How to choose a Furminator for different dog breeds. Furminator for dogs - what is it? Furminator for dogs: photos, reviews, tips for choosing Which furminator for a Spitz is better

The Furminator for dogs is a special brush with thin metal teeth that allows you to comb your animal efficiently and painlessly. There are several brands of similar brushes on the market, but all of them are plagiarism (in rare cases, certified analogues) of the patented development of professional American groomers “FURminator”. Everyone decides for themselves: save money, or buy an original comb. But it is worth noting that most negative reviews This applies specifically to counterfeits.

Most dog breeds are subject to regular shedding. FURminator helps remove excess hair (including from the undercoat), and in the long term, reduce the amount of hair falling out. An innovative brush is especially necessary for dog breeds with thick undercoat:

  • Siberian huskies;
  • husky;
  • retrievers;
  • shepherd dogs;
  • Newfoundland.

FURminator will not only eliminate weak or already fallen hairs, but will also significantly reduce the likelihood of tangles appearing on the undercoat.

But for the so-called “hypoallergenic” and curly breeds of dogs, it is better to choose a different type of comb. The structure of the coat of a lapdog, poodle, bichon frize, or Yorkshire terrier can be irreversibly damaged.

Design of the original product

At first glance, this is an ordinary metal brush with fine teeth and an ergonomic handle. Since the price of a furminator for dogs varies from 1,400 to 1,800 rubles, many mistakenly assume that it is a mechanized device. In fact, the animal will have to be processed manually, and the fairly high price will be absolutely justified by the ease of use, the quality of the brush and the long-term result.

The main element is a strip of small, thin teeth made of high-quality stainless steel. The height and width of the teeth depends on the model (there are several versions of the device designed specifically for different breeds dogs).

Attention! The teeth are quite sharp, so you need to move strictly parallel to your pet's skin. Otherwise there is a risk of injury pet, and the animal itself will develop a fear of the device.

You can now see the current price of the furminator and buy it right here:

Above the teeth there is a “FURejector” button, which allows you to quickly clean the device from combed wool. This is very convenient if the dog has to be restrained during the procedure. You don't have to constantly free another hand to clean the device. Also, the original FURminator is equipped with an ergonomic special handle anatomical shape. Ribbed soft plastic with an anti-slip coating is very easy to hold even in a wet palm. To prevent the tiny sharp teeth from damaging anything during storage or transportation of the comb, manufacturers have provided a tight protective cover.

How to use

Combing and cutting are not the most favorite procedures for a dog. So that the very sight of the furminator does not cause fear or anxiety in the animal, it is very important to carry out the first combing without injury or pain. Even if at the time of the first treatment the animal’s fur is full of tangles, it is better to simply make a few stroking movements with the brush. This way the dog will remember that if the owner picks up a FURminator, no discomfort this will not be followed.

The instructions for using the furminator are quite simple. First of all, you need to make sure that there are no scratches, cuts or other injuries on the animal’s skin. If the animal has been previously bathed, you need to make sure that both the coat and undercoat are completely dry. It is better to carefully cut off old felt tangles with scissors.

Place the comb at the level of the undercoat, but so that the blade does not touch the skin. Smoothly move along the growth of the coat (from the withers to the tail; from the center of the back to the belly). It is allowed to use when treating ears and tail, but for this purpose it is better to purchase special mini-models. It is advisable to make as long, uninterrupted movements as possible. The blades are sharp enough to painlessly remove small tangles. But still, if you feel any obstacle to the normal movement of the brush, you need to stop and inspect the animal’s fur. During the combing process, approximately once every 30 seconds, you need to press the cleaning button. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the device will be reduced to a minimum.

Advice! While brushing, be sure to talk to the dog. Affectionate notes in the owner’s voice will calm the animal.

After completing the procedure, you need to clean the FURminator warm water and mild soap, wipe dry and close with a special cap. If for some reason it is not possible to properly treat the animal, you can additionally watch a video on how to use a furminator for dogs.

