What vitamins to give a Tibetan mastiff puppy. Top 10 Dog Feeding Mistakes

Are you looking for a dog that will be a good guard and watchdog? The Tibetan Mastiff is perfect for this. His appearance is already intimidating. Among all Great Dane breeds, the largest is the Tibetan Mastiff. The origin of the species goes back centuries, surrounded by various legends. They say one thing: the dog has excellent watchdog qualities that have survived to this day.

Description and appearance

Tibetan dogs look impressive, have a dense proportional physique, a well-developed skeleton. They have strong muscles, strong paws. Of all the large dog breeds, the largest in terms of parameters is the Tibetan Mastiff.

Tibetan dogs look impressive, have a dense proportional physique

Endowed with a densely growing hard coat, as well as a dense undercoat, the animal perfectly tolerates the cold climate of the highlands and other extreme weather conditions. The hairline of the neck is abundant, resembling a mane.

Growing up is relatively slow. Bitches reach maturity around 2-3 years. Males mature even later - by 4 years. The sex of individuals can be easily determined externally: males are much larger than females in body size.

If you look at the photo of the Tibetan mastiff, you can see some differences in physical structure. This is due to the peculiarities of the habitat, the ecological environment, the ways in which puppies are bred.

Growing up is relatively slow. Bitches reach maturity at around 2-3 years of age.

breed standards

Modern breed standards were established by the international association of cynologists in 2004. According to him, Tibet is considered the birthplace of the dog, it belongs to the 2nd class - pinschers, schnauzers, molossians, Swiss shepherd dogs, and some other breeds.

The Tibetan Mastiff must have the following proportions as specified in the standard:

  • the length of the cranium corresponds to the length of the muzzle (sometimes the muzzle is slightly smaller);
  • body length slightly exceeds height;
  • has a wide head (folds are allowed from the eye to the end of the mouth);
  • the cranium is rounded, the end of the muzzle is square. The lower jaw is covered with lips, the jaws are powerful, the teeth are tightly set, the bite is scissor-like;
  • eyes wide apart, slightly inclined, painted with brown shades;
  • the size of the ears is medium, they are hanging, triangular in shape;

The sex of individuals can be easily determined externally: males are much larger than females in body size.
  • the neck is strong, looks arched;
  • straight back, wide flat croup;
  • the chest reaches the middle of the limbs, the ribs are compressed;
  • the length of the tail is medium, its landing is high;
  • legs are straight and strong.

Deviation from these indicators is considered a marriage. Such animals cannot take part in exhibitions, are rarely allowed by breeders for breeding. If they retain the qualities of character inherent in the breed, they can be started by people as pets.


The coat color of the dog is another parameter provided by the standard. Inconsistency with him is also a marriage. The color of the Tibetan mastiff should be taken more carefully, as there are some nuances. Tibetans, according to the requirements of the standard, are only three types of color:

The coat color of the dog is another parameter provided by the standard.
  • intense black, but scorch marks are possible;
  • blue with or without tan marks;
  • gold of different shades - from pronounced fawn to juicy red.

Only pure colors are allowed. For tans, shades from dark chestnut to shades of lighter are allowed. Possible white spots that cover the chest, lower legs, limbs, tail. Sometimes they also border the eyes or are located under them.

Physical indicators

These dogs are usually very large, so strict requirements are imposed on weight and height indicators. When evaluating this moment, pay special attention. Even the slightest deviation from the physical characteristics provided by the standard is a marriage. The norm will be:

The color of the Tibetan mastiff should be taken more carefully, as there are some nuances here.
  • height of a male - not less than 66 cm, females - not less than 61 cm;
  • the weight of a male is about 70 kg, females - 60-65 kg.


A normally developed mastiff is a real giant. But at the same time, the character is not at all as ferocious as it might seem at first. They say that these dogs are very kind. So what is this formidable big guy?

Among the large breeds, the largest - the Tibetan Mastiff - stands out for its excellent protective and security indicators. He has well-developed guard qualities - such a dog is ready to rush to defend the territory he controls without hesitation.

Among the large breeds, the largest - the Tibetan Mastiff stands out for its excellent protective and security indicators.

Features of the character of the Tibetan breed:

  • behaves under normal conditions quite restrained, but constantly keeps the territory under control;
  • incredulous, but calmly perceives strangers;
  • high intellectual abilities, good intelligence. Sometimes such dogs can be stubborn, although they know the limits of what is permitted;
  • in the character there are traits of some waywardness. When training, strict discipline is needed, but caress should not be forgotten;
  • likes to be near the owner, silently lying next to him. The voice gives only in case of danger. Adult dogs are reserved and puppies are often hyperactive. It is necessary to educate them, starting from an early age;

It behaves under normal conditions rather restrained, but constantly keeps the territory under control

This dog gets along well with all family members. Among the owners behaves friendly, shows obedience. Feel the change in people's moods. Communicates well with children. Normally feels close to other animals, including cats.

A photo

The Tibetan Mastiff looks very majestic in different photos. A dog with a fiery color, a large collar of slightly protruding thick wool truly resembles the king of animals - a lion.

And the Tibetan Mastiff, as you can see from the photo, has a very expressive look, which even small puppies inherit.


Usually large dogs have a short lifespan. However, this breed can boast of centenarians. Tibetans live 10-14 years, which is very good for such giants. If the dog receives the necessary care, he will delight you with his devotion for a long time. The main thing is to avoid hereditary diseases as much as possible.

This is the largest of all pets, of course, the Tibetan Mastiff should live on the site of a private house. The apartment will not be spacious enough for him. Most of all it suits a dry cool climate. Watching your ward, you can notice that bad weather, wind, snowfalls give him pleasure. He joyfully sways in the snow, but on a hot summer day he tries to avoid the hot sun.

