Sweaty hands: reasons and what to do in this case. Palms, palms, wet palms

In medicine, excessive sweating of certain parts of the body is called “local hyperhidrosis”. This phenomenon occurs in both adult men and women and children. This causes a lot of serious inconvenience for adults and often becomes the reason for the development of psychological complexes.

There are many methods to help get rid of excessive sweating in your hands. But no matter what treatment method you choose (traditional medicine or folk remedies), you first need to establish why your hands sweat.

The causes of sweaty palms can be very different. In most cases, hyperhidrosis is nothing more than a symptom of a disease or a sign of a malfunction in the body. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is advisable to undergo a comprehensive medical examination.

Moderate sweating is an important part of the human body's thermoregulation process. In conditions of elevated temperatures, the human body releases moisture: the arms, legs, head, torso and, to a lesser extent, the palms sweat. And when the palms are constantly wet, regardless of temperature changes, then we are talking about pathology.

The most common causes of hyperhidrosis are usually:

  • stress and heavy emotional stress;
  • disruption of the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • heredity or genetic predisposition.

In addition, additional negative factors may include side effects of certain medications and lack of proper nutrition.

The development of the disease is preceded by disruption of the autonomic nervous system. Somatic, as is known, is responsible for actions that are performed consciously. Vegetative – for such vital processes as thermoregulation, breathing, heartbeat. This is why improper operation of the system can cause severe sweating of the hands.

How not to confuse hyperhidrosis with profuse sweating?

Sweating is a self-cooling function of the body programmed by nature, which prevents it from overheating. Therefore, profuse sweating of the hands is not always a sign of health problems. Sometimes this is a normal reaction of the body to the influence of external factors such as:

  • nervous tension;
  • the weather is too hot;
  • heavy physical activity;
  • eating spicy and spicy foods.

Thus, increased sweating of the palms only under specific circumstances is not a cause for concern. But if your hands sweat a lot constantly and for no apparent reason, then you should seek help from specialists. Today, to identify hyperhidrosis, there are a number of quick, simple and painless tests (iodine-starch test or Minor test), which allow you to diagnose the presence or absence of the disease.

Drug treatment for sweaty hands

Treatment of local hyperhidrosis with medications involves influencing the central components of the ANS.

To eliminate excessive sweating in high-risk areas (palms, groin areas, armpits, etc.), a solution containing substances such as formaldehyde, tannin, glutaraldehyde and aluminum hexachloride is used. You should not carry out such procedures yourself at home, as it is unsafe. Failure to comply with clear proportions when preparing the drug is fraught with the appearance of various rashes on the skin.

In modern medicine, when treating hyperhidrosis, doctors are increasingly resorting to the latest techniques. Botox injections are one of the most popular. The patient is injected under the skin in small doses with a toxin, which is the causative agent of botulism, in order to block the activity of nerve endings.

This method is very effective, but its disadvantage is that the procedures must be repeated after 3-4 months.

Another common method of combating hand sweating is ionization, the treatment of palms with ions. The result is amazing. However, nothing is known yet about the side effects.

The cardinal solution for excessive sweating is to perform an operation - sympathectomy. Surgery involves removing the nerve trunks responsible for regulating the function of the sweat glands. After surgery, sweating in the palms and armpits disappears, but this may cause severe sweating in other areas.

