What is e-mail on Yandex. Yandex mail - registering, logging in and creating a mailbox, your Inbox page and setting up free mail for a domain

  • Additional settings for convenience and comfortable work
  • Creating rules (filters) - automatic distribution of letters into folders and spam protection
  • To enter the mail, go to the main page of the Yandex search engine. In the upper right corner is the email login form. You must enter the login and password specified when registering a mailbox on Yandex. In the first line we enter the login (without @yandex.ru, just a login), in the second line we enter the password, and press the "Enter" key or the "Login" button.

    After that, we find ourselves in our mailbox in the Inbox folder.

    When you go to mail from someone else's computer or from a computer to which someone else has access, it is advisable to check the box "Alien computer". If the checkbox is checked, then as soon as you close the browser, the session ends, the mailbox is automatically logged out. If the browser is not closed, but the e-mail page is closed, then the exit will occur after 2 hours. If the checkbox is not checked, then it will be possible to enter e-mail without entering a username and password - any user of this computer will be able to enter.

    If you don't remember your password, you can try to recover it. Click "Remember password" below the "Login" button.

    In the first field, enter your login or e-mail, that is, it is practically the same thing, you can add "@yandex.ru", you can not add it. After that, enter the captcha, if the code in the picture is not visible, then change the image by clicking on "show another picture". To continue, click "Next".

    If you have a confirmed mobile phone number in your mail, a window for entering a phone number will appear. Enter the number of this mobile phone and click "Submit".

    Messages come very quickly, enter the code from SMS (I had a code - a six-digit number) in the next field and click "Next".

    It remains to enter a new password twice (the same in both fields) and click the "Finish" button.

    If your mailbox is not linked to a phone number, then the recovery will be through the security question specified

    Created: 01/27/2018 20:45

    Good afternoon dear readers of the blog site! Today we will talk about a seemingly obvious thing, such as registering Yandex mail!

    I have no doubt that many people who no longer see their lives without the World Wide Web Internet have their own mailbox, or even more than one, on various popular mail services.

    I decided to write a detailed article about the Yandex mail service, because if there are descriptions on the Internet of how to register a mailbox on Yandex, then quite old screenshots are posted in the articles, and Yandex mail has experienced big changes even since 2015, even if at least in design alone, not to mention mail functionality.

    And so, let's go ...

    Yandex Mail- This is a free service of Yandex, which is developing dynamically every year and has all the convenient features to make it convenient for users of the Yandex mail service to exchange letters on the Internet.

    A mail service appeared back in 2000, and today this mail, and most importantly, free service can be seen in the TOP of the best Internet mail services.

    In terms of its functionality, mail.yandex.ru is not inferior to such mail giants as gmail or mail.ru. Separately, I would like to dwell on the fact that Yandex has a number of its own developments, including the leading search engine in Russia with advanced voice recognition technologies.

    Yandex is the leading IT company in Russia, which has its own representative office in other countries.

    Register email box Yandex

    Creating mail on the Yandex service is not difficult. In fact, everything in creating a box on Yandex is intuitive.

    Let's go through the whole mailbox registration process step by step.

    First of all, we go to the search engine by typing http://yandex.ru in the address bar of the browser. On the main page, you can go directly to the main popular Yandex services: Search, Yandex Pictures, Weather, and a number of other equally useful services for users.

    To start the process of registering your email box, you need to look at the main page http://yandex.ru in the upper right corner. There you will see a link - "Start mail".

    Choose the login option that is more convenient for you. If you often use any social network, then you can link your profile to mail, and as a result, log into your mail account using your profile from social networks.

    If you do not immediately want to link your account from a social network, or in principle do not want to link Yandex mail, then you can not do this. This feature is optional!

    Let's just register an email by clicking on the "Create mail" link.

    The mail account registration form is extremely simple and intuitive. Everything is done for those people who are not very confident users on the Internet, and so that even they can figure out how to register a mailbox on Yandex.

    It is necessary to enter the first name, last name, phone number in the required fields, come up with a login in English (you can come up with any login. Due to it and the invented password, you will enter your Yandex mail account).

    If the login you have created is already taken, the system will automatically offer alternative login options similar to the one you entered. The same login selection system is implemented in the Mail.ru service.

    Yandex has implemented the function of linking a mobile phone to an account, and thus, a mobile phone number can be used as a login for when in Yandex mail.

    Once you've chosen your username, create a password for yourself. The system will show in real time next to the field where you will enter the password how secure it is in terms of complexity.