This is the largest of all pets, naturally, the Tibetan Mastiff should live on the site of a private house

The breed of people from Tibet needs to create the appropriate conditions. It is better to prepare an aviary, equip a booth. The fence area should be at least 6 square meters, height - about 2 meters.

On this territory, 1/3 should be occupied by a booth with a sunbed. It is desirable to make the floor wooden. Also, over this part of the square, you need to build a canopy giving shade. The free part of the dog's possessions is planted with lawn grass or covered with a layer of sand.

The following is not allowed:

  • concreted floor of the enclosure;
  • keeping a Tibetan in the open if there is no booth for him;
  • aviary without awning.

A dog needs attention, no matter where it lives - in the yard or in the house. Tibetans who have an aviary need a long walk once a day. For dogs kept at home, more frequent walks are required. Constant movement helps maintain normal muscle tone.

Care and hygiene

  • Combing wool. The pet has a thick coat and an odorless undercoat. They are very fluffy, like mohair. This structure prevents the hairline from rolling in lumps. Comb out with a metal brush several times a week.
  • Moulting occurs twice a year - in spring and autumn. This time requires especially careful combing, and every day, in order to prevent churning. To facilitate such procedures will help the use of a slicker or fuminator. You can not cut wool with an electric machine, otherwise you can damage the hair structure, which will disrupt heat exchange.

Caring for a dog of this species is not difficult, but given its size, you will need a lot of effort and time.
  • Bathing. These dogs do not require frequent bathing. Bathe only when heavily polluted, about once a quarter. Frequent water procedures can destroy the protective fatty layer that prevents the skin from getting wet. Lubricant washed off with shampoo is renewed for several days. The thick coat, as well as the size of the largest representative of the breed, the Tibetan mastiff, complicate the process of bathing. It is advisable to carry out water procedures in the summer, as the wool dries out slowly. In winter, in snowy weather, the dog will simply sway in the snow.
  • Nail care. They are sheared monthly. To facilitate the process and soften the horny tissue, the paws are kept in warm water. The cut ends are processed with a nail file. The hairs between the fingers are also trimmed. The soles of the paws are smeared with vegetable oil to prevent cracking of the skin.
  • Oral cavity. You should periodically inspect your teeth, paying attention to the gums. Healthy teeth in Tibetans are white, there is no plaque, and the gums are pinkish. Twice a week you should brush your teeth with special tools and toothpaste. For prevention, pets are given solid food to chew. You can use specially designed items that are coated with a substance that removes plaque.

You should periodically examine your teeth, paying attention to the gums.
  • Ear care. Once every 7 days, the ears are wiped with a damp cloth. At the end of the procedure, they are blotted dry. When the weather is cold, hygiene procedures are carried out indoors. The dog is released outside when the auricles are completely dry. If the surface of the ears is noticeably reddened, an unpleasant odor is felt, or something liquid is released, you should immediately go to the veterinarian.
  • The eyes of a Tibetan have a healthy glow, there may be slight discharge in the morning. This is how the rest of the dust comes out. They are cleaned with a sterile cloth. To prevent souring, the eyes are washed weekly with a piece of clean cloth soaked in chamomile infusion. If increased discharge, redness, swollen eyelids, accumulations of pus are found, then rinsing is indispensable.

In order for a pet to calmly endure all hygiene procedures, it must be taught to them from an early age. After the end of all manipulations, the dog is encouraged.

What to feed (by months)?

Feeding a cub should include such products that will provide the body with the necessary vitamins, microelements, and support its health.

In order for the pet to calmly endure all hygiene procedures, it must be taught to them from an early age.

Since the limbs of large dogs have a large load, the diet should contain a sufficient amount of calcium.

Feeding both puppies and adults of the Tibetan mastiff can be done with ready-made feeds or natural products. You can not add another type of food to one type of food.

During intensive growth, puppies need a lot of food for proper development. Adults eat somewhat less. It is important to feed in moderation, and also to ensure that the animal eats slowly. The food must be eaten in at least 20 minutes.

If you feed with natural products, then preference should be given to the following:

  • beef, rabbit, turkey, chicken;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • offal;
  • cereals (rice, buckwheat);
  • dairy products;
  • vegetables, greens sometimes include fruits.

During intensive growth, puppies need a lot of food for proper development.

Puppies are given minced meat. Approximate diet of individuals under the age of one year:

  • from birth to 2 months - fed with dry protein food;
  • from 2 to 6 months. - meat products are added to the feed: liver, heart, scar, as well as vitamins;
  • from 6 to 12 months. - food with a low protein capacity, meat, offal, vitamins (including omega acids), preparations from the chondroprotector group.

The grown-up young animals are transferred to adult food gradually, starting to add a small amount of adult food. The amount of food for puppies is reduced, and for adults it is increased.

Diseases and breed defects

Due to anatomical and physiological features, each species has a predisposition to certain deviations. Such pathologies can be very difficult to prevent, so prevention begins at an early age, adhere to it throughout life. So, a dog of the Tibetan mastiff breed is affected by such diseases:

Due to anatomical and physiological features, each species has a predisposition to certain deviations.
  • thyroid pathology;
  • ear infections;
  • dysplasia of the elbow, hip joints;
  • neuropathy;
  • autoimmune hypothyroidism;
  • inflammatory processes of tubular bones;
  • osteochondrosis.

