Alexey Vorobyov: “Corgi is a plus dog. Alexei Vorobyov's dog: breed, description The dog has become a faithful companion in life

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Elvis Alekseevich Vorobyov at first was just Elvis, a Pembroke Welsh Corgi dog, which was presented to the singer and actor by his producer Katerina Gechmen-Waldeck.

His full name and patronymic were invented by the artist's fans, who, it seems, cannot wait to see their idol in the role of dad.

However, they are not far from reality, Elvis is like a son to Alexei. Lesha takes the dog to shoot films, takes him to Tula to his parents. Elvis even visited with Vorobyov at Eurovision in 2011, where he hit the camera lenses more than once. Dogs of this breed are considered the favorites of the English Queen Elizabeth II, and in Europe everyone knows about it.

Pesik also has a richer filmography than some aspiring actors in Russian cinema. He appeared in the movie Cool Men, starred in several episodes of the show The Bachelor.

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi breed is considered quite expensive. Many dog ​​lovers call her "Corgi" for short. They are friendly, sociable, very smart.

As a rule, corgis have a golden color and a cute muzzle that makes you want to cuddle the dog. They are easy to train because they are smart and obedient.

Many people think that Vorobyov himself named the pet Elvis. But this musical name was written on his tag when he was presented with such a gift.

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi breed originated in English Wales. Dogs that are low at the withers (up to 30 cm) are unpretentious in terms of food and help shepherds cope well with the herd.

Residents of the provinces of Great Britain give birth to such dogs not only for the sake of beauty, but also to help with the housework. They are comparable in training and character to sheepdogs, but not as big and voracious.

However, corgis belong to the shepherd family. This is a great guard dog that gets along well with children, cats, neighbors, and pets of all kinds.

Photos of Vorobyov's dog - Elvis

Since Alexei takes his dog with him everywhere, Elvis has a lot of photos: on walks, with fans, on the red carpet.

0 November 9, 2015, 19:27

Today Philip Kirkorov became the happy owner of a Corgi puppy, the singer bought a puppy from Olga Slutsker. Charming Welsh Corgi dogs conquer the world and the hearts of stars and monarchs. Pygmy dogs collect likes on Instagram, millions of views on YouTube and enthusiastic comments. Russian celebrities also succumbed to the corgi fashion and could not resist the temptation to have this miracle on short legs in their homes.

So, crazy about your dog named Mel. The miniature corgi gets along well with other pets from the Bondarchuk family - the mongrel Eva and the labrador Batya. In the comments to the photos with a small menagerie - solid favors.

The president of the Russian Aerobics Fitness Federation is a longtime corgi fan. Her dog Pims has long deserved a separate Instagram profile. We are sure that this charismatic kid will collect more than one thousand likes. The fluffy handsome man does not lack attention: Olga regularly posts photos with her pet.

The other day Olga Slutsker announced that her Pims became a father. Later, in her profile, she announced a contest for the name of the puppy. And yesterday, a little bundle of happiness named Lorenzo got into the house of Alla Victoria and Martin Kirkorov. The daughter of the pop king will be four years old in two weeks, but the singer has already presented a gift to the birthday girl. A birthday puppy is a win-win, any child will be overjoyed.

The dog of the Russian billionaire is one of the luckiest corgis. This baby has already traveled the world a lot with his famous owner. Furry lucky man was spotted walking through the Scottish village of Lochrans and next to the island of St. Barth in the Caribbean. In general, this little gigolo accompanies his master on many trips.

Roman Abramovich, Daria Zhukova and corgi on a yacht

I wanted to get a girl, but I got ... a dog. In one of the interviews, the singer said that he did not have long-term relationships, so he decided to get a corgi that would be waiting for him at home. For his birthday, Alexei was presented with a puppy, whom the singer named Elvis-Melvis. Vorobyov is crazy about the gift. The singer claims that Elvis is the kindest creature in the world who understands him without words. And looking at this cute muzzle, you willingly believe in everything that is said.

Instagram photo

Photo X17/All Over Press

Alexey Vorobyov, known as a successful singer, actor and participant in various television programs, was born in 1988 in Tula. From an early age, the artist began to engage in creativity, succeeding in his endeavors. Therefore, in 2011, Alexei's work was rewarded, and he represented Russia at Eurovision. In addition, Vorobyov starred in a large number of films and TV shows. An active lifestyle takes up almost all of the artist's free time, but for one of his favorites, he still made an exception.

What breed of dog does Alexei Vorobyov have and how did the singer get a dog?

In 2010, on one of the cold January days, Alexey found his devoted friend - a Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppy. From that moment on, the dog and the famous artist became inseparable friends, especially since the puppy had a name dear to Alexei.

The fact is that Vorobyov is fond of the work of Elvis Presley. What was his surprise when he saw the name "Elvis" on the tag of the puppy he was given for his birthday! The dog was presented to the artist by his girlfriend Katerina Gechmen-Waldeck, who knew about Alexei's desire to have a four-legged friend. Elvis was delivered directly from Austria especially for the singer.