    There is also a hidden password feature that can be activated by clicking on the eye on the right side of the "Password" field.

    In order to pass the password securely, I had to enter 7 characters, while the characters required both Latin letters of different sizes and numbers.

    If you want to make yourself a strong password, then combine numbers with letters in your invented password.

    Now everything can be said ready! Now we press the "Start mail" button at the bottom of your completed form.

    You will see the picture that is shown in the screenshot. If you link your mobile phone number to the created account, then upon completion of registration you will have two logins to enter the Yandex mailbox.

    If you suddenly forget your login, then you can access your mail using your mobile phone.

    As I wrote above, due to the linked phone, you can quickly recover a forgotten email password in the shortest possible time, which is very convenient.

    Working with Yandex mail and its settings

    After you have created a mailbox on Yandex, you will find standard letters in the created mailbox on Yandex. Exactly the same approach is applicable in other equally popular mail services, such as: gmail.com, Mail.ru

    In fact, these are demo letters after creating an email box, as well as a certain message that explains how to start using your mail account on Yandex.

    If you change the mobile phone number linked to your account, then the login in the form of the previous linked mobile phone will be automatically canceled. You can manage cell phone numbers using a link on the page in your Yandex mail account. Let's go and see everything in detail.

    In your account, go to your account passport, which contains all the basic data that you filled out during registration. Let's start with a phone number. You can link several cell phone numbers to your account at once, while specifying the main one.

    It is also possible to completely disable the use of the number as a login if you find this option inconvenient.

    Let's go to the "Personal data" tab, which contains information that you can change if necessary by clicking on the link below. Let's take a closer look at what is on this page.

    The time zone in the account is usually determined automatically. Date of birth, gender, you can change if necessary.

    As soon as you put a new name, it will immediately appear everywhere on your account. Users will also see your name when they receive emails about you.

    If you want to "strengthen" the security of your account, then you will also need to come up with your own security question and answer, which will be requested when you restore access to your Yandex mailbox.

    In the "Access Management" section, you can quickly change your current password if necessary and make two-factor authentication.

    Such a system is used today by all popular mail services, while guaranteeing reliable protection against hacking of the mail account.

    The two-factor authentication function in Yandex mail is implemented on the basis of an application on Android or iOS. You can read detailed instructions on how to set up two-factor authentication in the Yandex help at: https://help.yandex.ru/passport/authorization/twofa-on.xml .

    On the passport page in your account, you can enter an additional email address for communication. It is also possible to upload your own avatar. If you need to log out from all devices, then just click on the "Log out on all devices" link on the passport page, and your mail account will be logged out from all stationary, mobile and tablet devices.

    If for some reason you do not need email on Yandex in the future, you can easily delete it in just a couple of clicks.

    Go to the next tab called "Payment data".

    When you set up your mailbox, you are also given a Yandex wallet number, to which you can transfer money and pay for purchases or services provided on the Internet.

    Yandex also has the ability to order an offline Yandex Money card, which you can pay with like a regular card, such as a Sberbank card, or a Tinkoff card.

    The last thing left to consider is Social Profiles. For the convenience of logging into your mail, as I wrote above, you can link your mail account to the social networks used.

    Yandex mail settings

    So we come to the settings of the mail account capabilities, depending on your needs.

    Step 1. Setting labels. You can set up emails in such a way that you understand which emails have priority and which emails are less important. The number of labels is actually unlimited, and you can apply them as much as you like.

    Step 2 Yandex mail has a convenient option called "mail collector", which allows you to collect all mail from other popular mail services to your account.

    This is an extremely necessary and very convenient feature, which today is already present in all known mail services on the Internet.

    Step 3 The "Sender" function is also convenient in that you can set up your name and personal signature, which will be substituted in each of your letters when sent to the recipient.

    Step 4 Setting up your account. Yandex mail has themes for your mail account. The design theme you have chosen will be applied in your Yandex mail account, creating a design background under the list of letters.

    You just need to click on the picture you like, and the theme will be applied to your account almost immediately.

    To access the design options, you will need to click on the icon in the upper right corner.

    Step 5 Test the proposed mail settings for usability. If you want to make something more convenient and improve something, then you can use the link that leads to the page where the section on improving the Yandex mail service will be presented.

    If you don’t have such offers, then just click “Finish” and you can continue to watch and explore all the convenient and necessary features of Yandex mail.