A representative of the breed can be struck by a terrible eye disease - glaucoma. The dog can be cured if shown to the veterinarian in time. Breed defects are considered to be physical deviations from the standards, sagging lips, severe wrinkling, light eye color, short stature, stiffness of movements, and irregularly shaped ribs. As you can see, many pathologies concern the musculoskeletal system, they arise due to the large mass of the animal.

Breed defects are considered to be physical deviations from the standards, saggy lips, severe wrinkling, light eye color.


On the web, you can easily find breeders offering puppies. It is recommended to purchase them only from trusted people. Puppies are bred in specialized kennels. There are not so many of them:

  • Moscow;
  • St. Petersburg;
  • Kyiv.

Kennels also provide the most reliable information about the puppy's pedigree, health status. Throughout the entire period of stay of the baby in the nursery, it is observed by veterinarians. Therefore, it is recommended to take animals there. Before you take your puppy home, do an inspection, check the documentation.

A representative of the breed can be struck by a terrible eye disease - glaucoma

Purchase and price

If you are interested in the Tibetan Mastiff and want to know how much puppies cost, be prepared for the fact that their cost is the highest among all breeds.

A purchase from private individuals will cost at least 50,000 rubles, lower prices may indicate non-compliance with standards or lack of documents.

Prices for a puppy raised by a nursery are much higher, they reach up to 300,000 rubles. This is not the limit. Europeans of a thoroughbred baby are estimated, starting from 600,000 rubles.

The oldest breed, directly leading roots from immigrants from Tibet, is the Tibetan Mastiff. Dogs were kept secret for a long time and were not taken out of the country, and without prohibiting laws. It's just that the geographical homeland of the Tibetan mastiffs is lost high in the mountains, where travelers rarely get. But the dog retained the purity of the blood and the original appearance. As a result of their geographical position, they are endowed with amazing endurance and unsurpassed strength. Dogs are not afraid of the cold, dogs are not afraid of a hard lifestyle. Thanks to the thick coat of the dog, they calmly endure the heat.

History of the breed

Tibetan mastiffs are considered the only descendants of the famous Tibetan Great Danes, the "ancestors" of most oriental breeds, who have retained their appearance as close as possible to the original. Mastiffs are huge, live an average of 16 years and are considered long-lived in the canine world, as befits the "enlightened" inhabitants of Tibet.

In the 13th century, when trade routes ran through the Himalayas and Tibet, merchants took giant watchmen on their way to protect them from robbers, pull them out from under avalanches, and even warm travelers. Mastiffs have long been protected due to the purity of blood, not mixing with other breeds. The exterior of the dogs cannot be confused. A strong and wide bone, covered with strong muscles, provided with excessively thick hair.

Later, the breed was brought to the territory of Mongolia, Central Asia and Mesopotamia. From the latter region, amazing animals came to Greece, from where the spread of dogs across the Mediterranean began. The Tibetan Mastiff breed was especially valued in Rome, which was explained by its unsurpassed fighting qualities. It is not surprising that the Roman legionnaires took a faithful and powerful companion on long-distance campaigns.

In the modern world, the breed is rightfully called royal, such dogs were received as a gift by representatives of the highest nobility, including kings George V, Edward VII and Queen Victoria. Today, Tibetan Mastiff dogs are rare in America and Russia.

Tibetan Mastiff Care

It will not work to keep a dog in an apartment: the mastiff was created for an aviary or yard, where it is able to become an inconspicuous shadow and give sounds of presence only in case of a threat or need. Great deterrent for intruders. If you provoke a mastiff to attack, the dog bristles, causing too thick hair to stand on end. The Tibetan Mastiff takes on a truly intimidating appearance.

From childhood, it is supposed to teach the mastiff to obediently follow the commands of the owner. In dealing with a puppy that will soon grow into a huge animal, you need to remain firm, not too gentle. Children are allowed to play, it is even important for the socialization of the animal. Grooming will be a difficult task in care - the procedure for combing and cutting a Tibetan mastiff is not for the faint of heart. Shedding occurs once a year in the spring, from the fallen wool it will be possible to knit a full-fledged sweater. People with allergies to dog hair are contraindicated.

You will need to care for the Tibetan Mastiff in the following way:

  • To maintain good physical shape, the dog needs constant long walks, active activities and entertainment. The dog must run and hunt.
  • Weekly combing of the pet with a large stiff brush. During periods of molting, the procedure is recommended to be carried out more often, and outside the home, otherwise the floor is covered with a woolen carpet.
  • Pets do not have a smell, which makes it possible to wash dogs less often. Cleanliness is recognized as a distinctive feature of animals; dogs always remain clean and well-groomed.

Do not think that in hot weather the dog feels uncomfortable, the coat allows the animal to live in any climatic conditions without difficulty. Physical activity is calculated taking into account the peculiarities of feeding the Tibetan Mastiff.

breed standards

Mastiffs fall under the FCI 230 standard, have a powerful and heavy body with a slightly flattened and good-natured-looking muzzle. Dogs are classified as guards and watchmen. Tibetan mastiff maturation is extremely slow, females become mature by 3 years, males - by 4. Dogs are sociable by temperament, but always on the alert.

The head of the Tibetan mastiff is distinguished by a strong structure of the skull with the correct proportions from the lobe to the forehead and from the forehead to the back of the head (equal shares).

  • The nose is shortened, the muzzle is blunt.
  • Folds of skin descend from the eyes to the cheeks.
  • The eyes are set far apart, have a clear expression and a dark color.
  • The ears of the breed are of medium size, hanging and triangular, pressed to the head in a calm state.
  • The bite of the square jaw is scissor or tight, straight.

