What breed of small dog to choose for a child. Dog breeds suitable for children

Any growing child sooner or later asks for a dog or a cat. Some children forget about fleeting desires, but more often than not, the idea of ​​a pet becomes obsessive. Parents are faced with the question of which dog to get so that the baby and pet get along. Of course, no one can guarantee that the four-legged will become a nanny, but it is still possible to single out the best dog breeds for children based on general characteristics.

So why are you getting a dog? Do you need a breed for your family, a friend for your child or just a comfortable pet? Summarizing all the possible options, we can distinguish the following motives:

  • A pet that does not take up much space in the apartment will be unpretentious. Most often, these requirements are met by small, smooth-haired breeds.
  • A companion and guard for a child is an option for the youngest family member who has reached the age of 10-14.
  • A dog for a family with children - for example, when the baby has not yet reached a conscious age, but parents want to teach their child responsibility and respect for animals. In fact, the choice narrows down to breeds with innate friendliness.

Step #2 - decide which of the seven members will own the dog

Are you ready to entrust the upbringing of a pet to a child and, most importantly, is the child ready for responsibility? The dog will become a member of your family for 10-16 years, which means that a grown child should not change priorities. Naturally, a teenager may have new interests, but they should not replace the needs of a pet.

The owner of the dog not only plays with it, but also feeds, walks, bathes, combs, treats, if necessary. These are serious obligations that are difficult to fully comprehend even for an adult, let alone a child. You can talk about a conscious decision to get a dog if your child is already 12-16 years old. Getting a dog for a younger child means being fully aware of the possibility that interest in a four-legged dog may fade over time.

Read also: Overview of all dog breeds with short legs (+ photo)

Stage number 3 - decide on the breed

Before proceeding with the list of breeds that get along well with children, it is worth saying a few words about mongrels. No wonder "yard" dogs are considered smart and healthy themselves. Most mongrel dogs experience a lifelong gratitude for the owner's generosity. The memory of the cage, shelter or vagrancy remains with the pet forever, which is why the dog tries very hard to be necessary and useful. Naturally, everything should be a reasonable measure. You should not take a dog with a difficult past or life-long injuries into a family with a child. Moral injuries of this nature require serious adaptation and the gradual establishment of contact.

There is another significant plus in sheltering a mongrel. You set a positive example for your child. Unfortunately, in the modern world, the fashion for breeds plays too big a role. Rescuing a mongrel animal from the street, you teach the child mercy and the ability to appreciate qualities, not appearance.

Small and medium dogs for an apartment

Dachshund- A popular apartment breed. Advantages - short hair, small size, cheerful disposition. However, it should be borne in mind that Dachshund belongs to hunting breeds, requires serious training and loads. Lack of walks and activities will lead to damage to furniture and escapes. Also, not all Dachshunds get along well with cats.

- ideal if you want to get a small dog for a child and not have problems with shedding. Poodles come in different sizes: mini, standard and king. All representatives of the breed are very smart, cheerful and delicate to children.

- a hunting breed with a relatively balanced temperament. With a quality walk, you should not expect pranks and escapes from a pet. Cocker spaniels are suitable for families with children under 3 years of age.

French Bulldog- a proud, balanced and very loving companion. The breed is sometimes described as "a dog for single people". The interpretation is associated with boundless devotion and willingness to devote your whole life to one person.

Read also: French bracque: appearance, character, training, maintenance and care (+ photo)

welsh corgi- a full-fledged shepherd dog of small size. The intelligence of a pet can be compared with popular service breeds. The attitude towards children is gentle, tolerant, even if the child allows himself an unnecessarily rude attitude towards the pet.

Medium service breeds - companions and guards

- Rescue dog, guardian and nanny. The breed was bred specifically to save people caught in an avalanche. St. Bernard honors human life and health more than his comfort. Naturally, the impressive dimensions of the dog suggest keeping in a private house or 2-3 one-time walking. St. Bernards are very calm and balanced, prone to making intuitive decisions. The only nuance that the child must fully learn is the consequences of the jokes on St. Bernard. For example, a teenager can play a dog pretending to be drowning - stress for the dog, scratches or even bites for a small owner (rescuing a drowning person, a dog grabs a person by the shoulders or head).

Remember the old Soviet cartoon about Carlson? “Is it possible to live your whole life like this, without a dog?”, the Kid sighs. “Take care of this beast, just be careful - the dog is not sterile!” - this is already a strict Miss Bok. How accurately these quotations characterize the desires of children and the fears of adults! But now the decision has been made - you sacrifice the order in the house and give your child a little puppy. Wait, why small? Would a large breed dog be better? Which dog, watchdog or decorative, is better to choose as a companion for your child? It is worth paying attention to the advice of experienced dog handlers that will help you make the right decision. There is no single recipe, each of the presented breeds is good in its own way. The final decision will be prompted by a loving parental heart.


This small dog (height 35 - 40 cm) has a strong physique and insanely cheerful character. The little naughty is ready to tirelessly participate in any outdoor games. At the same time, he will meekly allow your child to do literally everything with him. You don't have to worry about an unintelligent kid accidentally maiming a puppy - these dogs are knocked down quite powerfully. Initially, the breed was used for hunting. With its characteristic sonorous barking, the dog indicated to the owner where at that moment she was driving the rabbit. These days, funny handsome people are increasingly playing the role of a funny companion and children's favorite. Another wave of popularity came to the breed after the release of the film "Cats vs Dogs", where the beagle played one of the leading roles.


Incredibly smart and easy to train, the dog has boundless good nature. He will warn the owners in advance about the approach of a stranger, but will never attack him - the dog has a meek and non-aggressive disposition. Justifying the name of the breed (in German puddeln means to splash), dogs are happy to take part in active games on the water, swim well and love to frolic. This is a very socialized dog - she tries to please the owners in everything. A distinctive feature of the poodle is the absence of molting, which allows no problems. You can easily choose a puppy to your taste, as the breed has a huge range of colors and four size options.

welsh corgi

The height of this miniature shepherd dog is only 25 centimeters. At the same time, the dog has the best characteristics of its larger counterparts. In the 10th century in Wales, the killing of this dog was equated with the deprivation of human life, for which the death penalty was due. An ancient legend speaks eloquently about their attitude towards children. Once upon a time, corgis served as horses for elves. Once the king of fairy-tale creatures gave a couple of his animals to the little shepherdesses who made friends with him. The marks on the back of the shepherd dog, which remained on the back of all representatives of this breed, are located exactly in the place where the saddle of the elves was located. The easily trainable Welsh Corgi will suit any, even the most inexperienced, owner.

