American Akita Inu: description of the dog breed Hachiko. Description of the Japanese breed Akita Inu (from the movie "Hachiko") Dwarf Hachiko

The breed of dog in the film Hachiko is Akita Inu. The image of this dog became a shining example devotion and love. It should be noted that Akita is a big and brave dog. He was always distinguished by his kindness to others and unquestioning loyalty. Akita is a completely Japanese dog. Initially, this dog was supposed to be a guard and hunting dog. But now Akita is used mainly as a faithful companion.

Description and origin of the Hachiko dog breed

If we talk about her appearance, she has a large head and triangular eyes, which look small in contrast. The height of an adult male can vary from 64 to 75 cm, including the crest. Females may be slightly smaller.

Akita can have three types of coloring:

  1. Brindle coat color on the body combined with a white mask on the face.
  2. Snow-white fur.
  3. A combination of white and red. It should be noted that in this case White color should only be on inside chest and paws. And also the muzzle remains white.

If the dog has black mask on the face, then this is already an American subspecies. Japanese Akitas can only have three color options.

It should be noted that purebred purebred Akitas have a strong and proportional physique and strong muscles.

How to distinguish Akita from other similar breeds?

  1. The head of this breed has triangular shape. The eyes are slightly slanted, but not protruding. The ears are always open and erect. In addition, the ears are shaped like a triangle with slightly rounded edges.
  2. The forehead is quite wide. There is a hollow between the eyes.
  3. The tip of the nose is always black and large.
  4. The tail is high set and curled.
  5. The coat is dense and of medium length. There is a thick undercoat.
  6. The paws are strong and strong. However, this breed has soft paws like cats.

How did this breed appear?

If we talk about the history of the appearance of this breed, it should be noted that Akita is quite an ancient breed. Thus, scientists, thanks to various archaeological finds, were able to establish that this breed existed in Japan back in the second millennium BC. In addition, you should pay attention to the fact that in the drawings that date back to ancient times, there are images similar breed. However, it was never possible to determine the exact time of Akita’s appearance.

There are several theories regarding the origin of the Akitu. According to one of them, Akita descended from a Spitz-shaped dog that came from China and ancient mastiffs. There is also a theory that these dogs are descendants of the Siberian Husky and Mastiff. Even though they may look similar in appearance, they have nothing in common.

If we talk about the name of the breed, it should be noted that the Japanese did not bother much with it. "Akita" is the name of a province in Japan, and "inu" is a dog.

Akita inu like separate breed dogs was known already in the 17th century, and since then it has not changed. The uniqueness of these animals is that they are truly purebred.

Character traits

First of all. It should be noted that this is a wayward dog. She is very alert and smart. However, the dog can behave very aggressively, especially towards individuals of the same sex.

This family dog. She herself is affectionate and playful. Besides, This breed is quite silent, it almost never barks..

Proper education and socialization of the breed plays a key role. This breed is not suitable for beginners or timid people, since it requires strong discipline.

How to properly care for the breed?

Every day you need to perform a certain set of exercises with your dog. It should be noted that a 30-minute walk will be enough for Akita. However, it must be active. Since the dog can be very aggressive towards other dogs, it is better not to walk it in parks.

It is noteworthy that the dog breed from the film Hachiko is friendly to guests if the owners are at home.

The dog should be given special attention when raising puppies. Puppies grow very quickly. However, it should be noted that between 4 and 7 months they are prone to bone deformities, so they should be monitored carefully. To hold them back a little fast growth You can put them on a low-calorie diet. This will not affect their health in any way. In addition, before the age of 2 years, Akitus develop joints, so forced jumping on hard surfaces should be avoided.

The peculiarity of Hachiko dogs is that if you do not give them the opportunity to throw out all their energy, they begin to be lazy and gradually gain weight.

If we talk about hair care, it should be noted that It is enough to brush your Akita a couple of times a week.. But during the molting period you will have to do this much more often. It is noteworthy that Akita Inu cannot be bathed very often, as it can simply get sick. During the year, 2 or 3 baths will be enough. After water procedures You should dry the wool well, you can use a hair dryer. In addition, only high-quality and specialized products should be used for bathing.

Akita's diet should be balanced. However, care must be taken to ensure that the animal does not gain excess weight. Allowed mixed type nutrition. In addition, we should not forget that the dog should be periodically fed with mineral and vitamin supplements.