    Yandex mail features after creating a mailbox

    As soon as you register a mail account for yourself, you will already have several letters in the mail, among which there will be a letter with a list of services that Yandex also provides for its users. These are such services as: Yandex.Money, Yandex.Market, Yandex.Disk, Yandex.Music and a number of other useful services.

    Yandex.Disk. The cloud storage that Yandex launched just a few years ago has already become one of the largest cloud storages in Runet. At the start of the launch, Yandex Disk gave up to 10 GB of free disk space to host your files.

    It was possible to expand on a free basis up to 20 GB of disk space, and if more space was needed, then it could be done in your Yandex.Disk account, but on a paid basis.

    You can upload almost any multimedia files to Yandex.Disk. You can export data from all popular social networks such as: Facebook, Vkontakte, Instagram, Google, Mail.Ru.

    Yandex.Disk also has a basket where documents placed in the basket are stored for up to 30 days.

    It also has its own built-in photo editor, which you may find handy for your creative ideas in terms of photo processing.

    Yandex money. You have probably already heard that the company has its own payment system that works with almost all popular payment systems used by users in the Russian segment of the Internet.

    At the expense of your Yandex wallet, you can pay utility bills, the Internet, a mobile phone, and fines. You can also transfer money from one wallet to another, or make a transfer from a wallet to a bank card.

    At the moment, Yandex issues an offline card that you can order, and then pay with a Yandex card like a regular card anywhere in the city.

    Yandex Market. The service has been functioning in the Yandex search engine for far from the first year, and throughout its existence it has earned great approval and recognition by Internet users.

    This Yandex Market service makes it possible to search for a product of interest to the user in online stores. Due to the market, you can conveniently, easily, and most importantly quickly buy goods in online stores over the network.

    Yandex also took care of Internet users who spend most of their time online from mobile devices. For a mobile audience, Yandex has released applications for Android and iOS.

    Yandex.Music. An interesting service that has gained popularity in a short time, which today is used by a huge number of users on the Internet.

    To start listening to music on the Internet, you do not even need to go through the registration procedure.

    Then you will receive personal recommendations every day, based on what your musical preferences are. Each genre has its own radio on the service. You will be able to view collections quite conveniently, as well as view thematic collections based on your musical preferences.

    Advanced mailbox settings on Yandex

    To get full access to all the settings of your email box on Yandex, just click on the "gear" icon in the upper left corner.

    You will see the following page:

    We have already discussed the main parameters and now let's move on to those parameters that we have not yet touched on above:

    Mail handling rules. This item is very useful in order to fine-tune the rules for addresses from which you want to receive letters, and from addresses from which you do not want to receive letters. That is, in fact, you can configure which letters will come and which will be filtered out. Thus, you will quickly sort incoming letters in a convenient way.

    Mail processing rules can be created individually according to your needs, for example, to filter those letters where certain words will occur in the sender's address or in the subject line.

    It is also possible to create folders in your account with your own names, where incoming letters will be sent (to set up such rules, you need to use the "Rules Builder")

    Security. This item is very important and treat it with the utmost responsibility. To begin with, if during registration you made a simple password, then I strongly recommend that you come up with a complex password in order to minimize the possibility of hacking your mail on Yandex.

    In the "Security" section, you can also view the visit log, where it is possible to view all recorded actions in Yandex mail.

    Affairs. Yandex has such an interesting service, due to which you can keep an electronic record of the cases that you need to implement (Yandex has also developed its own mobile application).

    This is how the Yandex email account looks like.

    Other options. This paragraph contains access to all the important nuances in working with a Yandex email account that you cannot find in quick access.

    Set the criteria you need:

    • Displaying the required number of letters per page (the maximum number of letters output is 200);
    • Visibility of letters;
    • Convenient demonstration of attachments in the body of the letter;
    • Using the menu;
    • Opportunities for flexible editing of letters and their sending / forwarding;
    • Moving messages to the "sent" folder or to the "deleted" folder after they are sent to the recipient;
    • Sound notifications for incoming emails.

    How to exit Yandex mail

    To log out of your mail account, you need to click on the "Log out" button.

    Be sure to use the "Exit" button when you enter the mail from someone else's computer. You can also use the "Sign out on all devices" feature. This option is very convenient if you are logged into your account on a computer, tablet or mobile phone, and for some reason you need to log out of your mailbox on all devices. With the click of a button, you can do it very easily!

    More on this in the next section.

    The Yandex mail service has an excellent opportunity in terms of linking the domain name of the site to the mail account. In this case, your mail will look branded (example: [email protected] ru).