Golden retriever

These good-natured smartest dogs are very actively used to treat children with autism. In some US schools where children with disabilities study, there is a full-time position for representatives of this breed. There they give the students the necessary items and do an excellent job with the work of a psychologist. A crazy charge of continuous positive energy is transferred to a person even when you just hug a dog. Their amazing learning abilities are evidenced by the legend about the origin of the breed, according to which golden retrievers are descendants of circus dogs. Allegedly, a certain English lord was so impressed with their amazing skills that he bought several puppies from Russian tent workers for completely insane money.


Curious and active dog - the largest representative of the large family of terriers. Therefore, Airedales are not very suitable for families with very young children - there is a risk that the dog may inadvertently cause injury to a child. In fact, there are very few such cases, a curly friend, thanks to his innate intelligence, is perfectly trainable and can perform any function. A playful four-legged companion never sheds, which is an undoubted advantage of this breed when kept in an apartment. The tireless prankster will never cease to delight you and your children with funny tricks and not a dog's ingenuity. The dog does not show aggression at all and is perfect as a reliable companion not only for your children, but also for adults who lead a fairly active lifestyle.


This dog is just as easy to train as the German Shepherd. Her thirst for knowledge is simply fantastic. These dogs are madly in love with children of all ages. They easily accept the conditions of the game proposed by the child. An energetic and courageous animal will become a real protector of your baby. Being incredibly mobile, this dog at the same time has perseverance. A well-bred schnauzer will never get in the way, creating problems for a busy owner. But as soon as a signal is received about the beginning of the game, your ward will instantly change. A breed worthy of respect was highly valued by the great comedian Yuri Nikulin, two schnauzers always lived in his house.

irish setter

Initially, setters were intended for hunting game birds. In our time, the traditional use of these dogs has survived only in their homeland, in Ireland. Now it is more of a companion dog than a hunter. Natural sociability and curiosity allow setters to perfectly find a common language with mobile children and other dogs. His innate good nature does not allow him to become a reliable guard, for him all people are good friends. Playfulness and a penchant for games make this dog a wonderful companion during walks in the fresh air.

West Highland White Terrier

The first impression of this dog is that it is a funny little animal. Its weight is only 6 - 10 kg. Despite its small size, the dog is well built and has a strong constitution. The White Terrier is best suited to families with older children, as its restless nature does not allow it to endure disrespect for long. The remarkable companionship qualities of this dog instantly make him a universal favorite. The innate mind and ingenuity make it easy to train. The kid simply loves human society and calmly endures long joint trips. Perhaps the only problem that will have to be faced is the West Highland fanatical passion for digging holes.

Labrador retriever

This dog never shows aggression. Her good nature knows no bounds - she is unlikely to warn of a possible danger even by barking. In many countries, this dog is considered a symbol of a happy and prosperous family. The loving dog is ready to make friends with the whole world around him, including stray cats and neighborhood dogs. It will easily become the best companion for your children. The period of growing up in a Labrador lasts three years. However, having reached adulthood, the amazing dog does not lose his puppy habits at all - he is just as playful and cheerful. Having decided to get a Labrador, take into account that representatives of this breed can hardly endure long loneliness - they need communication with a person like air.

Bichon Frize

A tiny snow-white cloud - you can’t say otherwise about this handsome man. Surprisingly, his fur grows all his life, like human hair. These dogs never shed, which is important when kept in apartments. With a weight of about 3-5 kg, they have a fairly strong skeleton. This allows Bichons to participate in active games with young children, whom they simply adore, without health problems. We can talk about the funny tricks thrown out by these cheerful animals for a long time - for more than one century they have been one of the most beloved children of circus artists. King Henry III brought into fashion the wearing of bichons on the chest in a special bag as a piece of jewelry. The owners of these charming dogs claim that their pets are able to smile.

Hungarian Vizsla

This breed was almost on the verge of extinction after the Second World War. The Hungarians massively killed their dogs so that they would not go to the Russian soldiers as a trophy. The national pride was nevertheless saved. Thanks to its amazing sense of smell, it was previously used to search for game on the hunt. Today it is just a fantastic companion and affectionate nanny for your children. The soft and friendly character, innate playfulness and excitement make these dogs the favorites of the whole family. They literally idolize their owners and are capable of any feat for them. Particularly good-natured Hungarians love outdoor games with children.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

This "narcissist" just loves to be in the spotlight. Participating in children's games, he instantly finds himself at ease. The kid easily adapts to the rhythm of the life of the owners and does not create problems when kept in a small city apartment. Sociable and good-natured, he will gladly share the company of a mischievous gang of children. The complaisant nature of the representatives of this breed makes it easy to reason with an overly played dog. You will not notice any manifestations of aggression behind your pet - an affectionate animal, it would seem, adores the whole world around it and expects the same from it.

English bulldog

Perhaps the only drawback of this dog with expressive facial expressions is a loud rolling snoring during sleep. Feelings are as if a drunken robber got into your apartment and accidentally fell asleep. Behind these "terrible" sounds is a good-natured and cheerful disposition. The dog has incredible self-control and is perfectly able to control his own behavior. Insanely adoring children, a true English lord will never allow himself aggression against small owners. He prefers to become a guardian and caring nanny. At the same time, he is absolutely not averse to riding with the kids on an ice slide and playing ball. Charming muzzle will not leave indifferent anyone around. Note that all this is said about the fighting dog in the past - the breed was bred for the amusement of visitors to London pubs, where bulldogs participated in bloody entertainment in the ring.


This little dog has an incredibly friendly character. He may well lie lazily on the same sofa with the owner's cat, occasionally glancing in his direction with his luxurious dark brown eyes. When it comes to active play with children, this breed is more likely to prefer passive roles. Although, nothing childish is alien to them either. It's just that the animal leads a more measured life than a rapidly changing child. But in children, watching the amazing facial expressions of a dog always arouses deep interest. The unexpected sounds that a pug often emits always cause laughter and surprise. Groaning, sniffling and deep sighs accompany these dogs throughout their lives. Suffice it to add that pugs simply adore communication with children - their curiosity wins in this case, the laziness inherent in these dogs.


It's hard not to mention this amazing dog breed. Surely, everyone remembers the television series, after watching which, almost every child dreamed about how he was raising a small shepherd shepherd puppy. A caring nanny, a tireless participant in children's games, a great companion, a devoted friend, an intelligent assistant - this is not a complete list of collie characteristics. What the owners will definitely have to put up with is the constant care of the pet's coat. The dog is highly trainable. Thanks to innate instincts and a certain amount of slyness, the shaggy buddy will be the best guardian for your walking buddy. It is worth noting that collies perfectly adapt to life in a modern metropolis. The liveliness of the mind and ingenuity of these animals is worthy of all praise.


