siam to live for more than 20 years (this is possible), create good conditions for him, feed him properly, observe sanitary standards, give him attention, and he will please you for a long time.

The ideal temperature for keeping Siamese cats is + 25-28 C. This is necessary so that your handsome man retains a beautiful color, does not darken, which happens not only with age, but also because the animal is constantly found in a cold place. Hence, moderate temperature, non-humid air, the absence of drafts - this is what a Siamese cat needs, especially a small one. If it gets cool in the off-season, keep a special house for your pet and a warm rug in stock. Turn on the heater and you will see the cat snuggle up to it.

Now about wool. The Siamese have a rather short coat and no undercoat, which is why its special “maintenance” is not necessary. It is enough to run through the wool with a damp hand and thereby remove the excess first. It is also not necessary to comb the Siamese, because his coat does not get confused. However, if there are explicit and frank wishes of your pet, then pamper him by combing his coat with a special brush. You will definitely be rewarded with purring and caress! And yet, combing and massaging the skin, you will eliminate the possible occurrence of dandruff. The coat of Siamese cats is not prone to rapid pollution, so there is no need to bathe them constantly and periodically, once a month will be enough. But to accustom to bathing is important from childhood.

And of course, the “toilet” of the cat should be kept clean: the excess should be removed from it after each visit.

The following advice applies in principle to all domestic cats living at home that do not visit the street at all. Quite often you can hear from the owners that the cat spoils furniture, wallpaper, carpets with its claws. Yes, it’s not easy, but it’s still possible to solve this common problem. For a small kitten, you can lightly trim the claws while they are soft. Having tried several times to climb the curtains or the carpet and falling down, he will forget about this desire.

Be sure to purchase a special sharpener for cat claws, or you can simply install a birch log at home, which will be both an original addition to the interior and a claw sharpener for a cat. Every time a mischievous kitten tries to put its claws on the furniture, take it to a tree or a sharpener, putting its paws where it belongs. Cats that are let out on the street, of course, solve such a need in the trees.

In general, Siamese are surprisingly easy to get used to the leash. This is a huge plus, because if you do not intend to let your pet out alone, you can resort to walking with a leash. Even better, if there is a personal plot: take a four-legged with you, it will be very useful. Siamese are excellent hunters and it will not be superfluous for them to sit in ambush, as well as breathe in the countryside air.

If you are really concerned about the health of your cat, pay attention to his eyes - they are the real "signal lights" of health. If you notice abundant mucous drips from the eyes, do not try to treat them with folk methods, just contact your veterinarian in a timely manner. Small accumulations of mucus should be removed with a soft swab.

And be sure to make sure that your pet always has a clean plate: it should not contain dried food remnants. Feed him competently, balanced, not limited to dry food or, even worse, leftovers from the common table. Let the cat get used to the routine right away, eating at the same time and not waiting for handouts when your family is eating. Premium food with vitamins, minerals, meat (except for pork and liver, not fried and without spices), less often fish and chicken scalded with boiling water, and fermented milk products - this is what, of course, should dominate in the diet. It's great if you add vegetables, germinated wheat and oats, and vegetable oil to your diet. A cat must have drinking water. Eliminate canned food, smoked meats - everything that is not good for us people. In general, cats themselves are able to remarkably adjust their own diet, if they are given the right to choose from healthy foods. The main thing is to watch the weight of the cat and limit it in food if it is actively gaining it. A healthy, well-fed, well-groomed Siamese will always be cheerful, cheerful and affectionate!

Your pet needs regular care for its coat, eyes, ears, nose, etc. You should not only constantly take care of the beauty of the animal, but also maintain its physical condition (stimulate blood circulation, strengthen muscles, etc.).

Cats are naturally very clean, and already at the age of 3 weeks they try to lick their fur on their own. In addition, Siamese have short hair, so they can easily keep it clean. However, if you help your little pet to toilet every day, he will gratefully accept this help from you.

But there is another reason for the need for daily care of the animal's coat (grooming). The fact is that when a cat cleans its fur with its tongue, fallen hairs (bezoars) accumulate in its stomach, which can cause serious harm to its health. Regular combing will save your pet from this danger, besides, it will allow you to keep the apartment clean during the season of the Siamese shedding season.