The dog has become a faithful companion in life!

Since then, the dog of Alexei Vorobyov, whose breed was named above, has become an integral part of his life. Elvis travels with his master almost always. So, during the time spent with the artist, the dog managed to visit the parental nest of the Vorobyov family. In a large mansion located in Tula, Elvis met Alexei's parents.

Also, the dog of Alexei Vorobyov, whose breed belongs to the shepherd, has repeatedly visited the shooting of various films with the participation of the famous actor, at some radio stations he actively participated in an interview with his owner, and was in many other places. Currently, Alexey plans to go through several instances with his pet in order to collect documents according to which Elvis will be allowed into the Ostankino shopping center. After all, Vorobyov, who actively attends television shows, spends a lot of his time in this place. The dog of Alexei Vorobyov, whose breed is quite well-known, completely adopted character traits from his owner and fell in love with filming. Therefore, Elvis can be seen in the movie "Cool Men".

The nature of the dog

Now it has become clear what breed of dog Alexei Vorobyov has. But what is her character? What is the temperament of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi? Dogs of this breed are very fond of affection and attention, and, of course, Elvis is no exception.

A friendly dog ​​can turn an ordinary trip to the store into a whole performance. Seeing him, people, and especially girls, begin to be touched and caress the four-legged, which, by the way, he is incredibly happy about. The same story happens when the singer returns home. The dog joyfully meets its owner, after which they sit for several minutes in an embrace. Only after this greeting Elvis calms down and allows Alexei to do household chores.

dog superstar

Without exaggeration, Vorobyov's dog can be called one of the most recognizable animals throughout Russia. The artist made a page for his pet on the famous social network, and also opened the official Elvis group. Probably, even for the singer himself, it was unexpected that more than 2 thousand people wanted to closely follow the achievements and life of his pet. Due to the loving and open nature of the dog, its popularity is growing every day.

Alexey Vorobyov's dog breed: features

They are often said to be big dogs in a small body. Pets of this breed are always ready for new travels and various adventures, therefore they are suitable for people with an active lifestyle. They are well trained, therefore they behave obediently, emphasizing their significance and greatness with all their appearance. Such pets are very demanding, so they should be given much more attention than many other dog breeds. If the dog was brought up properly, then soon his owner will be able to be proud of his pet. Very often, dogs of this breed occupy leading places at exhibitions and in all kinds of competitions.

Of course, the dog of Alexei Vorobyov also has disadvantages. The breed of these dogs is distinguished by a particularly strong molt. The fact is that Welsh Corgis are endowed with a thick undercoat, so dog hair can be found throughout the house. But for those who are ready for regular cleaning, this minor minus will not become an obstacle. The same thing happened in the case of Alexei, because he acquired his best friend in the person of Elvis, and cleaning the house is a household activity that cannot affect the relationship between a person and a dog.


Now you know the name of the dog breed of Alexei Vorobyov. We also talked directly about Elvis and his life.

The famous artist and singer Alexei Vorobyov shared a tearful video with fans, in which he spoke about his beloved dog, which died in November of this year. The death of a pet not only shocked the actor, but also forced him to refuse several concerts.

Alexey Vorobyov has become the most discussed artist in recent days. Many fans are interested in his personal life.

On November 27, a picture of the artist's favorite dog appeared on the page on the social network of singer Alexei Vorobyov. He apologizes for not being with his pet when he passed away. One day later, Alexey posted a tearful video in the evening, which made his fans shudder. As it turned out, the favorite dog of the Corgi breed Elvis - Melvis died. The singer in tears asks his fans to think carefully before getting animals, because they, like people, are not eternal.

The tears of the artist greatly hurt the fans, they began to write in the comments that their favorite idol should not be upset, because you can buy another dog. But Alexey Vorobyov is still against such big changes in his life. On November 30, in memory of his beloved pet, the singer posted an interesting video in which he plays with Elvis-Melvis. These fragments won the hearts of fans, they saw the artist from the other side, kind, sympathetic and attentive.

Alexey Vorobyov and his most faithful friend Elvis-Melvis

Alexey Vorobyov was inseparable with his dog for 9 years, he looked after him, almost always took him on tour with him. Very often, Elvis-Melvis appeared in the singer's videos. More recently, Alexey Vorobyov, having learned about problems with the heart of his beloved animal, decided to send him to America for treatment. Despite the illness of his pet, the singer could not make himself a weekend, he had to leave for Moscow for work. The terrible news was reported to the artist from the veterinary clinic. Alexey Vorobyov decided to immediately quit all his business and leave, pick up Elvis-Melvis in order to bury him with dignity.

Although, there are other dogs that you can buy, but today, Alexei Vorobyov does not even think about a new favorite pet. According to the artist, the wound is very deep, it takes time to find the strength to survive and perhaps someday he will have a pet. Alexey Vorobyov told his fans about how Elvis-Melvis appeared in his life.

