Originally from the land of the rising sun, meeting a Japanese Spitz. Japanese Spitz: description of the breed, care and characteristics of the breed White Chinese Spitz

The Japanese Spitz was developed by crossing a number of other breeds of the same type. He is a classic decorative dog, not used as a watchman or hunter. This breed is characterized by small sizes, unpretentiousness, good health and long term life. It can be called the ideal companion, suitable for any owner. The Japanese Spitz is recommended to inexperienced dog handlers as their first dog.

Description of the Japanese Spitz breed

As separate breed Japanese Spitz dogs were recognized only in the 70-90s of the twentieth century, although its breeding began in the 30s. It is believed that it was based on german spitz, but a number of other breeds were used in crossbreeding. The final breed standard was developed only after the Second World War. The Japanese Spitz is recognized by a number of canine organizations around the world and is considered by them as a companion dog. It has detailed description, which every exhibition animal must comply with.

Appearance of a Japanese Spitz

As the description of the breed says, the Japanese Spitz dog is a medium-sized, tightly built animal of a square format. These animals are characterized by agility and grace, which is not always visible at first glance. The height of the Japanese Spitz is 30-40 cm, and the weight is 5-9 kg, and females are smaller and more graceful than males. The back of the dogs is straight and wide, and the chest is developed and deep. The limbs are straight and parallel to each other. The tail is set high, curls over the back, and is not docked.

The head of these dogs is large, with a wide and rounded skull. The muzzle is pointed, tapering towards the nose, the forehead is high, and the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is pronounced. The jaws of the Japanese Spitz close tightly, only a scissor bite is allowed. Ears erect triangular shape, located at the top of the skull. The nose is large, with wide nostrils, oval-shaped eyes, smart and playful.

Dogs of this breed are only allowed White color wool Black, grey, red or brown shades of the coat are unacceptable and are considered a serious fault. The color of the eyes, lips and nose is black, without spots of other colors or shades. The Japanese Spitz is a long-haired dog whose hair is thick and fluffy. The hair is shorter on the head, and longer on the neck, chest and tail. On the neck and chest the fur creates a kind of collar.

Character and training of the Japanese Spitz

If you believe the description of the breed and reviews of the owners, then this dwarf spitz smart, quick-witted, energetic and easy-going. If a Japanese Spitz puppy has interacted with other animals since childhood, then it will not conflict with any of the other pets. But it is important to remember that the Japanese Spitz does not know that he is mini size - he considers himself big dog and the main watchman in the house. And barks at every guest. The puppy must be weaned from this habit from an early age. And this should be done by the family member whom the Spitz considers to be the main one and to whom he is most attached.

The white Japanese Spitz is a monogamous person, so changing owners is contraindicated for him, otherwise the baby will be stressed, and it is not a fact that he will be able to fully recover, so you should buy this dog only if the dog is taken into the family forever, because to ensure proper care It’s not difficult for this handsome guy: he doesn’t take up much space and easily adapts to urban conditions. Here are the reviews about the Japanese Spitz left by experienced dog handlers:

“The White Japanese Spitz is a wonderful gift for any dog ​​lover. He is smart and energetic, gets along well with children and does not like to bark in vain. He also makes a good watchman who will never be the first to approach to a stranger. This dog should be trained from the very first day with a puppy, then there will be no problems with the socialization of the pet. You just need to remember that the Spitz selects for itself the eldest in the family, and only obeys him to the end.”

Caring for a Japanese Spitz dog

You should walk a dog of this breed every day, at least twice a day. These dogs are not difficult to train to a litter tray, but for normal functioning they need constant walks. It is recommended to find a place to run without a leash. This is necessary so that the pet can spend extra energy. Without walks, care will be incomplete, and health pet will get worse. You should spend 20-30 minutes walking in the morning and evening - this is a small price to pay for a healthy pet

Any Japanese Spitz in the photo shows its luxurious long wool, but caring for her is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The hair on a dog’s body does not get tangled, and dirt and dust reluctantly stick to it, but you should brush your pet at least 3-4 times a week. And if there is such an opportunity, then the dog is combed daily with a specially designed brush. The dog is bathed infrequently, no more than once every 1.5-2 months. The shampoo for this is selected after consultation with a veterinarian, since improper care for wool has a negative impact on its quality.

Japanese Spitz - All about the dog breed | Dog breed - Japanese Spitz

Japanese Spitz

TEST.TV: Everything for animals. The Japanese Spitz is the quietest dog.

The owner of a Japanese Spitz should know that, despite his thick coat, his pet does not like the cold. This is a pet that is more comfortable in the home, close to family. Puppies of this breed also need to be taught to wash their fur and trim their nails, since both small and adult Spitz dogs do not like these procedures. If possible, they are held in special salons for dogs. The owner can also provide care for pets, but for exhibitions the animal must be prepared by professionals.