Advantages and disadvantages

The most important advantage is that literally every movement of the hand removes a large number of shedding wool. This means that the apartment will have to be vacuumed less, and the animal itself will not suffer from the heat and painful tangles. Regular brushes can damage the healthy top layer of fur, but a furminator will simply gently remove weak or already fallen hairs. With regular use, it will significantly reduce the amount of hair that will fall out during shedding. Some owners claim that with the right additional care behind the animal, the flying fur disappears altogether.

Since the cost of the brush is quite high, you should also read the negative comments before purchasing. So, for example, a furminator for the most large breeds dogs, reaches 10 centimeters in width. This is quite convenient for treating the animal’s belly and back, but to comb out the paws and neck, you will have to additionally purchase a smaller brush. And vice versa: if you buy a model with short teeth for a long-haired dog, then over time tangles may accumulate on the undercoat.

The most important disadvantage is its risk of injury. If used incorrectly, you can scratch your dog's skin.

How often can it be used

Most owners say that dogs are absolutely not afraid of the combing process, so the procedure can be done at least every day. Professionals emphasize that the effect of using an innovative brush can only be noticed if it is used on an ongoing basis. IN normal conditions It is enough to brush the dog 3-4 times a month, and during the shedding season you can increase the number of grooming procedures to 2-3 times a week. But more frequent use is contraindicated, as there is a risk of irritation on the dog’s skin. The combing procedure itself should last 10-15 minutes and begin with a mandatory examination of the animal’s skin.

Dogs with allergies need to be brushed no more than twice a month. In this case, it is best to use a product with short teeth (to completely eliminate contact with bare skin). You will have to examine the skin not only before, but also after the procedure. The presence of any red spots, scabs or bruises should be a reason to visit a professional groomer.

The consequences of shedding are depressing: fur on the floor, on the sofa and even in a bowl of soup. No less concerning is the health of the pet - the undercoat that has served its purpose must be removed. These goals are best served by a new product in the pet industry - the Furminator for short-haired and long-haired dogs. What is it, how to choose a tool, how to use it and how often? In addition, let’s find out what reviews say about the furminator.

Furminator and its purpose

Photos and videos will be very helpful in getting to know the device. The media files will demonstrate that the tool is essentially a miniature rake for combing out dead fur. Externally, the furminator looks like a razor, but is structurally similar to a garden tool. The comfortable handle is crowned with a strong knife with teeth, which is not afraid of either short or long hair. An extremely useful mechanism was invented by the American professional groomer E. Porter.

Advantages of the Furminator

Perhaps the photo will not convince a dog breeder who is accustomed to combs, brushes and slickers of the usefulness of the Furminator. But even a minimal acquaintance with the reviews of the new tool will allow you to draw pleasant conclusions.

Furminator for dogs has the following advantages:

  • old fur is removed quickly and painlessly;
  • “works” only with the undercoat, leaving the guard hair unharmed;
  • effective in grooming dogs with coats of any length;
  • furminator - excellent prevention of tangle formation;
  • massages the skin and evenly distributes fatty lubricant throughout the coat, which makes coat smooth, healthy and shiny;
  • grooming time is noticeably reduced;
  • noticeably speeds up molting.

For the owner, the advantages of the Furminator mean healthy dog and a clean house. Let's take one of the reviews as an example:

This is the best “comb” in the world! At one time, the furminator can rid a dog of up to 80-90% of shed hair. The tool does not cut the outer coat, carefully removing the undercoat. During molting, this thing is irreplaceable. It feels like I was using a completely inappropriate tool before!

Photo of the furminator from the review

Tool selection

Photos in online stores can be confusing: which one to choose? The choice should be guided by several criteria.