    The most important and beneficial advantage of linking a domain to the Yandex mail service is that this feature in Yandex is absolutely free. In Google, creating corporate mail costs money, which is no longer as attractive as the offer from the Russian search engine Yandex.

    To link your domain purchased from the registrar and link it to the Yandex mail service, you must click on the "All services" link.

    At the bottom of the list, in the "For business" section, you'll find "Mail for Domain". Or just follow the link http://pdd.yandex.ru.

    On the page that appears, you will need to write the name of your domain and click on the "Connect. Domain" button.

    If you do everything as it is written on Yandex to correctly configure the connection of the domain to Yandex mail, you will have the opportunity to start using corporate mail, and for free!

    Let's go in order.

    Corporate mail. The Yandex search engine makes it possible to create corporate mail. You can make the number of mailboxes you need on Yandex, while it is more difficult to set up only the first corporate mailbox through pdd.yandex.ru. All other email boxes for the same domain are done in a few clicks.

    It is also quite easy to access mailboxes, you can also change the password in a couple of clicks.

    In a word, managing corporate mail is very simple. Mail can be added in a few clicks and also removed in a couple of clicks, if necessary.

    The interface pdd.yandex.ru also has the ability to put the logo of the company to the mail. Among the useful functions there is also such functionality as: “default address”, “mailbox aliases”, “domain aliases”.

    Yandex Mail is integrated with dr.web antivirus and thus reliably protects the mailbox from viruses and spam.

    Yandex several years ago released its mail application for Android and iOS mobile operating systems. Using mobile devices is very convenient and saves a lot of time.

    Mail for users. You can connect Yandex email hosting to your domain. This mail hosting service from Yandex is a free service.

    It is possible to display a form directly on your site that will register your site users on the Yandex mail service. An interesting bonus is that you can display a widget where you can see the number of letters received by mail.

    In addition to everything written above and what opportunities the Yandex mail service can provide you, it is also possible to connect - DNS hosting. Delegate the domain to Yandex servers, and the search engine will ensure its full and uninterrupted operation.

    Naturally, you will need to confirm the right to own the domain. To do this, you will need to follow Yandex's instructions in terms of editing records for the domain.

    As well as in the Google search engine, it appeared in Yandex in the "chat for domain" mail account.

    It is important to know!

    If you link mail to your domain, then mail on the domain cannot access services such as Yandex.Money, Yandex.Direct, Yandex Advertising Network (YAN).

    Services related to money are also not provided if you have linked mail to your domain. Such services include money transfers on the Yandex.Music service and payment for a subscription to this service.

    How to delete mail on Yandex

    To delete a mail account, there is a corresponding link for this, which is located in the Personal Data of your Passport account.

    Let's go to our Personal Data, where at the very bottom of the page you will see a link to delete your account.

    Generally speaking, deleting mail on Yandex entails the loss of access to all other equally useful services on Yandex.

    When deleting a mail account, all messages with attached files will be deleted, and moreover, folders and files on the Yandex.Disk service will be deleted.

    If you have any questions about payments or money transfers in the Yandex.Money service, you will need to resolve them before you decide to completely delete your mail account on Yandex.

    To solve the problems that have arisen, you need to contact the Yandex Support Service.

    After deleting mail on Yandex, it will not be possible to restore data. It will not be possible to roll back the account deletion action!

    If you nevertheless made a firm decision for yourself to delete mail on Yandex, then let's figure out how to do it.

    You will be prompted to enter the answer to the security question that you entered when registering your mailbox. Accordingly, in order to continue the process of deleting an account, it is necessary to correctly answer the security question by entering the correct answer to it and the password from the mailbox.

    As you can see, there is nothing complicated in deleting a Yandex account. After you click on the "Delete account" button, you will receive the following message.

    As you can see, in principle it is possible to take a remote login again if necessary, but naturally there will be no information there. That is, the mailbox will be new when you re-register.

    The main thing is to understand the important point. If you have firmly decided to delete your Yandex mail account, then you will permanently delete all letters with attached files, and also delete all folders with files on Yandex.Disk, also without the possibility of recovery.

    It is worth noting that registering mail on Yandex is very simple, and if necessary, it is also easy to delete it. It is very convenient, agree!

    Additional Information

    As I wrote above, you can register using your social media accounts.

    In this option of registering an account, the process is even faster, since Yandex takes the basic data about you from your social network profile (name, phone number, city of residence, etc.).