Folk remedies for the fight and prevention of hyperhidrosis

  1. Creams and ointments with plant extracts that affect the sweat glands, reducing their secretion. Preparations containing extracts of mint, lemon balm, wormwood, rowan leaves, etc. effectively fight this disease. The product is applied to the skin of the hands twice or thrice a day.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide or ammonium chloride(ammonia). To do this, 1 tablespoon of any one substance is dissolved in 300 ml of cool water. Hands are wiped with this solution several times throughout the day. This will weaken the activity of the glands and also prevent the development of bacteria.
  3. Oak bark decoction. To prepare such a hand bath, you need to pour 2 liters of boiling water into 3-4 tablespoons of dried oak bark and leave for half an hour. Then cool slightly and dip your hands in the broth for 30 minutes. The procedure is carried out 3-4 times every 7 days.
  4. Decoction of medicinal herbs. To do this, you will need 4 tablespoons of a mixture of dry herbs (sage, chamomile, dandelion root, calendula flowers). Prepare a strong decoction by pouring 1 liter of boiling water over the herbs. Wipe your hands throughout the day with a cotton swab dipped in a healing decoction. After such a bath, your palms will remain dry for 2-3 hours.
  5. Laundry soap. It sounds intimidating, especially for women’s hands, but the result will not be long in coming. You need to replace regular toilet soap with laundry soap, which has drying and bactericidal properties.

Whatever method you choose, you need to understand that folk remedies do not give instant results. Treatment of hyperhidrosis with herbs can take several months. The obvious effect usually occurs after a week, but quickly disappears if the procedures are stopped. At home, it is only possible to support and alleviate to some extent the general condition of the body, trying to eliminate the consequences. Only experienced doctors will help you find and cure the cause.

Indeed, excessive sweating is not a pleasant phenomenon. Some people even shy away from handshakes and romantic encounters because of this. If your palms are sweating, what should you do? Should I consult a doctor or solve the problem myself? In fact, in most cases, doctors have answers to the question: “What should I do to avoid sweating?” In particular, sweating is not necessarily a pathology, but may be a specific property of the human nervous system.

You should also probably be aware that sweating is a normal function of the human body that helps keep it cool. I remember one article that listed the signs of representatives. One of the signs, in addition to blond hair and blue eyes, was increased sweating. This means that someone considers such a manifestation of the body almost an advantage.

And yet, if you still have what to do? Maybe you don’t need to do anything, but just wash your hands more often. This phenomenon may be due to the characteristics of the body. However, there is also such a pathology as hyperhidrosis.


Translated from Greek, hyperhidrosis literally means “excessive sweat” or increased sweating. This pathology is divided into general and localized.

  • General hyperhidrosis manifests itself under the influence of physical and emotional stress, high temperature and certain diseases, including tuberculosis and damage to the nervous system. It is not difficult to guess that in this case, if your hands sweat, only a doctor knows what to do. You need treatment, don't you?
  • Hyperhidrosis, localized in its most common forms, can be caused by wearing rubber or tight shoes, neglect of hygiene, or wearing synthetic clothing.

Hyperhidrosis can contribute to the development of fungal skin infections.

Specialists will try to select a comprehensive treatment for each case.

And in some cases, if a person’s palms sweat, he knows very well what to do. For example, I know a guy who simply systematically abuses low-alcohol drinks. Sweat literally pours down his face, and his palms are constantly wet. But he himself says that as soon as he stops drinking a lot of beer, sweating returns to normal.

Causes of increased sweating

  • Strong excitement, fear, stress.
  • Intense mental work.
  • Unusual climatic conditions. Heat.
  • Too spicy or hot food.
  • Overweight.

Question: If your palms systematically sweat, what should you do? My weight is normal, I don’t abuse alcohol.

Answer: If you think that this is a pathology and the cause is unknown to you, then make an appointment with an appropriate specialist for diagnosis. The fact is that a disease such as hyperhidrosis is detected only in medical institutions.

Ways to eliminate the problem of excessive sweating

  • The use of special deodorants.
  • Various solutions.
  • Appropriate procedures.

Traditional medicine methods from my grandmother. If your palms sweat a lot

  • Prepare the following solution: 0.5 tbsp. table vinegar per 2 liters of cold water. Soak your hands in the prepared solution twice a day.
  • Keep your hands systematically in a decoction of sage or oak bark.
  • Ointment: glycerin - ½ part, lemon juice - ¼, medical alcohol - ¼ part. Mix all. After each hand washing, wipe your palms.

The grandmother claimed that in this way she personally, having shown due patience and perseverance, completely got rid of such problems with her hands.