Features of the Akita breed

What breed of Hachiko have we already found out, but do such dogs have such features?

  • Tends to show aggression towards other dogs, especially of the same sex.
  • Akita should be handled by an experienced dog breeder; these dogs are not suitable for beginners.
  • Can shed heavily.
  • May chase other animals in the house.
  • They are difficult to train, so it is best to hire a trainer.

As a result, it should be noted that the dog that was depicted in the film Hachiko is called Akita. This Japanese breed is perfect for a large family, as it is friendly and energetic.

If you have watched the movie “Hachiko” and are interested in the story of the famous dog, then this post is for you!

The dog was born on November 10, 1923 in Akita Prefecture (Japan). The farmer on whose farm he was born gave the puppy to Hidesaburo Ueno, a professor at the University of Tokyo, who named the dog “Hachiko” (“eighth”).

photo of real Hachiko

Having matured a little, Hachiko always and everywhere accompanied his master. The professor went to work in the city every day, so the dog accompanied him to Shibuya station in the morning, and about three hours day he returned there again to meet his master.

On May 21, 1925, the professor had a heart attack while he was at the University. Unfortunately, the doctors were unable to save him, so the man never returned home. His dog was 18 months old at that time. That day, Hachiko never waited for his owner, and began to come to the station every day, patiently waiting for him until late in the evening. The dog spent the night on the porch of the professor's house.

Many of Hidesaburo Ueno's friends and relatives tried to tame the dog, taking him home, but he invariably returned to the station to wait for his owner. Railroad workers and local merchants fed the dog, never ceasing to admire his persistence.

After the article “A devoted old dog awaits the return of his master, who died 7 years ago,” was published in a major Tokyo newspaper in 1932, Hachiko became famous throughout Japan. This story captured the hearts and souls of the Japanese. People began to come to Shibuya Station who wanted to see loyal dog.

Hachiko came to the station every day for 9 years, until the day of his death - March 8, 1935 - at the age of 11 years and 4 months. The dog was found dead near the station. He had filariasis and terminal cancer.

Local residents mourn, bending over Hachiko's corpse, saluting his devotion, love and loyalty to his owner. Shibuya Station, Tokyo, March 10, 1935

On April 21, 1934, a year before, a monument was erected to the dog, at the opening of which he was personally present. The death of the dog caused such a wide resonance that mourning was declared in the country in connection with his death.

A tribute to the loyalty and devotion that characterizes the Akita Inu breed, the bronze Hachiko Monument at Shibuya Station is one of Tokyo's main attractions.

A stuffed animal of Hachiko is kept in the National Museum of Nature and Science in Tokyo.

In addition to his charming appearance The Pomeranian Spitz has a cheerful and loyal character. He can play tirelessly all day long, including with children. That's why this baby can become a true friend and member of your family. And you will have photos of relatives and Pomeranian photos on your shelf. So the story about Hachiko may be very sad and about a completely different dog, but in many ways it personifies the devotion and loyalty of our little brothers. And the smallest of them, our Pomeranians, do not lag behind the others in anything.

Everyone watched the movie "Hachiko". But not everyone knows the real events on which the film was based.

The story of the faithful dog Hachiko actually happened in the 30s of the 20th century. Here's his real story.

Hidesamuro Ueno - professor Agriculture, taught in the 30s of the last century at the University of Tokyo, Japan. Professor Ueno, the owner of the real Hachiko, brought him to Tokyo in 1924. Every morning the dog accompanied the owner from the door of his house to the station, from where the professor was leaving for work in Tokyo, then ran home, but then, when the train arrived at the station in the evening, the dog met his owner on the platform. And this continued every day until 1925. One day the owner did not come back home by train. It just happened to him that day heart attack- the owner died. The dog waited, not realizing that the owner would never return to the station again.

Soon Hachiko was given to new owners, but he still ran away from them to his an old house. Finally, Hachiko realized that he would no longer see the professor in the old house. Then the dog decided that it was probably best to wait for his owner at the station, and he returned to the station, where he had accompanied Ueno to work many times.

Day after day, Hachiko waited for his owner to return. Passengers took notice. Many people had previously seen Hachiko accompany his owner Ueno in the morning, and everyone, of course, was very touched by the dog’s devotion. Many people supported Hachiko by bringing him food.