Feeding the Japanese Spitz

An adult animal of this breed is fed twice a day, morning and evening. But the puppy is given food three to six times a day. It is only important not to accustom your baby to night feeding: this is harmful to health and disrupts the pet’s routine. At the age of 1-2 months, a small Spitz is fed 5-6 times a day in small portions. When he turns three months old, the number of daily feedings is reduced to 3-4 times a day. Well, from 8-9 months the dog can be switched to two meals a day.

The weight of a daily portion of food for a Japanese Spitz is 300-500 g, depending on the size of the pet and its activity. The diet includes lightly boiled meat, cereals, vegetables and a small amount of dairy products. The meat you choose is chicken or beef, you can also use liver. Oatmeal or buckwheat, they can be replaced with ground black bread. Well, from plant food carrots, fodder beets, zucchini or pumpkins are selected.

Fruits better for spitz do not give, as well as nightshade crops: tomatoes and potatoes. Dairy products include cottage cheese or kefir, milk in pure form Can only be given to puppies. For normal maintenance, the share of meat and porridge is 35-40% of the diet. The rest is vegetables and shelf products. It is also recommended to add a small amount to food fish oil. It contains substances necessary for the normal functioning of the dog.

Japanese Spitz Health

Dogs of this breed are different good health, but you still can’t do without trips to the veterinarian. The first thing the owner should remember: without necessary vaccinations keeping the dog will be incomplete. The veterinarian will tell you which vaccines the owner should use. And although the characteristics of this dog include good health, there are a number of diseases that representatives of this breed suffer from. These are the diseases:

  • hip dysplasia;
  • epilepsy;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • adrenal gland diseases.

Purchasing a Japanese Spitz puppy

Outside of Japan, it is not easy to even find a pair to breed a Japanese Spitz, let alone find a kennel that sells these dogs, so any advertisement for the sale of puppies of this breed must be treated with caution. In order to accurately determine the breed, it is recommended to watch training videos. Those videos that show all the main features of dogs of this breed. Then it’s worth looking at photos of the puppies offered by the breeder. And after that - decide whether to buy a dog.

Although this breed is gaining popularity, it is still relatively rare outside of Japan. And no matter how many nurseries there are in Russia that breed Japanese Spitz, there are still few of them, which is why the price for a puppy of this breed is very high. In rubles, the price for a pet is 25-35 thousand. And elite animals for exhibitions and breeding will cost 60-70 thousand rubles, sometimes more.


Japanese Spitz is perfect a pet. His level of intelligence and easy-going personality will appeal to any owner, and his good health and long lifespan will make caring for the dog easier. Its only drawback is its rarity and high price.

Japanese Spitz– a representative of Spitz-shaped animals, combining beautiful color the Samoyed and the diminutiveness of the Pomeranian.

In the article we will look at the history of the breed, analyze the features Japanese dog, we’ll talk about the nuances of training and care, talk about possible names and give approximate prices.

The Japanese Spitz is the result of the painstaking work of breeders from Japan, who took the white-colored dwarf Kleinspitz as a basis. , imported from China, captivated Asians so much that they decided to create their own version of the charming dog.

After the Tokyo exhibition in 1921, the Spitz aroused public interest, and 43 years later, the description of the breed was enshrined in international standards.

Only the States did not recognize the snow-white baby, claiming that the dog’s appearance is almost identical to their national breed - the American Eskimo Spitz(abbreviation - ).

Breed Features

Let's look at the main features appearance, character and training of Japanese dogs.

Appearance: height, weight, color

According to the standards assigned to the breed, Japanese Spitz have:

  1. Triangular, erect ears middle length. The abundance of fluffy fur visually reduces their actual size.
  2. Wide forehead with a pronounced transition to a pointed fox muzzle.
  3. Miniature black nose and almond-shaped eyes with a dark iris that matches the shade of the nose. At first glance, representatives of this breed appear to have no pupils.
  4. Thin lips with a black border, tightly fitting to small but strong teeth with a scissor bite. Because of this edging, an eternal smile is imprinted on the Spitz’s lips, touching the sentimental Japanese.
  5. Proportional and a muscular, square-shaped body with a wide loin, well-developed chest with a wool collar and a tightened crotch line. Females, which have a less stocky build, look more graceful than males.
  6. Smooth limbs with strong and flexible joints. The shape of the paws is round.
  7. The bushy tail is set high and pressed to the back. The ring shape is considered a defect, which guarantees exclusion from a show career.
  8. Straight guard hair and voluminous undercoat. The minimum length of hair is observed on the ears, muzzle and front of the body. Snow-white coat color is mandatory. Interspersed with other colors or changes in the main color are not allowed.

40cm is the maximum height for short dogs. The body weight of Japanese Spitz dogs depends on gender: Weight Limit observed in dogs and is 10 kg, and the minimum in females is 5 kg.

Little Japanese are often confused with Samoyeds, but, unlike huskies, Japanese breed is one of the smallest Spitz representatives.