The head is set on an arched, muscular neck. In front, the chest reveals a strong bone, the skin has a collared coat. The body is of moderate length, flowing into the tail a little more than average length. The limbs are strong and parallel, with huge lumpy paws.

The body of the Tibetan mastiff is covered with a thick coat, and males have more hair. Wool is not too thin, should not curl. Mane from nape to shoulders. The dog has a powerful physique, has an interesting color. Let's take a number of color options:

  • Black and coal;
  • Ashen;
  • Brown with gold;
  • Gray with gold.

Small white markings on the chest and on the tips of the paws are acceptable. Sometimes the brow ridges, paws and the tip of the tail acquire a reddish tint. Around the neck of the dog grow a mane, on the chest - a spot, above the eyes - tan marks. Tibetan monks believe that a stain on the chest reflects the courage of the heart, and tan marks enable dogs to plunge into the world of man, to look into the human heart.

Breed characteristics:

  1. The height of the Tibetan Mastiff at the withers for males is at least 66 cm, for females at least 61 cm.
  2. 64-78 kg weight;
  3. Strong structure;
  4. Body length exceeds height;
  5. Powerful head, wide;
  6. Large skull;
  7. Large nose, dark;
  8. Broad muzzle;
  9. Correct bite, powerful jaws;
  10. Oval eyes, dark, set wide apart;
  11. Triangular hanging ears;
  12. Muscular neck, arched;
  13. deep chest;
  14. The tail is set high, medium;
  15. Muscular limbs;
  16. The coat is straight, coarse, long;
  17. The color is black, yellow-brown, the presence of tan marks.

Pet character

Mastiffs have a sensitive sleep, as a result, at the slightest danger, they are able to react with lightning speed, preventing the enemy from coming to their senses. However, such a reaction is characteristic only in threatening danger. When the opponent is struck, the mastiff will come to a calm and balanced state. Dogs do not show fear, boundlessly loyal to their owners. For many centuries, amazing creatures served as unsurpassed guards of Tibetan monasteries.

The Tibetan Mastiff dog breed demonstrates a developed intellect that allows you to instantly learn new commands, as a result, training takes place in the shortest possible time. Mastiffs are intuitive, which allows them to detect changes in the mood of the owner and family members.

Relationships with the Tibetan treasure should be built solely on mutual respect. It is important to remember that the breed never served, gave love and remained devoted until the end of days to the house where they lived. The Tibetan Mastiff is a person who seeks understanding and reciprocal feelings.

Tibetan mastiffs are not characterized by aggression without reason. He gets along well with the hosts' guests. The dog manifests its essence at night, when the time comes to guard. Unquestioningly bypasses the territory or takes a place at the highest point, from where the site is perfectly visible.

With proper upbringing, Tibetan Mastiff puppies are loving and friendly, with age they become calm and balanced. It is not recommended to tease the breed, at such moments the dog's eyes become bloodshot, the coat stands on end. With children, mastiffs are calm, happy to keep company in the game, give themselves to cuddle.

Feeding dogs

Despite its impressive size, the Tibetan Mastiff should not be overfed. It is necessary to observe the feeding regimen: a puppy from 1.5 to 3 months is fed 5-6 times a day, preferably lightly boiled beef and fermented milk products, for example, cottage cheese or kefir, are included in the diet. Babies are already offered steamed vegetables, mashed potatoes are better. Add a spoonful of vegetable oil to the puree.

Before acquiring a Tibetan mastiff, you need to know a few things: - excessive physical activity is contraindicated for a growing puppy; - an adult dog needs a well-fenced area for walking; - can be noisy at night - can be very stubborn - requires early socialization with other animals and people.

Rational feeding is the basis of the basics in growing a Tibetan Mastiff puppy. A 45-day-old puppy should be fed 5-6 times a day. Dry food alone, even the best quality, is not enough according to many Tibetan Mastiff breeders. At a minimum, during the active growth and formation of a puppy, many breeders recommend including fresh meat (beef), dairy products (cottage cheese, bifidokefir, milk (goat) in the daily diet, because it is close in amino acid composition and proportional content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, mother's milk.

You can also add steamed vegetables (carrots, cabbage, pumpkin, zucchini, etc., except for potatoes), fruits (carefully), mineral supplements and vitamins. Our view on this issue is that you need to approach each puppy individually. If the puppy is genetically and physically healthy, its weight, height and other physical health indicators are age appropriate, then you can choose super-premium dry food as the basis of the diet. You can add low-fat cottage cheese and good quality vegetable oil to the diet 1-2 times a day at the age of 2-9 months. We believe that mixing different types of food in the puppy's diet is unsafe for the animal's FSW. Therefore, if you have problems with feeding dry food, it is better to move away from it for a while and switch to feeding 100% natural products, but the diet should be thought out to the smallest detail and consist exclusively of the high quality products mentioned above.

The basis of the diet is meat and cottage cheese.

Weaning should begin when puppies are 21 days old. Each new product is introduced gradually. Dry food is better to slightly soak with water at room temperature, but not to the state of porridge. The feed pellet should retain its shape and be only slightly softened. Fresh water should always be available. The bowl should be shallow, wide and heavy and stable to make it difficult for puppies to turn over the dishes. This is my favorite game for this age. From about 30 days of age, raw meat in the form of finely chopped pieces is introduced into the puppy's diet. The meat should be prepared by yourself from lean beef, a puppy eats about 100-150 g of meat per day at the age of 30 days. A 4-5-month-old puppy should eat 300-500 g of meat.

Next, cottage cheese is introduced, it can be calcined. It is desirable that the puppy, at least in the first month of staying with new owners, remains on the breeder's feeding regimen. You also need to think carefully about where the baby will live. It is great if it is an open-air cage on the street with a spacious shelter from rain and wind.