    You can find and carefully read all the most important information on the pages of the Yandex blog. I recommend that you go to the address - https://yandex.ru/blog/mail

    When you register a Yandex mail account, you automatically get access to all other Yandex services.

    When you are authorized by your login, Yandex gives you more accurate information. Therefore, I recommend spending a few minutes creating a mail account, and when using any service on Yandex, be authorized under your mail login.

    For people whose work is connected with the Internet, it will not be superfluous to create your own profile on the My Circle service. If you are looking for a job, then due to this service you can find a suitable job for yourself by posting your resume in it.

    Use the Resume Compilation Assistant, which will indicate what data is required and in what categories to publish your resume.

    Once you have completed your resume, you can easily save it in electronic format. If necessary, it can be downloaded and printed.

    In addition to professional needs, it is possible to use the My Circle service for personal purposes. You can add friends and acquaintances to your Circle.

    For your friends, the first circle is provided, and just acquaintances fall, respectively, first into the second circle, and from there they have a chance to get to you in the first circle with your consent and assistance.

    Service "My Circle" is essentially a social network for people with professional interests. In "my circle" it is possible to invite people to your circle either by email address, or from popular social networks such as Vkontakte, FaceBook, Odnoklassniki.

    In your account, you can get full access to all the companies you are interested in, and you will also have the opportunity to mark up your resume, which will help you find an interesting new job as quickly as possible.

    Yandex has a fairly large number of services in 2018 that are successfully developing not only in the Russian segment of the Internet.

    To date, Yandex is a leading first place among IT companies.

    We will use all the convenient services from the Yandex search engine, and follow the innovations of modern technologies and trends in the Internet world.

    This completes the review of Yandex mail registration. I hope the article was informative and useful for you.

    I wish you success in the Internet space, and see you on the pages of the blog site!

    For dessert (be sure to watch with sound):

    Yandex.Mail is one of the most popular free email services. There you can freely register and get an address that ends with @yandex.ru. The Yandex mail service is convenient, easy to use and always available on your computer, tablet or smartphone - all you need is Internet access.

    If your mail is on Yandex, then you need to enter its site every day. Easy entry to mail is provided by the start page " Login" - just add the address there mail.yandex.ru, and put the “Login” page itself (address) as the start page in the browser.

    The entrance to the mail will always be at hand, you can get there literally with one click:

    When you log in to Yandex.Mail for the first time, you will need to provide your username (postal address) and password. If you have already indicated them (entered), then your mailbox with letters will simply open, and you can work with them.

    And, of course, if you already have a mailbox on Yandex, you can always get there from the main page of Yandex (link in the upper right corner).

    Registration in Yandex mail

    To register in Yandex.Mail (get your address), you can open the Yandex.Mail website through the site's start page, as we just described, or simply open Yandex and click in the upper right corner "Get a box." Whatever method you use, a simple registration procedure will begin. You will need to come up with a name for the box (your address, at the end of which there will be @yandex.ru, For example: [email protected] ) and a password that must be remembered and kept secret. You will also need to provide basic personal information.

    Please note that you can specify your phone number - this is very useful if you need to restore access to your mail in the future (for example, if you forget your password). Indicate the number that you use and that you always have with you. If you do not specify the number, then how will you instead be offered to assign a secret question, the answer to which only you know (this is necessary in order to protect yourself from hacking).

    How to enter Yandex mail through VK, Odnoklassniki, Facebook ...?

    When you open the Yandex website, you will see the entrance to the mail in the corner, and there are buttons for logging in through VK, Facebook, Odnoklassniki and other sites. In our picture, they are underlined - first comes VK, then Facebook, then Twitter. If you click on the ellipsis, then the entrance will appear through other sites, including Odnoklassniki:

    And if you have already opened the Yandex.Mail website, then you will see similar buttons just below the buttons "To come in" and "Registration". That is, for example, if you want to enter the mail through VK, then you do not need to press "Registration", and immediately press the button with the letter "AT":

    How to use Yandex.Mail

    So, if you have already registered and you have a mailbox. What to do next?

    How to view the letter?

    When you log in to Yandex.Mail (for example, through), you get into your Inbox folder. These are the letters you received. Among them may be letters from people, mailing lists, advertising, and so on. The screen shows how many unread emails you have and how many emails are in this folder. For example, "Inbox 2 / 99" means that you have 2 new letters, and there are 99 in total in the folder.

