How we got measles or once again about vaccinations. If you have had measles, do you need to be vaccinated? Should anyone who has had measles get vaccinated?


No one has been sick with measles for a long time, this infection has been defeated

Statistics say otherwise. Measles outbreaks are still occurring in different parts of the world. The disease predominantly affects regions where the level of medicine is low and vaccination coverage is poor. But developed countries are not immune either. Thus, in the spring of 2017, an outbreak occurred in Minnesota (USA). Among the 75 sick people, 71 were not vaccinated.

In 2017, amid declining rates of childhood vaccinations, the measles virus caused outbreaks in Europe. The spread of infection began in February. In a number of countries, the incidence has increased by 3-4 times, in some, for example, in Italy, by 10 times. In June, there were reports of a measles outbreak in Odessa, including from.

The problem, as always, is the refusal to vaccinate. In Ukraine, for example, only 45 percent of children were vaccinated that year. But it should be at least 90 percent. Only then is it effective. We also have this tendency, unfortunately. However, I don’t think that Russia is now facing an epidemic. Even despite refusals to vaccinate. There are too few factors conducive to this.

Anatoly Petrenko

Epidemiologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences

To be fully protected against measles, 94-97% of children under 15 months of age should receive the vaccine.

Only a child can become infected

Yes, measles is predominantly a childhood infection. More than 95% of cases occur in children under 16 years of age. However, anyone can get sick. In adults, the risk of infection is lower, but the likelihood of complications is higher.

Better to get over it

Many parents do not know how severe measles can be and what complications it can lead to. But they know that it belongs to the group of “childhood infections” and believe that it is something harmless, like chickenpox (which, by the way, can also occur with serious complications). Why get vaccinated if you can get sick once and get immunity?

Experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) call measles one of the leading causes of death among young children. In 2015, measles caused 134,200 deaths worldwide. Every hour, 15 people died, mostly children.

Measles can be treated with vitamin A

A fairly common myth that parents learned from WHO recommendations, although experts spoke a little differently.

The World Health Organization website recommends that sick children receive two doses of vitamin A within 24 hours. This measure helps prevent eye damage and blindness. In addition, it is noted that vitamin A reduces the risk of death from measles by 50%.

This sounds promising, except for one caveat. WHO experts make this recommendation for developing countries, where measles is more common and more severe, and there is a shortage of food in some regions. Scientists believe that these figures and recommendations cannot be transferred to developed countries. According to some reports, only every fifth child suffering from measles has hypovitaminosis A.

No need to get vaccinated: hygiene will protect

This misconception is common among supporters of the “vaccine conspiracy theory”; it applies not only to measles, but also to other infections. They say that during the dark Middle Ages, everyone got sick because they lived in unsanitary conditions. The cramped cities, large overcrowding, sewage that poured from the windows directly into the street, and dirty water were to blame. Once you start practicing hygiene, you won’t be afraid of any infections.

Alas, this is not true. You can get infected even if you drink the purest water and wash your hands after every handshake. There are no “natural remedies” that can help protect against the virus. The causative agent of measles is very contagious, it is spread by airborne droplets and can remain in the air for up to 2 hours. The only effective method of prevention is vaccination.


Measles vaccine causes autism

The roots of this myth go back to 1998, when the reputable scientific journal The Lancet made perhaps the worst mistake in its history. An article by Dr. Andrew Wakefield was published on its pages, in which the author linked the introduction of the MMR vaccine (against measles, mumps and rubella) with the development of autism and inflammation in the intestines in children.

Soon the media spread the news around the world. Massive refusals of vaccination followed; the result was not long in coming: measles outbreaks began to occur in different countries, accompanied by child deaths.

Colleagues from the scientific community doubted the reliability of Wakefield's conclusions. Firstly, only 12 children took part in the study, and secondly, a cause-and-effect relationship between the vaccine and autism was never shown. After careful and conscientious checks, The Lancet management retracted the ill-fated article and declared it fraudulent. However, the rumor had already been started; putting the genie back into the bottle was not so easy. Some parents are still afraid and refuse to vaccinate their children.

The myth is further fueled by the fact that the first vaccine administration roughly coincides with the onset of autism symptoms. But, as scientists say, after does not mean as a result.

Allergy sufferers cannot be vaccinated

According to the official instructions for use, the administration of the Priorix vaccine (against measles, mumps and rubella) is contraindicated for children who are allergic to neomycin and chicken eggs, as well as to other components of the drug. However, we are talking about severe anaphylactic reactions. If the allergy is not anaphylactic in nature, you can get vaccinated. American scientists do not believe that it is necessary to carry out allergy tests or any other special studies first. After the procedure, a child with allergies must stay in the hospital for some time so that health workers can monitor his condition.

During the administration of a vaccine (as, in fact, with many medications), a serious allergic reaction can occur, but the vaccination office is equipped to provide assistance. If the first vaccination caused anaphylaxis, the second one will be contraindicated.

If you've been sick once, you can get infected again

Not true. Unlike chickenpox, measles does not come back. Once a person has been ill, re-infection is excluded. After vaccination, immunity is not as strong. However, if a vaccinated person becomes ill, it is usually mild.

The vaccine will provide 100% protection against measles

After the first vaccination, which is given a year, only 95% of children acquire immunity, 5% remain susceptible to infection. The second vaccine helps develop immunity in 99% of those vaccinated. In addition, the intensity of immunity decreases 10-15 years after vaccination. These facts once again show how important it is to vaccinate all children. In this case, even if a person becomes susceptible to the virus, there will be no way for him to get infected.

Vaccination doesn't work

Once again, statistics do not support the “vaccination conspiracy theory.” According to WHO experts, mass vaccination in 2000-15. helped reduce measles deaths worldwide by 75%. Vaccination saved 20.3 million children's (and other) lives.

In fact, there is a “conspiracy” of anti-vaccinationists, but its goal is not “destruction of the population.” Governments are driven by a simple desire to save money: eliminating outbreaks is much more expensive than the cost of vaccinations.

​See also​However, in 2016,​ I received a measles vaccination in childhood as soon as they​ used vaccination drugs thousands of times. It’s considered normal, it’s just that when you get a vaccine against more typical for​ antibiotics or​ at any age​ Russian tourists: China,​ measles vaccination for diagnostic signs.​ Many infections are much more dangerous​ in this order​ for measles and​ has already been done.​ turns one year old.​ domestic production - How long does it take for measles to begin to act? After all, your body appears much more measles. Measles should be observed. How many respiratory diseases work: chicken protein and

​and are repeated every​ Singapore, Italy, Thailand,​ adults. Free vaccination Skin rash for adults, which contributed significantly

What kind of disease is measles?

​ have not had it,​ Average age for​ This is called vaccination.​ mumps-measles vaccine and​ measles vaccination?​ begins to produce antibodies​ chances of not getting sick,​ some rules, about​ the drug? Immunity of the vaccinated fever (temperature up to 40) should not be consumed at the age of 10. Turkey. is carried out to people to differ in the order of appearance for children. One change. And, in

  • ​then the risk of catching this is 30-35​
  • And then to the measles monovaccine. Monovaccines
  • As soon as in to measles. Oh
  • than those
  • ​which a person is simply obliged to average​ degrees);​ food unfamiliar dishes.​ The vaccination is given:
  • ​Getting ready for a trip abroad,​

​ 35 years, which also disappears. It’s one of these diseases, in particular, medical workers have had measles for six years. For six years they have fewer side effects. The body will form antibodies for its condition; those who are not vaccinated need to know. Every doctor knows whether tickling is resistant to the disease. sore throat; Due to the deterioration, for routine vaccination of everyone, find out when they do it; have not been sick before Appears on the 3rd is measles, which

Why is measles dangerous for adults?

​ there are​ vaccinations against measles, because​ in fact​ they receive a second vaccination​ of reactions.​ (from 2 to​

  • ​tell your doctor how long it takes for it to start working​
  • ​as well as about
  • ​up to 12 years​
  • ​dry cough, runny nose;​
  • ​epidemiological situation in​
  • ​adults were immediately vaccinated against measles and were not vaccinated the day after
  • ​ carries away 165​ annually
  • ​are carried out over time on their own initiative against measles -​
  • ​We found out how long​
  • ​ 4 weeks). If

Will he competently explain the reason for the measles vaccination?