Still, you should probably remember that in some cases the problem of increased sweating can only be solved by a specialist. You definitely won’t be ashamed of doctors. Remember also about regular hygiene procedures. I wish you great health!

What to do if your hands sweat? Everyone knows that there are no ideal people in the world.

A person cannot have everything: a beautiful and healthy body, good character, wisdom, money and fame.

There is no need to be upset about this, but it makes sense to try to change something, find out the reason and how you can free yourself from any unpleasant situation.

In this world, nothing is impossible at all, and if a person sets some goal for himself, nothing will stop him from achieving it.

The most great inconvenience, awkwardness in public, discomfort makes your hands sweat. This problem occurs in both men and women. This is not pain inside that can be hidden.

This will not go unnoticed, especially when you are constantly in public, engaged in active work at work, when you need to say hello when meeting or meeting. After all, it is a handshake that shows how open, reliable and confident a person is.

In Russia, people have always expressed and continue to express their relationships - this is a sign of friendliness. When someone caused contempt from society, it was not for nothing that they said that they would not shake hands with such a person.

Young people, especially boys, have so many complexes because of this. Often because they really want, but cannot hug or take their girlfriend's hand. We all need communication, acquaintances, and no one wants to sit at home because of one drawback.

There are many people who do not follow their problems or illnesses, but try to solve them. Such people have good willpower, perseverance, strength of character, and psychologically this helps them not to become discouraged, but to achieve success.

The disease of sweating hands is called local hyperhidrosis and first, in order to understand how to cure it, you need to find out what contributed to it.

Causes of sweaty hands

There are many reasons that cause sweaty hands:

1) various infectious diseases;

2) disorders in the endocrine system (function of the thyroid gland or adrenal glands);

3) a lot of mental stress, because the brain also gets tired;

4) severe stress, great anxiety due to nervous tension;

5) diabetes mellitus has many signs, but first of all it is sweating;

6) inherited - genes;

7) improper body care or unsuitable care products;

8) inappropriate diet or side effects from medications;

9) sweating can also be instead of an allergic reaction;

10) it can also occur during puberty or menopause;

11) hormonal imbalance in the body;

12) chronic or acute diseases (bronchitis, headaches, etc.);

13) consequences of bad habits;

14) influence of the ecological environment (radiation, dust, pollution of rivers, lakes, etc.);

15) fatigue, overexertion, excessive physical stress;

16) a lot of hot spices in food (some affect the heart, and because of this they affect sweating);

17) low-quality underwear (synthetics, nylon tights) also affects sweating of the palms;

18) palms also sweat from holding back emotions for a long time, our psyche cannot tolerate this;

19) this body says that you need to express your feelings.

These factors may not necessarily be present in every person, but there are people with increased sensitivity. If you have determined which of the above is most suitable for you, you can proceed to treatment.

It is best to first contact an endocrinologist, therapist or neurologist. Doctors will help you find out what causes sweating and indicate a method of treatment.

According to doctors: local hyperhidrosis affects approximately 1% of the world's population.. Of course, sweating is natural. But even when a person works a lot or it’s simply hot outside, the body should sweat, but not the hands.

If a person is healthy, his hands will not sweat, but if they do, it is very rare and due to stress. This disease can be treated both naturally and medically (drugs, injections, surgeries).

It is better to use traditional methods, because medicine can have other consequences, and it is expensive.

Folk remedies for sweaty hands

Using traditional medicine you can treat in the following ways:

1) wipe the skin with ammonia solution (a spoonful of alcohol per liter of water). You need to hold your hands in a vinegar solution twice a day for a couple of minutes - half a glass of table vinegar per liter of water.