When preparing a Siamese cat for an exhibition, stroking the coat with a leather or suede glove, as well as a silk scarf, gives a very good result. After this procedure, the Siamese coat will fit snugly to the body and shine.

In addition, grooming, carried out from the very first days of a kitten's life in your home, will help you forever instill confidence in your baby, create a special psychological atmosphere of mutual understanding between the animal and its owner. At the same time, it is very important that the procedure is pleasant for the cat and does not cause her a feeling of discomfort (although it should be noted that in most cases the Siamese perceive grooming without much protest).

For regular grooming of a cat's coat, you will need a natural bristle brush, plastic and metal combs, a piece of silk fabric or soft suede, cotton wool, shampoo, a towel, surgical alcohol, and some other accessories. When purchasing grooming accessories, choose only those designed for shorthair cats.

It is best to clean the coat of a Siamese cat just before feeding, so that the procedure causes only pleasant associations in her. Let the animal instinctively realize that after this he will certainly receive a reward.

Start combing the cat from the head, gradually moving towards the tail in the direction of hair growth. Comb thoroughly on the chin, behind the ears, and on the underside of the body where it is thickest. But at the same time, do not forget that too intense grooming can lead to bald patches and greatly ruin the appearance of your Siamese.

Try not to make sudden movements, do not pull the hairs, so as not to hurt the cat. Otherwise, the procedure will give the animal discomfort, and subsequently he will seek to avoid it by all means.

Combs and brushes

After that, you should start processing the wool on the stomach and hind legs. Do not be surprised if at the same time the cat begins to show discontent and tries to escape: this means that she has not yet got used to grooming. However, in no case should force be used against her - such measures are unlikely to work; on the contrary, they will instill fear in the animal before the procedure.

At the beginning of cleaning, sparse combs are used, then more frequent ones, and at the final stage a brush is used. At the end of the procedure, it is advisable to wipe the cat's fur with a damp piece of suede or silk cloth; stains from light wool are removed with a cotton swab dipped in medical alcohol, and laurel cherry water helps to get rid of fat. Siamese will not need special powders or baby powders - these products are intended for long-haired cats.

As for water procedures, they should be carried out only in cases of emergency (for example, if the cat is very dirty). If you regularly groom your pet, remove dirt and dead hairs, bathing is not required. Most Siamese are afraid of water and are extremely negative about washing, moreover, the risk of colds increases significantly.

In addition, when washing, a thin protective fatty layer is removed from animal hair, which protects the skin and coat from the harmful effects of the environment. In this regard, it is recommended to bathe your pet no more than once every 2 months. If you intend to exhibit a Siamese at an exhibition, conduct water procedures no earlier than a week before this event. During this period, the natural biological lubrication will be restored, and the cat's coat will shine again.

Before bathing, carefully close all windows and doors in the apartment to avoid drafts.

Then fill the sink with water and place the cat there (about 3 hours before washing, it is advisable to stop feeding it). Plug your pet's ears with cotton first to prevent accidental water intrusion.

It is likely that while bathing a Siamese cat will panic. In this regard, precautions should be taken: wear sufficiently durable clothing and remove from the bathroom all objects that could cause injury to the cat if it does escape from your hands.

Bathing water should be warm enough, but not hot; its optimal temperature corresponds to the temperature of the cat's body (38.3 ° C). Take the animal by the scruff and gently wet the fur (except for the head) with a sponge, and then rub the shampoo until a foam forms. It must be remembered that not every shampoo is suitable for Siamese: first of all, it must be mild and not contain toxic substances (for example, you can use a special shampoo for kittens sold in pet stores, or baby shampoo).

Perhaps the cat will calmly endure this procedure and even enjoy it. But it is also possible that while bathing your pet will actively resist and try to scratch you. Try to calm him down with kind words, but in no case use violence.

After shampooing your cat, rinse it with warm water from the shower. Be careful not to get water in the nose, eyes and ears of the animal. Then wrap the pet in a towel and wipe its face with a damp cotton or sponge. If dirt remains on the cat's coat, you can remove it with rubbing alcohol, but this should be done very carefully.