Hachiko lived for many years waiting for his master at the station. For 9 years the dog kept coming and coming to the station. Each time Hachiko stood on the platform when the evening train arrived. One day, the professor's former student (by then an expert on the Akita Inu breed) spotted the dog at the station and followed him to Kobayashi's house. There they told him about the history of Hachiko.

This meeting inspired the student to publish a census of all dogs of this breed in Japan. Hachiko was one of 30 remaining Akita Inu dogs found as a result of the search. Professor Ueno's former student visited the dog frequently and devoted several articles to Hachiko's friend's outstanding devotion.

In 1932, thanks to the publication of one of the Tokyo newspapers (pictured above), all of Japan learned about true story the real Hachiko. The dog Hachiko has truly become the property of the whole country. Hachiko's devotion was so amazing that it became an example of loyalty for all Japanese to strive for. Using this example of a dog’s loyalty to its owner as an example, teachers and parents raised their children. The famous Japanese sculptor made a statue of a dog, from that moment many began to become interested in the Akita Inu breed.

A bronze statue of Hachiko was installed in 1934 at the Shibuya train station. Hachiko himself was present at its grand opening. But on March 8, 1935, the dog died (see photo).

Unfortunately, during the Second World War, the statue of the devoted dog was melted down. However, the story of Hachiko was not forgotten even after the end of the war.

In 1948, the son of the deceased sculptor, Takeshi Ando, ​​was commissioned by the Hachiko Statue Reconstruction Society to make a second statue. The statue, unveiled in 1948, standing on the same spot at Shibuya Station, became a popular meeting place and was named "Hachiko Exit" (photo below).

Animals often surpass people in moral qualities: they will never deceive, abandon in trouble, harbor a grudge, or betray. They love their owner, no matter what, just as children love their parents. No wonder there are such expressions as “dog devotion” and “puppy love”. The story of a dog named Hachiko is the most striking and most famous example of loyalty to man.

On November 10, 1923, a puppy was born in Akita Prefecture, Japan. They decided to give it to Professor Hidesaburo Ueno, who, without thinking twice, named the baby Hachiko. For 18 months, Hachiko did not part with his owner, every morning he accompanied him to work to the station, and met him at 15.00. But one day, on May 21, 1923, the owner did not return; he died of a heart attack at the university. For 9 years, the dog came to the station at the usual time and waited in vain until the evening. Neither the professor's relatives nor his friends were able to pick up Hachiko from the station; he stubbornly returned to where he had left his owner for the last time.

People fed him and admired the dog's loyalty. In 1932, an article appeared in a Tokyo newspaper about faithful dog, 9 years waiting for the owner. This is how Hachiko became a celebrity, people would travel to Shibuya Station just to see him. Another 3 years later, on March 8, 1935, the dog died. An autopsy showed that the cause of death was cancer and this story shocked the Japanese so much that national mourning was declared for Hachiko. At the station where he spent 9 years waiting, it was installed, which has become a symbol of devotion and love throughout the world. Thanks Hachiko, amazing dogs got a new name.

Hachiko: breed

The film adaptation of Hachiko's story led to the dog's nickname becoming the second name of the breed, and for many, even the first. The film with Richard Gere made this dog so popular that many rushed to find out what breed Hachiko was. Akita Inu is the name of this breed. This is one of the 14 oldest dog breeds, the genotype of which differs little from the genotype of the wolf. It appeared on the island of Honshu, in the province of Akita, and was originally called Akitamatagi, or a dog that hunts bears. This is the largest. This dog breed has been in decline for quite a long time. Hachiko was the reason why Akita Inu dogs were recognized as a national treasure. That is, after the story with Hachiko, the breed again became very popular.

The main qualities of the Akita Inu are restraint, silence, aristocracy, high intelligence and, of course, legendary devotion to the owner. And also cunning, self-confidence and willfulness. In a word, this dog is a real personality. An almost human mind allows the Akita not only to remember events from puppyhood, but also to associate them with the consequences that they had for her. Communication with this dog can give the impression that it not only thinks, but also makes decisions.

This dog breed is very dependent on human society. Without attention and communication, her behavior may develop incorrectly, and she may acquire destructive traits. If the dog does not develop in a timely manner social contacts, you can get a timid or, conversely, an aggressive and uncontrollable pet. At proper education These are cheerful, active and very attractive dogs. They excellent companions for their masters and undaunted guards. Akitas kept in a pack do not know fear at all and will defend their territory to the bitter end. Another difficulty of the breed is its dominance; in the company of other dogs, the fighting qualities of this cute dog are noticeably activated.