Some people use both lemon juice and an infusion of black tea, oak bark or sage leaves;

2) prepare a decoction of oak bark (3 tablespoons of bark and 1 liter of water); you will need to lower your palms into this warm broth for about 7-8 minutes;

3) use a cream prepared with your own hands (mix plantain, calendula, dandelion and nettle in equal parts - they must be dry);

Pour boiling water over a tablespoon of the mixture and leave for 40 minutes, then mix 2 tablespoons of the infusion with chicken or pork fat (50g), honey (one tablespoon) and castor oil (two teaspoons);

4) take regular baths using sea salts and essential oils;

5) wash your hands with cold water and alum powder daily;

6) also use a decoction with chamomile, plantain, and cloves;

7) rosin also helps (grind like a powder and sprinkle on your hands), after a couple of such procedures the sweat will disappear;

8) a decoction of 20 bay leaves also helps well (1.5-2 liters of water);

9) use of potassium permanganate: make a light pink solution and gently stroke your palms with a sponge;

10) take one egg, separate the white and beat the yolk separately, gently mixing from top to bottom, until foamy.

Apply to the back of your hands, and when it dries and is absorbed, rinse. This procedure is for every morning, which also helps girls get rid of acne on their face.

In practice, it has been proven that walking in the open air helps relieve profuse sweating.

Yes, and you need to wash your hands and feet much more often, but only with high-quality soap or natural products. Firstly, it helps reduce the amount of sweat, and secondly, it helps relieve stress.

Gymnastics for the arms is also useful.

Rub your palms until they warm up, then turn them over and rub the backs of your hands for 20-25 seconds.

Clasp your fingers and tighten for 15 seconds to stretch them in different directions. It is advisable to repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

With your arms bent at the elbows, and then with your hands, perform movements in a circle and alternately clench your fingers into a fist, and then, like a fan, unfold. You need to do 5-10 such movements in each direction.

It is not good if a person does not sweat at all. This means that he also has some problems.

For example, this may indicate a lack or excess of iodine in the body, disruption of the thyroid gland, or very long contact with chemicals or cosmetics.

Treatment for this problem takes a lot of time, so don’t lose hope and be patient.. This requires an integrated approach and strict adherence to all regulations and recommendations. You should always finish what you start.

Excessive hand sweating is considered a fairly serious problem, causing a lot of discomfort. Pathology can be dealt with only after the cause of its occurrence has been established. Therefore, if signs of this problem occur, you should consult a doctor. After a thorough diagnosis, he will select an effective therapy that will help you get rid of sweaty hands.

There are many factors that lead to the appearance of hand hyperhidrosis.

The main reasons for this problem include the following:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • generalized hyperhidrosis;
  • intoxication;
  • – in this case, sweating may appear from excitement;
  • chronic diseases;
  • excess amount of catecholamines in the blood.

Quite often, hormonal changes are the cause of hand hyperhidrosis. Therefore, this problem can appear in, or women. Also, pathology often occurs during the period.

In any case, the treatment regimen is selected by the doctor. At the same time, he must take into account the causes and severity of hyperhidrosis.


To detect excessive hand sweating, you should pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • professional problems;
  • hand skin hyperemia;
  • difficulty holding slippery objects in your hands;
  • difficulties using writing pens;
  • the appearance of wet spots on paper;
  • violations in the intimate sphere.

Drug therapy

To get rid of severe symptoms, you should consult a doctor. The specialist selects medications that the patient should take at certain intervals. One of these drugs is atropine. This substance copes well with sweating palms. However, it is important to consider that the medicine may cause dry mouth and dilated pupils. Therefore, the drug is used quite rarely.

Another category of anti-sweating medications includes sedatives. This group includes valerian, peony tinctures, homeopathic sedatives. They have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and help reduce the manifestations of hyperhidrosis.

In case of severe anxiety, the use of tranquilizers is indicated - in particular, phenazepam. However, it is strictly forbidden to take such drugs uncontrollably. They can become addictive after just a few weeks of use.

In addition, prolonged therapy with such drugs causes depression of the nervous system. The person experiences weakness, and upon withdrawal, withdrawal symptoms occur.