This giant rightfully deserved the honorary title of a family dog. A loyal friend never shows aggression towards a person. He just loves children and is always ready to help them. This equally applies to really extreme situations and ordinary daily games and everyday problems associated with finding a TV remote control. True, be prepared for the fact that the remote control you are looking for will be brought to you all covered with saliva, which is abundantly secreted by representatives of this breed. You don’t have to worry about the dimensions of the legendary rescuer - the Newfoundland would rather arrange a pogrom in the apartment than allow even the slightest injury to your child.

english pointer

This London gentleman is perfect for an apartment life. At home, this dog represents the very calm and complete balance. Your children can drag him by the ears, dress him in various outfits, in general, mock him to the fullest - nothing will take him out of the state of detached tacit consent. But how your pet will be transformed on a walk! He will tirelessly catch the ball, run after the baby, play frisbee and actively respond to any of your wishes. You will never notice the manifestation of aggression from a pet towards other people or dogs. Agree, the companion is just perfect. The patient nature of this born hunter, with proper education, allows him to ignore the neighbor's cats and poultry.

Jack Russell Terrier

The unforgettable four-legged hero of the Hollywood comedy "Mask" is able to completely change your quiet life. Tireless varmint - such a characteristic, perhaps, most accurately reflects the habits of this baby. If your children lead an active lifestyle, are often in nature and love outdoor games, then it’s hard to imagine a better companion. It seems that the energy of a large nuclear power plant is concentrated in this small body. It is difficult to catch him sleeping, the activity of the dog goes beyond all conceivable limits, he is always ready to play. Good nature and lack of manifestations of aggression make him a favorite not only of the whole family, but also of several nearby neighborhoods. Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the stubbornness inherent, however, in all terriers.

basset hound

The phenomenal calmness of these dogs sometimes makes it possible to compare them with household items - a rug by the door, a doormat near the fireplace, a living plush toy for a small child. You can literally do anything with this dog - use it as a pillow, tie your ears in a marine knot, tie it to a mop as a doormat. His kindness and devotion have absolutely no boundaries. You should not expect high activity and speed records from him - a short-legged strong man is not capable of this. What you can definitely count on is his boundless phlegm and the complete absence of aggression.

american cocker spaniel

A small shaggy dog ​​with constantly dragging ears on the ground was originally used exclusively for hunting purposes. In our time, she has been retrained as a devoted playful companion. Play while walking or arrange a fun mess in the apartment - you can not look for a better organizer than an American. Strong bones and excellent health allow the dog to perform exceptional tricks that will become the hallmark of your children at various holidays. Do not forget that most cockers leave us ahead of time due to immoderate gluttony. Representatives of this breed need active movement, appropriate nutrition. An obese spaniel is, believe me, a difficult sight.

st bernard

The American bestseller of cinema "Mozart" probably did not leave indifferent any of the family dog ​​lovers. The peak of popularity of this breed just fell on these years. Indeed, everything in the movie is beautiful and simple. In practice, the owners had to face the fact that their pet often weighed much more than the owner. Many of them were not ready for this either mentally or physically. Meanwhile, this breed is distinguished by its breathtaking philanthropy. The dimensions of the "baby" will in no way harm your child. On account of the St. Bernards, there are so many saved human women that they can rightfully claim the Nobel Prize. The good-natured giant is ready to become a vigilant nanny not only for your child, but also for adult family members. To die for the sake of a man is a common thing for a St. Bernard - the most famous of these dogs was stabbed with a bayonet from a rifle by a man whom the dog was trying to save from an unexpected snow avalanche. The Napoleonic soldier simply mistook him for a wolf. However, this did not prevent the wounded dog from pulling his killer out of the snow captivity.


The smartest dog just loves to be in the center of human attention. An affectionate nanny will save your baby from possible troubles - this is in the blood of representatives of this breed. A possible inconvenience is barking for any reason, but this is a matter of upbringing and culture of dog behavior. Sociable and responsive Sheltie will never refuse to take an active part in children's games. Having fun and frolic with a child is a sacred thing for representatives of this breed. Her benevolence and friendliness sometimes amaze with its infinity. The dog is incredibly attached to all family members and is ready for any exploits for the sake of the owners.

German Shepherd

If your child is more than 8-10 years old, then he will rightly appreciate communication with these smartest creatures. The ability to train these shepherds is legendary. This is the most common breed in the territories of the former USSR. This is largely due to the legacy of the totalitarian regime, but do not forget that the innate mental abilities of these dogs allow them to be used as guards, watchmen, companions and devoted servants. The only requirement is that their love must be mutual. Giving the child all his soul, the dog asks for the same feelings in return.

Yard ownerless

This is a special breed of dog, which is often called "nobles" or "yard terriers". Knowing neither father nor mother, the little descendants of unknown parents win the hearts of our children with their spontaneity and puppy tenderness. Before you refuse your child the desire to shelter a homeless dog, think about how your grown-up child will treat you in the coming old age. Often these moments determine the future behavior of children. On whom then to blame - on the yard dog or on yourself? The affection and gratitude of a purebred dog leaves no doubt that “noble” documents are not a 100% guarantee of the “correct” behavior of your pet. To whom to give the love of your children and loved ones, it's up to you.

So, persuasion and begging eyes are behind, and a decision was made at the family council: your child will have a dog! To begin with, let's define what "a dog for a child" means.

It should be understood that the “dog of the child”, no matter how your child promises to look after her and do everything, the animal and the responsibility for it will still lie on the shoulders of the whole family. Therefore, when deciding to get a dog, re-evaluate your capabilities. And, of course, choose the right breed.

Which one is suitable?

The main and main criterion - safety ! You must be 100% sure that the animal will not harm the child (ideally, the reverse situation should not arise). Focus on the rule “the weight of the dog cannot exceed the weight of the child,” or better, be less so that your baby can hold the animal.

There is an opinion that the smaller the breed, the safer, but this is not entirely true. Often, small animals are more aggressive, for example, a Pekingese or Spitz can bite for a careless attitude towards their tail and paws. But imposing large breeds are fabulous good-natured and even allow you to ride on horseback. So you need to select, focusing on the characteristics of the breed: good temper, strong psyche, disposition to children.

Advice: A child should not get a dog before the age of 6. Before that, the baby simply will not be able to really distinguish it from a plush toy - this is fraught for both parties.