You can completely dry your cat with a hair dryer, although most animals are afraid of its noise. Therefore, during this procedure, you need to firmly hold the pet so that it cannot escape. It is not recommended to bring the hair dryer too close, because in this way you can set fire to the fur of the animal and burn its delicate skin.

Drying cat hair with a hair dryer

After washing and drying the Siamese, carefully comb his coat. On the day of bathing, it is not recommended to walk the pet, as in this case the animal can catch a cold and get sick.

It is important to remember that the sensations experienced by a cat during the first bathing largely determine its subsequent attitude to this procedure. Therefore, every effort must be made to ensure that washing does not cause negative emotions in her. After bathing, offer your Siamese his favorite treat or toy treated with catnip infusion - this will help convince your pet that washing has a pleasant side.

Cats need to sharpen and clean their claws from time to time to get rid of dead horny cells. If you release a Siamese outside, as a rule, there are no problems with this: the animal sharpens its claws in a natural way (on tree trunks, etc.). If there are special items in the house, your pet will also be able to cope with this task on his own. However, in some cases nail clipping is necessary.

You can carry out this operation yourself, but in any case, it is recommended to first observe how a specialist does it. Cut the cat's claws should be very careful, trying to avoid possible injury. Before starting the procedure, it is important to make sure that your pet is calm, does not experience excitement and fear.

It is best to use special scissors or nail clippers, which can be found at any pet store. They must be sharp enough, otherwise there is a danger of splitting the claw, which causes extreme pain to the animal.

Clipping of claws

Place the cat on your knees with its back to you, take its paw with two fingers and lightly squeeze so that the claws come forward. You can cut off only the white tip, which consists of dead cells, devoid of sensitivity. Try not to touch the inside of the claw: it contains blood vessels and nerve endings, and any careless touch can cause pain to your pet.

After you finish processing your pet's front paws, take a short break. Throughout the procedure, talk to your pet in a gentle voice and stroke his back - this will calm the animal and help relieve stress.

Every week it is necessary to examine the oral cavity of the animal, check the condition of his teeth and gums. If you find any alarming symptoms (discoloration of teeth and gums, the appearance of bad breath), you should immediately contact your veterinarian. However, undesirable consequences can be easily avoided if you take care of your pet's teeth daily.

To do this, you can use a special rubber thimble, as well as a piece of thick cloth or gauze dipped in plantain infusion. Gently wipe the cat's upper and lower teeth with it, try to complete this procedure as quickly as possible.

It is also recommended to use a meat-flavored toothpaste designed specifically for cats. But remember that in no case should ordinary paste be used: it often contains substances that are toxic to animals.

It is advisable to purchase a rubber bone for your pet or a special toy with spines and notches: such devices perfectly clean teeth. Once your Siamese kitten is old enough, you should give him solid food: it also cleans the teeth and ensures proper bite development.

It is necessary to regularly (about 1 time per week) inspect the inside and outside of the cat's auricles: after all, the animal cannot independently care for their inner surface. Ear diseases are very dangerous and in some cases can lead to complete hearing loss, so it is important to detect their symptoms in a timely manner.

So, the appearance of bloody or purulent discharge, irritation of the skin behind the ears indicate some kind of inflammation; dark brown or black plaque on the inner surface of the auricle is a clear sign of ear mite damage.

In this case, you need to urgently show the animal to the veterinarian. A sick cat should be isolated from all other animals in the house until she has fully recovered.

But even healthy ears need daily care, because from time to time sulfur forms in them. To clean the ears of a Siamese cat, it is best to use a cotton swab lubricated with oil, petroleum jelly or liquid paraffin. It is not recommended to penetrate the cotton swab too deep inside the ear - this way you can damage the cat's eardrum.

Ear cleaning

Constant examination of the eyes of the animal helps to prevent the development of serious infectious and catarrhal diseases. Increased tearing, redness or swelling of the eyelid often indicate the presence of a respiratory disease. Sometimes the cat's eyeball is partially closed by the nictitating membrane (third eyelid), this may be a sign of fever or infection.