    The most recent messages are shown at the top, the older ones below. New emails highlighted in bold. To open the letter and read it, just click on it! To go back, click on "Inbox" or swipe backward if you're reading emails on your phone.

    How to reply to a letter?

    Open the email you want to reply to. At the bottom there will be an empty field (you need to scroll to the end if the letter is long), where you can immediately write an answer. When you're done, click "Reply".

    Another option is to click the button "Reply". With this method, the reply window will quote the letter you are replying to. You can simply write a response, or you can respond to individual parts of the letter by inserting your answers between the lines. When finished answering, press the button "Send". The letter will go to the addressee, and a copy of it will appear in the "Sent" folder. You can always open it and see what, to whom and when you answered.

    How to write and send a letter?

    Click the button "Write". Where there is an empty field "To whom", enter the recipient's address (for example, petr.smir [email protected] ). It is also advisable to briefly indicate the subject so that the recipient immediately understands what the letter is about. Write your letter below. When you're done, click "Send". As with replying to an incoming email, your email will be sent to the address and a copy will be in your Sent Items folder.

    There is another question!

    Look at the Yandex.Mail help - most likely, there is an answer there.

    What should I do if Yandex.Mail does not open?

    First of all, use the "Login" start page to enter your mail. Perhaps you are entering somewhere in the wrong place - the start page will help with this.

    If the mail says that the password does not match, most likely you are entering the password incorrectly. Even if everything seems to be right. Maybe capital letters are included? Or is the language wrong? Check and try again.

    If you forgot your password or it doesn’t fit, use the access recovery — open the Yandex.Mail login page and click on the link "Remember password".

    Yandex.Mail on the phone

    Yandex has Yandex.Mail mobile applications that allow you to use mail directly on your phone. All the necessary functions are there, the applications themselves are free. There are options for iPhone and Android (to install, open Epp Store or Google Play on your phone and type in the search "Yandex Mail").

    Another way to install mail on your phone is to go to the Yandex.Mail website from a computer or tablet and order a link to your phone (you need to specify the number).

    A bit of history

    Yandex.Mail appeared in 2000 (Yandex itself was launched in 1997). Now Yandex mail is used by about 22 million people.

    Yandex is not only a search engine, but also a service that offers an easy and simple way to create a mailbox. Registration will take 5-10 minutes, and you can use it for a long time and successfully.

    After registering, you will receive a postal address (e-mail), which is necessary for correspondence with friends, colleagues, subscriptions, creating a page in the social. networks.

    Possibilities of a mailbox on Yandex

    Each mailer has its own characteristics.

    Consider the main features of Yandex:

    1. receiving, sending letters and files;
    2. information about the sender is in the letter;
    3. unlimited volume;
    4. interesting and non-standard interface themes;
    5. the presence of Yandex.Disk with a capacity of 10 GB;
    6. quick access to files and links attached to the letter;
    7. viewing attached files directly in the mail interface;
    8. creation of a box for the domain.

    Using this service, you can set up a convenient workplace for correspondence. And also share large files.

    The creators thought about those who use mail for personal correspondence, and about those who need this service on duty (organizations, domain owners).

    Video: create an email inbox

    Stages of creation

    The basis of this service is not particularly different from others. Therefore, creating an email address on Yandex will not be difficult, both for a beginner and for the owner of another mailbox.

    First of all, you need to go to the official Yandex website. In the upper right corner, click "Start a box". In the window that appears, fill in the fields: First name and Last name. If you do not want to distribute your last name over the network, you can enter a fictitious one.

    Unique login

    Login is your middle name. You will indicate it at the entrance to your mailbox. Also, the login will be the beginning of your e-mail.

    Important! Enter a login that you will not be ashamed to send to friends or colleagues.

    That is why your email name should be unique, readable and easy to remember.

    The login must consist only of Latin characters, numbers can be used. A hint of what your name might look like will appear to the left of the field. For example, it could be your mobile phone number.

    One of two things will be written to the right of the field: the name is occupied or free.

    If it is busy, you can add more numbers to the name or letters. Or try something else.

    If we are free to proceed to the next step.

    Usually the system offers you free options. They are based on your first and last name, plus additional numbers.

    If you find it difficult to come up with a name, just choose any of the options you like. Click on it and it will automatically go into the input field.

    Important! Remember the username you chose, you will use it to log in.

    Login password

    To protect and enter the mail you will need a password. It should be easy to remember, and at the same time difficult to guess.

    Important! For reliability, it is better to use different registers, languages, numbers and symbols.