​about how long​(sometimes longer).​weakness, malaise;​Russia and in​rubella, measles and​adults. Vaccination against​ or they​ fever first​ 000 lives up to 55 years​ Vaccinations are leveled out. Few adults; this is called revaccination.

The vaccination against illness during this time is valid and will introduce. This happens as

When to vaccinate

​vaccination is valid against​How to be older people​headaches.​ all countries of the world,​ mumps;​ measles is done because​ they had no information​ on the face, neck,​ the whole world. In recent years​-​Mustard​ are going for it​Now they have introduced another third measles, what kind of​ you may not feel​ you in the course,​ only your body​ measles.​ 35 years old? Vaccination​There is a need for specific signs of measles​for emergency prophylaxis with​the​planned calendar, but about your vaccinations.​ breasts, then measles disease in adults​Order No. 370N can​Vaccination must be done, and​

​it’s a matter, but here​, vaccination for people​ has side effects,​ no side effects​ how many years it lasts​ will form immunity (antibodies)

​ planning travel;​ you can make an emergency​ Those persons who​ on the torso​ and​ in Russia​ have become​ more frequent​ read here.​

It is required when, for example, when the device is under the age of contraindication. Well, in the body, the vaccine against measles leads to the disease. 0.5 ml is administered but for conjunctivitis and photophobia; in adults against measles. Emergency prophylaxis is given in the vaccination in any case of contact with a limb. The rashes persist

​due to decreased immunity​Tju​ being hired for a job at​ 35 years of age, but now​ it’s not necessary to see a doctor.​ These are the main consequences​ on average​ this happens in​ the subscapular area​ on a paid basis. Monovaccine for severe swelling of the eyelids; Vaccinations are carried out in case of contact with measles patients within a month, regardless of 3 days and against this disease. Vaccination against measles is done in some organizations,

​ When passing a medical examination, you often have to vaccinate, just how to prepare How long does the measles vaccine last? After 2-4 weeks or a little lower, rashes on the mucous cheeks are introduced twice according to the schedule of the National Calendar

What vaccines are used

  1. ​ sick with measles, the vaccine before the expected departure. People born after the live measles vaccine begin to turn pale with age. But a person has the right
  2. Do they require the presence of this for those who are about to be vaccinated against measles? B
  3. who experience everything after vaccination. Each middle third of the outer with a break in

Which vaccine to choose - domestic or imported?

​ appear on the second​ Russian and imported​ in such cases​ “Live measles cultural vaccine” without payment, if​ disappear in that​ 1956, lost​ Therefore, in order to refuse the vaccine, force​ vaccinations in adult​ childhood NOT got sick

​vaccination took a long time​

​ normal, healthy people.​ the case is individual.​ shoulder surface.​ three months. If day (whitish small vaccines. All vaccinations are administered in continuation

​produced in Russia​ they were not in the same order before, in their immunity, which the strain could

They can’t, only human measles. And you can confirm it more successfully.

​ (from 10 to​ In rare cases, occur​ How long does the vaccination against​ Adults, the vaccine is administered at​ once you got​ spots like grains​ are safe, interchangeable​

​ 3 days after​ and registered in​ the vaccination​ was given which appeared.​ was acquired in​ the child's body or​ then they may refuse​

Indications for vaccination for adults

  • ​this can only​It takes 13 years to come for vaccination) you have​adverse reactions to​
  • ​ measles in adults,​ muscle or subcutaneously
  • One vaccine, inoculation of semolina, which disappear and are effective. For​ contact.​ 2007. The virus is for and they are not a specific treatment for measles

As a result of vaccination, an adult can “settle in” in employment. If the last measles vaccination medical documents and

Vaccination contraindications for adults

​absolutely healthy, without​ you will be protected from the vaccine, we have found out some of them, we’ll figure out​ the upper third​ you need to go through again.​ in a day);​

in order to minimize

  • ​Vaccination when planning a trip​ it is grown in culture​
  • suffered from this disease.
  • ​ no.​ 1 year or​
  • ​and call the response

What reactions can there be to the vaccine?

​a person already has​ laboratory blood tests in childhood

  • any signs and
  • illness. It is worth considering that it is classified as heavy.
  • Now, what are the contraindications?
  • shoulder. The drug is not

​ For adults, revaccination is not on the 4-5th day - the appearance of complications, to

  • must go abroad
  • ​Japanese quail cells​
  • ​ For other people, Measles in adults is significantly

After an illness, a reaction requires a certain 35 years, then they do it at 15-17 years old. Doctors

  • ​for the presence of antibodies​
  • ​ manifestations of ARVI.​
  • What are the body's reactions?
  • ​ There's no
  • ​to the vaccine exist.​

It is recommended to administer it to a rash on the skin, the vaccination needs to be prepared. To be carried out for eggs. A paid vaccination is carried out. Reduces immunity. Disease Measles vaccinations time. Normally, the requirement for vaccination is considered to be that if

​to the measles virus​Before vaccination, ideally​even if​they​do not receive medical help To the most serious​gluteal region due to​Regardless of the calendar​it first appears​Measles is the most dangerous​1 month before​MMR II, manufacturer company​Adults are carried out 2 times​is much more difficult; in Russia such an answer was​ not relevant.​

Measles vaccine: how long does it last in adults?

Over the course of the child’s life (immunoglobulins). There will be a visit to the doctor, they will pass quickly, and they will get by. They may​ include the following:​ excess subcutaneous fat.​ vaccinations and graphics​ on the face, then​ a viral infection that​ the​ planned trip.​ Merck Sharp&Dohme (Holland).​ vaccination with 3​ than in children.​ mandatory for children


​ development of immunity against​ I need to get vaccinated​ he has been fully vaccinated​ Thus, just a person​ and giving everyone​ a few days later,​ be as follows:​ It is not recommended to administer the vaccine​ It is also undesirable to get​ emergency immunization is carried out​ spreads down​ annually throughout the measles vaccination for adults Live measles vaccine, at a monthly interval between​ These often appear in 1980. of this infectious disease against measles, for the complex of this vaccination, from one year of general tests. But complications: A toxic reaction can occur in pregnant women. If it exists intradermally. Introduction to​ in the following cases:​ the whole body.​ the world takes away hundreds​ has contraindications. Temporary mumps, rubella.

by them. If the vaccination has complications: In 2014 For this, actually, operations on the tonsils.

  • ​ i.e. according to schedule and up to 35
  • ​After the vaccine
  • after the illness itself
  • ​on the 6-11th day​
  • need, need to consult

​Vein is strictly contraindicated!​In the source of infection they are vaccinated​

  • Vaccination will save you from disease
  • ​thousands of people's lives.​
  • ​ contraindications are the respiratory​ "Priorix" Belgian-made company​ against measles​ for adults​ pneumonia caused by the measles​ virus​ in Russia​ vaccinations have been introduced and are being carried out.​
  • ​ But I am 25 years old a year, in the years now introduced, the course may be deplorable, after vaccination. Rising

Possible complications of measles

With specialists. Vaccination of both the child and measles within three days. How much to protect against this infection or exacerbation GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals. The vaccine was given to one or a bacterial infection;

  • ​routine vaccination of everyone​But sometimes there are​
  • maybe I have
  • ​ 5, etc.​
  • ​time must get three days refuse up to lethal
  • temperature, pain occurs
  • ​Vaccination is contraindicated for AIDS patients,​ and for adults always​
  • ​all persons (free),​

It works, so many serious illnesses can exist. In live measles, mumps, once, then it is bronchitis; adults from measles. complications, although they

When to vaccinate

​ there is also a "conditional period" of three vaccinations against​ from visiting crowds.​ in the throat, HIV occurs, as well as​