Puppies need to be taught to a leash from the age of three months. Walking on a leash should be regular. During a walk, you need to prepare a puppy for an exhibition career, if you miss this moment, then it will be difficult to catch up with him. Even if you have not yet decided for yourself whether you will seriously engage in exhibitions, it is better to use the puppyhood age to teach your puppy to stand and walk in the ring. It's not difficult, but it can be very useful.

After 15 months, you can start preparing the puppy for the development of his protective and watchdog qualities. This is best done by inviting a trainer who is well acquainted with the Tibetan mastiff breed. The Tibetan Mastiff needs to develop the basics of obedience from childhood, using games for this. Like all Molossians, the Tibetan Mastiff can be very stubborn, he will defend his independence, but at the same time maintain a good relationship with the person. A Tibetan mastiff puppy requires a demanding approach to education. Patience, love and determination are the key to raising a Tibetan Mastiff.

The puppy must in the first year of his life to know himself, his family and the world around him. This is a process of close psychological contact, the main part of which is regularly accompanying you with a puppy in various situations. Take it with you wherever possible. The dog needs to be trained from the first day, as it came to you and at every opportunity.

The learning process must be continuous. You need to support the puppy in their exploration of the world around them and help him gain self-confidence. The more interesting and different situations you create for the puppy, the more confident and adequate the dog will behave in the future. It is very useful to change the routes of daily walks. This is necessary to expand the completeness of the dog's representation of the surrounding world. Encourage your dog to be friendly with people who admire him.

There will probably be a lot of them, so let a stranger come up to the puppy, touch him, stroke him. Give your dog the opportunity to interact with children as early as possible.

Watch the children very carefully, explain to the child what can and cannot be done when in contact with a dog. Children should behave in such a way that their behavior does not seem to be a threat to the puppy. When the puppy feels confident, he will understand that the children do not pose any threat to him, it will be possible to safely allow the child to play with the Tibetan mastiff, being sure that the game will not bring any trouble.

It is also important to allow the puppy to communicate with other animals so that in the future they do not cause unreasonable aggression in her. If the puppy suddenly encounters an unfamiliar situation or an unfamiliar object and at the same time demonstrates his wary attitude, then the owner should not push the puppy forcibly towards the object, but should calmly wait until the puppy dares to come up and smell the unfamiliar object. The owner must certainly praise the determination and courage of the baby. At the same time, touch the object yourself, while continuing to talk calmly and monotonously with the dog.

It is forbidden

Hot (straight from the stove), cold (from the refrigerator), spicy, salty, fatty, sweet, smoked foods;
- river fish. You can give only boiled sea. Never give freshwater and raw seawater, as infection with worms is possible;
Don't give bones instead of food. Contrary to the ingrained misconception, bones for a dog are death. First, they are not absorbed. Secondly, they can cause constipation, perforation of the intestine, volvulus. Especially dangerous tubular bones, which tend to split into sharp pieces. Bones also contribute to the rapid grinding of teeth;
- you can not constantly feed pasta, legumes, white bread, potatoes, peas, wheat flour products;
- the dog should not know what sausages, sausage, ham are. However, it seems that people will soon not know about these products either. But we know a lot of owners who are able to do incredible things for their pet and will not stand up for any expenses and difficulties. In this case, it's all completely in vain. Sausages for dogs are poison. They spoil the liver, and the dog runs the risk of dying at a young age. After all, we do not know what additives are introduced into sausages so that they have an attractive appearance;
- The puppy should not know the taste of sugar and sweets. Sweets spoil the appetite, disrupt digestion. In addition, they destroy the teeth and extremely adversely affect the eyes, which begin to water;
- you can not feed pork and fatty lamb, raw chicken meat;
- spices should not be added to dog food: pepper, bay leaf, spicy tomato sauce;
- feed rotten and sour foods.


A dog is a carnivore, so protein products should serve as the basis for food: meat, mainly raw, dairy products, eggs. You can't grow a good puppy on cereals and soups. They contribute to the friability of the constitution - and the dog must be strong.

MEAT. It is recommended to give only beef, and mostly raw. Many dogs are irritated by the smell of blood and refuse to eat raw meat. In this case, it must be scalded with boiling water or lightly fried. Up to a year, a puppy should be given 50 g per day for each kilogram of weight. An adult dog can be given 200-250 g of meat per day. The liver, kidneys, heart, udder contain a lot of useful substances, but they should be given well boiled. Finely chopped vegetables should always be added to meat feeding. Never give bones. But there is an exception to this rule. It applies only to soft cartilage, and even then in a small amount. You can give boiled chicken neck, previously broken with a hammer. These are the necessary rules for orienteering with dogs

Milk products. In the first place, of course, cottage cheese, as the main source of well-absorbed calcium. A puppy up to a year old should be given calcined cottage cheese, which you have to cook yourself. To do this, add 2 tablespoons of 10% calcium chloride to half a liter of boiling milk. Throw curdled cottage cheese on a sieve. When the whey drains, cool a little and give to the puppy. The remaining whey can be left for drinking or brewed with Hercules oatmeal, which is given for another feeding.
Milk is food, not drink. It is very useful, but some dogs are weakened by it. Kefir, curdled milk have a good effect on digestion, they are very useful. It is useful to add grated cheese to cereals and vegetable mixtures. It is also convenient to use as a treat during training.

Eggs. The product is very nutritious. Raw yolks are best given mixed with dairy products or porridge. Crude protein is undesirable, in addition, it is simply not absorbed. Eggs can be fed soft-boiled or in the form of an omelet. With systematic meat feeding, one or two eggs per week are enough.