  • The working nozzle must be made of durable steel. Study reviews of furminators from certain companies so as not to buy a low-quality fake. A good tool does not become deformed during operation, does not become dull for a long time, does not rust, and does not electrify the wool. The original product has excellent sharpening quality - the “rakes” do not scratch the skin or tear the spine.
  • The Furminator for short-haired dogs is different from the tool for long-haired animals. The principle of choice is simple: the shorter the pet’s fur, the shorter the furminator teeth should be. Ignoring this rule will make the mechanism almost useless. Short teeth will not cope with long hair, and a powerful attachment will only iron the hair of “short-haired” people.
  • The width of the blades is as important as the length of the teeth. It varies between 3-14 cm. The choice is obvious: large dog– dimensional furminator, and vice versa. You can comb out with a tool of any width, but a wide tool will speed up grooming. big dog. It is better to comb very large pets in pairs of different sizes at once.
  • Pay attention to the ergonomics of the handle. This is not such an important criterion, but the process of grooming is somewhat extended over time. Therefore, it is better to think about this, since a heavy or slippery tool is not very convenient to use. You can’t estimate the weight from the photo, but the degree of convenience is quite good. Again, reviews are a good help when choosing a “rake”.
  • The furminator for dogs can be monolithic, or maybe with a blade cleaning function. The first one is stronger and more reliable, but the second one is more convenient to use. The difference does not affect the effectiveness of the tool, if it is not fake.
  • The difference between a “monolith” and a furminator with a replaceable nozzle is important. The latter break down more often. They are inconvenient for combing long-haired dogs and pets with hard coats that require trimming. But, if the wool allows you to work with it comfortably, it is better to choose a tool with a snap-off blade.
  • When competing, manufacturers do not skimp on their assortment. On sale there are electric furminators, mechanisms with combs or brushes, with various attachments. Such an abundance of bonuses can be useful, but they are guaranteed to reduce service life. Combinations are in the photo.

When purchasing a tool with removable blades, make sure you can always purchase consumables. To tell the truth, if the instrument is of high quality, you will have to go to the store for add-ons infrequently - once every couple of years.

How to use a furminator correctly

Despite its apparent simplicity, in order to use the device correctly, you need to have at least a minimum amount of knowledge.

Combing technique

General principles for using the tool:

  • Make sure there are no matted fur. The association with rakes did not arise out of nowhere. Before working with garden tools, the area is cleared of large debris, which simply makes the work of the rake ineffective.
  • Combing is preceded by bathing the dog and drying the coat - a dirty and wet pet cannot be deprived of its undercoat.
  • You need to remove the undercoat using movements in the direction of hair growth. Move from back to belly and from head to tail. But the movements depend on the length of the coat.

Of course, the Furminator for long-haired dogs is used with greater care and with additional preliminary work. Long hair almost always means tangles. You can get rid of them using a good old comb, slicker brush or with bare hands. In order not to spoil the guard coat, the mat needs to be soaked with conditioner and the knot should be allowed to soak.

Smooth-haired dogs are combed from the back to the paws. Long-haired dogs need to be “treated” layer by layer and from bottom to top. If you try to comb the undercoat right from the head to the tail, you can get confused. It is better to go in vertical stripes, layer by layer. A photo of the process still makes it somewhat easier to understand how to operate the device.

Frequency of use

How often to use this miracle tool depends on the nature of the coat and molting periods. Typically, brushing your dog once a month is enough. But during the period of undercoat change, the frequency doubles or triples. Brushing too often is not recommended, as it can cause skin irritation. If you want to additionally massage your pet, it is better to choose a comb.

Limitations in use

Do not use the tool if the dog’s skin has scratches, rashes, or eczema. If the damaged areas are local, you can use it, but you should carefully avoid painful areas.

Furminator for dogs is a universal tool for high-quality care hairline four-legged friend. Properly selected in accordance with the breed of the dog and its coat type, it can facilitate combing and prevent the formation of tangles without damaging skin and guard wool.

Furminator for dogs is a universal tool for high-quality hair care of your four-legged friend.

Traditional slickers today cannot compete with the modern achievement in the field of animal care - the furminator.

The popularity of this hybrid comb, trimmer and hair clipper with a replaceable blade is justified. The massive ergonomic handle allows combing without effort, eliminating the possibility of injuring the animal's skin. A large selection on shelves and in online pet supply stores allows you to choose the desired model products in accordance with the breed.