You should not succumb to the plush charm of the Akita Inu, because, with all their boundless devotion to their owner, they are very wary of strangers. This does not mean that they will rush at strangers, they are just not the type who will lick the hands of anyone who shows a desire to pet them.

Caring for the Akito Inu is not difficult; it is enough to brush them once a week, and during the molting period - three or four times. They feel great both in the apartment and in the yard.

Anyone who decides to have their own Hachiko, whose breed is ancient, centuries-old history, should know that what you are purchasing is not a toy or a character famous film, but a new family member who needs to be raised and respected.

Hachiko - famous to everyone faithful dog, who was waiting for the owner at the station even when he died. This story actually happened; it all happened in Japan.

The well-known dog was born on a Japanese farm. The farmer gave the dog to a professor who taught at Tokyo University. He named the dog Hachiko, which means “eighth.” The professor called him that because Hachiko was his eighth dog.

Every day, when the professor went to work, the dog ran after him and remained waiting for him all day at the railway station. It was like this every day. But one day, the professor died at the university from a stroke and did not return from work to the station. Then Hachiko was one and a half years old.

Hachiko was waiting for him in the same place, but did not wait. Hachiko was given to other owners, but he always ran to the place where he usually met his owner and waited. So Hachiko waited for his master for ten years.

Passers-by fed Hachiko. One day, a former student of the professor saw him and wrote about him in the newspaper. When the article was published in Japan's largest print publication, Hachiko became a national example of dedication and devotion. Hachiko had a bronze monument erected at the place where he was waiting for the professor.

During the war, the statue was dismantled, and after the end of the war, the statue was restored.

The dog died at the age of twelve. In Japan, this day was a day of national mourning, and the effigy of Hachiko was given to a Japanese museum.

In Japan, a Japanese film was even made about Hachiko, but it became famous all over the world thanks to the American version, released in 2009.

Gallery: American Akita Inu (25 photos)

History of the breed

This breed originated in the Akita province of Japan. This breed was brought to America after Helen Keller visited Japan. She became the first Akita Inu owner in America.

After the end of World War II, many military personnel brought dogs of this breed with them. Subsequently it was introduced American Akita. This breed is very loyal to its owner, is not afraid of anything and is quite friendly.

Description of the breed

Akita Inu is quite big brave dog. She has a large head and a powerful stance.

This breed is distinguished by amazing loyalty and devotion. Akita follows his owner everywhere. She is very kind to all family members, but can be wary of strangers.

The Akita Inu must be socialized while still a puppy, otherwise you may end up with an aggressive, frightened animal. An amazing feature of Akita Inus is that they lick themselves like cats. Akitas weigh on average 50 kilograms, females are slightly smaller than males. Height can be up to 70 centimeters.

Character of American Akita Inu

This is very brave and brave dog, very devoted to their owners. Often they show aggression towards other individuals, so for those who already have a dog, the American Akita Inu is not suitable.

These dogs are very active and love spending time with family in which he lives. They are very love to run long distances.

Their upbringing requires the leadership of the owner, since if they are not shown who is boss, they can become disobedient and uncontrollable.


If a family loves their dog very much and pays enough attention to it, then the Akita Inu will feel great and reciprocate the feelings of its owners. Necessarily there should be walks in the air, and it’s best to run.

These dogs are very smart, so a monotonous life is not for them. When an Akita is bored, it may spoil things, bark or whine loudly.

The yard fencing should be sufficient to ensure safety for others as Akita may be aggressive towards strangers. Although Akita is quite treats guests calmly as long as the owners are in the house.

There is no need to leave your Akita alone with your child., since the dog can harm him. It is imperative to explain to the child that the dog cannot be offended, since they can answer for the insults brought.

Breed Features

  • Search good puppy needed from conscientious breeders who monitor the cleanliness and health of dogs
  • The American Akita Inu is very aggressive towards other dogs of the same sex.
  • These dogs can become aggressive, so they need to be socialized as early as possible.
  • They shed quite a lot, so they need to be brushed constantly.
  • There is no need to look Akita in the eyes for a long time, as this can lead to aggression.

Hachiko price

After the American film about Japanese dog Hachiko, the demand for dogs of this breed has increased greatly, and therefore their cost has increased.

  • Dogs without documents will cost up to 30 thousand rubles
  • With documents and pedigree it can cost up to 100 thousand rubles