Cereals and bread. These products cannot be the main food of the dog, but in small quantities their use is quite acceptable and even necessary. The nutritional value of cereals is unequal. First up is Hercules. It should be soaked in kefir, whey, broth, milk. It is better not to cook, and to give an adult dog raw flakes in general. It is permissible to cook porridge from rice, buckwheat, millet for a puppy. Pearl barley irritates the puppy's intestines, so it should be given in small quantities, and it is better to exclude it from the diet altogether. When cooking porridge in milk, it is good to add cabbage, carrots, pumpkin and other vegetables, except for potatoes. An adult dog and a teenage puppy should definitely be offered to gnaw croutons from rye bread.

Vegetables. Carrots, cabbage, pumpkin, turnips, zucchini, beets and other vegetables are useful to give finely chopped or grated, adding small amounts of butter or sour cream. Raw chopped greens - parsley, lettuce, onion and garlic feathers, dill - an excellent vitamin supplement in the main feed. Puppies can make a vegetable mixture and as an independent dish. Raw berries and fruits, dried fruits are useful to him. Boiled pumpkin with porridge is good as a vitamin feed and antihelminthic. When organizing puppy feeding, keep in mind that dairy products, especially cottage cheese, vegetables and fruits, must be taught to a puppy from an early age.

Garlic. Raw finely chopped garlic (1 clove) on a slice of bread with butter is useful to give to a puppy and an adult dog weekly as an antihelminthic.

Raisins, dried fruits, cheese. All this is a convenient and useful bait, which is used as a reward in training.

Salt. A dog needs much less salt than a human. Therefore, it is not necessary to salt food, it is enough to give a piece of herring once a week.

Chalk, coal. Apparently, they are necessary for the puppy during the period of increased growth and development of the skeleton. Pieces should be in a place accessible to the dog. As needed, she will gnaw them,

During the teething period (from 3 to 7 months), it is recommended to give the puppy 2-3 calcium gluconate or lactate tablets per day. If the puppy does not eat calcium tablets, then they should be ground in a coffee grinder and added to the food.

The Tibetan Mastiff is a rather rare breed of dog today, belonging to the group of Schnauzers and Pinschers, Molossians, Swiss cattle and mountain dogs from the Molossian section and the Mountain Dogs subsection. One of the most ancient working breeds, it was used as a guard dog in Tibetan monasteries and as an assistant to nomads in the Himalayan mountains.

The history of the origin of the breed

Tibetan mastiffs were first mentioned in ancient times, but this breed is still surrounded by various legends and myths. Marco Polo and Aristotle, as well as many other authors, praised the natural strength, intelligence and power of the Tibetan mastiffs. Even the barking of such dogs is considered to be a unique and highly valuable trait of the breed. Many prominent cynologists, including Martin, Jaatta, Menen, Beckmann and Sieber, as well as Strebel and Bylandt, were simply fascinated by the origin of the Tibetan Mastiff and their place in the cultural heritage of Tibet, so they actively studied the breed.

It is interesting! The existing opinion, according to which the Tibetan mastiffs are the ancestors of all breeds of the Molossian group, has not received scientific justification at the moment, therefore it is most likely erroneous.

The very first known Tibetan mastiff to reach the coastline of Western Europe was a dog that was sent as a gift to Queen Victoria by Lord Harding. In the eighties of the nineteenth century, Edward VII brought a pair of dogs of this breed to England, and already in 1898 the Berlin zoo was replenished with an officially registered offspring of the Tibetan mastiff.

Description of the breed Tibetan Mastiff

The Tibetan mastiff is a powerful giant with a strong, harmonious physique and well-developed muscles. The dog has a luxurious thick coat with abundant undercoat, which forms a real mane in the neck area. This makes the dog remarkably lion-like.

As for the use of dogs of this breed, today they act as a companion, watchman, bodyguard. But a dog can fully perform its functions when it matures, in males this happens by 24-36 months, and in females only by 4 years. Representatives of the breed have a well-defined sexual type - males are superior in size and body power.

Dogs have a strong physique, with some dampness and roughness. The skin is thin, elastic, tight to the body and slightly loose in the area of ​​the head and neck. Minimum growth Tibetan Mastiff males are 66 cm, females are 61 cm. the weight- 60 kg.

The standard provides for the following appearance of Tibetans:

  • Wool in males, it is longer and thicker, tougher and has a shine - it is able to protect the animal from any bad weather. The coat, in addition to the collar, also forms feathering on the limbs and dewlap in the tail area. The hair must be straight, wavy hair is considered a vice.
  • Head large, strong, with a wide forehead, on which, in case of alarm, wrinkles form. In adult dogs, folds appear on the head and above the eyes. In dogs, the occipital protuberance and the transition from the frontal bone to the muzzle are clearly visible, but without sharp outlines.
  • Muzzle shortened, square in shape, with a large wide nose and thick, slightly drooping lips. The jaws are strong, with a full set of large teeth, scissor bite or less often a level bite.
  • Ears medium, triangular, rounded ends. They hang on the cartilage, and when the dog is excited, they rise a little.
  • Eyes small, slanting, with hazel or hazel iris (depending on color).
  • The neck has a convex scruff and a pronounced dewlap, well-developed muscles. The collar hides the withers, it is also well expressed.
  • Back straight, with excellent muscle mass, passes into a wide, slightly convex loin. The croup is somewhat sloping, also has well-developed muscles.
  • Tail medium, set high, thrown over the back or pressed against the croup.
  • Rib cage differs in depth, the ribs are convex and slightly flattened on the sides. The stomach is tucked up, but not much.
  • limbs with large compact paws, set parallel, straight, the skeleton is strong, all parts are muscular. The rear ones are slightly wider than the front ones.