Also, in addition to size and character, it matters:

  • The nature of your child. If he is mischievous and likes to run and play, the Dalmatian is perfect - he can run for hours, even behind a bicycle, and not get tired, collie, labrador. If the baby is calm and spends more time at home, something like a cute fat pug or a “sofa dog” like a Maltese will do.
  • Gender of the dog. For a child, it is definitely better to choose a bitch. True, during estrus, an adult will have to walk her (unless you are thinking about spaying), but bitches are softer, more attached to the house and the owner and less inclined to dominate. The child will be able to establish control over the animal without any problems.
  • Difficulty in care. There are very beautiful breeds, but think about whether the baby will be able to take care of this particular animal, and you, in which case, help him? If so, then you can pay attention to the long-haired handsome men, who often have to be combed and bathed. If not, take someone with short hair and not white.
  • Price and pedigree of the animal. Keep in mind that a dog is not a cheap pleasure, especially breeds that are now popular. Of course, the temptation is great to bring a fluffy ball from the market, or buy a cheap handsome man without a pedigree. But it is better not to do this: it can turn into a tragedy. You will not know the genetics and characteristics of such an animal, while breeders, if there is a manifestation of aggressiveness, reject the entire litter.
  • Possible susceptibility to disease. Having picked up a breed, ask what it is sick with: many artificially bred species have a tendency to diseases of the kidneys, bones, etc. A sick pet is not only a big expense, but also a huge stress for the child, so it is better to choose a pet that is not prone to serious illness and long-lived.
  • Allergy. Unfortunately, if your baby develops an allergy to wool, you will have to say goodbye to the pet. You can avoid this by doing an allergy test in advance or by choosing a hypoallergenic breed - these exist.

Babysitters: names with photos

Having a dog that will be like a nanny to your baby is not great. Such breeds are rightfully considered the best for an apartment and a family. By the way, this is a practice that has been common since ancient times: earlier, when a baby was born in a wealthy family, a dog was immediately chosen for him - as a companion and a nanny.

Interesting: According to research, children who grow up with dogs learn responsibility faster than their non-pet peers!

The nanny dog, ideally, should understand when your child is naughty and call the parents. She will accompany the baby in all his games (explaining that riding an animal on horseback, dressing it up or pulling its tail is not fun, you yourself will have to, because the “nannies” are also very patient). In addition, such a dog will understand when someone wants to harm the baby, and will be able to protect him.

Nanny dogs easily find a common language with all family members, but the greatest preference is given to babies. They calmly endure children's pranks, affectionate and kind. What are these breeds? These include:

For an apartment

For a private home and security

  1. Collie

    Don't be intimidated by the word "sheepdog" - this breed is also known as a collie. They are very beautiful, with a long silky coat that is so pleasant to stroke. By the way, a collie never minds being stroked. Collies easily get along with kids and are quite patient, able to endure their pranks, so they are rightfully considered suitable breeds for children.

    And the main value of collies is that they were bred as shepherd dogs. They will take care of your child, they will not let you go far on a walk, they will accompany you everywhere. And, of course, they will defend themselves with their breasts. Every year in the US, hero dogs are awarded. Awards are often given to collies who have saved children on the roads, in fires and on the water.

  2. German Shepherd

    This breed is quite controversial: it, without any doubt, requires careful training and a hard hand. She may try to dominate the adult host.

    But, nevertheless, the baby will be safe with her: German shepherds are well aware that they have a child in front of them, and that he needs care. They are extremely smart and will always support the baby in his games. In addition, with such a fanged nanny, no one would dare to harm a child.

    Important: this does not apply to other varieties of shepherd dogs, especially the Caucasian one - they are prone to unmotivated aggression.

  3. Great Dane

    Yes, the size of this noble animal raises some doubts. But, nevertheless, the dogs are very responsible and devoted.

    True, there is nuance: the animal must grow with the baby, because a large dog can cause harm unconsciously. But if a dog puppy is raised by your child, it is better not to find a nanny and a defender.

  4. irish setter

    This dog was bred as a hunting dog, but due to its pleasant and calm nature, it is excellent for caring for naughty babies.

  5. Newfoundland

    It is also called "bear dog". And the truth is, it’s scary to let such a “bear” near the baby! But in vain. This dog, like the St. Bernards, was bred as a rescue dog. She should be able to take care of the helpless and weak, have a good disposition.

    Thanks to patience and open disposition, the Newfoundland easily finds a common language with kids, and an older child becomes an excellent companion for games. But do not forget to watch that the child does not abuse the good nature of a huge dog.

Important: the breed of "nannies" does not guarantee 100% safety for the child.

This is still an animal, and it is completely impossible to understand what is in his head. The dog may be tired, not in the mood, or sick. So the communication between the baby and his pet should be looked after with at least one eye.


How to choose a pet for a child with allergies? And it's not about the mess that a furry resident is guaranteed to bring into your life along with joy, but about a banal allergy? There is a way out - here are the best breeds to choose:

10 best and kindest

1. Labrador retriever

Labradors are extremely popular as family dogs. They are calm and gentle towards their owners. The Labrador will need to be trained diligently, but when he understands what is required of him, he will do just that. Even with the most capricious child, the dog will be patient. In addition, the breed needs active movement and loves water, so it will be able to keep the baby company during any games.

2. Beagle

A great option for a restless child. This breed loves to play. So the beagle can easily take your baby for the whole day and take part in the most active games. True, there is a drawback: beagles are lovers of very loud barking! Also, the beagle should not be let off the leash on the street: it is easily distracted by extraneous smells and can get lost.

3. Pug

A small, funny companion that is suitable for a calm, dreamy child. It is unlikely that he will be able to share active games with him, but from time to time playfulness attacks the pug. The rest of the time, he will sleep peacefully on the couch, touch with his appearance and never offend!

4. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

It is considered a companion dog that can adapt to the rhythm of life of both a child and an elderly person. This is a very docile animal, never showing aggression. What is important, the breed does not require special conditions for life, picky about food. The child will be able to take care of the spaniel and train it.

5. English bulldog.

Yes, this stocky and dangerous at first glance fat man is actually peaceful and, what is valuable, knows how to control his behavior. With children, he can mess around for hours and is even able to learn how to play hide and seek and a ball.

6. hungarian vizsla

This breed is not very common - but in vain. For children, she is ideal: smart, obedient so that even a child can train her, with a soft and cheerful character. In addition, the vizsla is very beautiful.

7. Bichon Frize

The best choice for home and kids. Affectionate, hypoallergenic, small and very beautiful dog. It requires a lot of attention, because it has a beautiful white coat, but it does not shed.

8.english pointer

A good family dog ​​that will be active outside and calm in the house. She needs the constant attention of the owners, so it is better to have such a breed for a child of 7-8 years old, when he will not have a soul in her and not leave her alone.

9. Bernese Mountain Dog

This is the so-called "farm dog", very imposing and caring. She will never leave the baby. At the same time, the sennenhund will like it much more at home on the couch than on the street.


A dog made for love and cuddles - it really is perfect for a baby!