Character and behavior

TO characteristic features This dog includes:

  1. Devotion. Spitz dogs love their owners very much and have a hard time with separation.
  2. Friendliness. A pet will never attack a stranger, but it may show distrust.
  3. Non-conflict. Small dogs get along well with other four-legged pets and do not show aggression towards small children.
  4. Jealousy. If a decorative dog grew up alone, and the owner decided to get her a companion of a different breed, then jealousy cannot be avoided. For a healthy psychological climate, it is recommended to raise animals together from childhood.
  5. Playfulness. Spitz dogs are different increased activity even in old age.
    Unlike noisy Pomeranians, snow-white Spitz are real quiet people, giving their voice only in a dangerous situation.

Education and training

Thanks to the intelligence of the Japanese Spitz, education and training go smoothly and do not require outside help.

For quick results give Special attention on the:

  1. Time. The Japanese love to study, but quickly lose interest if the duration is prolonged. Do not load them for more than 1 hour a day.
  2. The benefit of combination. Animals are for an active rhythm of life, so classes are fresh air will cause them great delight.
  3. UGS course. Home training can be replaced with a paid course from experienced dog trainers. In this case, the result is 100% guaranteed.

Japanese Spitz– a clean breed that avoids sources of dirt and is horrified at the sight of another dog lying around in waste.

When looking at a luxurious snow-white fur coat, there is no doubt that caring for such fur is not at all easy, but in fact, caring for soft hairs will not be difficult even for older people.

Let's take a closer look at all the intricacies of keeping and caring for the Japanese Spitz.

Conditions of detention

Thanks to its compact size, the dog can be kept in a small apartment. Aviary housing should be avoided, since animals become strongly attached to their owners and a lack of human attention can negatively affect the psyche.


For your dog's health, you need to carefully monitor the balance of its diet.
Dry feeding involves choosing high-quality food of at least super-premium class. Ready-made feed contain everything necessary substances and do not need additional vitamins.

WITH natural feeding will have to be more vigilant to avoid shortages of 1 of important elements. This diet is based on:

  • meat and offal;
  • cereals (buckwheat, rice);
  • vegetables;
  • vitamin and mineral supplements agreed with the veterinarian.

Adult Japanese Spitz dogs are fed twice a day, and puppies - 4 times.

A couple of times a week, replace the meat with boiled sea ​​fish. Children focus on dairy products(cottage cheese, kefir). As treats, they give eggs (not >1 per day and not >2 per week) or fruits (except citrus fruits and grapes).

Features of care

Caring for a four-legged pet involves:

  1. Minimizing everything water procedures(not >1 time every 1.5 months). The dog will not have to be washed frequently, as its fur has dirt-repellent properties.
  2. Daily eye cleansing. Tear tracks can ruin the color, so don't let the secretions accumulate.
  3. Careful care behind oral cavity. To avoid tooth decay, purchase special toothpaste, rubber toys, and cleansing treats.
  4. Daily brushing of the coat. Detangle hairs with a soft massage comb.
  5. Providing sufficient physical activity. Try to provide the opportunity for free walking and stock up on toys that can entertain the dog while the owner is away.

Breed diseases

Japanese dogs have good health and can live up to 16 years. List of them possible diseases small and includes:

  • epilepsy, characteristic of other miniature Spitz dogs;
  • dislocations of the kneecap.

Suitable nicknames

Purebred puppies with documents already have a nickname, but no one bothers you to choose an alternative or shortened name for use at home.

When choosing a pet name, start from:

  • appearance (Snow, Winter, White);
  • character (Speedy, Sloley).

Be as unique as possible and come up with a name based on your interests or hobbies, or refer to Japanese:

  • Shiro – white;
  • Ichi is the first;
  • Yuki – snow;
  • Fuyu – winter;
  • Pochi is the Japanese equivalent of the Russian Sharik.

Remember that the boundaries of possible names depend only on your imagination.

Buying a puppy

Before purchasing a Japanese Spitz puppy, think about the purpose of purchasing it.


Dogs with eminent parents and ideal exterior are valued more, so you will have to pay a lot for them.<60 тысяч рублей.

If a pet is chosen as a companion and is released from an exhibition career and breeding work, then prices drop to 25 thousand rubles.

In addition to the cleanliness of the exterior, the prestige of the nursery plays a significant role, but it is better not to save money here, since a reputable establishment eliminates the risk of deception.

What to pay attention to

Do not purchase puppies younger than 1.5 months. Early weaning from the mother threatens reduced immunity and high vulnerability to viruses.

When choosing a puppy, pay attention to:

  1. Parents. Ask to see adult dogs to ensure they are purebred.
  2. Content. The main factors are cleanliness and lack of crowding.
  3. Appearance. The coat should be exclusively white, and the ears should not be droopy. Any deviations from the standard indicate a mixed breed or mongrel.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, a purebred puppy can only be purchased in the capital’s nursery.

The Japanese Spitz is a friendly and cheerful dog that is ready to fit into any family. She is not dangerous for children, easily gets along with other pets, does not take much time to care for, and adores her owners.