These giant dogs move confidently, freely, easily and naturally. They have sweeping steps, however, due to their massiveness, it seems that the dogs are leisurely.


In the description of the Tibetan Mastiff breed, three main colors are considered.

  1. Black - Black color prevails over the entire surface of the coat in combination with yellow hairs.
  2. Tan - This color is characterized by black with brown spots - tan. Tans have a clear pattern and borders and are located in certain places.
  3. Red - red color comes in various shades - from red to golden.

IMPORTANT! The standard allows for a small white patch on the chest in all colors. Other coat colors are not acceptable for show class dogs.


The Tibetan Mastiff has excellent guard and protective qualities. In the family, the dog does not single out a single owner for itself; the dog treats all family members equally. Mastiffs are unusually affectionate with children, very sensitive, upset and retire if there is discord in the family.

  1. Representatives of the breed are not inclined to show aggression in the presence of family members.
  2. Distrustful of strangers.
  3. They are highly intelligent yet stubborn.
  4. Dogs are calm and balanced, do not rage for no reason.
  5. Easily take root in any family, both large and small.
  6. They tend to protect everything that is dear and familiar to them.
  7. The dog is moderately active in comparison with other relatives.
  8. They have a restrained character, they know how to control their ardor.

The character of these giants combines fearlessness, kindness and devotion. If a pet is initially accustomed to society, not deprived of food and walks, then aggression is not characteristic of it.

The purpose of the breed

Initially, the Tibetan mastiffs were intended for the protection and grazing of livestock and the protection of the home. The impressive size of the animal causes fear among uninvited guests. Therefore, even today the mastiff is the best guard. There is no need to specially train him to protect the territory, he will do this thanks to his natural instinct.

The Tibetan mastiff is intended for grazing and protecting the home.

The qualities of a watchman do not prevent the Tibetan Mastiff from being affectionate with all family members. Therefore, it is ideal for the role of a companion and family pet. For children, it will be a great partner for play.


Chinese cynologists confidently divide Tibetan mastiffs into two varieties - do-khi and tsang-khi. At oriental exhibitions, dogs are evaluated differently - based on the species to which they belong. For Western Europeans, this division is simplified. The table explains the difference between do-chi and tsang-chi, points out their main characteristics.

Table - Chinese varieties of Tibetans

There is a proverb in China with the following content: "Even the best do-chi is the worst tsang-chi." It is obvious which variety of breed the inhabitants of the East value more.

In China and Nepal, white and red dogs are considered non-purebred. The Chinese standard allows only such colors as blue, sable, black, golden and black and tan.

A feature of the Tibetan mastiffs in puppyhood is a noticeable inertia. They do not run around endlessly, like other babies, they do not show much activity. These dogs have a large height and weight, so puppy energy is spent on games to the least extent. Most of it is spent on turning a fluffy ball into a solemn bear with intelligent, focused eyes. Therefore, do not worry if the baby sleeps a lot, sometimes even soundly.

  • Hair care. Tibetans shed heavily, this is a feature of the breed. However, caring for their coat is quite easy. Dog grooming is not required. It is enough to comb out the shedding undercoat two or three times a week, treat the dog with vitamins for wool. After the shedding period has been overcome, the regular grooming can be reduced to once a week.
  • Bath procedures. The Tibetan Mastiff needs bathing no more than once every three months. If you are the owner of a show dog, you will have to bathe him more often, and after bath procedures, you must definitely dry the dog or bitch with a hairdryer. This is done in conjunction with combing. The flow of hot air is directed against the wool. So you can achieve the splendor of the coat, turning the watchdog into an elegant representative of a kind.
  • Nail and eye care. The dog's claws do not need additional procedures, the animal grinds them off on its own, subject to the walking schedule. But the eyes should be wiped once a week with a cotton swab dipped in a weak solution of tea leaves.
  • Content. You can keep a fluffy baby, who will very soon turn into a giant, both in a city apartment and in a private house. Preferably - directly in the building, and not on the street. But at the same time, the dog must be provided with daily walks twice a day. Apartment owners should be aware that the oldest and largest breed of dogs will not be able to feel comfortable in the "Khrushchev". These dogs need space and expanse.

The first estrus in a bitch begins at eight months. She will be ready for the first mating not earlier than in a year and four months. Pregnancy lasts from 58 to 64 days, shortened to 54 days if the expectant mother bears a large number of puppies. Childbirth is quite long: the first baby appears an hour after the onset of attempts, and the rest are born gradually, with a large interval.


Lu Liang, a breeder who became famous throughout the world for selling a puppy to a Chinese magnate, recommends feeding Tibetan mastiffs with high-quality beef without veins, delicious seafood. But if you don’t have such an opportunity, build your pet’s diet based on the table.

Table - Tibetan mastiff puppy feeding rules

Age, months Feeding frequency, once a day diet The norm of meat per day, g
1,5-3 5-6 - Boiled beef;
- cottage cheese;
- sour cream;
- kefir
3-8 4-5 - Beef scalded with boiling water;
- pureed vegetables;
- dressing from a spoonful of vegetable oil;
- dairy products

The food is not suitable for puppies. It can be gradually introduced into the diet at an already mature age. First - mixing in natural food, and then - giving in a dry or slightly softened form separately from the rest of the food. Feeding soggy food that has turned into porridge is not worth it.

It is noteworthy that representatives of the breed are genetically insured against obesity. Adult dogs never overeat, they eat exactly as much as they need at the moment.