Traditional slickers today cannot compete with modern achievements in the field of animal care - the furminator.

By running the furminator over the animal's fur, you use your teeth to pry up the dead undercoat without damaging the outer hair. Effectively removing hair, the furminator for dogs simultaneously massages the pet's skin, has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, and evenly distributes fat that accumulates at the roots.

The coat acquires a healthy shine and silkiness. One brushing with this comb is equivalent to a massage session.

How to use a furminator to groom dogs (video)

Miracle comb for long hair

Owners of pets with thick hair, taking care of their pet, comb it regularly. For long-haired dogs of large breeds, the Furminator is absolutely irreplaceable. Thick and long hair causes a lot of trouble for the dog and its owner during the molting period. Regular grooming (from the English Groom - to look after) allows you to promptly and effectively remove dead hairs.

The Furminator for long-haired dogs relieves their owners of the need to collect tufts of hair throughout the house. Its regular use speeds up the molting process.

The coat acquires a healthy shine and silkiness. One brushing with this comb is equivalent to a massage session.

How to choose a comb for a dog? For long hair We need wide models with long teeth and a massive handle. This working surface allows you to perform the procedure effortlessly, without injuring the dog’s skin.

A modern dog comb should not be used on dirty or wet fur. Therefore, grooming must be comprehensive.

In order to achieve maximum effect, the dog needs to be bathed, dried thoroughly and then use a miracle comb. Combing is strictly contraindicated if your pet has irritation or damage to the skin: the teeth of the nozzle can aggravate the inflammatory process.

Which Furminator is suitable for short hair?

For short-haired dogs, the furminator provides high-quality combing as for long-haired dogs. True, in this case, comb models for dogs should be selected according to other parameters: a shorter and narrower working part (from 3 cm) and short teeth.

For most short-haired breeds and their owners, the Furminator is as good a blessing as it is for more shaggy four-legged animals. After all, dogs with short hair, like any fur-bearing animals living in city apartments, also shed. Their dead fur remains on clothing, sofas, and carpets. It's just more difficult to clean up.

When buying a comb for short hair, ask the seller for advice on choosing a model.

Such dogs should not be combed against the growth of their hair. Only from the neck towards the tail with smooth movements.

For some breeds that do not have an undercoat, are hairless or have a cord-like coat, the Furminator is contraindicated. These include, for example, the following:

  • Maltese;
  • blue terrier;
  • Yorkshire Terrier;
  • Silkie Terrier;
  • bullets;
  • Coton de Tulo;
  • curly coated retriever;
  • dandy diamond terrier;
  • Bolognese;
  • bichons;
  • Shih Tzu;
  • poodles.

How the furminator works (video)

How to maintain a furminator

When you decide to buy, choose a model that matches the thickness of the coat and the size of your pet. A small comb for a large breed with thick hair will not comb the dog and will break prematurely.

A large product with large teeth, bought for a decorative dog, will only cause her a lot of unpleasant moments and damage her skin.

The frequency of brushing your dog depends on the intensity of shedding. But experts still recommend not to resort to it more than once every 2-3 months. Combing with the right comb is absolutely safe. After such grooming, the coat becomes silky, shiny and well-groomed.

In one go, this dog comb can remove up to 90% of dead hair.

The device works flawlessly and will serve you well long years if properly maintained.

  • Do not comb wet or dirty fur.
  • Before starting the procedure, remove all tangles.
  • After use, rinse it with warm water and do not wipe it off to avoid damaging the blade.

You can buy the device at a pet supply store or online store.

How not to run into a fake

Furminator for dogs (from the English fur - fur) is a common noun. The device received its name from the American company that first launched it on the pet products market - Furminator Inc. Products from this manufacturer are individually packaged and have a special branded holographic sign.

The company locates its production in China. Therefore, a mark that the product was made in China does not indicate that they are trying to sell you a fake.

A similar product is produced by a German manufacturer under the Trixie brand. This comb is often called a grooming trimmer. The grooming attachment of such models can be easily removed for washing under running water and snapped back onto the handle.