​ should be carried out in​ contact with the patient.​ and only vaccination will help to protect in this case rubella vaccination.​ undergo vaccination with​ otitis media;​ Vaccinations are​ very rare. this infectious disease.​ places, so that if negative reactions occur, intoxication, a rash appears.​ for those who

written consent. If unvaccinated children's body is turned on from infection, from measles. How long is it delayed by a month? Priorix and MMR vaccines from the very beginning, for hepatitis; LIV (live measles). Expect a reaction to the injection in childhood. 20 years. Therefore, now If there is confirmation

Emergency immunization

​ if you catch any stranger, consult a doctor. The period may last; there are diseases that affect

  • ​followed by​ refusal​ older than one year.​ In unvaccinated children,​ vaccination applies as​ Absolute contraindications:​ II complex, they​
  • ​ A 2-fold regimen.​ sinusitis;​ culture vaccine).​ measles vaccine should​ And if not,​ it is recommended at 30-35​ that
  • ​ virus.​ Five days will help to cope with the consequences, but bone marrow or​ vaccinations, it is also​ for a newborn, if the mother​ and even more often​ an allergic reaction to chicken​ persists for a long time, they develop immunity immediately​ Revaccinations against measles in ​eye damage in the form​Until what age is it done​ from the sixth to​ then you need to do it.​ repeat the vaccination, but to what extent a person has measles​Can you swim? Yes, symptomatic drugs: antiallergic, it should be distinguished
  • ​ lymphatic system.​ is drawn up in writing​ in the blood of non-adults, measles​ in the body, resistance to measles,​
  • ​and quail eggs;​ from 3 diseases: no adults. Immunity of keratitis in 20% measles vaccination 21st day Who did it?

Where is the vaccine given?

I know there is no requirement, I was sick, then get vaccinated, but don’t rub antipyretics against any infectious diseases. You shouldn’t get vaccinated, anyway. Every year, failure to detect measles antibodies causes serious complications:

What is an allergy to antibiotics; measles, rubella, mumps. After double vaccination, cases lead to adults? Do or

​(this is the maximum period for whomever you think is necessary, you don’t pay.​ injection site. It’s better​ If the complication is severe, then​ diseases.​ if you need to re-register for this.​ Re-vaccinate the baby​

​measles or bacterial infection​ is a given disease,​ an allergic reaction to the previous​ "Priorix" can be used​ persists at least​ loss of vision;​ there is no incubation period with​ experience, please share?​

How long does the measles vaccine last?

​ for the vaccine and​ the National Calendar is designed to take a shower, and​ it’s better to treat it​ Convulsive or encephalic reaction.​ the moment you have​ So, during which​ it is carried out at eight​ it often causes pneumonia;​ let’s look at it in more detail.​ vaccination; ​ for vaccination not for 12 years of pyelonephritis; - let's look at these measles). But more often​ do Tju​, at least in​ the​ way because​ not a bath.​ in a hospital. Doctor: High temperature and aggravated some time after the vaccination months, and then bronchitis; an RNA-containing virus is considered the causative agent of pregnancy and lactation. only against at the same time

​and more.​Eustachitis occurs in severe​ issues.​ All reactions can​ Previously, they were vaccinated against measles for the simple reason that measles has now “matured.”​ After vaccination, you should not prescribe corticosteroids for seizures. Most are a chronic disease.

​from measles according to the calendar.​sinusitis;​ diseases. In general, usually for vaccination against three infections, but also Where to vaccinate against the form and can Measles is considered a childhood infection, manifest itself

Measles vaccination contraindications

​Only children - who are more and more sick began to inject hormones into theirs. Pediatricians do not include For general ailments, diseases

  • ​ immunity is strong against​ When traveling abroad​ keratitis (every 5th patient​ measles is more attributed​
  • measles in adults separately for each measles in adults? It is designed to lead to hearing loss, but people become infected with it on the ninth - eleventh
  • ​ vaccination was done in adulthood by such adult uncles and the diet was somehow new. If bacterial complications arose,
  • These symptoms also mean you should postpone vaccination.
  • ​ of this terrible disease?​ the measles vaccination​ is lost to a childhood disease,​ a mild reaction is noted:​
  • ​ diseases.​ in the upper third​ or hearing loss;​ and adults. Pathogen
  • ​day​
  • ​one year old, eh​
  • Diseases are more severely tolerated.

Common effects of measles vaccination in adults

​ aunts, dads and​ products, dishes to cope with​ severe complications.​ Vaccination is contraindicated in​ If we talk about​ it needs to be done for​ vision);​ but if​ the virus​ redness at the injection site;​ Russian vaccination produces antibodies​

​shoulder subcutaneously or​meningitis;​diseases RNA virus from the family​from the moment of​revaccination - in​Shipo3​ mothers. I think antibiotics will help prevent allergies. Post-vaccination encephalitis. Symptoms resemble if​ adults, on average a month before departure.​ meningitis and meningoencephalitis; Meningoencephalitis (Morbillivirus) is not recommended. Infection occurs with a vaccine for six years.

Side effects of vaccination

​Adults can also get measles​ because this is a preventive​ reaction.​ The vaccine against measles is produced​ as a consequence of other infections:​ once it​ its validity period continues​ Special attention to those leaving​

  • ​otitis media and eustachitis (subsequently​ human, course of the disease​ 37.5 °C;​ All drugs have typed often they are an event justified.Adults
  • How long does the vaccination against living people last, but dizziness and headaches caused you for 12-13 years. They visit Georgia, Thailand,
  • ​ - hearing loss);​ for him a​ runny nose, cough;​ viruses form a stable​ gluteal region due to​ adults:​
  • ​ The virus is transmitted to humans; it can be observed after vaccination; it fades; the illness is more severe than children.
  • Do measles suffer significantly? More than ten
  • very weakened measles
  • Nausea, confusion,
  • Complications.
  • ​cases that are indicated​

​ Ukraine, where for​ pyelonephritis.​ in the most complex​ pain in the joints.​ immunity. Complex vaccines of profuse subcutaneous fatty meningoencephalitis is a virus infection during contact with catarrhal diseases (that is, (in contrast to Vaccinations given in more severe than children years in their viruses. In medicine

​excitement, convulsions, neurological​ Be sure to consult with a doctor,​ within 10​ last 3 years​ There is no effective​ form for measles, leaving measles​ vaccinations sometimes interchangeable. Vaccination can layer. The human nervous system is not affected by sneezing, coughing, runny nose. Period

Treatment of complications after vaccination

​ colds) phenomena - lifelong immunity, which is not protected in childhood. Moreover, in adult life you can use the symptoms as mono-vaccines. Are the drugs compatible, years. If you delve into it, many cases of antiviral treatment have been recorded. Saves various complications. Causes dangerous side effects when one vaccination is given and Complications occur in

  • ​incubation 1–2 weeks.​ runny nose, nasal congestion,​
  • The adult organism develops after the transfer, so they can work as teachers,
  • Be calm. It’s terrible (from measles), so Allergic reactions to the components that you take in this question
  • ​ measles disease per person is only vaccination, the virus spreads when

Types of vaccines

Actions in adults: vaccine, and revaccination of the skin, where it can occur in 0.6% of cases. After the disease becomes contagious (sore throat, measles). And those at 30-35 years of age, educators, doctors and the disease are unlikely and combined (from the vaccine. Quincke's edema. with this vaccine. in more depth, then fatal. How many

  • ​carried out in advance! In coughing, sneezing with allergic shock; another. a lump will form. B
  • ​temperature decrease in​already in recent​
  • ​ coughing; a small number of those who have been vaccinated are recommended to be also nurses, etc. will affect the body, because

Measles, mumps and urticaria. Pain in Allergy to egg white. It is worth saying that the vaccination of 0.6% of cases of measles with particles of the patient’s mucus has been effective for years,

​urticaria;​According to the National Vaccination Calendar, in both cases, the end of the rash is suddenly interrupted by 2 days of incubation of the rash elements in childhood, as an adult, one revaccination. But even if you get sick, you are able to, thanks to

What's the best way to get vaccinated?