The following medications help to cope with hand hyperhidrosis:

  • Hydronex. This drug contains natural ingredients of plant origin. It contains plants that have many beneficial properties. Thanks to the use of Hydronex, it is possible to regulate the functioning of the sweat glands, making it less pronounced.
    This product does not pose a health hazard - it does not provoke adverse reactions or allergies, and does not lead to clogging of pores. The concentrate should be taken orally, and the spray should be used to treat problem areas. The course of therapy is 20 days.
  • . This solution has a detrimental effect on bacterial microorganisms that are located on the surface of the dermis. In addition, it closes the ducts of the sweat glands, leading to their death. The product is designed for local use. To do this, the drug should be applied to clean skin for half an hour, then wash your palms with warm water and soap. In just 2-3 days you can notice the first results.
  • . The medicine suppresses the work of the sweat glands. The product is suitable for external use only. To do this, apply a thin layer of gel to the clean and dry dermis of the hands for half an hour. After completing the procedure, you can take a warm bath. When the skin dries, it should be lubricated with cream. After several procedures, you can achieve good results.
  • . This remedy is used to treat severe sweating. It is recommended to treat problem areas with the product 1-3 times a day. Duration of therapy is 3-7 days. Thanks to the use of the substance, it is possible to achieve an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect. In addition, the medicine quickly relieves inflammation.

Read also: Treatment of sweating feet: all the best methods of traditional and official medicine

  • SyNeo 5. This is an effective substance that has deodorizing characteristics. It can be used morning and evening. Thanks to this, it will be possible to protect the surface of the epithelium from inflammation and irritation. This cream contains glycerin, which additionally has a moisturizing effect.
  • Chistotop Deo. This substance contains only natural ingredients. It absorbs quickly and has a pleasant aroma. The result can be seen literally the first time. The effect is achieved after the first use.
  • Zinc ointment . This product belongs to the category of antiseptics. It prevents the appearance of bacteria and helps cope with sweaty palms. This ointment should be applied at night to clean, dry skin. After half an hour, the remaining product can be removed with a towel.

Effective procedures

To cope with hyperhidrosis of the palms, apply injection techniques. For this it is shown to use botulinum toxin type A and a remedy that has a similar effect - . Thanks to the use of these substances, it is possible to block the activity of the sweat glands. Medicines begin to act within 1-3 days after the procedure.

The drugs are injected to a certain depth exactly in those areas where it is required. Thanks to this therapy, it will be possible to cope with hyperhidrosis for a long time - 6-12 months. After which you will need to re-administer the product. The procedure takes literally a few minutes and is performed under local anesthesia, so it does not cause any discomfort.

After the session it is prohibited:

  • sunbathe for 3 days;
  • use antibacterial agents, tranquilizers, aminoglycosides and calcium supplements for six months;
  • visit the swimming pool, bathhouse and sauna during the week.

Important! This procedure may cause unwanted side effects. When blocking sweating, it can reduce the sensitivity of the hands. Therefore, doctors advise doing injections only on the right hand.

In addition, there are certain contraindications to the use of injection methods for the treatment of hyperhidrosis. These include the following:

  • lactation;
  • chronic lung pathologies and;
  • skin inflammation;
  • viral infections;
  • hemophilia;
  • myasthenia gravis.

Read also: Treatment of hyperhidrosis with Botox: procedure and table of possible side effects

The use of iontophoresis is considered an effective method of therapy. This procedure is also called galvanotherapy. It is based on the action of a weak electric current. Iontophoresis can be done at home. To do this, you should purchase a special device from a specialized pharmacy.

The procedure does not cause pain. To carry it out, a person must place his hands in special recesses filled with water. A current appears in them and enters the body. The duration of the session is half an hour. However, the procedure also has certain disadvantages: after therapy, increased skin dryness occurs.

Surgical intervention

To permanently cope with the problem of excessive sweating, you can resort to surgery. In this case, the surgeon compresses or completely destroys the nerve fibers through which the nervous system transmits impulses to the sweat glands.