The eyes of a Siamese cat should be washed about once a week, but in some cases this procedure can be carried out more often. For this purpose, a strong infusion of tea applied to a cotton swab is usually used. You can also wash your pet's eyes with warm boiled water or chamomile infusion, but the latter is not recommended to be used too often (this can lead to hair loss).

Siamese cats are considered the most interesting and mysterious representatives of the cat tribe. These graceful and beautiful creatures have a sense of dignity. They will never be imposed, but are always ready to protect their master.


The very name of the breed speaks of the origin. Siam is the ancient name of Thailand. In this country, they were considered sacred animals. They were kept in temples and protected by law. They were forbidden to be exported abroad, but later representatives breeds entered European countries.
It is not known exactly when and where the Siamese cats appeared. They are considered distant relatives of Bengal cats.
Europeans began breeding Siamese cats in the early 19th century. In this century, the Siamese king presented the English ambassador as a gift of a cat. So Siamese cats got outside the state. There are dozens of varieties of cats.

Appearance of the Siamese cat

The breed is distinguished by its short, shiny and dense coat and graceful body. The body of cats is small in size with a narrow skeleton. Shoulders and hips are well muscled.
Siamese cats are distinguished from others by the cut and color of the eyes. Animals are distinguished by very beautiful, bright, blue eyes, sometimes green ones are found. The color of the coat is not uniform. The limbs and face are dark. This is due to the fact that the temperature of the skin on the limbs, tail and face is lower, so there is more dark pigment.
The ears are very large and pointed at the end. The face is narrow, the chin is well defined.


Thai cats are very smart and inquisitive. Many of them are trainable. They are absolutely unpredictable and very jealous. Cats get along well with other pets and do not like strangers. These animals are not suitable for families with small children. A child, while playing, may accidentally offend a cat and be bitten and scratched.
Cats are very attached to the owner, so they are not suitable for people who cannot devote enough time to them. Animals are very affectionate and loyal.
A distinctive feature of the breed is a loud voice. This is the most talkative breed.
Siamese cats very active, can play with anything. The owner of a pet needs a lot of patience, but if you properly raise a cat, then it will make a good and reliable friend.

Siamese cat care

Cat grooming is easy. It needs to be combed periodically. For this, the owner’s hand moistened with water is also suitable. In addition, she needs to bathe, clean her ears and teeth. It is necessary to teach a cat to hygiene from early childhood. If the teeth are not taken care of, various diseases can occur.

What to feed

High-quality dry food is the best nutritional option Siamese cats. Experts advise to make a varied diet, and not be limited to dry food. If you still decide to feed with such food, then it should be of high quality and with a sufficient amount of meat. It is also necessary to provide fresh and clean drinking water.
From the first days of life, meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, cereals, sour-milk products should be included in the pet's diet. Siamese cats never change their habits. Therefore, if they are used to eating one, they do not need to change the menu.
Nutrition must be balanced, a lack or excess of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins can adversely affect the pet's health. Protein is especially important for the body of cats. Thanks to him, animals grow and develop.


Siamese cats are in good health with proper care. Life expectancy can reach 20 years.
Animals are at risk from upper respiratory tract infections. They need to be kept warm and comfortable. Some of them are prone to genetic diseases. Therefore, when buying a cat, you need to find out from the owner if there were any problems with her parents.
Previously, tail defects were considered a hallmark of Thai cats. Now this is considered a disadvantage. But it is harmless and imperceptible. The knot can only be felt.
Some kittens are born cross-eyed. This phenomenon is rare and takes up to a year. It happens that the problem remains, but this does not interfere with the cats themselves.
Among genetic diseases, diseases of the kidneys, heart, umbilical hernia can occur.
The breed is very prone to dental diseases. Plaque, calculus, gingivitis may appear.

Maintenance costs

Buying a Siamese cat, some hope to recoup the costs by selling kittens. But this is not always possible, therefore, before starting such a pet, you need to take into account all the costs of maintenance and care. You will have to spend money on vaccinations, veterinary services, buying supplies, raising kittens. Breeding can be unprofitable, so it's best to keep a cat just for yourself.

Interesting video about Siamese cat

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The Siamese cat breed deserves special attention. These pets cannot be called simple. Graceful beauties have an oriental temperament and an independent disposition. They are mysterious and contradictory.