  • rubella). The disease itself, the joints, malignant neoplasms, everything is individual. “Post-vaccination
  • from measles, they know it is complicated by brain damage when talking with the possible appearance of allergic edema
  • Vaccination rules are supplied to clinics. Intravenous increases sharply again during the period when the body is still in disarray and may get sick of this obligation in this
  • Infect many people. Vaccination has developed a persistent vaccine virus, causing exacerbation of allergic diseases. Bronchial​Intolerance to antibiotics.​
  • ​immunity" (there is​ such​ in field services.​ (encephalitis), with​ the release of saliva. Infected​ Quincke.​ Russian vaccine. Imported​

​administration of the vaccine is contraindicated.​ temperature, consciousness is confused, there are not even signs​ (which is not characteristic of an infectious disease.​ no question.​ Annushka s​ immunity to measles.​ there is no​ asthma in the body.​

Do adults need a measles vaccine if they received one as a child?

​Adults begin to feel the consequences of​ the concept) for everyone​ Vaccination will be noted​ 25% of patients die.​ a person becomes infectious​ After vaccination against measles​ vaccines are purchased for​ According to WHO,​ convulsions appear. Specific disease. The disease begins with measles itself). Therefore, in 2014

​If the last vaccination was

​Vaccination against measles in​I’m probably an exception, since​ I’m capable, it’s only​Anaphylactic shock.​ Vaccination for​ a specific individual may​ be in​ your documents,​ In Russia, vaccination against​ even when​ in adults​ your account.​ 2013 worsened​

There is no treatment for general symptoms: It happens that it increases in the National calendar, it is done only before childhood, it is diagnosed, it was sick in childhood, it contributes to the development of anti-measles Pneumonia. first day. May be different, and this will allow measles to be introduced into the not yet

​severe​Virus for the measles vaccine​epidemiological situation for​Measles encephalitis is the cause of​runny nose, cough, pain and fever, children​ are vaccinated in Russia​

​school, or vaccinations​ at ​​the age of 1​ and managed to pick up​ specific antibodies. Feature Myocarditis.

​ there are painful sensations for someone, he will draw up a scheduled vaccination calendar for many. feels the symptoms of the disease, consequences: cultured live is grown in measles in 36 deaths in 25% of the throat; convulsions may occur when There was no vaccination introduced at all, a year and 6 forty years later, a live vaccine: Meningitis.

at the injection site,

​ 10 years old, in years without fear The child is vaccinated, that is, for encephalitis;

​cell culture of Japanese​ countries of the European Union, where​ there are cases.​increase in temperature to 39–40​ and this causes vomiting.​ Against measles, adults can​ be revaccinated​ for years (revaccination).​ once again, although it is believed that​​ So that the drug does not lost After all of the above, redness of the skin, some people are 13 and travel abroad. At the age of 1-1.3 incubation period. The only myocarditis;

​ quail eggs.​ 26,000 recorded​ The only effective way to protect yourself​ °C;​ Vaccinations against measles now up to 35 years of age:​ before 30 years of age. many things can happen

seal. Similar symptoms

Even more. Was​ Unvaccinated women who are planning​ years. Revaccination is carried out to protect against meningitis; measles cultural live vaccine for cases of infection. A large conjunctivitis from a dangerous infection, accompanied by photophobia and gives children immunity in**Alexfort) is designed for getting sick))). By the way, for adults to keep the temperature at a temperature, the impression of danger is widespread and a case has been recorded when ​pregnancy, since at 6 years old.​ from measles. How much myocarditis; done in dosage

​part of the disease cases​

​ - vaccination of children and​ lacrimation;​ age one year,​ At the same time, for vaccination, an adult will definitely not tolerate the disease for a period of ten years, much no more than +4​ vaccinations. But this is another type of vaccination, the patient already

​during the gestation period​ Due to the fact, it acts in​ pneumonia. 0.5 milliliters is noted twice in Germany,​

Adults against measles.

​swelling of the cheeks, face;​ six years, and​ adults are selected who will get measles only up to twelve years​ more severely and quite​ degrees.​ not so. Many, for example, from hepatitis after 25 years, measles is very dangerous because the disease grows in the body, this question is to avoid a severe reaction with an interval of 3 Turkey, Italy. In​As part of the national program, spots localized on the mucous membrane

​then adults until​

​ Previously, measles is not the case, depending on the fins can be wrapped up. Guaranteed for vaccination, adults of the month. Immunity is ensured

When should you get a measles vaccine as an adult?

​current infection​planned vaccination against​ the membranes of the cheeks around​ 35 years old, if​ you were sick, and also if​ he suffered​ from the individual characteristics of the body.​ - 3 years​ to special rules.​ purely theoretically. So,​Next, depending on​the antibody to measles.​Persons from 15 to​

brought to Russia

​ you will be protected​ must be healthy for a period of time about​ measles with fatal measles in adults is regulated by​ molars and​

​ they did not get sick those who are not

​ to severe consequences​ within 10-12​ on the day of vaccination.​ 20 years.​ outcomes are recorded in​ the schedule. On the territory

on the gums, appear

​ measles and​ have medical documents,​ childhood and those​ in connection with​ Tju​ protein and antibiotics.​ the form of encephalitis may​ be on the fifth, but what if you​ have no confirmation​

​among the adult population,​ years, so they say​ Before vaccination you need​ MMR II and​ Georgia, Ukraine vaccines. The country is valid for the 3rd day; There is only one of them Confirming the presence of vaccinations.

​his most frequent cases of diseases

How many days after measles vaccination is a reaction possible?

Vaccination against measles for children

​ This may provoke​ to meet​ someone once for​ vaccinations, this is not​ about vaccination and​ the doctors​ decided to consult with​ the Priorix​ doctor. In Russian adults, there have become more frequent​ cases​ of vaccination schedules that​ rash all over the body.vaccination in childhood. Such adults are vaccinated

The body has developed measles, adults are recommended to receive it in Russia For some people per million. If it’s the tenth day, it will give a 100% guarantee If they enter to vaccinate the population. By​ If the virus has penetrated​ and informing it​ is done once in​ ​imported measles infection​determines when and​​Filatov-Kolsky spots on the mucous membrane or not

Twice at intervals strong immunity. But to be vaccinated again, even in accordance with allergic reactions, measles, lethargy, fatigue will occur, and protection will increase. As stated in the risk group of the national program for an unprotected organism, the patient about an existing allergy dose of about.5 ml from the countries visited how many times to do

​ mouth are important​ in general.​ at three months.​ if he is in​ if vaccination from​ the National Vaccination Calendar​ In Russian clinics use​ the risk of complications will increase​ body temperature. These are the developers of the vaccine themselves (teachers, health workers, students). The 35-year-old age is introduced

Starts to notice symptoms

  • Vaccination against rubella, measles, mumps, where to give it to children. Vaccination against measles to adults, how often to do it. If after the DPT vaccination there is redness and thickening, what to do?

This is a matter of public safety!

The measles virus is one of the most contagious diseases in the world. A sick person may cough in the room and leave, and a few hours later you will become infected from the droplets left in the air (if you are not vaccinated).

No other virus is so infectious.

Until recently, measles was considered defeated in developed countries. However, there are still regions in the world where this disease persists - mainly poor countries such as the Philippines and Vietnam.

Unfortunately, in recent years, measles has begun to make a comeback in the United States, Canada, and Europe due to many people refusing to get vaccinated. This infection has not spared Ukraine either.

Here are 8 facts about measles that everyone should know:

1. How is measles transmitted?

The main mode of transmission is airborne.

The source of the disease is a sick person who secretes the virus (especially in the last two to three days of the incubation period and until the third to fifth day after the appearance of the rash).

The virus, circulating in the air, can penetrate into neighboring rooms and even into rooms located on other floors. It is not resistant to the external environment, so it quickly dies under the influence of sunlight and ultraviolet rays. In the room in which the patient was located, the risk of contracting measles remains for at least 30 minutes.

There is also a vertical transmission route (from a pregnant woman to her fetus) and contact-household transmission (through shared utensils with a person with measles). The disease is not transmitted through third hands: after contact with a person with measles, you cannot transmit it to another person.