Japanese Spitz video

It would seem, how do spitz dogs differ from each other? These small, fluffy dogs look about the same to the average person. In fact, the Japanese Spitz, just like the German one, has its own rich history, individual characteristics of appearance and character.

Quick wit
Hair loss
Security guard
Difficult to care for
Friendly with children
Country of origin Japan
Lifespan 13 years
Price25-60 tr.
Male heightup to 40 cm.
Bitch heightup to 35 cm.
Male weightup to 10 kg.
Bitch weight6-7 kg.

Origin story

According to many dog ​​experts, the Japanese Spitz breed originated from Samoyed Laikas. This version cannot be refuted or confirmed, since ancient northern dogs are relatives of many modern dogs.

According to official data, the Japanese Spitz breed originated in Japan. This event occurred in the period 1920-1930. At that time, the first dwarf German Spitz was brought to the territory of the Land of the Rising Sun. This dog is the ancestor of the Japanese breed.

German Spitz dogs were first shown to the general public in 1921 at an exhibition in Tokyo. The Japanese were immediately delighted with this breed, so local breeders decided to breed a similar dog. Between 1925 and 1936, dwarf white Spitz dogs were imported into Japan from various countries. Through crossing, the Japanese achieved the emergence of a completely new breed.

The dogs received recognition from the Canine Federation in 1964. After 11 years, the breed was also recognized by the English Kennel Club. From that moment on, Spitz dogs began to spread throughout the world. Today, Japanese dogs are recognized by almost all clubs except the American one. The Americans considered the breed too similar to the Eskimo dog.


The Japanese Spitz, whose photos perfectly convey the real appearance of the breed, is distinguished by its miniature configuration. The height of these dogs does not exceed 40 cm, and their weight is 10 kg. Females are slightly smaller than males, their average height at the withers is 35 cm, and their weight is 6-7 kg. Spitz dogs look very harmonious; they have an almost square body format.

Dogs have a fluffy collar. The hair on the front of the legs and face is quite short.

Other features of the breed's appearance:

  • triangular erect ears;
  • long fluffy and raised tail;
  • black eyes, nose, lip rim;
  • small neat paws;
  • pointed muzzle.

But the main feature is still the luxurious white wool. It is due to its coat that the Japanese breed has gained popularity. The dogs are incredibly fluffy and cute.

Under the coat of the Spitz, there is a rather dense and muscular body. At the same time, males have a stockier build than females. Because of this, “girls” look more elegant, they can even be visually distinguished from “boys”.

Invalid appearance elements:

  • tail, tight to the back;
  • not erect ears;
  • any colors except white.

All these factors directly indicate that the dog is not purebred.


The Japanese Spitz breed is cheerful and friendly. The dogs easily make contact, quickly get used to their owner and treat other family members well. Also, these Spitz dogs do not conflict with children. They will not take care of babies, like any representatives of decorative breeds. But Spitz dogs do not show aggression towards children, even the smallest ones.

Note! This breed has another feature by which many experienced dog breeders determine purebredness. The Japanese Spitz dog is a taciturn dog, that is, it almost never barks.

Many unprepared owners of these dogs are initially surprised and suspect the dog’s poor health. In fact, this factor is absolutely normal. Spitz barks extremely rarely; they can only voice in moments of severe fright.

These dogs are characterized by frequent manifestations of activity. They love to play indoors and outdoors. They get along well with other dogs. Spitz do not have any hunting instincts, so they get along with cats, rats and other living creatures.

It is also worth noting that these cute dogs do not tolerate dirt. They are characterized by increased cleanliness. Spitz dogs cannot live in unpleasant conditions, even if they love their owner very much. By the way, these dogs have the most tender and devoted feelings towards their owners.


Spitz dogs do not require special training. Do not forget that the breed is decorative. These dogs can learn a few simple commands. The Japanese are quite smart and quickly grasp new information. At the same time, dogs hate exhausting training sessions that last for several hours. The best option for a Spitz owner is to combine walking and training together.

Important! It will take about 3 days to practice one simple command (“sit”, “lie down”, “no”). You need to practice the command daily, but no more than an hour a day.

As soon as the dog gets into the apartment, it must be immediately accustomed to the place. This doesn’t require any special effort: just set up a cozy corner and let your Pomeranian go there. If a person sleeps with a dog, the dog will get used to it very quickly.

It won't take long to train your Japanese four-legged friend to use the tray. These dogs hate dirt, they will never leave a “surprise” under the sofa or on the carpet. Also, dogs will not be mischievous: scratching the parquet, tearing bed linen and using slippers instead of toys. The Japanese Spitz breed has a noble character by nature.

Among the Spitz, frankly stupid puppies with ugly behavior are extremely rare. It is impossible to re-educate such individuals on your own. Negative factors in character can only appear due to bad genetics.

How to choose a puppy?