Interesting: in America, a puppy of this breed is considered a traditional gift to a child for Easter




Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

English bulldog

hungarian vizsla

Bichon Frize

english pointer

Bernese Mountain Dog

golden or golden retriever

10 that don't fit

Strictly speaking, all dogs are accommodating and patient with children: they understand that you can’t take much from a fool. And yet it is better not to start a dog from this list: either the child will not cope with training, or they can theoretically harm each other:

  • chihuahua;
  • Pekingese;
  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog;
  • chow-chow;
  • ridgeback;
  • husky;
  • bullmastiff;
  • dachshund;
  • pit bull;
  • doberman.


We talked about nanny dogs and dogs that can make a great company for a child. And what breeds are able to sincerely love your baby? There are many. For convenience, we divide them into three groups:


  1. Leading, of course, St. Bernard. He is calm, reliable, and has a trustworthy past as a rescue dog. This animal will sincerely love your baby, and will become not only a nanny, but also a friend.
  2. Newfoundland. A good-natured dog with amazing intuition. The Newf is perhaps the only breed that will calmly allow itself to be ridden and that sincerely loves children's games.
  3. Giant Schnauzer or Giant Schnauzer. This is a friendly and loyal dog that needs attention. She will love whoever provides it to her - including a child.
  4. Cane Corso. Don't let the appearance intimidate you: this dog's loyalty to children is legendary. Cynologists call this breed a governess nanny: they are even ready to give their lives for a baby.
  5. Boxer. Yes, he will have an excellent relationship with the child: he has an increased love of children.

Cane Corso
Giant Schnauzer


Which representatives of medium-sized breeds love small children:

  1. Sharpei. A sedate and at the same time funny dog ​​can become an excellent defender. They can be ferocious, protecting the child like a lion.
  2. Samoyed dog. She is very beautiful and loves to play with children, but will require a lot of care.
  3. Border Collie- a fast shepherd dog, extremely intelligent and affectionate. She will "shepherd" the baby - and she will do it with love.
  4. English bulldog Yes, he is considered a medium sized dog. It is better to start it with an older child: for all its affection for children, this is a rather stubborn breed. In addition, these medium-sized animals are very suitable for an apartment!
  5. Cocker Spaniel. The dog will get along well with a hyperactive child: they will become inseparable!

Border Collie


Important: such a dog should not be given to a baby, he can inadvertently crush it.

The advantage of small dogs is that they are suitable for any apartment, and often these little tails are very fond of children.

  1. York- a beautiful, flexible and hypoallergenic baby.
  2. Papillon- a charming dog with huge ears and long hair.
  3. Spitz- very attentive to the owner, and the child will adore.
  4. Miniature Pinscher. Smart, can attack someone who, in his opinion, is a danger to the baby - and usually turns out to be right.
  5. Coton de Tulear- obedient and devoted baby. Easily gets along with other animals.

Coton de Tulear


Which one to choose?

Guided by these tips, you will be able to decide which ideal nanny or four-legged companion to buy for your child. Remember the main thing:

  1. Before you get a dog, make sure that both you and the child are aware of the responsibility.
  2. You should not take a dog in an unverified place or succumbing to fashion trends.
  3. The best breed is the golden retriever. She will definitely never hurt a child.
  4. Among large breeds, there are also excellent nannies! The main thing is the character of the dog, a tiny but capricious Pekingese can bite.
  5. The kid should not take too small a dog, he is able to cripple her. Similarly, the dog should not be too large.
  6. There are breeds that are categorically not suitable for families with children.

Nevertheless, a variety of dogs live in families. Sometimes both the boule and the large mongrel get along with the baby.

If your pet gets along well with a child, show off a warm family photo in the comments! Share how you managed to raise an affectionate and faithful friend. Or is it entirely the merit of your child?

And remember: the happiest can be called the childhood that passed with the dog.

Families with children are often faced with a situation where at a certain age the child begs to buy a dog. Those parents who are inclined to meet such a request inevitably face a responsible choice. What breed is suitable for a baby?

There is no single answer to the question of whether a dog is needed in the house. Any "dog lover", without hesitation, will say that the presence of a "shaggy friend" will only bring benefits. Most often this is the case. Dogs are the most grateful creatures on the planet. No one will love a person so disinterestedly, devotedly and selflessly, despite all his shortcomings, bad mood and complex character.

It is a well-known fact that four-legged companions are indispensable in a variety of situations. Service breeds carry out guard duty, guard property, and are used by law enforcement agencies to maintain order. Hunting species, having excellent sense of smell and hearing, participate in rescue operations and accompany the blind. Decorative animals conquer with their cheerful and non-conflict nature and are able to instantly cheer up the most gloomy person.

Psychologists are of the same opinion. It is believed that the use of dogs has a beneficial effect in the socialization of children with autism, Down syndrome, manifestations of conduct disorder.

Good results are recorded in the correction of emotional lability and depressed mood in adolescents. In European and American practice, animals live in nursing homes and help keep the elderly living in an active state.

Of course, there is another opinion. Noise, din, dirty paws, the need for regular cleaning - this is not a complete list of inconveniences for a family that decides to get a dog. Animals are absolutely contraindicated for allergy sufferers. Even the most good-natured and charming dog will not bring happiness and joy if his owner is forced to constantly use antihistamines.

It often happens that dogs get sick. Rabies is one of the most serious diseases. This is true for cases when the animal is walked without a leash and it is in contact with stray individuals. The bite of a dog infected with a virus is deadly to humans. Timely vaccination of a pet will protect against serious consequences.

Finally, future owners often overestimate their ability to control and manage events and take representatives of service, guard and fighting breeds into the house. In the absence of the opportunity to train and intensively train such dogs, they quickly turn into a threat to others. Most often, the most vulnerable family members suffer - young children and elderly relatives.

You should not refuse the help of a professional dog handler, and raising a pet must begin at the age of 6 months.

Pros and cons of buying a four-legged pet

The decision to adopt a dog is a responsible and serious step. It radically changes the lifestyle and habits of the family. So that this does not become “the biggest disappointment in life”, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the pros and cons of buying a four-legged pet in advance.

The main positive changes will occur from the first days of the appearance of the dog:

Negative moments concern mainly adults and boil down to the following:

  1. The impossibility at first to entrust the child with the care of the pet in full, especially when it comes to a puppy; parents are obliged to teach children the rules of behavior with a dog, talk about its mode of walking, eating and resting and control these processes;
  2. The need to make plans for weekends and vacation trips taking into account the new family member, as well as taking into account the time restrictions associated with walking;
  3. Additional financial costs for food, vaccinations and toys for the dog.

What is the best age for a child to buy a dog?

There is no unanimous opinion at what age children are ready for the appearance of a dog. Cynologists recommend focusing on the desire of the child himself and his ability to take care of the pet.