When thinking about how, take note: Well-proven brands include such product brands as Foolee, Kudi, Vivog. This specialized tool costs more than a regular powder brush. But it lasts almost forever, since it has a large margin of safety.

On sale you can find many analogues of the original Furminator dog comb. When choosing a cheaper model, pay attention to the quality of attachment of the attachment with teeth to the handle, and the quality of the blade.

Attention, TODAY only!

This is the name trademark an American company that first released a special comb for cats. Now this is the name for a device for manual hair removal, combining the functions of a trimmer, slicker and comb.

Cats have thicker fur than other domestic animals. From each follicle grows one central spine, 2-3 additional ones, thin undercoat hairs and down. During the molting season, old hairs die and fall out, and new ones grow in their place. Unnecessary hair is removed, otherwise it falls out all year round, and the animal looks unkempt.

Ordinary combs leave undercoat, while slicker brushes injure the epidermis. The Furminator was invented by professional groomers when they thought about improving devices for combing animals.

Visually, it resembles a razor, but instead of a blade, the handle has a comb with sharpened teeth. The device only touches the undercoat and dead hair: it carefully hooks onto the notches that cover the teeth and pulls it to the surface. The outermost living hair slides smoothly and remains intact.


Manufacturers claim that the products remove 90% of lost hair.

Breeders note the following positive aspects:

  • the furminator does not scratch the skin, does not damage living hairs and does not cause pain;
  • removes undercoat in problem areas: on the stomach, under the tail;
  • prevents the appearance of tangles;
  • the cat quickly gets used to the procedure and gradually stops resisting;
  • swallows less fur when licking the coat;
  • molting time is reduced;
  • the apartment becomes cleaner and tidier.

When combing, the skin, fat from sebaceous glands It is evenly distributed throughout the coat, moisturizes and forms a protective film on the surface.


Furminators work the same way, but differ in the width of the comb.

Among the original instruments there are five options:

  • X-small : 3.3 cm - for small pets and kittens up to six months;
  • Small : 4.5 cm - for animals up to 5 kg;
  • Medium : 6.7 cm - up to 10 kg;
  • Large : 10 cm - for large breeds over 10 kg, more often used for dogs;
  • X-Large : 12.5 cm - for horses and dogs.

Manufacturers of original furminators produce products in two categories: « classic» And « de luxe» . The quality of the combs is no different, the difference lies in the material and design of the handles. In the “classic” version, hairs are removed from the comb manually, in the “de luxe” version - with one press of the FURejector button.

The size of the teeth in furminators also differs. Devices marked Long hair are intended for long-haired animals, while devices marked Short hair are intended for short-haired animals.

How and when to use

Before treatment, the pet is carefully examined: the procedure will have to be postponed if inflammation, wounds, or scratches are detected.

Then proceed in the following order:

  • The cat is bathed with zoo shampoo and dried; a wet fur coat cannot be treated.
  • In long-haired dogs, tangles are untangled or removed; the furminator cannot cope with them.
  • Choose a position that your pet likes best: lying on its side, standing, sitting.
  • Move only according to hair growth: procedure in reverse direction causes discomfort.
  • They act with calm and confident movements, without pressure.
  • The belly, cheeks, and tail are combed out carefully.

The frequency of procedures is individual, depending on the breed and season. Average long-haired cats treated twice a month, short-haired - less often, as necessary. The pet is combed at the beginning of summer so that it can withstand the heat more easily. During the molting period, long-haired dogs can be treated daily, short-haired dogs - every 3 days.


A furminator will not be needed for “naked” cats; it is not required for representatives of breeds without undercoat, with a specific coat structure.

These include:

  • oriental;
  • Angora;
  • Devon and Cornish Rex;
  • Balinese;
  • la perm;
  • Singaporean;
  • Burmese;
  • Tiffany.

The device cannot be used for dermatitis, lesions subcutaneous mites and fungi.