The choice of a puppy must be approached with great responsibility. It is quite easy to determine the purebredness of a young dog based on external factors. Purebred Spitz dogs have white fur, black button eyes and erect ears. These dogs begin to be sold at the age of 1.5-2 months. By this time, not only the appearance, but also the dog’s temperament is formed.

What should you pay special attention to? Factors that will help you choose a puppy include:

  1. Pedigree - this document is mandatory for all purebred dogs. At the same time, if a person has the opportunity to look at his parents for himself before buying a puppy, then he should take advantage of it;
  2. Content. Spitz dogs need to be kept clean and comfortable, especially when they are very small. Puppies are predisposed to viral and infectious diseases. It is very important to look at the conditions in which the dog is kept;
  3. Price. It shouldn't be too low. Japanese Spitz, whose puppies cost at least 30,000 rubles, are a rare and sought-after decorative breed.

It is highly recommended to buy a dog from specialized kennels or through forums, where each seller has a reputation and reviews. Finding a purebred white Spitz is quite difficult, but buying a dog from an unverified breeder is simply unsafe.

Japanese Spitz puppy

The Japanese Spitz breed is distinguished by the fact that its representatives always look clean and tidy, despite their white color. This factor is due to the special structure of wool. The coat of these dogs tends to repel dirt. In order to clean the dog’s fur after a walk, it is enough for the dog to shake itself off.

Therefore, there is no need for too frequent water treatments. You need to bathe your dog no more than once every 1.5 months, and preferably every 2 months. For water procedures, you can only use special cleansers. Using harsh shampoo can damage your Spitz's coat. By the way, the coat needs to be brushed every day. It is best to use a soft massage comb.

Snow-white fluffy dogs are surprisingly not whimsical in terms of food. In addition, they are not prone to allergic reactions. You can feed dogs any healthy and low-fat food: cereals, meat, vegetables, boneless fish. You can also include ready-made dry food in your diet, but it must be balanced.

The Japanese Spitz breed should not eat the following foods:

  • fatty and spicy;
  • floury and sweet;
  • tough meat.

Otherwise, the choice of diet depends on the owner. You need to feed your dog 2-3 times a day in small portions.

Health and illness

The Japanese Spitz breed is extremely healthy. These dogs are not prone to genetic and viral diseases. Therefore, puppies of this breed are most often completely healthy.

Dogs may develop problems with digestion or vision. As a rule, these are acquired diseases that are very difficult or impossible to cure (for example, cataracts or volvulus). To avoid such problems, you need to carefully monitor your dog's diet and wash his eyes after every walk. Especially if the weather is windy outside.

You should feed your four-legged friend no more than 3 times a day. Portions should be about the size of your palm. After walks, the dog should not actively move for 20-30 minutes.

You can wash your eyes with tea or chamomile solution. The procedure should be carried out as carefully as possible, using a cotton swab.

In old age, Spitz dogs can develop cancer. It is extremely rare for representatives of the Japanese Spitz breed to experience hormonal imbalances. On average, these dogs live up to 13 years, which is a very good indicator.


The Japanese Spitz, whose photo will touch the hearts of any dog ​​breeder, is a very stately and beautiful dog. Fluffy white dogs look elegant and attract attention.

The Japanese Spitz breed has definitely earned its popularity. These dogs are distinguished by their calm disposition, stunning appearance, friendliness and activity. Unlike other decorative breeds, they do not conflict and are not too whimsical.

The Japanese Spitz is a miniature toy dog ​​that has become popular in the last few decades in the countries of the former USSR. Breed standards, description, characteristics, care, photos and videos - all detailed information about this breed is presented below.



The Japanese Spitz dog breed appeared not so long ago - a little over a hundred years ago. Since it is decorative, this breed could not have appeared in ancient times. Not only because people did not select and breed animals, but also because such individuals could not survive without humans. Despite the name, which suggests where the Japanese Spitz came from, there is a lot of controversy surrounding the theory of its origin.

As you understand, scientists cannot come to the same opinion on this issue. Some researchers say that this breed of dog originated from a dog that came to Japan through the Russian Empire, namely through Siberia. This version can be believed, since the Japanese and German Spitz have a lot in common - from appearance and physique to character and habits.

According to another version, the Japanese Spitz dog came from. This theory cannot be rejected either, since the Japanese Spitz and the Samoyed Laika are no less similar than the Japanese and the German. In any case, the final formation of the breed was completed at the end of the 19th century. And this happened, as you guessed it, in Japan. This variety first received publicity in 1920 - then representatives of this variety were shown at a Japanese exhibition.

As a result of military operations in the country, many individuals were unable to survive. Some time after the end of World War II, Japanese breeders compiled a standard for this variety. As a result of this, the Japanese Spitz received the right to be considered an official breed after registration by the International Association of Cynologists.

Description of the breed

For a more complete description of the breed, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the standards.


The White Japanese Spitz is a dog with a fluffy, snow-white coat. The muzzle of this animal is slightly pointed, the ears on the head are triangular in shape, sticking up, the ends of the ears are directed forward. The animal's skull is slightly wide and roundish. In general, the skull is proportional to the dog’s body.