  • Representatives of small breeds can be bought when the baby turns 6-8 years old.
  • Teenagers are better at handling medium-sized dogs 11-12 years old.
  • Large dogs with performance characteristics are recommended only if there is the possibility of constant supervision by adults.

The best and kindest dog breeds

The ideal choice for a child is a non-aggressive, friendly friend. The dog must patiently endure all the “tricks” of the child. Treats him with tenderness and care. In this case, it is not the size of the animal that plays a big role, but its character traits. Here is a list of dog breeds that are considered the most suitable for families with children.

The history of the origin of the species goes back to the 16th century, when the ancestors of modern animals were bred exclusively for participation in bloody fights with bulls. They had strong teeth, a well-developed jaw and powerful muscles. Ferocious and cruel creatures were kept in special enclosures and caused fear of others.

Over time, the practice of fighting was discontinued, and the dogs were not needed. Only at the beginning of the 19th century, selection work began with the efforts of fans of this breed. As a result, once fighting dogs, English Bulldogs today are completely devoid of anger and aggression. But the genetic past left a legacy in the form of a rather wayward and stubborn character.

Dogs are exceptionally smart and quick-witted. They are somewhat slow. Therefore, training requires increased patience from the owner. Adult dogs weigh up to 25 kg, growth at the withers is up to 40 cm. Coat type - shorthair. Life expectancy - up to 10 years.

Given the size of the dog, the obstinacy of character and some slowness, the breed is suitable for children with a calm, phlegmatic temperament. Dogs prefer to lie peacefully next to their owner most of the time. A calm, long walk, inactive play is what makes the English Bulldog a comfortable, unobtrusive companion.

The English Bulldog is the perfect choice for families who prefer a quiet, slow-paced existence to an active lifestyle. If the child is a homebody, does not like to be outside for a long time and at the same time has a lot of free time, the dog will fit perfectly into his daily routine.

Welsh Corgis belong to the class of shepherd dogs. There are two types of this breed, which are significantly different from each other. Welsh Corgi Cardigan - up to 30 cm, weighing up to 14 kg and stiff double coat of any color. Welsh Corgi Pembroke is usually not taller 27 cm, weighing up to 12 kg and a softer six of tan, gold, or fawn, with white patches on the chest.

Pembrokes are more widespread, as they have an attractive, sympathetic appearance. On the other hand, it is believed that in comparison with them, cardigans have better performance. Regardless of the variety of the dog, they are very kind and warm to children, they always follow their little owners.

Quite energetic and cheerful, they love outdoor games and enjoy spending time outdoors. Given the thick undercoat, they prefer the cold season. They get along well with other pets.

They are friendly to strangers, do not annoy with unreasonable barking. The psyche is balanced, while the cardigans are more calm, self-possessed and alert. Both subspecies lend themselves well to training, they can learn the command from the second time. The only drawback is the tendency to be overweight, so the nutrition of such a pet must be subject to strict rules. Welsh Corgis live for a long time - up to 15 years.

Exceptionally positive, Welsh Corgis are able to adapt to any rules and are great for families with several children. Active play is a favorite activity of these dogs, and their extremely careful attitude towards babies will allow parents not to worry, leaving their children alone with the pet.

Hunting dog bred in Croatia, Dalmatia region. Large enough to 61 cm at the withers and weighing up to 32 kg, Dalmatian is preferably kept in a country house. They have a high level of activity and require significant daily loads. In the absence of a long walk, they can become stubborn and naughty.

More suitable for teenagers who have at least an average level of physical fitness. The ideal option for a walk is running, jumping, training on the site. Dalmatians are dogs with a lively, agile temperament, self-confident and very sociable. In order to avoid problems with obedience, it is recommended to take an OKD course.

They get along well with other pets, provided they interact from puppyhood. In relation to young children, they are able to show feelings of jealousy, which requires increased attention from adults.

Males may be aggressive towards males and strangers. However, as a rule, such manifestations can be easily corrected with the help of an experienced dog handler. In general, the breed is friendly, contact, has a high degree of learning. Life expectancy is 10-13 years.

Dalmatian is an ideal choice for families with children, but given the age of the child. The dog is proud and will not tolerate childish familiarity. With children of school age, they build trusting relationships. They will protect and protect them.

With the help of this breed, you can make a teenager break away from the computer and go for a run with a pet. The dog will bring a stream of optimism into the life of the child, as it is particularly cheerful. The Dalmatian will become a real and faithful friend for the child if you teach the latter how to properly handle the animal.

A small English hunting dog, designed to hunt foxes hidden in burrows. Given this specificity, terriers are small in stature, up to 30 cm, and weigh no more 6 kg. The coat is short and smooth, which is ideally suited to "work" in a dark, damp refuge of predators.

The dog has an inexhaustible source of energy and only suitable for active people having the opportunity to be with her on the street for a long time. Otherwise, the lively disposition of the pet will find a way out in various pranks, damage to property and disobedience. Long walks are preferred, including running, active games, chasing the ball.

Jack Russell Terriers, despite their small weight, have a very strong jerk. Therefore, you should not trust walking a dog to small children or people of advanced age. The hunter's instinct can work at any moment, and it will be difficult to keep the "beast". In addition, terrier owners note that they can be wayward and stubborn, and they can have highly developed dominance traits.

Parents who purchase a Jack Russell Terrier puppy for their child are required to be directly involved in the upbringing of the dog.

The choice in favor of this dog should be made by those who have children older than 10-11 years. At this age, teenagers are already able to make responsible decisions and fully participate in the training of the Jack Russell Terrier. The latter is a necessary condition for keeping a dog of this species.

Active, targeted activities with a pet will allow a teenager to increase the level of self-organization, as well as to feel their importance in family affairs. This will have a positive effect on the motivation and self-esteem of a teenager.

Owners of golden retrievers claim that they are the most patient and friendly dogs. They belong to the hunting class and have such qualities as endurance and energy. Superbly developed flair allows them to be used in rescue operations.

Representatives of this breed are devoid of aggression, do not have signs of dominant behavior. Given their gentle, non-confrontational nature, it is golden retrievers that are most often attracted for therapeutic purposes to work in boarding schools and hospices.

The stable, balanced psyche of dogs is the main reason why families with young children choose them as a four-legged friend.

Animals radiate positive energy, cause a feeling of calm and peace. Suitable for children of any age, they can correct behavioral disorders associated with feelings of longing and loneliness. It seems that soft, golden wool, like a ray of light, has the ability to "turn" the owner's bad mood into a smile.

They interact well with other animals. Dogs love water and take the opportunity to take a dip in any body of water that they encounter on a walk with delight. Growth reaches 61 cm, weight up to 41 kg. Life expectancy is 10-12 years.