How to choose

  • Length of teeth. The quality of combing directly depends on how accurately the teeth match the size of the hair. Too short and frequent will not reach the undercoat of long-haired cats. Long and sparse ones will not capture it from short-haired ones.
  • Comb width. A miniature comb will take more than an hour to comb a large cat, while a wide one will be difficult to handle a small one. Before purchasing, it is advised to evaluate the size of the pet and mentally imagine the width of the device, which will be able to more thoroughly comb out hard-to-reach places.
  • Quality of the teeth. When purchased successfully, they are smooth, even and shiny. Gaps, irregularities, and scratches will tear the living spine and injure the skin. To check, you can carefully run it over your own head: if the comb tugs or pulls out hair, the sharpening of the teeth is unsuccessful. Only dust remains on a quality instrument
  • Ergonomic handle. The device will not slip out if the surface is rubberized, embossed, and the end is convex. For the rest, they focus on own feelings: How well the handle fits in the palm. If the length or width is not suitable, the hand will quickly get tired.
  • Ejector button. It helps remove hairs from the working surface, but such furminators break faster than monolithic ones.

In recent years, devices have been produced with removable combs of various widths and lengths of teeth. This device is convenient for caring for several pets of unequal sizes, but the head becomes loose over time, and the instrument quickly becomes unusable.


The following companies are considered recognized manufacturers of furminators:

  • FURminator Inc deShedding . There is a suitable model for a pet of any size and breed. The shock-resistant handle does not break for years. The comb does not have to be constantly changed: it is made of high-quality steel, and the teeth are self-sharpening.
  • Foolee . The company produces models in five sizes and 10 colors. The latest invention, Foolee Easee, is equipped with two nozzles for intensive and soft combing, a switch that sets the length of the hair, and an automatic hair reset button.
  • I.P.T.S. The product is inexpensive, but copes with undercoat. After 2 years of use, the teeth become dull, but the working head can be removed, it is easy to order and change.
  • Trixie. The manufacturer produces 3 versions of products: with a width of 5.5, 7 and 9.5 cm. The fastening is the same, so any nozzle fits one handle.

It is difficult to name the best manufacturer: the original FURminator is more popular, the others are not inferior in quality, but are cheaper. Complaints about the operation of devices occur when the owners have chosen the wrong size.

Furminator makes it easier life together cats and humans, breeders consider it a successful replacement for the slicker.

What unites absolutely all owners furry pets? The first thing that comes to mind is an insane love for domestic animals. Yes, the answer is certainly correct, but there is also back side medals home care cats - scraps of fur lying everywhere.

It would seem like a small nuisance, but it can ruin the mood of the most patient housewife. It’s unlikely that anyone likes the dubious pleasure of spending the whole day hugging a vacuum cleaner or brush, cleaning carpets, furniture and clothes from cat hairs tightly stuck to them.

More recently, know-how has appeared in pet stores that can solve the “fur” problem once and for all - the Furminator.

Furminator - what is it?

The Furminator is designed to remove dead hairs during the molting period.

The device was invented in America as a result of the joint work of breeders and veterinarians. In appearance, it is somewhat reminiscent of a trimmer used by hairdressers to cut hair.

The hand-held miracle comb is designed to remove dead hairs located in the deep layers of the coat. It is recommended to use the accessory during intense animal activity.

According to the creators of the device, in just a couple of uses you can rid the animal of almost all the fallen hair that accumulates in the fur coat. As a result, solid advantages emerge:

  • the owner will not have to vacuum the apartment for days;
  • the cat is not at risk of intestinal blockage due to bezoars accumulated in it.

Besides periodic use an improvised comb prevents the formation of tangles.

How does a furminator work?

The operating principle of the furminator is quite simple:

  • special teeth firmly grasp the fallen part of the undercoat;
  • pull it to the surface, while healthy hair not damaged.

The owner can only remove the fluffy piece from the device and safely throw it in the trash.

What are furminators?

The “smart” animal care product is available in several modifications, which differ only in the size of the working surface and the length of the teeth. The device is selected individually - it all depends on the breed, degree of fluffiness and size of the pet.