As for the face, it is wedge-shaped, in full proportion to the head. The nose is small and black, the nose is round. The lips fit tightly to the jaws and can droop only in non-purebred individuals. The teeth are white and quite strong.

The eyes are small, medium in size. It should be noted that the eyes are set slightly obliquely and have an almond shape. The color is dark brown; a Japanese Spitz should not have any other eye color. The eyelids are tight-fitting and dark.

The body itself of this small dog is relatively strong. The neck is also strong and muscular. The withers are clearly defined and immediately noticeable. As for the chest, it is wide and relatively deep. The ribs are slightly convex, the pet’s stomach is quite tucked.

The tail of the Japanese Spitz is short and set high. It is basically ring-shaped and lies on the back of the animal. The front legs are not particularly strong, which cannot be said about the hind legs. As for color, Spitz are mostly white, but in nature there are also red individuals.

Size and build

If everything is clear with the standards of appearance, then let’s move on to the standards of size and build. As is the case with other varieties of domestic animals, the male will be larger than the female, and accordingly, his size will also be slightly larger.

For females, the optimal weight is from 5 to 8 kilograms, for males - from 7 to 9 kg. This weight standard is relevant for the growth characteristic of the breed. Female Japanese Spitz usually have a height of 25 to 32 cm. The height of a male can reach 38 cm at the withers.

It should be noted that according to reviews, Japanese Spitz puppies do not particularly like all kinds of procedures that concern their health or hygiene. Therefore, you need to accustom your dog to such procedures from early childhood. The dog should know that he needs to periodically comb his fur or trim his nails. Claws must be trimmed using special scissors, which are sold in pet stores. But this must be done carefully, since there are sensitive blood vessels on the claws - if you hurt the animal once, you can completely lose its trust.


The Japanese Spitz will happily gobble up both natural food and ready-made dry food.

  1. If you decide to give preference to natural food, then remember that the dog’s diet should be based on meat. A dog of this breed should receive at least 20 grams of meat per kilogram of weight. If the Spitz is fed by-products, that is, liver, heart or kidneys, such food should be 30% more. Pomeranians digest chicken or beef best.
  2. Twice a week, meat should be replaced with fish, which should preferably be boiled and the bones removed. Remember that the Spitz feeds exclusively on sea fish - hake, navaga or pollock. In any case, meat or fish should be served with buckwheat or rice porridge. From time to time you can give your Spitz bran bread.
  3. In addition, it would be a good idea to give your dog low-fat cottage cheese, kefir or fermented baked milk. Milk should be excluded from the diet.
  4. A prerequisite is the presence of vegetables in the diet. They can be treated with boiling water and poured with vegetable oil; it is better to use unrefined oil.
  5. At least once a week, the dog should eat one boiled chicken egg, preferably two. Although your pet will happily eat raw eggs, it is not recommended to give them because raw eggs are difficult to digest.
  6. Japanese Spitz puppies can easily eat dry or canned food. Feed should not be cheap. Regardless of what food the dog eats, there should always be clean water in his bowl. Bowls should be washed periodically with detergent or treated with boiling water.


It should also be added that the Japanese Spitz practically does not smell like a dog, which makes caring for its coat easier. Even if he comes from the street all wet from the rain. Spitz dogs do not need frequent bathing, only in rare cases when nothing else will help.

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In general, caring for hair involves combing it. Dirt from wool can be easily removed with a regular comb. To prevent dead hair from accumulating on the dog's body, the hair needs to be combed - once a week will be enough.


Judging by the reviews of the owners, Japanese Spitz puppies show their quick wits and intelligence from childhood. They have an excellent character - pets get along with all family members, but become attached to one person. The dog will listen to the owner unquestioningly, but sometimes this can become a problem - if the person is away from home for a long time, it will be very difficult for the dog to survive this.

In addition, such dogs are characterized by a daring and lively disposition. They will bark at larger individuals in an attempt to instill fear in them. As a rule, this cannot be done. The Spitz always wants to move and play, even if you just woke him up, he will always join you in a joint activity. It is also worth noting that the Japanese are good watchdogs; if necessary, he will bark very loudly and persistently.

Such pets get along well with other dogs, but at first they will be distrustful of humans. At first the dog will keep him away from the stranger, but over time he himself will want to establish contact with the person.

Education and training

It is necessary to train a puppy from the first day of his arrival in the house. This is confirmed by other owners of dogs of this variety in their reviews. The puppy must immediately be made to understand what can be done and what cannot be done. If you don't want your dog to sleep on your bed, then don't let him do it from childhood.

White Spitz dogs have a stubborn character.

If during the training process you are rude or begin to show force, the dog will remember this and you will not be able to teach it anything.

There is no need to be rude, it is enough to show a strict tone. The Japanese understands people very well and if he hears changes in your mood, he will draw the necessary conclusions about his behavior. The dog should be praised for correct actions and given treats.