    In the input field, dots will appear instead of symbols. This is to protect your data from prying eyes.

    Under the field you will be given the level of protection:

    • simple;
    • average;
    • reliable.

    A simple option needs to be finalized, at least to the average.

    It is very easy to create a complex password by entering your favorite phrase in the English layout. The original will look like a set of letters and symbols.

    Then we repeat the entered password in the appropriate field.

    If you do forget and lose your password, there is a way to confirm that you are the owner of the email. About him below.

    Question to restore access

    A security question is required so that you can easily restore a forgotten password. The phone number is entered for the same purpose.

    Important! Do not come up with brilliant questions. After all, the answer to it should always be in your head.

    As a standard, they choose the mother's maiden name, because it is unchanged and unforgettable.

    In the appropriate fields, you need to enter a question and an answer to it. The system will remember it, and upon your request to renew the password, it will ask you for the answer to your security question.

    If none of the suggested options suits you, select "Ask your own question". Write it down and answer below.

    If you enter a phone number, then with similar actions, you will receive an SMS with a code. You will rewrite the code in the appropriate field and go to your mailbox.


    The next field is "Enter symbols" or "Enter captcha", below is a picture on which the symbols are written, and that's what they need to be entered in the lowest field.

    To complete registration you need:

    • check the box to agree to the Yandex rules;
    • click on the Register button.

    All mailbox has been created.

    Now you have reached the page with your letters. There is already one incoming letter from Yandex. It can be opened by clicking on the inbox, and in the window that appears, click on the letter itself.

    How to start an email on Yandex under a different name

    Internet users need mail for different purposes. It is very convenient to have, for example, a separate address for subscribing. Then important letters will not be lost among the mailing list.

    First you need to log out of your mail:

    Click on the "Register" button and fill in all the fields of the registration form. Only now enter another login, it should also be free.

    You can enter the same password, it's more convenient. But repeating passwords makes your security vulnerable. Therefore, it is better to password-protect a box for receiving letters with personal information. However, it should not be used anywhere else.

    The security question can be left the same as on the first box.

    If you entered a phone number, then when creating a new address, you need to specify a new one. You must have access to this number, as it will receive an SMS with a confirmation code.

    Similarly, we complete the creation.

    We use mail

    Now you need to figure out how to work with e-mail. Immediately after registration, you will be taken to the messaging control panel.

    On the left there is a menu:

    • inbox - received letters come and are collected here. In order to open a letter, you just need to move the cursor over it and click the left mouse button. Unread items are highlighted in bold. When you open the letter, it will not be highlighted;
    • sent - the name speaks for itself. All messages created by you and sent to the recipient are stored here;
    • remote- a message can be deleted from any folder, after which it will go to this folder;
    • spam - all advertising correspondence gets here;

    Important! The messages you need can also get into spam, so it's better to periodically check this folder and delete unnecessary ones.

    • drafts - if you have written a text and get distracted, you can save it and not send it. You can find the saved message in the Drafts folder;

    In order to create a message you need:

    • go to mail;
    • select the tab "Letters" - "Write";
    • enter the recipient's email address in the "to" field;
    • in the "Subject" field - the name of the message (optional);
    • in a large white field - the text of the message;
    • click "Submit".

    All messages have been sent. You can also attach a postcard or file.

    There are two ways to delete an email:

    • open the letter and click the "Delete" button at the top;
    • open the folder where the letter is located, check the box next to it. Click "Delete" at the top.

    There is a horizontal menu at the top:

    • letters;
    • disk;
    • contacts.

    Each of these items has its own sub-items. Work with letters is described above. Large files are stored on the disk; and in contacts you can create your own notebook with the addresses of your enumerators.

    Be sure to leave the box when you're done. So no one can read your correspondence.

    To log in again you need to:

    • go to the main page;
    • enter your username and password;
    • click "Login".

    Create mail for your domain

    If you are the owner of a domain, you can create a box with an address like "[email protected]", where the name is any word. For one domain, the service allows you to create up to a thousand mailboxes.

    Plus, you can connect the organization's domain. From it you can create mail for your employees.

    Creation algorithm:

    1. go to the domain connection page;
    2. fill in the appropriate fields;
    3. click "Connect".

    The system will take you to a page with your domains.

    To get started, you should:

    • confirm that this is your domain;
    • submit the domain to service management.

    Creating a mailbox is simple and fast. Yandex.ru has an intuitive interface. Therefore, it is enough to read all the hints and fill in the appropriate fields.