For a long time, Siamese cats were considered vengeful, vicious and selfish. Therefore, they did not particularly strive to have such pets. This common myth is related to errors in reproduction. In practice, Siamese are very loyal, affectionate, joyful and open pets that will simply charm you with their love.

Siamese cat breed: calling card

Miniature Siamese cats cannot be confused with anyone. Graceful pets with a wedge-shaped head have a unique color. The special coloring of the limbs and muzzle gives them sophistication. Continuing the description of the Siamese cat breed, it is worth noting the beautiful blue eyes of pets and a smart look.

  • The weight . The body weight of an adult pet varies between 3-5 kg. If the cat has been sterilized, then the weight can reach 7 kg.
  • Growth . The size of an adult Siamese cat is small and proportional. The height at the withers reaches 23-25 ​​cm. The body length can be 55-60 cm.
  • Color. A distinctive feature of the Siamese is the combination of light wool with dark areas covering the muzzle, tail, paws and ears.
  • Lifespan. Provide your pets with decent care, and you will be surprised how long a Siamese cat lives. On average, it is 14-25 years. A Siamese who lived to be 38 years old is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.
  • Character . Independent pets have a hot temperament and innate hunting instincts. Sometimes they can be stubborn. They love people and become attached to the owner.
  • Intelligence. Siamese are quick-witted and able to skillfully use their intellectual abilities.

Siamese are jealous of the owner, subtly feel the mood swings of a person. Cats are playful and love to be the center of attention. At the same time, loneliness is well tolerated. Concluding a brief description of the nature of the Siamese cat, it must be said about her touchiness. She quickly realizes her mistakes, but if you punish her without guilt, you will have to put in a lot of effort so that the oriental beauty forgives you.

Representatives of this breed are able to capture not only the tone of a person, but also the speech itself. Therefore, try to choose words for your pet, especially if you decide to criticize her.

The myth of the viciousness of the Siamese experts explain as follows. In the past, creases or bends on the tail were considered a sign of the breed. Unfortunately, such curvature of the vertebrae often provoked the infringement of nerve endings. The constant discomfort and pain that the cat experienced did not at all favor tenderness or caresses.


Due to the specific color, almost everyone knows what a Siamese cat looks like. However, they are often confused with similar breeds - Thai and Oriental. To have an idea about the real Siam, it is important to understand its characteristic features. They are presented in the table.

Table - Siamese cat breed standard

Part of the bodyDescription
Frame- Elongated;
- proportional;
- tightened belly
Head- Long;
- the skull is almost flat;
- elongated narrow muzzle;
- straight nose
- strong chin
Eyes- Almond shape;
- small size;
- slightly convex;
- blue;
- slightly oblique relative to the nose
Ears- Large;
- triangular shape;
- slightly separated in different directions
limbs- Slender, long;
- hind legs slightly longer than the front
Tail- Long, thin;
- pointed end

Varieties of colors

Siamese cats have many features that affect not only the intelligence and character of the pet, but also its amazing color. The shade of wool depends on body temperature. Scientifically, this feature is called acromelania. Little kittens are born completely white. They darken with age. And it happens unevenly. Dark tones acquire those parts of the body that are characterized by a lower temperature. There are various colors of the Siamese cat. Among them, the following are the most popular.

  • Seal point. Cream or light brown color. Points (dark areas of wool) are distinguished by a rich dark brown color.
  • Blue point. Snow white fur. The muzzle, paws, tail and ears of this pet have a beautiful blue color.
  • Caramel point. The color is a cross between white and brown. Magnolia shade. Dark areas are painted in pink-gray tones.
  • Redpoint. White coat with apricot, red or reddish points. Sometimes there are stripes on the marks.
  • cinnamon point. Ivory shade with pink-brown markings.
  • Lalike point. The white body is diluted with gray areas with a slight pinkish overflow.
  • Chocolate point. Ivory. Chocolate areas dilute this palette. Sometimes they can be so dark that they appear black.

A great contribution to the shade of Siamese is made by the area in which the pet lives. In colder areas, cats develop darker spots. Color formation is completed at six to ten months. If a pet is transported to a colder climate, then it can darken even in adulthood.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before you finally decide whether to get a Siamese, carefully read the advantages of the breed and its disadvantages. The most important points are presented in the table.