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Video “Japanese Spitz at an exhibition”

Watch the video to see how the Japanese carries out commands.

The Japanese Spitz breed was developed in the corresponding country almost a hundred years ago. At the same time, it began to spread in our country in recent decades. The Spitz has a very interesting body shape and a peculiar “smiling” face. Its advantages do not end there - the most important of them are described below.

The Japanese Dwarf Spitz appeared in Japan at the turn of the 20-30s of the 20th century. Initially, the German Spitz, which was specially brought from China, was taken as the basis. An exhibition featuring this Spitz was shown in 1921. Since then, local dog breeders have decided to create their own breed.

As a result, the active work of scientists led to the appearance of this interesting dog. The events of World War II delayed the recognition of the Japanese Spitz, but already in 1948 the breed standard was approved. And after 15-20 years, the Japanese Spitz dog gained great popularity among residents of the Land of the Rising Sun. A little later (in 1964), the breed was recognized by the International Canine Federation. Since that time, the dog has become known to residents of Australia, the USA and India.

Description of appearance: breed standard and photographs

The Japanese Spitz is a small dog: males at the withers reach about 31-38 cm, while females are even lower. But it is precisely this feature that allows the pet to look very original and even elegant. Spitz dogs make a pleasant impression - white, elegant dogs with interesting, harmonious body proportions.

The description of the breed in appearance is as follows (standard):
  1. The head is rounded, with a clearly defined transition between the forehead and muzzle.
  2. The muzzle is well built, pointed, with a small nose.
  3. The eyes are medium-sized, dark, regular in shape, set slightly at an angle. The look is lively and clear.
  4. The lips are close-fitting, usually in dark shades.
  5. The eyelids have distinct black outlines.
  6. The ears are triangular and small. They are located high, but do not stand freely.
  7. The chest is pronounced and quite large in relation to the body.
  8. The back and croup are straight, small in size, the stomach is tucked.
  9. The legs are muscular, the tail is short, set rather high and usually curled.
  10. The coat is mostly straight and raised upward. There is small hair on the front of the body and on the muzzle, but much more on the body. Soft to the touch due to the thick undercoat. In color - only pure white, without shades or inclusions of extraneous colors.

Attention. One of the most important ratios, which ensures the elegant appearance of a Spitz, is 10 to 11. This is the height at the withers and the length of the body, respectively.

The height of an adult Japanese Spitz at the withers can reach 38 cm.

The character of the Spitz and the peculiarities of its upbringing

Despite its size, the character of the breed is characterized by sufficient courage and restraint. If the Spitz is cowardly, makes a lot of noise and is even more aggressive - these are obvious defective signs that can be used to reject a specific representative. The dog is very active and friendly. Pets need constant communication and participation - they do not tolerate loneliness very well. They love to play and are good with children.

Spitz are quite energetic both outdoors and at home; they love to walk. When a stranger approaches, they bark, but do not make too much noise and do not show obvious aggression. Despite the fact that Spitz dogs love to walk, they do not require particularly long runs. It is allowed to keep both in a country house and in a city apartment, but with constant stay indoors - they will not tolerate loneliness on a chain. Pets are very nimble and mischievous, especially in the first year of life.

During training, a certain amount of persistence is necessary because the dog may reduce everything to a game and not learn the command. At the same time, the Japanese’s intelligence is quite high - 10-15 repetitions are enough for him to learn the command. The result should be reinforced with a treat - the Spitz is very responsive to complementary foods.

Japanese Spitz are very sociable and cheerful dogs.

Interesting fact. The Spitz is an exclusively domestic dog and is not at all intended for hunting. For animal lovers, this is a tangible advantage, because the Japanese get along well even with same-sex dogs and cats.

How to properly care for a Spitz

Despite the fact that the Spitz is the proud owner of a snow-white and contented thick coat, caring for it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It is important to bathe him on time, constantly brush him, and get rid of excess fluff during shedding.

Shedding and grooming

The main condition for maintaining a beautiful appearance is proper care of the dog’s coat. Basically, you should pay attention to shedding, which occurs twice a year. At this time, it is necessary to use massage brushes with strong metal teeth. If there is a lot of fluff coming out, you can also use a special slicker.

If the undercoat is not removed in time, it will at least ruin the appearance. On the other hand, the risk of developing eczema or skin dermatitis increases sharply, and the dog will also begin to smell unpleasant.

The snow-white coat of the Japanese Spitz requires periodic brushing.

Usually, no special haircuts are provided (as, for example, in the case of a poodle). However, between the fingers, in the anus and genital area, it is better to regularly cut off excess hair. It is also very important to accustom your pet to regular (1-2 times a week) brushing.

At first the Japanese will not like this, but you still need to overcome the resistance - over time he will get used to it. If you do not persist, the coat will become crowded and the appearance will lose its attractiveness.