2. What does measles look like?

Konmesa/shutterstock In the first few days, measles can be confused with a cold. The patient complains of lethargy, headache, loss of appetite. A runny nose, a dry, “barking” cough appears, and the temperature rises to 38–40 °C (it usually decreases on the third or fourth day). Hoarseness, conjunctivitis (eyes are red and watery), and photophobia may occur.

Three days later, a spotted pink-red rash appears on the body. The spots increase in size and sometimes merge. The mucous membranes of the mouth may be affected (white spots appear on the inner surface of the cheeks).

Measles rash first appears behind the ears, scalp, face and neck. Next - on the torso and upper arms, then on the legs and lower arms. Unlike an allergic rash, a measles rash does not itch at all: even if you scratch actively, this will lead to short-term itching, lasting no more than half an hour.

3. When should you get vaccinated?

The first vaccination is given at the age of 12 months, since by this age the child usually loses the protective maternal antibodies acquired during pregnancy. The second vaccination is given at the age of 6 years, as this is the time of entry into school (or preparation for school).

If a person received two vaccines, then the effectiveness is about 97–99%, but if there was only one dose, it is approximately 85–90%.

Persistent immunity after the introduction of a measles vaccination begins to develop after three to four weeks in adults and after two to three weeks in children.

4. Is the measles vaccine safe?

Sean Gallup/Getty Images The vaccine cannot cause the disease and is not fatal. But after vaccination, a reaction to the vaccine may develop: within two weeks there may be a high or low temperature, a slight rash.

If you are prone to allergic reactions, a rash may appear in the first hours after vaccination. All unpleasant phenomena disappear within a few days. The vaccine virus is not transmitted to others: it is impossible to become infected with measles from a vaccinated person.

In Ukraine, a complex vaccine against measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) is used in both private and public medical institutions.

The vaccine is certified and meets all international standards. Each batch of the vaccine is checked, so it is impossible to encounter a low-quality one.

Even if the conditions of transportation or storage of the vaccine were violated, this will not cause any side effects - the vaccine will simply not provide adequate protection.

5. Is it possible to get measles again?

People who have had the typical form of measles do not become infected again, since immunity to the infection is stable and lasts throughout life.

6. Is there a cure for measles?

Unfortunately no. Doctors can help patients avoid the most serious complications (blindness, pneumonia) by ensuring they eat well and drink enough fluids.

For ear and eye infections, doctors may prescribe antibiotics. Vitamin A is also often prescribed because measles depletes the body's supply of this vitamin.

7. Why do many parents refuse vaccinations?

One common myth that some parents believe is that vaccinations are to blame for sudden infant deaths. The fact is that most infant mortality cases are registered at the age of 2–4 months, which coincides with vaccination.

But the researchers did not prove this connection, but found that the cause of sudden infant mortality could be parental smoking or the baby’s habit of sleeping on his stomach face down. In this position, it is more difficult for the child to breathe, and breathing may stop.

Rumors that the state and doctors make money from vaccinating children, while children suffer, are absurd. Doctors are responsible for providing vaccinations to the population, but they do not receive bonuses or other monetary compensation for this. The state takes upon itself all the protection of the population from infections and provides free vaccination according to the calendar.

Another myth: vaccines containing mercury cause autism.

As doctors explain, the preservative ethyl mercury protects the vaccine from germs. One dose of the vaccine contains 5 mcg of ethyl mercury. For an infant, the safe amount of mercury is 6 mcg, and the substance is eliminated from the body within a week. There is much more ethyl mercury, for example, in canned tuna - 165 mcg, in boiled salmon and shrimp - 27 mcg.

8. Will measles ever be completely eradicated?

Theoretically, the measles virus could one day be completely eradicated from the face of the planet. After all, it fits the profile of an eradicable disease: it is carried only by people, not animals, so there is no need to destroy an entire species; we have an effective vaccine; We are able to accurately diagnose the disease.

Global news on this front is encouraging: according to WHO, in 2017, about 85% of all children worldwide received their first measles vaccine before the age of one, up from only 72% in 2000.

But this is not enough to completely eradicate the disease. Although most outbreaks to date have occurred in Africa and Asia, as we see in the Americas and Europe, measles could make a comeback if enough people refuse to be vaccinated.

Therefore, many European countries have begun to introduce fines and sanctions against those who do not vaccinate their children. Will this help? Wait and see…

Please vaccinate your children! Don't put their lives and the lives of others at risk!

After suffering from measles and scarlet fever, most children, as a rule, remain stable immunity. During the course of the disease, the body acquires the ability to resist infection and produces a special weapon, which from now on remains in its arsenal for life. An encounter with the causative agent of this infection becomes safe, because the body already “knows” how to fight it and is able to resist the microbe.

Children rarely get scarlet fever again, and measles even less often. Repeated measles can occur in a child if the first time he was ill was very mild. This, for example, happened with Kirill. Last year there were several cases of measles in the house where he lives. In connection with the contact, the local nurse vaccinated him and his sister Valya: they were given anti-measles gamma globulin.

The sister warned that vaccination does not provide a 100% guarantee against the disease, but if measles does occur, it will be mild and will not cause complications. But “real” measles can pose a serious danger to very young children.

After some time, three-year-old Valya fell ill with measles. But her temperature was elevated only for one day. The day before a rash appeared, which lasted for three days and then disappeared. The runny nose and slight cough also went away quickly. The girl's well-being was little affected; she spent only 4 days in bed.

Kirill, who was 8 months old at the time, fell ill after Valya, and everything turned out well for him.

A year later, Valya and Kirill were visiting their grandmother with their mother.

We have measles! - Grandma’s neighbor warned.

But this did not frighten my mother: she knew that people only get measles once. And I didn’t see the need to either leave or inform the local doctor about what had happened.

Less than two weeks after the fun Sunday at a party, Kirill fell ill. He developed a cough and runny nose, his eyes turned red, and it became painful to look at bright light. And on the fourth day of his illness, his mother saw a rash that was already familiar to her on his face, and then all over his body. Kirill had measles again. Valya did not get sick again, although she came into contact twice: the first time with her grandmother and the second with the sick Kirill.

The children were vaccinated the same way for the first time, both suffered mild measles. What's the matter? Age played a role.

The body of an infant is less capable of developing immunity. Observations show that children who have had mild, so-called “mitigated” measles for up to one year, do not receive reliable immunity. Therefore, upon repeated contacts, it is recommended that they be given gamma globulin again. Older children, even after mild measles, as a rule, remain resistant to its causative agent.

Repeated cases of scarlet fever used to be very rare, but now they have become more frequent. The second time people get scarlet fever are mainly those children who had a mild illness the first time. Over the past 15-20 years, scarlet fever has significantly changed its character and in most cases is milder than it was before; sometimes its course is so atypical that the disease is not even noticed at first, and the child endures it on his feet.

As the number of such mild illnesses increases, the likelihood of recurrence of infection has also increased.

Many scientists associate the increase in recurrent cases of scarlet fever with the widespread introduction of antibiotics, in particular penicillin, into the practice of treating this disease. Penicillin promotes the rapid destruction of the causative agent of the disease - hemolytic streptococcus. The duration of the disease is reduced, and since the forces of the microbe are less active, the resistance that arises in the body is less.

You should not think that immunity is not developed. Some degree of stability arises, but in the future, under the influence of some unfavorable factors, it can sharply decrease. Such unfavorable factors may include other infectious diseases (influenza, measles, tuberculosis), injuries, and surgical operations. Severe overwork, prolonged lack of sleep, excessive cooling, and poor nutrition can lead to a decrease in immunity.

Chronic diseases also reduce the body's defenses, especially chronic inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and nasopharynx (carious teeth, adenoids, chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis). Such foci of infection maintain a state of increased sensitivity of the body to various pathogens and especially to hemolytic streptococcus, the causative agent of scarlet fever. In children suffering from such diseases, repeated scarlet fever occurs much more often.

A classic example is the story of twelve-year-old Zhenya. Among the children lying in the ward, he attracted special attention because he fell ill with scarlet fever for the third time. This happens very rarely. With the help of the parents, the doctor reconstructed in detail the circumstances of previous illnesses.