After the New Year, in 2009, the singer's producer, Ekaterina, decided to make a little surprise in honor of his birthday. But she could not figure out what exactly the artist needed. After all, he has almost everything.

He sat in a cafe, looked around, friends had fun in the company of charming companions. Alexei Vorobyov said that he needed to get either a girl or a dog. These words were told to the producer of the singer. And in honor of his birthday on January 19, Alexei Vorobyov was presented with a corgi dog.

Alexey Vorobyov hides his relationship with Victoria Daineka

Now fans are actively discussing the relationship between Alexei Vorobyov and Victoria Daineko. After the exposed photos, in which the singer gently hugs his former lover, rumors spread that the couple were back together. Victoria Daineko and Alexey Vorobyov started dating in 2011, but their relationship lasted no more than 9 months. Alexey insisted on parting. According to him, they have different personalities.

Alexey Vorobyov, known as a successful singer, actor and participant in various television programs, was born in 1988 in Tula. From an early age, the artist began to engage in creativity, succeeding in his endeavors. Therefore, in 2011, Alexei's work was rewarded, and he represented Russia at Eurovision. In addition, Vorobyov starred in a large number of films and TV shows. An active lifestyle takes up almost all of the artist's free time, but for one of his favorites, he still made an exception.

What breed of dog does Alexei Vorobyov have and how did the singer get a dog?

In 2010, on one of the cold January days, Alexey found his devoted friend - a Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppy. From that moment on, the dog and the famous artist became inseparable friends, especially since the puppy had a name dear to Alexei.

The fact is that Vorobyov is fond of the work of Elvis Presley. What was his surprise when he saw the name "Elvis" on the tag of the puppy he was given for his birthday! The dog was presented to the artist by his girlfriend Katerina Gechmen-Waldeck, who knew about Alexei's desire to have a four-legged friend. Elvis was delivered directly from Austria especially for the singer.

The dog has become a faithful companion in life!

Since then, the dog of Alexei Vorobyov, whose breed was named above, has become an integral part of his life. Elvis travels with his master almost always. So, during the time spent with the artist, the dog managed to visit the parental nest of the Vorobyov family. In a large mansion located in Tula, Elvis met Alexei's parents.

Also, the dog of Alexei Vorobyov, whose breed belongs to the shepherd, has repeatedly visited the shooting of various films with the participation of the famous actor, at some radio stations he actively participated in an interview with his owner, and was in many other places. Currently, Alexey plans to go through several instances with his pet in order to collect documents according to which Elvis will be allowed into the Ostankino shopping center. After all, Vorobyov, who actively attends television shows, spends a lot of his time in this place. The dog of Alexei Vorobyov, whose breed is quite well-known, completely adopted character traits from his owner and fell in love with filming. Therefore, Elvis can be seen in the movie "Cool Men".

The nature of the dog

Now it has become clear what breed of dog Alexei Vorobyov has. But what is her character? What is the temperament of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi? Dogs of this breed are very fond of affection and attention, and, of course, Elvis is no exception.

A friendly dog ​​can turn an ordinary trip to the store into a whole performance. Seeing him, people, and especially girls, begin to be touched and caress the four-legged, which, by the way, he is incredibly happy about. The same story happens when the singer returns home. The dog joyfully meets its owner, after which they sit for several minutes in an embrace. Only after this greeting Elvis calms down and allows Alexei to do household chores.

dog superstar

Without exaggeration, Vorobyov's dog can be called one of the most recognizable animals throughout Russia. The artist made a page for his pet on the famous social network, and also opened the official Elvis group. Probably, even for the singer himself, it was unexpected that more than 2 thousand people wanted to closely follow the achievements and life of his pet. Due to the loving and open nature of the dog, its popularity is growing every day.

Alexey Vorobyov's dog breed: features

Welsh Corgi dogs are often said to be big dogs in a small body. Pets of this breed are always ready for new travels and various adventures, therefore they are suitable for people with an active lifestyle. They are well trained, therefore they behave obediently, emphasizing their significance and greatness with all their appearance. Such pets are very demanding, so they should be given much more attention than many other dog breeds. If the dog was brought up properly, then soon his owner will be able to be proud of his pet. Very often, dogs of this breed occupy leading places at exhibitions and in all kinds of competitions.

Of course, the dog of Alexei Vorobyov also has disadvantages. The breed of these dogs is distinguished by a particularly strong molt. The fact is that Welsh Corgis are endowed with a thick undercoat, so dog hair can be found throughout the house. But for those who are ready for regular cleaning, this minor minus will not become an obstacle. The same thing happened in the case of Alexei, because he acquired his best friend in the person of Elvis, and cleaning the house is a household activity that cannot affect the relationship between a person and a dog.


Now you know the name of the dog breed of Alexei Vorobyov. We also talked directly about Elvis and his life.