Despite the fact that dogs have clean white fur, which can often become very dirty, they should not be bathed too often. The reason is that constant contact with water constantly washes away the oily secretion of the skin produced by the sebaceous glands. As a result, the undercoat gets wet and loses quality. In addition, fat protects against dirt, and the more often you wash the Japanese, the more dirty it will become. Thus, it is enough to bathe once a month or less.

Advice. Before going to an exhibition or other important event, it is better to use a special shampoo that contains reflective substances. After bathing in it, the wool will shimmer beautifully, which will create a very attractive effect.

Before the exhibition, the Japanese Spitz can be washed with a special shampoo.

Eyes and ears

A characteristic feature of the breed is small gaps in the tear ducts. As a result, in the first year of life, the Spitz puppy has quite a lot. Often the fur near the eyes becomes brownish because of this. Subsequently, the volume of tears produced decreases, but the eyes still water more often than in many other breeds.

Therefore, it is better to pay extra attention and constantly wipe them with special sterile swabs. If there are signs of obvious inflammation, eye drops are used. If they are ineffective within a few days, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

It is also advisable to examine the ears as often as possible - at least 3 times a week. They are cleaned of accumulated sulfur as needed. Cotton swabs are used for this; After the procedure, it is necessary to moisten the shells and thoroughly dry the ears.

Claws and paws

After each walk, especially in rainy weather, the paws are thoroughly wiped with a damp and then a dry cloth. The fur between the toes is cut off as it grows, since it does not bring much benefit, but can become very dirty.

After a walk, the dog's paws should be wiped with a clean, damp cloth.

When it comes to trimming nails, it is best to trim them with a special cutter as needed. As a rule, the procedure is carried out once a month.

Ticks and fleas

The Spitz's coat is thick, so without proper care, fleas can appear and hide well even on a white background. Accordingly, flea shampoos and other means of protection (drops, collars or sprays) should be used during bathing.

As for ticks, it is quite simple to prevent such a danger: the Spitz does not roll in the mud very often and, especially, does not like long walks in nature. In general, this is a domestic dog, but if he has been among the greenery, and especially in the forest, it is better to carefully examine the pet.

Worm prevention

The Japanese Spitz is periodically wormed.

Almost all Spitz dogs tend to overeat, so increased appetite alone does not always indicate the development of worms. However, if problems with digestion, unexplained lethargy of the animal and other characteristic symptoms occur, it is better to undergo additional examination by a veterinarian and begin treatment on time.

To prevent worms, it is enough to give an anthelmintic drug once every three months, according to the instructions.

The following drugs showed the most effectiveness:

  • "Triantelm";

Spitz diet: how to feed your pet correctly

Proper feeding of a dog is one of the most important conditions for maintaining its health and longevity.

First of all, it is important to decide on the feeding regimen:

  1. A puppy up to 3 months old is fed 5-6 times every day.
  2. From 3 to 6 months they feed 4 times.
  3. Puppies older than six months are given three meals a day.
  4. And one-year-old dogs should be gradually transferred to the adult regime, giving food 2 times a day.

Of course, you should not allow snacks between these periods, or even more so, pick up questionable food on the street. The main risk is that the Japanese Spitz is quite gluttonous, and any systematic overfeeding ultimately leads to obesity.

You can use ready-made food in your diet.

If we take natural nutrition as a basis, we should proceed from the following rules:

What not to feed a Spitz

It is also useful for Spitz owners to know what they should never feed this dog:

  • pearl barley and oatmeal, uncrushed;
  • all flour products (vermicelli, pasta, bakery products, pastries);
  • any sweets, confectionery;
  • pickled foods and pickles;
  • pork of any kind;
  • chicken bones.

Attention. Unrefined sunflower oil can provide particular benefits for digestion, which can be used to moisten the food a little every day - no more than a teaspoon.

Spitz diseases: risks and prevention

Typically, dogs live between 10-16 years. Such a wide range is explained by different living conditions, feeding rations, and timely preventive measures. At the same time, the dog’s health is quite good - purebred Spitz have no obvious genetic defects.

With good care, a Japanese Spitz can live up to 16 years.

Among the diseases for which the Spitz is at risk, it is important to pay attention to the following:

  • thyroid diseases;
  • dysplasia (deviations in the structure) of the hip joint - many Spitz suffer from this pathology, but due to the small size of the bones, it is asymptomatic throughout life.

To prevent various infectious diseases (adenovirosis, plague, rabies and others), you should immediately vaccinate your puppy and then visit the veterinarian annually for regular vaccinations.

It is important to pay attention to the following features:

  1. First of all, both parents must meet the standard. The Spitz behaves very actively, he loves to get to know a stranger and at the same time shows caution towards him (but not aggression).
  2. The puppies are lively, clear-eyed, playful, and active.
  3. The nose is cold, the tummy is soft, the skin is without damage, the coat is impeccably white.
  4. It is equally important that all vaccinations are given, which can be confirmed in the certificate.

Attention. The price for one puppy ranges from 30-60 thousand rubles. Minimum age: 6-8 weeks.