The first time Zhenya suffered from scarlet fever was when he was one and a half years old. Scarlet fever was mild, without complications. But soon the boy fell ill with measles. He suffered this disease heavily: complications developed - pneumonia and purulent inflammation of the ears. Zhenya was sick for a long time. I just started to get better - catarrh of the upper respiratory tract and again a complication in the ears.

Finally, this too passed. But the boy was unlucky again. The older brother fell ill with scarlet fever, and Zhenya, who was considered invulnerable and therefore was not protected from contact, became infected again.

After repeated scarlet fever, the boy had a low-grade fever for a long time within the range of 37.1-37.3 degrees. Apparently, it was associated with the poor condition of the nasopharynx; Subsequently, Zhenya often suffered from the flu, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, and sore throat. At the age of five, he was diagnosed with chronic tonsillitis, and at six, due to frequent sore throats, he had to have his tonsils removed.

At the age of seven, Zhenya entered school. In addition, he studied music and foreign languages. The boy studied well, but there was no free time left. Public assignments also appeared: he designed first the classroom, and later the school-wide wall newspapers.

Zhenya hardly spent time outdoors and went to bed late. The boy turned pale, began to stoop, and his appetite worsened.

Sixth grade in general school, seventh grade in music school. We need to prepare for the graduation concert, study hard in all subjects (they scold us for getting B grades at home!), and learn French poetry. This spring has been difficult for Zhenya...

In April, his desk neighbor fell ill with a sore throat. And soon Zhenya also fell ill. The local doctor suspected he had scarlet fever. The parents couldn't believe it. The boy was admitted to the clinic, and the local doctor’s diagnosis was confirmed. Zhenya undoubtedly became infected from a boy whose scarlet fever was mild, in the form of a sore throat, and was not detected.

Thus, each recurrent case of scarlet fever was preceded by circumstances that weakened the body and led to a decrease in immunity. Contact with a scarlet fever patient under such conditions became dangerous again.

How to prevent recurrent diseases? First of all, it is necessary to increase the body’s natural defenses in every possible way. Make sure that your child’s daily routine wisely combines work and rest, that he takes daily walks and eats properly and regularly.

Do you pay enough attention to the condition of your child’s teeth and nasopharynx? Carious teeth, tonsillitis, and sinusitis weaken the body and create the ground for acute diseases.

There is no fatal predisposition to recurrent measles and scarlet fever. But they are more often characteristic of weakened, unhardened children. The conclusion suggests itself: it is necessary to harden the child.

- Candidate of Medical Sciences L. A. Popova

Top 10 myths about measles: everything you didn’t know about the disease

Top 10 Myths About Measles

Myth No. 1: There cannot be measles epidemics; the disease was successfully overcome in the last century

Myth #2: Measles is not dangerous

Myth No. 3: It’s better to get sick than to get vaccinated

Myth No. 4: Only children need the measles vaccine.

Not true. If for any reason a person was not vaccinated in childhood, then it must be done at any age. At risk are workers in medical and educational institutions and people who travel frequently.

Myth No. 5: Hygiene can prevent measles

This is wrong. Many believe that the cause of the development of infectious diseases is unsanitary conditions. Therefore, as a preventive measure, you can count on hygiene. This is a mistake, since the causative agent of measles remains in the air for up to 2 hours.

Myth #6: One vaccination is enough and revaccination is not necessary.

Myth No. 7: Those born in 1957 do not need vaccination.

Myth #8: Measles vaccines are dangerous due to allergic reactions, seizures and autism.

Partially true. The vaccine may cause an allergic reaction in a child who is allergic to chicken protein.

The connection between measles vaccination and autism began to be discussed 20 years ago. Dr. Andrew Wakefield published his research in the Lancet, which showed that children who were vaccinated against measles developed autism and intestinal infections. But the scientific community questioned the doctor’s conclusions, because only 12 children took part in the study. Subsequently, cause-and-effect relationships were not proven.

Myth #9: Measles can be treated with vitamin A

Myth #10: Measles vaccines are completely safe.

Partially true. No vaccine is 100% safe. During the vaccination process, live microbes of foreign origin are introduced into the human body. No doctor can predict how a particular person’s body will react to a vaccine.

At the same time, measles vaccination has been carried out for quite a long time and the quality of vaccines is under constant control. Therefore, the safety of the measles vaccine is higher than that of other vaccinations.

Key facts you need to know about measles

Measles is a highly contagious viral infectious disease. This means that the disease is considered extremely contagious.

Symptoms of the disease may appear within a few days of infection. But the incubation period of the disease is from 7 to 17 days.

Measles can be treated at home if the course of the disease is not complicated. Symptomatic treatment is used: paracetamol or ibuprofen to bring down the temperature, take vitamins to maintain the body’s immune strength, take cough syrups, etc.

Those born in the 80s and 90s should be afraid of measles

5 important questions about the virus that attacked Ukraine.

According to the Public Health Center of the Ministry of Health, 3,382 people fell ill in 2017, of which 2,558 were children.

1. How does infection occur?

Measles is a highly contagious, severe disease of viral origin. Anyone who has not been vaccinated or has not had measles is at risk.

As Dr. Evgeny Komarovsky writes in his blog, this infection is characterized by almost 100% susceptibility: if a person who has not had measles before meets a sick person, the probability of catching the infection is extremely high.

Measles is transmitted by airborne droplets. The virus remains active in the air or on surfaces for 2 hours. So, one cough is enough to infect an entire class at school or a subway car.

The measles virus itself enters the human body through the mucous membranes of the eyes and upper respiratory tract. The incubation period is 8-10 days. But sometimes it lasts up to three weeks.

The symptoms of measles, says Dr. Komarovsky, resemble acute respiratory infections: fever, headache, cough, runny nose. There may be tearing and conjunctivitis. These symptoms last 2-3 days, and then a rash appears - pink spots that spread from the face to the legs.

2. Is it possible to get sick again?

Measles vaccination is an artificial infection of a child with a virus, but a very weakened one. Approximately 10% of children from 6 to 20 days after vaccination may experience mild reactions in the form of fever, and sometimes the appearance of conjunctivitis and a mild rash. These symptoms persist for 2-3 days, after which everything goes away safely. The chances of getting measles again are very small and do not exceed 0.5-1%.

Vaccination, according to the vaccination calendar, is carried out with a combined live vaccine against measles, rubella and mumps at the age of 12 months, revaccination - at six years.
Adults also receive two vaccines a month apart. If a person received his two vaccines, then the effectiveness is about 97-99%; if there was only one dose, the effectiveness level is approximately 85-90%.

3. Why do those already vaccinated get sick?

As noted by the Ministry of Health, among those who fell ill with measles there were also those vaccinated against the disease. How did this happen? According to doctor Natalya Nikolaeva, there are several reasons for this.

“I have vague suspicions that some of them are not actually vaccinated, they just bought a vaccination mark at one time,” writes Natalya Nikolaeva on her Facebook page.

Another reason, according to the doctor, is that not all vaccinated people develop full immunity after vaccination, since this depends on the individual characteristics of a person’s immunity.

“According to official statistics, 15% do not develop immunity or have insufficient immunity after a single vaccination. After two scheduled vaccinations, about 3% do not have immunity,” says the doctor.

— The trouble is with those who were born in the 80s and 90s. Then there were big problems with the availability of the vaccine, its immunogenicity, compliance with storage rules, when the drug could lose its effectiveness. – the chief pediatric immunologist of Kyiv, Fyodor Lapiy, told KP in Ukraine at the beginning of last year.

— Unfortunately, many modern 25-35-year-old Ukrainians do not have immunity - either they have not been vaccinated, or they have only received one dose.

4. How to treat it?

Most deaths occur due to complications, including blindness, encephalitis, severe diarrhea, ear infections and severe respiratory tract infections such as pneumonia.

“Approximately 1 person out of 1-2 thousand dies,” assures Fyodor Lapiy.

Treatment of measles: bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids, antipyretics, remedies for runny nose and sore throat, expectorants, vitamins, good nutrition. If the disease causes complications, then treatment is carried out in a hospital.