It is not for nothing that the Golden Retriever occupies one of the first places in the ranking of "family" dogs. With the right we can say that communication with him will benefit a child of any gender and temperament. Given the performance characteristics of the golden retriever, the zero level of aggression, the dog is able to "count" the emotional state of the small owner and choose the only correct behavior style for each specific situation.

With infinite warmth, she will equally become a support in difficult, sad moments of life and will be an excellent companion in a joyful, carefree period of development.

A shepherd dog with an exceptionally peaceful disposition. It owes its origin to the highlands located on the border of Scotland and Northern England. Unlike some of its counterparts, for example, shepherd dogs of various breeds, it is not aggressive. It adapts well to the temperament of the owner and is suitable for both active people and families with a measured lifestyle. Smart, curious, keenly interested in what is happening. Often during walks they take on the role of a guardian for younger family members.

They prefer to be in close proximity to the owner, which makes them an ideal companion for a child. They lend themselves well to training, they are happy to perform various tasks and learn new commands. Ready for long, intense loads - they can easily run 20 km, accompanying the owner on a bike ride.

Collie is a large dog. Males reach at the withers 60 cm, weight up to 30 kg. Females are slightly smaller. The coat type is long-haired and requires daily brushing. Collies are long-lived, with an average age of 14 to 16 years..

Collies are an ideal friend and protector for a child, they do not pose a danger even to small children. They will feel best in the company of an active teenager practicing roller skating, skateboarding or cycling. With pleasure accompanies its owner on walks in the forest or in the park.

The Newfoundland is a unique dog. Despite its impressive size (height 61 cm, the weight reaches 70 kg), it is completely devoid of aggression towards humans. This is not surprising. For a long time, its main task was to help the inhabitants of the Canadian island of the same name in catching fish. Helping a person to pull the nets, rescuing the catch and, sometimes, unlucky fishermen from the water, the dog gradually turned into the best helper and companion of its kind.

Modern individuals differ in that they have an innate protective attitude towards people, especially young children. On the other hand, given the harsh climatic conditions of their habitat, the Newfoundlands have acquired the ability to make independent decisions in dangerous situations. Fearless, they instantly react in cases where a person may become confused. First of all, it concerns reservoirs.

The fall of a person into the water is a signal for action. Often a dog reacts before a person and successfully pulls a playful child or a stumbled adult ashore. Incredibly social creatures, they require attention and constant communication. It is vital for them to be in close proximity to a person. Unfortunately, like most large dogs, Newfoundlands live only 8-10 years. But for this short time, they will make any family a little happier.

Despite its size, the Newfoundland is sure to be a child's best friend. Especially relevant is the acquisition of this dog for a family living in their own house next to a pond. Representatives of this breed have an innate ability to accurately assess the level of danger that threatens a person.

An immediate reaction to a threat, selfless devotion and love - accompanied by such a "guard" a child's walk will turn into a pleasant, and, most importantly, safe promenade even in the dark.

The Papillon is a variety of the Continental Toy Spaniel with erect ears. Decorative dog, no more than 25 cm and weight, often not exceeding 4 kg. Dogs are famous for their exceptional positive attitude towards others and the complete absence of aggressive behavior. Peaceful, cheerful, energetic, they are able to enjoy the game 24 hours a day. Papillons have excellent health, live up to 15 years and do not require special conditions of detention.

The only exception is the long, silky coat. Also, the pet must be washed with a frequency of 1 time in 1-2 weeks. Strongly depend on the mood of the owner. Great for families with many children, as they require constant attention and communication. It is recommended to have a large supply of toys and not leave the "baby" for a long time.

In the absence of contact with a person, the dog will experience severe stress and malaise. They easily learn simple commands and circus tricks, and become an indispensable companion for a child in fun, outdoor games.

Papillon is ideal for large families. Dogs are open to communication and with great pleasure will accompany both children aged 5-7 years, and older guys. The positive energy emanating from these dogs can capture the attention of little fidgets for a long time, and the need to care for a pet will help older children learn such qualities as caring for others, responsibility and punctuality.

Bavarian shepherd dog with exceptional performance. Quite big ( up to 70 cm) and heavy ( up to 47 kg), Giant Schnauzer is suitable for teenagers aged from 12-13 years old. They are distinguished by a very balanced psyche, smart and amenable to training no worse than representatives of service breeds.

An undoubted advantage in choosing this breed is unpretentiousness, as well as the innate ability to exist in any conditions. Exceptionally loyal, they get along well in families with small children, who are treated responsibly, without jealousy and aggression.

They have a pronounced defensive reaction. An impressive appearance will scare away any stranger. An interesting feature of this breed is the "human" facial expressions. The whole range of emotions is easily recognizable - joy, sadness, guilt. Dogs are very smart and quick-witted, in order to develop their intelligence, it is necessary to include developmental tasks in training - search games, working out commands "search", "sniff".

The disadvantages include the peculiarities of dog nutrition - an adult Giant Schnauzer, in addition to vegetables and dairy products, needs about 1 kg of meat per day.

Giant Schnauzer will be the perfect companion for a teenager who is ready to spend a lot of time on the street. The inquisitive nature of the dog, its need for "mental" exercises, will undoubtedly contribute to the mental development of the owner.

In the joint passage of various quests and tasks, a teenager will quickly be able to master such useful skills as logical constructions and the ability to clearly articulate the goal and means to achieve it. Life expectancy is 12-15 years.

Dachshund is a hunting breed bred for catching beavers, badgers and other mammals of the weasel family. It has an excellent sense of smell and a sonorous voice. Exceptionally active and agile dog. Renowned for his intelligence and ingenuity. There are three types of taxes:

  1. Standard (height 25 cm, weight up to 9 kg);
  2. Dwarf (height 20 cm, weight up to 5 kg);
  3. Rabbit (height up to 15 cm, weight 3.5 kg).

Life expectancy is high - with proper care it can be 15 years. More often there are smooth-haired individuals that do not require special skills in keeping. Regardless of the subspecies, dogs are very devoted to the owner and require constant contact with him. It must be borne in mind that the dog cannot be alone for a long time. Therefore, the dachshund is suitable for people who have the opportunity to devote a sufficient amount of time to it.

They have a high level of intelligence and are easy to train. Very inquisitive, impetuous, with a huge energy potential. They are not able to sit in one place for a long time and are ready to play with any objects. Preference is given to joint games with the owner - on a walk with pleasure they will bring balls, sticks, flying discs over and over again. It is best to fit into a family that leads an active lifestyle and often travels to nature.

Dachshund of any of the three varieties very quickly becomes a favorite in any family that practices long walks, including in public places. Perfect for indecisive and shy children. Accompanied by such a sociable friend, the child will be able to learn easy, open interaction with others - first with the owners of other dogs, and later with other people.