On this moment In pet stores you can find 3 types of furminators: mini, medium and maxi.

The smallest device with a blade width of no more than 4-6 cm is suitable for combing cats. The remaining sizes are mainly used for dogs of medium and large breeds, or very large ones.

When choosing a device for your pet, do not forget to take into account the length of the teeth:

  • short are suitable for short-haired breeds;
  • respectively longer for cats with longer fur coats.

Today on Russian market You can find both original furminators and simply mechanical combs (in common parlance, slicker brushes), copying devices from a world brand. The most popular devices are from the following companies:

  • Furminator INC (Deluxe or Classic) – original. By the way, the two models differ only in the automatic and manual collection of removed scraps of wool. Regular use improves blood circulation in the skin, restores the structure of the coat, stimulates the production of subcutaneous fat, which makes the fur coat soft and silky.
  • Trixie - everything would be fine, but it periodically requires changing the blade, the cost of which is half the cost of the device.
  • HelloPet - Made in Taiwan.
  • Foole is a rather unusual product due to its bright colors and not quite a standard design.

The Furminator helps reduce the amount of hair on furniture and clothing.

Efficient removal hairs that fall out but remain in the undercoat largely depend on correct application Furminator. There are simple instructions that you can follow to achieve excellent results:

  • It is prohibited to use the device if there is any damage to the animal’s skin, even the smallest (cracks, scratches, ulcers, etc.);
  • existing tangles are cut off with scissors;
  • first comb the pet thoroughly using regular brush(optional );
  • move the furminator slowly and continuously in the direction of hair growth. Particular care is taken to treat the abdominal area around anus, where the skin is very delicate and thin - flick will cause severe pain pet.

How often is it used?

Experts advise using the furminator no more than 2-3 times a month during periods of intense shedding. This is enough to remove 90% of dead hair. After the first use, the result is noticeable: the house becomes much cleaner, and you can safely play with your pet without worrying about the neatness of your clothes.

Stop breeds for the Furminator

I would like to immediately warn you that there are breeds in which the use of the furminator is contraindicated. These include cats without undercoat:

  • Turkish Angora;
  • Turkish van;
  • raggamafin;
  • oriental;
  • Burmese;
  • Bombay and many others.

Furminator for cats: reviews from owners

Reviews about this product are mostly positive:

  • Almost all owners note a decrease in the amount of wool on furniture, carpets and clothes.
  • the fur coat becomes more shiny, and the cat looks neat;
  • The use of a furminator eliminates the need to visit grooming salons, where the price of services is often unreasonably high.

In principle, all these reviews are more like advertising slogans, but I want to hear the opinions of real users. And here's what we found out.

A cat lover writes:

“I purchased this miracle device because a regular comb didn’t help much. The Furminator does comb out a lot more hair, but not all of it. Perhaps because of my unsystematic approach to the issue. But still the house became cleaner. To achieve a greater effect, immediately after the procedure I collect the remaining hairs from the cat’s fur coat. wet palms. In principle, it can be recommended, but not all animals agree to stoically endure this type of scratching, so it is better to teach it from an early age.”

But there is another opinion:

“Buying a Furminator is a waste of money.”

The owner of the Siberian cat notes:

“I always brushed my Siberian with a brush. They picked up a yard boy, but a regular comb couldn’t handle his fur. I had to buy a device - it became easier: now I don’t have to do wet cleaning every day.”

Another owner's opinion:

“People call this thing a “rake” or a “pukhoder.” There are only two of us scratching: one distracts and holds the limbs, while the other combs it at the same time. Each time an incredible amount of wool is collected, but the undercoat doesn’t seem to end: everything climbs and climbs.”

Well, one last thought to think about:

“I have a British girl. I scratch with a furminator every other day - it doesn’t help. I think the reason is that not only do they shed their undercoat, but their guard hair too!”

In general, opinions about this grooming device are mixed. Decide for yourself whether to buy this device or not. And if you suddenly purchased it, share your opinion with blog readers.

Video review of the Furminator for cats:


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