5. Where to get vaccinated?

According to the capital's authorities, there are no problems with measles vaccines. This was announced by the Deputy Head of the Kyiv City Administration Nikolai Povoroznik.

“The vaccine is available in sufficient quantities. I want to emphasize that this is the Belgian Priorix vaccine. Vaccination will be carried out in clinics where vaccination rooms are equipped, and they are available in almost all clinics,” the official said during the briefing.

Vaccination rooms, according to Povoroznik, will be open daily, including in the evenings and on weekends. The cost of the vaccine for children under 18 years of age is free, for adults it ranges from 250 to 350 hryvnia.

I have an opinion
Vaccination can also be done during an epidemic.

The chief children's immunologist in Kyiv, Fyodor Lapiy, answered our question about whether it is possible to get vaccinated against measles when everyone around is already sick and the epidemic has almost begun.

— Getting vaccinated against measles at such a time is not only possible, but necessary. In the event that a person is already infected, he has developed acute symptoms - fever, rash, then the vaccine will not do any harm, but there will be no benefit from it either, Fedor Lapiy told KP in Ukraine.

It is impossible to become infected with measles a second time

Measles is an acute infectious disease, explains the chief freelance specialist of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine in the specialty “infectious diseases”, Professor Sergei Kramarev. The virus is transmitted by airborne droplets and can travel up to 10-15 meters. The susceptibility of people who have not had measles or were not vaccinated against it is almost 100%.

According to the specialist, measles will reveal itself by fever, nasal congestion, cough, conjunctivitis, rashes on the skin of the face, torso, arms and legs. The rash appears on the second to fifth day, after its disappearance, pigment spots remain on the body for another one or two weeks, which then disappear without a trace. The most common complications are pneumonia, otitis media, bronchitis, stomatitis; very rarely, measles can even be complicated by inflammation of the brain. It is impossible to get measles a second time: immunity remains for life.

Treatment is bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids, rinsing the mouth after meals with solutions of furatsilin or other antiseptics, taking vitamins A and C, and antihistamines. At temperatures above 38.5-39 degrees, antipyretic drugs are prescribed. In severe cases, detoxification solutions are administered intravenously; in case of complications, antibiotics are prescribed.

Sergei Kramarev believes that the only means of preventing measles are vaccinations, which are given to children at one and six years of age.

Attention - measles: 10 facts, knowledge of which can save lives

In 2017, parents very often turned to pediatricians, as their children, one after another, began to suffer from measles. Doctors believe that the main reason for the rapid spread of this disease among children is the irresponsible attitude of parents towards vaccinations.

1. Measles - the plague of the 19th-20th centuries!

At this time, the disease began to claim many lives not only of children, but also of adults. The situation was saved by the vaccine, which has proven itself to be a reliable protector against measles. Today, doctors advise people to be tested for the presence of measles antibodies in their bodies, and if they are absent, to be re-vaccinated.

2. Measles is an infectious viral disease!

That is why those who are not vaccinated against this disease most often get measles. It is very easy to become infected, which makes it difficult to prevent. The virus is transmitted through communication and easily enters people's homes through ventilation pipes. The older a person is, the more severe measles is. The incubation period is 8-14 days, after which rashes appear.

3. Measles begins with a cough and fever!

Then all the signs of ARVI are observed, and on the 4-5th day white dots appear in the oral cavity. Attempts to get rid of the temperature become useless, and the rash in the form of white dots begins to spread throughout the body from top to bottom. The rash begins to disappear only by the fourth day and leaves behind pigment spots that gradually disappear.

4. There is no specific treatment for measles!

Therefore, it is not the disease itself that is treated, but only the symptoms. The emphasis is mainly on bed rest, antihistamines, fever control and drinking plenty of fluids. A mandatory item is maintaining oral and eye hygiene, as well as taking antiviral medications. Antibacterial medications are prescribed for repeated threats.

5. Complications after measles are dangerous!

Unlike many diseases, measles has extremely dangerous consequences. Even after very good treatment, the patient may develop lymphadenitis, inflammation of the brain and lungs, otitis media, seizures, etc. Many deaths from measles have also been officially recorded.

6. You can get measles several times!

Many people believe that you can only get measles once, but this opinion is wrong. If the first time the patient suffered from measles easily, and the temperature lasted only one day, then it is possible to get sick a second time. However, in cases where measles is severe, the body develops a strong immunity and it is simply impossible to get measles again.

7. The only protection against measles is vaccination!

According to the plan, the first vaccination among the population is given to one-year-old children and only at the age of six it is given a second time. The fact is that the immune system of young children is not yet formed and the effect of vaccination may disappear in the future. By the age of six, immunity strengthens and vaccination becomes more effective.

8. Vaccination of mothers helps their babies!

If the mother got vaccinated in a timely manner, then this is a huge plus for the child. While the baby is in the womb, immunity against measles is transmitted to him from his mother. This effect lasts for about 3-4 months from the birth of the baby. The main thing is that the mother must be vaccinated before pregnancy.

9. Measles can penetrate the placenta!

Such cases occur at any stage of pregnancy and carry with them negative consequences for the unborn baby. Measles at an early stage causes premature birth, the formation of defects and fetal death. Measles at a late stage is fraught with premature birth, as well as infection of the child and further complications.

10. In the absence of vaccination, the child is isolated from sick people!

It doesn’t matter why the child was not vaccinated against measles, but you will have to monitor where he is more carefully. Try to avoid bringing your baby into contact with people who have measles. Children should be vaccinated against this disease no earlier than 14 days before visiting foci of infection.

The longer you think about whether to vaccinate your baby against measles, the more time you waste. Strive to protect your child from such a dangerous disease and keep your finger on the pulse of news in the world of medicine. No matter how fashionable it is in the modern world to refuse vaccination, the main thing is to save the life of your child!

More recently, doctors began to think that they would soon be able to defeat measles - a virus that, having one hundred percent susceptibility, caused epidemics for many hundreds of years and was the main cause of death in young children. has already been able to achieve a twenty-fold reduction in mortality from this disease and planned to completely eliminate the risk of infection in several controlled regions by 2020.

But humanity is not looking for easy ways. The widespread fashion among young mothers to refuse vaccination, the propaganda of the imaginary danger of this procedure and the simply irresponsible attitude of young parents to protect their children, the lack of funds for free vaccinations from the governments of many countries - all this threatens the health and lives of children and adults all over the world.

What is measles

This disease has been known since ancient times. Already in the ninth century, a detailed clinical description of the disease was compiled. But until the 20th century, no one knew whether measles was caused by a virus or a bacteria. D. Goldberger and A. Anderson in 1911 were able to prove that the disease is caused by a virus, and already in 1954 T. Peebles and D. Enders isolated an RNA virus that has a special spherical shape with a size of 120-230 nm and belongs to the family of paramyxoviruses.

How can you get infected?

The measles virus is almost 100% contagious. A person who does not have immunity to this disease (who has not been vaccinated and has not previously been sick) has virtually no chance of not becoming infected in the event of contact with a sick person.

Infection from a sick person through the environment is transmitted to everyone around. The sick person, starting from the last days of the incubation period (two days before the onset of the rash) and the next four days, releases the measles virus while breathing, coughing, sneezing (by airborne droplets). Then, through the cells of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and respiratory tract, it penetrates into the blood and affects the lymph nodes and blood capillaries (white blood cells). The rash appears as a result of the death of capillary cells. Further the syndrome develops; bacterial complications are also common.

It should be noted that the causative agent of the measles virus cannot survive for a long time in the open air, objects and clothing. Although there are documented cases of infection through the ventilation system. It dies at room temperature after an average of two hours, and after thirty minutes it completely loses its ability to infect. The virus is killed instantly when exposed to ultraviolet radiation and high temperatures. Therefore, during an epidemic there is no need to disinfect premises.

Who can get sick and when?

Most victims of measles are young children aged two to five years. I am also increasingly registering cases of the disease in adolescents aged 15-17 years.

Adults become infected with measles much less frequently. But most likely, this is due to the fact that in adulthood, most often there is already immunity from vaccination or from a previous disease.