Buying a dog for a child is an act that should be well thought out by adult family members. When choosing a breed, you should be guided not only by the conditions of detention and the temperament of the pet. It is important to explain to a small person that a dog is a living creature that has its own character, psycho-emotional characteristics and requires care and attention.

Not all parents understand howdogs are important to children,because thanks to them the baby develops faster, learns responsibility, kindness and care. Psychologists also note that a pet will help a child fight their fears, talk about important things and trust if you choose the right one.dog breed for kids.

But the question becomes before parents, what kind of dog to get in an apartment with a child? It is important here that the dog should not weigh more than a baby, be tolerant of small ones, be able to protect and be smart, for example, small dogs are dangerous for children, because they do not like rough treatment, they can bite, protecting themselves, and are not patient. Large dogs love children more, they are more active and mobile. Although Rottweilers and Dobermans are still not suitable. Small nanny dogs that are considered the best are:
  • poodle;
  • schnauzer.

Remember that the best dog breeds for children and should have the following qualities:

  • endurance;
  • activity;
  • tolerance;
  • love for children;
  • guard instinct;
  • intelligence;
  • mobility.

Then the pet will play, roll, protect and help your baby learn without harm to health and psyche, and which dog to choose is up to you.

At what age should a child buy a dog?

The ideal age for a child to have a dog in an apartment is ten years, because then the baby has a need for someone to take care and love. Then the child understands what kind of animal need to care, pay attention and love. It is not recommended to have pets under 5 years old at all, especially those that are too large or vice versa small. Since then the baby does not realize that the dog is a living being, and the pet, in turn, can defend itself and cause harm.

It is also worth getting a pet in adolescence, which educates, develops sociability, responsibility, helps to fight internal fears. But each case is individual, much depends on the breed of dog and the nature of the baby.

How does a dog affect a child?

Psychologists note that the dog has an extremely positive effect on the child, namely:

  • lays down basic moral qualities;
  • teaches to love;
  • helps to fully develop and communicate with peers;
  • relieves loneliness and fears;
  • relieves stress;
  • contribute to the treatment of mental and mental disorders.

Therefore, parents should not deny their children the desire to get a dog, but only take into account the nature, size of the animal, its temperament and attitude towards the child.

The Best Dog Breeds for Kids

Below we will look at the top loving and kind dogs that love children and are suitable for different ages (from 1 year to 10 years old).

It is only important that you buy large and medium breeds for a baby from six years old. The parents themselves first learn to train and train such a pet, and only then the children. This is especially true for Chow Chow, Doberman, Shepherd Dogs.

welsh corgi

The Welsh Corgi originated in Wales to herd pets. There is a legend that puppies were given to people by fairies who had previously ridden them, so the dog has a saddle-shaped spot on its back. Outwardly, the pet is small in size with short legs, weighs no more than 15 kg, has a short and silky coat. By nature, the dog is characterized by cheerfulness, activity, intelligence, tolerance. They especially love children, protect them, play with them, easily get along in the apartment.



The poodle is a representative of decorative breeds, which are considered one of the most popular and intelligent in the world. Dogs originated in France, but some say that their homeland is Germany. Outwardly - a medium-sized pet, with thick curly hair in black, white, apricot color. The nature of the poodle is based on attentiveness, activity, ingenuity, excitement and a desire to learn new things. They will love a child if they interact with him from birth, they will play and protect the baby, but they require constant attention.

Labrador retriever

The Retriever was originally bred in Canada for hunting, but later came to be used as a lifeguard, guide, detective and companion. The dog has a medium-sized body, strong back, strong paws, short coat of fawn or black color. The character contains activity, excitement, affection, insight and ingenuity. learns quickly, carries out any commands, treats children with patience. The pet will protect and can become an ideal nanny for the baby.

golden retriever

Boston Terrier

The terrier was artificially bred in Boston, belongs to the decorative breeds. In size, this dog does not reach 10 kg, has a small body, short legs and erect ears. By temperament, the pet is characterized by curiosity, fidelity, mobility, playfulness. They get along well even with children from 1 year old, almost do not cause allergies.

Bichon Frize

The Bichon Frize first appeared in France, belongs to the decorative, has a thick and curly coat of a white hue without interspersing. Sometimes the dog is called a French lapdog. A dog without education will be playful, loyal, inquisitive and courageous, aggression is not inherent in them at all. A pet can be taught any tricks, they like to spend time with children, but they require attention and constant walks.

French Bulldog

The French is considered a standard fighting breed of small size, with a stocky body, powerful paws, a broad back and a thick neck. Now the bulldog is bred for fun, as a companion for children, because the dog loves them very much. The pet has a stable psyche, activity, goodwill. Although in case of danger it is ready to protect the owner, does not like strangers and other animals.

irish setter

The Irish Setter was bred in Ireland for hunting and is now more commonly used as a companion dog. Outwardly, the pet does not look too large, has strong and long legs, long chestnut hair. The nature of the setter is affability, activity, intelligence, perseverance, but sometimes the dog is stubborn. Able to protect the child, calmly relates to their games, but he will not be able to constantly spend time with the baby.


Sheltie or Tuni Dog first appeared in the Shetland Islands, previously used for grazing animals. But after the decision to use shepherd dogs for these purposes, the Sheltie breed almost disappeared. Externally, the dog has a medium-sized body, length and straight hair. Softness, patience, understanding, devotion to the family are inherent in the character. The Sheltie will protect her home, small children, she can act as a nanny, because she can easily learn different commands.

Jack Russell Terrier

First appeared in England for hunting, but became most popular in Australia. Due to its small stature, dexterous paws and short, rough coat, the dog has gained particular popularity in burrow hunting. By temperament, terriers are active, mobile, reckless, they follow all commands, they are devoted to the owner. With children, the pet will happily run and frolic on the street, and also has a stable psyche.


The breed is considered decorative, it was bred in France, and the name itself is translated as "", thanks to erect ears. The dog has a small body, long and silky hair, usually weighs no more than 5 kg. In the character of the Papillon lies mobility, ingenuity, love for the family, balance. The dog gets along easily with children from the age of five, as they require a lot of attention to themselves, they can be jealous.

Yorkshire Terrier

This breed was bred in England at the end of the 19th century, and is now considered one of the most popular decorative breeds in the world. The average weight of a terrier does not exceed 3 kg. The main feature is a long and silky coat, the presence of a bang, which is customary to stab or cut. Despite the length of the coat, they are considered hypoallergenic. The character contains activity, courage, sociability. The terrier will constantly demand attention from the owner, but will happily run around with children over the age of 10 years old, and will allow himself to be cuddle.