Education and training

In view of the independent and somewhat even stubborn nature, the Tibetan mastiff is difficult to train (especially if it does not recognize the primacy of the owner). Tact and patience are your main weapons in the process of raising an animal and teaching it new commands. Avoid rude words and actions, otherwise a real problem will grow out of the puppy, which will not be so easy to deal with.

It can take about two years to fully train a Tibetan Mastiff. If you do not have enough time and experience, it is best to turn to specialists who will not only teach the dog the basic commands, but also share effective tips on raising this furry giant.

An important aspect is imprinting - a set of techniques aimed at accustoming an animal to unquestioningly trust its owner. Don't forget to pet your puppy and show affection. You may even have to sacrifice your own clothes for this: the mastiff loves to “chew” a person, thereby expressing his affection and desire to start another fun game. If this does not happen, and the laces on your sneakers are still intact, think about it: the puppy simply does not trust you and will not become a devoted friend in the future.

For representatives of this breed, early and proper socialization is very important. Already from the seventh week, the mastiff should be among people and other animals and thereby get used to the fact that the whole world does not revolve around his person. For the same purpose, it is recommended to invite guests to your home so that the dog gradually gets used to strangers on its territory and does not show aggression towards strangers.

When walking, do not stick to one route. Firstly, your pet will quickly get bored and soon stop enjoying the walk. Secondly, the change of location will allow the mastiff to understand that he does not own the whole world, and thereby make the animal more tolerant of other creatures.

Health problems

The Tibetan Mastiff has excellent health and enviable longevity. But dogs of this breed are at risk of the following diseases:

  • articular dysplasia;
  • obesity;
  • inflammation of the ears;
  • bloating;
  • glaucoma;
  • allergic reactions;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • hypothyroidism.

Hygiene and dog health

Coat care

Grooming long haired Tibetan mastiffs will require some effort. Brush your dog's coat several times a week with a long-toothed comb and slicker brush.

During the seasonal molt, which mainly occurs in the spring, the animal sheds excess hair. You will have to comb out dead hairs daily until they run out. As a result, a large amount of hair is removed from the dog.

During the molting of the Tibetan mastiff, tangles form in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ears, neck and “pants” on the hind limbs. They are disposed of with the help of a chisel cutter and a special spray for easy combing. After that, the wool is again passed through with a slicker brush and a comb with long teeth.

They bathe the Tibetan mastiff with shampoo extremely rarely - no more than four times a year, and then with very strong pollution. The rest of the time it is better to use dry shampoo.

Dogs that are being prepared for a show career are best left in the hands of an experienced grooming master, because in this case, the hassle of grooming is much more.

How to care for a Tibetan Mastiff

The ideal place to keep a Tibetan mastiff is a private house with a spacious outdoor area. It is enough for the dog to equip a spacious aviary and a booth, it is also suitable for keeping in the house, but with access to the yard. Naturally, the fence must be such that the dog does not break it and does not jump over it.

Due to the thick and dense coat, Tibetans do not tolerate hot, humid climates very well. They are more tolerant of heat in dry climates. Dogs of this breed need daily physical activity, for this dog you need to walk for 40-50 minutes in the morning and evening, or give him the opportunity to frolic in the yard during the same time.

Tibetans love to play with other dogs, of course, the companion should not differ significantly in size. Puppies quickly gain weight and grow, however, we can talk about full physical development only after 2 years. The owner must take into account that his pet, despite its impressive size, remains a puppy for some time.

To avoid problems with joint tissues that occur in all representatives of giant breeds, long walking is undesirable for up to a year, and you also need to limit the time for free time in the yard. Dogs need to be socialized and exercised regularly. A dog that does not receive emotional and physical relief will be sad, but not silently and quietly, but making noise and destroying everything around.

Tibetans are not subject to frequent molting, this process occurs once a year. But in some climatic zones, molting may not occur at all. The coat requires regular care, and so that it does not stray into tangles, and the dog looks neat, it is combed out every 2-3 days. Representatives of the breed do not have a specific smell, so they bathe them infrequently, mainly as needed.

In addition, the teeth and claws of the animal need care. It is recommended to brush your teeth every two to three days. Claws are trimmed 2-3 times a month or as they grow back. Given the size of the Tibetans, it is necessary to accustom a pet to hygiene procedures from puppyhood.

Purchase and price of Tibetan puppies

Many people know that this breed is the most expensive in the world. However, how much does a Tibetan puppy really cost? You can buy a baby of this unique breed on the territory of Russia for 50,000-60,000 rubles by advertisement or by hand. A lower price should alert, or these are babies that deviate from the standard, or do not have documents at all. In this case, no one takes responsibility for his health - physical and mental.

The cost of puppies from the kennel is much higher and can reach 300,000 rubles. In European countries, the breed is so valued that a puppy can cost up to 600,000-700,000 rubles. Probably, there is no other such breed, in which the price would vary so much within various limits.

The Tibetan Mastiff is a dog that requires a firm hand, good care and proper living conditions. In addition, by starting such a pet, the owner takes on a number of obligations, and their failure to fulfill them can turn into a tragedy. The Tibetan is not a toy, and this must be taken into account when choosing a dog. If you fulfill all the conditions, then the family acquires an excellent guard, protector and devoted friend.

Tibetan mastiff kennels

  • Moscow http://grandbis.com
  • St. Petersburg http://www.giantpets.ru
  • Kyiv http://tibetmastif.com.ua


The average life expectancy of a Tibetan Mastiff dog breed is approximately twelve years, which is an excellent indicator, since the animal belongs to the category of large dogs that experience serious stress in everyday life.