This procedure gives results in 95% of cases. The disadvantage of this type of intervention is the risk of compensatory hyperhidrosis. However, excessive sweating may occur in other areas.

Important! The operation has certain contraindications. One of the main limitations is the presence of secondary hyperhidrosis. In such a situation, it is necessary to treat the underlying pathology.

In addition, the procedure cannot be performed if there is severe heart or lung failure. Contraindications also include severe cases of tuberculosis, emphysema, and pleurisy.

Traditional methods of treatment

Treatment of pathology with folk remedies involves the use of medicinal hand baths. Today there are many effective recipes that help cope with the disease:

  • . If you have hyperhidrosis of the hands, you need to take baths every day with the addition of a small amount of potassium permanganate. The solution should turn out light pink. After completing the procedure, dry skin should be thoroughly wiped and treated with powder. It is also permissible to use a special deodorant.
  • Silver birch. To prepare the remedy, you need to mix fresh leaves with water in a ratio of 1:3. If dried raw materials are used, the ratio should be 1:10. After the procedure, hands should be dried. To get good results, you need to carry out a course of therapy. First, the baths are done three times a week, then 2 times, and then 1 time, until a good result is achieved. If the problem returns, the course should be repeated.
  • . If your palms are affected, it is useful to take 5-minute baths with a vinegar solution. To prepare it, you need to mix 3 small tablespoons of vinegar with 1 liter of water. Thanks to this procedure, it is possible to narrow the pores.
  • Vinegar, borax, etc. To make a medicinal composition, add 1 small spoon of soda to 100 g of vinegar. This must be done gradually, thoroughly mixing the solution. After the hissing stops, you need to add 4 g of borax, after dissolving it in 250 ml of water. You should also add 30 g of glycerin. Treat the skin of your hands with the resulting mixture, and after a few hours apply baby cream.
  • . To get a medicinal decoction, you need to mix 1 large spoon of bark and 1 liter of water. Add a few tablespoons of vinegar to the strained mixture. Keep your hands in the resulting mixture for 5 minutes.

Do you know the feeling of awkwardness when you are embarrassed to touch the hand extended for a handshake, when you cannot grab the handrail in transport or fully work out on exercise equipment - and all because of sweaty palms?

Those who are faced with the problem of local hyperhidrosis know that the quality of life is reduced to a minimum if the palms constantly sweat. "What to do?" and “Who should I contact?” - the questions that concern them in the first place.

Is it the disease or the set of chromosomes that is to blame?

If our sweat glands suddenly stopped functioning, then half of humanity would die out from overheating, and the other half from an excess of toxins in the body. So it's normal to sweat. It is also normal that the palms should not participate in the processes of thermoregulation and the removal of toxins, especially if the ambient temperature does not exceed critical values.

That is, the condition when the palms constantly sweat means that in fact there is a pathology that has its own reasons:

  • Metabolic processes (and sweating too) are directly related to the functioning of the endocrine system. Problems with the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, diabetes and other diseases of the pancreas, hormonal fluctuations during growing up or menopause - all this can become the basis for such misfortunes.
  • Liquid appears on the surface of our body after the sweat glands receive a signal from the nervous system. And if there are malfunctions in its work, they sometimes manifest themselves in increased sweating of the palms.
  • Hyperhidrosis, localized in the area of ​​​​the palms, can be a concomitant symptom of various diseases of the cardiovascular system - from VSD to myocardial infarction.
  • It also happens that everything seems to be in order with the body, there is no stress, the teenage period has long passed and menopause is still far away, but your palms still sweat. In this case, we can already talk about congenital pathology caused by a genetic factor.

Additional provocateurs of local sweating are stress, overexcitement, chronic fatigue, bad habits.

Who should I go to and what should I do?

A dermatologist is the first doctor on your list to see if your palms are sweaty. What to do, what examinations you need to undergo, and what measures in your case will have the most effective effect - these questions will be answered by a qualified specialist.