Table - Advantages and disadvantages of the Siamese

History of origin and interesting facts

There are many hypotheses about the origin of intelligent and unusual pets. The history of the Siamese breed is overgrown with legends. One of the most entertaining takes us back to the days of Noah's Ark. According to this legend, a male monkey fell in love with a beautiful proud lioness. The fruit of love was the first Siamese cat - a graceful beauty with the habits of a monkey and the heart of a lioness.

If we talk about more realistic hypotheses, then Thailand, which was previously called Siam, is considered the birthplace of the oriental beauty. Cats are revered here. They were allowed to be kept by monks and royal families. Pets were protected by law. They were considered guides to the other world. Therefore, it was forbidden to take the Siamese out of the state.

At the end of the 19th century, cats came to Europe. They fascinated the population with their exotic appearance and greatly pleased Queen Victoria. Thanks to her, the popularity of the Siamese has increased dramatically.

  • True grace. The gait and movements of exotic cats are admirable. Connoisseurs believe that the run of the Siamese is fully consistent with the run of the Arabian horse. And oriental women learned grace and grace from these pets.
  • "Criminal" purposes. Another feature of the Siamese is its long fingers. A pet, if desired, can learn to work with them very quickly. A kid endowed by nature with intelligence, with amazing virtuosity, will be able to open a closet, unzip a bag, open a door by turning the handle.
  • Mascot Chess. Alexander Alekhin considered his Siamese cat Chess a talisman. The favorite always accompanied the chess player at all matches, sitting on his wife's lap. Even during international competitions in Zurich, Alexander periodically interrupted, went to the gym to stroke his beauty.


Representatives of the Siamese-Oriental breed include several varieties. The first mention of cats with characteristic spots dates back to the 16th-17th centuries. Initially, only a few breeds were known.

  • Siamese. The modern pet is distinguished by a lean, thin body, with a long elongated neck. It has a wedge-shaped head. It has long and thin limbs.
  • Thai. Reminds me of a Siam. The main difference between the Thai cat and the cat described above is in smoother lines, a denser body. Thai pet looks stocky, not fragile.
  • Oriental. A graceful beauty with a muscular, toned body, an elongated neck and a characteristic wedge-shaped head. A distinctive feature is a uniform or spotted color without a point pattern.
  • mekong bobtail. The cat is almost an exact copy of the Siamese. But it differs from the pets described above in one feature: it is by nature without a tail, or rather, with a small stump - a bean.

Thanks to breeders who practiced "unequal marriages", the Siamese-Oriental group was replenished with Himalayan, Burmese, Balinese, Seychellois, Snow Shea, Peterbald cats. Such pets differ not only in colors, but also in the length of the coat. For example, the Himalayan is a very fluffy cat, and the Petrebald is a completely naked pet.

Maintenance and nutrition requirements

The Shorthair Siamese is naturally very clean and requires minimal grooming. Pets cope with most procedures on their own. But still, helping a pet does not hurt.

  • Wool . Cats do not have an undercoat, so brushing is not necessary. But it is not worth abandoning the procedure completely. Light combing with a soft natural brush eliminates unwanted hair and provides a massage to the pet. Especially true during molting (autumn and spring).
  • Bathing. Siamese do not like water procedures. Due to the lack of undercoat, they are constantly cold. Therefore, it is recommended to bathe a pet extremely rarely and only if it is really dirty. After the bath, be sure to wrap your pet in a warm towel. And use a hair dryer to dry.
  • Teeth . Exotic handsome men often suffer from dental diseases. Therefore, the oral cavity requires special attention. Veterinarians recommend brushing your cat's teeth with a special toothpaste at least once a week. If you do not, then try to periodically look into the mouth so as not to miss the development of pathologies.
  • Eyes . Sometimes they can sour. If this happens infrequently, then there is no reason to worry. Take a clean tissue and wipe the corners of your almond eyes.
  • Ears . Monitor the condition of the ears. Siamese are prone to inflammation, irritation or infection in the ears. Once a week it is necessary to wash the shells with special solutions recommended by the veterinarian.

litter box training

It is not difficult to teach a smart pet to go to the toilet. As soon as the first puddle appears in the house, blot it with a diaper and put it in a pot. To accustom to the tray, transfer the baby who has eaten tightly to him. However, keep pace. Don't force the baby.