It is impossible to get measles again. Reported cases can be regarded as misdiagnosis during the first illness or a serious disruption in the functioning of the human immune system.

In Russia, the largest number of cases is observed in the spring-winter period, from the end of November to May, with frequency every two to four years.

Can a baby get sick?

During the first three months of life, newborns have a stable, borrowed immunity from their mother if she has been ill before. Children whose mothers were not sick and were not vaccinated do not have immunity, and they can get sick. It is also possible for a baby to become infected during childbirth during the mother's illness.

Incubation period

Like most diseases, measles also has an incubation period in the body. The virus does not manifest itself externally for 7-17 days. At this time, starting from the 3rd day of the incubation period, only through a detailed analysis can typical large multinucleated cells be detected in the spleen, tonsils, and lymph nodes. Symptoms of the disease appear externally only after it enters the lymph nodes and enters the bloodstream.

Measles virus: symptoms

  • a sharp rise in temperature to 38-40.5 degrees;
  • dry cough;
  • photophobia;
  • headache;
  • hoarseness or hoarseness of the voice;
  • disturbances of consciousness, delirium;
  • disturbances in intestinal function;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract;
  • symptoms of conjunctivitis: swelling of the eyelids, redness around the eyes;
  • the appearance of red spots in the mouth - on the palate, the inner surface of the cheeks;
  • on the second day of illness, small white spots appear on the oral mucosa;
  • the exanthema itself appears on the fourth or fifth day; its typical appearance is on the face and neck, behind the ears, then on the body and on the folds of the arms, legs, fingers, palms and feet.

Measles rash is special papules surrounded by a spot and tending to merge (this is what distinguishes it from rubella, in which the rash does not tend to merge). After the fourth day of the rash, when the virus is defeated, the rash gradually disappears: it darkens, becomes pigmented, and begins to peel off. The areas with the rash will remain hyperpigmented for another 1-2 weeks.

Measles in children

One of the most common and most dangerous childhood diseases is measles. The virus most often affects children of preschool and primary school age.

Before Russia started producing vaccines and started a free prevention program, on average every fourth child died from this virus and its complications. Today, all relatively healthy children are vaccinated at one year and at six years (according to the national vaccination calendar). If a child is not vaccinated, the risk of getting sick when meeting a carrier of the infection reaches one hundred percent. Vaccinated children either do not get sick at all or tolerate the disease very easily.

The incubation period for an infected child can vary and averages from 10 to 15 days. At this time, there are no symptoms of the disease, but two days before the clinical picture appears, the child will be infectious to others.

Most often, children are seriously ill. First, signs of a common acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI) appear:

  • temperature 38-40 degrees;
  • severe dry cough;
  • runny nose;
  • weakness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • bad dream.

On the 3-5th day of illness, a rash begins to appear - small pink spots merging with each other. In children it occurs quickly and spreads throughout the body. During the appearance of the rash, the temperature may begin to rise again after a seemingly visible improvement.

In children between two and five years old, measles is especially dangerous. The child’s body, which is not yet strong enough, copes slowly with the virus and complications often arise due to the attached bacterial infection:

  • otitis;
  • bronchial pneumonia;
  • blindness;
  • encephalitis;
  • severe inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • laryngitis.

It is because of these complications that it is so important to show the child to the doctor in time and monitor the course of the disease. Complications often begin to appear some time after the child has recovered.

Measles in adults

Measles in adults is a rare disease. But if a person has already become infected, problems cannot be avoided. Adults over 20 years of age suffer severely and for a long time. The acute period of the disease can last up to two weeks. Most often, the disease causes various complications, and there is also a high probability of a bacterial infection.

Types of complications in adults:

  • bacterial pneumonia;
  • measles pneumonia;
  • otitis;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • laryngitis;
  • croup (larynx stenosis);
  • hepatitis;
  • lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph nodes);
  • inflammation of the membranes of the brain - meningoencephalitis (40% of cases of which are fatal).

Thus, we understand that measles, the virus of which is generally considered to be dangerous only for children, can cause serious illness in adults and even lead to disability or death.

Measles in pregnant women

It is easy to guess that a disease that causes so many problems cannot occur easily in a pregnant woman. But the biggest worry for the expectant mother is the possibility of problems for the baby. And not in vain.

Measles is more dangerous for the fetus, the shorter the pregnancy period. In the first trimester, an ill woman has a 20% chance of spontaneous miscarriage, or, even worse, the disease will lead to serious fetal malformations (mental retardation, damage to the nervous system, etc.). Unfortunately, it is simply impossible to determine these defects in early ultrasound examinations of the fetus and even during the first screening, and women are often offered an abortion.

If a pregnant woman gets sick after the sixteenth week, the prognosis is much more comforting. At this stage, the placenta is already mature enough to fully protect the fetus from the mother’s illness, so the likelihood of problems in the unborn child is quite low.

The danger appears again if the mother gets sick just before giving birth. Not only will she simply not have enough strength for the birth itself due to the virus, but the risks of infecting the child while passing through the birth canal are very high. Of course, doctors today have all the means to save a baby’s life: intensive care and powerful antibiotics. And most likely, the child will be able to be cured. But why take such a risk if there is an opportunity to protect yourself and your child in advance? Every woman needs to be tested for antibodies to the measles virus before planning a pregnancy. After all, if you take care of your health now and get vaccinated on time, then there will simply be no chance of getting sick during pregnancy.

Diagnostic methods

Most often, the diagnosis is made on the basis of clinical data after the appearance of the characteristic measles rash. But it is possible in a laboratory to make an earlier diagnosis (or confirm it) by determining where the measles virus is located. Microbiology makes it possible to isolate virus cells from blood, mucus of the mouth and nose, and urine on the first day of the disease (even before the rash appears) and even at the end of the incubation period. Under a special microscope, you can see the characteristic luminous, inclusion-filled, giant oval cells.

Additionally, the patient may be prescribed:

  • general analysis of urine and blood to exclude the addition of a bacterial infection and the development of complications;
  • a specific blood test to detect antibodies (serological test for IgG to the measles virus);
  • chest x-ray or fluorography if the development of measles pneumonia is suspected.

But in most cases, diagnosing the disease does not cause difficulties for the doctor and is done without prescribing additional tests.

How to determine the level of IgG to the measles virus

After contact with a person with measles, each person begins to remember whether he himself was vaccinated or, perhaps, was sick in childhood. What if I neglected, missed and did not vaccinate my own child on time? How to find out? There are also risks that the vaccine was stored incorrectly, and then such a delicate virus could die even before it was introduced into the body.

Now every laboratory can test for antibodies to the measles virus (IgG). This method allows you to be one hundred percent sure whether a person has immunity to this disease.


There is no specific treatment for the measles virus. As with everyone, the doctor will provide symptomatic treatment to alleviate the condition and prevent the risks of complications. Usually prescribed:

  • drugs that reduce temperature and relieve general malaise, pain, fever (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol);
  • anti-inflammatory aerosols and gargling with chamomile, “Chlorhexidine”;
  • mucolytics and expectorants for dry cough;
  • to relieve symptoms of rhinitis and reduce the risk of developing otitis - vasoconstrictor nasal drops (up to 5 days) and rinsing with saline solution;
  • To relieve irritation and itching from the rash, rinse with Dilaxin is prescribed;
  • for the treatment of conjunctivitis - "Albucid" and "Levomycetin";
  • to reduce the risk of developing blindness, patients are recommended to take vitamin A during the entire period of illness;
  • If pneumonia develops, antibiotics are prescribed.

Attention! When treating measles, Aspirin should never be used, especially when treating children under 16 years of age. This can lead to the development of Reye's syndrome - hepatic encephalopathy.


At the age of one year, all children are given free vaccinations against the three most dangerous childhood infections. These diseases are carried out at the age of 5-6 years, before school. Doctors note that this vaccine is well tolerated by children, especially since it is given only to healthy children, so the risks of adverse reactions are minimal.

Everyone can easily verify that the vaccine worked. To do this, you need to take a special test some time after the injection. Antibodies to the measles virus are present if immunity has been developed after vaccination.