Consulting other doctors - an endocrinologist, a neurologist, a cardiologist - will not hurt. After all, it is simply pointless to begin to eliminate the problem without knowing its origins.

Modern methods of combating dry hand skin range from external “lotions” to surgical interventions. Each of them has disadvantages - some are fraught with side effects, others are limited in time, and others are obscenely expensive. There are no universal remedies, since everyone has their own reasons for this physiological deficiency.

Spread, spray, wipe

This is the first desire of a person whose palms sweat from excitement or for no reason. External agents (ointments, gels, powders) are first on the list even among specialists, although such “half measures” only eliminate the consequence. But they can also be effective in cases where the problem is temporary (for example, during adolescence).

Tannin, aluminum hexachloride, and formalin are used as active ingredients in such preparations. The most popular cosmetic and pharmaceutical products are DRY DRY, Formagel, Max-F “NoSweat” antiperspirants.

The use of such products requires caution and careful adherence to the instructions for use - they often cause irritation on the skin.

Pill for sweaty palms

The simplest method cannot be called safe, since it involves taking sedatives, antidepressants, and anticholinergics. Not only do your palms stop sweating, but there are also plenty of side effects such as drowsiness, lack of clarity of vision and problems with bowel movements.

A doctor should prescribe and monitor the effect of drugs of this type.

Good old physiotherapy

Electric current has long been successfully used in medicine. To prevent palms from sweating, one of his electrophoresis techniques is used - iontophoresis. The palms are dipped into baths of water, through which a low-power current is passed - it blocks the work of the sweat glands.

Sometimes anticholinergic drugs are added to water to enhance the effect.

Typically, a course of 5-10 iontophoresis sessions is enough to make your palms sweat less; then the procedures are carried out once, to maintain the effect - once a month or more often.

This local physiotherapy procedure has a gentle effect on the body, but there are contraindications - chronic heart failure, the presence of a heart pacemaker. And the method does not help everyone.

Botox in the palm

Injections of the drug are not done to smooth out lines on the palms. It’s just that botulism toxin (the active substance in its composition) can block the work of sympathetic nerves that signal sweating.

Botox is injected subcutaneously, in “steps” of 2 cm, initially defining clear boundaries of hyperhidrosis. The injection sites may be sore for several days.

The injections have no contraindications, the effect lasts on average six months, after which the expensive procedure can be repeated.

What needs to be cut?

In extreme cases, when the palms are constantly sweating, and none of the methods has brought results, doctors recommend resorting to an operation called “sympathectomy.” It involves surgically blocking the sympathetic nerves - they are cut or pinched with a clip.

Modern techniques allow the operation to be performed with minimal trauma. Treatment is expensive, but doctors promise a 98-99% guarantee of getting rid of excess moisture on your hands.

There is one big disadvantage - after surgery, the problem of excessive sweating may “spread” to other parts of the body.

Traditional medicine also has its own developments in this area. Basically, the advice boils down to taking baths, rubbing and sprinkling problem areas with pharmaceutical and home remedies that narrow the pores.

  • Let's add some "sour" flavor. For wiping several times a day, use 2% salicylic alcohol, viburnum decoction or lemon juice in half with water, for baths diluted 1:5 apple cider vinegar, for powders - crushed boric acid crystals.
  • Tea - not only inside. Strong brewed black tea contains a high content of tannin, which perfectly tightens pores. Use it to wipe your palms too.
  • The most famous folk remedy in the fight against excessive sweating is oak bark. For several days in a row, prepare a bath for your hands at night with a drying and caring effect - place a tablespoon of raw material in a saucepan with a glass of boiling milk, remove from the stove, cover and leave for half an hour. Strain the infusion, dilute it in half with water and enjoy the procedure for about 30 minutes.

An integrated approach and perseverance will definitely bring results. And then the moisture in your palms will not be a hindrance in any area of ​​your life - social, professional, personal relationships.