Siamese pets are not only very smart, but also overly proud. If the kitten feels compelled or hears unpleasant notes in your voice, he will be offended. And in order to take revenge, he will completely stop going to the tray. Sometimes even adult pets that have gone to the toilet for years can punish their owners in this way.

In raising a Siamese, strong motivators are praise and encouragement. When you notice that your kitten went to the toilet correctly, say a few kind words to him, pet him. Give him a treat without directly leaving the tray.


The Siamese cat, as a true representative of the Siamese-Oriental group, is very demanding on food. She prefers to starve with dignity than to eat tasteless food. So choose your food responsibly. Be sure to check with the cattery what to feed the Siamese cat, because in most cases she is already accustomed to certain foods. But the diet can also consist of natural food.

  • Feed. More preferred. It contains useful substances in a balanced form. Breeders recommend choosing super-premium or premium products.
  • Natural products. If you decide to feed your pet with natural products, then entrust the development of the diet to the veterinarian. The menu consists of the following products: beef, sea fish, beef liver, cereals, vegetable oils, fermented milk products.

Completely exclude the kitten from the owner's table. Smoked meats, fatty foods, sausages, spicy dishes are categorically contraindicated for Siam. You should not accustom your pet to sweets and flour products.

Reproduction and sterilization

If you decide to start breeding Siamese, then be prepared for difficulties. Cats are very temperamental. Their first estrus can be observed at the age of four months. But the pet's body is not yet ready to bear offspring.

Veterinarians recommend the first mating in a year and a half. Pregnancy lasts 65 days. Sometimes kittens appear on the 63-64th day. But if childbirth began before day 60, then such babies are usually not viable. To avoid unpleasant moments, childbirth should be taken by a veterinarian. In some cases, this can help save your pet's life.

If you do not plan to start cat offspring, then veterinarians recommend sterilizing the female or castrating the male. This will prevent regular screams and marks in the apartment.

Diseases and treatment

Among the representatives of the Siamese breed, genetic diseases are often observed. Such a predisposition to congenital ailments is associated with incompletely considered breeding. Breeders paid attention only to external data, completely ignoring the health of their pets. They often crossed kittens from the same litter. This led to the appearance of genetic mutations. Modern breeders have pushed such phenomena to the maximum. However, kittens that may have hereditary pathologies are still found.

Among the diseases characteristic of the Siamese, the following are most often observed.

  • Strabismus. This breed is characterized by the carriage of the strabismus gene, which leads to underdevelopment of the optic nerves.
  • Calcivirosis. Pathology of the upper respiratory tract. The disease begins with a common cold, redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes. Then ulcers appear on the tip of the nose. Further progression of the disease can lead to pneumonia.
  • Rhinotracheitis. Pathology of the respiratory tract. It is characterized by the presence of a runny nose, conjunctivitis. Such symptoms are accompanied by fever, lethargy, weakness of the pet.
  • Adenocarcinoma of the intestine. This is cancer. Pathology is most often observed in males.
  • Asthma. The disease is similar to human bronchial asthma. Attacks are usually caused by allergens: tobacco smoke, deodorants, book dust.
  • breast cancer. These tumors look like small lumps. At first they do not bother, so they are discovered by chance. Over time, these nodules enlarge.
  • Cardiomyopathy. This is a genetic disease that disrupts the delivery of oxygen to the blood. Lack of oxygen provokes the appearance of fainting.
  • Psychic alopecia. As a result of licking, the pet develops areas of baldness. This usually happens after severe stress associated with a sudden move or loss of the owner.

All Siamese pets must be vaccinated. There is no strict vaccination schedule. Usually, babies are vaccinated after two to three months from a whole list of ailments, including leukemia, distemper, infectious peritonitis, and panleukopenia.

TOP nickname

Breeders say that it is better to let the baby choose his own name. To do this, call different nicknames in turn. At the same time, carefully monitor the behavior of the kitten. He will definitely respond to the name that he likes.