    The possibilities of this service are quite wide. It would seem that the creators have thought through everything to the smallest detail, as long as users feel comfortable.

    Logging into the mail and registering a Yandex mailbox

    If the mail was previously registered, then he enters the account after entering the login and password. If the password is lost, the system offers to click "Remember password", then the user will go to the following page:

    In this case, to restore, you will need to enter your login or your email address, as well as a verification code. If you previously entered your personal mobile phone number, the system will help you restore your mail by sending a message with a password to your phone.

    If you are on this site for the first time and have not previously registered a mailbox, you should click "Registration" and proceed to fill out the form.

    Login via social network

    Recently, the system introduced another possibility to log into the account - through social networks: Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Toy World, Google and Odnoklassniki. If you are logged in to the social network, you can quickly enter Yandex. If not, click on the icon of the social network, as shown in the example (Twitter is selected here) and log in first to it, and then to Yandex.

    Mail Registration

    Registration in Yandex mail is absolutely free, you can go through it in a couple of minutes and use your mailbox for years.

    To register, fill in the fields:

    • surname;
    • login (and repeat it);
    • password (and repeat);
    • mobile phone (if available).

    Pay attention to the degree of password strength, if the system considers it unreliable - change the password. If you enter a mobile phone number, you will receive confirmation to the specified number in the form of a code. The code will need to be entered in the appropriate window during registration. Immediately the user will go to the mail settings:

    If you want to receive notifications of new letters to the specified mobile number, confirm this in step #1. The user has a convenient function for setting labels, which can be named and marked by color at their own discretion. Thus, you can sort letters: by work, from friends, family.

    If you have several mailboxes, you can track mail in one, specify only the addresses of other mailboxes.

    Fill in the "Sender Information" section:

    • Enter your name;
    • enter a signature that will end each letter you send;
    • add an existing photo or take a new photo with the webcam;

    Choose a design style for mail, this will be Step #5.

    In the sixth and final step, the system reports the completion of the configuration.

    Mailbox Features

    So, you are in your mailbox and immediately see two new letters that came automatically from Yandex.

    The mailbox inside looks very standard.

    Vertical menu

    On the left is a vertical menu and it helps to navigate the letters, it consists of sections:

    • incoming;
    • sent;
    • remote;
    • spam;
    • drafts.

    Horizontal menus

    Horizontal upper The menu has the following sections:

    • search (transition to a search engine);
    • mail (here you are now);
    • disk (here you can store files and give links to them to other people so that they download the material);;
    • money (here you can register a Yandex wallet);
    • music (for listening to music);
    • photos (for storing photos);
    • more (many other sections).

    lower the horizontal menu consists of three sections: letters, disk, contacts (for adding regular senders to the list).

    Making changes to your account and adding contacts

    If you were in a hurry and created your mail with data that you would like to change (for example, you entered a fictitious name), you can always correct the situation.

    Mail settings

    If you want to make any changes to your account, mail settings or its design, you can do this after going to the "Settings" section of the same name, it is located in the upper right corner, next to the mail address.

    As you can see, the settings are extensive. Of the unusual functions of the mail, it is worth noting the "Cases" section, this is a kind of diary or notebook. Here you can enter your plans and control their execution. If you work at a computer during the day and wait for certain letters, you do not need to constantly go to the mail page and refresh it to find out when a new letter arrives. You can set the sound alert function.


    If you have a contact database that you do not want to manually re-enter into "Contacts", you can import it using a special file with the ".csv" or "vCard" extension.

    Working with letters and the nuances of mail


    For reading incoming messages, the user needs to go to the appropriate section and click on the new letter that has arrived (the selection will then disappear). When an email is open, the following options are available to you:

    • write (new letter);
    • check (mail for new letters);
    • reply (to an incoming open letter);
    • Reply All;
    • forward (to another user);
    • delete;
    • this is spam (the letter will be sent to the appropriate folder and new letters from its sender will now only be in this folder);
    • unread (leave the message view as unread);
    • add button (archive, forward, to folder, label, auto reply, with money).

    Other folders

    The Sent Items folder will contain emails that you send to someone. In "Deleted", "Drafts" and "Spam" corresponding to the names of the letters.


    If you have a smartphone or tablet, install the Yandex mail application and then you can read, receive and send mail on these devices as well.

    When you go to another section of the Yandex service, you can always return to the mail again.

    If you have difficulty creating a mailbox, watch the video as well.